

You woke to the sound of glass shattering. Slowly, you peeled your eyes open and stared at your wall. You weren’t fully awake and your eyesight was foggy from sleep. You groaned internally and pushed yourself up when you heard loud voices in another room. You had almost forgotten about the unknown broken glass. 

What was happening?

You made your way outside your bedroom to peer in the living room to see what the commotion was about. Your roommate and her two friends were in a heated discussion and didn’t notice you. Your eyes moved down to see soil and baby blue pieces from what once was a small clay planter pot. 

“Look what you guys did!” Your roommate’s friend’s voice exclaimed, his eyes were wide and gesturing to the mess on the floor. You’ve always heard about these two men from your roommate but never had the chance to meet them since your schedules never aligned.

“What? Us? This was on you!” Your roommate, Seejun, argued. Her other friend nodded in agreement. 

“Yah!” The other roommate said. “If it wasn’t for you pushing us, we wouldn’t have tripped and knocked over the plant.”

“Maybe you should have better balance,” the first huffed. “I just bought that, too.” He pouted and sat on your couch with a loud whine. 

How old were her friends, again? Were they really getting heated over a plant? It’s not like it was dead. It just needed a new home.

“You can just buy a new pot,” you chimed in. All eyes snapped up at you, startled by your sudden appearance. 

“Exactly!” The second friend said, giving you a smile and winking at you. Your face stayed in a neutral expression, though that didn’t seem to affect him.

“But I liked that pot,” the first friend muttered as he hung his head low. 

“Sorry, Y/N, Joonie here is just being dramatic,” Seejun said and patted her friend on the back. Joonie, from what you learned, didn’t respond to you or Seejun’s action. 

“We will get you a better one,” the second friend said and started to pick up the broken pieces carefully. 

“We didn’t mean to wake you,” your roommate said. “But since you’re awake, meet my friends. This is Namjoon,” she gestured to the still-pouting man, “And this is Seokjin,” she finished and nodded toward the man kneeling to the floor. 

You all mumbled your greetings. 

“Well, I’m leaving. Have fun with that,” you announced when silence fell over you all. There was a chorus of byes as you left them. You made your way to the bathroom to brush your teeth. 

When you returned to your room, your phone was ringing. Unfortunately, you had just missed it. The screen changed to your notifications and your eyes widened slightly when you noticed all the missed calls from Jimin. He had just called you again. You quickly dialed him back, worried something bad had happened to him. He picked up in the first ring. 

“Y/N?” His voice rang on the other line. His voice was slightly urgent with a hint of worry.

“Babe? Is everything okay? What’s wrong?” You asked in a hurry. 

“Me? What about you? You said you were going to call me last night after your practice.”

You squinted your eyes as you tried to remember when you said that. However, you don’t recall telling him that and you suddenly felt bad. Not just for not calling but also not remembering you said you would. 

“I’m sorry,” you replied, relieved that that was the reason he was calling. “I’m fine. The practice lasted longer and I got back late. I fell asleep as soon as I laid in bed.” You switched him to speaker and set your phone down again. He sighed through the phone. 

“I went to the studios but I didn’t see you in any of them. No one was answering the door either at your dorm,” he commented and you heard rustling in the background. 

“We must’ve missed each other or I was sleeping too deep,” you replied. You realized he must have stayed up late worrying about you. You frowned at that. 

“Yeah,” he said quietly. There was a long silence and you decided to get dressed for the day. You had planned to complete all your homework so you could be worry-free tonight when you met your friends. 

“Do you want to get breakfast together?” He asked after a minute. You had just finished pulling on your t-shirt when he asked. You moved closer to your phone before you replied. 

“That sounds great. When do you want me-“

A knock on his end interrupted your sentence. 

“Ah, one second. baby. Tae isn’t here so I need to answer the door.” Before you could reply, you heard the phone being set down and his footsteps become quieter. You shifted your attention to your jewelry and began adding to your outfit. Your motions stilled when you heard a feminine voice through the call. You glanced down at your phone and moved it closer to you. Unfortunately, Jimin was too far from his phone for you to understand what was being said. A few seconds later, his footsteps became louder and the phone was being picked up again. 

“Jagiya, I’m sorry, but rain check,” Jimin said. You heard more rustling as he moved around his room. 

“What came up?” You asked calmly despite your curiosity of who the person he was talking to was.

“Yun Hee is here. I promised we would practice today. I didn’t realize she would want to do it this early,” he responded hurriedly and you felt your skin heat up.

“I’ll talk to you later,” he said, not giving you enough time to reply. “I’m sorry, again. Bye, baby.”

“Bye, I guess,” you mumbled the last part. You heard him blow a kiss into the air before the call ended. You stared at your phone as your wallpaper appeared. It was of you and Jimin on your third date. He had taken your favorite. 

You sighed to yourself as you raised your gaze at yourself in the mirror. You both said you would trust each other. Nothing would happen. You practiced with Jungkook. You couldn’t force Jimin to not practice with Yun Hee. They were still partners at the end of the day. You stared at yourself in the mirror for a couple of minutes, trying to reassure yourself. You hated feeling jealous. You didn’t understand why Yun Hee being with Jimin made you so envious. Maybe it was the way she looked at him. Maybe it was the way they moved as one that one day in class. They looked so flawless together. And of course, she was pretty, too. You rolled your eyes at yourself as you grew annoyed with your thoughts. 

“Y/N!” You turned your head at your closed door when you heard your name. “Someone’s at the door for you!”

Maybe Jimin canceled his plans and told Yun Hee they’ll practice later. After all, he had just ditched you for her. 

Well, he did promise her he would practice, said the angel on your shoulder. 

He should’ve made clearer plans and figured out a time instead. What if he had answered when he first woke up, shirtless? What if he was shirtless when he answered the door. Was he dressed? These were stupid thoughts. 

“Get your here!” Seejun’s voice boomed louder this time. You quickly shook your head at yourself before walking out of your room to see who it was. Hopefully, it was Jimin. 

Seejun and her friends were gathered on the couch while the door was wide open. You hid your frown when you saw it wasn’t Jimin. 

“Hey,” Jungkook said with a smile when he saw you. You gave him a small smile back as you walked toward him. 

“What are you doing here?” You questioned. 

“I’m hungry,” he said. You waited for him to continue, but he didn’t. You raised your eyebrows. 


“And I was hoping you’re hungry, too.” You stared at him as he glanced down at his feet and shoved his hands in his pockets. Was he nervous?

“Uh,” you said with a small laugh. “I guess I am. Why?” 

“Well, I wanted to invite you to breakfast with me and Hobi hyung,” he said and looked back at your eyes. Considering your breakfast plans with Jimin were canceled, you didn’t see why not. 

“I’d like that,” you said, flashing him a small smile. 

“Can we come?” Seejun suddenly asked, her hand in the air. Her friends looked eager for your answer. You glanced at Jungkook. It was his original plan after all. He laughed and looked at your friends. 

“I don’t see why not,” Jungkook said. Seejun, Namjoon, and Seokjin cheered and quickly got up and gathered their things. You grabbed your keys and made your way out. 

“Can I get my other friend?” You asked when you stepped out of your dorm. Jungkook shrugged and nodded. One more couldn’t hurt. You smiled, told him you’d be right back, and jogged to your best friend’s dorm. You hoped he was there and already dressed. 

“Hey, what’s up?” Yoongi asked when he opened the door to you. 

“Come get breakfast with me and some friends,” you said and took a quick glance at his clothing. He was already dressed in a simple black hoodie with light-washed ripped jeans. 

“Do I have a choice?” He asked, noticing you hadn’t asked him to come but rather demanded it. You simply replied with a wide smile. He nodded and quickly slipped on a pair of shoes before grabbing his phone, wallet, and keys, and exiting and locking his dorm. You walked back to your dorm with Yoongi by your side. Everyone was filing out of your dorm when you approached. 

“Jungkook, this is Yoongi. Yoongi, Jungkook,” you introduced. They shook hands. 

“Y/N failed to mention I’m her best friend,” Yoongi added. Jungkook chuckled and nodded. 

“I figured since you two would always be together in class. Nice to officially meet you, Yoongi, Y/N’s best friend,” Jungkook greeted. 

“Where’s Hoseok?” You asked Jungkook as your group started walking toward the building exit. 

“He already left to get the car,” he replied and held the door open for you, staying at the door as your friends left. 

“Car?” You asked. You didn’t realize you were leaving campus. You weren’t complaining though. Campus food was better than expected, but you could never say no to something different.

“Yup,” he simply replied. 

“How are we all going to fit?” Yoongi questioned. 

“Uhh,” Jungkook hesitated and glanced back to the lingering three. You didn’t notice that they had made their way behind you. “We’ll just have to squeeze. It’s not a long drive. About five minutes.”

“Why don’t we just walk?” You asked. 

“I’m going back to the dorms if that’s the case,” Yoongi muttered. “You can bring me my food.”

You rolled your eyes at your best friend’s comment and wrapped your arm in his to make sure he didn’t turn back. 

“It’ll be fine,” Jungkook reassured. 

“This is not fine,” Yoongi mumbled.

He was being squished between Namjoon and Jungkook. The other two didn’t seem to care about the tight situation though.

The car was only meant for five people, however, there were seven. Hobi was driving, Seokjin managed to get shotgun- still not sure how he did that, Yoongi was in the middle of the back seat with Jungkook and Namjoon on either side, Seejun on Namjoon’s lap, and you on Jungkook’s. You found yourself grabbing the door’s armrest along with Jungkook’s wrist every time the car would ride over bumpy roads. Jungkook had rested his hands lightly on your hips, only tightening at the bumps. Jungkook didn’t like the idea of you not being buckled so he pulled the belt across the both of you. You felt shy as you sat in his lap with his hands on your hips. You wished your cheeks would stop heating up. With a deep breath, you tried to calm down your quickening heart. You felt ashamed for feeling this way. You were with Jimin. You shouldn’t be getting flustered by being in another man’s lap.

You shouldn’t be in his lap in the first place, said the angel on your shoulder.

You hid your frown and hoped you all arrived soon. Luckily, the ride ended after a minute of more driving. You hurried out the door once Hoseok parked and adjusted your outfit while you waited for everyone to climb out.

“That wasn’t too bad,” Hoseok said, a hint of doubt in his voice. You glanced when you heard Yoongi grumble. You intertwined your arm in his again and gave him a smile. He did not return it.

“Cheer up, Yoongi. It was a short trip,” you talked quietly as you followed everyone inside the breakfast joint.

“Really? It felt like ten years,” he replied sarcastically.

“It wasn’t that bad,” you mumbled. He scoffed– half playfully.

“You’re just saying that because you got to sit in Jungkook’s lap,” he retorted teasingly and your cheeks flushed unwillingly. , stop that. Yoongi peered at you when you didn’t reply quickly.

“Y/N,” he warned slowly and quietly.

“I know, I know,” you said with a long sigh. You knew he was thinking of your and Jimin’s relationship. “It’s not like that. Jungkook and I are just friends. I wouldn’t do that to Jimin.”

Yoongi nodded, pressing his lips together in thought. “I know you wouldn’t, but is everything between you two okay?”

You thought to earlier when Jimin rain checked on your plans for Yun Hee. “I’ll tell you later,” you replied quickly as your group was being seated. You sat in between Jungkook and Yoongi with Namjoon, Seokjin, and Hoseok across and Seenjun at the head of the table. Surprisingly, everyone fell into conversation easily. Conversations about classes quickly ended, however. With midterms approaching, no one wanted to be stressed during the weekend.

“We should invite them to the cabin,” Yoongi whispered beside you after everyone fell into separate conversations once the waiter left with your orders.

“You think Jimin and Tae would be okay with that?” The thought of inviting your new friend crossed your mind, but you had forgotten about it and failed to bring it up to Jimin earlier. Although you were positive they would be okay with more guests, you still wanted to ask. Yoongi shrugged.

“The more the merrier, right?” He asked with a small smile.

“Are these people growing on you, Min Yoongi?” You questioned with a small smirk. Yoongi was an introvert, so being around a lot of strangers wasn’t his ideal environment. You figured he would stay silent during breakfast, but he was not. He especially got along with Hoseok, which stunned you considering their different personalities. 

He rolled his eyes at your question. “I just think it’d be nice,” he replied. “So what do you say?”

“I supposed we could,” you said as you shrugged your shoulders. He smiled at your response before turning to everyone at the table and inviting them. It was no surprise from the positive response. Everyone was on board and eager for today’s trip. 

“Do you know what time we’ll get back?” Jungkook asked you. You hummed as you took a second to think about it.

“Probably sometime in the afternoon? I’m sure some people will need time to finish stuff before Monday.”

“When did you want to practice?” He asked. “We still haven’t choreographed our part.” You frowned at his comment, forgetting that although you two practiced, you still needed more.

“Right,” you sighed. “Maybe we can practice before we leave today, at the cabin, and when we get back? That should be enough, yeah?” You knew it was going to be a tight schedule, but truthfully, you needed to get off-campus. Maybe dancing in a new environment would help not feel so stressed about the routine. Jungkook nodded and agreed. Both of you decided to quickly pack when you got back then practice until it was time to go. Not long after your and Jungkook’s conversation, the food arrived and everyone fell silent as you all ate.

“I’m going to go to the bathroom,” you announced to no one in particular as you all waited for the receipt to arrive. While walking from the bathroom, you stopped at a familiar voice.


Your eyes widened when you turn to see the all too familiar plump lips with too-perfect hair. It took a few seconds to remember he was supposedly practicing with Yun Hee right now.

“What are you doing here?” You asked in confusion as you stared up at Jimin. He stood there awkwardly, shoving his hands into his sweat pockets.

“Yun Hee said she needed food before she could practice and suggested this place,” he replied. You couldn’t help the thousands of questions that formed in your head. Why couldn’t they practice after eating breakfast then? Did Jimin promise her to eat breakfast with her, too? Did Yun Hee purposely drag Jimin with her? Was Jimin enjoying himself more with her than if he went with you?

Jimin could see the turmoil in your eyes as you zoned out. He had a feeling this would happen. He quickly grabbed your hands and pulled you to a vacant corner of the restaurant. It wasn’t entirely secluded, but it was enough to not be able to see your table. You removed your hands from him, hating the way your hands felt cold without his touch but not wanting to be touched by him at the moment.

“I didn’t know she was going to ask me to eat breakfast with her,” he assured, keeping his eyes locked on yours. “We were headed to the practice rooms but she suddenly dragged me out of the building. I couldn’t really say no,” he trailed off. 

“You could’ve,” you replied quietly. Jimin’s lips turned down and he let out a sigh. He raised an arm up and ran his fingers through his soft locks. You watched as his hair fell back into place and his arms bulged slightly. You wondered if he ever had those days where he looked ugly. You highly doubted it.

“Yeah, but I didn’t want to be rude and I didn’t see the harm in it,” he spoke slowly as he tried to choose his words carefully. He hated having arguments, especially with you. He didn’t like making you feel upset, but also didn’t like unresolved problems. It was something like you admired about him. He spoke through his issues in a calm manner and rarely raised his voice. You tried to have the same mindset but you sometimes found yourself lashing out. You took a deep breath as you tried to not sound rude.

“Did you forget you had asked me to breakfast this morning? Before you ditched me for her?” There were the green-eyes that were destined to come out. You felt hurt that not only did he leave you, but he left to eat breakfast with another girl. Even if it wasn’t planned.

“Of course not, baby,” he reached for your hands again but stopped when you shifted away from him. “I didn’t ditch you. I told you I had-”

“Promised you would practice with her. I got it,” you huffed.

“Please don’t be like that,” Jimin sighed again. He was getting agitated. I didn’t know she would want breakfast. I didn’t have the chance to call you and ask.”

You hummed in reply and crossed your arms over your chest. You still didn’t approve what he did. He could have told Yun Hee he had already planned breakfast with you and politely declined her offer. Instead, he ate breakfast with someone else after asking you.

“What are you thi-”


For the second time, you turned to a familiar voice calling your name. Jimin instantly moved closer to you but respected your space by not touching you.

“Hey, sorry, I got caught up,” you said, slowing your words at the end. Jungkook stood a few feet from you and Jimin.

“I see that,” he said, taking in Jimin’s protective stance. “We already paid and were heading out. Are we still going to practice before we leave?” He wasn’t sure if you were going to be leaving with Jimin instead of him.

“I’ll pay you back,” you replied, not meaning to have someone pay for your meal. Jungkook shook his head.

“It’s fine, I was planning to pay for you anyway,” he said. Jimin stayed silent as he watched the two of you.

“What did you mean by you two leaving?” Jimin spoke up, intrigued by where you two were going besides the dance studio.

“Y/N invited me to your roommate’s cabin,” Jungkook replied as if it wasn’t a big deal, however to Jimin, it was. He glanced down at you, but you didn’t look back at him. You could feel his eyes on the back of your head and it made you feel guilty. You had wanted to tell Jimin and Tae about the new guests yourself. 

“I’ll see you in the car in a minute,” you said quickly as you felt the tension rise. Jungkook nodded, taking a few steps backward before turning on his heel and exiting the building.

“So you’re upset with me because I’m eating breakfast with Yun Hee while you went out with Jungkook and invited him to Tae’s place?” Jimin asked bitterly behind you. You turned around to reply but was interrupted by another voice.

“Jimin, is everything okay?” 

You scoffed silently at Yun Hee’s voice, not bothering to turn around. “The difference is I wasn’t alone with him,” you bit out quietly, annoyed with being interrupted by the last person you wanted to see or hear. “I’ll see you later,” you concluded curtly before he could reply, walking away from Jimin and ignoring Yun Hee’s perplexed expression. You willed yourself to not look back, hoping for Jimin to run after you and reassure you more despite your attitude, but he didn’t. 

And you couldn’t blame him.


Yoongi and Jungkook kept sending you worried glances. While Yoongi didn’t understand why you were upset, he could tell from your change in mood that something happened. He wasn’t sure if it was because of Jungkook or something else. However, he figured it wasn’t Jungkook since you didn’t seem distant from him.

Even though you were upset with Jimin, you decided to not sit in Jungkook’s lap on the ride home. You were sitting in the front passenger seat while Jin was squished awkwardly between Jungkook and Yoongi. Though it was more of Yoongi sitting half on the seat and half in Jin’s lap. Needless to say, he did not look pleased.

As soon as you arrived back on campus, everyone quickly packed since the plan was to leave in three hours. You and Jungkook agreed to pack in 45 minutes then meet in the same practice room. Since it was just one night and two days, you didn’t need to pack a lot.

“Sorry about earlier,” Jungkook said as soon as you entered the studio. You set down your bag with a sigh and nodded.

“Thanks, but it wasn’t your fault. We should get started since we don’t have a lot of time.” You didn’t want to waste time discussing this with him. It wasn’t his problem anyway. You simply wanted to practice and put all your focus on that. Jungkook stared at you for a few seconds before apologizing again and getting started with a quick warm-up and stretching.

The time went fast as expected. You spent the full two hours perfecting and choreographing your partner section. While the class choreography was fine, the partner section now needed work. Surprisingly, you both were able to choreograph the thirty seconds needed. It wasn’t a lot, but you were nervous you would both have creative blocks. However, you were impressed with Jungkook’s creativity. The input he provided fitted the music and flowed smoothly with the instructor’s choreography. He had suggested movements that you had never done before and would never have thought of. 

“It’s time to go,” Jungkook said between breaths after checking the time on his phone. He pulled out the aux and gathered his bag. You didn’t realize two hours had passed and you were supposed to meet Yoongi, Jimin, and Tae. You pulled out your bag and were met with three missed calls from Yoongi and ten messages from Tae. There was nothing from Jimin.

“How are you getting there?” You asked as you both walked to the dorms to grab your belongings for the trip. You realized that you both should’ve brought your bags to the practice room, so you didn’t have to walk back. Oh well. 

“Hoseok hyung and I decided to catch a ride with your friends if that’s okay with you,” he added the last part quickly, reaching his arm up to rub the back of his neck. You smiled at his nervousness.

“That’s fine, Koo,” you said, the nickname falling off your tongue without a second thought. Jungkook’s footsteps faltered at the name and glanced down at you. His lips twitched as he tried to hide his smile.

“Koo,” he repeated, testing out his new name. “I like it.”

“Good,” you replied with a small laugh. “I like using it.”


The car ride to Taehyung’s cabin was uncomfortable.

Yoongi and Tae weren’t oblivious to the tension between you and Jimin. However, it was hard to ignore since you both were seated as far away as possible in the back seats. The whole point of this weekend getaway was to be able to let loose and feel stressed-free before midterms. You had all agreed to visit Tae’s cabin that he had gotten himself with his saved money. He was extremely proud of it and cherished it like it was his child. You couldn’t blame him, though, it was beautiful and he didn’t get any help from anyone to pay for it. Luckily, Tae was fine with having more people coming over. Jimin, on the other hand, was still upset that you invited more people. You figured he was more upset with the fact Jungkook was coming rather than inviting more people.

As soon as Tae parked the car, he made sure the doors were locked before turning to the backseat. He didn’t want anyone to leave yet. 

“Look, I don’t know exactly why you are giving each other the silent treatment, but please get it together,” Taehyung said sternly yet gently. He didn’t want to come off rude, but he didn’t want to have to sit through more awkwardness this weekend.

“We came here to have fun, not sit around in insufferable silence,” he glanced between the both of you to see if either of you were going to stop being stubborn.

“I’ll try,” Jimin finally said but still didn’t glance your way.

“I’ll try,” you repeated, but your tone said otherwise. Tae sighed, quickly giving up and exiting the car after he unlocked his door and his door only.

“Come on, Y/N, let’s go pick our room,” Yoongi said, trying to change the subject. You nodded, manually unlocking your door and climbing out. Originally, you and Jimin were going to share a room, but after the events that transpired, that was a definite no-go.

Jungkook and the others arrived thirty minutes later. There were just enough rooms for everyone to share a room with another. Unfortunately, Namjoon, Seokjin, and Seejun had to share a room. The bed wasn’t big enough for all three so they played rock-paper-scissors to decide who was going to sleep on the couch. Poor Namjoon lost in the first round.

As soon as you arrived, you had taken a shower. You had practiced too late with Jungkook to have time to take a shower earlier.

The ride to the cabin took two hours and by the time the rest of them came, the sun was already setting and it was time for dinner.

“Namjoon, what the hell are you doing?” You heard as you came out of your room after changing and briefly drying your hair. Namjoon was standing in front of the island in the kitchen, a knife, and an onion in his hands.

“I’m cutting an onion, what does it look like?” Joon replied with a huff. Seokjin shook his head in disappointment. 

“It looks like you’re petting it with the knife,” Jin said as he stirred the contents in his skillet.

“I’ll do it,” Yoongi mumbled, gently pushing Namjoon aside and slicing the onion quickly. It was done in a matter of seconds. You scanned the kitchen quickly to see what else was happening. Jungkook was opening a pack of ramen in front of a pot of boiling water, Tae and Seejun were setting up the table, and Hoseok and Jimin were outside cooking meat. You weren’t sure what to do.

“Hey Y/N,” Yoongi said when he noticed you standing near. You greeted him and walked toward him.

“Everything looks good,” you complimented as you watched Yoongi sliced onions get added to Jin’s pan. Yoongi nodded in agreement.

Suddenly the doorbell rang. You looked at the door in confusion. “Did someone invite someone else?” You asked and looked at everyone around you.

“Oh, yeah, I think Jimin invited someone. He asked when he got back and I figured it was okay,” Taehyung said as he grabbed some glasses. “Do you mind getting it?”

You agreed and walked toward the door. You hoped the person you were thinking of was not behind the door. Did he really invite her?

Slowly, you unlocked the door and pulled it open.

Of course.

“Oh, hey, Y/N. I wasn’t expecting you,” Yun Hee said, her eyes wide as she saw you. Your eyes scanned her face for a few seconds before humming a reply. 

“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be here?” You couldn’t help the bitterness that came with the question. Were you really succumbing to jealousy? You groaned internally, telling yourself to get a grip. Yun Hee shifted her gaze awkwardly.

“No reason,” she said as she peered over your shoulder at the rest of the party. You realized you were standing in her way and stepped aside. She gave you a small smile as she walked past and greeted the others. You closed the door and your shoulders dropped, momentarily bowing your head as you took in several breaths. Did she really have to act so nicely toward you? You wanted to find some other excuse to not like her besides the fact you felt she was getting between you and Jimin. 

“So this is what the silent treatment is about,” a deep voice said behind you. You snapped your head up and looked up at Taehyung. No point in denying it. It was probably written all over your voice.

“It doesn’t-” you started.

“Bull,” Tae interjected. “If it didn’t matter then you wouldn’t be sulking against the door.”

He grabbed your wrist and pulled you into the living room, sitting you down on the couch and taking the spot next to you. He spoke quietly since the others were in the next room.

“Care to talk about it?” He asked gently.

“No,” you replied firmly. Tae narrowed his eyes at you.

“Well your mood is ruining mine, so spill it. It’ll make you feel better,” he said. You rolled your eyes at his response.

“Gee, you’re welcome,” you grumbled and fumbled with the ends of your shorts.

“Come on, Y/N,” Tae knocked his knee against yours softly. “Jimin is  my best friend, but I hate seeing you upset, too.”

You bit your lower lip in thought. You didn’t know what to say without sounding like a whiny, jealous baby. You were probably just that, though. And a on top of it.

“Jimin was really upset when he came back from his practice with Yun Hee,” Tae confessed when you didn’t reply.


“I’m guessing something happened between you two because of Yun Hee?” Tae started speculating, trying to figure out the problem by what little he’s been seeing.

“Something like that,” you said and kept your gaze down.

“You know he didn’t cheat, right?” Tae said, lowering his face to try to get you to look at him. “He isn’t that type of person. Never has been and never will be.”

You wanted to believe that. Before Yun Hee, he has never shown disloyalty. After every time you had second-guessed his intentions with you, he proved his faithfulness. So why couldn’t you get past him and Yun Hee? 

“He wasn’t happy about Jungkook coming,” Tae continued, glancing at Jungkook stirring the near-finished ramen.

“Well, I’m not happy Yun Hee came,” you retorted. Tae snorted and you shot a glare at him.

“You sound like a child, Y/N,” Taehyund said. You were about to reply, but he brought a finger up to silence you. “He probably did that because of Jungkook.”

“That’s childish of him then,” you said, feeling defensive. Did Jimin really steep that low to bring Yun Hee here? To what? Make you even more jealous? Try to get you back for inviting Jungkook? Was he really being that petty?

“Maybe so,” Tae said and leaned back slightly. “But can you blame him? You’ve barely been spending time with the man.”

“What?” You scoffed. “I tried spending time with him this morning, but he ditched me for her,” you replied, voice getting heavy with anger quickly. Tae noticed and leaned closer to you again, trying to ensure no one overheard your conversation.

“You know he didn’t ditch you on purpose. He made a promise and that so happened to include breakfast,” he said lowly. You rolled your eyes.

“Then why did he ask me to get breakfast if he knew he was going to take Yun Hee instead?” You questioned with a scowl on your face. 

“Touche,” Tae said. “But as he said, breakfast wasn’t planned. Neither breakfast was planned, mind you,” he added quickly. You took a moment to think about what he said. You supposed you didn’t actually plan to have breakfast with Jimin today. It was a spur-of-the-moment situation. 

“But it still hurt to see him with someone else after he invited me,” you finished your thought out loud.

“I understand that, but have you ever thought that’s how Jimin felt when you invited Jungkook to our weekend getaway,” Tae replied calmly. 

“I didn’t invite just Jungkook,” you argued. “Plus, Yoongi technically invited them.”

Great, now you’re blaming your best friend for something you had already had in mind.

“That’s not the point. He’s still here and you could’ve rejected Yoongi’s suggestion to invite them,” Tae argued back. He was making valid points and it irritated you. Like most people, being wrong never made you feel great.

“I would’ve felt bad. He looked really happy to befriend more people,” you replied and glanced at Yoongi smiling at something Namjoon said.

“You know what that reminds me of?” Taehyung questioned but didn’t wait for your answer. “It sounds like when Jimin agreed to Yun Hee’s breakfast offer because he would’ve felt bad about saying no.”

You stared at Taehyung as he spoke. Your lips turned into a frown as he reversed your statement.

“Look, I think you both need to sit down and talk this through. You’re obviously both upset with each other’s partner and whatever conversations you had previously did not help,” Tae said as he got ready to stand up. “Oh, and I suggest doing it sooner rather than later. Seriously, your mood .”

With that, he left you alone on the couch with your thoughts as he went back to Seejun. Yun Hee had taken his place and was helping Seejun set the table. You sat there and stared back down at your lap, taking in the conversation you just had with Taehyung. 

“Hey Y/N,” a cheerful voice greeted you. Hobi came and leaned against the back of the couch, arms folded. His lips were up in a smile and you couldn’t stop the small smile that formed. Damn his contagious smile. If Hoseok was inside, did that mean Jimin was, too? Your eyes quickly scanned the room and spotted Jimin and Yun Hee smiling as they finished setting the table. You took a deep breath, pushed aside your real feelings, and replied.

“Hey, Hobi. I feel like we haven’t had the chance to talk in a while,” you said. Although you had breakfast with him earlier, his attention was too divided to have a proper chat. He chuckled and agreed.

“Jungkooksi said the performance is looking better,” he replied. “I can’t wait to see it,” he said.

“See it?” You asked. When would he be seeing it?

“Well, duh, I’m coming to your practice tomorrow.” You raised an eyebrow at this, questioning his statement.

“I don’t recall this information,” you laughed and turned your attention to him more.

“That’s because I didn’t discuss it with you or Jungkook,” Hoseok said. “I promise to be there as help and not a distraction.”

You hummed as you debated this. You had already made up your mind and was okay with Hobi coming (he did offer great advice after all), but he didn’t need to know this.

“Fine, I guess I will allow you to come to our practice,” you said, hiding your smile.

“What?!” Your best friend exclaimed as he plopped down next to you on the couch. “Did I mishear or did you just say he could come to your practice?”

“You heard right, Min Yoongi,” Hoseok said with a big smile. Yoongi turned to you and gave you a fake angry look.

“When I asked you, you said I couldn’t because I would distract you,” Yoongi said toward you with a frown.

“Well, Hoseok gives good constructive criticism,” you defended. 

“I can give good constructive criticism,” Yoongi replied quickly. Hoseok chuckled as he enjoyed the conversation between you two.

“He’s a dance major so his advice is actually helpful. A ‘you look like your left foot is nonexistent’ is not helpful advice,” you counter. Hoseok laughed loudly, covering his mouth as he used the couch as leverage to support himself. You couldn’t help the pride that came by hearing Hoseok laugh that loudly at something you said. As if his laughter was validation you were indeed a funny person. 

“Okay, but I would still like to go,” Yoongi said, looking at you with big eyes and his bottom lip sticking out. 

“You have to bring me my favorite snack,” you said. Yoongi tilted his head in confusion.

“I thought you couldn’t bring food-”

“That doesn’t matter. You bring my favorite snack and I’ll permit you access,” you said sternly. Yoongi sighed but agreed, smiling wide when you both shook on it. Hoseok giggled at the deal, raising his hand to give Yoongi a high-five.

“Dinner’s ready!” Taehyung shouted, ending your conversation. Yoongi pulled you up from the couch and the three of you headed toward the dining room.


Although you and Jimin were still giving each other the silent treatment, the rest of the group was engaging in conversations and laughing with another. You and Jimin conversed with everyone except for each other, avoiding any questions that could lead you to the two of you talking or even looking at each other. Taehyung silently glared at the both of you from time to time. You tried to ignore his stares, but they were too intense. Although the conversations were flowing non-stop, they only became background music to you. You only heard pieces of conversations such as Seokjin having to sleep in the living room with Namjoon since Yun Hee was Seejun’s new roommate. Namjoon teased Seokjin about how this was karma for Seokjin bragging about winning rock-paper-scissors earlier.

You ate your food as your mind raced with what Taehyung told you earlier. Maybe he was right that those previous conversations you had with Jimin did nothing to assure you. You were also being a hypocrite and being overly jealous without reason. Jimin isn’t that type of person to cheat. If you couldn’t trust Jimin, then why were you with him?

Throughout the two years of your relationship, you never felt so hopeless before. You didn’t understand what had changed to make you so paranoid. Yun Hee wasn’t the first girl to make your blood boil with jealousy. Why were you letting her affect you so much? You realized you had been frowning at your food and quickly glanced up to see if anyone noticed. Your gaze met his easily and you couldn’t stop the way your heart clutched at his stare. It wasn’t rough. It was soft and longing. Perhaps there was even sadness if you looked hard enough. 

Jimin didn’t tear his gaze from yours for the longest time. You both sat there, unmoving as unspoken words passed between you two. Your body suddenly felt cold from missing his warm touch. You had almost forgotten about the situation. 

“Are you okay?” A voice interrupted your thoughts. You turned and saw Jungkook was leaning toward you, his eyebrows knitted together with worry.

“Yeah,” you lied. “I’m just a little tired.” 

Jungkook kept his gaze on you, debating if he should call out your lie or not. He decided against it and you were relieved. Not only was it not his problem to resolve, but it was also not a dinner-table talk.

“I’m sure they would understand if you went to bed early,” he said gently. You shook your head politely. You didn’t want to make your saddening emotions obvious, at least more obvious than they already were to some.

“I’ll be okay,” you tried to reassure. You felt his hand pat your thigh under the table and you jumped at the sudden feel of his heated hand on your cold leg. He chuckled softly and retracted his hand.

“Sorry,” he mumbled before he averted his attention. You glanced back up to see if Jimin was watching, however, he was not. He was whispering to Yun Hee. You watched silently as they exchanged smiles, chatting quickly before returning to their meals. Jimin didn’t look back at you after his conversation with Yun Hee. You weren’t sure how you felt about that. Whether you were glad he didn’t turn to catch you looking at him or if you were hoping he would. The food on your plate suddenly didn’t seem appetizing and you found yourself moving around your food aimlessly while the people around you continued to talk amongst themselves.


Sometimes you wished you didn’t live in such an urban area. While the night sky was pretty, it wasn’t anything like this. It seemed the moon was brighter and the stars emerged from hiding. You wished your phone could capture this moment, but no picture could do the sight in front of you justice. It was something only meant to be seen with your own eyes and not through a screen.

You sat on a rock overlooking the nearby lake. You always found an eerie contrast between the night sky and the dark waters. Although the sky reflected on the water, the water was still dark. You couldn’t help the feeling of something lurking in the deep waters. A chill ran down your back at the mere thought of something swimming toward you and grabbing you. 

You jumped when you felt someone sit next to you on the rock you were sitting on. What was he doing out here?

“It’s mesmerizing, isn’t he?” Namjoon asked with a small smile on his lips, however, his gaze was not on you but on the moon. You noticed the way his eyes looked happier when he stared up. It was as if the stars made him happy instantly. 

“Yeah, it is,” you replied quietly and looked back up at the moon, the unnerving thought of the water disappearing. 

You both sat in silence for a long time, lost in your own thoughts, but enjoying the other's company. You haven’t known Namjoon for long, but you felt you could get used to his presence easily. It wasn’t that awkward silence that you usually felt between strangers. His silence was comforting. 

“Is everything okay?” He asked randomly and turned to look at you. You sighed and felt your shoulders slump.

“I wish people would stop asking me that,” you murmured. Namjoon was about to apologize but stopped when you narrowed your eyes at him. You didn’t want to hear an apology either. 

“We can’t help it. You look so gloomy,” he replied. You tried to hide your frown so you couldn’t prove his point, but he saw the twitch in the corner of your lips. He decided to change the topic to get your mind off of your troubles. Slowly, a smile formed on his lips, his dimples making an appearance. “Do you know how to skip rocks?”

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195 streak #1
Chapter 4: Elated at the ending! Was fearing it might be different.