

Park Jimin was unique in every way. His personality, his voice, his appearance, and the way he moved. He had an aura that captivated anyone around him.

You stared at him as he moved elegantly across the Marley flooring. The room was quiet except for the music and his soft breathing as he danced. You were in awe of his talent. How did you get so lucky? You bit your lower lip in thought.

You and Jimin have been together for nearly two years. He’s made your world turn upside down in the most beautiful way. The joy he brought into your life was overwhelming at times, but you wouldn’t trade it for anything. You had transferred universities last year and met Jimin in your dance appreciation course. While the class was listed for dancers, you didn’t actually dance in it– at least nothing spectacular. It was just barre exercises. The course was mandatory for those interested in pursuing dance as a profession. The course included the history of dance, basic vocabulary, and self-reflection essays. You and Jimin were assigned as partners for an assignment. Although you stopped speaking for a few weeks after the assignment was completed, you both realized you missed the other’s company and began communicating again. You didn’t realize how talented he was until you caught him practicing in the studio one night. By then, you were already falling for him. You enjoyed his personality and seeing him being that exquisite in his moves made you crave him more.

You were so lost in your thoughts that you forgot about his partner. Your eyes followed her hands as they slid up from behind him and across his chest slowly. You felt your chest tighten at the movement and tried to not show your disapproval on your face. You knew it was the choreography, but that didn’t mean you liked it.

You eyed their movements closely as they glided across the floor together. You didn’t notice the dance was over until you heard the claps from your classmates and instructor. You reluctantly joined them as you took a deep breath, trying to calm your emotions. Jimin and Yun Hee bowed before sitting down with the rest of the students. 

Yun Hee was one of the best dancers at the university, along with Jimin. While Yun Hee specialized in jazz, Jimin specialized in contemporary. Although you wanted to dislike Yun Hee for being everything you wish you were, you couldn’t. Yun Hee was one of those girls who were good at most activities, yet wasn’t a . Jealousy was an awful feeling.

Jimin gave you a small smile as he lowered himself to the floor and rested a hand on your thigh. You forced a smile on your lips, breaking his eye contact to focus on the instructor.

“Very good, Jimin and Yun Hee,” said Mrs. Seung. “As you saw, their connection is evident in their movements. Their body language combined with their facial expressions keeps the audience’s attention and helps tell the story. I would like everyone to take note of their performance and see how you can incorporate their energy into your own dancing.”

Connection, you thought. That word did not help the little green monster on your shoulder. You hated feeling jealous. While this wasn’t the first time (or probably your last) getting jealous, Jimin has proven over the span of your relationship that he is loyal and would never betray your trust. You tried to remember that as Mrs. Seung kept speaking.

“We have 10 minutes left, so let’s all get up and try again,” she said as she moved to the side. You left out a silent sigh as you got up and shuffled slowly to your partner.

Partners for the mid-term were assigned while partners for the final exam were not. You and Jimin had already agreed to be each other’s partners for the final exam. 

You positioned yourself in the beginning position and took another deep breath. When the music started, you couldn’t stop your thoughts from racing. Your body moved on auto-pilot. Although that wasn’t always a bad thing, it was in this case. You were so focused on Jimin and Yun Hee that you missed a few steps, resulting in your partner glaring at your mid-performance. The dance felt like it went on forever even though it was only a minute and a half long– the first minute choreographed while the thirty seconds was up to the partners.

As you were trying to catch your breath, you couldn’t help but notice the disappointment in your instructor’s eyes when they locked on yours. You’ll admit it– you were not the best in the class. How could you be when Jimin was in the course? However, you never felt like you were the worst.

That was until today.

What confidence you had vanished within a blink of an eye. The sound of your heart pumping was so loud that you didn’t hear Mrs. Seung dismiss the class.

“Y/N?” Someone asked and tapped you on the shoulder. You jumped at the unexpected interaction and looked for the person who called you. Another student stood in front of you, his hair stuck to his forehead from his sweat and his big doe eyes staring down at you. Your gaze wandered over his shoulder and saw Jimin and Yun Hee speaking while your partner, Jae, was talking to his friends, a scowl on his face. No doubt he was complaining about you.

“You okay?” The student asked, getting your attention again. “That’s your name, right? Y/N?” He asked nervously, raising an arm to rub at the back of his neck.

“Y-yeah,” you stuttered. You finally analyzed his face and recognized him. He was also in your dance appreciation course last year and in your intro to photography class this year. What was his name again?

“You don’t remember me, huh?” He asked with a chuckle and dropped his arm. “I’m-”

“Jungkook!” You cut him off, his name popping in your head. His lips slowly formed a smile and he nodded before he continued.

“I saw the way Jae treated you. Before you say anything, I just want to say I’m sorry he treated you in such a disrespectful way,” he replied. 

“Ah, I probably deserved it. I messed up a lot,” you said quietly and rubbed your arm while chewing on your lower lip. A nervous habit of yours.

“That isn’t an excuse,” he shook his head and glanced at the door as Jae exited the studio. “Anyway, I was going to offer to switch partners. I just wanted to get your permission before I asked Mrs. Seung.”

You looked at him dumbfounded. Although you and Jungkook were not close, you did have a few short encounters. He wasn’t necessarily your friend, more of acquaintance. This is why his offer took you by surprise. 

“What? No, it’s okay. I can deal with it. The mid-term presentations are in two weeks. I won’t have to interact with him anymore after that.”

“I insist. My partner and Jae are apparently good friends. I think they’ll be okay with the switch,” he reassured. You glanced down at your bare feet and gave it a thought. You didn’t want to be partnered with Jae, but you also didn’t want to seem like you couldn’t handle conflict. Though Jungkook did have a point, he and your partner were friends so they would most likely be happier anyway. It was a win-win, right? How were you going to show your “connection” in your performance with someone you disliked anyway? With a huff, you nodded and looked up at Jungkook.

“Alright,” you verbally confirmed. “Let’s do it.”

You couldn’t help the smile that crept on your face as he smiled widely- showing off his teeth. “I’ll go ask now,” he said and strode over to Mrs. Seung as she was gathering her things. You couldn’t hear their conversation and felt awkward staring so you averted your gaze, looking for your boyfriend. There were a few students still getting ready to leave. You found Jimin and Yun Hee still in conversation. They were both smiling and talking as if no one else mattered. Why did she have to look at him like that? Why did he have to look at her like that? Darn his flirtatious nature. You tore your gaze from them before your green-eyed monster made a (bigger) appearance. You looked at Jungkook and Mrs. Seung again. She pursed her lips for a second before saying something. Jungkook nodded, gave her a polite smile, then walked back to you.

“Well, good and bad news– she said she’d think about it. Which means that not a no,” he said.

“That’s also not a ye-”

“Shhh,” he said and pressed a finger to his lips. “I’m sure she’ll agree to the change. I went through the pros and cons. And mind you, there’s not really any cons.”

He looked so confident in his answer that you believed it for a second. You shrugged at his answer and looked away. You noticed Jimin and Yun Hee were no longer talking and he was looking at you confused. Jungkook followed your gaze and noticed the tension.

“She said she’ll have her answer next class, so we’ll know then. I’ll let you go now,” he said with an awkward chuckle. He gave you a small wave before he turned away, picking up his belongings, then leaving the studio. As soon as he was out of your view, you walked to gather your own things and slip on your shoes. You grabbed your things quickly when you noticed everyone was leaving and you, Jimin, and Mrs. Seung were the only ones left. You could tell Jimin was still confused at your and Jungkook’s interaction. He opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by your instructor.

“Mr. Park, can I please speak to you alone for a few minutes?” Jimin looked up and nodded politely. He looked back at you as you stood up, your backpack slung over your right shoulder. Could he tell you weren’t happy today? You guessed yes from what he said next.

“How about after I’m done, I’ll go get some food and come to your room?” He asked, offering you a smile. . His smile was too gorgeous to say no.

“That sounds nice,” you replied softly.

“I’ll see you soon then,” he said gently. He leaned down and kissed the top of your head quickly before walking to Mrs. Seung. You took the cue and exited the room.

“I wanted to talk to you about Y/N,” you heard your instructor say when you were outside the classroom. The door was propped open slightly, allowing you to be out of view but not out of earshot. Although eavesdropping was not polite, you couldn’t help the curious cat inside you. You lingered quietly outside the studio.

“Oh,” you heard Jimin say, confused. “What about her?”

“I know you two are planning to be partners for the final exam,” she started slowly. “You two are very close, but I wanted to remind you that it’s okay to not do everything together.”

There was a pause.

“I’m not sure what you’re implying,” he replied. You could tell he was trying to still be polite but didn’t like the way this conversation was going.

“As your instructor, I want the best for you. I’ve seen your talent, Jimin, you’re very skilled in your work,” she said. “However, I have also seen Y/N’s work. While she is talented, I’m afraid she may hold you back from your fullest potential.”

There was another pause.


“I don’t mean to say things that are disrespectful,” Mrs. Seung quickly interrupted. “Again, I’m talking to you as your instructor, so please do not take this personally. I think you are both talented, but I believe you can strive more with another partner.”

“I understand you want the best for me, but I don’t believe Y/N holds me back,” Jimin replied.

“You don’t have to take my advice, Jimin, I just want you to consider your options. You do not need to be Y/N’s partner in order to keep your close relationship.”

“I appreciate your concern, but I do not think I’ll change partners,” he said. You wanted to smile at that, but just knowing this conversation is actually happening hurt you too much.

“Hmm, very well,” your instructor said after a moment. “Again, it’s just a suggestion. I’ll let you get back to your studies,” she dismissed him. You heard shuffling and you quickly left the building before you could get caught. 



The walk to your dorm was a gloomy one. Not only did you have to watch Jimin and his partner have a “connection”, you got glared at (and cursed at behind your back) by your partner, and discovered your instructor thought you were a poor influence on Jimin. Your confidence was definitely nonexistent after all that. You couldn’t wait to roll up in your bed and fall asleep.

Your dorm building was co-ed. The right side of the building was for females while the left was for males. The building was designed for performing art majors so everyone in the building was majoring in that department. The unique thing about your building was that it had rooms for theatre students, music students, art students, and dance students. This meant there was a small black box theatre, private rooms that were soundproof and built for musicians, art lab, and even small dance studios. There was also the common room which had lounging and games for students– pool tables, chess, board games, Foosball, etc. It was the perfect place for people in your department.

As you approached your room, you noticed a figure laying on the floor in front of your door. What the-?

“Yoongi?” You questioned as you got closer. He groaned and looked up at you, squinting from the fluorescent lights. He had his usual headband on along with sweats and a zipped-up jacket.

“What are you doing here? Your room is on the other side.” He rolled his eyes and sat up, leaning his back against your door with his legs outstretched in front of him.

“Can’t I see my best friend? Your class ended 45 minutes ago. Where have you been?” 

Although you were glad to see him, you weren’t in the mood for more human interactions. Without answering, you unlocked your door and pushed it open. You heard a gruff from below as Yoongi fell backward from the sudden loss of back support.

“Why are you so glum, chum?” He asked as he slowly picked himself off the floor and closed your door. “Did you fall on your during class? Did Jimin finally confess that he loves Tannie more than you?”

You dropped your bag on your floor and plopped yourself on your bed. Luckily, your dorm consisted of a small living room, two separate bedrooms, and a shared bathroom with your roommate. Although there wasn’t a kitchen, it was a good dorm with enough privacy. Yoongi shut your bedroom door and plopped down in his favorite spot in your room– your huge bean bag. He let out a satisfied sigh as his body became one with the bag.

“Tannie loves me more than anyone,” you stated and kicked off your shoes. “I’ve just had a rough day. I’ll be fine in a few hours.” You didn’t feel like getting into the meat of things at the moment.

He frowned at you. “I’m sorry you had a ty day. Mine wasn’t the best either.” You raised an eyebrow at him, indicating you wanted him to continue.

“Well, I tripped into a puddle on my way to class and had to sit soaked until my class ended,” he said and scrunched his face in disgust at the memory.

“You could’ve gone back to your dorm and changed,” you replied. He shrugged.

“Normally I would, but I was trying to be a good student. The good thing is that I smelled, so no one wanted to sit next to me. It was great; I had a lot of personal space.”

You giggled and shook your head. “I’m glad there was a little sunshine in your small storm,” you said and grabbed your phone when you heard it chime.

I’ll be there later than I thought. Sorry. - pjm

“Did Jimin do something wrong?” Yoongi asked, interrupting your thoughts. You slid your phone away from you and looked at Yoongi.

“Why do you ask?” You reply, not wanting him to notice your disappointment.

“You look upset,” he said. You could tell he was no longer joking and was genuinely concerned. Sometimes you really hated how good he could read you. He’s not your best friend without a reason, you thought. You let out a deep sigh and fell back on your bed. Might as well get it off your chest.

“Our instructor made Jimin and his partner perform in front of the class because she wanted everyone to see their ‘connection’ and be like them,” you said as you stared at the ceiling. Yoongi stayed silent as you continued your list of misfortunes. You hadn’t brought up Jungkook.

“Just ask if you can switch partners,” Yoongi said after you finished. “Two weeks is going to feel like torture.”

“Funny you say that,” you started and propped yourself up to look at your best friend. “Jungkook asked the instructor to switch partners, so he’ll be with me.”

“Jungkook? Why does that name sound familiar?” He asked.

“Because he’s in our intro to photography course this semester and he usually gets called on.”

“Ahhh, him! Well, at least he knows the answer. I only know five percent of the questions asked in that class,” he mumbled. You shake your head at his response.

“Not true, Yoongi, you’re very smart. You know the answers,” you said and got up. You were planning to take a shower after eating with Jimin, but since he was going to be here later, you decided to take one now.

“Aishhh, Y/N,” he groaned. “I don’t like it when you’re sappy. Where are you going?” He asked when he noticed you were gathering your toiletries.

“I’m going to shower,” you said and grabbed your towel. “You can stay or you can go.”

“That’s rude,” he huffed. “You have a guest over, aka your best friend.”

“Sorry, but I smell like I swam in that puddle you fell into,” you said and gave him a small, teasing smile. He rolled his eyes.

“This is why I’m not telling you things anymore,” he said. “I’ll stay, by the way. I have nothing better to do.”

You shrugged at his response and grabbed your clothes. You usually just change in your room, but since Yoongi is here you decided to change in the bathroom. You left your room and shuffled to your bathroom. Your roommate should be out with her friends at this time. You vaguely remember her telling you she’ll be gone until later tonight. You showered quickly, trying to get rid of your bad thoughts. It wasn’t your first time having a ty day, but this day really got to you.

Get yourself together, you thought as you let the water rinse off the soap. You dried yourself, changed into shorts and a random t-shirt, and exited the bathroom. 

“Did you get me anything?” You heard Yoongi’s voice and paused at your closed door. Has he officially gone crazy and started talking to himself?

“No, sorry. I didn’t know you’d be here,” you heard another voice say. “You can have some of mine, though.”

You pushed open the door and hung your towel on the rack you have hanging on the back of your door. You turned and saw Jimin standing in the middle of your room and Yoongi in the same spot you left him.

“Hey,” Jimin said softly, offering you a smile. You guessed the shower didn’t do much since your thoughts still lingered on Yun Hee’s hands still on him and his conversation with Mrs. Seung.

“It’s okay,” Yoongi said to Jimin and stood up, facing you. “I’ll head out since you have company. I’ll text you later.” He patted your back before leaving your room and your dorm. You waited until you heard the second door shut with a click before looking at Jimin again.

“How’d you get in?” You asked softly and sat on your bed. You patted the spot next to you. Jimin followed your notion and slid next to you. He placed his hand on your thigh again.

“Yoongi let me in,” he said simply and glanced at his hand on your thigh. You looked at the empty bean bag, confused. He didn’t even look like he moved.

“I got us food,” he said and nodded toward the bag on your desk, dragging you out of your thoughts. You looked at the bag and began to get up to get it. Jimin pressed down on your thigh gently, letting you know to stay. He got up and brought the bag to your bed. You both repositioned to where you were facing each other in the middle of your bed rather than sitting on the edge of your bed.

“Thank you,” you said softly as he began unpacking its contents.

“You want to tell me what made you so sad today?” He asked as he arranged the food. You stared down at his working hands instead of his face.

“I just had a lot on my mind and it caused me to mess up the choreography,” you said. You had no intention of discussing what exactly was on your mind. He reached forward and took your hands in his. When you didn’t look at him, he leaned his face down to meet your gaze. You reluctantly looked up at him. You sighed internally. You could get lost in his eyes.

“It happens to me, too,” he said lowly. “You shouldn’t let that get to you. You had a bad day, that doesn’t define who you are as a whole, baby.” Your chest tightened at his words and his pet name. It wasn’t the first time he’s called you that, but it still makes you happy whenever he uses it.

“I know you’re amazing,” he continued when you didn’t reply. “Let’s just eat, watch some movies, and cuddle to get your mind off of anything that’s bothering you. I hate seeing you so upset,” he said and rubbed small circles on the back of your hands. Your mind raced with all the events that happened today. The conversation he had with your instructor repeated itself in your mind. You stared at him, searching his eyes on how he felt about you. Although he said he wasn’t going to change partners, he still had time. Was he truly considering it? Did he agree with Mrs. Seung even if it was a little? Wh-

Your mind stopped when you felt lips upon yours. Jimin pulled back and looked at you deeply.

“Stop thinking for a few hours,” he whispered. His face was close to yours. You just wanted to feel his lips again. You nodded and closed your eyes when his lips met yours again. This kiss was soft. His lips didn’t start moving until a few seconds into the kiss. He moved one of his hands up your arm to cradle your face gently while his other hand stayed holding your hand. You had to admit that this kiss helped ease your thoughts. You could only think about how Jimin’s soft lips locked with yours, moved with yours perfectly. Every kiss with him felt like the first– passionate and breathtaking. 

Jimin pulled away slowly, pressing his lips against yours quickly once more before removing his hands from you completely. He handed you your food then grabbed his laptop.

“So,” he said, his eyes gleaming with love and happiness as he looked at you again. Damn heart. Stop beating so fast. “What are we watching first?”

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195 streak #1
Chapter 4: Elated at the ending! Was fearing it might be different.