step eleven: Music and Playlists

Tangled Up in Me (TUIM)

Christmas. Yujin’s favorite time of the year. She loved cold weather because she loved bundling up in thick layers of clothes, the air fogging up around her when her hot breath left her lips. Just this morning she and Jiheon were standing outside of the school grounds acting like little kids, harshly blowing into the air and swatting at the fog with their hands. 


Snow was also a key factor that she loved about Christmas and the winter season in general. Instead of snowmen, she and her sister loved to make snow ducks. Nobody else was able to distinguish what they are but Yena and Yujin knew. That was all that mattered to the sisters. 


Hot chocolate tasted immaculate when it was cold. Especially thick hot chocolate. She loved the way that it slid down and how she could feel how warm it was when it reached her stomach. 


It was cold, so why the hell would someone still want to drink coke? 


“Let me help you.” Yujin said to the struggling person at the coke machine. She kicked at it, watching as the can fell out.




Yujin tried not to meet the person’s eyes, opting to scan down the hallway for her friends. 


“No problem.” Yujin said. She turned to leave, not being able to stand the awkward air between them anymore.


Then she felt a hand on her back. 


“Wait.” said the person, the can of coke falling limply by their side. “Merry Christmas.” 


There was a slight pause while the person seemed to be battling with something else. Some words left unsaid. 


“Thank you.” Yujin gave a polite close lipped smile. 


Yujin fiddled with the hem of her shirt, watching as the other person twirled the can slightly in their hands. Yujin wanted to say the words she knew the other person probably wanted to say. 


I miss you. 


“Merry Christmas to you, too,” was all that Yujin was able to say. 


Just then a voice called out causing the other person to purse their lips as they faked a smile. 


“Vicky?” yelled the voice from across the hall, “you got my coke?” 


“Yeah.” she replied, eyes not leaving Yujin’s who kept darting her own eyes everywhere. “Coming, Jacob.” 


6 weeks. 


It has been 6 weeks since Battle of the Bands. 6 weeks since Wonyoung and Yujin have talked. 6 weeks since Wonyoung truly felt happy. 6 weeks since Yujin felt content with life. 


6 weeks since Wonyoung and Yujin ended their agreement to fake date. 


----------------------------6 weeks ago ----------------------------


“Vicky, have you seen the extra pom poms? One of the sophomores accidentally left theirs at the hotel.” 


“Vicky, can I borrow your eyeliner? Mine has run out.” 


“Vicky, can you do my hair like yours? Yours is really pretty.” 


There was chaos in the dressing room for the Enozi High varsity cheerleading team. It wasn’t that the girls were unorganised (though some of them were a little bit) but that everyone was feeling a little jittery. 


There was one hour until they performed their routine. This was it. The moment Wonyoung and the team have been preparing for since the beginning of the school year. They even started preparing during summer break. 


Wonyoung fished out the spare pom poms from her bag. Then she gave her liquid eyeliner to the respective person. Finally, she took a hair straightener and helped to curl some of her teammate’s hair. 


“OMG. No way. The winners from last year leaked their rehearsal clip.” Rebecca examined showing her phone for everyone. “I got it right here!” 


That caused a commotion of girls all flocking to the phone screen, all chattering to each other. 


“Oh my God.” Elizabeth put a hand onto . “They are so clean.” 


“We’re screwed.” 


“Shut up, Jessica, we’ll be fine.” 


Captain Ashley shook her head at the team, walking over to turn off the video on Rebecca’s phone. 


“Stop watching them, girls. We need to be focused!” Ashley said. “This is our time to shine.” 


Her words caused the girls to once more begin to excitedly chat amongst each other. 


“Besides, there’s no need to worry.” Ashley said with a playful smirk. “We have something they don’t have.” 


Everyone’s eyes followed her gaze to rest on Wonyoung who had just finished curling her teammates’ hair. 


“Vicky’s killer routine.” Ashley said. “She’s our secret weapon.” 


That earned a chorus of praise and cheer for Wonyoung who stomached a smile towards the room. 


“You never let us down.” Ashley smiled at her. 


“We got this, girls!” Wonyoung cheered. 


While everybody was celebrating and hyping each other up, Wonyoung proceeded to slip away to the bathroom. She went into the diasbled toilet so that she could have some privacy. Placing the seat down, she shakily sat down and put her head in her hands, feeling a slight headache. 


Her? Secret weapon? She just choreographed the routine, it wasn’t anything too flamboyan or too special or too complicated. It was just a routine suited perfectly for their team. They have been practicing each move and tumble to perfection for months! That was the secret weapon, not Wonyoung. 


But, they were relying on her. They were relying on her choreography and song choice to give them an extra spice. Wonyoung was the one in charge of that. And she would be to blame if it all went wrong, right? 


Suddenly, Wonyoung felt her breath hitch in and she couldn’t breathe properly. Her heartbeat started quickening and she started to feel lightheaded and dizzy. 

Wonyoung opened her phone, calling the first person she could think of. And thankfully, they picked up after a few rings. 




“Yujin unnie, are you busy right now?” 


There was a shuffling sound as Yujin tried to leave the noisy room. It sounded like a lot of yelling and panic. 


“No, I was just watching Yena unnie struggling to make macaroons. What’s up?” 


“Can we facetime?” Wonyoung stood up from where she was sitting to try and find a spot in the bathroom where it didn’t look like she was in the toilet. 


Her phone flashed to see that Yujin was requesting to facetime and Wonyoung quickly accepted it, forcing a smile. 


“Woah! Your makeup is so pretty,” was the first thing that Yujin said when she saw Wonyoung. She was extra cute today because she was wearing round glasses with thick black rims. She probably chose not to wear her contacts today. 


It was crazy to Wonyoung how just the very act of seeing Yujin made her feel a little more at peace. 


“Are you okay?” Yujin’s eyes furrowed upon seeing Wonyoung’s demeanor. 


Dammit, Wonyoung thought, still not enough to hide it. 


“Yeah, I’m fine.” Wonyoung tried to force another smile but Yujin didn’t buy it. 


“No,” Yujin said, “you’re not.” 


“Yeah. I’m not.” Wonyoung admitted. “I’m not okay.” 


“Do you need to talk about it?” Yujin said. “You can talk me through how you’re feeling, if you want. Are you nervous?” 


Wonyoung bit her quivering lip. 


Then in the smallest voice she said, “I’m scared.” 


Yujin felt her heartbreak. She remembered Wonyoung saying that this was her first time performing with the Varsity team at such a high level. During sophomore year and freshman year Wonyoung was only part of the intermediate cheer team where not a lot was at stake. 


Now, she wasn’t just a member of the varsity team but she was a co-captain who had choreographed the routine. 


“Of what, exactly?” 


“Everything?” Wonyoung said, “I don’t really know. All I know is that I’m really scared and I can’t stop shaking and no matter what I do my heart won’t slow down and I feel like I’m about to faint and vomit at the same time and-” 


Wonyoung bit her lip when she realised her voice was starting to raise slightly. 


“Okay.” Yujin said softly. “Just breathe with me, okay? Don’t overthink, just breathe.” 


Yujin brought one hand in front of the screen. 


“Ready? Breathe in.” Yujin said, bringing her hands upwards as she breathed in. Wonyoung mirrored her actions, focusing on the way her breath felt while filling up her lungs. She focused on the way her shoulders went upwards along with the breath going in. 


“Hold for a second. Now breathe out.” Yujin instructed, her hand slowly moving downwards to signal breathing out. When Wonyoung followed along Yujin smiled encouragingly at her. 


“Good. Let’s do it a few more times.” 


They stood there, looking at each other through the phone screen and just breathing steadily. Even though Yujin wasn’t there physically, the digital representation of her was enough for her. Honestly, just the thought of Yujin supporting her was enough for her. She was grateful for how helpful Yujin was. 


Wonyoung was also grateful for the fact that the bathroom had a nice air freshener because that would have been a nightmare to smell while doing her breathing exercises. Perhaps, the bathroom was not the best choice to be doing this. 


Wait, she was having random thoughts again. 


“You look much calmer now.” Yujin’s voice broke her thoughts. Wonyoung let out one more breath. 


Wonyoung could never get tired of Yujin’s smile. Especially when it was aimed directly at her. She was selfish like that. But, there was nothing wrong with being selfish every now and again. 


“Look at me go. I’m such a genius.” Yujin said, chuckling a little bit. Wonyoung rolled her eyes at Yujin’s cheeky grin. 


“But, Wonyoung-ah?” Yujin said. “I saw your routine, and it’s obvious how hard you’ve all been working. The only thing you can do now is just to clear your mind, okay?’ 


“Yes, Mom.” Wonyoung teased. 


Yujin just chuckled. 


“Don’t overthink.” Yujin said. “I believe in you.” 


Just like you believe in me, Yujin wanted to say. 


“Thank you.” Wonyoung said. Then she smiled playfully. “Mom.” 


(Not at Wonyoung Mom-zoning Yujin when she was just kissing her two days ago).


Yujin gave a thumbs up, her smile bright and her dimples deep. 


“Fighting, Jang Wonyoung. 




One hour later, Wonyoung waltzed onto the stage with her teammates. She ignored the lights, the cameras, the audience and the judges and focused on clearing her mind. There was only one voice, loud and clear in her mind that was keeping her grounded. 






“Good morning, Enozi High! My name is Jiheon Baek and I’m here with my co-host Ben Reynolds, here to bring you your daily bulletin news. First off the agenda. Let’s congratulate our very own Enozi High Varsity Cheerleading team who took home second place at the National Cheerleading High School championships! On top of that, they took home the prize for best routine, which was choreographed none other than our very own vice cheerleader: Vicky Jang!’ 


Wonyoung placed her bag into her locker, smiling upon hearing the announcement. The entire routine had felt like a rush. Wonyoung couldn’t remember anything that happened during the routine. All she could remember was that when they finally finished, it was like a weight had lifted off her shoulders. 


“Congrats, Vicky,” said a voice next to her. 


Wonyoung turned to see Jihan giving her a thumbs up. 


“Thank you.” Wonyoung smiled back. A genuine smile. Jihan looked extra smiley and cute today. 


“I’m glad everything went well. Yujin was worried about you all weekend.” Jihan said absentmindedly while searching through her locker. 


Wonyoung’s hand that was reaching for her book faltered slightly. Wonyoung swallowed thickly. 


“How do you know?” 


Jihan seemed to halt her actions, the tips of her ears growing slightly red. 


“Uh…” Jihan said. “We had a sleepover during the weekend. I slept over because my parents were out of town and I don’t like being alone.” 


Wonyoung felt a stab at her heart, especially when she remembered the way that she had asked Yujin if she wanted to meet up at the bakery when she got back on Sunday afternoon, and how Yujin had declined saying that she had previous plans. Wonyoung didn’t realise that by previous plans she had meant… Jihan. 


So, Yujin was hanging out with Jihan all weekend. Figured. While Wonyoung spent the entire weekend thinking about their amazing kiss that they haven’t even talked about, badly wishing and formulating how to kiss her again, Yujin probably wasn’t thinking about her at all. 


“I hope you two were working on the battle of the bands song.” Wonyoung said. 


“It’s… a work in progress.” Jihan’s face scrunched up. “We’ve got all of the music down but Yujin’s not happy with the lyrics, yet. And if I’m being honest, they aren’t too snazzy, anyways. Right now, it’s literally a song about not being able to write a song.” 


“Guess you’ll have to stick with Avril Lavigne for now.” 


“Which isn’t too bad, Yujin really suits that song.” Jihan smiled widely and proudly. 


Wonyoung felt a pang in her chest. 


“Good morning to you too, Han Jihyo.” said a voice from behind Wonyoung. It took everything in Wonyoung not to turn around excitedly when she heard who it was. Can’t have Yujin seeing Wonyoung looking too eager to see her. 


“Unnie.” Wonyoung let the name slip out before she coolly turned around to face her. 


“I still can’t believe you’re older than us.” Jihan murmured from the side. She felt like she had whiplash when she first heard Wonyoung call her unnie. At first, she thought that maybe Wonyoung was a year younger than them, she really did not expect Yujin to be older. No wonder she seemed to have a certain kind of maturity to her. But honestly? So did Wonyoung. Maybe it was just a virgo thing. 


“Well, if it isn’t the star of the varsity cheerleading team? Miss Vicky Jang.” Yujin said with a cheeky grin. “Shall I start calling you, your highness? Because you are THE queen.” 


Wonyoung narrowed her eyes at Yujin with a judgemental look. Though she was mostly just upset about how she kind of found it funny. 


“You are so corny.” Wonyoung rolled her eyes. 


“I think it’s cute.” Yujin pouted dramatically. “Aren’t I cute, Jihan?” 


“No.” Jihan snickered. “You’re corny. Maybe because of your old age.” 


“You’re barely a year younger than me!” 


“So? You can legally vote and join the military. We can’t. Hag.” 


“Now you’re just being mean.” 


“Oh, my apologies.” Jihan placed a hand over her chest in fake shock. “Please, forgive me,  unnie.” 


That was the last straw. Wonyoung’s grip tightened on her notebook. The sound of her locker slamming shut seemed to surprise all three of them. Apparently, Wonyoung had stumbled backwards and pushed her locker door closer. 


“Yujin!” Wonyoung said when the two girls looked at her with surprise. “Walk me to class?” 


Yujin nodded obediently. “See you at practice, Jihan!” 


As the two walked slowly down the hallway- Yujin was following Wonyoung’s pace thinking she was just tired from the competition- Yujin made sure to take Wonyoung’s book bag and sling it over her shoulder. It took everything in Wonyoung not to smile stupidly at the gesture. 


“I like your outfit today.” Wonyoung hummed. 


Today, Yujin was in a dainty light blue skirt that flowed every time she walked. Wonyoung usually didn’t like the color beige but it looked cute against Yujin’s skin tone, a pale ivory that seemed to glow underneath the harsh lighting of the school hallways. 


“I’m feeling very light today.” Yujin said, hugging the off-white cardigan draped over her shoulders. “Jeans felt too tight today, too. We ate so much over the weekend.” 


We. Wonyoung didn’t want to hear Yujin refer to her and Jihan as we. 


“How’s the song coming along?” Wonyoung tried to change the subject. 


“It’s going good!” Yujin said but Wonyoung could tell from her expression that there seemed to be something else. 


Wonyoung didn’t push it any further, opting to keep quiet. Yujin must have noticed her silence because soon after she was chuckling to herself. 


“Okay, fine. It’s not going so well.” Yujin said. “Happy?” 


“I didn’t say anything?” Wonyoung raised an eyebrow. 


Yujin just nudged at Wonyoung’s shoulder while smiling softly at the ground. 


The hallways were starting to get busier, and the two had to start maneuvering through the crowd. Yujin had her own books hugged to her chest with one arm and Wonyoung’s book bag slung on the shoulder opposite. 


When they got into a particularly crowded area of the hallway, some distracted freshmen boys accidentally bumped into Wonyoung slightly and Wonyoung stumbled a little to keep her balance. She glared at the boys whose faces turned red and were apologising profusely. As anyone would do when you accidentally bump into The Vicky Jang. 


It wasn’t until she looked away from the boys when her attention was brought to a protective hand resting on the small of her back. She didn’t have to look to know that it was Yujin. Wonyoung subtly pressed up against Yujin’s side, the corner of her lips ghosting a shy smile. 


Yujin, on the other hand, was a bit distracted, still deep in thought.


“I’m just not feeling the lyrics, I guess.” Yujin said after thinking a bit. Her hand was still absentmindedly resting on Wonyoung’s back. “They’re not bad, but they’re not good either. I don’t know. It just feels… I can’t explain it.” 


Wonyoung hummed and Yujin’s comment hung in the air around them while Wonyoung let the girl collect her thoughts. 


“It just feels like I’m a fake? I just don’t believe the words I’ve written because it feels too much like I’m singing other people’s ideas. You know? It feels inauthentic.” 


There was another brief silence between the two before Yujin nodded confidently. 


“That’s it. It feels too inauthentic.” Yujin said with finality. “Yeah. Inauthentic.” 


Perhaps one of her favorite past times with Yujin was listening to the other girl ramble about everything. Yujin’s voice was calming. It was bright and smooth. It always made Wonyoung feel safe. 


“Yujin.” Wonyoung stopped walking and her face was dead serious. 




“Did I ask?” 


Yujin stared at Wonyoung blankly. She had said those words with so much seriousness. And Yujin struggled to keep a straight face as well. 


Then she laughed. 


Yujin couldn’t help it. The snicker had escaped her lips when she saw how hard Wonyoung was trying to remain looking uninterested. 


Eventually, Wonyoung broke character too and she started laughing as well, her head flying back and her eyes scrunching together into a line. Yujin realised exactly what Wonyoung meant when she said she looks like a bunny. Her laugh kind of looked like the bunny from Zootopia. 


“How did you know I was joking?” said Wonyoung when her laughter reduced to a chuckle. 


“I’ve learnt with you that sometimes I have to use some sort of reverse psychology.” Yujin said. “You tend to say one thing but mean something different. Kind of like how you compliment me by insulting me.” 


“You’re quite observant.” Wonyoung resumed walking with a slight grin. 


“I just know you very well.” Yujin winked at Wonyoung. 


“Are you sure about that?” Wonyoung said challengingly. 

Yujin smiled cheekily. “Are you challenging me, Wonyoung Jang?” 


“Why? Do you want to accept the challenge?” 


“Yeah.” Yujin stopped outside Wonyoung’s classroom with one hand in the air like she was taking an oath. “I, Yujin Ahn, promise that I will prove to you, Wonyoung Jang, that I know you well.” 


“And how do you intend to do that?” 


“It’s a secret.” Yujin said with a glint in her eye. She nodded towards Wonyoung with a smile on her face. “See you later?” 


Wonyoung raised an eyebrow. 


“Aren’t you forgetting something?” Wonyoung said. 


Yujin tilted her head to the side, trying to figure out what Wonyoung was referring to. made an ‘O’ shape. 


“Oh, right!” Yujin said. “My bad.” 


Before Wonyoung could process what was happening, Yujin was leaning in towards her. Yujin angled her head so that she was facing the side of Wonyoung’s face and she planted a soft kiss onto her cheek. 


Wonyoung felt her whole body heat up. 


The most annoying thing was that when Yujin pulled away, she looked at her so casually, as if she wasn’t phased by anything that happened. She just looked like an obedient puppy who was wondering if they did the right thing? Meanwhile, Wonyoung’s brain was short circuiting, her heart thumping loudly against her chest. 


“What?” Yujin said when she noticed Wonyoung’s shocked expression. “Was I supposed to kiss you on the lips?” 


Wonyoung had to suppress the urge to cough in Yujin’s face. 


“I-” Wonyoung cleared her hoarse voice and pointed toward Yujin, “- my books.” 


Yujin looked down at the book bag, her entire face growing bright red. Even her ears were raging red. If she could look at her toes she would probably have been blue or purple because of all of the blood in her body rushing to her face. 


“Well, .”

Yujin’s random slip of a curse word broke Wonyoung off of her gay panic  daze. 


Goodness, she was such a er for Yujin. 


Wonyoung giggled, taking her book bag from the other girl’s shoulder. Then she leaned in and kissed Yujin’s still red cheeks. 


“There.” Wonyoung said with a satisfied smile. “Now we’re even.” 






The band was in Lachie’s garage trying to perfect an arrangement of an Olivia Rodrigo song mashed up with a punk rock version of an Ariana Grande song. 




The phone that was in Yujin’s hand went flying a couple centimetres in the air and Yujin had to fumble comically to catch it. Thankfully, she was able to catch it by the corner. 


“I never thought I’d have to say this because usually other people are the ones saying this to me, but…” Wonyoung sighed, “get off your phone!” 


The entire practice (which had been going on for about an hour now give or take because of the snack breaks) Yujin had been glued to her phone, scrolling through whatever the hell it was that she was looking at. Honestly, Wonyoung was getting a little bit frustrated. 


“S-sorry!” Yujin pocketed her phone quickly. “What were you saying?” 


Wonyoung shook her head. Curse Yujin and her cute stutters. How can she stay mad at her? “You guys are playing like robots. I’m bored watching you. Except you, Ben, you keep doing what you’re doing.” 


“Thanks, Boo.” Ben giggled, one hand held out limply in front of him. 


“Sorry, I’m just a little tired today.” Jihan said. “AP Biology is killing me. Yujin, why are we even doing this class, anyways?” 


Yujin shrugged. “Your guess is as good as mine.” 


“Sorry, too, I’ve got a blister from practicing all weekend.” Lachie held up his pointer finger and sure enough there was a blister on the tip of it. 


Wonyoung reached into her bag, rummaging through it. 


“Put this over it.” Wonyoung threw a bandaid in Lachie’s direction. Then she turned to Jihan. “Also, I talked to Mr Cornelio and he said to study chapters 8 and chapters 9 for the test.” 


“Thanks, Vicky.” Lachie and Jihan said at the same time. 


“As for you.” Wonyoung narrowed her eyes at the girl who had yet again picked up her phone again to type something down. She walked over to her with a huff and plucked the phone from her fingers, turning it off and eyes glaring at Yujin’s face. “Focus!” 


“Wha-” Yujin’s hands followed for her phone. “Give that back!” 


“No.” Wonyoung’s face was straight. Then she stuck her tongue at Yujin. “Focus.” 


“Give it!” 


“You’re such a child, stop whining.” Wonyoung rolled her eyes. 


Yujin huffed. 


“Fine.” Yujin said. “Desperate times call for desperate measures.” 


Then Yujin pouted, her eyes pleading at Wonyoung like a puppy. 


“I’m sorry.” Yujin said in a cute voice. “Can I have my phone back? I promise I’ll focus.” 


Wonyoung would be a downright liar if she said that Yujin was not cute. But, when Wonyoung wanted something, Wonyoung got it. 


“Oh, really?” Wonyoung scoffed. “Two can play at that game.” 


She looked to the side at the rest of the band who were watching the whole exchange in amusement. 


“Ben? Lachie? Jihan?” 


The three of them nodded. 


“I’m sorry for what you’re about to see.” 


Wonyoung turned back to Yujin, taking a deep breath in preparation. 


“Yujinnie. Eotteokhae. You’re so mean and you’re making me vewwy sad. Does Yujin unnie not care about me? Neomuhae.” 


The room went dead silent. And the tips of Yujin’s ears went red. 


“Unniieeeeeng.” Wonyoung pouted. 


Yujin broke eye contact, gasping for air to catch the breath she didn’t know she was holding. 


“That’s not fair!” Yujin whined. “Y-you can’t just do that.” 


Wonyoung flipped her hair over the shoulder with a giggle. She placed Yujin’s phone back in Yujin’s pocket and gave it a pat. She was satisfied enough that Yujin wasn’t going to use it again until after the rehearsal. 


“Oh, but I just did.” Wonyoung’s voice returned back to normal. She turned around to go back to her spot on the couch. “From the top, people!” 


She paused after a few steps when she heard no noise from the people behind her. Turning around, she saw Lachie and Ben looking at each other with confused faces and Yujin was fiddling awkwardly with the guitar pick in her hand. Meanwhile, Jihan was staring straight at Wonyoung with agape and eyes wide open. 


“What?” Wonyoung said, one eyebrow raised. “You’ve never seen that before? It’s called manipulation.” 


“That was…” Jihan said, “... the most ADORABLE thing I’ve ever seen! And I own mirrors!” 


Wonyoung just pinched the bridge of her nose. She clapped her hands exasperatedly. 


“I said, from the top!” 




“Thanks, again for letting us use the garage Mrs Gough.” 


“It’s my pleasure! You kids are sounding great!” 


The band waved to Lachie and his Mom, all making their ways to the respective cars that were waiting for them. Jihan got in her own car first, sending a bright grin towards the rest of her bandmates. Ben followed her afterwards as Jihan’s parents were giving him a ride home. 


Wonyoung and Yujin got into the familiar Mercedes Benz, greeting Michael as they made their way in. 


“It was sounding good today.” Wonyoung took out a pocket mirror from the seat pocket and assessed her reflection. She applied some lip gloss onto her bottom lip and then smacked her lips together. “I can tell everyone has been practicing. The music sounds very sharp. Like I said, everyone just needs to up their stage presence. But, I’m sure you’ll be fine on the night because of the adrenaline. Usually that’s how it’s like with the cheer team, anyways.” 


“Yeah, totally.” Yujin said distractedly. 


Wonyoung’s hand halted in putting the lip gloss back into her purse. When she looked at Yujin she was once again engrossed in her phone, her eyebrows furrowed and phone close to her face. 


“Really?” Wonyoung groaned. “What the hell is on your phone that’s got you this obsessed? Michael, are you seeing this? She’s ignoring me for her phone!” 


“With all due respect, Miss Jang, but use your phone a lot, too.”

Wonyoung pouted. “I thought you were on my side, Michael.” 

Michael met her eyes briefly from through the rear view mirror and smiled teasingly at her. 


“Yujin!” Wonyoung turned her attention back to the girl next to her, slapping at her shoulder. “Stop ignoring me.” 


Yujin squeaked slightly in surprise when Wonyoung hit her. When Wonyoung was 7 years old, she and her family fostered a puppy for a month and Wonyoung had once accidentally stepped on its tail. The noise it made sounded exactly like the noise that Yujin had just made at that moment. 


“I- um, s-sorry.” 


“How many times are you going to say sorry?” Wonyoung shook her head in annoyance but she couldn’t help the way that a small smile graced her lips. Curse Yujin for being so cute. 


“Sorry.” Yujin said. 


“Stop saying sorry, it’s annoying.” 


“Sorry- Oh! Sorry! Oh! Ah! .” 


Wonyoung just sighed. 


“What are you even doing, anyways?” Wonyoung said. 


Yujin pursed her lips. 


“I- um…” Yujin’s voice was shaky. She had her phone cradled tightly in both hands and had brought it closer to her body protectively. “Well… you see… I- um…” 


Wonyoung just waited for her to speak. Something Wonyoung had noticed about the girl was that nervous Yujin was cute and just needed some time. Perhaps it was to get her thoughts together. Or maybe she just needed to formulate it into words.


“I made you a playlist.” 


Or maybe Wonyoung just had to be patient with her because Yujin had to muster up the courage to be able to say what she wanted to say. 


Wonyoung’s face softened. 


“It’s songs that remind me of you.” Yujin said. 


If it was even more possible, Wonyoung fell even harder for Yujin. 


It was the way that Yujin looked so shy. Wonyoung could see the sincerity behind the gesture. She could see the way she was clutching onto her phone so tight, as if scared that she was going to drop it. 


“Is this because of this morning?” Wonyoung said. 


Yujin nodded. “I told you I’d show you that I know you well, didn’t I? You can listen to the songs and see if like- well, if you think I’m right. With how I see you.” 


“You’re so awkward.” Wonyoung chuckled and pushed at Yujin’s shoulder. Yujin smiled, her body loosening up slightly and eventually she let out a small laugh, too. 


(A/N: Not at Michael third wheeling) 


“I can send you the playlist tonight.” Yujin said. “I just finished it now, anyways.” 


Wonyoung placed one hand over Yujin’s which had moved to rest over her thigh. 


“Thank you, Yujin unnie.” 


Wonyoung had always been told that she had quite long and bony fingers, which suited her because she had quite the long figure, too. Her hands always seemed on the colder side than others, too. 


So, when she placed her hands on top of Yujin’s warm ones, her heart skipped a little bit. The top of Yujin’s hands were smooth, a little bit dry but still nice to touch. Wonyoung noticed a small mark near her thumb, a birthmark that looked like someone had taken a paintbrush and accidentally brushed it onto Yujin’s hand. Wonyoung ran her thumb over the mark, tracing around it slowly and marvelling at its shape. 


Yujin looked down at Wonyoung’s thumb softly caressing her hand. Yujin felt like she was touching her with so much care, like she was handling her with delicacy. Wonyoung was good at that, making Yujin feel like she was special. 


“I was planning on learning how to cook a Korean dish tonight.” Wonyoung said. “Do you want to come over for dinner? While I cook we can listen to the playlist and I can rate how well you know me.” 


Yujin smiled. “Sure. I’d like that.” 


Wonyoung gave Yujin’s hand one last squeeze and then reluctantly brought it back to her own lap. 


“Actually, my parents are out for dinner, so it’s just me and Yena unnie. Do you want to cook at my house, instead?” Yujin said. 


“Sure,” Wonyoung said, “but I thought Yena unnie doesn’t like me.” 


“That’s not true.” Yujin’s voice went high pitched. 


“You at lying.” 


Yujin scratched her head in embarrassment. 


She looked at Wonyoung with a smile. “I know from experience that the best way to Yena unnie’s heart is through feeding her.” 


Wonyoung chuckled. “Sure. Let’s do it at your house, then.” 


------ Present time: 6 weeks after Battle of the Bands ---------


“Vicky?” yelled the voice from across the hall, “you got my coke?” 


“Yeah.” she replied, eyes not leaving Yujin who kept darting her own eyes everywhere. “Coming, Jacob.” 


Yujin watched Wonyoung turn to leave. Her hand was clutching hard onto the coke can like she was afraid that she would drop it. 


She had only made a few steps but everything seemed to be moving in slow motion for Yujin, who was watching her legs move herself further and further away. 


Yujin felt her tongue numb and the saliva pooling up in the area between the bottom of her tongue and the back of her teeth. 


She could feel something clawing at the back of , willing her to speak. 




God. It had been so long since she last uttered that name. 


Yujin thought that it was unfair how beautiful someone could look doing something so simple. She swear, she felt her breath catch in the back of the moment Wonyoung turned around and met her eyes. 


Yujin could see the shock in Wonyoung’s face. But, there was something else, too. Was it hope?




Yujin was frozen. Because, she really didn’t know what it was that she wanted to say. Something was just compelling her to call her name. 


Yujin willed herself to break her gaze from Wonyoung who seemed to be waiting with baited breath for what Yujin was going to say next. 


All Yujin said was, “let’s meet in Korea?” 


It was hell, the silence that followed afterwards. Wonyoung’s expression was unreadable. It felt like forever waiting Wonyoung’s response. 


“We’ll see.” Wonyoung pursed her lips. Then she turned back around and continued walking towards Jacob and the rest of her cheerleader friends. 


Yujin watched her go, an uneasy feeling in the back of her mind. 


“Are you okay?” Jiheon said from next to her. 


“Yeah.” Yujin said. “I just feel like I lost an opportunity.” 





Monday, four days until Battle of the Bands


When Yujin was a kid, she was pretty reckless. Countless times she had injured herself. Whether it was a scraped knee, a bruise on the forehead or even a twisted arm (though that last one was most likely Yena’s fault). She had been taught from a young age to just brush it off and Yujin liked to believe she was a pretty resilient person because of it. 


Every time she had messed up as a child (which was a lot, also Yena’s fault), she had always apologized because that was the kind of person she was taught to be: resilient and apologetic. Most of the time, it was obvious what she had done wrong, a broken vase, lying to Dad about Mom giving permission to eat a croissant before bed, telling the neighbours that they’ve been talking for way too long. It was one of the things she would say that she prided herself on- if there was anything that she did take pride in because she was also raised to be humble and unselfish. 


So, that was Yujin. Sometimes she didn’t think before doing things and when things backfired or something went wrong she was always quick to bounce back and apologize. I’m sorry for breaking the vase. I’m sorry for lying to you. I’m sorry for being rude. I’m sorry


The hardest part about saying sorry was the in-between moments of the doing-of-the-action and the apologizing. Because, that was the time where Yujin did the most thinking. 


You see, Yujin’s family was a sweet caring and loving family. They loved to joke around and tease each other (or bully, in Yena’s case) but every now and again like any normal relationship, someone would do something to upset the other. They would be mad for a bit. But then next thing you knew, they had turned a 180 degrees and were showing their love through little things like cooking your favorite dish or patting you on the back or remembering something you had said in passing and had forgotten about. 


Yujin’s family were a lot of good things. But that was their one flaw. Nobody knew how to talk about things. Serious things. If someone were to upset the other, they’d give each other space and then apologize through a wordless apology hours or days later. Sometimes they never explicitly said the words ‘I’m sorry.’ It was through the cooking of the dish and the patting on the back where the words were said. A mutual agreement to move on. 


Perhaps, Yujin actually wasn’t resilient at all. Perhaps her skill as actually in pushing feelings deep down until they were out of sight and out of mind. 


Perhaps, Yujin’s best skill was running away when she was confused. 




“I’m sorry.” 


“I feel like you say that a lot, unnie.” 


“I’m just not very good at cooking.” 


It was true. Since both parents were good at cooking and loved to do it, Yena and Yujin never really took the time to learn to cook themselves. Besides, Yena was always stuck training for soccer and Yujin was very meticulous in keeping to her studying schedules and tutoring that both girls didn’t have much time to learn. 


“Want me to call my Mom?” Yujin suggested, already taking her phone out. 


“I can help you guys.” 


“No!” Yujin turned in fear towards her sister who was perched on the kitchen bench, watching them inquisitively. “Yena unnie you are NOT setting foot into this kitchen.” 


“It’s fine.” Wonyoung said. “I’ll just experiment to taste.” 


“Are we the only Koreans here that can’t cook?” Yena whined. “That Jihan girl you brought over was really good at cooking.” 


Wonyoung’s hand faltered slightly while stirring her mixture. 


“And she was adorable, too. Actually, why didn’t you invite her today? I like her.” 


“She’s busy today, Yena unnie.” Yujin said. “It’s one of her best friends’ birthday.” 


Wonyoung decided to keep herself distracted by tasting what she was making. It was kimchi stew because Yaya had requested for her to learn to make it. It didn’t really make sense that the nany would ask the kid to cook for her, but that was just Wonyoung and Yaya’s dynamic. Besides, Wonyoung liked cooking for her Yaya, made the house feel more homely and less lonely seeing as her Dad was always away on business trips. 


“So, I can eat some of this food, right?” 


“Yena unnie, why are you here?” Yujin said. “Isn’t it your shift at the store right now?” 




“You mean to say there’s nobody there right now??” Yujin almost dropped her phone. 


“Relax, I’m watching the security cameras as we speak.” Yena shook her phone and sure enough the security cameras were on the screen. “Plus, I put the ‘back in 15 minutes’ sign on the door.” 


“But, you’ve been up here for like half an hour?” 


“Shh.” Yena put a finger to her sister’s lips. “The customers don’t know that.” 


“Yena unnie.” Yujin crossed her arms. “Go downstairs.” 


“Bossy.” Yena grumbled, her eyes landing on Wonyoung’s back while she was placing some ingredients into the pot. Then she mumbled in Korean, “you’ve been hanging out with that girl, way too much.”


“Yena unnie!” 


“I’m just saying!” Yena chuckled. “And I don’t want to go downstairs. Mondays are so slow and boring.” 


“You’re slow and boring.” Yujin rolled her eyes. “Go call Yuri unnie or something.” 


Yena went silent. 


“We broke up.”

Wonyoung furrowed her eyebrows and she took her eyes off the food to spoon around and look at Yena. 


“Oh.” was all Yujin said. 


Wonyoung looked between the two of them who had opted to start going onto their phones. 


“What?” Wonyoung said when both girls weren’t saying anything. “Are you okay? How are you feeling?” 


Yena shot a couple of awkward finger guns towards Wonyoung, a somewhat forced smile on her face. Honestly, the smile was pretty believable, as if Yena was used to giving it by now. 


“I’m good-o.” 


Wonyoung pursed her lips, staring at Yena inquisitively. The older girl didn’t seem to notice because she was too busy looking at everything around the room, fidgeting. 


“I’m gonna go steal some chips from downstairs.” Yena said. She winked towards Yujin. “Don’t tell Mom and Dad.” 


Yujin just chuckled. 


Wonyoung uneasily watched her go. 


“Is she really okay?” 


“Hmm?” Yujin hummed. “Oh? Yena unnie? I dunno. This isn’t the first time she and Yuri unnie have broken up. Unnie’s been through many break-ups before, mostly her doing the break up. Now that I think about it, Yena unnie is always the one doing the breaking up. Oh, except for that Alison girl a couple years ago. But, that was insane. There was also that Daniel guy but I think it’s cause he was into milfs or something. Why did he even date unnie in the first place?”


Wonyoung kept silent, seemingly mulling something over in her head. 


“You good?” Yujin placed the lid on top of the simmering stew. She brushed her hands together. 


“Just thinking.” Wonyoung said. “Is Yena usually like that? Is she the type to not really… how do I put it?” 


“Face her feelings?” Yujin was focused on setting a timer on her phone. 


“I was going to say ‘talk about her feelings’, but I guess that works, too.” Wonyoung leaned up against the kitchen bench. She watched Yujin move to start diligently washing the dishes. They made a deal that if Wonyoung cooked, Yujin would wash the dishes. 


“Yeah.” Yujin said. “She’s always been like that.” 


Yujin started scrubbing particularly hard at a spot where the oil was sticking to the spoon and Wonyoung focused on her with a purse of her lips. She felt some words at the tip of her tongue, a burning question that she was hesitating to ask. 


“And you?” Wonyoung fiddled with her phone when Yujin’s scrubbing faltered momentarily. “Are you like that, too?” 


Out of the corner of her eye, Yujin caught a glimpse of Wonyoung who was scrolling calmly through her phone. Her shoulders relaxed a little and she returned to her task at hand, this time more casually. 


“Yes.” Yujin said. “I wish I wasn’t though.” 


“That’s fair enough.” Wonyoung pocketed her phone. She clapped her hands. “I can’t wait to taste this.”


“Yes!” Yujin brightened up. “It’s so good. It’s my comfort food. Right after tteokbokki. That’s your next dish, by the way.” 


“Invite me over next week, then.” 




“It’s a date.” Wonyoung grinned. 


Yujin peered into the pot where Wonyoung opened the lid to stir a little bit. She breathed in its scent with a satisfied smile. 


“If Yena unnie tasted this, she would definitely like you a lot.” Yujin said. Then she froze. “N-not that she doesn’t like you!” 


“We’ve been over this.” Wonyoung rolled her eyes. “You’re a terrible liar.” 


Yujin chuckled. “She doesn’t hate you. I think she’s still upset at you for making me mad that one time. I keep telling her that you apologised but she still makes all these snarky comments. She’s a salty girl, my sister.” 


“I’m sorry about that time. Really.” Wonyoung said. “I just really wanted our arrangement to go right.” 


“I know, Wonyoung.” Yujin dried her hands. She made her way over to Wonyoung and poked at her shoulder playfully. “That’s the past. Get over it.” 


They stood side by side with Wonyoung holding the wooden spoon with one hand and the other resting on top of the counter. Her heart skipped a beat when Yujin’s hand also rested on top of the counter, dangerously close to hers. 


“Besides,” Yujin mused, unaware of Wonyoung’s gaze on their hands, “look at where we’re at now.” 


Wonyoung ever so slightly moved her own hand so that her pinky was grazing softly against Yujin’s. She smiled at the warmth upon contact. 


Lifting her head to rest her gaze onto Yujin’s face, Wonyoung felt warmth spread through her when Yujin also turned to look at her upon feeling Wonyoung’s head turning. And then Yujin was sending her a bright smile, so wholesome and so pure and comfortable and Wonyoung couldn’t help but to draw parallels to when they first started handing out. Yujin’s smile back then was different. It was guarded. It wasn’t as natural as the smiles she gave her now. 


Wonyoung couldn’t help but to agree with Yujin. It was certainly different between them now. And it has been for awhile. 


Wonyoung didn’t know what possessed her, but one moment she was returning Yujin’s soft smile and the next her eyes were fluttering down to rest onto Yujin’s lips. 


Then she leaned in, quickly enough to catch both her and Yujin off guard but slow enough so that Yujin would have time to react and push her away. Wonyoung’s heart leapt when she saw Yujin’s eyes fluttering closed when Wonyoung tilted her head slightly to not bump Yujin’s nose. 


It was a simple peck, the shortest one they’ve shared so far. But, either way, it sent butterflies to Wonyoung’s stomach. When she kissed Yujin, she didn’t add a lot of pressure to it, just a light brush of the lips but more force than just a graze. 


When Wonyoung pulled away, she caught Yujin’s eyes flickering open, an utterly shocked look on her face. Wonyoung didn’t know whether to laugh at Yujin’s adorable expression or to focus on calming her crazy heart beat. 


“Uh…” Yujin looked like her mind was going a mile a minute. She paused a little, random noises stuttering out of that was open in shock. “...okay? 


Wonyoung bit her lip. “Sorry. Dammit, sorry, I should have asked before. I honestly didn’t expect I’d do that.” 


“Don’t apologise.” Yujin waved her hand in front of her face and Wonyoung instantly missed its warmth against her own. “You just caught me off guard. You know… cause like… why?” 


Wonyoung met Yujin’s gaze, the other girls’ eyes flickering back and forth between Wonyoung’s face and everywhere else in the room. 


“You were being cute.” 


Yujin nodded. “Fair enough.” 


“Sorry.” Wonyoung said. “If I made you uncomfortable.” 


“N-no, it’s okay.” Yujin said. “Why would I be upset about a pretty girl kissing me?” 


Wonyoung’s face broke into a grin, mirroring Yujin’s own playful smile. 


Just then, Yujin’s timer went off.

“That’s the uh-” [A/N: sequence, mmm] Yujin coughed slightly. “The food is probably ready.” 


Wonyoung nodded, lifting the lid to poke at some of the rice cakes to see if it was the right consistency. She picked one up and blew on it, biting it carefully. Then she offered it to Yujin, one hand hovering underneath the wooden spoon to try and catch any drips. Yujin held onto the spoon to try to steady it, her fingers once again grazing softly against Wonyoung’s and once again, Wonyoung felt her heart beating a little faster than usual. 


There was something so domestic about the entire situation. Something that felt so right. 


“Hey, Yujin?” 




“In the future, would you be okay with me kissing you again?” 


Yujin didn’t even flinch at the question. “Sure. I don’t mind.” 


Wonyoung had to turn her head to hide her blush. (How she wasn’t blushing yet, was unbeknownst to her). 


“Good to know.” 




A/N: a few more chapters until I finish!!!! Thank you so much to everyone that's been reading and supporting!! I really appreciate everyone who reads, comments and livetweets their reactions to everything! 

As always, I hope everyone stays safe and healthy! Also, shoot me a message on @ yurigetic on twitter if you wanna tell me anything about the fic or just anything random~ 

A/N UPDATE: I've added an extra scene because the next part was getting too long hehe 

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AlexisGray2019 #1
Any chance this story will get an update? I’m really invested in this.
wonyoandyuj #2
Please comeback, I've waited years!!!
NashiAshfilia #3
Chapter 17: Esperarei eternamente e quanto for preciso para a continuação dessa obra prima!!
Chapter 17: dude!!! You're almost done!!! Where is the resttttt
Chapter 14: 6 races? oh honey, yikes
Chapter 13: Gal pals, huh
Chapter 11: Why be in a love triangle when they could be in a love dive ;___; how is yj juggling two girls, honestly
Chapter 9: My favorite part was when wonny learned what yeppeo means 🥹
Chapter 8: oh no, saranghae really is slipping and falling killing your darling 💔
Chapter 7: little angry wonny deserves everything even though she can afford everything already