
Dancing With Your Ghost

"So, are you ready for today's meditation class?" 

"You're ing serious about this, huh?"

"I am and please language, unnie. The class will only lsat for 30 minutes. Less longer than my session. So you don't need to worry, alright?" said Yeri patting Irene's shoulder.

This is hell on earth!

"I hate you" Yeri smile widely as she push Irene lightly.

She take a few steps to the door but hesitate to go inside. Will she meet with people like her? Diagnoze with severe mental health? Is she going to meet crazy people?

No offense but Irene never saw other patients. So she never knew how they look, how to interact with them. Nothing. The generalization perception about mental health people came rushing inside her.

Although she is one of them, she still think herself very much normal and sane. 

"Hi! I pressume you are Miss Bae?" 

Someone wake her up from her day dreaming only to meet a very lovely young woman with her eye smile. Irene curse. 

Oh, no. Is she one of those very kind people? I'm doomed

"Hi, Fany unnie!" said Yeri.

"Hi, Yeri. She's one of your patient, I pressume?" Yeri nodded.

Irene feel someone is looking at her and this person name Fany actually the one who doing that. That judging eyes really annoyed Irene. She roll her eyes as she lazily went inside the room.

Not very fond of a light conversation with Fany or whatever her real name is. 

As she got inside, to her surprise she only meet two people probably around her age. In this case, she start to wonder if people around her age really that weak?

Maybe at her age, most people suffer with mental health due to the pressure life gave them. In Irene case, she cannot bear to accept the fact that the person she love left her so quickly.

Just a month before their wedding. Tragic. damn tragic. 

"You must be the new person!" said one of them.

"She so pretty! Are you an actress?"

"You're right, Seohyun! She's damn pretty"

Oh, lord. Please tell me again why I came here? Right! Yeri insisted me to go

For first impression, they act like children but they are still a normal human being...physically. Oh well, the problem is within their mental, Bae Irene. Not their physic.

Please remind her again until when she will attend this meditation class? Right. Yeri didn't tell her. It only mean...

"Seohyun, Solar. This is Irene. She will be joining us from today and forward. Do give her a very warm welcome" said the woman name Fany which she met ealier.

At this very moment, Irene knew how doomed she is. She should have said no and insisted she didn't want to go. Forget about her company! If she able to stay away from whatever this class is, she willing to do everything.

To prevent her from attending this class and meet with these bunches of...No. Irene refuse to call them that. Seems like coming here isn't really a good idea.

Because rather than receiving positive vibe, she received the other way around. Maybe she should have just stayed at her penthouse. Therefore, she wouldn't end up here.

Lock herself in her room or maybe, this might sound crazy but help Seulgi find whoever wants to hurt her. Right. Irene forget about that for a moment.

Well, don't blame her! Partly it's because Seulgi is back and she is not the same anymore. That fact, that reality completely ruin her.

"Alright. How about we start now? Irene, you can take a sit beside Solar. Position yourself comfortably and relax" 

Like she actually have choices, Irene sigh and do what she told to. Ironic isn't it? She usually the one who told people what to do and now she's here. Listening to what that woman told her to do.

She sit right next to Solar, a woman with long black hair and she can see a mole right below her left eyes. Pretty. But not attractive. 

Anyway! Why is she obsessed with juding other people appearance? Gosh! This is all Kim Jennie's fault! She shouldn't let her go out on with Kim Jisoo.

Talking about Kim Jisoo...she hope Seulgi didn't hear any of it. Right. Why would she care anyway? Kang Seulgi only care about Wendy since the very first start!

Oh. Wendy! 

. I shouldn't be here! I should be at my house searching for Wendy's file! What the am I doing here?!

That made Irene realize she hasn't found Wendy's file anywhere. Of course it is very important. Fact that Wendy made it to the board member is one perfect basic motive for her to hurt her.

But Seulgi wouldn't believe her if she told her Wendy wanted to hurt her. 

"Irene. Close your eyes" said Tiffany awaken her from her thought.

She glance at her side only to see the other patients already closing their eyes. Irene sigh annoyingly. 

This is ridiculous! Tell me how can meditation help me with my emotion?

Irene did what Tiffany told her to do. She position herself comfortably on the chair. Straighten her back and relax her shoulders. Not too tense like Tiffany said.

"Good. That's good, Irene. Now what I want you to do is to breathe in and out slowly. On my instruction. Alright. Breathe in..............breathe out. Great. That's good. Again. Breathe in.........breathe out"

This kind of thing really testing Irene's patience. She will be doing this for half minute! Being mischievious, she open her eyes slightly, looking at the clock on the wall. 

Fun fact everybody!

25 minutes to go. 

"" said Irene whispering.

"Close your eyes Irene" 

Irene roll her eyes.

Guess she will be stuck in here for another 25 minutes. 

Help me out.


"We would like to welcome you all the new member. Please come in" 

One small figure appear with a very warm smile. Feeling very much proud to finally be here after waiting for so long. 

People whispering amongst them. Some say the new member is quiet young. Some say she’s very pretty and attractive.

Meanwhile the woman didn’t mind them as she proceed on walking to the center of the room and bow.

“My name is Son Wendy. I hope we can work together well” said Wendy. 

The other board member give her around of applause as they welcome her. Maybe it’s best for them to have new face and a bit younger than them.

After all, the world always need the next generation to keep the business sustainable. 

Afterwards, they continue with their main topic for today’s meeting. Not so surprising for the other members actually because after all it’s been their main concern since the beginning.

Wendy who just join them, could only listen to them. Try to dig in as many information she could get. She might need it in the future somehow.

“When will Miss Bae coming back from her personal travel?” 

“In two days, sir”

“Hmm...we really need her here as soon as possible. It seems our stock declining since the past few days and we need solution for this”

“Excuse me” said Wendy interrupting the olders.

“I’m sorry to interrupt but where is Miss Bae right now?”

“Why does it concern you, Miss Son?” 

“Oh well. Me and Miss Bae are close friend and we met few days ago at Kim Yeri’s clinic”

The board member start whispering to each other. Wendy assume they know nothing about this and of course she knew how much that information meant to them. A small smirk was all she could do. 


“Alright. That’s all for today's meditation. Next week we will start with something more deep and intense, okay?”

“Okay!” Said Seohyun and Solar at the same time.

It was a 30 minutes of nightmare for Irene. All she did was breathe in and breathe out while listening to a music.

Can’t lie she almost sleep during the meditation. This is just wasting her time! She should be at home searching for the board members file.

Instead of doing that, here she is. Meditating like tomorrow is the end of the world. Pray to God. Beg to him. Don’t even see the reason why human needs to do that. 

When obviously nothing will be granted. It is more logical that hardwork will show the results! Rather than praying and beg to someone who never show His figure. 

For Irene it’s just a waste of time. So, she quickly get out of the room, not even giving a proper goodbye. In this case, she doesn’t care about manners anymore.

This place is suffocating enough for her and what she really need right now is some fresh air. However, the moment she arrive at the lobby, Kim Yerim is talking with Kim Jisoo. The two of them looking like they are having a very light conversation.

Not that Irene care but what the hell is Kim Jisoo doing in here? Don’t tell her that Kim Jisoo waiting for her?!

“She really likes you”


Irene yelled. Surprise to hear that which obviously made everybody stare at her. Irene knew very much who that voice belings to.

After their fight last night, she finally show herself. Not in the right time and the good time. 

“Ah! Unnie you’re done! So how was it?”

"It was weird" said Irene. Kim Yerim smile.

"You'll get use to it, unnie. Anyway, I see you have someone to accompany you back home. I'll see you next week, unnie. Try not to be late, okay?" said Yeri before she go.

Now she's being left alone with Kim Jisoo, she didn't know whether to get mad at her right now or just ing ignore her and left the building right now.

Being here for too long is very suffocating and all she need right now is a damn fresh air. Not just that, she also need to go back to her penthouse as soon as possible.

Seulgi is waiting for her there. But is she really going back home with Kim Jisoo? Someone she barely knew. 

"Let's go. I'll take you home" said Jisoo as if nothing happened before. 

"Why are you doing this?" asked Irene. She feel the need to ask that question because she didn't get it. What is the reason she's doing this? Didn't she told her to off already?

Or perhaps she is one of those annoying people who would never listen to what other people say to them?

Jisoo just smile warmly. Although she's still hurting, her decision is final. She lost Irene back at high school. She got no chance on having Irene for herself because Irene was with Seulgi.

Now that Seulgi is gone...not that she want to replace Seulgi, she want to make Irene happy. At least be someone who is there by her side. Even though she knew very much that Irene doesn't like her...

She won't give up. Kim Jennie made her realize that. Anyways, let's talk about that later. What matter right now is that, she drop Irene's to her house and that's it.

From today's and forward, she will try her best to be Irene's personal cauver. At least Jisoo will keep her by her side and accompany her during her hard time.

"Like I said. I like you. Don't worry, Irene. I know very well that you don't like me but...please just allow me to be there for you. I'm not going to speak the whole ride. I mean no harm at all because all I want is for you stay safe and keep you accompany. Now, I guess you want to go back home?"

Jisoo open the door leaving some space for Irene to walk out of the building. Despite how much Irene wanted to argue and yell at Jisoo, she think this is not the right time for it.

Perhaps she will deal with Kim Jisoo later because right now what really important is Kang Seulgi. She need to see her right now. 

In the past, she was running to Kang Seulgi because she missed her. Now, she's running to her not for that reason. She's running to Kang Seulgi for the sake of her life...

But then it occurs to her...Do I want to stay alive? Why did I agree to that in the first place?



“She’s a nice person, you know”


Irene startled as soon as she get inside her penthouse. Seulgi comfortably stand beside the kitchen counter. A smile appear on her face though Irene knew she was lying to herself.

“Can you stop startling me?! I feel like I’m going to die with heart attack instead of skizofrenia!” Said Irene.

However, Seulgi just smile. Cute to see Irene gettin startled. She knew Irene was just saying what she should say because Irene knew a ghost cannot make any kind of sound.

Once Irene recover from her ‘heart attack’ she get her mind back to business. So, she need explaination.

“Do you follow me everyday?”asked Irene curiously. 


"You stalking me?" Seulgi chuckled. She believe she do not need to answer that, so she continue to what she had found today.

Seulgi walk to Irene’s office room. Irene follow her.

“I found the file you are looking for. Seems like Wendy has been buying your stocks three months after my death” 

Last night when Irene got so mad at her and honestly Seulgi knew it was her fault. She knew that when Irene is mad at her, all that girl need is some spaces.

Instead of leaving that place, she tried to help Irene finding whatever she’s looking for. Seulgi heard their conversation after Irene’s session with Yeri.

Well, Seulgi is everywhere. Wherever Irene go, she is there. But she always make herself invisible because she want to watch over Irene quietly.

At that very moment, Seulgi knew Irene was trying to find something related to Wendy. Within the mountains of paper inside Irene’s office room, Seulgi tried to help find it.

She use her power to move things in order to find the file Irene’s looking for. And when she found the file, she take a look on it.

Then the next day, she went to see Wendy. However in the midst of her encounter with her best friend, something came up. More like she heard Irene went out with someone.

Of course it bothers her but she managed to follow the board meeting until she found the perfect evidence.

Irene quickly read the file which place on her desk. Scanning every information she need.

What seulgi said is true. Wendy has been buying her stock since three month after Seulgi’s death. Why?

She doesn’t have any reasons to buy her stock. For what Irene knew, Wendy hate her so much? 

Oh, .

“She want the company for herself” said Irene to herself but Seulgi can hear it.

“Do you know why?”

Seulgi didn’t really know huh? Or she’s lying to her. Irene doesn’t know. But clearly, Irene isn’t happy with that.

Boiling with anger, she clenched her palm hard. Of course the meditation didn’t work! It was hell for her. 

Irene turn around, facing Seulgi who is looking at her innocently. . That’s her weakness. She hate it so much! 

“Are you kidding me? You actually ask me that question?!” 

Seulgi step back. Not expecting that kind of respond from Irene because she was asking nicely because she really don’t know.

“Joohyun I-“

“Do you really want to know why Wendy want my company? THAT IS BECAUSE OF YOU! SHE'S ING JEALOUS OF ME!”

Irene never want this to happen. Believe her. She would want a normal conversation with Seulgi. Like what they always do back in the past.

But Irene feel the need to yell at Seulgi because right now she just cannot hold her anger and feeling anymore.


“No! You listen to me, Kang! She’s your best friend since very long time! She love you but you don’t. You chose me instead of her and when we want to tie the knot officially, she was jealous. Hurting! She was gone for months because she was hurting! Don’t you see that? Because I feel like you already knew all along but you pretend like you know nothing!”

Her voice was the only thing can be heard in her penthouse. She’s breathing uncontrollably as she let out all her anger towards Seulgi.

Just since when they become like this? Arguing at each other. Yelling towards each other. They weren’t like this before. Somehow, it saddened her so much to see them come to this phase. 

Seulgi said nothing but silence. You want to know the truth? Seulgi was never the type of person that keep secret from Irene.

Irene will always know everything. Every details of her darkest secret. But there is one particular secret Seulgi would never want to tell Irene.

Because she knew, deep down, she will hurt Irene. And she promise herself to never hurt Irene.

Until her death, she kept that secret to herself and Wendy too. But watching how Wendy works right now, it might make sense if Wendy’s voice was the one she heard while she’s in hell.

Maybe, Wendy is the one who want to hurt Irene. Her own best friend. But for now, there is no strong evidence that points out to Wendy. This is only a mere assumption between them.

“Joohyun, I-“

“Be careful with your next word, Seulgi. I won’t hesitate to kill myself if you lying to me” said Irene.

Seulgi sigh. She’s going to tell the truth.

“Yes. Yes I know”

Irene didn’t know what else could be worse. Actually she didn’t know if Seulgi telling her lies would be better than hearing the truth.

How come the truth felt way worse than lies? Perhaps that is because Irene doesn’t want to believe the truth. Therefore, she prefer to hear lies.

Isn’t that what most human want? To get lies over the truth? Because truth can be so hurting. 

She knew Seulgi was telling the truth because Kang Seulgi will always look at her eyes directly and no hesitation at all. 

“So, you’ve been pretending all this time?”

“Joohyun, let me explain”

“What else do you want to explain, Seul?! You betray my trust! I-I mean, look at you! Y-you, you were so overprotective with her and even told me that Wendy is much more important than me. You even dare enough to not come to our meeting with the wedding organizer just because of Wendy! D-do, d-do you like her too?” 


“Don’t lie to me, Seul”

“I don’t”

“HOW CAN I TRUST YOU SEUL?!” Irene yelled


What? ?

This time, Irene went speechless. How can she not? Knowing that Seulgi had kept this a secret from her all this time. 

Wendy capable of doing that? Then she really is a psycho. 

Seulgi sigh. This is the truth and she knew she would hurt Irene in a ways that she might also try to hurt Wendy.

But she’s trying to protect Wendy. Why? Yes, Wendy was wrong. But it wasn’t completely her fault because at some point Seulgi might have also let Wendy taste her. 

That’s why she kept this a secret. Now that Wendy’s back she would want to protect Irene from her.


“I kept this a secret because I know it will hurt you, Hyun. I hide this to protect you. To protect your feeling. Believe me...I don't want to. I don't...I...” 


The more Irene try to make everything look very much normal, everything make her sanity gone completely wrong. Seems like her fragile soul is being tested for the past few days.


“I’m sorry, Hyun”


Irene walk closer to Seulgi. Although she knew she won’t be able to touch Seulgi, her hand went to touch Seulgi’s shoulder.

Wanting to asure her that, although maybe this truth really hurts her, but she knew.

Deep down, Seulgi won’t hurt her. She knew her. Despite they are having fight lately, Irene still love Seulgi very much and her love for her is stronger than everything.

It just ashame they come to this. Fighting at each other. Pushing each other to their own limits when they never did that before. Always been very talkactive with each other.

However, the situation right now is quiet different.

“The only one here that is hurting me and make me so damn mad right now, is Wendy” said Irene.

Tears falling down Seulgi’s cheek and Irene wish she able to wipe those tears away.

Poor Seulgi for keeping this secret to herself all along. Irene knew, the moment she meet Wendy, she will make sure to give her the proper punch on the face.

If that’s what she called as love then, she’s a ing psycho.

“I-I’m sorry, Hyun. I-“

“No. Don’t apologize”

“Hyun, I-“

Suddenly Irene’s phone rang. Reveal her secretary name on the screen. Irene curse at herself.

Why everytime she talk to Seulgi there always something interrupting her? If this is not important, she make sure her secretary is fired by tomorrow morning.

“Straight to the poi-“

“The board wants you out of your position, Miss Bae!” 


“They said they no longer able to trust you to run the company”

ing ! This must be Wendy’s doing! 

“When is the next board meeting?”

“Tomorrow afternoon, Miss”

Irene end the call and exhale roughly. Seulgi doesn’t need to ask because she heard everything. 

Perhaps they need to hold back their time together. Right now they need to come up with plans to stop Wendy. 

This is getting very much serious. Bring it on, Son Wendy.

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Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #1
update please author nim🥺🥺
928 streak #2
Chapter 12: I'm crying fr 😭😭😭
born10966 #3
Chapter 11: Seulgi is dead but she is a ghost and talk to Joohyun. How and why did she die?.
Wendy assaulted Seulgi?. Wow I'm hooked now. I can't wait for next update.
Thanks author nim.
HeinzKang99 #4
Chapter 9: its Schizophrenia Author-nim. :)
Aejoo_ #5
Will this have a good ending? I’m scared to read the angst
Chapter 1: I love the storyline also curious too who wants to hurt Irene? JENNIE? maybe I Don't know. wendy is an interesting character I hope what I am thinking of Wendy is going to happen.......🙃
Chapter 4: now im hook!! Looking forward to your updates!!
woah the forewoooord!!!
Serenity_love #9
Looks so interesting looking forward to it
the foreword is interestingg!! when are you going to continue the story authornimmm?? i'm excited to read your story XD