step four: Makeover Madness

Tangled Up in Me (TUIM)

In her whole 17 years of life, Yujin had never been in a relationship before. Perhaps, there was the boy that gave her a chocolate egg when she was in the 3rd grade. Or the girl that she ate sandwiches with in the 5th grade. Either than those [obviously very serious and real] relationships that she’s had, Yujin was not at all experienced in the dating department. 

One thing was for sure, if fake dating Jang Wonyoung was anything like real relationships, Yujin thought that perhaps dating didn’t seem that bad. Obviously, everything they did was staged and planned in detail by Wonyoung the night before (or even earlier for all Yujin knew). But, if the actions they were doing seemed to mirror a real relationship, it honestly was kind of nice. 

For the past week and a bit, Wonyoung would stop by the convenience store every couple days or so to take a few snapchats of Yujin working. Honestly, it was nice having the company every now and again. With Jiheon constantly practicing with the drama club and with Yena not being able to accompany Yujin on shifts because she had to "work on her university assignments", Yujin would get pretty bored pretty quickly. Of course, Wonyoung never stayed long, nor did they have long and meaningful conversations, but Yujin really didn't mind. Just having another person around was enough for her. 

Thankfully, Yujin had stopped becoming awkward in front of the camera and the pictures had actually upgraded to short video snippets. There had even been a time where Yujin had stolen Wonyoung’s phone and took secret videos of Wonyoung looking through the snack section. Wonyoung must have found the saved video and deemed it fit for whatever fake dating standards Wonyoung had in her head, because after she had left Yujin saw she posted the video with the caption ‘cutest girl ever but you didn’t hear that from me’. (Yujin would never write a caption like that in her life, but whatever, Wonyoung was the boss). 

True to Wonyoung’s word, she hadn’t done anything that made Yujin uncomfortable. Wonyoung had learned quickly that Yujin wasn’t a fan of being touched, so she had learned to compromise. The most Wonyoung had done was hold her hand. 

One day, Wonyoung had shown up to Yujin’s store looking a little distressed. 

“My favorite customer!” Yena greeted with a bright smile. Yujin didn’t even have to turn to see it, she could hear it in her voice. 

“Hey.” Wonyoung crinkled her eyes when she smiled back at Yena.

“You are so pretty! Pretty pretty pretty! I want to die!” Yena rambled to herself in Korean. Then she turned to Yujin. “I am so glad she doesn’t understand Korean.” 

Wonyoung only looked at the two of them with a raised eyebrow. 

“Bye, unnie.” Yujin rolled her eyes. “Don’t you have to count the restocks we just got?” 

“Yujinnie~” Yena pouted, her voice going up in tone. She squished her arms together, nudging Yujin with her shoulder. “Do you not want unnie around? Why doesn’t Yujinnie want unnie around? Isn’t unnie cute?” 

And then, Yujin screamed. 

The few customers around the shop all jumped, poking their head to look at the counter. Yujin’s entire face flushed red and she bowed at a 90 degree angle, apologising profusely. 

When the customers all went back to their shopping, Yujin slapped Yena. Hard. 

If Yujin’s scream was loud, the slap was deafening. Thankfully, the customers didn’t seem to mind this time. 

“What the hell is going on?” Wonyoung said, her hand rubbing at her ear. She swore it was still tingling a little from Yujin's scream beforehand. 

“She’s a demon.” Yujin pointed at her sister. “Like, a literal demon.” 

Yena huffed. “I thought I was cute.” 

“Please, just go.” Yujin said. “I’m begging you, never to do that again.” 

Yena pouted again, blinking her eyes overdramatically. “Yujinnie doesn’t think unnie is cute.” 

“Go!” Yujin shoved her away. 

Yena just giggled to herself, making her way to the storage room. But, not before waving goodbye to Wonyoung. 

Yujin pinched the bridge of her nose, muttering under her breath how annoying Yena was. 

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you mad before.” Yujin heard Wonyoung say. When she looked up, she saw the girl smirking amusedly at her. 

“I’m not mad,” Yujin said, “Yena unnie is just so annoying.” 

“You looked pretty mad to me.” Wonyoung said. She pointed to a spot near Yujin’s forehead. “Your eyebrows are furrowed.” 

“I don’t get mad.” Yujin said. “At least not easily.” 

“You sure?” Wonyoung said. “Tell me, was the last time you got mad, then?” 

Yujin thought for a moment. 

“Freshman year, I think?” Yujin said. 

“Two years ago?” Wonyoung asked incredulously. “I don’t believe you. There’s no way you haven’t gotten mad since then. The last time I was mad was like, during lunch today. And then two days ago.” 

Yujin shrugged. “It just takes a lot for me to actually be mad. I do get upset easily, though. My sister calls me a crybaby.” 

Wonyoung grimaced. “Yeah, we’re opposites. Last time I cried was probably Freshman year, too.” 

Their conversation was halted for a bit while Yujin tended to a customer. Wonyoung just stood on the side, watching curiously as Yujin mumbled words that she didn't understand. She swore, Yujin's voice sounded softer and brighter whenever she spoke in Korean. 

When the customer left, Yujin sat on her stool with a stretch of her legs. 

“No offence, but I don’t think we’d work out if we dated for real.” Yujin said. “You’re full of rage and I cry easily.” 

“Good thing we’re not dating, then.” Wonyoung scoffed. 

Yujin just smiled at that, giving a bit of a chuckle. 

“Speaking of which,” Wonyoung said, “We have to do something more. People aren’t really talking about us as much, anymore.” 

Yujin pursed her lips. She was really enjoying the set up they had now. Besides from the store visits, they would talk to each other briefly during lunches or breaks in between class. (Just like the others, all pre-planned by Wonyoung). Once, Wonyoung convinced Yujin to ditch a class to hang out under the bleachers (in plain sight of the football team who were practicing at the time). In Yujin’s defense, the class she was in had a substitute teacher and they were only watching a movie. 

Yujin sighed. “I guess, I can hug you?” 

Wonyoung shook her head. “I don’t want you to be uncomfortable.” 

Yujin couldn’t help but smile softly. When Wonyoung wasn’t bossing her around and being… well, Wonyoung, sometimes she could be quite sweet. 

“You always look so damn awkward when you’re uncomfortable.” Wonyoung continued. “So, stiff. Even my dog acts better than you.” 

Emphasis on the sometimes. Sometimes, Jang Wonyoung could be quite sweet. This wasn’t that time. 

Yujin chose to ignore Wonyoung’s comment. 

“What do you propose we do, then?” 

Wonyoung only smirked. 


“Jiheon was right. I really feel like we’re in a cheesy teen movie.”

When Wonyoung said they were going to hang out at the mall, Yujin had assumed they were going to grab a snack somewhere. She was hoping they were going to eat somewhere like the waffle place or a cute cafe.

What Yujin didn’t expect was Wonyoung shoving filled shopping bags into her hand and dragging her into shop after shop. 

What Yujin also didn’t expect was that Wonyoung was rich. Like rich rich. 

(“Daddy owns hotel chains in Singapore.” Wonyoung had said with a shrug, as if it was the most normal thing ever.) 

“Of course, where do you think I got the idea of the 'makeover scene' from?” Wonyoung said. She pointed towards a seat near the change rooms. “Now, sit like they do in the teen movies. I will find you the clothes.” 

Yujin just sighed, her stomach gurgling a little bit. 

“We’ve been to three shops already and we've bought so much!” Yujin said. “Can’t we at least eat first and then try on the clothes?” 

Wonyoung shook her head. “Clothes first, food later.” 

Yujin groaned. 

“I know this store like the back of my hand, I’ll be quick.” Wonyoung said. “Now, sit.” 

“Fine.” Yujin sat on the chair, murmuring to herself, “making me feel like she’s talking to a dog. I am a girl! I am a person!” 

True to her word, Wonyoung had returned approximately one song and a half later. Yujin had resorted to watching a couple Kpop dance practices while waiting for her. 

Yujin looked up to realise that she couldn’t even see Wonyoung behind the pile of clothes in her arms. How was she able to carry them all? Yujin had no clue. That was when Yujin realised that Wonyoung really wasn’t kidding when she said she knew the store like the back of her hand. 

“Try these, first.” Wonyoung said, the first outfit being outstretched to Yujin. 

The outfit sequences went like this. 

The first outfit Yujin tried on was interesting, if Yujin were to try to describe it. It would have been cute for a performance, perhaps. It was a pretty loud outfit, with the neon green long sleeve almost blinding Yujin. If that wasn’t enough, on top the undershirt Wonyoung had found an oversized white T-shirt with Buzz Lightyear printed on it. 

To Yujin, the first outfit wasn’t necessarily ugly. It just reminded her of something Yena would wear. And Yujin did not want to wear anything that she could associate with her sister’s style. It worked for Yena’s personality, but Yujin wouldn’t be caught dead wearing this. 

Thankfully, Wonyoung seemed to agree because she grimaced as soon as Yujin walked out the door. 

“Absolutely not.” Wonyoung shook her head in disgust the moment she laid her eyes on Yujin and the clothes. She shoved the next outfit in Yujin’s hands. “Next!” 

The second outfit was definitely more cohesive in Yujin’s eyes and was closer to her style. Especially the ripped jean shorts. She really liked the jean shorts. Though, it was a still a no to her. Not because the outfit was ugly, she just felt slightly uncomfortable with how exposed she felt with the tank top. The sides dropped way too low for Yujin’s liking and she instinctively held her arms closer to her body to try and compensate. 

“Why are you acting shy?” Wonyoung poked at Yujin’s arms. “You’re toned as hell! You gotta show those arms off. Jacob spends ages trying to tone up his arms and you don’t, yet they still look good, girl.” 

“It’s just not very... me.” 

Wonyoung rolled her eyes. “Fine, we don’t have to buy it. But, do me a favor? Look in the mirror and pose.” 

“Do I have to?” 

“Um, yes?” Wonyoung said. “It’s only me. Just pretend you’re confident for like 3 seconds.” 

Yujin stared at Wonyoung with an eyebrow raised. Then she hesitantly turned around and stared at herself in the mirror. She relaxed her arms a little bit so that they weren’t pressed so tight next to her sides. Though, her current posture still looked pretty awkward. Kind of like a Sims character. 

It didn’t help that Wonyoung was sniggering on the side. 

“Really? You asked me to do this and you’re making fun of me?” Yujin groaned. “Whatever, just give me the next outfit.” 

“You look good.” Wonyoung said. “I’m just laughing because you’re such an awkward person. Loosen up a little, will you?” 

Yujin mockingly flexed her arms, letting out a low growl.

“Is that better for you?” 

And then Wonyoung laughed. 

Like, she really laughed. A genuine laugh that wasn’t fake or wasn’t demeaning, Wonyoung was actually laughing straight from her gut.

Yujin softened up, glancing at Wonyoung in awe. Wonyoung only halted her laughter when she realised Yujin was looking at her. 


“I made you laugh.” Yujin grinned. “You’re warming up to me.” 

And then, grumpy Wonyoung was back. With a  of the next outfit into Yujin’s arms, Wonyoung shoved the other girl back into the change room. 

“I’m laughing at you because you’re annoying.” 

But as Wonyoung was closing the door of the changerooms, Yujin swore she saw the other girl studying her through the mirror. 

Yujin stared at herself at the mirror, hands on either side of her hips. 

“She sure has pretty eyes.” Yujin said in Korean. 

The third outfit was another definite no from Yujin. It was really cute and Yujin could admit that she looked really good in all white. Also, the white skinny jeans really showed off how good her legs were. The problem was the crop top. When Yujin walked out of the changeroom she instinctively put her hands over her stomach. 

“Major MAJOR yes.” Wonyoung grinned while Yujin was shaking her head. “Are you sure you don’t play any sports? Or work out? You are so toned, girl! I’ve been doing pilates for months and I don’t have that body.” 

“We can buy that tank top, just, please don’t make me wear this.” Yujin clasped two hands together in dismay.  

Wonyoung sighed. “Fine. I’m holding you to the tank top statement.” 

It was the last outfit that Yujin loved the most. 

Yujin had spent longer to leave the changeroom than the other outfits, only because she couldn’t help but stare at it in awe. She tilted her head in amazement, she looked and felt good. She had never seen herself look this way before. 

Yujin thought that Wonyoung had hit the nail on the head with the outfit. She had never worn a turtleneck before because she thought that they felt too 90s/early 2000s but she had to admit she looked really good with it, especially since it was in black. The only reason why the outfit didn’t feel too old looking was because of the black blazer Wonyoung had paired with it. It definitely felt more modern. The denim ripped square jeans topped off the look, making it feel more casual. 

A knock on the door broke her out of her thoughts. 

“Yujin? You good in there?” 

“Oh, right!” Yujin turned quickly and burst through the door. 

She didn’t realise, however, that Wonyoung was still close behind the door. Yujin only found out the moment the door collided with her body, a bang resonating in the air. 

Yujin’s eyes widened. 

“Oh, God! Sorry!” Yujin rushed over to Wonyoung. “Are you okay?” 

Wonyoung grimaced, one hand on her left shoulder which Yujin assumed was the body part that she had hit. 

“Ow.” Wonyoung said. 

“I’m sorry.” Yujin pouted. 

It was then that they realised just how close they were together. 

Yujin found herself face to face with Wonyoung, only a few centimetres apart. She could see every detail of Wonyoung’s face, like where she had drawn her eyeliner and where she had added extra concealer to hide her eye bags. 

She hadn’t realised either than Wonyoung had a few moles on her face. She couldn’t see them clearly because they were a little bit covered by Wonyoung’s makeup but she could still make out that they were there. One was just a few centimetres below her eyes on the outline of her cheek bones. The other was just to the side of her lip. 

Wonyoung must have noticed how close together they were too, because she had swallowed hard and backed away slowly. 

Yujin’s hands fell limply to her side. 

“I-I like this one.” Yujin said, clearing  when she realised how hoarse her voice sounded. 

“Me, too.” Wonyoung said. 

The two of them stood there, nodding at each other. Yujin was looking anywhere but Wonyoung as the other girl scrutinized every detail of her outfit. 

“Let’s buy it.” Wonyoung said. 

Yujin gave a thumbs up. 

She turned around to go back into the changeroom, when she heard Wonyoung gasp behind her. Then she felt a hand forcing her into the cubicle and the sound of the door shutting behind her. 

Yujin stared at Wonyoung with wide eyes. 

“What the hell?” Yujin said. 

“Shhh!” Wonyoung placed a hasty finger onto Yujin’s lips. “It’s Jacob. He’s here with Mikayla.” 

“So?” Yujin said. “Why can’t they see us here?” 

“Because, they’ll know we were shopping for outfits.” Wonyoung said. “You’re wearing that tomorrow at school.” 

“This?” Yujin gestured to her outfit. “Isn’t this too overkill for school?”

“Trust me, it’s perfect.” Wonyoung said. “Everyone will go head over heels for you.” 

“So, why aren’t you?” Yujin smirked. 

“Because, I know that you’re annoying.” Wonyoung said. “Now go get changed so that we can pay for the clothes and get the hell out of here.” 

“I’m not getting changed with you in here!” 

“That’s why I’m going to turn around and close my eyes, idiot!” 

“Then turn around!” 

“I will! Only because I choose to, not because you told me to.” Wonyoung finally turned around. 

“And you say I’m the annoying one.” Yujin muttered under her breath. 

“I heard that!” 


“I feel bad for Mikayla.” Yujin said as she happily munched on her fried chicken. They had successfully made their escape from the shop without being caught (though they had to awkwardly hide behind random clothes racks to avoid being seen, earning weird looks from the adults that were shopping there) and were now sitting in a booth at a cafe on the other side of the mall. 

“Yeah, what a downgrade.” Wonyoung scoffed. “Poor girl really thinks she could pull off that top? Good luck, she’ll look like a rat in that.” 

Yujin shook her head. “Now, now. Don’t say mean things about her, that’s not what I meant. I meant that, she deserves way better. She doesn’t know that she’s dating a lying, cheating, stinky man.” 

Wonyoung shook her head. “That backstabber is on the cheerleading team with me and she wanted to be Vice Captain instead of me. She DEFINITELY knows that I was dating Jacob. I know she’s just doing this to get back at me because she’s just jealous that people like me more than her. That day that I caught them? She knew that I was busy that day which is why she went out with him.” 

Yujin scowled.

“Really? Nevermind. She totally deserves it.” Yujin said. “I hate cheaters.” 

Wonyoung nodded. “Yup, so I can call her a lying, dirty .’ 

“W-what??” Yujin exclaimed, one hand over  in shock. “What did you say?” 

Wonyoung bit her lip, looking like she regretted her words. “You really want me to repeat it?” 

Yujin shook her head in disbelief. “I know you’re mad but there are better ways to deal with it.” 

Wonyoung groaned. “Yeah, yeah, you’re gonna say something like ‘show that you are the bigger person because that is the best revenge you can give’ aren’t you?” 

“Well, no, I wasn't. I was actually going to tell you to buy the exact same top that she just bought and wear it at school tomorrow wayyy better than she ever could.” Yujin said. “But, your option sounds good, too.” 

Wonyoung crossed her arms, staring at Yujin in amazement. 

"What?" Yujin said. "Isn't that what you would say to me if I were in the same situation?" 

“Wow.” Wonyoung said. “You've been hanging out with me, too much." 

Wonyoung just smirked, proudly patting Yujin’s shoulder. 

“You are learning.” Wonyoung said. “I am slowly ruining you.” 

“But, on the brightside,” Yujin said, “it seems that I’m slowly making you a nicer person.” 

“Yuck. Me? A nice person? Yeah, right.” 

Yujin grinned, a mouthful of chicken making her cheeks puff out. 

“You make me prettier on the outside,” Yujin said with a mouthful of chicken, “and I’ll make you prettier on the inside.” 

Wonyoung stared at the monstrosity that was Yujin’s chicken filled mouth. 

“I can see what’s going to go inside your body, it doesn’t look too pretty, either.” Wonyoung countered. 


Wonyoung and Yujin’s conversation was cut short when a figure slid into the seat next to Wonyoung. 

Yujin froze mid-chew, her cheeks still puffing from the chicken. Thankfully,  was closed. But that didn’t stop the crumbs accumulating on the side of . 

“Rebecca!” Wonyoung said, shocked to see her friend there. That’s when she turned to see more of her friends standing by their table. 

“Vicky, you can finally introduce us to your girlfriend!” 

“Hi, Yoo jean.” 

Yujin was still frozen in her spot, scared of the bombardment of cheerleaders at her table. She knew Wonyoung was friends with all of them and that she’d have to talk to them someday, but she just wasn’t expecting it to be this soon. (Also, she wasn't ready for how insanely gorgeous all of them were. It's like she was surrounded by angels.) 

“I thought I was going to introduce her to you guys, tomorrow.” Wonyoung laughed. The fake laugh that Yujin had grown to despise. 

“Well, we’re here now!” One of the girls, a tall brunette smiled at Yujin. “Hi, I’m Elizabeth.” 

It was then that Yujin finally found the ability to move, resting her eyes on Wonyoung as if silently asking for help. Wonyoung just looked at her, waiting for her to speak. 

Yujin swallowed her food, wiping hastily at her lips with a napkin. 

“H-hi.” Yujin cursed at how high her voice had gotten. “I’m Yujin.”

She waved her hand awkwardly. 

Then she pointed at Wonyoung with an awkward laugh. “Her g-girlfriend.” 

There were a total of four girls standing around the table including Elizabeth, the fifth girl, Rebecca, was still seated next to Wonyoung, staring inquisitively at Yujin who was pretending not to notice her gaze. 

“You guys are like, so cute!” A petite blonde girl clapped her hands together. “Look at you, on a date.” 

“Yes, Jess, a date.” Wonyoung said, mirroring the smile that Jess was giving her. “I love having you girls around, but I want some alone time with my girl, if you don’t mind.” 

That earned a round of protests from the girls, who made sure to make an overdramatic guffaw. 

“You’re no fun, Vicky.” Rebecca leaned over to playfully swipe at Wonyoung’s shoulder. “We just wanted to talk to you and your girlfriend.” 

“Eugene! Do you have an english name?” Elizabeth slid into the seat next to Yujin, pressing up against her and Yujin instantly stiffened up. 

“Um, no, I don’t.” Yujin said. 

“Why not?” A perky red-head said. 

“I like my name as is.” Yujin said. 

“I mean, it’s a cute name.” Elizabeth said. ‘It just doesn’t sound American, you know?” 

“Because, I’m Korean.” Yujin said. 

“Well, yeah,” The perky red-head giggled, “but Yoo jean is hard for us Americans to pronounce.” 

“You all seem to pronounce it just fine.” 

(An obvious lie on Yujin’s part but anything to get them to leave her alone). 

The girls all seemed to brighten up at Yujin’s comment, excitedly whispering to themselves, obviously proud at the thought that they could say her name properly. 

“She is so pretty.” Elizabeth played with Yujin’s hair. “Her hair is so soft.” 

Jess and the perky red-head had made their way behind Yujin, poking at her cheeks. 

“Her skin is so nice, too!” 

"Your dimple is adorable."

Yujin sat there frozen, not knowing what to do having so many people near her.  

“Ooh, watch out,” Rebecca giggled, “I can feel Vicky tensing up next to me. You should take your hands off her girl.” 

Yujin’s eyes landed on Wonyoung and sure enough, the girl was glaring at her friends, her hand curled up into a fist on the table. 

“Ooh, sorry, Vicky.” Elizabeth giggled, standing up to distance herself from Yujin. “Didn’t mean to touch your property.” 

“Come on, girls.” Rebecca stood up, “let’s leave these lovebirds on their date.” 

It was overwhelming hearing the chorus of six girls with high-pitched voices all overlapping their goodbyes to the two girls. Yujin couldn’t even make out what some of them were saying even though she assumed it was just a mixture of different ways to say ‘bye, Vicky’ and ‘bye, Yujin’. 


Yujin waved awkwardly back and watched them leave. They were incredibly bouncy when they walked which made sense because they were cheerleaders. 

Then again, Wonyoung didn’t seem to walk like that. Wonyoung walked like she had a mission, like she knew she was meant to be on this earth and she was not afraid to command you. 

"Wow, they're all really pretty." Yujin finally was able to breathe properly. 

Her relief however, was cut short by a bang of a fist on their table. Yujin jumped at the sudden noise. 

“What is wrong with you?” Wonyoung hissed at Yujin once the girls were out of sight. 

“W-what did I do?” Yujin said with wide eyes. 

Wonyoung gestured towards Yujin. 

“You did nothing!” 


Wonyoung pursed her lips. 

“You said you hate being touched.” 

“Yeah? And?” 

“What do you mean, and? What was THAT all about?” Wonyoung scowled towards Yujin, looking down at her through her nose. 

“What are you talking about?” Yujin scratched her head. 

“You’re so dense.” Wonyoung rolled her eyes. “Hello? In their eyes, you have a girlfriend! And you were letting them get all close to you like that. In front of your supposed girlfriend, too?” 

“O-oh.” Yujin said. “I-I didn’t realise. Um, next time I guess I’ll push them away?” 

Wonyoung didn’t seem to be listening to what Yujin was trying to say. 

“Didn't you say people touching you made you uncomfortable? Like, we can't even hug for goodness sake!” Wonyoung said. “Imagine how they’re going to think! You and I barely hold hands and yet you’re out here letting my friends get all close to you and play with your hair and poke your cheeks like it’s nothing.” 

“I’m sorry, I was really uncomfortable and didn’t know what to do.” Yujin said sheepishly. 

“All the more reason for you to push them away?” Wonyoung said. “God, it’s like trying to explain something to a four-year old!” 

Yujin just stayed quiet, watching Wonyoung as she continued her rant. She realised quickly that there was no point in trying to say anything to Wonyoung and to just let her blow off her steam before interjecting with some sense. 

Yujin was quite surprised, actually. She was the type to easily get anxious over the things people said to her, especially if they were criticising her about something. But for some reason, she never felt that way with Wonyoung. If anything she felt sort of amused by Wonyoung’s short temper. Yujin thought that it must be because something inside her knew that Wonyoung was prone to getting easily triggered by the smallest of things, so she’s learnt not to take those things Wonyoung says to heart. 

Angry Wonyoung said a lot of things and Yujin learnt quickly that it was best to only listen to the bigger picture of what Wonyoung was saying and not to focus on the little things. 

“-and now look at you! You won’t even say anything!” 

Finally, there was silence. 

Yujin watched as Wonyoung started to physically cool down, her deep breaths softening her shoulders a little bit. 

Yujin raised an eyebrow. “Are you done, now?” 

“You’re so irritating.” Wonyoung said. However, there was less bite to it. 

Yujin noticed a strand of hair had untucked from Wonyoung’s tight ponytail and she instinctively leaned over the table to tuck it behind her ear. 

However, Wonyoung swatted at her hand before she could touch her. 

“Hands off.” Wonyoung grumbled. “I can fix it myself.” 

Yujin just put her hands up in defense. 

“Are you done eating? I have to go home and work on my project.” Wonyoung said. 

Yujin placed the last piece of chicken into . She chewed on it and gave Wonyoung a closed mouth grin and a thumbs up. 

Wonyoung just rolled her eyes, opening up her shiny wallet to place some cash into their bill. 

“I can take care of the tip?” Yujin reached into her wallet but Wonyoung shook her head. 

“Just eat your chicken.”

Yujin shrugged. Free meals should never be complained about. So, she 

“So, what’s the plan for tomorrow?” Yujin said, once she swallowed her chicken. 

“I don’t know.” Wonyoung sighed. “I’ll tell you later.” 

Yujin studied Wonyoung’s face. 

“Are you still upset about your friends?” Yujin said. “I said, I was sorry.” 

“I’m not upset!” Wonyoung snapped, her eyes furrowing to glare at Yujin. 

“That doesn’t sound convincing.” 

“I said, I’m not!”

“B-but you sound upset-” 

“God!” Wonyoung let out an exasperated huff. “You’re so annoying! I said I’m fine. So, I am fine. I’m not upset about anything.” 

“Okay?” Yujin said. “So, can you tell me the plan for tomorrow?” 

“I’ll tell you in my own time!” 

And with that, Wonyoung stormed off.

Yujin could only watch her figure storming away. She put two fingers to her temple and rubbed at it, her eyes scrunching up slightly in a grimace. 

She eyed the clothes that Wonyoung had bought for her. There were quite a few bags and quite a few outfits in there with some of the clothes Yujin liked and others that she needed some time getting used to. But, the one she enjoyed the most was the turtleneck and the blazer. Even Wonyoung seemed incredibly happy by the outfit. 

(“I am a fashion genius.” Wonyoung had mused to herself while they made their way to the fried chicken place with bags of clothes in their hands.) 

Happy Wonyoung had a slight bounce to her step and the resting glare on her face was way softer than it usually was. Yujin really enjoyed being around happy Wonyoung because it felt like she was hanging out with a really big kid. 

But, alas, as Yujin ran to catch up with the ‘not upset’ Wonyoung, she realised that sometimes good things just do not last for long. 

“I’m sure she’ll be fine by tomorrow.” Yujin muttered to herself. “... Right?”




A/N: This was only meant to be 5 chapters but looks like it's gonna be like 10 OOPS. 

Again, thank you for all of your comments! Sorry I can't reply to them all but just know that every comment is greatly appreciatedddd! It always brings a smile to my face seeing that I have new comments. 

ALSO PLS GIVE @GINGERWORKZ ON TWT LOTS OF LOVE!! She is my partner in crime, always bringing the headcanons and fics that I can only picture in my head, straight to life! This is the turtleneck outfit Yujin wore in this chapter.

(P.S if you search up @gingerworkz on webtoon, you may or may not find the webtoon version of my other annyeongz au: Color Outside the Lines. hehehe)

I wish everyone a good week and that you all stay happy and healthy <3

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AlexisGray2019 #1
Any chance this story will get an update? I’m really invested in this.
wonyoandyuj #2
Please comeback, I've waited years!!!
NashiAshfilia #3
Chapter 17: Esperarei eternamente e quanto for preciso para a continuação dessa obra prima!!
Chapter 17: dude!!! You're almost done!!! Where is the resttttt
Chapter 14: 6 races? oh honey, yikes
Chapter 13: Gal pals, huh
Chapter 11: Why be in a love triangle when they could be in a love dive ;___; how is yj juggling two girls, honestly
Chapter 9: My favorite part was when wonny learned what yeppeo means 🥹
Chapter 8: oh no, saranghae really is slipping and falling killing your darling 💔
Chapter 7: little angry wonny deserves everything even though she can afford everything already