Honey and Mun - 3

Among Us
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The couple ended up being cooped up in their suite, keeping the bed and each other warm throughout the whole day and night of yesterday. They only left the bed to eat, to use the washroom and when they wanted to experiment using other props other than the bed - like a couch or a dresser - for their salient honeymoon activities. 

Well, all those endless activities might be the reason why Munhee woke up with a sore body from head to toe. She groaned sleepily when her phone rang in a familiar ringtone, indicating that she was getting a video call. She could hear her husband letting out a similar tired groan just as her at the interruption in this early morning - or they hoped it was still morning to the least. They didn't want to waste their time sleeping like a log when they were on their honeymoon - nope, clear out your dirty minds, they didn't mean the bedroom activities only, they wanted to enjoy their honeymoon in every way possible. 

"It's Mom." Munhee muttered with her sore throat - hold up your dirty minds again, she did not do anything funny with , well maybe she'd do that in future anyway but that's not the point, she might've just used her voice too much in describing how good her husband had been making her feel all day long at the previous day. 

"Which one?" Baekhyun loosened his firm embrace around her to let the girl get in position to receive a video call. Because well, if that wasn't clear enough, they weren't in a decent form under the thick duvet. So, he let Munhee turn her back towards him and tuck herself in the duvet until only her head was peeking out from there and the rest of her bare and most probably marked body would be decently covered. 

"Your." Munhee mumbled and traced her eyes at the time on her screen. A little pout formed in her lips as she noticed it was way past the time to have the kids at home - apparently, Mrs. Byun volunteered in coming to Byun mansion to take care of the kids when Munhee had let the older woman know about her plan for their honeymoon, so it was natural for her to initially expect that it was her babies calling her with their Grandma's handphone. 


Much to both Munhee and Baekhyun's surprise, it was indeed their little ones, that even with sickening cute pouts adorning their adorable faces as both of them called her in a loud whine.

"What happened, babies?" Startled, Munhee wasted no time in asking them. She continued to trace their sulking features to gauge out any information, but her mind wasn't actually functioning enough - she was still living in an aftermath of some exhaustingly good time with her husband. 

"Where's Daddy?" Instead of answering her, they blinked unanimously while Miseo asked. 

"Daddy's uhh... here!" Baekhyun had been hiding all along as he didn't know where to place himself while he was so underneath and he had initially thought it was his mother's call, so it would've been really embarrassing for both of them to present themselves in such compromising state in front of his mother - even though he knew that his mother would be more enthralled than being judgemental. So, after hearing the loud voices of their little princesses instead, he had come out of his cave to greet them. 

"Baekhyun! What are you doing! Put on something!" Munhee whispered to her husband with a hidden hiss. They would've honestly looked scandalous enough if the both of them would be hiding under the covers, let alone how her husband actually let his bare upper portion show without any shame. The kids were harmless, they wouldn't find anything offensive about seeing their parents like this, but there's a high possibility of Baekhyun's mother joining in the screen with the kids. And that would be too embarrassing for her poor self. 

"It's the kids only!" He pointed out just as Munhee expected. 

"Still!" She insisted. Though when her husband didn't budge, but instead started cooing at the awaiting little girls, she rolled her eyes in annoyance and went back to talk with their babies. "So, what's with all these pouts, huh? What happened to my little munchkins?" She cooed at them, wanting to rip the screen and actually reach out to them so she could hug and kiss them all she wanted. Despite enjoying her adventurous honeymoon with her adventurous husband, she did miss her babies as much. 

"Miseo ate my chocolates!" Sarang complained cutely. 

Munhee controlled the urge to continue cooing at her too adorable babies and masked her features with a bit of seriousness, "Miseo, sweetheart, is it true? Why would you do that?" She asked her elder daughter.

"I did not do that!" Miseo also protested without missing a beat, the pout in her lips deepening, making it harder for Munhee to suppress the waves of motherly affection she had for them. "Sarang counted her chocolates wrong!" 

"Nooo! I counted them correctly!" Sarang whined at her sister and stared at the screen towards their parents eagerly for justice. 

Munhee felt her husband's bare chest rumble on her back as he chuckled without creating any noise. Oh goodness, when did he scoot this closer to her body again? Anyway, that shouldn't be her concern now, she had her sulking babies on her hands to handle. "Okay, Sarang, baby tell me how did you count your chocolates?" She urged her baby to elaborate so that she could contemplate which one of her babies was speaking the correct truth. The kids recently started learning addition and subtraction and Sarang seemed to struggle a bit more than Miseo in case of learning maths, so there actually was a good chance of Sarang getting it wrong. Yet, she didn't want to just land on any conclusion, so she decided to listen to her babies like she'd always do. And she didn't forget to give the snorting male a kick on his bare shin under the duvet, silently warning him through her actions to stop laughing at her babies.

"I had four chocolates," Sarang started, holding four fingers up from her one hand. "...and Grandma gave me five more." The little one then held up five more tiny fingers from her other hand. 

"So, how many chocolates did you have then?" Baekhyun asked from the back, his tone had been toned down from the laughter after getting the warning from his wife. 

Their younger daughter looked immersed as she vigorously and very seriously counted her fingers, "Ten!" Then she squealed her answer proudly. 

"See! She always forgets that there's nine after eight, not ten!" Miseo took the chance to attack her point like a clever lawyer.

Munhee couldn't be more proud of her babies. Miseo was not only smart in studies, she was smart in general. And even though Sarang seemed to struggle a bit for now, she could still proudly say that her baby was trying her best and that was what she cared about the most. She was sure one day Sarang would overcome the difficulty with her efforts. "Sarang, my sweet little baby, your sister is actually right. So, don't worry, she didn't eat your chocolates." Her heart throbbed when she witnessed a sad pout on the youngest one's face, "What if Mama and Daddy get you two a lot of candies when they'll be back?" So she tried to cheer them up.

"Lots of it?" Sarang quipped, a happy glimmer back in her small but shiny eyes that resembled too much of Baekhyun's. 

"Yes, my princess, lots of it." Baekhyun added with confidence. 

"And and and!" Miseo started, looking excited, finally happy that Sarang had overcome her sadness. The twin's moods reflected each other a lot, so when one's sad another would get sad, and when one would be happy the other one would be too. 

"And what?" Munhee chuckled and asked, curious to know what made Miseo this excited.

"Grandma said you will bring our little brother from there!" Miseo cheered, it was obvious her babies were bouncing with joy just at the thought of a little sibling. 

"Yes! Grandma said God has finally opened his shop! Now you can get a little brother for us!" Sarang filled in with equal enthusiasm. 

Munhee's face heated up with warmth as she was reminiscing the amount of love she and her husband had made since the last twenty four hours. She honestly wouldn't be surprised if she ended up getting pregnant at this rate - even though she was getting too nervous just by thinking about it really happening, but she also sort of wanted that to happen. 

"Hmm, your Grandma is right." Baekhyun hummed as his dainty fingers creeped their way to his wife's currently flat but flattered tummy, caressing her warm skin just there, "We might just get a little one soon." 

 He was this confident because she had given him the green flags yesterday -

Even during the heated moment, he didn't forget to ask and search for her consent regarding the important aspect, 'Baby, I forgot to ask you… Are you on any birth control? Because I'm about to-'

'N-No, I'm not.' came her equally breathless reply.

'Then do you want me to pull-'

'No!' Munhee was quick to respond, her crimson skin turned a shade darker with abashment, 'Don't. I-Inside..' She was too shy to speak in full sentences even though she had been chanting his name quite oppositely just a few seconds ago. 

'Are you…sure?' Baekhyun had paused all of his movements at this point, he was waiting for one final reply from his wife with a thumping heart. He knew he should've discussed this crucial topic with her when they were in a less scandalous situation, so he had to ask twice to make sure she would get a little more time to think through her answer again. 'You do know what this means, right?'

'Yes, Baek.' Munhee had exhaled a big portion of humid air, then locked her firm eyes with him while answering. 'Let's do it.'

Baekhyun was sure his face had brightened brighter than any ing bulb at that invitation, 'I ing love you so much!' He had rendered with his strained voice before getting busy in heeding her wish.


His hopeful voice felt so raw that it gave fresh goosebumps to the flushed girl, causing her toes to involuntarily curl. She was afraid but she knew Baekhyun would be there with her no matter how tough things turned out to be. 

"Oh my God! Finally! My ears have been yearning to hear these words!" Out of nowhere, Baekhyun's mother also joined in the advance celebration with the kids. 

The couple shrieked at the suddenness and Baekhyun hastily dug himself deeper into the duvet, while his kids were too innocent to notice anything, his mother was experienced enough to see the tiny but obvious love bites that might be painted around his neck and perhaps even his chest. "Mom!" The male whined, "We were saying it for the kids! Why would you hear our conversation!" It was undoubtedly too embarrassing for both him and Munhee, so he couldn't help but continue his whining. 

Munhee hoped that the pillow she was laying on would somehow grow limbs so that she could hide her face there. They were never hearing the end of it from the mothers, were they? "Uhh by the way, why didn't the kids go to school today?" Though she was proud of herself that she had managed to ask an important question and change the subject altogether. Phew, what a save!

"Oh, Sarang was sulking over her chocolates, Miseo and I tried our best to make her understand but she didn't seem to. Only you can make things easy for her." Relaxing down from the high-pitch excitement, her mother-in-law explained. "So that's how they missed their school today." 

"Babies, don't give Grandma a hard time, hmm? Listen to her like good babies, or Mama will be upset!" Munhee directed to her daughters after hearing her mother-in-law. 

"Okay!" The girls agreed adorably, they were still looking hyped from the happy confirmation they received from their parents. 

"Promise?" Munhee insisted, her lips twitching to tilt up in a smile, but she remained serious faced as a responsible mother.

"Promise!" The girls again agreed. 

"Okay, we will end the call now." Baekhyun's mother smiled seeing the interaction among the trio of mother daughters, then her smile turned a bit cunning, "We won't take your precious time anymore. You two seem like you were in the middle of some important exercises!" 

"Mom!" Baekhyun's whine got cut halfway as his mother had already ended the call while giggling. Having the call disconnected, the male wasted no more second in snuggling closer to his embarrassed wife. "Good morning, Love." He planted a long peck over her forehead while murmuring from there.

"Morning, Sweetheart." Munhee wished him back, a little mischievously. Her tummy butterflies fluttered wildly as she was feeling the warmth of his body on her, making her aware of their intimacy even though they weren't doing anything. 

Baekhyun chuckled at the use of endearment from the girl, he detached his lips from her forehead and leaned away to look at her face. Beautiful. He couldn't help but steal a peck from her even though they'd been kissing each other countless times since yesterday, he was apparently never going to have enough of her. His love filled gaze turned a bit serious as he decided to speak up, "I'm sorry, Sweetheart. I should've discussed that matter with you in peace, not in the middle of…." 

Baekhyun didn't exactly mention what he was talking about, but Munhee didn't need him to anyway. She already understood which matter it was. She cupped his face, so that he wouldn't be able to look away, "It's alright, Honey. As long as we both know we're ready, then we don't need any discussion. You know…. I've been wanting to have our baby from a long time ago." She added shyly, revealing a part of her. 

His face brightened in awe, "Really? From when?" He couldn't help but ask, he was too curious to know, his tummy butterflies wouldn't stop flapping their wings until he'd get to know the answer.

"Remember, the time during my first birthday after our marriage? I think that's the time phase where I was fully aware of my growing feelings for you. And when the topic of another baby was raised, I had realized that I did want it, with you." Munhee reminisced with a thumping heart, what a time it was, even a single accidental touch from her husband used to be messing with her whole sanity system, thus the thought of having a baby with him was just an unattainable dream back then. But now, they're here, ready to bring a new life into the world; a new life that the two of them would create, a living proof of their love. Her heart hammered just by thinking about all these. And the fact that she could feel the same thrumming beats going on inside her husband's chest while he stared back at her with starry eyes - God, it was more than anything she had ever asked for. 

Baekhyun exhaled, he would get emotional whenever he or she would be talking about their past and some unknown attributes from there. "Would you believe me if I say that despite all the inner battles I was going through at that phase of time, a huge part of me still fancied the idea of having a child with you?" He cleared his throat when he felt his voice would break and asked his wife, his hold around her tightening.

Munhee thought her heart couldn't beat any louder or any faster just a few seconds ago, but hearing him had proved her wrong like many other times. "R-Really?" It was her time to be awed in surprise, her cheeks warming without any warning. She thought, how would her past self react if she somehow knew her husband had similar wishes as her back at that time? The past Munhee would've probably gone senseless at the revelation - a dramatic but very Munhee reaction. 

Baekhyun sensed the storm of heavy emotions going through inside her, so he calmed her down with another peck, "Hmm." He hummed as a reply in between. "Really. I was constantly beating myself up to even think about something like that, but that couldn't stop the growing desires in me, the dreams kept weaving themselves for you."  

"You are the strongest human being I've ever seen." With eyes full of admiration, she confessed. She knew if Baekhyun wasn't this strong, then things would've never turned this good between them. From the very beginning of their marriage, he had been fighting his battles endlessly. Yes, he did mess up here and there, but he didn't let the destruction consume him wholly; instead, he fought back, dared to make his dreams as his reality. That's why, he was, Byun Baekhyun, the strongest man in her eyes. This time, it was her who brought his face closer to present him a heartfelt kiss. 

The kiss lasted long, they used this nonverbal way to convey each other's emotions. So, when the kiss ended, Baekhyun was finally lighthearted enough to leave a teasing remark, "Shall I show you my physical strength now?" He even brought her hips to attach with his, letting the girl feel his never-ceasing eagerness for her.

Munhee was a mixture of gasping and blushing at her husband's actions and words. She slapped his chest, her eyes finally remained widened in horror, "Are you serious? Again? Aren't you like….tired after last night?" She kept blabbering out her shocked questions.

Baekhyun chuckled seeing her reaction, he was hot and bothered but his wife was being too cute, "Nope." He shamelessly answered her query. "New morning, new dose of energy." He sang, leaning just close enough to rub his nose against hers. 

"You're a monster!" Munhee huffed, still in disbelief at her husband. Though she knew 'Monster in bed' was the more appropriate title for her husband; she didn't need to be the most experienced woman out there to acknowledge this fact. 

Baekhyun leaned back, chuckling at her warmed face, "Well, Byun Munhee, you signed up for this." He sassed, and as if he wasn't already hot enough, he just smirked at her before changing their position while hovering on top of her. "Now bear with it, Wifey." He murmured sensuously. 







"I hate you!" Munhee spat as she walked beside her husband - well, Baekhyun was the one who walked, but she, she was more like limping. The way some women were staring at her not-so-elegant walk and smiling at her knowingly, it was obvious to them that she had a great night - and eventually a great morning with her husband. It was hella embarrassing. And the way her stupid husband seemed too proud about all these, she wanted to smack his head with her bag. 

He hoisted her closer to provide her help in walking, he was holding her by the waist as they made their way out of the hotel, intending to visit the beach shortly,  "I love you too."  He chuckled and replied to his adorably angry wife.

"No y time for tonight." She hissed in return, now it was her turn to inwardly smirk, seeing how her husband's eyes turned wide. 

"Baby! You can't do this to me!" He whined, looking ready to even beg for her mercy. 

"I can and I will!" The girl pressed on, enjoying the look of utter distress on the male's handsome features. 

"Okay, why are you so mad at me in the first place?" Sighing, the male decided to ask her even though he knew her answer - sort of. 

Munhee glared at him, her sickeningly adorable pout was driving the male to the edge to downright kiss her right where they were - but he couldn't, knowing that she would get more abashed and angry at him. "You don't know why? Look there, and there," she subtly jerked her face to some people around them, "Look how all those women are checking you out after noticing my limped state!" 

"What's my fault here?" The male groaned.

"Are you seriously asking me this?" Munhee grumbled.

"I can't believe my wife is mad at me for being good in bed!" Her husband, spoke out loudly - loud enough to turn heads and even earn some giggles from the female population.

Munhee wanted to leave the male and rush back to hide her embarrassed self inside their suite forever. She was trying very hard to somehow cover her face with her hand, praying that no one would remember her. 

"Fine. You don't need to walk at all." Baekhyun grumbled, and out of nowhere he bent down to carry his wife in his arms. 

"Baekhyun! What are you doing! They're watching us!" Munhee shrieked, but her arms did rounded around her husband's broad shoulders. 

"Let them watch. We are on our honeymoon, Baby. They can't expect us to walk feet away from each other!" Speeding up his pace, he exclaimed. "Moreover, please give your attention to only me. Don't think about what others say, hmm?"

It took Munhee a few more shy seconds to get accustomed to it and realize that Baekhyun was absolutely right. She could see a little displeased pout at her husband's attractive pair of lips, she really should forget about everyone else when she had the love of her life with her like this. Smiling to herself, she surprised the male with a loud peck on his jutted lips. 

That had definitely earned a satisfied grin from him. "Can I please get one more of that?" He quipped, back to his cheerful state with just a simple peck.

"One more of what?" Munhee teased, her thumb tracing his jugular even more teasingly. 

"Kissy?" He gave her an exaggerated pout and displayed his adorable demand.

Could she say no to this? Never. "You're a greedy man." She teasingly reprimanded him, but landed a tight peck on his lips anyway.

"I am, only for you." His grin was etched ear to ear as he continued to walk them over the sands. 



They stayed on the beach for the next hour or so, enjoying the relaxation the calm shores had to offer. They didn't involve into any hectic activities since their tummies were still filled with the heavy breakfast they had before leaving the hotel, and also because Munhee was too tired to attempt anything. Merely snuggling together on a single beach chair, they heard each other's calm heartbeats while exchanging some words every now and then. 

"This is so peaceful!" Munhee sighed on Baekhyun's chest, it was so relaxing that she doubted she could fall asleep like this - sky above, sand beneath, gorgeous turquoise water ahead, and Baekhyun beside. 

"Hmm. So different from the chaotic city. I bet living here would be as peaceful." Baekhyun murmured, his voice as calm as the atmosphere built between them. 

"Right? I wonder what living here would feel like. You know, sleeping at night while listening to the sea waves and waking up to the sound of seagulls." Munhee wondered curiously, enjoying the imagination of it.

"And get to see the sea everytime you walk out of your home, or even when you go to the balcony." Baekhyun aided his wife with her imagination by contributing more. 

"The babies would get to play by the water everyday. We could go on a weekly swim together. Even have random meals by the sea. Woah, it sounds so beautiful!" Munhee giggled, knowing that the imaginations were too beautiful to be true. 

"You would like that, wouldn't you?" Baekhyun asked after she was done laughing at her lovely but silly thoughts.

"Huh?" She asked, confused when she caught his intense eyes.

"You never really liked the city, did you? You like - no, you love peaceful places. A city is far away from that." Baekhyun mentioned one of his long time observations of her. 

"I…yeah, you're right. I grew up in a small and peaceful town, so I am naturally not accustomed to city life." Munhee agreed, "But I like our home. It's peaceful there as well." She then added genuinely. 

"But it's in the city anyway." Baekhyun mumbled under his breath.

"We can't always get what we want, Baek. Besides, we have no choice but to be in the city. Your work is there, the

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Chapter 5: I am missing this story sob sob😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
31 streak #2
I'm badly missing our lovely parents munbaek couple.. so excited for next chapter ❤️ 🤗 fighting authornim and have a wonderful day or night ❤️
31 streak #3
Chapter 5: Aww.. I really missed healing couple... our precious munbaek couple.. so excited to read more..yea....
Chapter 1: Finally they are wifey hubby now! Just Insert your coin soon Mr. Byun...
Cant wait for the sequel!!!
Chapter 5: Welcome back! Lol... we ALL need a husband like that!
Chapter 5: Waah Baekhyun really have so much patience
Bluerhino #8
Chapter 5: You're back!!! AND THOSE HORMONES ㅠㅠ bless baek for being the best partner and father ㅜㅜ
Chapter 5: Yep pregnancy hormones are that crazy!! Hang on Mun, everything will get better soon!!!
Thank you for the update dear.. I'm so glad you're continuing this fic <333
Chapter 5: Ohmagod, finally the byun family's are here.I hope the threat is not a dangerous at work with mun being pregnant.