The Past

Dancing With Your Ghost

"Make yourself at home, unnie. Ah well this is your second home after all. Remember you always spent your time at my house instead of yours, right?"

Too much memories in that place and I still can't accept the fact that Seulgi is dead. Until now, actually.

Irene simply hummed. Not feeling of reminiscing the past because right now what she need is time only for herself and relax her body, mind after her arguments with Seulgi.

She can they end up like this? After several years of not seeing each other, years of endles grieve and endless mourning period, when the world against them and now they given second chance to see each other, the ended up arguing a lot.

Why? How? She only asked simple requests. For her to feel Seulgi's touch and live in new memories fill with happiness. But for the past two days all they did was arguing.

Did they run out of love? No. Then what?

Irene wonder and it really occupying her mind. Perhaps wishing Seulgi to comeback doesn't result anything good for her...


Years ago~~

"A hot chocolate and americano?" 

"Thank you" said Irene once she took the cup of drinks before going back to her chair.

It is another ordinary day under the beautiful blue sky. Irene was just enjoying her break time before going back to the office. Here is a fun fact. As someone who own a business and also the one who run it, you will have more time to enjoy your time alone.

But alone is not what she's looking for. During break time she would always call for someone to accompany her. Of course today is the same like any other day.

Don't worry. Both of them are inseperable. Everyone who see them together might think like that as well. After all, they have been dating since high school, college, and now...

Irene cannot help but to smile seeing the beautiful rin wrapped perfectly around her finger. Yes. Someone already own this girl over hear and Irene cannot be anymore proud about that.

Soon they will tie the knot and live happily ever after as a married couple. Days after days, she cannot help but to feel anxious and impatient to marry her girlfriend.

Yes! She's a lesbian. Most boys would like to make her their girlfriends. However, her heart would only go to one person only. And that is...

"Excuse me, miss?" 

Irene looked up from her finger as she was admiring the beautiful rin, her fiance gave her a week ago. There stood a young man dress well with his suit, looking very handsome and attractive.

But not enough to flutter Irene's heart. Not wanting to make any kind of assumption, Irene smile.


The young man look a bit hesitate at first. Seeing how he fidgeting his fingers, wondering what to say next. Irene chuckle lightly. She already knew what the young man will say next.

"Uhmm...I'm sorry to ask you this really beautiful and I am wondering if I can get your number?" Irene smile.

"Sorry. She's taken" said someone who standing behind the young man.

Of course the young man quiet startled because he didn't notice there is someone behind him. She smile proudly to know how protective her girlfr- her fiance is. The girl with a white long sleeve shirt and a white pants glare to the young man. Undirectly telling the young man to back off.

How lucky she is to have someone so protective over her. Soon they will be wife and wife. Meaning Irene will dedicate her life to this young woman forever. She cannot wait for that moment to come.

“I-I’m sorry. Excuse me” said the young man.

“Can’t he see the ring on your finger?”

“It’s too small for him to see” her fiance glare at Irene and pout.

“Then I will buy you another one. Big as a donut!”

“Stop it, Seul” said Irene as she laugh at her fiance jokes.

Seulgi smile warmly because she always adore the sight she is seeing right now. Cannot wait to wake up every morning to see her favorite smile greeting her morning as wife and wife.

It’s been very long since she waited for this moment. Seulgi arranged everything perfectly to finally ended up with a romantic dinner in the London Eye a week ago. 

Everything was worth it. Not until the part that they must go back due to Irene’s urgent work and Seulgi’s sudden changes on one of her project. If none of that happened, they would have spend at least two more weekd in Londond.

Going on vacation and just enjoy the warm weather in London. But turns out they need to change their plan. However, Seulgi promise Irene they will be back to London for honeymoon. 

Kang Seulgi always have many things in her head and Irene always eager to know every detail of it.

“How was work?” Asked Seulgi.

“It was tough. I need to attend a meeting with the board member. Annoying yes but I can deal with them” Seulgi nodded. 

“What about you? Oh! Have you told Wendy, yet?”

Seulgi lean her back as she bite her lips. Looking a bit unsure. Irene knows that body language.

“What is it?”

“I told Wendy yesterday and I don’t know. No respond from her since yesterday. That is always why I’m a bit late. I came to visit her apartment before coming here but she wasn’t there. I also try to call her office but the worker said she wasn’t in the office” 

Tsk. Jealous? Angry? Try to cope with those feeling, Son Wendy. No need to be overreacting about this.

Despite how much she hate Wendy, Irene must keep it lowkey. She doesn’t want to upset Seulgi. After all, Irene understand their inevitable friendship. 

But Wendy need to accept the fact that Seulgi isn’t inlove with her. She’s inlove with Bae Joohyun Irene and they will get marry next year.

“Maybe she’s busy?”

“I don’t know. Very unusual of her” said Seulgi looking very worried.

“Hey. She’ll call when she’s available, okay? No need to worry too much” said Irene assuring Seulgi. 

At the end Seulgi nodded and give her a smile. Both of them enjoy each other company before they left the cafe and continue with their own work. 


However, the problem with Wendy doesn’t stop there.


The usual sound when people enter the passcode to her penthouse can be hear loudly. As she open the door, she was expecting her fiance to greet her warmly as usual.

But what she gets was not what her expected. Kang Seulgi stood by the window in the living room, looking very much anxious as she walk back and forth.

She keep on dialing number on her phone. Who is she calling and why she seems very scared?

“Babe? Are you alright?”

It seems that Seulgi didn’t realize Irene cameback from work. She must be really occupied that made her didn’t realize Irene presence.

“No! I’m not alright” said Seulgi stating the truth.

Which made Irene walk towards her and stop her from walking. She cup Seulgi’s face and stare at her worried eyes. 

Her eyes are teary and red. Did she just cried? Who made her cried?

“Why are you crying?” Asked Irene.

“Hyun. Wendy...she...”

. Why it has to be her? It’s been a week already!

It made Irene mood change drastically. She immedietly retreat her hands and sigh. Irene respect their relationship but somehow she cannot accept this.

Even though they are best friends, this gone too far. Wendy is behaving like a child! And she’s overreacting. 

Notice the way Irene react to the news, Seulgi knew she didn’t like it. Both of them have been together for many years and of course they both able to read each other. They are like an open books to each other.


Irene turn herself around and walk a bit far from Seulgi. She knew if she talk, worse thing could happen. Conflict. And she hates that.

“Hyun. Talk to me”

“No, Seul. I just...need time”

“Hyun. Wendy is missing. I cannot reach her for the past week. Aren’t you worried too?”



“Seulgi!” Irene yelled. Perhaps that is the first time she ever did that. Which made Seulgi quiet surprise.

“Wendy is an adult! She can take care of herself!”

“She’s my best friend, Hyun!”

“And I respect that but this has gone too far, don’t you think?”

Seulgi cannot believe what she just heard. Did she actually witness that her fiance is mad at her for worrying about her own best friend?! 

“Wendy is missing! And she’s my best friend. Yes, she’s an adult but still! I am worried about her!” 

“AND I’M YOUR FIANCE SEULGI! You ditch our first meeting with wedding organized because of Wendy. Then all night you cannot go to sleep because you are busy searching for her. Until when are you going to be like this?!”


Irene was too speechless to even fight back. She decided it's best to run away from here because the longer she talk about this with Seulgi, the more she feel suffocated.

Irene went to Jennie’s place afterwards and spent a week there. Seulgi regret what she just said. However, she knew, perhaps Irene need more time before she cool down.

Because she knew, dealing with Irene when she's in anger is not a good thing at all. 

The first three days she decided not to call Irene. Not because she doesn't want to but because she have to. She knew she made the biggest mistake in her life. Well, they are engage now and she should be thinking about their wedding preparation instead of her best friend went missing. Alright. It does sound like she's evil but Irene's right. Wendy is an adult. She should not worried much about her.

To be honest, she felt so ing lonely without Irene beside her. The first three day was the hardest for her. She slept at Irene’s penthouse. The penthouse is so big and it felt even bigger without Irene in it.

A week after the accident, they finally made up. Of course with Seulgi keep on calling Irene and visiting her at the office which always ended up getting ignored everytime they met in the lobby. 

Everynight she would wait outside of Jennie's apartment and wait. Until Irene finally had enough she finally open the door with her cold face. Both Irene and Seulgi knew they can't be seperate too long. So, Seulgi apologize to Irene and told Irene how sorry she was.

Irene knew she can't be mad at Seulgi for too long. It was hard for her too. Getting away from Seulgi and try damn so hard to ignored her when Seulgi waiting for her at the office. 

And so they made up. Continue with the wedding plans and others. 


So...the question is why Wendy sound so precious to Seulgi? Yes they are best friend but...what about their past? Irene did know something about them.


Next day came so fast than Irene thought. Usually it felt very long. Maybe because she always had hard time to sleep. But last night she drank sleeping pill since she wanted to sleep earlier than udual.

As the sunlight rays inside the room, Irene stretch her body. Feeling every part of her and notice that Jennie is not beside her. Which very weird because she knew how that girl is not really a morning person.

Irene gets up from the bed and walk to the kitchen only to see Kim Jennie making something. Very unusual.

“Hi, unnie! Did you sleep well?” Asked Jennie.

What is her game now?

“Cut the , Jen. Weird to see you so bright” said Irene as she sit on the bar chair.

“Chill, unnie! Isn’t it good to see me so cheerful in the morning?”



Irene just ignore that and wait for Jennie to tell her. The younger sigh because she knew she always lose.

“Alright. I’m just happy you sleep over at my place. You know it’s quiet lonely without you here” 

“That’s why you woke up early and make breakfast?”

“No! Actually I need to go to work in 30 minutes. So might spend five minutes eating breakfast with you before I leave”

Irene just nodded as she pull the plate which have an egg and a peanut butter bread. Her favorite. But lately even her favorite meal doesn’t make her excited.

As she think about it, been awhile since the last time she had breakfast with Jennie. Well, like she said before. Privacy. She want privacy.

After all, they already plugged those CCTV. No need another human eyes in her penthouse. 

Talking about her penthouse, is Seulgi still there? Maybe she left. What else she can do there? She’s a ghost remember? 

Irene sigh. Maybe she should check on Seulgi or not? 

“Oh, unnie”


“Will you get mad at me if Jisoo will come to pick you up and drive you to Yeri’s?”


Jennie grinned playfully. The last time Irene contacted Jisoo was days after their date. She was the one who ruin 

Although Irene didn’t want to describe their meeting as a date, she didn’t know what other word suit to describe it.

Irene remember clearly that she told Jisoo they shouldn’t meet each other again. After she had an episode on their date, Irene thought it might be good for them not to see each other again.

It was her final decision. Who would have want to date someone like her? A fragile girl diagnozed with skizofrenia. Freaking mental health!

Now Jennie told her Jisoo want to pick her up? AND DRIVE HER TO YERI? WHAT THE HELL?

“Jen! I did what you want me to do but turns out we’re not a match, okay?! After all I don’t want to date”

“I wasn’t the one who asked her” said Jennie suddenly.



“Aha! That must be Jisoo. I should go now, unnie!”

“YA! Kim Jennie you cannot leave me like that!”

Before Jennie left she make sure to hug Irene and whisper in her ear.

“Talk to her. Jisoo really likes you and as I said before I didn’t ask her. She volunteer herself” 

Did that news surprise Irene? Yes. Why would Jisoo still want to see her? After she being all mean towards her?

“Hey Jisoo!”

“Hey Jen. How are you?”

“I’m good! Ah! Sorry I need to go. My manager already waiting for me downstairs! Anyway! Have fun you too!” 

you, Kim Jennie. I hate you!

At that moment, Jisoo divert her attention towards Irene and she simply smile. Irene didn’t reply. She decide to wash the dishes instead of welcoming Jisoo.

Right now she is not in the mood to meet anyone. Though Jisoo is not completely a stranger anymore, but still. They still not that close.

She get herself busy by washing the dishes. In an hour she must go to Yeri and she need to get ready for half minute. What will Jisoo be doing during that half minute?

“Hi” said Jisoo trying to make conversation. Irene decide to ignore her.

Notice the way Irene respond to her, Jiso thought it be better if she shut for awhile. 

Which is a good choice. At the mean time Itene had no intetion on talking with her. Not when she already told the girl to off.

After she finished washing the dishes, she went back to her room which is Jennie’s bedroom. She get herself ready. Although she doesn’t really need to dress well. She will only meet Kim Yerim.

There is no big deal about it. What about Kim Jisoo? She had no intention to amaze her anyway.

“I-I’ll just wait here” said Jisoo awkwardly. Irene roll her eyes as she open the door to Jennie’s bedroom.


Irene is ready to go. Only wearing a white t and a pair of jean with her usual baseball cap. Not forgetting her mask. She doesn’t want anyone to see her face on the internet going to a psychiatrist.

That is the leat thing she want to deal right now. Dealing with Kim Yerim already hard enough and add more that Kang Seulgi is back. She cannot add more on her plate right now.

“You look pretty” said a voice that not so familiar.

It made Irene startled. Believing that she was left alone in Jennie’s house. Then she remember. Kim Jisoo is waiting for her. 

She stood there with a smile on her face. A very charming one. However, Irene doesn’t find that quiet attractive to her. Maybe...a little?

“Should we go now?” Asked Jisoo.

Did she have a choice? Irene still want to respect Jisoo. She cannot just deny her offer. Ever since she was little, she has been taught about manner. Although sometime she forgot about it. Cursing there and there.

But it was just her trying to release her emotion. Quiet effective though. However, her therapist said the opposite. 

What does it feels like to be inside a car with Kim Jisoo? 


The whole ride was complete silence! Perhaps Jisoo notice the cold shoulder Irene giving her. It takes half minute for them to arrive there. The traffic at this hour is hideous! 

Unfortunately made it a little longer to get there than usual. Irene didn’t mind with the silence honestly. Because she has nthing to say to Jisoo. She said enough.

And she would not like to repeat it again to her. Jisoo should know that. No. No. Don’t bother. Irene already put everything together.

Jisoo knew about her mental health ever since their first date...ughh really need to find the perfect word for it. Meeting? Too formal. Date? Too casual and no. They are not out for a date. They just...

“Irene” called Jisoo.

Why does it sound so warm and loving? The way she called her name is so...heavenly. Not receiving any respond, Jisoo take it as the sign for her to continue.

“I know you told me to stay away from you but here I am. Jennie told me many times that the chance to get close to you again will be very hard. I realize that very much but I’m here because I want you to know that I’m here for you. I want to help you get better”

Irene chuckle. As much as she want to express her kindness and care, Irene found it so lame. 

That’s why she chuckle instead of being touched by Jisoo’s word. Clearly she didn’t understand what she told her before. 

“Here’s the thing, Kim Jisoo” said Irene staring at Jisoo who glance at her. 

Don’t worry. The traffic is bad enough which make Jisoo able to make eye contact with Irene. 

“I don’t want to get better. That’s why when I told you to off. I mean it” 

Irene admit Kim Jisoo is a very nice person. However she didn’t see herself with someone else other Kang Seulgi. Her love for Kang Seulgi will remain real and there is no room for new person in her heart.

That is why she push everyone away. Including Kim Jisoo who is a very nice person. She’s not ready or maybe never will. Because she ony belongs to Kang Seulgi. Only her.

Kim Jisoo cannot lie. It hurts. Her face says it all. However, she want to hide it. She smile not wanting to look hurt by Irene's word. Instead of answering, Jisoo decided to stay focus on the road.

Meanwhile, Irene she felt sorry actually. She never been mean with strangers but right now she just feel the need for space.

Half minutes later, Irene already late for her session and honestly she never been scared of getting scold by someone else before. This is the first time she felt scared. 

Look what Yeri made her into.

Nevertheless, they finally arrive and Jisoo open the lock for Irene to leave. However, before that Jisoo feel the need to say this.

"I really like you, Irene. Since high school, I really like you until now. I just want you to know that" said Jisoo with a smile on her face.

Irene was sincere. It was a very sincere confession. But she has no time to deal with it. So, she left. Leaving Jisoo's confession on the air only to let someone else on the other side hurting.


Soon, you'll belong to someone else...thought Seulgi.

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Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #1
update please author nim🥺🥺
927 streak #2
Chapter 12: I'm crying fr 😭😭😭
born10966 #3
Chapter 11: Seulgi is dead but she is a ghost and talk to Joohyun. How and why did she die?.
Wendy assaulted Seulgi?. Wow I'm hooked now. I can't wait for next update.
Thanks author nim.
HeinzKang99 #4
Chapter 9: its Schizophrenia Author-nim. :)
Aejoo_ #5
Will this have a good ending? I’m scared to read the angst
Chapter 1: I love the storyline also curious too who wants to hurt Irene? JENNIE? maybe I Don't know. wendy is an interesting character I hope what I am thinking of Wendy is going to happen.......🙃
Chapter 4: now im hook!! Looking forward to your updates!!
woah the forewoooord!!!
Serenity_love #9
Looks so interesting looking forward to it
the foreword is interestingg!! when are you going to continue the story authornimmm?? i'm excited to read your story XD