Chapter 01

Dreams and Memories
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(Edited and changed a little bit from the 1st post : 13/2/23 - advisable to read it again if you had read the first time :))


New Place, New World

Chp. 01


The sound of engine fainly resonate, passing through the sounds of chattering of the rest of the students in the bus. I'm here sitting by myself and looking out the window, occasionally listening to the people talking; some with excitement, some with anxiousness and the rest of them probably being silent and quiet as I am.

The sun greets me as soon as I got to this place

Atheia, they say

A world beyond Earth

What a way for an introduction, right?

Apparently, it is where I am from, a not normal human who possessed ability that normal humans don’t have. Are we even call as humans?

Enchantia Academy, it said. The name of the academy that I am going to. The logo shone in gold in that cream coloured 128gsm paper and placed at the top center when I first opened the letter last week. It wasn't even in our mailbox like the rest of any letters that we got, but no, it had come in through the bottom crack of our front door.

I found it laying there. The white envelop still in pristine shape and as confused as I was, my hands still went to grab and opened it.

My first reaction was pure confusion and bafflement, cause I had never heard of such Academy or even apply it anywhere. But the letter stated about my acceptance with my name on it. I thought it was a scam, a prank but mom took it positively and said that the academy is probably real and legit.

I doubt it

But then days later, a man (who looked quite young and made me frown meeting him) came knocking at our front door to remind me about the enrolment day for the new students. Mom said this might be a good opportunity for me but I didn't want to. I didn't want to leave her, especially when she's alone but she was adamant, pushing me to go to this academy.

And so, I ended up being picked up by a random taxi this morning and it had drove me to the forest at the end of the town (which at first, I thought was a red flag and almost screamed out in panic) and stopped near a school bus with other people surrounded it.

The school bus brought us here to Atheia through a magical portal in the forest. It is both amazing and scary experience for me. The bus literally drove straight into a tree but luckily there was no collision, only to see the bus leisurely drove through an empty alley in a town.

"Enchantia..." I let out quietly to myself, bringing my eyes to glance around the street in wonderment. Some girls in the bus speaking loudly, talking about how we're in one of the big countries in Atheia called Enchantia.

My eyes grow big when I see a few people flying in the air or when a man light up a fire with only his hand. His whole forearm burning in red yet he is all smiles and laughs with the person next to him.

Just what is this place?

My heart is beating fast the more the bus drives around the town. I look down at my hands. There's nothing extraordinary with my hands, really, the sight of a person brought fire in thin air I don't have a comment on that.

I'd never seen someone with an 'ability' in my town

Everyone is normal

Except me

And when I've seen all these 'new students' who came from different other towns riding the same bus as me to this said world, no words came out from my mouth. I am shocked and overwhelmed.

I purse my lips, thinking what will be of me after this

What is this academy really?

Does all of the people here is not normal as I am?

Does all of these people have powers too?

"Dad was right" I mutter, eyes going back looking out the window, the bus driving us into a path with trees on our left and right. Before dad died, he had said multiple times that I am not alone, that there would be more people like me out there. Aunt Hyosung also mentioned that if I existed in this world, such people are there too and always reminded me that I'm not a freak but just different.

As hopeful as I was when I was young, I became doubtful about it the older I grew up.

But now, after getting that letter, after seeing this world, after seeing people that can fly and lit up fire, that small hope glows again.

"Get ready, kids! We're in the academy's ground now"

I heard the bus driver called us out around ten minutes later as he drives passed the high gates (with guards). The first building is in sight after a few minutes of driving through the trees, the building looking huge and magnificient.

My eyes go wide again

The bus enters the big, thick and gold arch gates. I see the sign 'Enchantia Academy' in capital letters plastered on the building the bus stopped at.

Some Woah and Wow fill the bus. Excited curses and wonder comes out from them as we get out of the bus.

"This is the main faculty building" The bus driver tells us as we're getting our bags from the side compartment. "You students just wait for their representative to come and get you or you can go in--Oh nevermind! There he is" he exclaims as he closes the compartment and head to the doors. "Well then, goodluck kids!" he shouts as us as he walks back inside the bus.

My eyes linger around the area, at the building, looking up at the stone walls in awe with such amount of energy it gives off. The whole area is pulsing and I can feel my own heart beating faster, responding to its huge presence and energy.

Is this really a school? I seem to doubt it cause this place is so big and just wow.

The sight of a man walking and stop in front of our group grabs my attention. My eyes squinting at him and then it clicks, this is the man that came to my house.

He has black pants on with a black and navy blue striped coat, a white vest and shirt underneath it and a black tie around his collar. I see the academy' logo badge sewed on his left side of his coat -- giving me the idea that his attire is the academy's uniform.

My first impression of him was not good and a red flag cause a strange stranger was suddenly at my house but now, when I look at him again, I can't stop myself from admitting that he is quite a good looking guy.

I notice a gold name plate tag pinned above the badge. Squinting my eyes a bit, I see 'Junmyeon Kim' written on it. Oh, so that's his name? I tell myself, noting to myself to remember his name. He's the only person that I kinda know in this whole new place.

He bows at us and we bow back. I can hear some squealing from the girls, gushing over this man's looks. Well, I don't blame their excitement. He is a handsome man and he looks young too. I am positively sure he may be older than me by a couple of years. The aura he emits is fantastic -- by fantastic I meant he is strong. If I'm being weird and honest, I can also smell the ocean on him. It's faint, blended in seamlessly with his whole presence.

“Hi, you must be the new students. I welcome you to Enchantia Academy” He announced, spreading his arms wide, showing the place we are at with a big smile. The lot of us sends him bright smiles and some looks around the place with excitement.

Some boys are cheering excitedly and some girls are squealing more. I keep quiet, just watching them being hype with a small smile on my face. The man looks at all of us, noting our reactions. His eyes fall on me and he smiles more gently. At the unexpected smile of his, I can hear my heart skip.

"Alright, I see you all are excited so let's not delay anymore, right?" He looks at the rest, "My name is Kim Junmyeon, or people here refer me as Suho" he continues, introducing himself. "I’m a student here, your senior. I'm in my last year here actually. This year is my 4rd year" he says, standing casually and giving a confident aura as he talks. "And I'm the president of the student's council. If there is anything that may in knowledge of the school and academics, you can come to me or any of the board members for questions” He states formally while looking around at us.

Several nods and smiles from us thrown at Kim Junmyeon

He claps his hands once, gaining our attention again. “Well then, you all will now be first register and get sorted to your schedule classes and dorm rooms. Now follow me” he turns around then, start walking back towards the double door entrance he came out previously. The students one by one following after him. I decide to hang around at the back, bringing along my bags with me.

“You all are actually the last batch of new students for this term. You missed two months of classes but no worries, your teachers will help you out” I hear Junmyeon said at the front.

My eyes wander around the building, looking like a kid with big eyes as soon as I walked inside. My head is bursting with overwhelming energies, lots and lots of different energy here. There is a lot of people, I tell myself. All sorts of presences scattering around the area. A headache slowly creeping in and I frown. Shaking my head, I take in a deep breath and decide to focus on my group before the headache worsen.

After a few minutes of walking and taking the stairs to level one, Junmyeon brings us to the office area. All of us stay together outside and us taking turns going inside the room. We are eleven people in total and I am the last one.

We have to register with the school's secretary. The secretary is a petite woman, probably around mid 30s and has her hair in a neat bun. My eyes widen subtly when I see a file floating towards her from the shelf behind her and her hand casually takes it in mid air.


How do I knew about it? Cause I read about it, learn about it since I borrowed a fiction book a couple years back in high school from the town’s library. Clearly it's not fiction anymore.

I want to ask her how the hell did my name got accepted here without even applying to the academy. Mom never questions anything and I'm not sure if she was the one who applied for me but I doubt it cause...I don't know, I just do. Even when she did not question anything, she looked equally surprised at the letter when it came. She was also confused when she heard this world's name, like hearing something foreign for the first time…so, I don't think it's her.

I want to ask the secretary but then she hands me the class schedule, the school's handbook, the uniform and training clothes along with a key, my dorm room key. She also mentioned that I'll be rooming with a roommate. She starts to tell me things about the school that I forgot about the question I want to ask.

Before she lets me go, my eyes wander around the room. That is when I spot the double doors at the opposite side.

The door has a gold plate with a word 'principal' on it in bold capital letters. Before I could dwell more on the door, (which clearly belongs to the principal) the door then open and comes out two men. Both are wearing dark suits and their energy pulsing around them.

Sitting quietly on the chair in front of the secretary’s desk, I look at them in curiosity The men are talking to themselves, walking towards the door. The first man looks around middle aged, might be in his late forty or early fifties. Has black hair and styled neatly.

My body shudders when I take a small whiff of the air, of his presence and it quickly swallowing me, almost making me suffocate. I can feel my heart beating faster. Then, I realize that he must be the principal.

I shouldn't be surprise. The principal should be strong and powerful. Right?

I should've known sooner but that didn't stop me from being shock and also, this is my first time meeting or even feeling such powerful people.

My eyes go to the next guy, looking much younger than the principal and by his features I assume he might be older than me by a few years or in mid-twenties. By the looks of it, he could be the principal’s son but I might be wrong.

The man looks quite mature and poised, with a fair complexion, defined jaw and sharp cheekbones and an unreadable expression plastered on his face. His eyes are sharp too. I let my nose smell him and I sensed he’s kinda like that Junmyeon guy -- that strong aura feel to it. Weaker than the principal but still strong.

Both of them are almost at the door when the second man catches my eyes. His eyes dark, intense as if there is a lot of secrets hiding behind them, though there is some twinkle in his dark orbs when he looks at me. His eyes somehow manage to change from blankness to wariness to confusion and to amusement all in a split second before he looks away and follows the principal out of the room.

I blink, not knowing what to think about seeing them. The secretary letting me out soon after and now I'm officially registered as a student in the academy. I let out a quiet sigh, looking at the stuff I received.

Here goes nothing…new life ahead, can’t go back now.

After registration, Junmyeon briefs us through the things that we should know about. About where the classrooms are (apparently each years has its own quarters), the cafeteria, the training areas, the lounge area, the library, the greenhouse (I might visit if I can find it) and lastly the dorms. He brings us away from the academic building, us walking on the stone path and the trees are at our sides. He then stops us at a T-junction, a lone big and thick tree stood at the center and he informs us that the girls' dormitories are at the left side while the boys are at the right. After a few more questions exchanged, (the girls had asked him if he’s single. He answered with a scratch of his head and an uncomfortable expression) he then leaves, letting us settle in ourselves.

After that short walk from the office building to the dorms, I can already tell that the place is huge and I haven't even seen all of it yet. And another thing that stands out to me is that the academy is surrounded by trees and nature. There is a huge forest around the area and a high brick wall separating the two sides.

The academy is very fascinating. The whole place is buzzing in its natural element. Even the buildings are mostly made out of natural stones. Probably only a quarter percentage of the buildings here are modern builds and styles and that also includes the dormitories.






After finding my room, I open the door and entered. The first thing I notice is that the room is big. There are two beds on each side of the wall with its own desk and wardrobe. One of the beds had been occupied; the bed sheet is the shade of blue and there are some personal things, books and a few picture frames on her desk.

I walk to the unoccupied part of the room and then look at the bags I've brought.

Time to unpack

The time is around four in the evening when I almost finish unpack my things and when I'm in the middle of putting the pillow sheets, the door opens and it startled me.

A girl walks inside the room in her training outfit. Her skin fair, lips tinted in pink and her hair is yellowish blonde, tied up in a ponytail. She pushes the door to a close and yawns as she goes towards her bed before her eyes widen in surprised when she sees me.

quickly closes before she opens them again, smiling brightly. "Hi! Are you my new roommate?!" Her big eyes excitedly scan me and my things. "You are, right?! I knew it!" she exclaims, squealing before I could answer her. "I knew I would get a roommate! You know it's been lonely when you have an empty bed in your room with no one to talk to. I heard from last week that new students are coming. I haven't thought it would be today but oh well, welcome!"

I give an awkward smile at her very cheerful introduction, bowing my head in greeting with the pillow on my lap. "Hi--" I clear my throat when my voice cracked a bit before I try again, "Hello, my name is Lee Ahri"

"I'm Jihae, Hong Jihae" she comes forward, eagerly holding out her hand for a shake. She smiles again before she looks at me and the bags, "Have you set up everything?"

"Hm, just a bit more"

"Oh alright, I'll leave you to it. I just going to take a shower and then we can talk more" she says, going back to her side of the room and grabs her towel before disappearing into the other door inside the room, which is the bathroom.

I look back at my remaining things from my bag and set it down on the desk, placing two picture frames on it; one is me with my mom while the other one is the both of us with my late dad. After I've finished unpacking, I finally lay down on the bed and breathe out. My head is still buzzing. I can sense so many people here, people with different energy.

And they're people like me.

I don't know how I will go around here. What do we even learn here? Do all the people here really have powers? Does Jihae have one and what is her power? What ability does that Junmyeon senior possesses? or the principal? or that other guy?

It's been only a few hours since I got here and I'm overwhelmed. I'm nervous, scared and also kinda excited? I sigh and close my eyes to let them rest but before I know it, sleep pulls me in.

I don't know how long I've slept but when I open my eyes, I see Jihae walking around her side of the room. She's in newly changed clothes and a towel on her head as she's drying her hair. She catches my eyes and smiles, more gently this time. "Oh, you're awake. Did I wake you up?"

I blink, shaking my head at her before slowly sitting up.

"Have you toured around the place yet?" Jihae asks, sitting down on her bed while her hands continue ruffling her hair with the towel.

I shake my head at her question, "We didn't get the whole tour but Junmyeon sunbae did told us and pointed out some places like the classrooms and the cafeteria" I tell her, absentmindedly grabbing my bunny plushie I brought from home and place it on my lap, my fingers playing with its ears.

Jihae nods, humming a bit. "Suho oppa must be busy or else he'd already give you guys the tour" she says before she waves her hands dismissing it, "It's ok, I'll give you a tour instead" she tells me before shaking her damp hair and drape the towel around the back of her chair.

I nod at her offer

"I'll show you around first and then we'll go grab dinner after that. We don't have to cover the whole academy if you're tired, though, you should at least know where your classrooms and training halls are. I'll be easier for you on your first day of class"

I nod again and telling her that I wasn't tired but she only waves her hand with a light smirk on her and say “Your face telling me otherwise” and “you can wash up first if you want before we go” before she plops her on her chair, taking her bag with her.

"What year are you, Jihae?" I open my mouth again after thinking that it is best to shower first like she suggested. I look around for my towel while glancing at her. She turns her head to me, "Me? I'm in my second year" she said, "How about you? You're a first, right?"

I nod

She nods, noting it. “But you don’t have to call me sunbae or unnie. We're not that far apart anyway so just Jihae, ok?"

"How old are you?"

"I'm twenty" she tells me and waiting for me,

"Nineteen" I say before heading towards the bathroom to take a shower.

After washing up, like we had planned, Jihae brings me to a tour around the school. Showing me my classes and other should-know-about places like the cafeteria to eat or the wide field to play and exercise. The longer I'm expose to the various energy around the place, the more my body is adapting. There is still that lingering headache whenever new surge of energy coming out but if I push it back and ignore it, it's bearable.

We're at the field and I can't help but to finally state, "There's so many colour heads here"

Jihae laughs, nodding. "Yeah, the students love to dye their hairs. It makes them standout"

"Did you dye your hair?" I ask her when we stopped to look around the field. My eyes staring at her blonde head. She shakes her head, "Nope, I was born like this. My mother has the same hair colour as me" she says, smiling with her fingers combing through her hair. She had let her hair loose from her ponytail, her hair falling down until her middle torso.

“Your mother must be beautiful too then” I say gently, still looking at her blonde smooth hair.

She chuckles, nodding again at my statement. “She is, she’s a beauty. Thanks for the compliment though, I’ll tell her about it” she tells me before she winks playfully. I can’t help but to let out a light chuckle. “You’re not too bad yourself” she says, nodding to my hair. “Your hair is red, is it natural?”

At her words, I look down at my own hair. Lazily holding onto a few strands of my long red rosewood hair. I nod at her question, “Yeah, it is” I answer with a little shrug. “Been like this since I was a kid, never dyed it before”

Jiae nods her head, hand going to touch my hair. “Well, what I can say is that your hair is beautiful. I’ve never seen anyone with natural red hair before, you’re the first” she points it out, smiling brightly. I smile again after seeing her smile. It’s only been past an hour but Jihae is just something – she’s friendly and bright and gentle at the time.   

After the whole topic about our hair colours, we then look back at the wide field and Jihae points to a few coloured heads in the fi

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[Dreams and Memories] Chapter 8 and Chapter 9 are out 🥰 Hope you'll enjoy~ don't forget to comment and upvote the story, tq 🌻🌻


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byunieee #1
Chapter 10: You give me a heart attack with our story update, aandd i reaad all of them, ahri and baek is finally getting closer i think they have a bond long ago, the caring baekhyun too hope to see you agaain ♥️ thanks for update
Babyrosie #2
Chapter 10: How cute!! I’m so happy they’re closer now! Can’t wait to know more about the dreams
Chapter 10: Thank you for updating this story! I am so looking forward for another chapter AAAAHHHH they are just too cute i can’t
Chapter 10: Haha why Ahri is so cute and dumb
740 streak #5
Chapter 9: I can feel that a tide has finally turned between Baekhyun and Ahri. It was also fitting that he is the only one to know about her second power. If not quite friends yet, they will certainly be more comfortable with each other. I am also thinking the boys are the ones Ahri is seeing in her dreams. Thank you for the double chapter.
byunieee #6
Chapter 9: Baek is really angry when he see ahri being bullied, but cause of that their realationship is warming, and they treat ech other wound and healing each other pain, and i really think that the boys in her dream is exo, i want to see baek-ahri moooreeee, thanks for double update ♥️
They both are so cute and the scene where Baekhyun saved her from bully's, he was so furious and Ahri was so cute when she told him that she likes listening to his voice and he smells nice 😂🤭
Finally they talked unlike previous times when they were avoiding each other. I just hope that they can get close now and not start again avoiding the other one. ✨🤞
Chapter 9: Thank you for double update and I hope baekhyun doesn't change his behaviors towards her from now on.
Chapter 9: Thanks for the double update 💖 so many things happened in these 2 chapters and they both are finally in talking terms now, well they're still shy and awkward but they're hella cute 😍...... Chanyeol and Hayeon are also getting close I'm happy for all of them. This chapter was really pleasant one and I kept smiling during their encounter 😍😊