One Asks For A Date, Another Wants A Second Chance

Just Let Me Love You

Okay, holy , I think I'm ing screwed. HOLY -

"EHH??? WAT????"

Chanyeol felt himself getting dizzy, his heartbeat beat was beyond normal, and he just suddenly paused for a minute to regain his chaotic thoughts. 

First, they were having an awesome time together, then Baekhyun asked for a wafer in the vending machine after he told him that he's gonna talk with a friend (Daehyun at that). Now they're here, him asking...

"Chan you out >:("

All right, now what the did he ask? Come again?

"Oh hey..."

"Chan, did you eat someting bad? Like a poisoned apple? NO NOT A POSION APPLE but yeah, did you overdoes or somethin'???"

"... You spelled poison, overdose, and something wrong", Chaanyeol snorted with a smug look on his face. Baekhyun got embarrassed, but he can't blame him when he was thinking too much. 

"Ayayayay, sorry, sorry, I was speed writing."

"Yeah... Yeah, you were, silly."

"You know what I call my mistakes? I call them "slang words"."



"Okay, what the f-"


Baekhyun immediately flipped to a bookmarked page he made in case his friends cursed in front of him, but he didn't expect the giant to slip and he was thankful to himself for keeping the bookmark handy. 

On the other hand, Chanyeol just stayed there blinking his confusion. 

"O-okay, sorry."

"Anyways, what now?"


"So... How are you?"

Jongin scooted close to Kyungsoo. The latter sighed and rolled his eyes at the annoying gesture and scooted even farther from the now discouraged boy. Jongin just wanted to ask how's his life going, come on. 

Now he's pouting like the big baby he is. 

"Damn, Soo still rejects him."

"I know right, that couple is such an on and off."

"Can you see it, Kook?"

"Oh hell yeah, the toxicity is everything", said Jungkook, as he munched on the burger he ordered.

"What? No, honestly, I understand why Soo did that, I mean", Taehyung paused and took a drink of his soda, "I would have been disappointed with hyung with this one too."


"Woah what do you two know that we don't?"

Jungkook and Taehyung froze (their foodies still in their hands) and looked through the corner of their eyes. To their right, I mean. There they saw a curious Jimin looking intently at them. Now that's scary. 

"Well", Jungkook stammered. 

"Umm, so you see-"

"Minnie, you didn't know?"


Jimin looked up to a just arrived yoongi with confusion written all over his face. Yoongi knew all this time? How? Yoongi, however, was also baffled that Jimin didn't know what was there between Jongin and Kyungsoo's relationship. 

"They didn't tell you, didn't they?"

"I guess so..."

"So basically", Yoongi started, taking a sit beside the (kind-of) degraded Jimin. 

(Jungkook and Taehyung had to move for the kitten to seat. Didn't want another cat fight happening. Worst, it's a famous restaurant and they don't want to be in the news.)

"Kyungsoo and Jongin were a thing for a year-"


Jimin hurriedly stood up, shocked at the information. Never in his life did he think of Jongin and Kyungsoo being together. Plus, he thinks of Jongin as a straight man, and Kyungsoo... is biual (apparently Jimin knows his uality but has no taste in men/women).

"SHUSH THEY'RE LITERALLY THERE, MIN", Yoongi stood up alongside his best friend. 

"Oh, sorry hehe", Jimin sheepishly apologizes, slowly sitting. Yoongi followed closely. 

"This is a gossip though, it was said Jongin had impregnated someone-"


Jimin stood up once more, shock remained evident on his face. Taehyun and Jungkook stood up and made Jimin sit down with them again. They can already see Jongin's suspecting eyes on them. Now, this is scarier. 

"BUT THAT WAS JUST A RUMOR. The real reason for their breakup was that Jongin started becoming a jerk. To Kyungsoo. But honestly, he never changed."

"Yeah, he was still a jerk."

"That's a lie, Jimin."


"Jongin was never a jerk."

Yoongi sat there, face full of sincerity, making Jimin puzzled even more. Kyungsoo seemed to really hate Jongin after everything. But what's this? Why is Yoongi the one telling him Jongin is not a jerk, to begin with? 

"How would you know? Did you become boyfriends with him too?" Jimin tried to lighten the mood.

"Hell no, not in my entire existence."

Yoongi declared. Jimin, Jungkook, and Taehyung sighed in utter relief, making Yoongi scowl at their relieved faces. Never would he think of dating Jongin. Kyungsoo would be even more in the dumps, but he's not planning anything. He doesn't even plan to date anyone either. 

"It's just that..."

"It's just?"

"It's just... It's questioning, he never did anything to make Kyungsoo sad or hurt him in any sense. Anyways, that's how far my knowledge about them goes. Do any of you two know anything?"

"Huh?" came the two's reply.


"Urgh, we're late!"

"Your fault."





"Ouh whatever! It was OUR fault!"

"I can agree to that", smiled Chanyeol.

"It's cause you initiated that we try doing what we like. Tsk."

"You said yes, remember?"


"You like that I know what you like."

"That's some accusation coming from you."

"Ah, my bad", Chanyeol apologized, embarrassed of how he accused Baekhyun's likes when he shouldn't know any of those. 

What the Yeol. that was hella embarrassing. Now Baek would think I'm someone who accuses everything. Ugh.

Baekhyun laughed. Taking a glance at the time, baekhyun huffed in annoyance. They shouldn't have tried to imitate what couples are doing earlier. Would have saved some time for their friends. 

"Come on, pretty sure Kyungsoo would kill you."

"For sure."


we are now going to know what kook and tae knew about jongin and soo's breakup >:))

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750 streak #1
Chapter 26: Finally got caught up, I’m really enjoying this story. It’s an interesting plot and characters. I can’t wait to see how Baek’s relationship with Channie develops, as well as Kyungsoo and Jongin.
Chapter 1: Poor Baekhyun, he has to go through so much pain, I hate his bullies, hurting someone who has done nothing wrong. I’m afraid the bullies have something terrible up their sleeve.
Chapter 25: 😮😮
Chapter 24: Wait.... what? Ah a cliffhanger. I'm excited to know Baek's answer
springmiya #5
Chapter 23: well can't say i didn't except him to stay that
springmiya #6
Chapter 8: so cute
springmiya #7
Chapter 6: cute
springmiya #8
i look forward to reading it
Chapter 18: Awww poor Baek
_chanchan #10
Chapter 16: Can’t wait for the next update!! :)