
Dancing With Your Ghost

"She me"

The road to her office felt a bit longer than usual. Making her able to think of what Seulgi said to her last night. After she received the call from her private secretary which she would probably raise her wage after her heroic saving last night, Irene starts to get busy.

She didn't talk to Seulgi afterwards, because the monolid girl was gone minutes after she end the call. Irene didn't know where Seulgi go. More like she didn't know where ghost usually go when they are on earth.

However, she really need to handle this matter as soon as possible because this is quiet urgent. Not to mention, Wendy probably has something to do with this.

Why would Wendy suddenly her? Irene wonder. The first time she met Wendy, she knew that girl is crazy. But she never thought she has the ability to her own best friend.

The truth that Wendy her in the past makes her anger boil. How can someone, someone Seulgi trust so much tried to do that? And the fact that Seulgi seems still trying to protect Wendy, really bother her.

Is there some secrets she didn’t know? They never lie towards each other and Seulgi is one of the most honest person Irene ever met. 

Perhaps that is one of the reason why she fell inlove with Seulgi in the first place. But now...she begin to question whether she should trust Seulgi or not. More like, she doesn't know who Kang Seulgi is anymore.

However, her love for Seulgi always stronger than anything else. Which make her so sure, once she meet Wendy later, she will give her the best punch she has.

Arring at the lobby, one of the guard open the door of her car. She get out and greeted by her private secretary, Jihyo.

“Did you get what I need?” 

“Yes, Miss Bae”

“Good. Let’s start from there”


The thought of coming back here always came up to her mind everyday. During her torture down there, she would always begged to God.

Asking whether she able to receive second chance to fix everything. Partly to help Irene moving on from her.

Although she knew, she wasn’t the only one that suffer. Her death was tragic and there are many people out there that also encounter the same thing.

But she has hope. She prays to God. Didn’t know if He actually listen but knowing that she’s here on earth, she knew He listen to her.

The thought that coming back here would give her the happiest feeling ever didn’t really satisfied her.

At first, it was hard. Knowing she cameback as a ghost. Not a human. She thought many times and imagine how will be her first approach to Irene be like.

Imagine that they would probably have time together. Doing all the romantic things they can’t do in the past.

However, it wasn’t the case and it wasn’t easy. Because she was given tasks from God.

Coming back to earth not to have fun. But to help Irene. Helping her get out from being in the dark for years after her death.

First, she need to find out who would want to hurt Irene. The only person she could think of right now is her own best friend, Son Wendy.

“I see it didn’t go very well” 

“Never expect it to be easy” said Seulgi.

She turn around to meet the person behind the voice. A light smile greet her as soon as she turn herself around.

“Tell me. How we end up like this, Byul?” Asked Seulgi.

“Maybe the right answer to that question is that nothing really happen between you two”

Seulgi tilted her head. Wondering why the oldest ghost said that to her.

“We were fighting since the first day. How can you said that?”

“Because it’s true. That's completely normal” 

Seulgi don’t see it as normal. If they are normal, they wouldn’t be fighting with each other.

“Imagine you are Irene. How would you feel when you found out you’re dead girlfriend rise from the dead?”

Honestly, Seulgi thought a lot about that. But maybe she was naive. Believe that it won’t be too hard for them considering their endless love towards each other.

Well, maybe she was wrong after all. Maybe she should have more aware of Joohyun’s feeling. Everything that happen right now surely confusing and hard for everyone even Joohyun to accept it. 

But she was given time. She does not want to waste it.

“A day to reconsile your relationship with her won’t be a problem, Seulgi. Maybe afterwards you two will be good”

Maybe. Maybe not. No one knows. 

What Seulgi is sure right now, she must stop Wendy with whatever she’s trying to do. 

That is what she’s trying to find out. Wendy can be nice but mysterious in her own way. She can be evil when nobody expect her to be. 

She learned it exactly when Wendy tried to her...


“Who would fit to replace Miss Bae I-“

“Who give you the permission to replace me? For what I know I am still the highest stock owner of this company” said Irene as she make her grand entrance to the board meeting room.

The door open before Irene enter the place. Making the whole board member divert their attention to the door. Of course they are surprise.

For what they know, Miss Bae is still in her vacation. Or that’s what they thought where she was going. 

Irene came to the room followed by Jihyo. Her eyes glare to each of them including Wendy who smirk at her. Clenching her jaw together wanting so bad to kill that girl right now.

But right now she need to focus on protecting her position as the CEO. This place can go without her contribution and she is sure she still capable to run this place until the day she die.

“Miss Bae. We thought you’re in your vacation”

“No. My vacation is over. So, who give you the permission to replace me?”

Irene knew they have been trying to replace her ever since she was diagnozed with skizofrenia. But she always make it to proves she still able to work despite her having mental illness.

Because like she always said before. She determine to lead this company until her death. The fact that she built this company with her own sweat and money, she wouldn't want to let this company being lead by someone else other than her.

They have been trying to replace her but no one actually dare to speak the truth because she still the highest stock owner.

“You weren't on vacation, Miss Bae. For what I know, shouldn’t you be at Doctor Kim’s therapy right now?” Asked Wendy as she stand up from her seat comfortably.

A playful smile on her face make Irene hate her even more. 

Son of a ! I knew it was you! Thought Irene.

Despite how much she want to yell at her for telling them about that, she knew she need to play this elegantly.

So, she give a signal to Jihyo and her secretary immedietly turn on the projector in that room. Showing the whole board member a data.

The data she got last night with her secretary. It was not surprising to her because she already knew since long time ago. However, back then the evidences weren't solid.

Although she already gather many evidences, she want to keep to herself for urgent matter. For instance like what happen today.

"That information should be classified. But since now it's not. Well then, let me tell you some information that is highly classified. Or should I say was kept hidden from me. However, I should say you all have low quality in securing your dirty works from me" said Irene.

The projector reveal manipulative data on the white screen. Those financial data was manipulated since 2016 until last year. Joohyun and Jihyo has been working together to get this data.

Last night they managed to finished it all within 5 hours. Good thing Irene have Jihyo. A very reliable secretary though sometimes she annoyed her but she did a great job.

All of the board members gasp in surprise. Even Wendy too. But honestly she's enjoying the drama right now. Irene folded her hands on her chest and glare at the board members.

"Say I didn't do my job properly and even thought of replacing me, backfire me, I will make sure to ruin your life," said Irene before giving a sign to someone outside the meeting room.

Bunches of policeman and a prosecutor came in to the meeting room. They grab five of the board members and some of them refused to be taken away from the meeting room.

"You will regret this, Miss Bae!" said one of the board member.

"Believe me. I won't" said Irene confidently. 

"This is unfair! You build this office with our money! You should be thankful!"

"Thank you. But sorry I can't no longer accept your dirty money. Prosecutor, please take them away. I feel suffocated being in one room with them" said Irene.

"Yes, Miss Bae. Thank you for willing to cooperate with us" said the prosecutor as he bow to Irene and told his men to take the board member away.

The remaining board member stay where they are, feeling hopeless and confuse at the same time. Meanwhile, Irene give them the silence treatment before she say something.

"Now. Do you still want to play game with me?" asked Irene challenging them.

Like a scared little cats, they shake their head except Wendy. Irene will deal with her later. For now she want to know if she can trust the remaining five members.

Given their history, they always on Irene side in everything. That is why all of her ideas always approve. Irene is thankful to them. However, she want to know where their loyalties are right now.

Her or someone else?

"Miss Bae. We will always support you. What happened ealier, we never knew" Irene nodded. She knew they said the truth because she checked their financial reports and they are clean.

Very clean. 

"Thank you. Glad to know I still have someone who support me. Now. You may dismiss" said Irene and the other board members bow at her and leave the room as they were told to.

However, there she sit on her chair with a smile on her face. Didn't know if that face mean she's happy or she's mocking Irene right now.

Jihyo wrap everything up and told Irene she still need to go to Doctor Kim afterwards. Irene nodded. Said thank you to Jihyo and told her to leave the room.

She still has something to do. Jihyo bowed to Irene before she leave, leaving the two young woman who have dark, cold histories together.

There, Wendy still sit on her chair smiling with her annoying smile. Clapping her hands together. Making sounds of appalause. Irene didn't even bother to approache her.

"What a classic drama. Love it!" said Wendy as she stood up and walk approaching Irene.

"You didn't came here to catch up. You came here to ruin my life" said Irene.

Wendy make a gesture telling Irene she's thinking but at the end she just smile playfully. Once they are close enough, the CEO really want to punch that face.

However, she knew she need to control herself. Otherwise, she will really lose her job because of physical abuse towards a shareholders. Obviously she's trying so hard right now.

Something very not easy. Irene realize she should have done that long time ago before this happen. Now, it's too late to do that.

"No. Why would you think that? I bought some of your shares and it got me here! As one of the board member. You should be happy for me and well part of me really want to catch up with you. Like, how are you after Seulgi? Seems like you haven't move on from her"

The moment Wendy called Seulgi's name, Irene lose control of it. Wendy has no right to say that name. Not after what she did in the past. How dare she!

Irene grab Wendy's collar, push her to the wall and glare at her. However, Wendy didn't react to any of it. She even seems like she's alright. That fact clearly make Irene even more angry.

"You don't get to say that name! Not after what you did in the past!"

"What? What did I do?" 

. Control your emotion. She's playing with you.

"You know what I mean"

Wendy shake her head.

"I don't. What did I do? Tell me, Joohyun. Oh! Sorry. Tell me, Irene" said Wendy teasing Irene. 

Irene push her away because she knew everything is useless right now. For what she know is that Wendy clearly has something in mind. Perhaps the one she and Seulgi are looking for is Wendy.

The one who want to hurt her. She glare at Wendy one last time before she walk away. But before she could reach the door, Wendy said something that made her stop.

"Just know despite how ed up I was that night, Seulgi will always protect me, Irene. Don't pretend you don't know that" 

That is completely true. But she would rather be gone than dealing with Wendy even more. She knew, the longer she stay there, the more she doesn't know what herself will do to Wendy.

Rushing to the lobby, she already has her car ready in the lobby. Key stand by and ready to drive her to Yeri. However, that place isn't where she is going.

"My place, Key. Take me to my place"

"Right away, Miss Bae"


What secrets you hide from me about Wendy, Seul? Why does it look like you have been cheating behind my back? Though it doesn't look like you're cheating.

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Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #1
update please author nim🥺🥺
927 streak #2
Chapter 12: I'm crying fr 😭😭😭
born10966 #3
Chapter 11: Seulgi is dead but she is a ghost and talk to Joohyun. How and why did she die?.
Wendy assaulted Seulgi?. Wow I'm hooked now. I can't wait for next update.
Thanks author nim.
HeinzKang99 #4
Chapter 9: its Schizophrenia Author-nim. :)
Aejoo_ #5
Will this have a good ending? I’m scared to read the angst
Chapter 1: I love the storyline also curious too who wants to hurt Irene? JENNIE? maybe I Don't know. wendy is an interesting character I hope what I am thinking of Wendy is going to happen.......🙃
Chapter 4: now im hook!! Looking forward to your updates!!
woah the forewoooord!!!
Serenity_love #9
Looks so interesting looking forward to it
the foreword is interestingg!! when are you going to continue the story authornimmm?? i'm excited to read your story XD