Mun the Mother - 1

Among Us
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Munhee woke up to soft ticklish touches on her tummy. She would've described the touches as a puppy's, had they owned one. So, her next best answer would be none other than her husband. 

She unclosed her sleepy eyes, a smile stretching her exhausted lips as she witnessed the adorable moment of Baekhyun being in his own world - he hadn't noticed that she'd woken up - softly murmuring some sweet nothings into her bared tummy while prepping softest pecks on her flat skin in between. Her heart melted at that.

Ever since they'd gotten to know about the tiny life growing inside her last week, their lives were filled with endless happiness and anticipation. And soft morning moments like these were becoming softer and sweeter each day. 

At one point, Baekhyun affectionately rubbed his face on her tummy, his messy hair tickling her way too much for her to suppress a giggle. The culprit behind it looked up at her with a bright smile. Gosh, who needed the sun if they had such a bright smile to start their day with? 

"Done talking with the little one?" She reached her fingers to brush through his locks, not to untangle the messes, she usually did it to mostly feel the softness of his tresses. 

Baekhyun beamed, pushing himself upwards so that he'd be facing her instead of her tummy. "Yes! Good morning, Love." He presented her a sweet morning peck. 

"Morning, Love's Love." She playfully replied, pulling him in for another peck. "So, what did you two talk about?" Out of curiosity, she asked her husband.

"Hmm~" He pretended to think while humming playfully. "Well, it's our secret. We won't tell you!" 

"Woah, what? You two are not teaming up against me!" Crossing her arms over her chest, sporting the biggest pout she could muster, she protested.

"Yes, we are!" He stuck his tongue out, looking down at her abdomen, he pretended to ask their unborn baby, "Right, little one? Mummy always teams up with your sisters! So, you'll be on Daddy's team, no?"

"We'll see, Byun Baekhyun!" Munhee declared, accepting the undeclared challenge. Though both of them laughed out at their own silliness, they knew such things didn't matter, but that didn't stop them from being silly. Though she winced a little at the end of their laughter. Oh God, she hated it. She didn't even drink that much water at the previous night, so why was she getting this strong urge to pee in this early morning? -Not to mention that she had already gone to the washroom more than twice during the whole night - She was having a nice time with her husband, was it really necessary to ruin their moment like this? 

"How are you feeling?" Caressing her cheek, the male asked her. His concerned gaze tracing over her features. Byun Baekhyun had always been concerned over his family, but ever since the news of her pregnancy, it was like he was on twenty four hours duty to remain cautious, he would be alerted even on the slightest change on her features.

Munhee scrunched her nose, already getting tired of hearing the question. "I'm okay, Baek. Will need to use the washroom." She sighed and ensured him.

"No morning sickness, again?" The male queried while helping her sit up.

"Nope. Am I weird for not having morning sickness? Why do you keep expecting that I'd have morning sickness?" The girl asked her husband, albeit showing her growing annoyance. It was true though, she didn't have typical morning sickness like most of the pregnant women would face. But that didn't mean she was having it easier. Instead of morning sickness, she'd have such moments at the most random times - like evening, or sometimes even in the middle of night. 

Baekhyun's eyes widened noticing that she wasn't receiving his general questions positively. "No, Baby, no! You're not weird for it. I guess since you're unique, the only one piece in this world, that's why you're having it uniquely." He insisted hastily, trying to give her a charming smile.

It did work, she rolled her eyes, but with a smile blooming in her lips. Her palm naturally went to touch her tummy. It was still quite amusing to think that there was really a little life inside there. But it was real. They had made it real.

"What are you thinking?" Baekhyun's palm went over hers, holding her hand like that, his hold was as warm and secure as ever. 

"It's fascinating, no? The whole process of carrying a baby and giving birth to it?" She shared her inner thoughts, still in awe, still in the phase of not being able to actually believe that their wait was over and their prayers were going to get the sweetest answer. 

"Yeah. It's challenging but magical. It'd make us stronger as a couple and as a parent, if we stick together throughout it." Her husband nodded, expressing his own thoughts.

Munhee wanted to agree with him, she wanted to put more of her thoughts into this topic, but nature's call was stronger all of a sudden. "Move, I have to pee."

"Need help?" He casually asked, but didn't dare follow behind her as she stepped off their bed even if he wanted to.

"You wouldn't dare." She rolled her eyes and warned him softly. Her husband had already faced her unprecedented wrath a few times in the past few days for attempting such help, as she didn't like being treated as if she was a fine china just because she was pregnant.

"Yes, ma'am!" Baekhyun gave her a salute as a form of defeat and fell back on the soft mattress of their bed, his gaze never leaving her figure until she disappeared behind the washroom door.

 Leaving her husband lazing on their bed, she went to the washroom to get ready for starting her day.

 Morning sickness or not, the amount of time she'd been peeing, it was already quite exhausting for her. She knew it was just the beginning of an endless journey, the journey of pregnancy. She used to think she was ready for it, but with each passing days, she was facing new challenges already - she also knew she'd keep facing newer challenges in the upcoming days, she could only hope that she'd remain strong throughout it for the sake of having their baby out of her as a healthy child. 








"Mama, can I ask you a question?" Miseo asked from the backseat, looking as adorable as always in her school uniform. 

"Of course, my baby." Munhee nodded and looked behind to her curious babies. She sat shotgun while Baekhyun drove them to the little ones' school. 

"Grandma said it'll take a few months to know if we're getting a brother or a sister?" The little one queried. Apparently, ever since they'd gotten to know about her pregnancy and let their elders know about it, their mothers had taken it up to them to be at Byun mansion the next day and start taking care of Munhee. So, it was obvious that the pair of Grandmas and Grand-daughters had already started conversing about the unborn Byun. And it was also natural that it would led the babies to have many more questions.

"But I want a little brother!" It was Sarang's cute whine.

"Me too!" Miseo also chirped in excitement.

Baekhyun chuckled hearing his daughters, his free hand went to hold Munhee's hand, eyeing her in between, assuring her that he'd gotten the perfect answer. He knew it's always Munhee who would answer the kids' curious questions, but this time, he had the answer ready in advance, since he knew such question would be raised - judging by the amount of times the little ones had been specifically demanding for a baby brother. "Princesses, we can't choose whether we get a baby boy or a baby girl. God will provide us the one which is the cutest in his shop. Okay?"

"But how can we be sure that we will get the cutest one?" Miseo again asked, her small face scrunched in deep thoughts, perhaps trying to find out a viable answer.

"And little brothers are cute! Jino is cute! Junsu is also veryyy cute!" Sarang filled in. "Will our baby be more cute?" She asked with starry eyes.

"Is there any doubt, Babies? Look at your Daddy, he is the cutest!" Munhee joined in, pulling her husband's cheek while trying to prove her point. The man in the question only snorted proudly. "And look at you two! Just like you two are the cutest babies in this whole world, our little one will also be the cutest!"



The kids cheered at that, letting go of the demand of having a baby brother only. Baekhyun and Munhee smiled at their little ones. 

"Just like them, I'm also curious whether it's a baby boy or a baby girl." Munhee murmured to her husband, a hopeful smile playing on her lips.

"I don't care..." Baekhyun answered, at least attempted to answer before he had to focus on some careless driver driving away their car too fast, their car was just inches away from crashing with Baekhyun's one. "Yah! Are you crazy?" Baekhyun yelled out to the already far gone car after hitting the brake. "Girls, are you both good?" He immediately turned behind to check up on the kids as the brake was a not-so-smooth one. 

"Yes, Daddy!" The kids answered in union. 

Sighing in relief, the male then looked back at his wife to check up on her properly, only to have his heart pump faster than before in fear as he noticed the girl sniffling in silence. 

Without wasting any second, Baekhyun reached over to the silently sobbing girl. Cupping her wet cheek while trying to dry them with his fingers, he tried to find out any visible trace of slightest injury or anything that might've made her cry like that despite knowing that the brake wasn't even that harsh to cause any physical harm to either of them. "Baby? What happened? Did you get hurt somewhere?" Finding nothing informative, he softly asked his wife, his brows furrowed with concern. 

"N-No. Keep driving. Or the babies would be late for school." Munhee managed to pry his warm hold away and gestured him to restart driving.

"But, Bab-"

"Just go, Baekhyun." The girl interrupted him in a stern voice when the male was about to insist on asking her again. 

Sighing through his nose and giving her one last concerned look, Baekhyun started the car again.

 Throughout the rest of the way to the kids' school, Munhee had kept her face fixated towards the glass, it did nothing but increase the unease into her husband's system. Even when she had returned and settled in his car after she had carefully let her babies inside their school, she remained silent. 

Today, Munhee had insisted to go along with her husband since he'd be visiting Moonlight before going back to his office. She gave him a look when he didn't start the car even after she had buckled up her seat belt. 

Baekhyun sighed and undeed his seatbelt so that he could properly face his wife. "You're going to tell me what's bothering you, or else we ain't going anywhere!" He then declared albeit stubbornly. 

"Don't want to." Munhee mumbled equally stubbornly, though she could feel the hotness of tears again crowding around her eyes. 

Baekhyun looked like he would also cry along with her upon seeing her features contouring like that. "Love, please, if you don't share it with me, then how would I know?" Forgetting about his stubborn approach, he let himself melt as he pleaded to her as softly as he could. 

When the girl let out a sigh and inhaled a deep breath, he knew she was going to start speaking about it. "You s-said….you said y-you don't c-care about our…. our baby!" She managed to conjure up the answer amongst the difficulties of upcoming hiccups as now she was sobbing like a kid. 

Baekhyun's eyes almost bulged out of their sockets as her broken words registered into his head. "I…what? When did I ever say so, Baby?" The male asked, still struck with pure disbelief. 

"You did! Earlier!" Munhee yapped, the fat tears continued to spill from her eyes even after her husband had attempted to dry them off a few times in between their conversation.

"What? What the heck, Mun! What are you saying!" Baekhyun was this close to ripping his fluffy hair off as he couldn't decipher when and how he might've told her something like that. It was impossible, he could never say something like that about any of their babies.

"Earlier! When I told you that I'm curious about our baby's gender, y-you said you don't care!" Munhee sobbed harder as she pointed out. 

Baekhyun went into pause mode for the next few seconds, his wide eyes staring at the sniffling girl as if she'd grown two heads. Really? Byun Munhee? If she wasn't the most adorable looking accusator of such a stupid accusation against him, he didn't know what he would've done. "Gosh, Baby!" The man let out a laughter of disbelief, shaking his head, trying to keep himself cool and telling himself that it was all pregnancy hormones that were making her too sensitive. 

"Now you're laughing! I hate you, Byun Baekhyun!" Munhee was done being the crybaby and now she was in her Ninja girl mode as she started throwing cute punches to her husband's chest. 

"I love you too." The male rolled his eyes at her petty attacks that he'd gotten accustomed to long ago and replied lovingly. He let her throw some punches so that she'd be cooled down and then clasped his bigger hands around hers, completely ceasing her actions. "Listen to me now, Sweetheart. I love you and I love all of our babies too much. There's no way I wouldn't care about any of you. And if you're talking about earlier, I was about to say that I don't care whatever the gender would be, I would still love and cherish the baby with my everything. But due to that car distracting me, I couldn't complete my sentence. Do you understand now?" 

Munhee was now calmed down in every way, her husband's words doing the magic trick on her heart and mind, so she pouted and nodded, hoping the male wouldn't be upset with her for her outrageous reaction. She didn't know why she was unable to be more logical like she used to be, she was just too sensitive about everything and anything. She couldn't control it. "I love you too?" So she hoped her soft yet familiar confession would get her some good points. She couldn't help but feel she was way too

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Again a BIG FAT THANK YOU to whoever has promoted this story!!! ❤️❤️🥺


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Chapter 5: I am missing this story sob sob😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
41 streak #2
I'm badly missing our lovely parents munbaek couple.. so excited for next chapter ❤️ 🤗 fighting authornim and have a wonderful day or night ❤️
41 streak #3
Chapter 5: Aww.. I really missed healing couple... our precious munbaek couple.. so excited to read more..yea....
Chapter 1: Finally they are wifey hubby now! Just Insert your coin soon Mr. Byun...
Cant wait for the sequel!!!
Chapter 5: Welcome back! Lol... we ALL need a husband like that!
Chapter 5: Waah Baekhyun really have so much patience
Bluerhino #8
Chapter 5: You're back!!! AND THOSE HORMONES ㅠㅠ bless baek for being the best partner and father ㅜㅜ
Chapter 5: Yep pregnancy hormones are that crazy!! Hang on Mun, everything will get better soon!!!
Thank you for the update dear.. I'm so glad you're continuing this fic <333
Chapter 5: Ohmagod, finally the byun family's are here.I hope the threat is not a dangerous at work with mun being pregnant.