Crush No More

Just Let Me Love You

"Wow, they're back to eating together?"

"SO COOL! So, who said sorry first?"

Taehyung asked the three cuties (and he does think they are cuties) opposite them. Chanyeol and Baekhyun were eating quietly together again after the times when they avoided each other. And not wanting to disturb them, their friends took a table away from them. Not too close yet not too far.

"It was Chanyeol", Kyungsoo muttered. 

Taehyung and Jungkook looked at each other, faintly gasping. Jongin coughed, accidentally drinking too much water (now he has to suffer the after effect). Sehun gave little to no concern right now since he's reading a new book (but if he had put it down, perhaps he could have celebrated with the other two). 

"10 bucks."

"No, 15 bucks."

"The hell?"

Taehyung took out his phone and played a recording. Jungkook's mouth went agape, Taehyung is one smart- when it comes to bets. And in classes too. 

" you."

"We're both tops. I can never bottom for you."

"Shut your mouth Tae, we're literally in the cafe."

"You started it."

The two continued bickerings. It was normal to Jongin and Sehun, and hearing this is like the most casual thing as they ate their beloved chicken. But to the three opposite them? Not so much, especially when their appetites were slowly decreasing from those dirty jokes. 

They could have laughed with them like before, but hell, they're in front of their lunches.

And Kyungsoo was so close to putting back his lunch in his Minion printed lunch bag.

"Umm, could you two shut up?" Yoongi scolded them, a frown on his face. 

"S-sorry", the two bowed, frightened they had ticked off the cat who was eating. Both mentally cursed at their behavior. 

"Thank you, Yoongs", mumbled Kyungsoo to the latter who waved it off. 

Jimin, on the other hand, was very very thankful that Yoongi stopped the two from going further as his limits were reaching. Barfing his sandwich isn't very ideal now, is it?

Jongin and Sehun chuckled at the embarrassed duo, who were now silently playing UNO cards that they had brought with them. Kyungsoo was already scary, to begin with. But Yoongi? They were chill. Until he starts meowing at them harshly. 


Chanyeol strolled through the hallways, finding a certain vending machine with Baekhyun's favorite chocolate in it. The latter had asked him out to buy one as he was busy with his art project. Chanyeol didn't say anything but complied with his request. 

Upon arrival, he saw Baekhyun's other friend by the field. Was it Dahyun? That sounded wrong. Daehyun perhaps? He'll know later. Taking one more glance, he saw that the boy wasn't alone. 

Not wanting to eavesdrop, he went on his way. 


"What happened??"

"She said yes! Baek, I still can't believe I'm together with her."

Baekhyun blinked, smiling unsurely. Yes? Relationship? He admits it left him baffled. 

Not in a good way. 

But whatever, it was just a crush. He admires how cool Daehyun is, how he could befriend others smoothly, especially him. 

"Congrats Dae!"

"Thanks. Sorry if you were in the middle of the art class. I just really wanted to break this down to you first", Daehyun 


He was the first one to know Daaehyun is in a relationship. 

"I have every right to know", replied Baek with a smug smile. 

"Yes, you do. You're like my greatest friend", Daehyun warmly smiled at him. Baekhyun smiled back. He can't afford to lose their friendship because of his petty feelings. He'll have to cherish what they have at the moment. 

And their day went on with laughter and giggles.


"Where were you?"

"To Daehyun. Sorry I made you wait too long."

"Nah, it's good."

So Baek's the one beside Daehyun. 

"Here's your chocolate wafer."

"Thank u Channie."

Baekhyun began to pack his stuff, placing his art materials in his bag as his art class was finished. Chanyeol watched him on the side, seeing as the latter could do it on his own. 

Both then stood up and went to go by the door. On their way to the hallway, Baekhyun pulled 

"Ya know. Daehyun called me to say he's together with the girl he's courting."

Chanyeol hummed as he looked at his face. He didn't know why Baekhyun was telling him this when he's never asked the latter, but he thought he'll let him continue. Not gonna lie, he's quite intrigued by what they've talked about. 

"And then he said he wanted me to be the first to know."

"Can I tell you something?"

Chanyeol nodded. 

"Tbh, I had a crush on him. Until today."

Chanyeol glanced at the latter's face. It wasn't too surprising when he kind of expected it. 

Yet he didn't know Baekhyun was staring at him intently. 

"It was just a small crush. He was cool, sporty, and smart. Ya know, and also friendly. But when he said he's finally in a relationship, it didn't really affect me. I'm impressed to myself though."

"I'm also impressed you wrote such a long paragraph just writing on that thin notebook of yours."

Both snickered at that fact.

"Baek, can I ask you this time?"


"Would it be okay if I date you?"


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750 streak #1
Chapter 26: Finally got caught up, I’m really enjoying this story. It’s an interesting plot and characters. I can’t wait to see how Baek’s relationship with Channie develops, as well as Kyungsoo and Jongin.
Chapter 1: Poor Baekhyun, he has to go through so much pain, I hate his bullies, hurting someone who has done nothing wrong. I’m afraid the bullies have something terrible up their sleeve.
Chapter 25: 😮😮
Chapter 24: Wait.... what? Ah a cliffhanger. I'm excited to know Baek's answer
springmiya #5
Chapter 23: well can't say i didn't except him to stay that
springmiya #6
Chapter 8: so cute
springmiya #7
Chapter 6: cute
springmiya #8
i look forward to reading it
Chapter 18: Awww poor Baek
_chanchan #10
Chapter 16: Can’t wait for the next update!! :)