step three: the first hiccup

Tangled Up in Me (TUIM)

There were so many people in the world. So many stories to tell. So many stories overlapping each other, both on social media and outside of it. 

About 97% of the people around you only saw snapshots of your life (this was probably scientifically proven by some scholar at some point in the scheme of the world). They would connect those snapshots together in an attempt to create an incomplete puzzle of what your actual life looked like. From then, they could only speculate what the actual picture looks like. So, it was easy to manipulate them to think one way about your life. 

Vicky Jang (or in Yujin’s mind, Jang Wonyoung) was very much aware of all these things. 

As for Yujin, herself? Not so much. But, that was okay, because she was just following everything the other girl was telling her to do. 

“Dark chocolates? Really?” 

Yujin almost fell to the ground when she felt a presence hiss into her ear while she was waiting in line for lunch. 

It had been almost a week since Yujin and Wonyoung had started their fake dating. Every night before bed, Wonyoung would text Yujin the details of their plan for the next day. Every night before bed, Yujin would ask Wonyoung random facts about herself because she had realised that she actually didn’t know many trivial things about Wonyoung. 

Actually, Yujin didn’t know a lot of Jang Wonyoung except for the fact that she was a cheerleader, incredibly bossy and seemed to know a great deal about a range of topics. In fact, Wonyoung was actually quite a smart person. Yujin thought that one day she would actually make a great lawyer. 

“The bakery didn’t have any macaroons this morning!” Yujin said, unnerved by Wonyoung’s fake smile. “And you said you hate the ones from the convenience store.” 

From the week that Yujin and Wonyoung had begun their arrangement, Yujin had gotten a little better at getting used to Wonyoung’s scary and fake demeanor she’d put on in front of other people. Honestly, a lot of things were beginning to unphase Yujin when it came to Wonyoung. For one, Yujin was less scared of her and had actually learnt to trust her, even though Wonyoung probably should learn nicer ways of bossing people around. 

Wonyoung’s face changed, her eyes flickering a little bit. 

“Oh. Nice of you to remember.” Wonyoung said. “But, you decided to buy me dark chocolates? Are you insane?” 

“I can ask you the same question.” Yujin smiled at the canteen lady who didn’t return the smile but coincidentally seemed to give her the freshest looking apple from the pile. “You mean to tell me that you don’t like dark chocolate?” 

Wonyoung scowled at her tray, looking at the nasty mush being put onto her plate. Then she looked at the bruised apple that had appeared next to it. 

“Sometimes just giving the lunch ladies an extra smile can go a long way.” Yujin winked at Wonyoung. “You have a pretty smile, you should use it.” 

“I will smile at whoever I want to smile at, thank you very much.” Wonyoung said. “And no, I don’t not like dark chocolate. I despise it. I hate it.” 

“You’re absolutely crazy.” Yujin said. “What’s your favorite chocolate, then?” 

Wonyoung and Yujin had finished in line with their food and were now loitering near some trash cans.  

“White chocolate.” Wonyoung giggled and slapped Yujin playfully on the shoulder, pretending that she has said something hilarious. Yujin now understood that she was doing that because Wonyoung knew people were most likely watching the both of them.

Though Yujin was used to Wonyoung’s mannerisms, she still had to get used to Wonyoung touching her. She just felt weird when people she wasn’t close to would touch her. That’s her personal space. She only liked it if she were comfortable with the person. Like Jiheon. Or her sister, Yena (though she’d never admit it to her face). 

Yujin just looked at her incredulously, raising an eyebrow at Wonyoung's annoying giggle.

“Really? You’re not going to play along? Not even a giggle or a smile back? People are going to think this is just one-sided between us.” Wonyoung said. 

Yujin just narrowed her eyes at her, causing Wonyoung to giggle again in an attempt to do damage control. If all else fails, laugh, so that to the broader audience it looks like you’re just playing around. 

“We will continue this conversation tonight. I’d accept milk chocolate but white chocolate? Don’t get me started right here.” 

“Whatever.” Wonyoung said. Then she looked around the room. 

Luckily, there weren’t many people within hearing distance from them. Nobody liked sitting near the trash cans because it smelt like garbage (what a surprise) and it was annoying at the end of lunch when everyone would crowd around their table to throw things away. 

A lot of the other students opt to sit at the far side of the cafeteria, pretending that they weren’t spying on Yujin and Wonyoung. 

“The girls are waving me over.” Wonyoung acknowledged her group with a smile. “Kiss me on the cheek and then I’ll go.” 

Yujin’s eyes widened. 

“I’m sorry, what?” 

Wonyoung just shrugged, raising an eyebrow. “Didn’t we debrief this, last night? We’re up to the PDA stage in dating.” 

“I thought it meant like a hug or hand holding, I didn’t think you meant that!” 

“It’s just the cheek, Yujin.” Wonyoung rolled her eyes. “What’s the big deal?” 

“I don’t wanna!” Yujin huffed. 

“Yujin,” Wonyoung said through gritted teeth, “stop acting mad, people will see you.” 

“What? Couples can’t fight?” Yujin said. She sighed and lowered her voice. “You said that we won’t do anything I’m uncomfortable with. Well, this is making me uncomfortable so can you let it go?” 

Wonyoung groaned. “Fine, have it your way. I’ll talk to you later.” 

“You just want to leave because I’m right and there’s no way you can win the argument.” Yujin said as to which Wonyoung narrowed her eyes on her. 

“I said, I’ll talk to you later.” Wonyoung huffed and turned away. Yujin brightened a little at that, smirking at her in victory. 

Now, Wonyoung was usually quite the tempered head. Rarely was she seen getting stirred up or mad at people. In fact, she had quite a peaceful demeanor to her most of the time. Which is why hanging out with Yujin was quite infuriating for the girl.

As she was walking back to her table, Wonyoung had no clue what it was about Yujin that could push her buttons. She had never been this irritable with anyone before. Perhaps, it’s because her pride and ego was on the line of their fake dating arrangement. 

She dared to sneak a glance at Jacob who had his new girl, a sophomore, on his arm. Letting a puff of air out of her nose, Wonyoung thought perhaps that was exactly it. She was just stressed about the whole ‘Jacob’ situation. 

But, as Wonyoung sat down at the table with her friends who were pretending that they weren’t watching the quarrelling couples’ exchange, Wonyoung couldn’t help but land her eyes over to Yujin across the cafeteria. 

While watching Yujin take a couple of fries from her plate and placing it onto Jiheon and Jihan’s plates next to her, Wonyoung realised what it was. 

Wonyoung was just mad because Yujin was right. 


“Did you and Vicky get into a fight at lunch today?” Jiheon asked while watching Yujin kick at the coke machine. It had been a few days since they last bought from there much to Jiheon’s bewilderment. She figured that Yujin just didn't need the excuse anymore to stare at her crush.

“She was just mad at me because I told her to smile more at people.” Yujin said. “She’ll get over it soon.” 

“I really don’t know what you see in her,” Jiheon said while glancing at Wonyoung who was packing her books into her school bag. “You’re so pure and good for this world and she’s just… a demon. You guys are complete opposites.” 

“You know what they say about opposites.” Yujin said. “Besides, she’s not that bad once you get to know her. She’s just a little temperamental.” 

“Opposites attract, pish posh.” Jiheon said. 

She threw an arm around Jihan who coincidentally was walking down the hall, straight past them at that exact moment. 

“If you were going to go by the ‘opposites’ notion, why don’t you just crush on Jihan?” Jiheon said. “She’s miniscule and you’re a giant.” 

“Hey! I’m not that small.” Jihan huffed. 

“You’re right.” Yujin said sarcastically. “Gee, Jihan, why aren’t we dating, yet? We’d be perfect for each other.” 

Jihan shrugged. “I do prefer taller people.” 

“See? Boom, a perfect match.” Jiheon said.

“I’m not the only tall person around here, though.” Yujin said. “If we went by that logic Jihan could have a lot of perfect matches.” 

“She has a point.” Jihan said. “By that logic, me and Vicky Jang would be perfect for each other.” 

“You called?” 

Yujin, Jiheon and Jihan all jumped at the sudden intrusion. Jiheon and Jihan both widened their eyes comically when they saw who it was. Yujin on the other hand, prepared herself for the worst. 

“I’m sorry, Jihan.” Wonyoung said. “You’re not really my type.” 

“You, too!” Jihan said, a little too positively. “I-I mean, we were just making a hypothetical point about opposites.” 

Jiheon just nodded enthusiastically on the side. 

Wonyoung just raised an eyebrow. Jihan and Jiheon took that as their cue to give them some space. At least, enough space to make it look like they were leaving Yujin and Wonyoung alone but actually they could still hear them. 

When they walked away, Wonyoung shook a bag of chocolates she had been hiding behind her back. 

“Thank you for the chocolates.” Wonyoung said. Then she murmured quickly, “even though they’re dark chocolate.” 

“No problem.”  

Wonyoung let the bag of chocolates fall loosely to the side, an awkward silence filling between them.

“I like that they’re bunny shaped.” Wonyoung said.

“Your favorite animal.” 


Another silence overtook them while Yujin started playing with the hem of her t-shirt. 

Finally, Wonyoung sighed. 

“I’m sorry about lunch.” Wonyoung said, her eyes dropping to the floor. 

“That’s okay.” Yujin gave her a reassuring smile, even though Wonyoung wasn’t looking at her. 

Wonyoung just chuckled. “It’s not okay, but I appreciate that you’re a very forgiving person.” 

She looked around the hallway, noticing the prying eyes that were pretending not to be listening to the conversation. And surprisingly, it wasn’t just Jiheon and Jihan. 

“I’ll call you, tonight?” Wonyoung said, the look in her eyes indicating that the conversation wasn’t over. 


“Great.” Wonyoung said. She fiddled with the chocolates in her hand. “Thank you again, for this.” 

She then reached into the bag, unwrapping one of the chocolate bunnies. They were individually wrapped in gold foil and Wonyoung had unwrapped one enough so only the ears were sticking out. 

Yujin just watched her curiously. 

Then Wonyoung smiled cheekily, leaning forward a little to hover the bunny in front of Yujin’s face. 

“Say, ahh~” Wonyoung said, cutely. Suddenly doing a 180 to how she was before. 

Yujin just stared at the chocolate bunny right in front of her. 

“Ahh~” Yujin chuckled to herself, thinking she looked like a complete idiot. 

Yujin took a bite because who in their right mind could say no to chocolate? 

She made sure to make a show of chewing the chocolate and swallowing it, giving Wonyoung an overdramatic thumbs up to show how delicious the chocolate was. Honestly, she just wanted to mock her, knowing that she didn’t like dark chocolate. 

Wonyoung just rolled her eyes, just how Yujin was expecting and she couldn’t help but laugh at her. Wonyoung and her ever so-Wonyoung traits were starting to become quite predictable to Yujin. 

But then, she did something Yujin wasn’t expecting. 

As Wonyoung began to back away, she smiled cheekily. Then, she placed the part that Yujin had bitten in front of  and bit the same part. 

Yujin could only stare at her in shock. 

Did she really just do that? Yujin thought to herself. 

This time, it was Wonyoung laughing at Yujin’s expression as she turned and disappeared down the hall, her gym bag strung over her shoulder. 

A few seconds later, as Jiheon and Jihan walked back to Yujin with their mouths wide opened, Yujin felt her phone buzz. 

Jang Wonyoungie to Yujin: 

hope ur good with the indirect kiss 0.0

pda? check! 

Yujin really wanted to bang her head against a wall. Literally, what did she get herself into? She had to admit, Wonyoung really was smart. 

Looking around, Yujin could see everybody around them murmuring to each other in excitement. Trust Wonyoung to know how to create a buzz.

Yujin to Jang Wonyoungie: 

see? I was right

Jang Wonyoungie to Yujin: 


Yujin to Jang Wonyoungie:

ur pretty when you smile

“So, I’m guessing you’re both good, now?” Jiheon said.

Yujin watched Wonyoung’s retreating figure. 

“Yeah.” Yujin smiled. “I think we’re going to be good.” 


But, then again, what does Yujin know? 


A/N: Hi hi, so updates aren't going to be this regularly, this is only out because this was meant to be part of the last chapter heheheh. Again, thank you for everyone reading, commenting and supporting this story! 

And for the commenter who asked if there's going to be angst,,, it's not heavy angst hehe. There's gotta be some angst so that the fluff is really really cute, right? 
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AlexisGray2019 #1
Any chance this story will get an update? I’m really invested in this.
wonyoandyuj #2
Please comeback, I've waited years!!!
NashiAshfilia #3
Chapter 17: Esperarei eternamente e quanto for preciso para a continuação dessa obra prima!!
Chapter 17: dude!!! You're almost done!!! Where is the resttttt
Chapter 14: 6 races? oh honey, yikes
Chapter 13: Gal pals, huh
Chapter 11: Why be in a love triangle when they could be in a love dive ;___; how is yj juggling two girls, honestly
Chapter 9: My favorite part was when wonny learned what yeppeo means 🥹
Chapter 8: oh no, saranghae really is slipping and falling killing your darling 💔
Chapter 7: little angry wonny deserves everything even though she can afford everything already