

Friday came faster than you expected. You sat on the studio’s floor in a straddle, leaning forward to stretch. Jimin was sitting next to you, his legs were also in a straddle but were reaching to the left. 

“Are you okay?” You glanced at Jimin when you heard him speak. You hadn’t realized he was staring at you. 

You slowly sat up and brought your legs together and began to work on your pike. The burn in your legs was painfully pleasant. You let out a deep breath as you held the position, letting your body get used to the feeling.

“Yes, why do you ask?” You asked with your head between your arms. 

“You just seem upset. Do you want to-“

“Hey, Jimin.”

You lifted your head at a new voice and saw Yun Hee. Jimin glanced up and gave her a smile. The smile already on her face grew.

“Hi,” Jimin said. 

“How was your day yesterday?” She asked and sat down, beginning her stretch routine. Jimin hesitated for a second as he glanced at you before answering. 

“It was fine. Do you mind giving us a moment?” He asked gently. 

Yun Hee looked around him and noticed you. You couldn’t tell how she felt from her expression. You sat up from your stretch and crossed your legs. 

“Oh,” she said and looked at Jimin again. “Of course. I didn’t realize you were in a conversation. I apologize,” she said and moved away from you both to her friends to the side. 

“You didn’t have to do that,” you said to Jimin after she left. Although you didn’t mean what you just said, you didn’t want to seem clingy and selfish. 

Jimin smiled at you and shook his head. “I can tell when you’re unhappy, Y/N,” he said and grabbed one of your hands. He began massaging your hand softly as he looked you in the eyes. “Are you still thinking about the last class?” He asked, referring to what you spoke to him about previously. You bit your lip as you hesitated. Since dance was every other day, you’ve had a whole day to get over what happened. Unfortunately, it all still lingered in your mind. 

“No,” you lied and tore your gaze away. Jimin frowned at your reply and squeezed your hand. 

“Jagiya, you’ll do great today. If you mess up again it’s not a big deal. Just do your best,” Jimin said, trying to make you feel better. You appreciated his kind words and wanted to believe them. 

“Come on, take a deep breath,” he continued and then inhaled deeply. You looked at him and followed, taking in a big breath as you held it for three seconds before slowly exhaling. 

“Good girl,” he said with a smile and gave a soft kiss to your cheek. You slowly returned the smile. I got this, you thought. Yesterday is over. Prove to Mrs. Seung that you’re better than she believes. Yun Hee doesn’t have a chance with Jimin. He loves you. Not her. You. Not her. 

“Ms. Y/L/N,” Mrs. Seung said. You snapped your eyes up at your instructor’s voice and quickly stood. 

“Hi, Mrs. Seung,” you greeted. “What can I do for you?” 

“Please follow me,” she said and looked around the room. Who was she looking for?

“Mr. Jeon,” she finally said when she stopped her gaze on Jungkook. He sat in the corner by himself, his hair hiding his eyes. You suddenly became more nervous when you realized you were about to find out if you were going to change partners.

Jungkook stood at his name being called and walked over to you both. Mrs. Seung gestured to follow as she walked out of the classroom. You followed quickly and slipped past the open door. 

Once you were all outside the classroom, Mrs. Seung spoke again. “After careful consideration, I’ve allowed for the partner change.”

You looked at Jungkook then back at your instructor. You were surprised at her decision since she tends to lean on the strict side. She rarely likes changes since she believes conflict should not be avoided. 

“However, I am expecting a flawless performance. I’ve spoken to Jae and Qwen and they have agreed to change partners. I am also expecting a high-quality performance from them, as well. I hope you all can understand why,” she said as she looked at you both. You both nodded in understanding. She wasn’t going to change partners without some consequences. 

“Excellent,” she said. “Let’s get back to class and start our lesson.” She her heel and entered the room again, instructing everyone to get with their partners to review the routine. You glanced up at Jungkook and saw him smiling. 

“See? I knew she would let us switch,” he said happily. “Let’s go, partner,” he joked and pulled you inside. Jimin’s gaze followed you as you returned with Jungkook holding your arm. He glanced at the contact and narrowed his eyes on Jungkook. Jungkook, however, didn’t notice and waited for Mrs. Seung’s next instructions. 

This practice went smoother than the last. Jungkook was patient with you when you missed a few steps. You got comfortable with Jungkook faster than you expected and began focusing on the choreography more, which eased your stress. The memory of Jimin, Yun Hee, and Mrs. Seung was no longer prominent in your mind. Jungkook would whisper the next move to you until you got the routine near-perfectly.

Last class, Mrs. Seung only taught half of the dance. Today, she was finishing the remainder of the choreography. You weren’t the fastest learner, so you were grateful to have two weeks to practice and perfect the routine. Especially since Mrs. Seung would grade you tougher now. 

It was now the end of the class and students were either sitting or standing while they caught their breath. 

“Everyone is doing well today,” Mrs. Seung said.  “Well enough that I do not believe the two weeks is necessary. I anticipated it would take longer to teach the routine, however, it seems everyone has gotten the choreography fairly quickly.”

Your breath got caught in your thought. Was she serious? You glanced at Jungkook to try to see if he felt as panicky as you did. Unfortunately, he showed no signs of panic. You barely know the choreography plus you and Jungkook haven’t even started on the freestyle part. You haven’t had time to perfect anything. 

“While I understand this may be difficult for some of you, I am not diverting from my decision. I believe you all can make time to practice,” she continued. “I appreciate everyone’s hard work and am excited to see the final product. Remember that you and your partner will need to choreograph the last thirty seconds of the routine. I am giving you all next week to get with your partner and practice. The presentations will start Monday, so do not be late. You’re dismissed,” she concluded. 

The room erupted in noise as people began gathering their materials. 

“So did you want to meet up during class time or- hey, are you okay?” Jungkook stopped when he saw your face. Although you tried to hide your nervousness, you supposed it was showing. 

“Yeah,” you said and composed yourself. “I just wish she didn’t shorten the deadline.”

He chuckled and wiped his sweat on his forehead with his hand towel. You couldn’t help but stare at him as he did so. Jungkook was an interesting character. You couldn’t deny that he was handsome. His hair was long enough to hang in his eyes and his face had a sharp structure. 

“We’re going to do great,” he said. “Don’t stress about it, Y/N. I’m free to practice the majority of the week.”

You nodded as you replied, “I’m free for the most part, too. Can we exchange numbers to make this easier?” You asked and started to walk toward your bag. 

“That sounds great,” Jungkook said and followed you. You grabbed your phone, unlocked it, navigated to your contacts, then added him to your phone. 

“Do you want to meet later today?” He asked as he inserted his number. 

“Today?” You asked, surprised. You were not expecting him to begin practicing so early. 

“Yeah,” he said and handed your phone back. “I’m free and since you’re so nervous, I figured the sooner the better.” He shrugged and rubbed the back of his neck. You took note that that must be his nervous habit. 

“True,” you confessed and slid your phone in your bag. You were about to reply but felt a hand rest on your lower back. You looked up and saw Jimin standing next to you. 

“Jungkook,” Jimin greeted. His voice wasn’t gentle, but it wasn’t harsh either. You knew Jimin could get possessive over his loved ones, but you haven’t seen this side of him in a while. You figured he wasn’t as possessive as he used to be since he seemed fine with Jae being your partner. Perhaps you were wrong.

“Jimin,” Jungkook replied, glancing at him quickly before averting his eyes on you. 

“So, tonight?” Jungkook questioned. You could tell he wasn’t comfortable and wanted to leave. 

“Uh yeah,” you said, trying to figure out what was going on between them. Jimin you could understand why he was being cold, but Jungkook’s behavior was unfamiliar. 

“Great, see you later,” Jungkook said then left. Jimin’s gaze lingered on him until he felt you tug in his shirt. 

“Don’t be upset,” you said and reached down to grab both your bags. He mumbled thanks as he grabbed his bag from you.

“I’m not,” he said, keeping his hand on your lower back as he led you out the room. You rolled your eyes and looked at him. 

“Jimin,” you said. He shook his head and slid his arm around your waist so he could pull you closer as you both walked back to the dorms. “We’re just partners,” you tried to reassure him when he didn’t say anything.

“I know. I trust you,” he said honestly, looking down at you briefly. 

“You don’t trust Jungkook?” You questioned. He pursed his lips at the question. 

“No,” he replied truthfully.

“He seems like a trustworthy person,” you said. “What are you worried about?” 

“I don’t want to lose you,” he said quietly. You stopped him and stared at him. 

“I don’t want to lose you, either,” you said sincerely. You guessed if he was bringing up partners, you should confess what’s been on your mind. “I know I’ve been distant lately, but I haven’t given you the full reason.”

Before you can continue, Jimin took a hold of your hand and guided you to an empty bench. You looked down at your hands as you sat next to him. He didn’t say anything as he stared at you, waiting for you to continue.

“The full reason is because of you and Yun Hee,” you said after taking a deep breath. Okay, so maybe that wasn’t the full truth, but you figured it was the time to at least bring up half of your worries. Jimin hummed at your reply and nodded.

“I had a feeling,” he confessed and ran a hand through his dark locks. You glanced up at you and tilted your head to the side. Were you really that obvious that was the problem?

“I know you, Y/N,” Jimin said with a soft smile. “I guess we both aren’t completely comfortable with each other’s partners,” he concluded.

“I’m glad I’m not the only one,” you replied. “I’ve been trying to not be so,” you hesitated for a moment. “Jealous.” Just saying it out loud made you feel ashamed. You didn’t want Jimin to believe you didn’t trust him. 

“Let’s both agree that despite having different partners we still trust the other that nothing will happen,” he said, pressing his lips to your knuckles. You smiled at him and leaned forward. You pressed your lips against him softly for a few seconds. You felt him smile into the brief kiss.

“Agreed,” you said after you pull away.

“Good,” Jimin hummed then stood. “Now, let’s get back to the dorms.”


Your eyes widened at the sight in fron

t of you. Jimin had just unlocked his door to his dorm and stopped in his tracks. Music was blasting (as loud as could be without getting complaints) and two asses were faced toward the door, bouncing to the beat.

“What the hell is happening?” Jimin asked as he stared at his roommate and your best friend.

Taehyung and Yoongi stopped momentarily to see who was at the door before continuing their dancing.

“Hey guys,” Taehyung greeted when he saw you both just standing still. He expected you both to come in already. He grabbed both yours and Jimin’s hands, pulling you into the room and shutting the door.

“Yoongi?” You questioned as Yoongi resumed his position. His back was bent over slightly, arms out at his sides, and jumping up and down. Although this was always his go-to move, it still was amusing to watch every time. Yoongi never responded.

“Why are you both having a dance party during the day?” Jimin asked as he dropped his bag on the floor. You followed his lead and set down your bag. Taehyung shrugged and turned off the music so they could talk properly. Yoongi whined next to you and stood up fully.

“Just because the party poopers are here doesn’t mean we have to succumb to them,” Yoongi said and fell onto the living room couch with a huff.

“Sorry, Yoongi. You can continue soon. I have to go practice in a few anyway,” you said and took a seat next to your best friend.

“So back to my question,” Jimin said and sat on one of the chairs that were adjacent to you.

“There has to be a reason?” Yoongi questioned.

“Well it’s not every day we walk into you both twerking,” Jimin replied with a laugh.

“It’s Friday! No classes for at least two days!” Tae explained and picked up an exciting Yeontan. Originally, pets were not allowed in the dorms. However, after a petition made its way around campus, the university decided to allow pets. The rules for pets were not too bad, but you did have to fill out an application and get accepted to bring your pet. You also had to pay an extra deposit in case the pet damages university property. Yoongi decided to not apply since he was not sure he could handle taking care of a pet while attending classes. 

“Even Yeontan is happy,” Tae continued and Tannie his face happily to prove Tae’s point.

“Give me my baby,” you whined and extended your arms out. Tae frowned at your request but handed you Yeontan.

“Hi mister,” you said to Tannie and gave him a kiss, which he returned. “Did you miss me?” Yeontan panted happily at your voice, his tongue sticking out.

Yoongi watched your interaction and mumbled, “I miss Holly.”

You peered at your best friend and gave him a sad smile, offering Yeontan to him. Instead of taking him, Yoongi just leaned over and gave him a few pets. 

“So any plans for this weekend?” Jimin asked no one in particular as he scanned the room. 

“None right now, but let’s do something. I’m sick of this room,” Tae said and fell backward onto the opposite chair of Jimin’s dramatically.

“I think this room is nice,” Yoongi said and pulled away from Yeontan.  You continued to give Tannie love as you rubbed his back.

“You’re just saying that because you enjoy staying indoors,” you said and looked at Yoongi briefly. He shrugged at your reply, neither confirming nor denying your statement. 

“Come on, Yoongi,” Tae said, sitting up. “Let’s all do something.” Jimin looked at you to know your thoughts. You turned to him and shrugged. Your homework load this weekend was light and you could use some time outside the dorms and classrooms. Although you were stressed about your dance midterm, you needed some time away from it to regain your mental energy for it.

“What are you thinking?”


“So now you have a week less than what was originally planned?” Yoongi asked as he waited outside your bathroom.

Two hours had passed in Jimin’s and Tae’s dorm. You all spoke about this weekend’s plans and chatted about anything that came to mind. It was a nice, relaxing downtime after the week you had. You were now getting dressed for practice with Jungkook. Yoongi decided he spent enough time with Tae and Jimin and followed you to your dorm.

“Precisely, and now Mrs. Seung is going to grade us harsher than the others since she allowed us to switch” you replied as you tugged on your leggings. You had also changed into an oversized plain black tee. Once you were done changing, you exited the room and checked your bag to see if you had everything you needed, which wasn’t much– water, a hand towel, extra hair ties, and your phone.

“Damn, that sounds ty,” Yoongi said. “I’m sure you’ll do great, though. You always stress and end up with a near-perfect score.”

“Thanks, Yoongi, but Mrs. Seung seems to be examining me a lot more than usual.”

“Maybe because you’re corrupting her pride and joy Jimin,” he teased. You rolled your eyes at that, zipping up your bag and slinging it over your shoulder.

“She should date him instead then,” you huffed and checked your phone for any messages from Jungkook. There were none. 

“Gross,” Yoongi made a disgusted face.

“I’ve got to go,” you announced and grabbed your keys from the dish that was near the front door.

“Are you positive I can’t come? I need an excuse to not do my homework,” Yoongi followed you slowly, dragging his feet in hopes you’d change your mind.

“Sorry, Yoongs, I need to focus and I’m sure you’ll get bored quickly,” you opened the door and waited for Yoongi to exit. Yoongi pouted at your reply and left your dorm.

“Fine, I see how it is. It’s not like I’m not your best friend or anything,” he said and watched as you shut and locked your door.

“Don’t be so dramatic. Maybe next practice once I get my together.”

“Can I at least walk you to the practice room?”

“Are you that desperate to not do your work?” You began walking down the hall toward the practice rooms.

“Yes,” he replied and started following you. You hadn’t said no, so he figured it was okay.

“So how is he? Jungkook? Is he better than your previous partner?” He asked as you walked next to you.

“Extremely,” you replied. “I feel like I can actually perform well with his help.”

“I’m glad for you. I know you can do it,” Yoongi replied with a smile and you returned it.  You both continued your talk until you stopped in front of one of the practice doors with the number seven on it.

“Good luck with your work. Finish it tonight so you don’t have to worry about it this weekend,” you said. His shoulders dropped at your request but nodded.

“I’ll try. Good luck at practice,” Yoongi said and waved goodbye. You smiled before pushing the door open. You were greeted with low music and Jungkook’s back to you. You shut the door quietly and set down your bag.

“Hey,” Jungkook said, not turning to face you as he did something with his phone.

“Hey,” you replied back and walked to the center of the room. The room wasn’t large, but it was big enough to do most dances. There was a single wall that was designed in head-to-floor mirrors. The only door in the room was for entering and exiting and it had a medium-sized square to view in and out the room. Where Jungkook was, there was a station where students could plug in a device to play their music. 

The music changed suddenly to something more upbeat and you glanced at Jungkook in the mirror. He stayed there for a few seconds before nodding and setting down his phone. You guessed he was pleased with the new music selection. He wore a loose-fitted black, long-sleeve shirt with black joggers.

“Ah,” he said suddenly with a small laugh. “I guess we’re the perfect partners since we decided to match.” You quirked up an eyebrow, glancing down at your outfit before looking at him again. You giggled and shrugged when you noticed he was right.

“Guess so.”

He smiled and stood next to you. “I figure we could stretch, mark the routine, then do it full out. Once we feel better we can even record and review it. We can start choreographing our part once we get the first part down.”

For some reason, hearing Jungkook’s agenda lifted some weight off your shoulders. It made you feel like there was hope after all. It felt good to have a plan. You felt determined to do well.

“Sounds great,” you nodded. He smiled at you in the mirror and began warming up before stretching. You followed his lead. Both of you were silent as you stretched, letting the music be the only sound in the room.

“Feel good?” He questioned when you both finished. You nodded. He gave a swift nod then walked to his phone. The music stopped playing.

“Do you want to mark with counts or music?” He asked, glancing at you over his shoulder.

“Music is fine.” He nodded again and music started playing. You stayed silent as you tried to figure out which part of the song was playing. Ah, you said in your head as you realized it was toward the end. You got in position as you waited for the song to loop. You didn’t feel nervous until now. It was just marking, but you didn’t want to mess up. Jungkook’s grade was on the line, as well. It would be unfair to do so poorly after he offered to be your partner.

“Let’s get it,” he said cheerfully, sensing your anxiousness and wanting you to feel better. You gave him a small smile in the mirror. You appreciated his effort.

“That was good,” he complimented once the routine finished. “I think you got it. Now we just have to get you to confidently do it,” he said and let the music play again.

“Full out now, yeah?” You question as you look up at him. He smiled, showing off his cute bunny smile. Damn, that smile was adorable. 

“Yup, you’re good with that, right?” He asked.

“Yeah,” you said and felt your heart beating. You can do this. You can do this. You quickly jumped up and down, shaking your hands as if you were shaking off your nerves. Jungkook watched you for a moment before laughing.

“Cute,” he commented and got into position. You shifted your head to each side before rolling your shoulders back and following his lead.

“Let’s get it,” you mimicked him earlier, feeling better. You heard Jungkook chuckled before the music played again and it was time to give it your all.

The dance was advanced. After all, it was senior year and this was one of the final classes to take. You had learned Jungkook was younger than you but got into higher-level classes from his outstanding skills in his year. You were impressed. 

The dance had its slow moments while some in the middle, it sped up. There weren’t any major lifts, just small ones that were easy to master. That is if you could focus hard enough to not mess them up. Your mind was focused on hitting each beat and following through each moment. You turned smoothly and landed behind Jungkook. You stood on the balls of your feet as you reached your hands across his chest. He let out a soft breath as his hands rubbed over your arms slowly. You kept your gaze on his back, counting the beat so you didn’t miss the next step. However, you didn’t see how intensely Jungkook was staring at your small form behind him in the mirror. 

Six. Seven. Eight. One. Pull away. 

Your hands quickly left his body and he spun to face you. While he was staring at your face, your face was on his chest. Not because you were shy to look at him, but because you were so focused on getting the timing right, you weren’t focused on anything else.

“That was good,” Jungkook breathed as he turned off the music after the routine. You hummed in reply and grabbed your water, breathing heavenly. You came back to the middle of the floor and sat down. You closed your eyes as you drank your cold water, the cool liquid feeling refreshing.

“I think I feel better about the routine,” you admitted and set your water between your outstretched legs. Jungkook sat next to you, his water in one hand while he leaned against the other. You noticed he wasn’t breathing as heavily as you. His stamina must be high, you thought. 

“I agree. You’re getting it quickly.”

“Let’s run it a few more times then we can record?” You suggested, taking another sip of your water. Jungkook nodded simply. You set down your water and pulled a hair tie from your leggings pocket. You stood up, bent over, and fixed your hair into a high ponytail. You bowed toward the mirror while Jungkook sat toward your left. 

Jungkook watched you silently. His eyes roamed to the small spot where your shirt raised from being bent over. His gaze lingered there briefly before traveling down your legs. He quickly tore his gaze away when you stood up and checked your new hairstyle in the mirror.

“Do you have another one?” Jungkook asked. You looked down at him confused. He gestured to the top of his head.

“Oh, one of these?” You pointed to your hair tie. He nodded.

“Uh, yeah,” you said.

“Do you mind if I borrow one?” He asked and gave a shy smile. Your eyes raised from his eyes to his hair, which was starting to mat to his face from his sweat. You giggled and nodded, pulling out another from your pocket. He mumbled a thank you before pulling some of his hair. Unfortunately, he wasn’t successful in getting his front hair in the small ponytail he made. He didn’t seem bothered though.

“Ready?” He asked and stood up. Your gaze followed his tiny ponytail and you couldn’t help the smile that was forming on your lips.

“What?” He asked when you didn’t reply. He turned his attention to himself in the mirror.

“Nothing, just,” you trailed off as you tried to think of a word. “Cute,” you finished, thinking of earlier. He chuckled.

“I am, right?” He joked and headed toward his phone.

“Totally,” you replied teasingly and got ready to practice again.

You both lay tiredly as random music plays. After running through the routine four times semi-full out, you both needed this long break. Suddenly, the door opened and a loud voice boomed around the room.

“Jungkookssssiiiiiiii-” A man walked in, holding a drink in one hand and a bag in another. “I got you fo-” He suddenly stopped when he realized you were there. The door was starting to shut and the man quickly moved out of the way. Jungkook laughed at the stranger and sat up.

“Hi Hobi hyung,” Jungkook greeted. 

“Sorry, I didn’t realize you were going to have company,” he said sheepishly. You sat up and looked at who you figured was Hobi. His straight brown hair fell into his eyes after he moved from the moving door and he quickly flicked his head to the side to move it away.

“I told you I was practicing,” Jungkook replied and walked over to Hobi, grabbing the bag to peer inside.

“Exactly, you said you were practicing but not with someone,” he huffed and watched as Jungkook nodded in content at what was in the bag. Hobi quickly turned and strode toward you, squatting down to your level and outstretching a hand. You suddenly felt bad for being impolite and not standing to greet the man. 

“Hi, I’m Hoseok. You can call me Hobi or Hoseok. I answer to both,” he said cheerily. You took his hand and shook it.

“I’m Y/N,” you greeted.

“Hi Y/N,” he said and stood up. “So what are you two working on?” Hoseok asked and grabbed his drink again. “Oh,” he quickly interrupted himself. “Since I didn’t realize Jungkooksi wasn’t alone, you can have my share of the food,” he looked at you.

“Oh, it’s okay-”

“I insist,” he said. “I’m not that hungry since I’ve been drinking this,” he continued and lifted his drink. Its content was clear, yet a little fuzzy. You assumed it was 7up or Sprite since those were the most popular around campus. 

“You know we aren’t supposed to eat in here, right?” Jungkook said lowly. Hoseok shrugged.

“You aren’t supposed to bring food into the auditorium but I didn’t see you complaining when you ate all my snacks,” he retorted. Jungkook rolled his eyes but dismissed his comment.

“Anyway, back to my question, what are you guys practicing?” Hoseok asked again.

“Y/N is my partner for the midterm I was telling you about,” Jungkook replied.

“Ahhh, I see,” Hobi said and took a sip of his drink. “Can I see it?”

Jungkook stopped from pulling out the food and looked at you. You were watching their interaction silently.

“Uhh, we were actually just taking a break so-” Jungkook started.

“It’s good, ‘m good. Let’s do it,” you stopped him mid-sentence and stood up. Jungkook looked surprised.

“You positive?” He asked and set down the food bag.

“Yeah, and hey, uhm, Hoseok,” you paused. You felt a little awkward asking for a favor from someone you just met, but he seemed friendly. “Do you mind recording us?”

“Ah, perfect. Yeah, hyung, record us, please. Be useful,” Jungkook said teasingly. Hoseok gave Jungkook a playfully hit to his chest but set his drink down.

“I’d be happy to,” he replied and looked at you. You smiled and fetched your phone since Jungkook’s was being used for the music. You handed your phone to Hobi before doing your little jumping dance.

“Thanks, Hobi,” Jungkook said and walked to his phone.

“Yup,” Hoseok replied and walked to stand in the middle of the mirror-wall.

You finished your get-rid-of-nerves dance and took a deep breath. A new face made you nervous, but it was better to have someone there to help you record than just leaving your phone on the floor and hope it captures the majority of the dance.

“Let’s get it?” Jungkook asked as he started the song at the end. You smiled at him from your ready position and nodded.

“Let’s get it.”

The routine was slowly starting to become muscle memory. Your movements were smoother and didn’t seem so calculated like before. However, you still were too focused on the routine itself rather than Jungkook.

When it got to the partner choreography part, Jungkook said to Hobi, “This is to partner-improve part. We haven’t done it yet.”

Hobi nodded, ended the recording, then clapped his hands with a smile. His smile was contagious. What’s up with these guys and their handsome smiles? Jungkook stopped the music and walked to Hoseok. 

“That was great,” Hobi complimented and handed your phone back. You and Jungkook both said your thanks as you put your phone away. You sat down, leaning against the mirror wall. Jungkook followed you and brought the bag of you between you two. Hobi sat in front of you both, facing the mirror.

“May I offer some advice?” Hoseok asked. 

“Of course,” Jungkook said and took out the food for you both to share.

“I can tell your technique is good. I may not have seen the previous routines, but I can tell you are both improving,” he began. You began eating the not-so-hot-anymore fries that Jungkook passed you. “However, I am lacking that sense of connection. The music and the movements give off the vibe of an intense relationship. I suggest trying to now focus on the emotional aspect of it, rather than the technical part.”

Your chewing slowed as you thought back to the other day when Mrs. Seung had Jimin and Hun Yee perform because of their connection. You glanced at Jungkook and saw him already looking at you. You brought your bottom lip in between your teeth in thought.

“I think that will make your performance stronger,” Jungkook concluded when neither of you spoke then drank the last of his drink.

“Yeah,” you started hesitantly and turned to Hoseok. “I agree. I’ve been focusing on a lot of the timing instead of anything else.”

Hobi smiled at you. “There’s nothing wrong with that,” he assured. “Again, I just noticed that the routine is good technically, but not emotionally. You will both get there soon!”

You gave him a small smile and plopped another fry into your mouth. Hoseok was right and you knew it. Building that connection between you and Jungkook hasn’t even crossed your mind yet.  You were so concentrated on not forgetting or messing up a movement.

“Hoseok hyung is a dance major,” Jungkook stated as he set down the rest of his fries. You guessed cold fries weren’t appealing to him. He wasn’t wrong. You started to grow tired of the cold fries, as well. “He’s just in another section. More street dancing like popping, locking, krumping,” he trailed off. Your eyes widened slightly. This cheerful man could move like that? From what you’ve seen, those dancers always looked so intense.

Hoseok chuckled at your expression and shrugged. “I like modern, but I just like others better.”

“That’s so cool,” you said. “Ahh, that sounded lame,” you shook your head and brought a hand to your face briefly. “I just, I’ve never really hung out with someone with those skills. I always found that style of dancing so interesting.” 

“Really?” Hoseok said. You nodded.

“How about you show us your midterm, hyung?” Jungkook suggested. “I’m sure Y/N would like to see it. Plus, we showed you ours– well, half of it.”

“That sounds great!” You exclaimed. Hobi chuckled and nodded, standing up and switching Jungkook’s phone with his.

You watched him silently as the music started and Hobi came to the center. His once sunshine smile disappeared as he moved his body to the music, slowly getting lost in the sound. You watched in awe as he began his routine. It was smooth, yet sharp. Each pop of his body hit a beat in the music. He was captivating. It’s like he turned into a completely different person. The routine ended quicker than you wanted.

“Woo!” You cheered and clapped. Jungkook and Hoseok laugh at your reaction. “That was great! You were great!”

“Thank you,” Hobi laughed. “You want to learn some?” 

“I-I’ve never danced like that,” you confessed with wide eyes. He smiled and shrugged. 

“Doesn’t mean you can’t give it a try,” he said and held out his hand. You glanced at Jungkook. You won’t know why you felt you needed his permission. Perhaps it was the fact that you were here to practice your midterm and not Hobi’s. Jungkook smiled and jerked his head toward Hoseok. Your smile widened and you grabbed Hobi’s outstretched hand.

“Okay,” Hobi said, running to where the music was to turn it down before he came next to you again. “Alright, hold your arm out like this.”

You followed him by watching his movement in the mirror. Your right arm was lifted in an L-shape next to your body.

“Good, now try this,” he said and popped his arm. It was a sudden but subtle jerk movement. You rolled your shoulders back and tried, however, you had put too much power into it and your arm did a big jerk in the air. Jungkook laughed loudly and quickly put his hand to his mouth. You pursued your lips at his reaction and brought your hands to your hips. You noticed Hobi holding back laughter and shot them both a glare.

“It’s okay, you’re learning,” Hobi reassured. “Let’s try again.”

The next hour was filled with laughter. You, Jungkook, and Hoseok tried some new moves from each other. You all even had a mini dance party filled with ridiculous dance movements. You had to wipe away your tears from laughter at some point. Man, laughing really was a workout. Your tummy hurt from laughing. 

You were now all walking back to each other’s dorms. You stopped when the building split into the two sections for males and females. 

“I had a really fun time,” you confessed to both of them. Jungkook and Hobi smiled down at you.

“Me too. It was nice meeting you, Y/N. I’m sure we’ll be seeing more of each other,” Hoseok said and gave you a quick side hug.

“Do you want to meet tomorrow for another practice?” Jungkook asked when you parted from Hobi’s hug.

“I’ll need to get back to you. My friends and I were planning to do something this weekend,” you said. You thought about inviting them, but you wanted to ask your friends first. You weren’t sure if your plans were open to guests. Jungkook simply nodded.

“I’m exhausted, so I’ll talk to you both later,” you said. Your feet were aching and you could feel your body becoming weaker.

“Talk to you later,” Jungkook said and gave you a wave as he and Hobi walked to their shared dorm. You learned they were roommates and best friends since high school. You waved back and dragged yourself to your dorm. You were too exhausted to shower. You dropped your bag on your floor, removed your shoes, then fell on top of your bed, and quickly passed out. You were so out cold that you missed your phone ringing.

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195 streak #1
Chapter 4: Elated at the ending! Was fearing it might be different.