Once Again - Epilogue

Once Again
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❝If the final chapter of your life story is written by love, you are guaranteed a happy ending❞ - Matshona Dhliwayo. 

♫ Falling like the stars - James Arthur ♫




10:10 pm





A soothing one. 


The house was silent after the little ones of the house had gotten into a peaceful sleep, as their giggles and excited laughter was all over the house with their sibling, the newly member in the home who has been growing up with much time and was slowly adapting to the environment around him, and his siblings who have been around him all the time like his parents from the past six months. 


Then there they were, Baekhyun and Gayoung. 


Seated on the silent living room of theirs, except, Gayoung was sitting on his lap, her head on his shoulder and her arms around his neck as he held her back, his head leaning over her with their eyes closed, just enjoying the moment of the comfort which was being in each other's embraces. 


It's been six months since Ha-Yoon has been welcomed in this world, and in his home, and his first cries in the room of theirs, with a sudden panic rushing into them as if blank about how to quiet him down like they had forgotten to raise a child for a moment but it was understandable since it had been a long time raising Areum and Seojun but they tried, giving all of their efforts to warm him up to them. 


The first two months were surely difficult, there were sleepless nights and mornings, but they were getting a hold of it slowly, and careful with him, and around Areum and Seojun as well, as knowing about them might not be able to give enough time to them had them worried too but then again, being the luckiest, they had been blessed with the most precious and understanding children as they were, but still, they had tried their best to give them enough time and love along with their new little one. 


Gayoung could say proudly that she was lucky in getting the best mother and mother in law as Mrs Byun and Young-MI didn't stop their cares toward her knowing it might be difficult for her along with Baekhyun who was somehow managing his work and home together which was hectic to be said, but he couldn't let Gayoung do everything alone, so he was doing his best as he could and Gayoung couldn't be more happier to see it. 


How those hard months passed, they didn’t know but the memories of it will surely live in their minds to reminisce later about them like how they do about her pregnancy times whenever they get time to talk which they hardly would get in those days and these days too, but the good thing was that Ha-Yoon was growing up well and healthy, and they could still recall the day he had let out his first giggle which had happened accidentally by Baekhyun fooling around with Areum and Seojun as he was having his eating session with Gayoung but found the sight much funny to giggle at it. 


They still remember how his hazel eyes sparkled at that moment, his mouth widening the moment he let out a giggle and they didn't even deny it but he looked so much like Baekhyun like how Gayoung had seen his baby picture, and he was just like him. 




It was surprising but the moment was the most heartwarming for them. 


Seojun and Areum had taken too much liking to him, so trying to spend all their time with him had become their first priority as right now, they were also in Gayoung and Baekhyun's room, sleeping with Ha-Yoon between them sleeping peacefully. 


And the pair had finally got some time for them as the moment Gayoung had walked out, she had found him sitting on the couch, working as usual but the moment she had given him the look of how she wanted to be hugged, he had welcomed her with his opened arms and his ever beautiful smile and the next second, she was on his lap snuggling into his warmth like he was holding her back safely. 


"I think we might have to sleep on the couch." 


Gayoung mumbled, her eyes opening to caress his forearm softly and he hummed. "I don't mind though." 


She didn't have to raise her head to look at his teasing grin playing on his lips as if she knew it to smile. "You never do because it's to your advantage." 


He let out a soft laugh, his chest vibrating against her. "You know me well now, baby." 


"Why wouldn't I?" She mumbled, her arms tightening around him as she snuggled into the curve of his neck. "I'm sleepy." 


"Go to sleep," He trailed off, patting her back gently. "I'll hold you." 


Her lips couldn't help but smile at his words. "Hm, just don't drop me off." 


"You're not that heavy, I guess." 


"You guess? You're not sure?" 


"I'm being as honest as I can, baby." 


He's a freaking tease. 


"Then, I'll be as honest as I can too." Gayoung lifted her head to meet his eyes, glinting with confusion as she tilted her head. "I might throw you off the couch." 


A smirk curled the corner of his lips. "Then, you'll be down with me." 


"How so?" 


"Because," He trailed off, his arms tightening around her waist to pull her close enough, as their foreheads were against each other where she took notice of his lips uttering behind that teasing smirk. "I'm going to hold you like this the whole night." 


Gayoung couldn't believe that he could still leave a chance to flutter her heart with just his words even though their marriage was almost completing two years, yet here she was, feeling the pleasant warmth in her heart just being so close to him, and his teasing which was nowhere to be stopped. 


"I wouldn't mind it." 


And it was his turn to get blown off by her words, nothing new yet leaving him surprised the moment she'd get back at him by teasing or flirting with him and he loved it so damn much, and her. 


At the moment, a soft yet familiar voice went through their ears, not a crying one but a faint babbling sound as it was so familiar to them that they had to lean away to look at each other for a moment as both of them turned to the room of theirs where the door was opened, in case if Ha-Yoon wakes up and he did. 


Gayoung sighed, attempting to stand up but Baekhyun was quick to place her beside him on the couch to stand up. "I'll check up on him." 


She just nodded, leaning back comfortably as she watched his back walking inside, and as Baekhyun stopped in the middle of the room, he couldn't help but coo internally at the sight of Areum and Seojun sleeping peacefully facing Ha-Yoon who was wide awake, flapping his legs and the moment he looked at Baekhyun with his doe eyes, his mouth formed in a wide O shape to flap his hands toward him to take him in his arms. 


A soft smile curved on his lips and he was quick to lift him up carefully in his arms wrapping him in his small blanket, with a few kisses on his cheek to which he let out an excited sound from his mouth, something he's starting doing it the moment he had started his different way of adorable babbles from his mouth and Baekhyun gestured him to hush as the other two little ones were still sleeping so not wanting to wake them up, he quickly walked out, closing the door shut behind. 


"Look at this little guy." 


He beamed, poking his nose where he immediately held his nose and lips with his excited shout and Baekhyun couldn't help but laugh softly at his actions. 


Gayoung tilted her head, her lips smiling warmly at the sight as she stared at them with much softness while realizing how similar they were looking and somehow both of them wearing black shirts had given them much resemblance as one was looking adorable then the other was just hot in his own way. 


Yeah, she had the most beautiful and hot men in the life. 


He strode towards her with an excited Ha-Yoon playing with his ear but as soon as he saw Gayoung he began to flap his arms more excitedly to which she smiled widely until Baekhyun had taken a seat beside her while taking a cushion to place it on her lap and the next moment, he was lying comfortably on his back with his head on her lap technically while Ha-Yoon was sitting on Baekhyun's stomach leaning against his bent legs. 


He had grown up enough to sit down without support, as his hands would palm the place in front of him but right now he was leaning comfortably against his dad's legs with his arms flapping where Gayoung couldn't help but gush at him enough to pull his chubby cheek softly as his mouth widened where Baekhyun took a chance to duck his finger in his mouth playfully only for to grasp it between his gums as he gasped. "You little animal." 


"Don't call my cherry like that." Gayoung slapped his shoulder and he looked up at her with a confused look. "He bites." 


"Well, his teeth are coming and you deserve it for fooling around with him." 


"This is called love of his dad and my little one, you wouldn't understand." 


"You little brat." She pulled his ear and he whined. "Baby, you can't do this in front of our little one." 


Gayoung puffed her cheeks and let go as both of them turned to find Ha-Yoon looking at him curiously with his innocent eyes watching his parents and Baekhyun chuckled at his expression to immediately lift him up in the air as his little figure hover above him as he playfully let out a roaring sound to which he let out a giggle before leaning him closer to him only for him to trying to hold his face while Gayoung was all smiley at the interaction. 


It was the best time. 


The time she'd see him interacting with Baekhyun with so much fun, or be it Seojun and Areum or Mongryong who had taken a liking to this little one and Gayoung would find him close to him playing with the rubber ball together and it would always leave her with a warm gush, and that feeling was the best to have it in her heart, and this sight. 


The moment Ha-Yoon took a hold of his nose, he let out an excited shout and Baekhyun giggled, immediately kissing his cheek a few times where Gayoung caressed his cheek with much smile and the moment had continued till when, they didn’t know but the moment had surely ended with the much warm sight. 


The three of them had slept right there. 


Gayoung's head back against the headrest, Baekhyun's head on her lap and Ha-Yoon sleeping on his chest with his hand fisted in his tiny clutch, a habit taken by his mother but the actions were more of like his dad's. 


A much mixed up of them but still was theirs. 






6:08 pm 



Baekhyun had pulled over the car by the house, and stepped out of the car while holding the bouquet of tulip in his hand gently as he walked in through the front door of the house, and as soon as he strolled further inside the living room, the sound of giggles and chatters went through his ears like a music, as his lips graced in a soft smile upon hearing the sound of something so familiar but so lovely not to feel happy at it. 


Placing the bouquet on the table, he walked towards the garden where the sounds led him to stand by the door frame of it as his steps halted to scan the surroundings, Areum and Gayoung watering the plants as usual, Seojun and Mongryong were in the fort but there was another one there, Ha-Yoon, sitting with them on the small soft blanket of his with a rubber ball in his tiny hands which he kept throwing at Mongryong only for him to catch it to pass it back to him and the scene continued. 


The sight never felt so warming like before, it was all usual but it always left a soothing sensation in his heart. 


He stood there, leaning his shoulder against the frame with his arms crossed to himself with a soft smile playing on his lips, his eyes averting toward Gayoung who was guiding Areum about the plant and the latter was nodding adorably making his heart gush at how beautiful they appeared right now, even at the messy look of theirs. 




He flinched, immediately looking at the direction to see Seojun waving him with a beaming smile while gesturing him to come. "Look at Yoon, he's been naughty with us!" 


"He must have been taught by you." Areum walked to him with a pout, her cheeks and hands covered with the mud and Baekhyun chuckled, walking to them to sit down by them and Ha-Yoon was quick to flap his arms for him and Baekhyun just palmed his chubby cheeks to plant a quick kiss on his nose. "Yoon, don't be naughty." 


He just babbled some incoherent words to which he smiled, with a shake of his head where Gayoung walked up to them with her hands on her waist, her cheeks covered with the mud. "Like he'd listen to you." 


Baekhyun made a face at her before smiling at him as he talked to him much softly. "Yes, because Yoon loves his dad." 


And he tried to grab his nose again but Baekhyun was quick to dodge it but him being the newly curious little one, didn't stop but kept doing it until it led Baekhyun to fall on his side and Ha-Yoon had successfully grabbed his face leaving the latter to giggle as he held him while Seojun joined them leaving Areum and Gayoung to pout since they had yet to wash up to join them. 


And they did. 


Areum was big enough already to do it by herself yet Gayoung made sure that everything was in her bathroom including her clothes too, before she went to get shower not before glancing at the garden to watch the sight with a happy smile before walking away as she didn't have to worry about leaving Ha-Yoon alone since his dad and his brother were there with him to protect him. 


Soon enough, she walked out, clad in her comfy clothes while wiping her damp hair with the towel before sitting on the chair in front of her dressing table to dry her hair but before she could, a mug of coffee was presented in front of her as she flinched at the sudden action to look at Baekhyun through the mirror who was standing behind her with his gentle expression to gesture her to take the mug from him as she did, still confused. 


"When did you come? I didn't even hear you behind me." She uttered, still looking at him before watching his lips curving in a little smile as he took the towel from her hand. "I have gotten good at this, baby." 


Gayoung let out a chuckle, before seeing him drying her hair with the towel gently where she brought the mug to her lips to sip her coffee with a much satisfied hum. "This is nice." 


"Coffee or me?" 




His head tilted down, a shy smile on his lips at her flirting back action before he began to dry her hair with the dryer while Gayoung scrunched her nose. "Where's Yoon?" 


"He's in the room with the little ones." 


Gayoung nodded, before feeling the hair getting in or eyes as she scrunched her face to place the mug on the table. "Are you trying to make me eat my hair?" 


Baekhyun averted his gaze from the crown of her head to the mirror only to see her hair covering her face as his eyes widened, his actions halting at the moment but the sight had him laughing the next second, as he bit his lip placing the dryer aside to brush her hair away, stifling his laugh and Gayoung finally took notice of his expression. 


"You're not laughing." 


"I'm not, baby." 


Yet he let out a giggle and she turned around still sitting while looking up at him with a narrowed look. "You really enjoy teasing me, don't you?" 


"Almost two years of our marriage," He trailed off, palming her cheeks as he bent over leaning closer to her face to kiss her lips softly. "And you just realized that I love teasing you, baby." 


Yeah, their second anniversary was just two weeks away. 


His lips were still closed to hers, and Gayoung pulled his cheek. "Don't be sneaky with me, Byun Baekhyun." 


He imitated her actions. "And what if I do, Lee Gayoung." 


"Then, you're asking for a smack." 


"I wouldn't mind that." 


His teasing grin had her eyes squint to punch his stomach gently as he let out a dramatic gasp, his eyes widening. "You hurt me, baby." 


"You asked for it." 


"I asked for something else." 


She shook her head, her lips smiling at his grump face to kiss his cheek quickly. "You gotta wash up, shoo!" 


He glared at her playfully with a knock on her forehead, a habit which hasn't been taken away and it wasn't meant to be. 


The moment he had gone to take a shower, Gayoung had quickly drank her coffee with a smile of how he had made it for her to help her dry her hair with not so much smoothly but the efforts matters and so it did, as her heart warmed like always at his soft little gestures for her before she headed to the kids room only to find the trio having their best time while Mongryong was lying on his place as if too tired to even glance at her presence. 


Gayoung beamed with a smile. "What are my little ones doing?" 


"Mommy, look, Yoon is trying to eat my eraser!" Seojun exclaimed, trying to take it away from his tiny hands which he almost shoved it in his mouth as the new curious child, and Areum sighed, slapping Seojun's head lightly. "You don't do it like that, idiot." 


"I'm not an idiot, Yoon is hungry!" 


"Yoon is a baby so he doesn't know it's an eraser!" 


Both of them bickered like usual until the eraser was thrown on Seojun's face by Yoon who began to giggle at his pouty face along with Areum behind as she kissed his cheek. 


Gayoung couldn't help but smile at the sight, her head tilted with a soft gaze toward them, before walking towards Areum's bed where the commotion was happening as the trio was sitting there while their undone homework was on lying on the small table of theirs which was yet to be done. 


"Okay, both of you do your homework," Gayoung trailed off, kissing their heads one by one to pick up Ha-Yoon in her arms who was quick to lean into her mother's warm embrace as his little arms wrapped around her neck as she looked at her two little beans with a smile. "I'll feed our Yoon his milk and then he'll sleep." 


Seojun frowned. "He's always sleeping." 


Areum shook her head at him. "Like you don't, dummy." 


Gayoung chuckled. "Okay, now get to work!" 


"Yes, mommy!" 


God, she could never get over how their obedient mommy sounds so good to her but the little ones were also good not to get adored by her. 


She had walked away to the kitchen with Yoon in her arms as he kept playing with her hair or the studs in her earlobes like a curious child, as she continued to make his milk before feeding him in the room as it was his sleeping time but to her surprise, he wasn't, as he kept staring at her with his doe eyes until he was done drinking his milk where Gayoung made him sit on his lap as he faced her blinking innocently. 


Oh, her heart melted right there. 


"You don't want to sleep?" She tilted her head, talking to him in a soft voice and he let out his usual babble with his mouth widening as he tried to grab her face again to which she laughed. "Oh, okay, you're definitely not sleepy." 


She stood up, taking him in her arms. "So, what should we do now?" 




He began to babble again and Gayoung imitated him to which he began to do even more only to make her giggle as she kissed his nose while he tried to grab her cheeks while bobbing his head suddenly and Gayoung looked at him confusingly. "Do you wanna dance? Should we dance together?" 


And she had taken her tiny hand in her palm while holding him securely as his other hand was on her shoulder with his head slowly bobbing adorably as Gayoung twirled to sway their bodies together with a smile while kissing his tiny palm while he babbled incoherently in his own words. 


At the moment, the door of the bathroom had opened softly but the duo was immersed in themselves and Baekhyun walked out, blinking a couple of times to immediately smile at the sight, as he just stood there, ruffling his damp hair to lean against the wall as his heart warmed with a soft beam.


Until a frown appeared on his face the moment he heard Gayoung talking to Yoon, more like complaining about him. 


"You know Yoon, dad didn't know how to dance and mommy taught him that but you don't have to worry because we're going to be so good at this like the best dancers in the world~" 


He couldn't decide if he should get offended or laugh at the way she was talking to him so seriously while Yoon was replying to her with his babbles and bobbing head cutely as his heart gush with the happiness. 


"Is that why you sent me to shower so you can complain about me?" 


Gayoung halted, and turned to find him in his casuals and damp hair with the towel in his hand as he tilted his head, giving her a look and Gayoung let out an awkward chuckle shaking her head, "No, we weren't," She paused, to look at Yoon with a smile. "Right, Yoon?" 


"Oh, really, but I heard your complaints very well, baby." 


"That wasn't complaining, that was mommy and little one having a good time." Gayoung kissed Yoon's cheek and Baekhyun rolled his eyes. "Copycat." 


"Still a fact." 


He shook his head, placing the towel on the chair ignoring her whines about not to put there with a playful grin as he stopped right behind her, looking at Ha-Yoon with a smile who giggled back at him while flapping his arms and Baekhyun kissed his forehead, along with Gayoung's cheek who looked over her shoulder at him. "Seriously." 






His arms wrapped around them from behind, his chest against her back as his head leaned against the side of her head as he kept talking to Yoon sweetly yet softly who grabbed his lips again to take him in his arms from her with an excited expression as he met Gayoung's eyes. "Do you want me to show you something?" 




"Come here," He gestured her to come closer to the dressing table as Yoon was still in his arms until he had showed him the mirror and the moment Yoon looked at himself in the mirror, his eyes rounded to flap his hands excitedly toward the mirror and Gayoung let out a laugh. "Oh my god, he's so adorable." 


Baekhyun chuckled, trying to get him closer as he palmed his tiny hands on the mirror to play with it and Baekhyun couldn't help but laugh, cooing inside as he got him away from it to bring him closer again as he enjoyed the excitement on his face unaware of how excited he appeared at the moment, as his and Yoon's giggles were the only sound in the room and both of them were unaware of it but Gayoung was aware of it, she was standing beside them, watching the sight with her warm smile and soft eyes. 


She couldn't help but gush at them over and over again. 


The playing session went for a while until Yoon began to get sleepy the moment he let out a big yawn from his small mouth, and before they knew it, he was already sleeping on Baekhyun's shoulder peacefully with his tiny hand clutching his sleeve who was still swaying their bodies slowly together while patting his back gently and Gayoung stood up from the bed, fixing his baby cot to gesture Baekhyun to make him lie there. 


And the next minute he was sleeping there with a peacefulness on his face. 


Both of them kept staring at him with a smile until Baekhyun uttered, softly. "He has taken a habit of you."


Gayoung met his soft eyes. "Which one?" 


"Clutching the shirt." 


She tilted her head with an amazed look. "You noticed?" 


And a fond smile graced his lips. "How can I not?" 


Yeah, how can he not? It was noticed long before he knew it, long before he had come to love her but the habit of hers was much more innocent and adorable to him. 


"Well, I don't want to admit it," Gayoung trailed off, turning to stare at her little one to meet his curious eyes with a smile. "But he does look like you now." 


"And how do I look?" 


"You know how you do, Baek." 


"But I wanna hear from you, baby." 


She shook her head, a smile gracing her lips. "Beautiful." 


"I thought it was hot." 


"Oh, but hot term would be kinda weird at this age for him so let's go with beautiful." 


He hummed, nodding. "Yeah, I like the sound of it." 


At the moment, his phone rang flinching them as Ha-Yoon also stirred a bit but Gayoung was quick to palm his chest with a gentle press to pat him slowly as he slept back while Baekhyun had gone to pick it up from the bed to quickly walk out of the room to talk with a little glare towards the phone which had her laugh silently. 


As Gayoung found Yoon sleeping deeply enough not to be awaken by any sound, she had also walked out of the room not closing the door before heading toward the kids room to find them sitting on the chairs around the small table of theirs doing their homework as she smiled at the sight to let them be, to walk towards the garden to find him standing in the middle of it. 


His broad back was in her sight, his one hand shoved in his pocket while another one was holding the phone against his ear as he conversed with the person on the other side with much attentiveness as she stared at him from the distance but she didn't like the distance somehow and before she knew it, she was already walking towards him with slow steps while her hands behind her back. 


Soon, she was standing behind him, and wrapped her arms around his waist to feel him flinching which had her lips smiling at his actions, already imagining the adorable reaction on his face before feeling him relaxing against her arms as she laid her head on his back, just behind his shoulder to close her eyes for a moment to feel the vibration of his voice as he kept talking until he had shifted, making her lean away her head to find him turning around with her arms still around him as he met her eyes with an intent gaze but his conversation still continued. 


A frown appeared between her eyebrows, and she fished out his hand from his pocket to wrap it around her waist as she wounded her arms around his waist again, and he had smiled at her action to caress his thumb over the small of her back which had her lips smiling softly as she tiptoed, pressing her lips on his cheek making him lean his head down a bit with his voice talking over went through her ear to lean away. 


Her forehead creased, indicating him something to which he was quick to understand as he pressed his lips on her forehead making him pause his words to continue afterwards as her lips widened with a smile to tilt her cheek toward him and he was quick to comply by kissing her cheek and she tilted her head, staring at him softly. 


Not long after, he had hung up after the long conversation of his, and his other arm had found her back against it as his hands locked behind her back with a gentle grip to tilt his head, as he met her soft yet adoring eyes staring back at him, but her eyes held something more, more like so familiar for him understand. 


"Do you want a hug, baby?" 


"Am I being obvious?" 


"No, but I understand you." He let out a chuckle, and Gayoung nodded. "Then, hug me." 


"Then, come here." 


He had pulled her closer and she was quick to bury her head in his shoulder as his head leaned against hers, nuzzling into her hair while their bodies swayed slowly together and her grip tightened against him the more warm she felt, making him tighten his grasp on her to make her feel better. 


She let out a sigh of relief. "This feels nice." 


He let out a hum. "It does?" 


"Yeah, it feels like I haven't been hugged in a while." She let out, leaning her head away but kept her hold onto him still, to meet his warm yet soft eyes and he nodded. "Maybe because we hadn't had time together in a while." 


"Or maybe we should have some together." She suggested, and Baekhyun raised his eyebrows, looking up for a moment with a pondering look to look at her with a nod. "I would like it very much." 


"Of course, my su

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42 streak #1
Chapter 30: TT TT TT.... cause I'm happy... awww... loved the whole chapter.... different events but the same lovely warmth... emotional and heartwarming chapter... can't get enough of them... for a sec I thought they were about to welcome another new member..hehe.. uww... I'm in love with this lovely and cute couple... and the whole family.. they made me cry and smile at the same time while reading this chapter... last scene was too amazing... loved the ending.. I think I can read more bonus chapters about them.. ugh... I just don't want to say goodbye to the couple and family..it's heartbreaking... this story becomes one of my favorite one.... I'll highly recommend this story...well written everything... so catchy and lovely... thank you authornim for writing and sharing this amazing and heartwarming story ❤️ 🤗🥹🫶👍🤩😍♥️🥺🙌👏 take care of yourself and stay safe...authornim fighting and have a wonderful day or night ❤️
42 streak #2
Chapter 29: Uwww... so happy for the lovely couple and their family..also the rest of the couples... aww... feeling so emotional and happy... loved their little flirting moments....rainy night and the muddy part were so cute and lovely..sweetness overloaded... happiness delight... really enjoyed reading this whole chapter... they really made a special place in my heart ❤️
42 streak #3
Chapter 28: Awww... this chapter was so amazing, catchy, heartwarming and sweetest became too emotional and couldn't stop crying... actually it brought out all kinds of emotions though... so happy for them..and loved their family time.. also the last part of this story.. really enjoyed reading the whole chapter.. I'm also going to miss them.. they really became like a part of my daily life.... cause I took time to read it slowly though.. and I didn't want to say goodbye to them so soon.. they really became one of my favorite healing couple...
42 streak #4
Chapter 27: I'm a crying mess now.. it's a tears of happiness though.. actually and for real I cried two or three times while reading this chapter... authornim congratulations you successfully made me cry.. TT TT TT.. you really did an amazing work on this chapter..not only this chapter but every single chapters... so happy for them.. the new member, cherry 🍒 or ha Yoon.. awww.. loved how he was so amazingly supportive, caring,understanding, loving, and thoughtful husband these whole time... also loved their cute moments.. specially ice cream moment..hehe... all those moments actually were superb... aww... so emotional and heartwarming chapter... I'm in love with them and their family... 🥺🥺🥹🫶🫶🤗🤗😍😍 too much happy for them 💓 ❤️
42 streak #5
Chapter 26: It was such an emotional and heartwarming chapter full of two lovely couple's story of closeness and togetherness after all these.. it became one of my favorite chapter...hehe.. I really love all of the characters, their presence and chaos but this moment is indeed... this couple needed and maybe slightly wanted this only alone couple time.. the readers also needed this..hehe.. really enjoyed reading this whole chapter.. loved all the lovey-dovey couple moment, all the fluffy and blushing moments..hehe.. specially the confession and revelation parts where they expressed their previous past and present struggles, feelings, emotions and thoughts about each other... loved how they accepted each other so warmly and sweetly... finally They're happy together ❤️
42 streak #6
Chapter 25: Woah.. I really loved the fluffy and sweet moment.. specially the alone time and last part.. game part... so happy for yoora and junmyeon..also ji hoo and sera.. became so emotional too.. uww.. those little flirty and fluttering moments between the couple.. woah.. r they planning to welcome a new member..uwww..hehe... aww... last part was superb and so heartwarming... loved it so much authornim.. ❤️
42 streak #7
Chapter 24: Uwww... so lovey-dovey couple moment .. fluffy, sweet, lovely, cute, clumsy, heartwarming and cheesy moments..haha... blush blush and blushing...hahaha... couldn't stop smiling while reading the whole chapter... ❤️ aww.. so happy for the couple.. also loved how the kids protected each other's side and how the couple comforted each other... they're one of my favorite couple and family.. love fool.. I mean couple..baekyoung..hehe.. and I'm also in love with them 😍...really enjoyed reading this chapter..just loved it authornim...
42 streak #8
Chapter 23: Loved this chapter so much authornim... so happy for all the couples... also loved the new beautiful beginning of their relationship.. the togetherness and closeness... they're just made for each other...finally...
42 streak #9
Chapter 22: Aww..the second kiss.. hehe.. loved that little moment.. oh new appearance..omg.. granny... feeling so emotional and sad.. hope everything goes well for her and them..loved the way they strongly and warmly understood and comforted each other.. specially gayoung when she told him all those comforting words when he needed that the most...they also became one of my favorite comforting couple too...became so emotional... heartbreaking still wo heartwarming chapter...
42 streak #10
Chapter 21: Uwwww.... I'm in love with them... they're so lovely and cute together indeed... loved all the new relationship development, chemistry and bonding time... new phase of their lives... so happy for them..loved all the lovey-dovey couple moments... hehehe.. glad that everything is going so well and smooth between the.. they indeed needed this.. also that take off cloth part and elevator awkward part were so funny.. aww.. dream bucket lists came true.. really enjoyed reading this whole chapter.. fluffy ball...