Once Again
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❝Embrace new beginnings for there shall be happiness behind it❞ - Damian Stafon.




A week had passed since then, and everything was the same going on with their lives but somewhere, something had changed and the change could be felt by Gayoung and Baekhyun. 


Their families had taken the initiative to arrange the arrangements regarding their marriage, but after asking them, it was decided that they wanted the marriage to be simple, to just have their family and friends around. 


They had exchanged their numbers, and half of the talks would be Areum and Seojun talking to each other, or to Baekhyun and Gayoung which had brought a new bonding between the four of them. 


It was one of the days when Seojun was excited to talk to Baekhyun and in his exciting moment, he had accidentally called him dad which surely had surprised both sides as Gayoung was left baffled yet nervous while Seojun was left scared yet nervous. 


However, Baekhyun had chuckled, asking him why he was taking too long which made Seojun happy and Gayoung felt happy at his words for him, bringing a sense of respect for him. As for Areum, she was too shy to initiate it, so Seojun was the one who pushed her to do it which they had practiced in the school and meeting Gayoung there, she had called her mommy for the first time. 


Seojun and Areum were happy, whereas 

Gayoung was surprised, but her heart had warmed how softly she had called out to her, and unknown to her, Baekhyun had the same warmth in his heart when he heard Seojun calling him softly. 


Baekhyun and Gayoung were happy to see their kids happy, and as for both of them, their talks were small, mostly about their kids, or trying to know about each other's day but without any rush. 


There were some words left unspoken, but still got understood in their own way. 


And currently, Gayoung found herself in the boutique to try out her wedding gown, even though she had requested not to as she had a couple of gowns already in her closet which she hadn't touched yet because of her busyness in her life to attend any functions. 


However, her mother had something opposite in her mind, as last week she had taken her to a boutique to take her size as she was happy to see her daughter taking a new lead again in her life, and it was the last day of Gayoung trying out her gown since the wedding was tomorrow. 


“Turn around.”


Young-MI spoke, swirling her finger in a flipping way as Gayoung huffed, giving a round spin of her body with her white gown tangling into her heels which almost tripped forward but the woman beside her had caught her figure. 


Gayoung stood straight immediately, before giving her a sheepish smile. “Hehe, thank you, it's been just so long since I've worn this.” 


The woman just nodded, smiling before Gayoung looked back at her mother only to find her eyes teary and the next moment, Gayoung was already standing in front of her with a soft look. “Mom, Am I looking that bad? But it's not even possible.” 


Young-MI let out a chuckle as she caressed her cheeks with a teary eyed smile. “It feels good to see you moving on, because last time we didn't do really well so things turned out like that but now I am happy.” 


“Stop blaming yourself for something you didn't do because it was my will.” Gayoung took her hand onto hers and her mother nodded, caressing her hands. “I know, but you shouldn't blame yourself too because it was something even you didn't see coming but what you can do is give yourself a chance to welcome this new phase of life wholeheartedly.” 


Gayoung just stared at her for a moment, as she indeed had agreed to this, welcoming the new phase of the life she was being welcomed into but she wasn't sure if she could welcome it wholeheartedly but what she was sure of is that she'd fulfill it all wholeheartedly. 




Both mothers looked at the direction of the voice to find Seojun running towards them with an excited smile on his face as he stood in front of Gayoung with a gasp leaving his lips while his mouth opened up. “Wow, mommy you look so pretty just like a princess!” 


Gayoung's mouth curved into a pout. “But you don't like princesses!”


“But I love mommy princess!” He exclaimed, and Gayoung along with Young-MI giggled, where Seojun hugged his mother. “My mommy is the best princess!” 


“And my Seojun is the best Spiderman!” She leaned over, attempting to kiss his forehead but got stopped by the corset as she huffed, where Seojun laughed. “You can't kiss me right now!” 


“Yah, Seojun, you can't leave me behind like that!” Soo-Ah frowned, walking inside as she helped Seojun to the washroom and Seojun cupped his mouth. “Oop, I forgot that aunt Soo-Ah was with me!” 


The three females just shook their heads where Gayoung let out a deep sigh. “Can I change now? It's literally suffocating me and I am really not wearing this corset!”


Young-MI just rolled her eyes before waving her to the changing room and Gayoung was quick to follow her order. Seojun had walked to the sofa, fiddling with Gayoung's phone as usual where Soo-Ah and Young-MI thought of him playing games but it wasn't the case. 


“I hope my baby will get the happiness which she deserves.” Young-MI sighed, where Soo-Ah hugged her shoulder with a smile. “Don't worry Aunty, this time, I am sure she'll get what she deserves and I can feel it.”


It was a feeling which Soo-Ah couldn't grasp, it was more of a relieving one and it was a feeling which she never got when Gayoung was getting married before so she was sure that it was going in the right way. 




Both Young-MI and Soo-Ah flinched, as they turned around to find Seojun talking on the phone as both of them looked back at each other with a shocked face and the next second they were sitting either side of him with their heads close to him to listen to their conversation. 


“Yes, Spiderman?” Baekhyun replied, a name which he usually calls Seojun with and Seojun let out a giggle. “You're coming right?”


Baekhyun's lips curved in a smile hearing his giggles before his eyes went to his daughter, dolling herself with some clips on her hair as he chuckled at the adorable sight. “Yes, we'll be there in a few, okay?” 


“Okay!” Seojun exclaimed, making Baekhyun laugh lightly at his enthusiasm before the call was cut off and Baekhyun looked back at Areum to find her struggling with her hair clip as he walked towards her standing behind her. “Shall I help my princess?” 


Areum nodded, cutely. “Make it look beautiful.” 


“Okay!” Baekhyun exclaimed, imitating as if he was being ordered where Areum let out a cute giggle making his heart warm as a smile crept on his lips. “Are you that excited to meet them?” 


“Yes!” She nodded, smiling. “I meet Seojun daily and we play a lot but I can't spend a lot of time with mommy so I'm reeeally excited!”


Baekhyun's lips turned into a pout as he buckled the clip. “So, Areum doesn't like dad now?” 


“I love dad!” She was quick to answer as she turned to him with her big eyes towards him. “But dad is dad, and mommy is mommy so it's different.” 


“How can she be so smart?” Baekhyun muttered, before a smile graced his lips as he caressed her hair softly. “She's totally my daughter!” 


“Let's go, we'll get late!” Areum opened up her arms and as usual, Baekhyun was quick to carry her in his embrace as both of them left their home toward the new home. 


So much had happened in those two weeks, as just two weeks back Baekhyun was having his daily routine with Areum and his hospital but since Gayoung and Seojun had entered his life, his life has taken a huge turn. 


He had met her thinking of them being in a casual coincidence but how their coincidence would take this turn didn't cross his mind, that he would suddenly find himself marrying again or that their two persons home would welcome another two persons. 


He couldn't grasp what he was feeling at the moment, confused about how he should deal with the sudden impact in his life, but one thing was sure that however it would be, he'd give it all wholeheartedly. 


“What was it about?” Young-MI asked Seojun where he gave a sheepish grin to them. “We're meeting dad and it's a surprise for mommy!” 


“So you've become dad's boy already?” Soo-Ah nodded with a look and Seojun's eyes went round with a surprised look. “No, I'm Mommy's son and dad's son and so we will give her a surprise so she'll be happy!” 


Soo-Ah couldn't help but chuckle at his smart answer as she nodded. “Yeah, you're Gayoung's son.” 


“What's happening?” Gayoung questioned, standing in her casuals with her confused look to find the three of them sticking to each other and Seojun smiled widely. “We're going out!” 


Gayoung blinked, a couple of times surprisingly. “Where?”




Gayoung turned to her mother and her best friend who just shrugged, and in the end, she had to shrug but couldn't let go of the curiosity from her heart. 


On the other hand, Baekhyun was driving towards the destination which Seojun had informed him which turned out to be a boutique where Baekhyun got the hunch as to why Gayoung was there and it left him with a strange feeling and again a realization of him getting married to her. 


Seojun had warmed up to him more quickly than he thought, and Baekhyun could tell the reason because Seojun was a loving child to not to get close to, while Baekhyun himself was a softy for him so it wasn't difficult to get close to him. 


It had left him with a chuckle when Seojun and Areum both had teamed up to surprise Gayoung with their presences and them to hang out together since everyone was busy these days to even meet. 


“Dad, it's grandpa!”


Baekhyun's eyes averted to the passengers seat to find Areum looking outside the window as Baekhyun's eyebrows knitted with a pondering pout forming on his lips. “But grandpa is at his office.” 


“No, Seojun's grandpa!”


She replied back with a look and Baekhyun nodded, with a realization before looking at the direction of the road to find Sung-min standing by his car and Baekhyun was quick to pull the car over by his side. 


Sung-min saw Baekhyun getting out of his car and a smile graced his lips. “Oh, Baekhyun-ah, how are you here?”


“Hello.” Baekhyun bowed lightly, with a smile as he stood in front of him while looking at the car. “Is everything okay?”


“Yeah, my car just broke down.” Sung-min said, “And I was trying to hail a cab to go home.”


“Why don't you come with me?” Baekhyun asked, “I mean, we're on the way to meet Seojun and Ms Lee by the boutique.” 


“Oh, right!” Sung-min exclaimed, nodding with a smile. “Sure then.”


Baekhyun smiled back, before leading him to his car where Areum immediately jumped to the backseat as Sung-min who was about to open the door got startled but immediately chuckled. “Oh, it's my doll Areum!”


Areum giggled, wholeheartedly. “Yes, grandpa.”


“You should call me Dodo like everyone else.” Sung-min said, settling himself on the passenger's seat, where Baekhyun peered between both of them nervously as he buckled his seatbelt and Areum stared at him blankly. “Can I?”


“Of course, we're family.” Sung-min nodded and a beaming smile graced Areum's lips as she nodded. “Yes, Dodo!” 


“That's my doll!” 


He laughed, caressing her head and Baekhyun couldn't help but smile at the warming sight, mostly his princess who was getting along with everyone else now before he drove away with their little chitchats during the ride. 


“Okay, hold this for me.” 


Gayoung handed the paper bag to Soo-Ah who put it in the car and as she was about to sit inside, another car stopped by the shop making three of the ladies look at each other confusingly except for Seojun whose lips were stretching widely with a smile. 




He exclaimed, as soon as Baekhyun got out of the car as a smile crept on his lips toward Seojun's excitement and happiness at his arrival where Areum and Sung-min both got out of the car as well. 




Areum was quick to run toward Gayoung and Gayoung, who was watching the sight with a trance and confusion but immediately snapped out the moment she heard Areum's voice and before she could react, she had thrown her arms around her. 


Gayoung's lips curved in a smile as she caressed Areum's cheek. “Areum, you look so pretty!”


She let out a soft giggle. “I asked dad to make it pretty.” 


Gayoung just smiled before looking at Baekhyun to find him talking to Seojun as he had bent his torso toward him since Seojun was saying something in his ear which made him chuckle, leaving Gayoung with a curiosity and confusion about it. 


“Mommy was surprised!” Seojun giggled, as he raised his palm toward Baekhyun who shook his head with a smile as he highfived with him. “You're so naughty, Spiderman!”


As soon as Baekhyun stood straight, his eyes immediately locked with Gayoung who was already looking at him and it was after the week they had met, and knowing that tomorrow was their wedding which left them with a feeling of familiarity yet with a strange warmth which they couldn't grasp it into. 


“I have noticed something.” 


Everyone turned to Sung-min, who was standing with a look on his face as he peered through between Gayoung and Baekhyun. “Aren't you both getting married tomorrow? Then why are you still Mr Byun and Ms Lee? Are you both playing doctor and professor games?” 


Everyone stared at him surprised, where Soo-Ah and Young-MI were quick to chuckle whereas Areum and Seojun giggled, looking at their parents getting scolded while the two who were being scolded got embarrassed by it as they looked at each other only to look away. 


“Dodo!” Gayoung slightly whined, tugging over his sleeve and he rolled his eyes. “What? Am I wrong? Even my doll and Spiderman are more smart than you two to call me Dodo immediately.” 


“Oh, Areum, did you call him Dodo?” Seojun asked, with a smile and Areum smiled back. “Yes, because we're family.”


Seojun nodded, smiling widely. “Yes, we're family!”


Baekhyun and Gayoung were left with an awkward feeling to find their kids being more understanding than they were at the moment. 


“Okay, you should stop this game and go on a date with your kids.” 


Sung-min spoke, getting in the car with Soo-Ah and Young-MI following suit and left Gayoung and Baekhyun with an awkward yet with a hidden blooming blush in their hearts. 


“So?” Gayoung questioned, peering through the three of them since everyone left where Baekhyun gave a shrug pointing at the kids. “They wanted to surprise you.”


“So, you three have been ganging up now?” Gayoung's tone was gloomy as an unconscious pout formed on her lips as she looked at her kids. “Already making teams?“ 


“Mommy, let's go on a date!” Seojun exclaimed, before holding Areum's hand as they walked to the car leaving Gayoung with a grumpy look which made Baekhyun chuckle as he followed the kids to help them sit in the car. 


“Let's go?” Baekhyun opened the passengers door for Gayoung and she smiled slightly at his gentleman gesture before stopping by the door as Baekhyun's forehead creased as he found her blank look. “Aren't you getting in?” 


“Mr Byun- No.” She immediately stopped, as she frowned. “We shouldn't call each other like that because I don't want to get scolded again.”


Baekhyun tilted his head, before nodding. “And what should we call each other then?”


Gayoung hummed, before her eyes lit up. “How about I call you Dr. Baekhyun-sii?”


“And how about I call you prof. Gayoung-sii?” He snapped back, with a hint of smugness in his smile and Gayoung scrunched her nose. “No, no, no, let's stick to our names.”


Baekhyun nodded, as he closed the door and a chuckle left his lips at the moment of theirs before walking over to take his seat as he drove away. 


They didn't really have time to hang out since Baekhyun still had to go back to hospital while Gayoung also had to do some work whereas both of them didn't take a leave from their work because tomorrow was Sunday, the day which they had chosen through their schedules. 


Soon they reached the park, where Seojun and Areum were playing around with other kids but were tired enough to feel hot as the weather actually was, so Seojun and Baekhyun went to buy ice-cream leaving Areum and Gayoung together by the resting bench. 


As Areum and Gayoung were having a fun conversation, Gayoung noticed how Areum kept swatting her hair away because it was bothering her, making Gayoung chuckle at how adorable she looked doing it. 


“Areum.” She called her softly where Areum was quick to look at her questionly yet softly as Gayoung pointed towards her hair. “Should I tie your hair up in a bun like mine?”


Gayoung pointed towards her hair as her hair was tied in a high bun with loose strands of hair over her face where Areum immediately nodded but then pouted. “But how?” 


Gayoung just smiled, before taking her hair into a fistful before making a high bun where her bangs were already on her forehead and lastly fastened the clip with the finishing touch. “And done!”


Areum roamed her hand around her hair with a confused look since she couldn't see where Gayoung fished out her phone to show her and a beaming smile graced Areum's lips. “Wow, it's so pretty like a princess!” 


“Because Areum is pretty like a princess!” Gayoung exclaimed, and Areum giggled shyly, making Gayoung to tap her nose to which Areum did it for her as well where both of them broke into giggles together. 


“So, which flavor do you want, Spiderman?” 


Baekhyun questioned, brushing his fingers through his hair back before looking at Seojun only to have his lips curve in a smile to find him standing with his ever pondering yet confused look toward the ice-cream while standing with his hands either side of his hips. 


“I want chocolate.” He concluded, and Baekhyun raised his eyebrows. “Are you sure?”


He nodded, before shaking his head making him chuckle as he bent over towards him imitating Seojun's pouting expression. “What do you want to do?”


“I want chocolate but I want vanilla too, because it's been two days since I ate it.” Seojun spoke it all through his pouty lips and a sigh left his lips as he looked at Baekhyun. “Why is it so hard?”


Baekhyun had to bite his lip at his words as he couldn't even laugh since he was being serious before clearing his throat. “Um, how about you have both together?” 


Seojun blinked a couple of times blankly which turned into a confused one then finally his eyes lit up as he gasped. “Then I can have both of them!” 


“Yes!” Baekhyun exclaimed, imitating him before laughing as Seojun giggled at him where he immediately ordered the flavors for Areum and Gayoung and their favorites too. 


“You have a really cute son.”


The man standing behind the counter spoke, looking at both of them with a smile and Baekhyun stared at him blankly for a moment before a soft smile curved on his lips as he looked at Seojun to see him already having his ice-cream where he looked back at the man with a smile as he gave him a nod. “Thank you.”


Soon they were walking towards the bench to find Gayoung and Areum laughing at something which made Baekhyun to feel a warmth in his heart to see such a soft sight and to find his daughter so happy, something he never thought would happen like that but now it was, and he wasn't going to deny that his decision seemed to be worth taking it. 


“Mommy, I got two flavors for me!” Seojun exclaimed, as soon as he reached their sides and Gayoung nodded, with a hint of sarcasm behind her pressed lips. “Okay, but don't come at me saying 'Mommy I have a cold'.”


She imitated him to which Areum let out a giggle where Baekhyun looked away hiding his smile where Seojun pouted. “I won't and dad will take care of me because he's a doctor!” 


Gayoung couldn't decide if she should be jealous that her son was suddenly teaming up with Baekhyun, or happy that he was finally getting a dad's figure and love which he had been yearning to have so, she just chose the latter because it seemed right, it seemed to be a worth her decision. 




She snapped out, looking up to see Baekhyun hovering above her with a soft look, holding her favorite chocolate ice-cream while kids were already going to play with other kids and Baekhyun's forehead creased. “It's going to melt, prof. Gayoung-sii.” 


A frown appeared between her eyebrows as she took the ice-cream from him. “I thought we agreed to call each other by names, Dr Baekhyun-sii.” 


Baekhyun chuckled, taking the seat beside her and Gayoung just shook her head as she took a glance at him with a new curiosity to find which flavor he was having and found him having strawberry ice-cream but she wasn't the only one having the new bubbling curiosity. 


“How do you even like strawberry ice-cream?” Gayoung mumbled, taking a spoonful of her ice-cream but froze when she felt his gaze on her, making her close her eyes shut as she turned back only to find him still looking at her as she chuckled, awkwardly. “I didn't mean that way, I mean you know sometimes strawberries taste sour so how can you have something like that?” 


Baekhyun nodded, leaning back against the bench. “Chocolate ice-creams can taste bitter too, don't you think?” 


“But we can always mix sugar in it.” She shrugged, and that's when she realized as she found Baekhyun smiling as if telling her that he was talking about this and Gayoung scrunched her nose looking away with a grumpy look. “Oh.” 


Baekhyun couldn't help but smile, before the silence had followed between them, silently having their ice-cream and watching their kids playing happily with the rustling sounds of leaves erupting faintly over them. 


It was not that the silence was uncomfortable or awkward, and not that they had to talk because they were just getting adapted to this so they were taking their time but sometimes unspoken words should be spoken, because it would bring a sense of ease into their lives ahead. 


“I don't know how to say this,” Baekhyun spoke, clearing his throat as he his lips while finding some words to say before looking at Gayoung to find her already looking at him with an attentive look toward him, making him relax yet nervous. “It's just things have been going pretty quickly so I couldn't say it before but I think it's better to just say it when I can.” 


Gayoung gave him a nod indicating him to continue as he looked ahead towards Areum and Seojun with a smile. “This is something I didn't see coming, I know you also didn't, and we are already in this phase.” 


He turned back to Gayoung with a hesitant yet gentle look. “I can't promise you that it will be an easy road ahead because that's what I have learned throughout these years that life isn't all about blooming flowers but I can promise you that I will try my best in this.”


Gayoung stared at him blankly for a moment, as slowly his words were piercing her heart with a warm beam which made her lips curve in a light smile but a chuckle left her lips as she looked down for a second. 


Baekhyun's forehead creased. “Why are you laughing?” 


“No, it's just it felt like you were taking an oath.” She let out an unconscious giggle as she imagined it where Baekhyun looked at her blankly only to close his eyes shut. “You just made me imagine it.” 


“Sorry,” She laughed, lightly before looking at him softly with a little smile. “And thank you, I just wanted to say this but you did so let's just say, let's try our best?” 


“Now we're making it look like taking an oath.” Baekhyun chuckled, before extending his hand towards her face where Gayoung immediately straightened up to extend her ice-cream back from his reach and Baekhyun gave her a look. “I was telling you that you have got ice-cream on your cheek.”


Gayoung pressed her lips together as a wave of embarrassing warmth hit her face before she immediately wiped her cheek while Baekhyun kept giving her a look. “I did

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41 streak #1
Chapter 30: TT TT TT.... cause I'm happy... awww... loved the whole chapter.... different events but the same lovely warmth... emotional and heartwarming chapter... can't get enough of them... for a sec I thought they were about to welcome another new member..hehe.. uww... I'm in love with this lovely and cute couple... and the whole family.. they made me cry and smile at the same time while reading this chapter... last scene was too amazing... loved the ending.. I think I can read more bonus chapters about them.. ugh... I just don't want to say goodbye to the couple and family..it's heartbreaking... this story becomes one of my favorite one.... I'll highly recommend this story...well written everything... so catchy and lovely... thank you authornim for writing and sharing this amazing and heartwarming story ❤️ 🤗🥹🫶👍🤩😍♥️🥺🙌👏 take care of yourself and stay safe...authornim fighting and have a wonderful day or night ❤️
41 streak #2
Chapter 29: Uwww... so happy for the lovely couple and their family..also the rest of the couples... aww... feeling so emotional and happy... loved their little flirting moments....rainy night and the muddy part were so cute and lovely..sweetness overloaded... happiness delight... really enjoyed reading this whole chapter... they really made a special place in my heart ❤️
41 streak #3
Chapter 28: Awww... this chapter was so amazing, catchy, heartwarming and sweetest became too emotional and couldn't stop crying... actually it brought out all kinds of emotions though... so happy for them..and loved their family time.. also the last part of this story.. really enjoyed reading the whole chapter.. I'm also going to miss them.. they really became like a part of my daily life.... cause I took time to read it slowly though.. and I didn't want to say goodbye to them so soon.. they really became one of my favorite healing couple...
41 streak #4
Chapter 27: I'm a crying mess now.. it's a tears of happiness though.. actually and for real I cried two or three times while reading this chapter... authornim congratulations you successfully made me cry.. TT TT TT.. you really did an amazing work on this chapter..not only this chapter but every single chapters... so happy for them.. the new member, cherry 🍒 or ha Yoon.. awww.. loved how he was so amazingly supportive, caring,understanding, loving, and thoughtful husband these whole time... also loved their cute moments.. specially ice cream moment..hehe... all those moments actually were superb... aww... so emotional and heartwarming chapter... I'm in love with them and their family... 🥺🥺🥹🫶🫶🤗🤗😍😍 too much happy for them 💓 ❤️
41 streak #5
Chapter 26: It was such an emotional and heartwarming chapter full of two lovely couple's story of closeness and togetherness after all these.. it became one of my favorite chapter...hehe.. I really love all of the characters, their presence and chaos but this moment is indeed... this couple needed and maybe slightly wanted this only alone couple time.. the readers also needed this..hehe.. really enjoyed reading this whole chapter.. loved all the lovey-dovey couple moment, all the fluffy and blushing moments..hehe.. specially the confession and revelation parts where they expressed their previous past and present struggles, feelings, emotions and thoughts about each other... loved how they accepted each other so warmly and sweetly... finally They're happy together ❤️
41 streak #6
Chapter 25: Woah.. I really loved the fluffy and sweet moment.. specially the alone time and last part.. game part... so happy for yoora and junmyeon..also ji hoo and sera.. became so emotional too.. uww.. those little flirty and fluttering moments between the couple.. woah.. r they planning to welcome a new member..uwww..hehe... aww... last part was superb and so heartwarming... loved it so much authornim.. ❤️
41 streak #7
Chapter 24: Uwww... so lovey-dovey couple moment .. fluffy, sweet, lovely, cute, clumsy, heartwarming and cheesy moments..haha... blush blush and blushing...hahaha... couldn't stop smiling while reading the whole chapter... ❤️ aww.. so happy for the couple.. also loved how the kids protected each other's side and how the couple comforted each other... they're one of my favorite couple and family.. love fool.. I mean couple..baekyoung..hehe.. and I'm also in love with them 😍...really enjoyed reading this chapter..just loved it authornim...
41 streak #8
Chapter 23: Loved this chapter so much authornim... so happy for all the couples... also loved the new beautiful beginning of their relationship.. the togetherness and closeness... they're just made for each other...finally...
41 streak #9
Chapter 22: Aww..the second kiss.. hehe.. loved that little moment.. oh new appearance..omg.. granny... feeling so emotional and sad.. hope everything goes well for her and them..loved the way they strongly and warmly understood and comforted each other.. specially gayoung when she told him all those comforting words when he needed that the most...they also became one of my favorite comforting couple too...became so emotional... heartbreaking still wo heartwarming chapter...
41 streak #10
Chapter 21: Uwwww.... I'm in love with them... they're so lovely and cute together indeed... loved all the new relationship development, chemistry and bonding time... new phase of their lives... so happy for them..loved all the lovey-dovey couple moments... hehehe.. glad that everything is going so well and smooth between the.. they indeed needed this.. also that take off cloth part and elevator awkward part were so funny.. aww.. dream bucket lists came true.. really enjoyed reading this whole chapter.. fluffy ball...