Part 14: It will be answered by the time

[JinJoo] One and Only

3rd person’s P.O.V

After Yuri had left the park area by the river, Minju was left alone to meditate inside a very large space. Although sitting quite far from the road, Minju can still hear the sound of traffic passing by very clearly. The water of the Han River is slow along with the flow, the passing wind makes her long brown hair slightly tangled, and shakes the tall green trees canopy creating some whisper. Somewhere in that trees, there are some birds singing loudly. Everything in the world around Minju appears very active and lively.

Minju chooses to let her relationship with Yujin happen naturally, as what she is feeling from life. The way people, all creatures live, everything that happens in nature is inevitable. Whatever happens, it must happen. And everything that happens has its own a reason and a purpose. We can only create our own future when we believe in ourselves enough and are determined to do it, but that must be what fate allows. Minju thinks, if she doesn’t know what her feelings for Yujin are, she should let things happen naturally and slowly, time will help her answer. It’s too early for her to decide, they’re still too young to talk about love, Minju isn’t sure if Yujin is ready. From now until Minju determines her feelings, she will not make hasty decisions, even a small action can lead to a big result.

Minju knows she has some special feelings for Yujin when Wonyoung makes her feel jealous. Yes, she thinks it might be a feeling of jealousy, Yuri said the same thing, and Yuri was the one who understood her very well. But Minju is a person who is very sensitive to everything, so her feelings are sometimes inaccurate. She is easily moved, easily attracted and her emotions react very quickly to everyone and everything around her. However, Minju is very stubborn, she often hides her feelings and rarely admits it, because she doesn’t trust it very much. Minju thinks if that feeling of possibly jealousy appears more and keeps making her uncomfortable, she will admit it. Minju also plans to test her moods and feelings when she’s with Yujin and when she’s alone or when she’s with other people. That might help her understand herself better.

Minju suddenly hears a growl coming from his stomach, the tea and cake she ate with Chaewon at the station in the morning must have been converted. She opens her phone to check the time and suddenly finds that several hours have passed since Yuri left. It is past noon, Minju did not expect that she herself had been immersed in such deep and long thoughts, perhaps because the scenery and surrounding atmosphere were very peaceful, they did not disturb or cause trouble and make any interruptions.

Despite being hungry, Minju doesn’t want to eat alone, she doesn’t have the heart to disturb the that couple’s date, Minju wonders if she should call and invite Yujin to eat with her. Maybe Yujin already ate, and now she’s sleeping. Thinking that, Minju only sends me a text message, not calls.

“Can you come see me at the park? I will wait for you there. Hurry up, I have a surprise for you!”

If Yujin is still awake, she will be ready, Minju knows that the Puppy wants to see her and will run to her as soon as she gets the chance. Whether Yujin has eaten or not, Minju can invite her to a restaurant or eatery and tell Yujin about her plans in Seoul while she puts something in her stomach. It’s also a gift that Yujin is sure to be happy to receive.

If Yujin doesn’t answer, Minju is also willing to take a walk around the old area where she used to live and enjoy lunch alone. Thinking that, Minju stands up and starts moving.

Ting ting... ting ting...

The message notification sound coming from the phone makes Minju involuntarily smile.

1 unread message from Yujinie <3


Yujin’s POV

Dreams are different from reality. While they can sometimes be a harbinger of something, it’s most likely just an accidental coincidence with what has happened and will happen. Often dreams happen because the body is too tired, or because we are obsessed, or think about something too much, we will dream it. I should not put too much expectation on what I just dreamed will come true to avoid disappointment. Anyway, it’s just a dream, what we have right now is precious. Meeting Minju unnie is more than enough for my expectations.

“I will come right away. Wait a minute!”

I know I shouldn’t get my hopes up, but I still try to reply to Minju unnie like in a dream.

Ting ting... ting ting...

She replied really fast, almost immediately.

“Be careful on the road there!”

Well, I’m starting to get curious about this dream. But I should put that aside, get dressed and get ready quickly to hit the road.

The distance from home to the park is short for me, not only because it’s not too far, but also partly because it’s so familiar. It’s been a long time since I went there every Sunday, even though I didn’t meet Minju unnie, my expectation was completely from my heart and I have never regretted it. And I was also right in thinking that there was a reason why Minju couldn’t keep her promise, it would be wrong if we blamed and blamed others when we didn’t know the situation. Luckily that day, Yena unnie accidentally helped me meet Minju unnie again, it also helped her avoid being dragged to the park often.

There’s that Minju unnie! She’s also sitting on the swing.

“Minju unnie!”, I call out.

“Yujinie!”, Minju unnie turns around, she waves and smiles at me. That beautiful smile again. The dream just now has been strangely coincidental with reality, which makes me quite confused. But maybe I should stick to reality, she didn’t seem so good in the morning, I hope nothing bad happened.

“Unnie, are you okay? In the morning, I saw that you was a bit... a bit unusual”, I ask curiously.

“Um, I’m fine. It’s okay, don’t worry”, Minju unnie replies, she isn’t surprised by the question and seems happy that I noticed.

“So what’s the surprise…” She suddenly put her index finger in front of my lips signaling to stop. I wonder what she’s preparing, a gift, or... ?

“Leave it for later. Have you eaten? I’m so hungry!”, Minju unnie makes a face and rubs her stomach with her hand. She really does look like a ty child. Cute.

“I haven’t eaten. Let’s go eat together!”

“Um!”, she smiles and nods.

“Let’s go!”, at this point, I should put that dream aside, right? Nothing like it. But now I don’t need the reality to be like that, it’s still a bit early for that to happen, we still have a lot of time, right? Just being able to see Minju unnie smiling happily like this is more than enough to make me feel happy.

We go to a small restaurant in the neighborhood, a lovely and cozy place. Apart from the two of us, there is only one uncle in the restaurant at this time, so the atmosphere is very comfortable. Minju unnie suggests cold noodles for a summer afternoon and we enjoy it together.

“Yujin-ah! There’s something I want to tell you”, Minju unnie suddenly stops chopsticks making me feel very nervous. Arrived! Finally, what I’ve been curiously waiting for is about to be revealed.

“Why do you look so tense? I don’t mean to do anything to you, but you swallowed your saliva”, she laughs and teases me. Waeyo? I’m just nervous, doesn’t my face look so weird? I don’t think she’s going to talk about something too serious. And even though I told myself not to expect too much, it still made me feel a bit disappointed, because in this situation Minju unnie would definitely not confess to me like in that dream. Of course not, compared to reality I dreamed too far.

“Is my face so funny?”, I pretend to be annoyed.

“Haha! I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to laugh at you. Because you look so cute”, what else does she mean? Is she flirting with me?

“But what do you want to say? What is it?”, I should try to keep my head sober, can’t seem to lose my temper, that would be embarrassing.

“Ah, there’s a surprise for you! From today, I will move to Seoul to live with you!”, Minju unnie announces, her expression seems very confident. Did she think this could make my heart swell with joy and jump like a child? If so, then she is right!

“Really? Will you stay here with me? That you’re not going back to Jindo anymore?”, I yell in surprise. I never thought this could happen. More than anything, it’s always been my wish to see Minju unnie often. If wishes come true, who wouldn’t be happy? Right now I can already imagine countless things that I want to do with her. Going to school and coming home together, having lunch together at the cafeteria or going on a date at night, going for a walk, going to the movies, going to the arcade to play games, ... hopefully they will happen in the future. No, I will definitely make them happen.

“Shhh! Lower your voice, the owner and that uncle are looking at you, you’re embarrassing me”, Minju unnie smiles shyly at the people in the restaurant and bows her head apologetically for disturbing them.

“But are you telling the truth? Will you live in Seoul with me?”, I ask in a lower tone.

“Um. Do you like that?”, she asks and I nod, “But to be more precise, I’ll stay at Yuri’s house, until I can rent a place for myself. I asked my parents for permission to live more independently. I will go to high school here, maybe university and later. And I also want to see you often... Ah, Yuri and Yena unnie too!”

“If my house had enough space, I would probably invite you to come live with me, but it’s too small now. But my family is moving to a bigger house, you can move in with me if you want”, I say what I think, it would be great if me and her could live under the same roof.

“Mwolago? Are you seducing me? Do you have any intentions?”, Minju unnie asks with a face that pretends to be scared and wary.

“No! I don’t mean anything. I just want you to have a good place to stay. My new house will be very comfortable, and it won’t let you down”, I should say that, right? I can’t say I want to live with her, it sounds like I have real bad intentions.

“Well well! Maybe then I’ll consider it”, she puts her hand under her chin, pretending to think.

If Minju unnie comes to my house, I’m confident I’ll be able to make her happy, that’s definitely a good offer. And since it’s good for her, she shouldn’t refuse it.

“OK! So please consider one more thing. There will also be me.”

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Chapter 22: New reader here 🤚
Waiting for update 😊
Chapter 22: thanks for the update!
1762 streak #3
Chapter 19: i like it! thank you for sharing! i hope to read more!
yeonniestan94 #4
Chapter 19: This is cute. Continue to write pls😊😊