Chapter 05

Dreams and Memories
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Little Dumb Luck

Chp. 05



“Oh, what is that you’re drawing?”

I turn my head and see Jihae’s head peeking over my shoulder, her posture leaning close to me. Her eyes wide in curiosity as she looks what in front of me.

“It’s a rose” she says before she straightened her back and getting closer to the desk I’m at. I nod my head with a light hum, looking back down at my sketch book on the current page which I had drawn a sketch of someone’s hands holding out a single rose with its long stem. The person’s wearing a yellow coloured outfit and the sketch only showed from his neck to his stomach. It is the boy who was in my dream.

And after that first sketch, I did a couple of days ago of that meadow, I’ve been thinking of adding colour to my sketches now. This sketch is almost finish with the colouring, only the red part of the rose which I haven’t coloured it yet.

Jihae hums in delight, eyes looking at the sketch and at me in surprised. She takes the sketchbook in her hands, looking it up closer. “This is pretty, Ahri. I didn’t know you draw”

I smile, shrugging. “It’s just some pastime thing I do. When mom’s busy with her bakery and doesn’t want me to disturb her, I’ll just draw. It’s nothing, really”

She scoffs, “Nothing? This you call as nothing? You need to get your eyes check cause this is so pretty! I love the rose! It looks like a real rose”

I smile again, “Thanks. I was about to colour the rose before you came”

She nods, eyes still on the sketch before she slowly places it down the table. “Alright, you can continue with what you do” she says, her expression bright. “I can’t believe my roommate is an artist!”

I nudge her arm, pushing her a bit. “No, I’m not”

“You’re just being humble” she snorts, pushing my arm away. “You have talent, Ahri. Just accept it” she adds before chuckling at my expression. I give her a disbelief look at her exclaim but then my focus redirected to her clothing.

“Oh, are you going somewhere?” I ask, seeing how she was dressed with a blouse and a skirt. Her makeup is done too.

She hums, nodding with a sad face as she looks at me. “Yeah, got something to do with my parents. I’m sorry I have to leave” she says and I shake my head at her words. “I know I shouldn’t leave you, this is your first weekend. I should bring you out exploring the mall or something but my parents already called me”

I shake my head again, “It’s ok, Jihae. You don’t need to worry about me”

She purses her lips

I give her a smile, nudging her arm. “Jihae it’s fine” I assure her, “Just go spend time with your parents”

She purses her lips again before sighing and nods her head, reluctantly wearing her bag before giving me an emotional hug. I chuckle as I hug her back, hearing her soft “Sorry” and then she walks out of our room, leaving me with the unfinished coloured sketch on my desk. I go over to my desk, deciding to finish with this sketch before going back to the sketch of the meadow I did few days back.

Colouring the meadow seems to be more challenging with its various green colours but it’s worth it in the end to look at its finished piece.

I smile, staring at the sketches I’ve drawn and coloured in my pastime. I’ve drawn a total of four pieces and all are from snippets I remembered from my weird dreams. First it was the meadow, then it was the field of purple tulip and flowers, next I drew the boy’s face with his unique white hair, wide toothy smile and chubby cheeks before lastly, is this rose he gave to me (well, actually he gave it to the little girl not me).

I don’t know why I would draw them out but it just came. Those dreams felt so real and vivid, so fascinating and great, that I can’t seem to not draw them out. And cause I’m afraid that one day I would forget them all. I keep my sketchbook inside my bag and glance at the history book in there. Looking at the book reminds me at the homework I had yet do.

Zipping up the bag, I decide to go to the library instead of doing it in my room. There are not many students walking around the academic buildings. Jihae did mention that students tend to go out or went home during the weekends so the academy is much deserted and quiet.

The past couple of days went by fast. There was math class which I hadn’t thought I would be taking it after travelling to this world. Seeing those numbers and equations make me want to close my eyes and run away from it. Language class was the most surprising because we are learning some weird dialect that was used back in the past. But it was quite easier to learn, my tongue finds the words easier to learn than numbers in math.

My body also slowly getting used with the amount of exertion we did in both combat and power class. Trainer Jung continued doing cardio classes with us and I can feel my body toned up from the couple classes we had already. Trainer Lee was lenient too, our classes divided by two and I got his class. He taught us from the beginning, teaching us how to see, grab and grow our ability for us to use.

It was odd yet fascinating learning our ability when we’re in a big group.

I was always alone whenever I practice my powers, wandering in the quiet and deserted part in the forest to avoid meeting any people. This time, it felt nice. Seeing people learning their powers, people with very different powers than me.

The stone walls also intrigued me every single time. No matter when I was walking alone or with Hayeon or with Jihae. It’s also fascinating to see the weird faint drawings on the walls too, it’s so faint that you might missed them without looking at the walls properly. People mentioning about the whole walls being old but as old as it is, it doesn’t take the beauty of it. I can’t take my hand off it, my eyes staring at my hand slowly caressing the walls. To other people, the walls might look old and useless but I think they’re pretty—


Thuff thuff thuff

I fall to the ground, after being head bumped by something. I hold my throbbing head which I had hit with something hard and I open my eyes to see what had happened. And I was right, I bumped into someone. With wide eyes, I sit up properly and help the person.

Great Ahri-ah…you’re clumsy again…

I scold myself in my head, embarrassed to knocked a guy who apparently was carrying books in his hands. My head must had hit one of the books and now the books are scattered on the floor. Panicking with embarrassment, I purse my lips and help by gather the books on the floor.

“I’m so sorry! I’m very sorry, sir!” I apologize, bowing my head while my hands picking up the books.

“It’s ok. It’s my fault anyways, I didn’t see where I was going. I should be the one to say sorry” he calmly replies to me, his voice soft and held no malice.

I can’t see his face yet, his head is turned the other way, busy collecting the rest of books. I look down, the guilt is still there in my gut. “It’s my fault too. I wasn’t focusing where I was walking. I’m sorry, sir” I apologize one more time, hands stacking the books that I had collected. I think there are around 25 books here, all different sizes and thickness – I wonder how he is able to carry all of these.

“It’s alright. I’m sorry too” he says, and tries to take the last book near me and at the same time I am going to take it too. Our hands grab each end of the book at the same time, surprising both of us and our heads raise up from the book simultaneously. And there, I finally see his face and oh my god, I gulped. It’s the man I saw with the principal at the office.

I blink my wide eyes

He blinks his eyes

Then, his lips twitches upwards into a smile

I blink again

I want to smile back but I’m too shocked that I bumped into the— “Ar-aren’t you Pr-principal Kang's assistant?” I blurt out. I mentally smack myself because that is just plain rude. It’s that guy! Principal Kang’s assistant and I just bumped into him! Oh God Ahri! You clumsy girl! Oh god, this is so embarrassing...I’m so in trouble.

He chuckles seeing my expression, deciding to take the last book instead. My hand awkwardly hovering above the floor before placing it on my knees, unconsciously my posture is rather polite kneeing on the floor. He tilts his head at me, “Oh? You remember me? And aren’t you the one of those new students that came earlier this week, right?”

I merely nod my head

He nods as well, acknowledging my answer. He places the last book on top of the pile he made before he looks back at me, silently staring at my face before he smiles again. “Well, I do remember you. Your face and your hair are quite memorable and I have quite a good memory too” he says and I gulped again. God he remembered me! I am so in trouble.

He laughs when he sees my frighten expression. “Hey, are you scared? I’m not going to punish you for bumping into me if that is what you’re worrying about” he smiles again, lightly snorting.

“You’re not?” My mouth decides to dumbly let it out. The man slowly standing up from the floor and hold out his hand in front of me. He nods at his hand, his smile is still there. I gulped again, not because of being scared but because this man is gorgeous. This is the second time I met him and he is still as good looking as I saw him the first time.

“C’mon, I’m not going to bite. It’s just a hand”

I purse my lips, looking at his hand and his face before hesitantly placing my hand on his. He grips mine and gently pulling me up from the floor. “Thank you, sir” I squeak shyly, eyes looking elsewhere rather than his face. He chuckles again and holds out his hand again, I stare at it confusedly.

“My name is Seungwoo, nice to meet you” he introduces himself

I shake his hand and bow my head at him, “I’m Lee Ahri, sir”

He frowns, tilting his head a bit and I blink in confusion, did I do something wrong? “Did I say something wrong?” I voice it out, my eyes blinking up at him. He huffs, his smile slowly coming back up and shaking his head.

“I would prefer you call me by my name the next time we see each other. Not sir, alright?”

“Ah…ok” I nod my head

“Besides, I’m not that old. I’m an oppa not an ahjussi” he suddenly gives me a wink and I become flustered, not knowing what to do about it. He chuckles then, giving me a light pat on my arm. “Relax Ahri, I’m just trying to joke around. Don’t be so stiff, smile more” he then smiles at me, showing me how to smile but I only pursed my lips and nod my head.

Then, he looks down at the pile of books before he crouched down and carry the pile, holding the book at the most bottom one and my eyes widen at him. That is a lot of books and he carried them all, looking so ease.

He turns his head and sees my expression. He chuckles, “My ability is strength so, it’s not heavy. This feels like a feather, don’t you worry”

He really has a contagious smile, and he is smiling so much that I can’t seem to stop myself from giving him back in return. I bow and apologize again. He shakes his head, “Well, I have to go. Sorry for taking your time. See you again sometime, Ahri” he smiles one last time before heading off, leaving me there standing awkwardly at the corner of the hallway.

I scratch my neck, not knowing how to properly function after knocking one of the higher head staff. I groan, feeling like an idiot as I resume walking to the library and praying that I won’t knock with any more people.

I didn't thankfully, but I did see Luhan again when I entered the library. He gives me a wave and a smile before leaving me to my own work to do. I do my homework at one of the empty tables. There's no one around the area either, but I can understand them for not going to the library on weekends.

Numbers, equations, and I suddenly get a headache from looking at them. I try to do my math but after an hour, I simply change to my other work instead. Giving up on it.

Now history, history, history

I read a couple of history books, finishing up my history work and I stumble quite a lot of pictures of the mythical creatures that is our ancestors (and flows in our bloods). It's always fascinating whenever I see pictures of them. From seeing purple-blue fish mermaid scales, a white furry wolf beast, an orangey red-yellow fluffy fox-like creature, the extraordinary looking human-horse centaurs and the intriguing creepy looking imps.

People on Earth would be shocked if they know that these creatures they called as mythical actually existed.

I almost finish with my work but the books are distracting, delaying me ever so frequently. I read these books like some storybook and apparently my fascination on the books caught someone too. My eyes blink, raising up from the book page to the man standing in front of me – wearing a rather casual clothing with a t-shirt and sweats with his hair let down covering his forehead.

“Jun-Junmyeon?” I mutter out, surprised to see him standing there. He smiles, giving me a little wave before he takes the seat opposite me and places a couple of books he’s been holding on the table.

“Fancy seeing you here. Jihae’s not with you?”

I shake my head, “She said she has something to do with her parents”

He nods his head with an ‘ah…’ like he remembered something.

At that moment, I also remembered back to Jihae mentioned about when she and Junmyeon are close as well as their parents and often worked together outside of the academy. Seeing the man in front of me also make me notice how casual he is after hearing how he often busy. I wonder if he’s here because of homework like me. ‘What are you doing here, sunbaenim? Are you going to do your homework too?”

He raises his eyebrows casually with a hum before he shakes his head, “Oh no..I’m just going to read a bit before getting lunch afterwards. I want to ask the rest to join but some of them are out and some are still in bed so,” he shrugs, “I’ll just meet them when lunch arrive. Want to join us?”

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[Dreams and Memories] Chapter 8 and Chapter 9 are out 🥰 Hope you'll enjoy~ don't forget to comment and upvote the story, tq 🌻🌻


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byunieee #1
Chapter 10: You give me a heart attack with our story update, aandd i reaad all of them, ahri and baek is finally getting closer i think they have a bond long ago, the caring baekhyun too hope to see you agaain ♥️ thanks for update
Babyrosie #2
Chapter 10: How cute!! I’m so happy they’re closer now! Can’t wait to know more about the dreams
Chapter 10: Thank you for updating this story! I am so looking forward for another chapter AAAAHHHH they are just too cute i can’t
Chapter 10: Haha why Ahri is so cute and dumb
750 streak #5
Chapter 9: I can feel that a tide has finally turned between Baekhyun and Ahri. It was also fitting that he is the only one to know about her second power. If not quite friends yet, they will certainly be more comfortable with each other. I am also thinking the boys are the ones Ahri is seeing in her dreams. Thank you for the double chapter.
byunieee #6
Chapter 9: Baek is really angry when he see ahri being bullied, but cause of that their realationship is warming, and they treat ech other wound and healing each other pain, and i really think that the boys in her dream is exo, i want to see baek-ahri moooreeee, thanks for double update ♥️
They both are so cute and the scene where Baekhyun saved her from bully's, he was so furious and Ahri was so cute when she told him that she likes listening to his voice and he smells nice 😂🤭
Finally they talked unlike previous times when they were avoiding each other. I just hope that they can get close now and not start again avoiding the other one. ✨🤞
Chapter 9: Thank you for double update and I hope baekhyun doesn't change his behaviors towards her from now on.
Chapter 9: Thanks for the double update 💖 so many things happened in these 2 chapters and they both are finally in talking terms now, well they're still shy and awkward but they're hella cute 😍...... Chanyeol and Hayeon are also getting close I'm happy for all of them. This chapter was really pleasant one and I kept smiling during their encounter 😍😊