Once Again
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❝The best feeling in the whole world is watching things finally fall into place after watching them fall apart for so long❞ - Unknown.


11:13 am




"So, how far did you go?" 


Ji-hu choked, his hot coffee almost spilling out of his mouth as he coughed out loud, immediately grabbing the tissues from the tissue box to wipe his mouth while looking across from him to find his lady best friends looking at him unfazed by his sudden actions as he peeked at Soo-Ah staring at him nonchalantly, leaned back against her chair then shot his glare at Gayoung sitting beside her and sipping her coffee so innocently like she just didn't question him a minute ago. 


The trio of best friends had gathered at the Café as usual, but another trio was soon to join them which they were waiting for at the moment until then, the ladies were having fun with their male best friend. 


"Would you two women ever stop questioning me?" He asked, clearing his throat and Soo-Ah shrugged, taking a bite of her pancake. "What are friends for?" 


Gayoung nodded, leaning forward. "You still didn't answer my question, Ji-hu."


"Damn, woman, we just started dating." He shook his head, in a disbelief look as he scoffed, leaning back against the chair with Soo-Ah and Gayoung exchanging a nonchalant look to look back at him as Soo-Ah spoke. "So, not like you haven't been questioning us about our relationships?" 


"Yeah, now I get that feeling of nervousness." 


Gayoung's eyes widened. "You feel nervous about it? Are you really, really serious about Ms. Lim Seri?" 


He blinked, a blush creeping over him as he gave a toothy grin. "Well, she's fun to be around with, and I really like being with her so I think yes." 


"I knew it!" Soo-Ah slammed her hand on the table. "You have been busy for someone who hardly has anything to do." 


"You make it seem like I'm unemployed." 


He rolled his eyes, and earned a laugh from the ladies yet the moment felt surreal for some reason, as a few months ago they were sitting in one of their cabins, single, and talking about their work or Seojun because that's what they all had to converse about, but everything seemed to be changed, a change no one saw coming but the change was too good to be hated, in fact opposite of it. 


"Oh, here they are." 


Ji-hu announced, looking over behind them with a smile with the ladies looking over their shoulders to find the trio coming through the entrance glass door with Junmyeon shaking his head with a done look toward Baekhyun and Yixing who were bickering over something until they had stopped by their table. 


"Hey, baby." Baekhyun took a seat beside Gayoung as Yixing and Junmyeon took their seats beside Ji-hu with Gayoung giving them a confused look. "What were you both arguing about?" 


"Oh, they were arguing about cheating at a rock paper scissor game for parking the car," Junmyeon paused, sighing as he leaned back comfortably. "I can't believe you both still do that and make me feel like hanging out with two kids." 


"Please," Baekhyun scoffed, playfully while leaning closer to Gayoung as he took a sip from her drink to look back at him, swallowing. "You were the one being a judge if we were cheating or not, hyung." 


"Right?" Yixing raised his eyebrows, giving him a look. "He plays along but acts like he doesn't, then calls us kids." 


"Well, you do act like that sometimes." Soo-Ah commented, looking at her boyfriend with a shrug and earned a dramatic hurt look from him as he pouted. "I can't believe you did this to me, Soo." 


She chuckled, shaking her head with him smiling back at her actions not noticing the gazes from their friends at the table with Gayoung sighing loudly. "I can't believe this is my bestie Soo-Ah." 


"Well, better than forgetting our surroundings like you." Soo-Ah snapped, and Gayoung frowned, "We don't," She paused, tilting her head to the side to see Baekhyun munching the pancake as she questioned. "Do we?" 


He met her eyes, still munching as he shook his head, leaning back to drape his arm behind her on the headrest of the chair. "We don't, not that I can remember of." 


"That's because we see it, not you." Ji-hu commented, narrowing his eyes before looking at Junmyeon. "You wanted to talk about something?" 


"Oh, right, you wanted to." Gayoung immediately sat up straight, handing her drink to Baekhyun who took it without any hesitation as he watched them talking as Junmyeon cleared his throat, nervously. "So, I'm going to propose to Yoora." 


Soo-Ah and Gayoung blinked, looking at him blankly for a moment until Soo-Ah broke out in a smile. "That's…. That's great." 


"Yeah, and I wanted it to be really good and a surprise," He trailed off, pressing his lips as he clasped his hands on the table. "And you two ladies are the only ones who are close to Yoora after these two guys," He paused, a done look forming on his face. "But they aren't very helpful at the moment, so I wanted to take your suggestions about it." 


"You came to the right person." Gayoung beamed, a blissful smile curling on her lips after knowing about the proposal and Junmyeon raised his eyebrows, surprised as he looked at Baekhyun, sipping the drink with his lips curved in a smile but his adoring eyes were staring at his wife until he looked at Junmyeon with a chuckle leaving his lips and Gayoung peeked through them with a confused look. "What's wrong?" 


Junmyeon chuckled. "Nothing, he said the same thing." 


"Yeah, I told him about your great suggestions." He shrugged, and Gayoung smiled, shaking her head as Soo-Ah leaned forward. "So, how do you wanna plan it?" 


"I don't know yet," Junmyeon sighed, scratching his temple and Yixing spoke up. "Just so you know, she already has a hunch about it." 




"Yep, you made it too obvious for that lady." 


"So should I do it later?" 


"No." Baekhyun intruded, a serious expression plastering on his face. "It's better doing it than to disappoint her later, and however you'd do it, she'll be happy anyway." 


"Wow," Gayoung let out an amazed gasp as she looked at her husband with a smile. "What choice of words, doctor." 


"And I see that look on your face, baby." 


"What look?" 


"The proud look." He tilted his head, a teasing smile on his lips and she shrugged. "Well, there's no reason not to be." 


"Okay, go home and flirt there." Ji-hu commented, a fed up look on his face earning a chuckle from the couple and Soo-Ah let out a hum of ponder. "As far as we know Yoora, she wouldn't like too fancy of a proposal but don't make it too simple either, just let it be beautiful so she can feel it." 


"Right, she should go like," Gayoung interrupted, "Damn, yeah, I'm being proposed to." 




"My kids aren't here though." 


"Right, it's Seojun's birthday tomorrow." Baekhyun uttered, as he recalled it was 24 of December today, Christmas eve as the Café was decorated with the trees of green and red around, including the streets outside and Gayoung nodded. "Yeah, we have to stop by the shop for the cake and other stuff to buy from the store." 


"Yeah, we're celebrating Christmas day at your home." Yixing spoke, smiling and Baekhyun frowned. "Why is it our home every time?" 


"Because you have a house." 


"So do you." 


"But you have a garden." 


Baekhyun rolled his eyes, earning some giggles around the table with Gayoung shaking her head, before fishing out her phone to check the time since they had to stop by the shop at the evening while looking for the cake they were going to order and Baekhyun had leaned closer to help her out while their conversation was all about their kids. 


And at the moment, their friends were staring at them intently, observing something which they haven't probably until Junmyeon asked. "Do you guys talk about other things besides your kids and work?" 


Both of them looked at him confusingly to exchange looks with each other and Baekhyun frowned. "Yeah, we do, and this is important right now so yeah." 


"Well, kids are important but so are you two." Soo-Ah intruded, and Gayoung stared at her blankly. "Oh, I know but really, it's not what you guys are thinking right now." 




Yet they couldn't think otherwise the moment they watched the pair getting immersed in their talks about their kids, as if the only topic they had was this, not that it was bad but it wasn't good either as they exchanged some looks with each other and their minds were coming up with something, and that something was probably for their good. 







6:08 pm



The hustle bustle of people walking back and forth through the pathways, chatters continued around the area of the newly Christmas eve festival tomorrow being held in the town was the most hot topic of the day, the evening was slowly turning into the dawn but before it could have beamed its darkness around, the lights around the whole Seoul had illuminated with various colors along with the long tree in the middle of the area, people roaming around it, taking pictures, making memories, smiling happily at the special day. 


Then there was the married couple, Baekhyun and Gayoung, part of the going on event today with their hands interlocked together while the snow suddenly pouring again bringing the already cold weather more cold, but them being close to each other had the warmth around. 


Their warmth. 


Their adoring eyes toward the beautiful decorated area around to meet each other more lovingly which they never seem to get enough of. Their smiling lips breaking into soft laughter of theirs at their oddly and lame conversation. Their steps walking slowly toward their destination while enjoying every bit of the time together under the pouring snow had never felt so warmer or beautiful before. 


"Oh, I'm so excited!" 


Gayoung exclaimed, pulling herself closer to him while looking over at the shop with a bright light beaming through it, and some people walking back and forth through it with a rush before Baekhyun tilted his head to her. "For Christmas day?" 


"That too," She nodded, "But I'm more excited of how their proposal will turn out, and I can't wait to hear from Yoora about this!" 


Junmyeon had taken Yoora to his place for a homemade dinner, and planned to propose her there with a simple yet in a sweetest way which he came up with after the suggestions of the ladies, and his mind as well because the young man surely knew about the techniques of it. 


"I'm sure, it's going to work out well." 


He stated, stopping by the store as he opened the door for her to walk inside, with Gayoung stepping through with him behind as they began to shop for the things to decorate the trees in their home, because Gayoung likes it, and because Areum loves it too, with Baekhyun and Seojun had no option but to agree. 


They were coming from the Bakery Shop where they had ordered the cake for Seojun, Ironman one because he had the Spider-Man one already for two years. 


"Let's get this." Baekhyun took a red and white hat, apparently the santa-claus hat to wear it on his head as he posed, and Gayoung couldn't help but chuckle with a approving nod. "I think it suits you, so let's make you santa-claus instead of Dodo." 


"Well, this santa-claus would need his partner too, no?" He stepped closer toward her as he stood over her figure while wearing her the hat as well and tilted his head, smiling with an approving look. "Now, that's suitable." 




"Yeah." He nodded, brushing his fingers through her bangs softly resulting the hat from her head to slip over her forehead and unconsciously he let out a laugh, his head shaking the moment he fixed the hat back to earn a glare from her but caught her off guard when he lean in to steal a small kiss from her lips as her eyes widened. "You can't do this here!" 


"Should we find a hiding spot?" He raised his eyebrows, an excitement look taking over his face as he pretended to look around and earned a slap on his arm. "You're impossible, doctor!" 


He laughed. "I know, baby." 


"Oh," She sighed, turning to walk ahead to the other sections as she kept grabbing the necessary things while shaking her head. "I really feel I'm babysitting a baby right now." 


"So, baby me baby." His chest leaned against her back as he whispered, against her ear leaving her cheeks to warm before finding his arm stretching over the section above to grab the thing as he placed it in the cart, still standing behind her as she looked over her shoulder to him and his lips parted at the blushy mess of hers, fluttering his heart yet again as she squinted her eyes. "I have two babies already." 


"Well, we can another one too," He trailed off, his heart suddenly jolting up at his words. "If you want to." 


She stared at him surprised, then her eyes turned blank and her heart flutter the moment his words got her, a shy yet content expression taking over her face as she looked ahead, averting her gaze from his intent one. "Let's shop quickly." 


She walked ahead, leaving him baffled yet a smile graced his lips. "You didn't say no, baby."


"Shut up, Baekhyun!" 


Soon enough, the shopping was done, and both of them walked out of the store to greet the people still rushing around, the cold breeze, and the snow pouring which had slowed down at the moment where Baekhyun took the bags to keep them in the trunk of his car which was parked at the corner of the street, just a few minutes walk with Gayoung waiting for him by the shop as she wanted to explore around more before going home. 


"Oh, it's freaking freezing." 


Gayoung mumbled, shoving her hands into her pockets of her coat to warm them up, while her eyes roamed around at the lightened up area with a rush of people with a smile, seeing how they were also trying to hurry about to their homes, or planning a night with their loved ones, or some would rather spend it alone, or were to spend it alone which had her thinking about it that how lucky she had been, not before she'd be thinking positively about it but now she was, as before she had her maternal family to spend her special days with, and now there is another family, the favorite people of her life had become the whole world for her. 


At the moment, a warm material was wrapped around her neck from behind, and she flinched, turning around only to find her most favorite person, Baekhyun, and watching him with a smile of how focused he looked at making her warm as he fixed the muffler around her neck properly with his ever non stop nagging behind his mouth yet all she could see was the concern for his favorite person, Gayoung. 


"How could you forget your muffler in the car when it's literally freezing like this?" He frowned, fixing her coat with his eyes narrowed as he nagged further. "No, actually you do forget everything around yet you come nagging at me about me being careless when it's you who's not taking care of yourself-" 


His words were cut off, when Gayoung had wrapped her arms around his waist, her face immediately buried in his shoulder where a muffler was wrapped around perfectly, warmly enough to warm her cold reddish nose and Baekhyun was quick to hold her back, his arms holding her gently with a confused look still on his face. 






"Are you really cold?"


"Just a little bit." 


He heard her mumble, and a soft smile graced his lips as his head leaned against hers, and a soft smile curved on her lips at his gentle gesture. 


Leaning away her head, she was face to face with him, meeting his adoring yet soft gaze, and Baekhyun couldn't help but feel a warmth crawling through him the way her adoring eyes were staring at him so softly. "What?" 




"You're staring at me, baby." 


"Yeah, because I just had this sudden thought," She paused, her eyes looking around again to meet his confused eyes. "What thought?" 


A smile curved on her lips. "That I suddenly feel so lucky right now." 


He stared at her surprised for a moment, taken aback but then her words got him as his heart wavered with the fluttering sensation as he blinked, a couple of times to bite his lip and leaned in closer enough for his nose to sniff with Gayoung leaning her head back with a confused yet surprised look. "What are you doing?" 


"You're not tipsy," He trailed off, leaning back with a serious expression. "Did they mix something in the coffee?" 


"What the hell?" 


"What? You're suddenly saying sentimental things," He paused, raising his eyebrows and Gayoung rolled her eyes. "I was being appreciative about my life," She paused, giving him a done look as she leaned away from his arms. "But you old man don't deserve my appreciation at all." 


She turned around, and Baekhyun let out a chuckle, taking a hold of her forearm. "Okay, sorry, come here, baby." 


"No, only sweet potatoes deserve my attention right now." She looked at the stall of it, with a tempting look on her face and Baekhyun tilted his head, following her gaze before slipping his palm in hers in a gentle clasp to shove then in the pocket of his coat. "Let's have it." 


"You mean my attention?" 


"That's my right to get," He trailed off, pulling her closer by his side as a couple just walked past them with him walking along with her toward the stall as he shot her a playful wink. "We'll have your sweet potatoes for now." 


Gayoung made a face and Baekhyun imitated her to which she let out a chuckle with a smack on his arm and he giggled back. 


Not long before, they were walking towards the huge tree, decorated with the various wire lights, colorful, but beautiful enough to take their attention, enough for them to stop by it as they exchanged a smile staring at it with much softness in their eyes. 


"It's really beautiful." 


Baekhyun uttered, his eyes still on the tree until he met Gayoung's eyes, staring back at him softly before raising her brows. "Please don't go 'not more than me'." 


He let out a chuckle. "I wouldn't be that corny." 


"Oh, you have been that corny these days." She stated, giving him a look. "But were you really going to say it?" 


"What if I was?" 




He laughed, his hand clasped into hers inside his pocket had pulled her closer since the rush was increasing more, and it was getting harder to even stand but his wife had demanded to see the tree closely enough to take an inspiration of how to make decorate it at home, so he had no choice but to obey like a whipped husband. 


"Okay, we shou

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41 streak #1
Chapter 30: TT TT TT.... cause I'm happy... awww... loved the whole chapter.... different events but the same lovely warmth... emotional and heartwarming chapter... can't get enough of them... for a sec I thought they were about to welcome another new member..hehe.. uww... I'm in love with this lovely and cute couple... and the whole family.. they made me cry and smile at the same time while reading this chapter... last scene was too amazing... loved the ending.. I think I can read more bonus chapters about them.. ugh... I just don't want to say goodbye to the couple and family..it's heartbreaking... this story becomes one of my favorite one.... I'll highly recommend this story...well written everything... so catchy and lovely... thank you authornim for writing and sharing this amazing and heartwarming story ❤️ 🤗🥹🫶👍🤩😍♥️🥺🙌👏 take care of yourself and stay safe...authornim fighting and have a wonderful day or night ❤️
41 streak #2
Chapter 29: Uwww... so happy for the lovely couple and their family..also the rest of the couples... aww... feeling so emotional and happy... loved their little flirting moments....rainy night and the muddy part were so cute and lovely..sweetness overloaded... happiness delight... really enjoyed reading this whole chapter... they really made a special place in my heart ❤️
41 streak #3
Chapter 28: Awww... this chapter was so amazing, catchy, heartwarming and sweetest became too emotional and couldn't stop crying... actually it brought out all kinds of emotions though... so happy for them..and loved their family time.. also the last part of this story.. really enjoyed reading the whole chapter.. I'm also going to miss them.. they really became like a part of my daily life.... cause I took time to read it slowly though.. and I didn't want to say goodbye to them so soon.. they really became one of my favorite healing couple...
41 streak #4
Chapter 27: I'm a crying mess now.. it's a tears of happiness though.. actually and for real I cried two or three times while reading this chapter... authornim congratulations you successfully made me cry.. TT TT TT.. you really did an amazing work on this chapter..not only this chapter but every single chapters... so happy for them.. the new member, cherry 🍒 or ha Yoon.. awww.. loved how he was so amazingly supportive, caring,understanding, loving, and thoughtful husband these whole time... also loved their cute moments.. specially ice cream moment..hehe... all those moments actually were superb... aww... so emotional and heartwarming chapter... I'm in love with them and their family... 🥺🥺🥹🫶🫶🤗🤗😍😍 too much happy for them 💓 ❤️
41 streak #5
Chapter 26: It was such an emotional and heartwarming chapter full of two lovely couple's story of closeness and togetherness after all these.. it became one of my favorite chapter...hehe.. I really love all of the characters, their presence and chaos but this moment is indeed... this couple needed and maybe slightly wanted this only alone couple time.. the readers also needed this..hehe.. really enjoyed reading this whole chapter.. loved all the lovey-dovey couple moment, all the fluffy and blushing moments..hehe.. specially the confession and revelation parts where they expressed their previous past and present struggles, feelings, emotions and thoughts about each other... loved how they accepted each other so warmly and sweetly... finally They're happy together ❤️
41 streak #6
Chapter 25: Woah.. I really loved the fluffy and sweet moment.. specially the alone time and last part.. game part... so happy for yoora and junmyeon..also ji hoo and sera.. became so emotional too.. uww.. those little flirty and fluttering moments between the couple.. woah.. r they planning to welcome a new member..uwww..hehe... aww... last part was superb and so heartwarming... loved it so much authornim.. ❤️
41 streak #7
Chapter 24: Uwww... so lovey-dovey couple moment .. fluffy, sweet, lovely, cute, clumsy, heartwarming and cheesy moments..haha... blush blush and blushing...hahaha... couldn't stop smiling while reading the whole chapter... ❤️ aww.. so happy for the couple.. also loved how the kids protected each other's side and how the couple comforted each other... they're one of my favorite couple and family.. love fool.. I mean couple..baekyoung..hehe.. and I'm also in love with them 😍...really enjoyed reading this chapter..just loved it authornim...
41 streak #8
Chapter 23: Loved this chapter so much authornim... so happy for all the couples... also loved the new beautiful beginning of their relationship.. the togetherness and closeness... they're just made for each other...finally...
41 streak #9
Chapter 22: Aww..the second kiss.. hehe.. loved that little moment.. oh new appearance..omg.. granny... feeling so emotional and sad.. hope everything goes well for her and them..loved the way they strongly and warmly understood and comforted each other.. specially gayoung when she told him all those comforting words when he needed that the most...they also became one of my favorite comforting couple too...became so emotional... heartbreaking still wo heartwarming chapter...
41 streak #10
Chapter 21: Uwwww.... I'm in love with them... they're so lovely and cute together indeed... loved all the new relationship development, chemistry and bonding time... new phase of their lives... so happy for them..loved all the lovey-dovey couple moments... hehehe.. glad that everything is going so well and smooth between the.. they indeed needed this.. also that take off cloth part and elevator awkward part were so funny.. aww.. dream bucket lists came true.. really enjoyed reading this whole chapter.. fluffy ball...