
Just Let Me Love You

"Yeol said he will protect me."


"Bull", quietly muttered Yoongi who was scolded later on by Jimin for cussing. Jimin wasn't fond of his friends cursing and so he rebukes them.


"Still Baek, you can only depend on yourself in this type of situation. You have to be brave, because in the end all you can hang onto is yourself, and yourself alone."


"I know, kyungie. ik."




Jonghyun bitterly glares at Baekhyun who was eating lunch with the school's nerd. Park Chanyeol. 


He couldn't get himself to stride forward and snatch Baekhyun's food away, munching it happily as he watches the little guy's pitiful eyes staring at him eating it. It would have been nice to do so, but a huge four-eye bastard was now always by his side, making him smile and caring for him now and then making his stomach churn in disgust (cuz why the is Byun laughing?)


The school had now been getting used to this new interaction happening in the cafeteria. That ice-cold brainy is not a man to be messing with.


This makes Jonghyun and his companions look like low lives right now (plus Sehun and Jongin are there guarding them, the hell, are they their bodyguards or what?)


Still, while in his resentful thoughts, a hand suddenly tapped his shoulder. He groaned and looked up to see the school's new student, smirking at him.


"The you want?"


"Hmm, you seem to be glaring at that little boy over there. Mind if you can at least enlighten me why?"


"And what the hell do you have to do with him? Is he your plaything before?"


"You can say that."


Jonghyun was surprised with the statement, nonetheless continued to be suspicious of him.


"What do you want?"


"We may have the same target, you see, I was planning on allying with you. You seem the perfect culprit."


"Huh... What has he done to you?"


"Hmm, let's say he humiliated and betrayed me."




"But that's about it. What do you say?" the half-American smiled smugly at the Korean male, who was pleased someone is willing to get their hands dirty just so that little muted punk could get the humiliation he needs.


A humiliation no one will ever forget.

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740 streak #1
Chapter 26: Finally got caught up, I’m really enjoying this story. It’s an interesting plot and characters. I can’t wait to see how Baek’s relationship with Channie develops, as well as Kyungsoo and Jongin.
Chapter 1: Poor Baekhyun, he has to go through so much pain, I hate his bullies, hurting someone who has done nothing wrong. I’m afraid the bullies have something terrible up their sleeve.
Chapter 25: 😮😮
Chapter 24: Wait.... what? Ah a cliffhanger. I'm excited to know Baek's answer
springmiya #5
Chapter 23: well can't say i didn't except him to stay that
springmiya #6
Chapter 8: so cute
springmiya #7
Chapter 6: cute
springmiya #8
i look forward to reading it
Chapter 18: Awww poor Baek
_chanchan #10
Chapter 16: Can’t wait for the next update!! :)