Little Byun?

Among Us
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3.5 months later........



It was a sunny Saturday morning, and the Byun family had just finished their large weekend special breakfast. Their home was lively as usual, with the constant adorable chattering from their even more adorable twins; and some light bickering of the kids' adorable parents. 

And right now, when the clock was hitting almost eleven in the morning, Munhee wanted her husband gone from her sight.

 To be honest, he wasn't doing anything to annoy her this much. Her man was just being too clingy as it was a weekend and the two of them had finally gotten some extra free time to spend together. They had been quite busy these past weeks since they had a lot of work and activities to handle. For starters, Baekhyun had to handle his business along with Moonlight; whereas Munhee got busy with the kids' exams, and time to time visit to Moonlight, and also sometimes taking her free time to go help Kyungsoo and Mina whenever the couple would be visiting any new orphanage or old age home.

Also, today being a supposedly holiday, the Byun family still had a tight schedule. Having Kyungsoo and Mina's wedding invitation in the upcoming week, Baekhyun and Munhee had decided to go out to venture for a suitable gift for the mentioned couple. And not to mention that Jisoo had given birth to another beautiful baby boy, and the Kim couple had invited their friends to have a small celebration for it tonight. However, the most important factor was, it was Baekhyun's birthday tomorrow. But Munhee still hadn't managed to plan anything solid for him. 

Thinking about everything that had to be done within today, it was already giving her a stressful headache at this early phase of the day. She just needed some alone hours to work her brain regarding how she wanted Baekhyun to celebrate his birthday this time. But her husband wasn't letting her do that, not anytime soon.

She had managed to tame her hyper babies who were too excited to see another cute brother of Jino - the little ones hadn't been able to see the new member of Kim family as they had been in school when their parents had gone to visit the newborn and his mother in the hospital last week, and even this week they were busy with their exams - and coaxed them to watch some new animation show that might interest them, also telling them that they'd get to see the new baby just tonight. 

She was glad to manage her babies without much effort, but she forgot that she had a bigger and more hyper baby to handle apart from Miseo and Sarang. And who it could be if it was not their father - Baekhyun?

"Sweetheart, I'm feeling a bit off today." Baekhyun sighed and stated, looking too serious out of nowhere. Munhee stared at him suspiciously, since he was quite bubbly just a few seconds ago. There was no way he would be that lighthearted if he had something going on in his mind. Was he telling her something like that to get her full attention on him, as he had been failing to do so for the past ten minutes ever since they'd settled on one of the couches in their living room?

"What is it?" Munhee locked her phone back - where she had been googling about 'Surprise birthday present ideas for husband' - and slid the device down before giving the male her whole attention.

Baekhyun craned his neck backwards, Munhee was sure he did that to check and confirm that their babies were still in their playroom and were watching the show diligently, and that they wouldn't run up to them any sooner. Then he grabbed his wife to haul her up, in the next second, Munhee was settled on his lap being not-so-surprised. She had been having so many of such naughty-brave moments with her husband these past few months, that she was actually getting habituated to them. Though her heart still paced in the same way like before, having his handsome face zoomed into her vision while having his strong arms wrapped around her securely. This man was a goddamn pill of attraction that never dissipated. 

"I'm feeling a bit off today." Baekhyun repeated his previous statement, now confusing the girl in his arms, almost starting her to actually worry for him. One of his rough palms landed on her cheek, his long fingers took self-invitation in caressing her soft skin there, as well maintaining a solid eye-contact as he uttered the next part of his sentence, "Would you like to ?" And that was it, his cheeky grin was back after he had successfully fed her the adult pick-up line.

"You and your ert !" Munhee fisted her palm into a tight ball and punched his sturdy shoulder for catching her off-guard like that. "Let me go, I have a lot of work!" She then pushed her chuckling husband's chest, trying to pry herself off of his loving grip - though not trying too hard, because she was a greedy woman herself, greedy for this one man and his warm presence. 

"I have checked your schedule, you're free till the evening." He cleverly said, knowing that their invitation to Kim's home was actually a dinner invitation.  "And no, I'm not getting fooled by your 'I have to cook lunch for us',  Baby. We're ordering lunch from outside today, I haven't forgotten it." He continued to sassily kill all her attempts of excuses to get him away from her.  "Also, I've checked my schedule as well," He paused, taking a dramatic break in the middle, only to grin brightly at her, "...I think I can get you pregnant before I turn thirty five." 

This time Munhee was bound to get her face abashed. This man, he was so cunning with his innuendos. He would turn thirty five after tonight. "It doesn't happen overnight, Honey." She tried to play clever with him as well. 

"Well, I've been trying hard for these past few months." He murmured, eyes glinting as he stared at the love of his life, his hand slipped from her face to land on her flat tummy, caressing her there as lovingly as always, "I'm sure it's already there. It just needs a little push to reveal itself." His grin was blinding, twinkling with hopefulness. When he felt Munhee go rigid, he smiled even more, "Right, Sweetheart?"

Munhee gulped, feeling getting dry. "I….uhhh I d-don't know.."  She could utter only this much. She felt like a deer caught in the headlights. Had he actually seen the pregnancy kits she'd secretly gotten the day before yesterday? Or had he witnessed her throw up a few days ago - No, that wasn't possible, he wasn't even at home back then. Whatever it was, she didn't want Baekhyun to catch on this soon, not at least before his birthday. She knew she was taking a big risk of hopes by delaying her pregnancy test and wanting to do it by midnight so she could make his birthday special if the result would be positive this time. Even though she was working on a backup plan right now, because she knew the test result could be negative, she still wanted everything to go on the way she'd imagined it to. 

"Then we just have to find out." The male told her, his tone dreamy but nervous as well. "Let me order some test kits?" 

Her heart whizzed at the invitation. She did want to find out. God, she was as excited as her husband to find out whether their eager wait for the past months was finally going to end with the sweetest news or not.  "Baek, I'm just…. like nine days late? Last month, I was eleven days late but... still it didn't happen." She tried to reason out instead. But inside her, she knew that something felt different this time. Her mind couldn't trace the exact feeling of what felt so different this time, but the feeling was there, she could swear her body could feel it. And perhaps Baekhyun was also able to feel the difference this time, that's why he was asking her about it this confidently.

Baekhyun gave her a small smile, looking suddenly a bit down at the mention of the previous month's fiasco. The two of them had been quite nervously excited last time, and they did the typical at-home pregnancy kit tests when Munhee's period had been late for eleven days. But the result was negative. That had made Munhee so fearful of why wasn't it happening already, especially by the amount of love they'd been making ever since their honeymoon. Seeing the girl's sullen exterior back then, Baekhyun had talked her into visiting the doctor, having both of them checked up with the needed tests and all, and the doctor had told them there was nothing wrong with them, no issues. 'Just be patient and keep trying, God may answer your prayers at any moment!'  The older female had cheerily told them before sending them off.  "Baby, don't lose hope this soon. Everything's fine, even the doctor said so! So, let's not stop hoping, hmm?" Despite looking sad himself, he did not forget to soothe her with his words. Bringing her face down towards him to attach his warm lips on her forehead, trying to kiss her worrisome thoughts away.

Munhee felt bad for hiding her actual instincts regarding this time, but she just hoped it would be worth it later. "Alright. But... not today. We have a lot of things to do! Soo-Mina's wedding gift! Then we should also get something for Jun-Jisoo's baby boy! We will be busy today, Baek. Can we not… uhh do the test today?" She hoped this would do the work.

An adorable pout formed into her husband's lips, indicating that he did agree with her. "But at one condition!" He then held out his pointer finger like an excited kid.

Munhee's heart melted like soft marshmallows at the male, she had to dive in to those too-cute-and-too-juicy-looking lips of her man. "Ask for anything, Sweetheart. I'll give it to you." Happy that her ultimate plan remained unscathed, she gave him the golden opportunity of unlimited options. She knew her sly husband would gobble the offer and use it for something scandalous, but she'd give it to him for being the best husband ever. 

His ears turned a shade darker in pink as she used the endearment for him. But the bright glimmer in his eyes always told her that he liked whenever she would use such unexpected endearment for him. He patted her bum, indicating to her to get off. When she did, he got up as well and held her hand to excitedly drag her towards their bedroom upstairs. 

"What are you planning?" Munhee softly giggled as her husband gave her a mischievous smile while they entered their bedroom, not to mention locking it's door like he meant some serious scandalous business. 

Baekhyun comically stripped off his t-shirt, throwing the material on their bed, gaining an instant greedy eye-scan from his wife. He smirked confidently seeing her reaction, he liked it too much whenever Munhee wouldn't be holding herself back and be bold in her own innocent way. "First, I want a strip show." He told her in his sensual voice, eyeing her delish figure, "And then…" 

"And then, what?" Munhee took backward steps as her husband continued stepping forward, towards her. He had this very very alluring look on his face and the girl thought she'd just melt and roll on the floor like a puddle with his heating gaze staring at her this hungrily. He never failed to do things to her heart and body in one go.

"A y shower together?" He grinned, suddenly looking like an excited puppy. It baffled her how he managed to look this innocent while suggesting something like shower in such an adorable way. Living with Byun Baekhyun as her husband in every way for this past three months or so, she had come to realize one fact, that he loved steamy hot showers - or in short, he loved shower .

"Aren't they like…. two conditions?" Munhee softly gasped when her back hit the wall right next to the washroom door, and Baekhyun was towering over her in his half- glory. Trying to tame her thumping heart, she cleverly asked her question. 

Baekhyun shrugged nonchalantly, "I'm not done yet. Add another more, I want to eat you for lunch and dinner." He smugly negotiated.

Munhee's eyes went to her forehead, her cheeks burned rapidly. Coughing a loud fake cough, she tried to think straight,  "Well, dinner will be at Kim's place. And lunch will be from your favorite restaurant."  Even though she was ditching his advances, she did wrap her arms around her husband's neck, keeping him close and enjoying his familiar body warmth. She even planted a mocking peck on his cheek after she was done listing out why he couldn't be eating her for lunch and dinner. 

Baekhyun groaned, not happy about having his failed hopes of getting some thrilling actions done with his wife. She wasn't sure but she might've heard him mutter something along the line with  'ing ers!' under his breath with visible trace of annoyance in his handsome face. Munhee wouldn't lie that he looked too hot when he was bothered like that. Her eyes couldn't help but taking another long glance all over her husband's stature - he seemed too delectable all of a sudden, as if the table had swiftly turned, now it was her who wanted him for lunch.

"How about a pre-lunch? Or like… an appetizer?"  Her fingers shyly traced their way from his bare shoulders to his taut torso, lastly stopping on the buttons of his pants as she proposed her solution. "I think I could do with some of that."  She whispered into his ears, while her fingers played dangerously with the same button of his pants.

Baekhyun looked like he had gone into a state of delightful shock, as he gawked at her with rounded eyes, his Adam's apple bobbing as if he was too thirsty. He bit his parted lips when the girl, his love of life, kneeled in front of him with her red cheeks and glinting eyes. Okay, he wasn't exaggerating his reaction. For a matter of fact, this would be the very first time he'd receive something like this from Munhee. He was bound to go nuts with anticipation and thrills all over inside him. Though he did stop her fingers from finally undoing his seemingly suffocating pants. "B-Baby, are… are you really gonna do umm that?"

Munhee tore her eyes from his wide inviting pelvis to his red face, a bubble of irritation surged in her tummy at the interruption. "Yes, Baekhyun. I want to." Keeping herself as calm as she could, she answered the male, her small trimmed nails grazed the waistband of his pants, causing the male to shudder.

"S-So… are you like fully sure about t-this?" The fidgety male asked again, his voice sounded like he hadn't drank a drop of water for days.

Hearing him, the girl couldn't help but send him a small glare, he was being too stupid about it.  "Of course, I am sure, Baek. Why else would I be kneeling like this?" She gave him a slight snappish reply. In recent days, she had been quite snappy towards her husband, she had noticed it, but she couldn't do anything about it. Her mood swings were just all over the place. She was getting annoyed even with little things. And it seemed like all of her annoyance would just pour themselves onto her husband somehow. She did regret her changing attitude towards the poor male who wouldn't say anything to her for being such a brat of a wife, but she really couldn't control her behavior sometimes. 

"Baby, w-what if you're actually pregnant? I don't… I don't want my uhhh you know what to be showered all over our baby inside your tummy. I'd have nightmares about it for the rest of my life!" There he was, her dramatic husband, scrunching his nose as he described the scenario.

Now that he had given her some horrified imaginations, she also suddenly felt like she'd throw up. All hail to her husband for killing the mood.  "Oh God!"  She didn't waste any second in getting back on her feet, giving her husband a disgusted glare. "Put on your clothes and get out of here, Byun Baekhyun! I don't wanna see your face for the next one hour."  

Baekhyun gave her an innocent surprised look when his wife stomped towards their bed and threw his previously stripped off t-shirt at him. "What did I do? I was just…stating some probabilities?" He tried to convince the girl, not wanting to leave her for one whole hour - sixty minutes, three thousand and six hundred seconds, and some ing large of milliseconds he couldn't even calculate in his mind now.  "And…umm Baby, I'm.. uhhh kind of… right now? So can we please-"

"Use your hands, Byun Baekhyun." The girl merely huffed at his puppy eyes and rendered a solution to his current issue.  "I'm going to the babies. Don't come downstairs unless you are freshly showered after whatever you'd do here." If he wasn't going to get out - judging by his current state, he wouldn't be able to go out of this room until he'd do something to help himself - so, Munhee thought it would be better if she'd just leave instead of him. 







It was early evening when the Byun family decided to get ready and go out for their gift haunting, and they'll visit their friends after that.

"Mama, I also want that!" Sarang pointed at the star shaped hairclip Munhee had put on Miseo's hair to secure them, because Sarang's clip had a different design. 

Munhee stilled for a moment, she thought she could be sneaky by giving her daughters two different clips and they wouldn't notice it. She actually didn't intend to do so, but she had searched for almost ten minutes and didn't find the matching pair for the star-clip that she had initially put on Miseo's hairdo. She had always gotten everything in pairs for her babies, so there's no way the clip would be in only one piece here. But it looked like the other pair had gotten lost somehow. "Uhh baby, you don't like yours? It's also very pretty!" She tried to coax her younger baby.

"It's pretty, but I want the same as Miseo!" The little one whined. 

"Girls, are we ready?" At that time, Baekhyun had emerged in, looking for his three favorite girls. His eyes lit up seeing his wife and daughters looking absolutely adorable of a trio in their matching colored outfits. Well, all four of them were sort of matching, because whereas Munhee and the kids wore light yellow dresses, he had also adorned a light yellow t-shirt. 

"No! We have a problem!" Miseo quipped in. She was quite relaxed till now since she was definitely happy having the star shaped clip.

Baekhyun went near his elder daughter to bring her onto his lap as he sat on the edge of their bed. "What is it, my princess?" He asked after stealing a peck from his little one's soft cheek. 

"Princess Sarang wants this! But she doesn't have it!" Miseo pointed at her head and giggled mischievously.

Baekhyun stared at his daughters before glancing at a stressed Munhee. He asked her with his eyes about the actual issue. Munhee sighed, "I can't find the other one from this pair. I swear I had seen it last time as well!" She explained her awaiting husband.

"Alright." Baekhyun nodded, then took some moments to think of a solution. "So at present, you have found only one of this?" He pointed at Miseo's hair.  "But we have two of these, right?" He then pointed at his sulking younger daughter's hair. 

All three girls nodded in unison.

"Then that's great. Just give Miseo the other of the clip Sarang is wearing. That way they'd be matching!" Baekhyun gave his opinion, looking proud and happy. He knew his daughters liked adorning matching outfits and accessories, he also knew his wife also loved doing it for the little ones. And it would be a lie if he didn't say he loved seeing his adorable daughters match with each other as well. 

"No! I like this one!" Miseo immediately covered her head with her tiny palms and shrieked, obviously unwilling to give up her pretty hairclip.

"I also like this one!" Sarang pouted, her eyes stuck at the clip over Miseo's head. 

"Oh God! What do we do now!" Munhee huffed and plopped her on the bed, sitting beside Baekhyun. She brought her younger baby closer, trying to give the pouty little one her own pout. But that didn't work. She then glanced at her left, where her husband was,  "Baek! Do something!" She whined at the male, as she herself felt lost. 

"That's your department, Sweetheart! You always know what to say and what to do to persuade them!" Baekhyun held in hands up in surrender. It was true, it's always been Munhee who had all the creative ideas to tackle the kids' issues. 

"You're mean!" She whisper-hissed at her husband for giving up this soon. 

"You didn't let me have my lunch. Who's the meaner one now, huh?" Baekhyun nudged his thigh with her and countered back with a big fat pout. If the kids weren't there to be the very obvious audience, Munhee would've stolen a loud kiss from this man's delectable lips.

"But Daddy ate lunch with us!" Miseo looked up at her father and frowned while thinking hard. 

"Yes, Daddy even fed us during lunch!" Sarang filled in. Both of the kids looked confused at their father's words, because they were sure they all had lunch together.

Munhee facepalmed while heat creeped up till her neck, this man and his never ending use of double meaning scandalous words in front their innocent kids. "Baekhyun! You really had to do this!" She secretly glared at her husband for doing that.

"Yes, I did it. Meanie Mun!"  He stuck his tongue out and retorted like a spoilt kid. 

Munhee rolled her eyes at the male before her head lit up with an idea, it was the perfect idea to tame her babies as well as to take revenge from her husband for being a dork.  "Girls! Mama has a plan!" She called for her babies' attention, which she received immediately because they were always her attentive babies.

"What is it?" Both of the little ones asked at the same time.

"Daddy has reallyyy nice hair, no?" She cooed, reaching her fingers near the now confused male's head to caress his soft dark tresses. She even received an annoyed groan from her husband for ruining his previously perfectly tidy hair.

"Yeah!" The girls agreed without missing a beat.

"Okay, so how about we give Daddy the prettiest hairclip?" She pointed at the star shaped one. "And then you two can wear the less pretty one? Because we want Daddy to look the prettiest?" She suggested coyly, barely handling her laughter when her husband gave her a betrayed glare. 

"Byun Munh-"


"Let's make Daddy the prettiest!" 

Within the next second, both Miseo and Sarang were in front of Baekhyun. Sarang helped Miseo to take off her clip and the girls giddily wore it on their Daddy's nice hair. 

Munhee wouldn't lie, her husband did look really pretty and cute with that hairclip atop his head. Though his sulking face was what causing her to snicker under her breath.  "That's my babies! Come, now Mama would help you both with your hair!" She brought the little ones near her, giving them two proud kisses on their heads. Within the next minute, her babies were wearing the same pair of hairclips without anymore complaining. "Okay, now time for a famfie!" 

It had become their little tradition to click selfies whenever they all would be going out together. Their family selfies. And somehow Munhee and the kids came up with a shortcut name for the  'family selfie'  phrase, famfie. 

Baekhyun secretly attempted to remove the clip from his head before they could click the pictures, but his daughters were fast to catch him in the act. "No! Daddy, don't do it!" Miseo screeched, causing Baekhyun to wince and stop with a sulking pout.

"Daddy, you look pretty! Don't ruin!" Sarang scolded her father cutely, then both of the girls captured the male's both hands so that he won't be able to attempt anything again. 

"Are we ready?" Munhee grinned, holding the camera in position so that the four of them would fit the screen. 

"Yesss!" Her babies cheered, while her husband grumbled something under his breath.

 Her babies were undoubtedly the cutest human beings on earth, but right now, the big sulky baby behind them somehow managed to look even cuter than them.

 After they were satisfied with the pictures, Munhee told the girls to carefully go downstairs, that she and Baekhyun would follow behind soon. When her babies were gone, she turned to her husband, "What?" She laughed seeing his glary eyes and red ears. "You look pretty, my love." She cooed, giving him the loud peck she'd been dying to give for the past few minutes. 

Half of his sulkiness melted instantly at the loud and sweet treat he'd just received, though he still maintained a forced sulky face, hoping to get more sweet treats from his wife.  

Munhee playfully rolled her eyes, seeing right through the cunning male's plan. "C'mon, you big baby! We'll be late!" She stood up and started pulling his arms to make him get up as well. 

"You could've given me another kiss. I don't go anywhere with stingy people!" The male shrugged his hands off her hold and crossed his arms over his chest.

Munhee shook her head at him and got rid of the hairclip from his hair, before keeping it i

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Again a BIG FAT THANK YOU to whoever has promoted this story!!! ❤️❤️🥺


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Chapter 5: I am missing this story sob sob😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
31 streak #2
I'm badly missing our lovely parents munbaek couple.. so excited for next chapter ❤️ 🤗 fighting authornim and have a wonderful day or night ❤️
31 streak #3
Chapter 5: Aww.. I really missed healing couple... our precious munbaek couple.. so excited to read more..yea....
Chapter 1: Finally they are wifey hubby now! Just Insert your coin soon Mr. Byun...
Cant wait for the sequel!!!
Chapter 5: Welcome back! Lol... we ALL need a husband like that!
Chapter 5: Waah Baekhyun really have so much patience
Bluerhino #8
Chapter 5: You're back!!! AND THOSE HORMONES ㅠㅠ bless baek for being the best partner and father ㅜㅜ
Chapter 5: Yep pregnancy hormones are that crazy!! Hang on Mun, everything will get better soon!!!
Thank you for the update dear.. I'm so glad you're continuing this fic <333
Chapter 5: Ohmagod, finally the byun family's are here.I hope the threat is not a dangerous at work with mun being pregnant.