Chapter 07

Dreams and Memories
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What Happened? What did you do?

Chp. 07


I rise up from bed, drowsily stare at the wall with a blank face. My mind still rolling on that dream with that new boy and the archery practice with him. Once again, I dreamed something weird and odd but fascinating at the same time. 

"Were you dreaming again?" I heard Jihae said to me from the bathroom door as she walks out. I hum, squinting blankly at her. She looks amused. "You were sleep talking again" 

"Again?" I blink confusedly. "I Really?" 

She nods and place her towel down. "You don't know?" I shake my head at that question. I never knew I sleep talk. She lightly snorts. "Don't worry, you're still pretty when you're sleeping" 

Her answer makes me facepalm, snorting at her before I get up from bed. She laughs. 

The day went on as usual. There’s no training class today so it was a relaxing day without straining any more muscles. After I played that archery simulation in the weaponry room a couple of days ago, news got spread around about me as the new archer. It was nervewrecking and a bit uncomfortable. People staring at me, both girls and boys and as much as it is flattering I received compliments on what I did, I don't quite like the attention. 

"Just ignore them" 

Jihae told me multiple times when she saw how shy and nervous I got whenever people look at us, specifically me. 

"You're popular" 

"But I don't want to be popular" I said to her when we were heading from the library to the cafeteria. She rubbed my back to calm me down. 

"Relax, Ahri-ah. Like what Suho oppa always said, you just have to stand tall and ignore them. Besides, it will die down eventually. Your news is still hot. Everybody heard of you" 

I pursed my lips

"All his friends heard about you, even Baekhyun oppa heard about you, you know" 

I gave her a look. She merely smiled. "Why would you mentioned him. I don't care about him" I mummur under my breath. She laughed and rubbed my shoulder. 

"Sure~" she wiggled her eyebrows and I tried to push her away but she came right back to me to poke my cheek teasingly. "Sure you don't care about him. Then why there is a drawing of him in your sketchbook?" 

My feet halted when she said that. My eyes widen in shocked. She smiled creepily before she suddenly took my bag off of me. "Yah!" I started to chase her. Jihae was rummaging through my bag and when I managed to get to her, she was already pulled out my sketchbook and at the same time Hayeon saw us at the corridor. She looked confusedly at us; me trying to get my book back from Jihae but she was holding onto the sketchbook while turning the pages. 

"What are you guys doing--"

"Yah Hayeon-ah take the book!" Jihae passed the sketchbook to her, laughing. I widened my eyes, "No, no! Hayeon give it bac--" I couldn't finish my words when Hayeon gasped after she took a look at the page Jihae had opened. She immediately gave me a scandalous look. 

"Why is there a drawing of Byun Baekhyun? Did you draw him?" She smiled, as creepy as Jihae. I tried to take my sketchbook back but she moved it back from my grasp. I pout while she was smiling. "I thought you hate him" 

"I do!" 

"Ahri hate Baekhyun? Ayee" Jihae gave me a look and hugged me from the back as she continued with her teasing. "That's not hate. She just stubbornly trying to push down her feelings" 

I scoffed, pushing her away. "What feelings? I don't feel anything about him" I moved again towards Hayeon. The girl was chuckling at what Jihae was saying while she looked through the other pages in the sketchbook. She looked at the meadow field, the boy's hand with the rose and the newest drawing I drew of an arrow hiting a target before I grabbed the book away from her. "I don't like him" I said and they both snorted at me, giving me a disbelief 'really?' look. 

"Your lie is the same as Hayeon said she doesn't have a crush on Chanyeol" Jihae said. Hayeon grew shocked her name got plucked into the topic. "But we all know she has a huge crush on him" The said girl looked red in the face and much to Jihae's amusement, she didn't deny it either. "See, she's not denying it"  

"I have no comment on that" 

Jihae nudged her playfully. I rolled my eyes at their shenanigans before placing back my sketchbook inside my bag. 

"By the way, your drawings are pretty good" Hayeon decided to say a while later when we three had sit down eating at a table in the cafeteria. Jihae nods at her words and points her chopsticks at me next to her. "She's really good" 

I wave my hand, "No, I'm not"

Jihae nods again, smiling to Hayeon sitting opposite us. "She's just being humble, don't listen to her. You saw her drawings, it's incredible right?" 

"Very" Hayeon nods, giving a thumbs up. "Your drawing of Baekhyun looks so real too" Her eyes wide when she said that. "How did you know how to draw him like that? It's so detail. You only met him like what, once? Right? And your drawing is already so detail like that?" She awes. 

I scratch my head 

"I think she met Baekhyun a lot of times" Jihae decides to reply but I shake my head. 

"No, I don't. I bumped into him one time and then he always ran away. He's avoiding me like I'm a plaque" I said, growing annoyed for no reason and looking angry at my food as I eat, grumbling to myself. They watches me eat. "I don't know what his problem is" 

"Maybe he's shy?" Jihae comments, "Baekhyun is not that good with women, as far as what Junmyeon oppa shared with me" 

I raise my eyebrows at that. 

"He's close with his mother but I think he never really dated before. Maybe he is just shy to face you" 

"Why would he's shy to face me? He looked at me like he hates me Jihae-ah. You don't know how he looked at me. He was glaring when he saw me"

"Maybe he has an eyesight problem, you know like Kyungsoo sunbaenim" 

Both me and Jihae give Hayeon a confused look at her statement. Jihae is more like a dumbfounded look. Seeing us, she makes a surrender hands. "Just saying...don't mind me guys. I don't know the senior. Chanyeol said he's being moody too sooo you're not the only one who's out of it. He's having mood swings too"  

I blink, "He's moody?" That's weird.

Hayeon nods before her attention move towards Jihae when the girl asked her a question. "Chanyeol told you that?" She asked and Hayeon innocently nods her head. "When did you met him? I thought you were too shy to even say hi to him on Monday" Jihae asked again, now sporting a teasing smirk on her lips. Hayeon freezes, did not expect that. 

"I-I...I met him again--Don't give me that look, you're the one who told me to!" 

"So, you two met only once then?"

Hayeon blinks her eyes, "Well I met him two...times?" 

Me and Jihae give her a look. I am more towards surprised while Jihae smirking victoriously. 

"I...We weren't doing anything! He came by to me while I was in the library. I was trying to get a book but it was so high up the shelf and--"

"Let me guess, the almightly tall Chanyeol picked it up for you" Jihae finished her sentence with an awe sound. "He must be leaning so close behind you right? Then your heart pounding fast because of him" She wiggles her eyes at the end. Hayeon's face grow red as she scratches her ear. She subtly shrugs, "...maybe?" 

Jihae squeals, "I ship you" she suddenly said, pointing an excited finger to Hayeon. The girl flabbergasted. "I ship you and Chanyeol oppa" 

"Jihae, no we don't--"

The girl shakes her finger at her. "I'm going to ship you two and same goes to Ahri and Baekhyun" 

When I heard my name, I turn to her with a frown. "I don't like him" I said with my heart pumping fast in my chest. As if she can hear it, she smirks. "You're lying. You just frustrated because he doesn't want to face you. When in reality you want to meet and talk to him" 

I only purse my lips

She smirks, "You also can go to him. You know, initiate first" 

I sigh, "I can't" I felt him but I can't see him. "He seems like he doesn't want to see me" 

"I think he wants to but maybe he has other things in his mind" 

I roll my eyes, "As if he's the only one who has other things to think about, I do too" 

"Like what?" Jihae asked but I didn't answer her. However, she guessed it herself. "Is this about your dreams you've been having?" 

I nod, "Yes" Been with Jihae as my roommate she really had observing me. She knew even before I told her about them. I see Hayeon looks at us in wonder.

"Are those dreams bad?" Jihae asked more and I shake my head when I thought about the amazement and cuteness I've been through in my dreams. "Then I think it's nothing to be worry about" she said before Hayeon nudges her hand on the table, asking what are we talking about. Jihae briefly explaining that I had dreams and telling the girl that I sometimes sleep talk at night. 

"Is it common here to have odd weird dreams?" I asked out to them. "Because I start getting them after I came here"

They blink their eyes before shrugging. "We all dream" Jihae said, "And most dreams are weird and not make any sense so I think it's nothing weird that you have them, right?" She looks confused too. 

"Maybe those dreams are just something fun your head is doing to you while you're sleeping" Hayeon told me then. "You know like some entertainment?" She scratches her head, chuckling at her own words. I smile because she's not wrong. All of my weird dreams are fascinating and make me have so many question about them. "I want to dream too!" Hayeon pouts. "I slept like the dead. Dreams don't even want to visit me, it " I chuckle while Jihae snorts at her. Having those dreams are odd but maybe there is nothing wrong with it...right?

"Do you remember all of them?" Hayeon asked me about my dreams when we are almost finish with our lunch. I shake my head. "Some parts though. Most parts are blurry. It’s like when I wake up, my dream starts to blur. I tend to forget it if I ignore it after I wake up” I told them. "And when I do remember some bits of them, I draw them out" 

Both of them gives out their reaction. Hayeon looks curious while Jihae looks surprised when she realizes, "Wait, are all those drawings you drew from your dreams then?" 

I nod before I give a shake of my head when I realize I had drawn his portrait in my sketchbook. So, not all of those drawings are not my dreams. "All of them from my dreams except uh...that drawing of him" 

Jihae gives me that look again. "Really?~ Or you also dreamed of him but too shy to admit?" She wiggles her eyebrows again at me before her eyes go wide and points a finger at the side with a gasp of "It's Baekhyun and Chanyeol!" 

Like meerkats, Me and Hayeon turn our heads to look but--

"Where are they?" Hayeon asked, dumbfounded as she looks around trying to find the seniors. I, finally realized her scheme, I turn back and hit her thigh hard. She's oww'ing while she's laughing. "Yah!" Hayeon frowns at her and adds herself to smack Jihae's shoulder. 

"You guys are so crushing on them" Jihae said, wiping her eyes after laughing so hard. "You guys should look at your faces. You two really like them, huh" 

I really don't want to react to what she said but I can't stop my heart rate moving fast and my face had turned red. And so does Hayeon but she has more control. She smacks Jihae's shoulder again (earned an "oww" and some more laughs from the girl) before she rolls her eyes. "Ok so what if I do? Will you stop teasing me if I said I do" 

"Is that a question?" Jihae has quiet down, taking deep breaths and taking a sip of her water. 

"Yeah" Hayeon gives her a look

But Jihae respond with a smirk, "Then no" Hayeon deadpans at her. "But I will give you a salute because you admit you have a crush on Park Chanyeol. Same goes to you Ahri" she winks at me. I push her face away from me while I snort. She takes my hand in hers, smiling at both of us. "I'm just happy you two are crushing on someone, can't I be happy for you guys?" She sighs dramatically, a hand on her chest. 

Her acting makes me smile then I remembered her feelings as well towards somebody. "Same as you having a crush on Junmyeon sunbaenim?" 

I thought I expected a blushing face but I received a smile and a nod instead. "Feels nice that my friends are also crushing on someone" 

I snort and slap her cheek again (lightly). She laughs, Hayeon rolls her eyes again at her shenanigans. "How many times do I have to tell you guys that I don't like him" I said, again telling them that. 

"Maybe you don't realize it yet that you have feelings for him" Jihae smirks, though tries to reason it with me. It sounds ridiculous she's trying to let me think and admit to such thing. I never even like a guy before nor fall in love. How do I even know what I am feeling right now? 






I think what Jihae said to me a couple of days ago might be true. Gulp, I think I do have a crush on him.

I feel like I am being a creep watching him play soccer and my body is doing things as I keep on watching him. His friends are there with him too at the field with some other male students who I don't know, playing with them.

Class had ended a while ago and Hayeon said she'd gone for a quick visit to her room before meeting me again for a group study with Haechan, Dokyeom and Jungwoo at the tables near the field. I had claim a table for us but I didn't know the field will have those seniors and I just...urgh, I don't want to but I just can't help it but to watch them play. Especialy watching him. 

He is in a white shirt and black shorts with his black hair covering his forehead. He looks simple yet why I get so work out seeing him. My heart is doing that fast beating thing again and as much as I want to say that I don't like him...but I think I do....

What do I do now?

I don't want to like him because he's just so insufferable. He made me angry and so frustrated countless times whenever he was avoiding me. He had once, no twice, turned around when he saw me and walked another way. I got angry but disappointed when he did that. It was embarrassing too because his friends are there as well, witnessing it. 


I tear my eyes away from the field to see Haechan, Jungwoo and Dokyeom are here. "Hey" I said back as they take their seats. 

"Where's Hayeon?" 

"She gone to her room for a whil--Oh there she is" I said when I saw her but get surprise when I see Chanyeol with her. What is Hayeon doing with Chanyeol? Unknowingly, a smile had pulled up my face. We watch Chanyeol waves his hand at us -- the boys look stunned at the senior waving at them -- before he gives Hayeon a friendly tap on the shoulder and heads off to the field. Probably joining in with the rest of his friends and I am right. From here, I watch Jongdae laughs and doing a bro handshake with Chanyeol, at the same time Hayeon comes taking the seat right next to me. 

"Hi, were you guys starting without me?"

Dokyeom shakes his head at her question, "We just got here" 

"Oh really? Good then and I've bought food for us to munch when we have to hit that long essay we got--" Hayeon suddenly stops talking when she sees my focus is elsewhere. Her head turns to look at what I am looking at with Haechan snorting in the background. "She's been eyeing them even before we came here" Haechan told Hayeon. The girl chuckles, looking back and forth on me and the field where the seniors are. 

I was not aware of their conversation to be honest. I can hear them but I just can't focus enough to turn to them. Weirdly I can't stop looking at him and he has now sensed me. Chanyeol had told him (I saw the tall guy telling something to him before he turns his head to our direction) and since then I can spot him glancing. But eventually my focus got broken when Jungwoo nudges me for us to start our homework. 

"Y-Yeah, s-sorry..." I scratch my head, embarrassed in front of them. Hayeon pats my thigh before we all grab our pens and start doing our work.






“What do you think is wrong with them?” Minseok asks Junmyeon as they are standing close to each other and witnessing the eye contact Baekhyun and Ahri had. Their team is taking a short rest from playing at the moment. Both of them are sweating after playing for an hour now. "Baekhyun's been weird this days" 

"He's been weird since Ahri came here to be honest, or is it just me?" Yixing then moves in, in the conversation. Sehun, saw them, also walks closer to know what is going on. Minseok shakes his head at his friend's question. "You're not wrong. He's been acting like that everytime he saw her. Look, he's frowning at her" Minseok said as he nods his head at how Baekhyun is there standing but glancing at Ahri who is sitting with her friends in the distance. Ahri also looks back at him before she tur

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[Dreams and Memories] Chapter 8 and Chapter 9 are out 🥰 Hope you'll enjoy~ don't forget to comment and upvote the story, tq 🌻🌻


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byunieee #1
Chapter 10: You give me a heart attack with our story update, aandd i reaad all of them, ahri and baek is finally getting closer i think they have a bond long ago, the caring baekhyun too hope to see you agaain ♥️ thanks for update
Babyrosie #2
Chapter 10: How cute!! I’m so happy they’re closer now! Can’t wait to know more about the dreams
Chapter 10: Thank you for updating this story! I am so looking forward for another chapter AAAAHHHH they are just too cute i can’t
Chapter 10: Haha why Ahri is so cute and dumb
740 streak #5
Chapter 9: I can feel that a tide has finally turned between Baekhyun and Ahri. It was also fitting that he is the only one to know about her second power. If not quite friends yet, they will certainly be more comfortable with each other. I am also thinking the boys are the ones Ahri is seeing in her dreams. Thank you for the double chapter.
byunieee #6
Chapter 9: Baek is really angry when he see ahri being bullied, but cause of that their realationship is warming, and they treat ech other wound and healing each other pain, and i really think that the boys in her dream is exo, i want to see baek-ahri moooreeee, thanks for double update ♥️
They both are so cute and the scene where Baekhyun saved her from bully's, he was so furious and Ahri was so cute when she told him that she likes listening to his voice and he smells nice 😂🤭
Finally they talked unlike previous times when they were avoiding each other. I just hope that they can get close now and not start again avoiding the other one. ✨🤞
Chapter 9: Thank you for double update and I hope baekhyun doesn't change his behaviors towards her from now on.
Chapter 9: Thanks for the double update 💖 so many things happened in these 2 chapters and they both are finally in talking terms now, well they're still shy and awkward but they're hella cute 😍...... Chanyeol and Hayeon are also getting close I'm happy for all of them. This chapter was really pleasant one and I kept smiling during their encounter 😍😊