Annyeongz: Bom (by Bol4)

Siren’s Collection

A/N: Please have a listen to the song in the title! I chose this song for a cute Annyeongz OS as I thought it suited the vibe of it well. A little late for Valentines but I hope this OS can give those who are reading a smile on their face. Sorry for any grammatical errors and stuff! 

Feel free to leave any questions, comments, suggestions or anything on here or on my cc (which can be found in the forword)!  



Today was just another typical school day for you. You had the usual math class which you rather enjoyed, compared to those in the same class. This could very well be because of your studious nature. You always seem to find yourself one step ahead of those in your year group in terms of learning the material. People would say that this was typical ‘nerd’ behavior. But she has always told you that it was okay to be studious. It was okay to ignore all the nasty things people would say. It was okay to keep doing what you always do. Your routine really only consists of finishing classes and doing homework in the air conditioned school library - the only place in school that the temperature seems to stay around the same whole year round. Before finally heading home at exactly 6 on the dot. Sometimes with or without her.   


What makes today any different, you ask? Honestly, nothing really except the fact that you’re not in the library doing your homework.   


You were sitting on the benches that overlooked the basketball team’s practice in the school gym. It was humid and you’re not even remotely interested in watching people chase after a ball and throwing it from one end to another. Or the commands from members of the basketball team. Oh and definitely not the shouts from the spectators section filled with girls and the smell of sweat fills the gym. It was so noisy. Too noisy for your tired mind to solve any of the math homework you were given in your last period. This sauna-like space of loud students really will be the death of you. You’ll definitely try your best, but the idea of being able to finish the math homework before going home is really looking like it’s not going to happen any time soon. Trying to snap out of your self pity and the fact that you won’t be able to finish your homework before you go home, you let out a sigh and looked up. You surveyed your surroundings, trying to drink it all in. You honestly don’t even know why you’re sitting here. But then your line of sight subconsciously settles on a girl in a dark blue basketball jersey and white shorts. A giant 8 printed on the back. 


Ah, that’s right. It was because she asked you to. 




A shrill whistle had cut through the gym, signalling the end of practice. It also alerted you to the fact that you had only managed to finish one of five pages of the maths homework. You hated it when you were unproductive. You also didn’t like being in a humid room full of people. So you packed your bags and quickly made your way down the stairs before turning a sharp left which led you to one of the many side exits the gym had.


Finally. Fresh air and the cool autumn breeze. The smell of the decaying leaves was definitely a welcomed change compared to being in a sweat filled ‘packed like sardines’ setting.   


You took your time as you quite enjoyed autumn. Whether it was the sound of dry autumn leaves crunching under your feet or the bursts of occasional vibrant oranges, yellows and reds left in your wake. You liked the cool breeze that greets you every morning and the thought of wearing warm sweaters. You could probably list out a few more reasons but alas, you didn’t even realize that you were just outside the backdoor to the change rooms in the gym. Not until a familiar happy shout greeted you, causing you to look up and your heart to skip a beat.  


‘I’m sorry! Did you wait long?’


No, stop it. Stop right there. If I come closer, you’re gonna be out of mind. 


‘...No. Not really.’ 


You looked at her. She was fashioned in a pair of (what you assume is clean) black shorts and a navy hoodie that she seems to drown in. Her hair was a bit damp and was still in a messy ponytail. She had her round specs sitting on her tall nose and her right sweater paw seemed to be gripping onto the single bag strap on one side of her shoulder. Her signature dimpled grin and crescent eyes were out on display. You quickly looked to the side, trying not to show her how affected you are. 


‘Oh. Well, I’m glad I didn’t take too long. Let’s go! I’ll walk you home.’


With that you found yourself suddenly dragged to walk side by side with the prince of your school. You’re very aware of everything - the autumn leaves crunching beneath your feet, the cool autumn breeze brushing through your hair and the warm hand securely holding your right hand.


You can feel your face suddenly growing a little warmer and you know it isn’t because of the cold. 




You were at school again attending classes as per your everyday routine. The only thing you really looked forward to was probably lunch. It’s a coincidence but it looks like even if the world was revolving and everything was the usual ‘same old, same old’, some being out there must have thought you deserved a reward. Deserved a reward for staying up countless nights studying for the exams, finishing homework AND finishing the project for history class after your partner decided to ditch you. Why? It’s because today’s menu was your favorite - a small helping of Korean Beef and cream shrimp. 


And it was just your luck that you were too busy that you didn’t even have time to make lunch today. 


You made your way to the cafeteria, a slight skip in your steps reflecting your mood. After all, who wouldn’t be happy handing in all the homework and the project? Not to mention, finishing your last exam all on the same day? 


The cafeteria was bustling with students. Luckily you got to the line relatively quickly - allowing you to get your lunch faster than most students. You rushed to the far corner of the cafeteria, the corner you knew no one would usually go to and began digging in. To say you were hungry was an understatement. Your stomach practically ate itself during class. You supposed it’s your fault seeing as you didn’t eat breakfast or dinner the past few days, despite your sister’s warning. Chaewon would be mad if she finds out you were suffering in class because of your own carelessness despite her warnings. 


The sudden spasm from your phone alerted you to an incoming message. No one really messages you except your sister and her girlfriend. One would think it was weird for you to be friends with your sister’s girlfriend. But honestly, Minjoo wasn’t hard to like. Especially since she’s an angel and she would baby you. You’ve already accepted her as your sister-in-law. Taking a quick glance at your phone, you unlocked the phone as you read the incoming message.     


From: Stay away from stinky (Puppy Knight)

Do you feel like beef or shrimp today? 


To: Stay away from stinky (Puppy Knight)

What do you mean? 


From: Stay away from stinky (Puppy Knight)

Choose one. 


To: Stay away from stinky (Puppy Knight)

Uh...beef I guess? 


From: Stay away from stinky (Puppy Knight) 

Cool. Don’t move.


You totally did not forget about her. She was also someone who messaged you but you guess with how much time you’ve been spending in the library or classrooms, you might have...forgotten about her for a second. You quickly snap out of your thoughts when a small plastic container filled with meat was placed on your table before the person walked off in the direction that they came from. A bit startled you looked up quickly, trying to catch a glimpse and oh? It’s her - well, her back to be precise. 


Did she really just leave her left overs on your table? The thought was leaving a slight frown on your face. You don’t like being the food bin. Sure, the meat in the container is innocent but wow, what a way to leave your left overs at your childhood best friend's table huh. You reached out to open the container, only to realize that the container was still very much hot. As if it was freshly cooked and had just been put into the container before it was given to you. Your frown was still on your face as you used your chopsticks to pick it up and popped it in your mouth. But you couldn’t hide the happy expression that threatened to show itself on your face. You love beef. It tasted exactly the same as the one you had in your lunch tray. these aren’t left overs…? A sudden wave of guilt rushed over you as you thought back. You’ve accused her of giving you left overs albeit the accused does not know you thought of her that way. A thought suddenly came to you so you quickly unlocked your phone to send her a message.


To: Stay away from stinky (Puppy Knight)

Did you just give me your portion of today’s lunch? 


From: Stay away from stinky (Puppy Knight)



To: Stay away from stinky (Puppy Knight)

Don’t you need the protein or something? You have basketball after school today


From: Stay away from stinky (Puppy Knight)

...I’ll be okay :)


To: Stay away from stinky (Puppy Knight)



From: Stay away from stinky (Puppy Knight)



She could be so...random at times. A bit spontaneous and a bit crazy. Definitely not as amazing as you are with school work. But that definitely doesn’t mean that she was not a smart person. Her intelligence is there, just not used at the right times. Maybe that’s a thing she shared with her cousin Yena, who happens to be your sister’s best friend. From all the years you’ve known her, you know she is without a doubt a good person. She’s kind and is endearing in her own little ways. When puberty hit, you guess that was when everyone else realized how charming she was as well - which brings you back to a childhood memory.   




Your older sister Chaewon was busy with big kid things (which really meant she had to go to elementary school) and your parents were at work. You usually had a babysitter in the form of your grandma but half the time, she would be busy making food for the family. Perks of being a well behaved child since you were young was that your grandma was never too worried about you. She knew you could stand your ground and would not get into any trouble. You’ve asked her if she could let you go to the park near your house. She gave you permission after making sure she knows where to find you and at what time. Barely having any concept of time except ‘5 o’clock is when grandma is going to pick me up’, you happily made your way to the park not knowing that your life was about to change. 


Arriving at the park, you took in everything your little self could. The slide was occupied by a bunch of slightly older kids who looked like they didn’t want anyone to come near them. You know, the typical bullies you would see in your morning shows. The sandbox in the corner was occupied with smaller kids who seemed to just...sit there and try to dig for some sort of treasure. There were a few elementary school kids who looked to have got off school early playing tag in the middle of the park. You looked to the right corner, wanting to see if the swings were being occupied or not. Seeing it wasn’t, you made a beeline for it whilst carefully avoiding the older kids playing tag. You didn’t want to be bowled over by kids who looked nearly twice your size.  


Upon arriving at the swings, you noticed something shiny on the floor. The sunlight was reflecting off the object and the glare had caught your eyes. You walked over to pick it up while trying to dust it off. Having a proper look at the object in hand, you weren’t really sure what it was.  You were trying to rack your brain into putting a name to this object when a sudden shout had snapped you out of it.   


‘So it was you who stole it!’


You whipped your head around, facing the new person who came to the swing area. You recognized him as one of the boys that you saw earlier, occupying the slide area with his friends.  


‘What do you mean? I found it on the floor here just now.’


‘No! You stole it! If I didn’t say something, you would have tried to bring it home with you.’


‘No I wouldn’t!’


‘Yes you would! You’re a thief! You tried to steal treasure compass!’


Turning to face his friends, he started spewing out nasty words. Ranging from calling you a thief, to telling them an elaborate ‘what if’ scenario. You now know it was just a stupid spinning top that the bully must have dropped while playing on the swings. It was pretty stupid but children at that time and age was really naive and would believe whatever someone else would say. You weren’t really sure how you could defend yourself as you never found yourself in these types of situations and suddenly, you really wanted your sister to be here with you. At least Chaewon can coldly fight them back for you. With your head down, you desperately tried to hold the incoming tears back. You were overwhelmed with emotions and had felt so wronged.  


‘Hey, back off!’


A new voice interrupted your drowning in emotions and the boy’s tale. You wanted to lift your head up, but it felt so heavy. You wanted to hide and run away but your feet were rooted in your spot. You felt the presence of a person in front of you, before you could see their feet in your line of vision. 


‘What do you want Jin?’


‘I want you to stop spewing lies and apologize to her now!’


‘Why would I apologize to the thief?! She tried to steal my stuff!’


‘But she didn’t and you keep saying things that didn’t happen!’


‘Oh yeah? That doesn’t explain how she got my gold treasure compass!’


‘Maybe you were being dumb and didn’t check your pockets! You were showing off about how high you could swing and maybe that’s when you dropped it! Yena saw it too!’


‘O-oh...uh...y-yeah! I definitely saw that!’ a new voice stuttered out, perhaps not expecting the sudden attention to go on her. 


‘...Fine. I’m not going to apologize but you better watch your back, new kid!’


‘Go away and leave her alone! If you want to talk to her, you gotta ask me first!’


You could hear a loud huff before the tension in the air started to dissipate. You’re very aware of the person who defended you and whoever this Yena person is who was next to you. Chaewon had always told you to not talk to strangers. Does thanking them count? You’re not too sure. 


She took your hand in hers. 


‘Hey, it’s okay now. The baddies won’t be bothering you. If they do, I’ll fight them for you!’


You still had tears in your eyes that were threatening to spill as you lifted your head up. You could still feel the warmth radiating from the girl’s hand and could make out the other person making their way closer to you. 


‘Hi! Are you still scared?’


You shake your head. You weren’t scared anymore. Okay, maybe you were a little traumatized by the older kids. But you feel like you’re not so scared anymore as you could feel the person in front of you squeeze your hand in hers. 


‘Yena, can we take her with us?’ 




‘Can we play with her too? I need to protect her. I’m her knight now, just like...uh...Shrek! You know?’


‘Sure! But Jin, I don’t think Shrek was a knight…? Or was he?’ you could see how hard the slightly older girl was contemplating on this question. The two girls in front of you seem to be thinking hard over what was just said before the one like features...looked like she just got the solution to end all the problems in the world. Her eyes were lit up as she suddenly exclaimed.


‘Shrek is ugly! So he’s probably not the knight!’


With that, the ‘Jin’ girl who was holding your hand gripped it a little tighter. You can see that the girl was upset and did not like whatever just came out of this Yena’s mouth. You didn’t want your saviour to feel bad at all, so you quietly piped up while giving her what you hope was a reassuring squeeze. 


‘Uh, Jin…? I think you don’t need to be Shrek. You can still be my handsome knight in shining armor...’  


You see as the girl in front of you whipped her head back to you, eyes sparkling with joy. She looked like she had stars in her eyes. Rubbing  your eyes, you tried to get rid of the tears so you could see her a little better. She looked a little like the puppy that lives next door to your grandma’s place.  




‘Mm! My very own handsome puppy knight!’


You must have said the right thing because that was the first time you’ve seen such a bright and beautiful dimpled smile in your whole four years of existence.




The next thing you know, you’ve reached the end of winter and a whole new season was quickly approaching. What does this tell you? Nothing, really. To you, it was just another season that has gone by and that you are another year closer to finishing school. Another year older.


It’s spring now and the cherry blossoms were starting to bloom again.


Why is it? Do people just like the spirit of Spring and go outside without thinking?


It’s so strange how perfect of a season Spring is. It’s just the right temperature where the weather was not too hot yet not too cold. It’s also the season where everything seems to reflect your mood, whether it was your thoughts about her or the fluttering feeling you get when you actually have her there physically. 


Which is why it’s even stranger that you find yourself willingly adventuring outdoors and walking around instead of doing your homework in the library as per usual. It can’t be just because your thoughts were occupied by her again. If it was, you would’ve found yourself wandering around in the cold, ankles deep in snow or something during winter. There must be something to the Spring weather. 


Why is it? Why do I like the Spring breeze so much? Without knowing my mind, the wind blows more   


With the impromptu walks comes more unplanned overthinking. As usual, the spring breeze was caressing your face while you walked aimlessly, relaxing as you took in your surroundings. This relaxed state usually means that your mind goes back to thoughts about her. Honestly, you’re not very sure since when did you fall for her. It could very well be from when she was being nice to you in elementary school - always looking out for you and making sure you were fine. Or it could be from middle school when she would stand up for you when jealous classmates would say nasty things to you. Or maybe it was the little things that built up over time. Heck, it could even be from when you first met her back when you were both tiny children at the young age of 4. But you do know one thing. You want to stop. She was never going to notice you nor was she ever going to give you that attention or time in her busy schedule of school and sports. Being the ace of the basketball team and having the potential of earning a scholarship to a prestigious university really makes a girl busy, you know?


That suddenly reminds you of the notes that Ms. Im told you to hand it to her. You knew she would most likely be in the school gym practicing for the upcoming tournament. So you took out your phone to message her.  


To: Stay away from stinky (Puppy Knight) 

Hey what’s your password? 


Almost immediately, you get a reply. 


From: Stay away from stinky (Puppy Knight)

For my phone or my house? 


To: Stay away from stinky (Puppy Knight) 

What?! No, I mean your locker. Why would I need your phone or your house password?


From: Stay away from stinky (Puppy Knight)

Oh? I don’t know I just thought...never mind. Locker is 102. The one with Jiheon’s corgi sticker stuck near the top corner.


To: Stay away from stinky (Puppy Knight)

I know which locker’s yours. But, why 102??? The numbers are so random...


From: Stay away from stinky (Puppy Knight) 

You’ll understand soon. Remind me to answer this one for you! 


To: Stay away from stinky (Puppy Knight) 

Er, okay. Btw, you’re not gonna ask me why? 


From: Stay away from stinky (Puppy Knight) 

No? I trust you. Plus it’s not like you're hiding a body in there. If you are, you gotta let me know so we can go to jail together! 


To: Stay away from stinky (Puppy Knight) 

I can’t with you...don’t get distracted! Don’t hurt yourself!


From: Stay away from stinky (Puppy Knight) 

Yes princess! ;)  


Shaking your head, you pocketed your phone. She’s so...cheeky. And annoying. You made your way to her locker and unlocked it. You placed the notes in there and locked it before walking back towards the school gardens. The only thought that ran through your mind was that maybe it was time for you to head home seeing as you can’t really concentrate on anything anyway.  




You were sitting in your room, trying to diligently do your homework that you failed to complete the days before. Your concentration isn’t usually this bad. But with the brilliant blue sky, the cool breeze blowing through the windows, fluffy white clouds floating aimlessly and the sun in the sky - the weather is perfect for daydreaming. About her. 


Flower, sunshine, on a perfect day - honestly how good it’d be if I could walk by your side 


Concentrate Wonnie! You tell yourself, quickly blaming the perfect Spring weather again. There must be something in the Spring weather that’s making you like this. You broke out of your wandering thoughts again (which you’ve been doing so much lately) when you hear your sister’s voice from the kitchen downstairs. 


‘Wonnie? Can you get the door?’ 


‘Hm ‘kay!’ 


You rushed down the stairs and went to open the door. You came face to face with a head full of pink hair and a warm smile stretched on the girls face. You stood there for a good amount of time, trying to pinpoint who was in front of you before breaking out into a smile after figuring out who was there. You quickly moved to the side, letting the pink haired girl come in. 


‘Thanks Wonnie’ said the pink haired girl softly as she took off her shoes and made her way to the kitchen. 


You followed the older girl to the kitchen, wanting to see what your sister’s reaction would be when she also sees the pink haired girl. 




‘Wonnie, not now. I’m still trying to cook and not burn the kitchen down. Lunch will be done in a bit, yeah?’


A soft giggle resounded in the kitchen. 


‘Bold of you to assume I’m your sister, babe.’


You could see the gears in your sister’s head turn as she stood up a little straighter than before. You watched as she put the spatula down and turned off the heat. Oh? She wiped her hands on a paper towel too! So your sister is cleaner than you thought, unlike a certain puppy you know. Your sister turned around only for her eyes to land on her girlfriend and a loud gasp could be heard from her. Her eyes widened in surprise. Honestly, watching how surprised your sister is something you loved seeing. She’s usually not very expressive but with Minjoo around, you seem to see a variety of expressions on her face. 


‘I-...Babe- Hair- Pink- Min?’ 


Your sister was a blubbering mess, her sentences incoherent. That was the last straw before you burst out laughing. Your sister is usually the smart and popular nerd, be it at school or at college. She didn’t talk much but everytime she did, she articulated her words and made sure that her words conveyed what she meant. So seeing her like this was truly a sight to see. 


‘Do you like it? Hyewon was dying her hair a light color for the first time so I thought, why not do it too? For Spring and in time for Summer?’


‘You...dyed your hair because your twin was doing it? But of all colors?’


‘I mean I might as well go all out since Hye was dying it purple. We look like cotton candy clouds! ...Or something....Why? Is it that bad…?’


You could see the frown on Minjoo’s face and god what is your sister thinking, trying to question her girlfriend’s choices? You’ll fight your sister if she makes Minjoo upset. She’s been nothing but sweet to you and always helps you when you need it - be it for school project examples or just gossiping about the latest fashion. You were about to shoot your sister a look when she suddenly blurted out things you didn’t think you would hear from her. 


‘NO! No. Definitely not! You look...I don’t know what to say...gorgeous? Stunning? Those words don’t seem to describe how good you look with pink hair...’


You watched as Minjoo shot your sister a beautiful wide smile, her dimple showing. Good. You were ready to fight your sister but you guess that can be left for another day. You knew that was your cue to leave the two alone. Seeing the two of them happy makes you happy too. You turned around and walked out of the kitchen, slowly making your way back to your room. You’ve been too distracted already and you’re starting to get annoyed. You really need to finish everything before Monday rolls around again. Only to be stopped when you heard the doorbell ring again. many visitors are you getting on this beautiful Saturday? 


You swung the door open, ready to give a piece of your mind to whoever was there for disturbing your already disturbed study session. Only to come face to face with a very familiar dimpled smile that seemed brighter than the sun outside. 


‘Hey, Wonnie. Sorry for coming without telling you. Can you let me borrow a few hours of your time?’




‘I said what I said.’


You tried to stop the pounding of your heart. Being around her isn’t really that great for your health. 


‘No? I have homework. Plus Chaewon just finished making lunch.’


You watched her as she looked down and tried to think of something. You see her look up again and give you a cheeky grin. Knowing her, whatever is on her mind is probably not the best idea. 


‘Chaewon! It’s Yujinnie! Can I take Wonnie out for a few hours?’


You watched the girl in front of you with wide eyes, clearly thinking she was out of her mind. Something clearly is wrong with her. Did she hit her head? Did she not understand when you said you need to finish homework?


‘Sure! The kid hasn’t left her room since she came home last night! Take her!’


‘Thanks Chaewon! We’ll see you later!’


With that, she ushered you to quickly put on a pair of sneakers and dragged you out of the house. At this point, you’re not sure if you're more taken aback from how ridiculous everything seems to be on this fine Saturday or how your sister gave permission for you to be kidnapped. Either way, your heart was pounding and you know it’s not just from the sudden adrenaline rush you got from being forced out of your own house. 


I’m scared to say I like you, so I’m hanging around you 


‘...Hey, Min...I made Wonnie’s portion of lunch but she just left with her puppy. Have you had lunch yet?’ 




‘Where are you dragging me to?’


‘The park. Well to be precise, the grass near the riverbank at the back of the park.’


You decided that that was enough information for now. At least you know where the two of you were headed so that you won’t need to worry about all the what ifs that come with not knowing anything. You watched her back in front of you as your thoughts wandered off again. Her hand was still securely holding yours, eagerly pulling you along the street in rushed steps.


I don’t need anything, nor cherry blossoms. I just want to be with you; right next to you, until the spring passes


She pulled you towards a very typical checkered picnic mat. She brushed off any twigs and leaves that had fallen onto the mat before urging you to take a seat. She made sure you were comfortable and you found yourself swooning. A little. Definitely, not a lot. 


‘So...first off, I’m sorry for dragging you out of the house even though I knew you had homework to finish.’


You looked at her, an eyebrow raising. Huh. So she did hear you when you said you had homework. You watched as she scratched her cheek and shot you a sheepish smile before continuing with whatever she was saying.


‘I remember you love watching cherry blossoms bloom and that you’ve always liked picnics in Spring. We never got to do it with how busy we both were...especially with tournaments and college applications when the new school year hits in two week’s time. So I’


She handed you your favorite macaroon and took out sandwiches from the containers inside the picnic basket. Your favorite snacks and drinks were all there. Whatever you think you could possibly crave for, she seems to have it with her. And when you think she already outdid herself for this picnic, your eyes caught onto the mini blue and white box behind her.


‘Is that...a mini cooler behind you…?’


‘Huh?’ she whipped her head behind her to see what you were talking about. Realization dawned on her as she turned back to face you. 


‘Oh yeah. I bought your favorite mint chocolate ice cream and put it inside. It’s dessert for later! Here, let’s dig in. Don’t worry, I made this with Chaeyeon so you can be sure it’s safe to eat.’ 


You were definitely melting at her thoughtfulness. And the way she remembers and takes everything you said to heart. God damnit. Once again, you find yourself questioning why the girl in front of you is so damn perfect. And so damn popular.   


You’ve come to the conclusion that you like her since middle school. It was definitely not anything new. But this was the first time you’ve realized just how much you liked the girl that was dragging you to the park where you first met. With that realization, you’ve also come to think of the many times you felt an unknown...dislike for those around her that tried really hard to get her attention. 


I wish everyone else would all disappear 




You hummed while eating your ice cream, letting her know she had your attention. Perfect spring day with the perfect treat from the most perfect person you know. What more can you ask for on this fine Spring day?  


‘It’s a bit sudden? Unless you picked up all the hints I’ve been dropping...but...’


You looked at her, confusion written all over your face. What hints? What is she trying to say? Oh no, is she going to go away for college and you’re going to be stuck here alone?!


‘I’ve liked you since we were four. Since I first met you at this park. Since I stood up for the pretty girl by the swing when she was accused of stealing some stupid kid’s spinning top or something.’




‘It’s true. I just...wanted to let you know. You don’t need to answer me or feel anything for me. I just wanted to get it off my chest. Plus when’s a more perfect time to do it than on Valentines day, right?’


You could only blink. Wait. Today’s Valentine’s day? No way. She can’t be serious. There is just no way the popular ace of basketball would like a nerd like you. You’re just a good for nothing nerd and is too lanky for anything.  


‘Today’s the fourteenth so unless we are not in February it’s Valentine's day today. And, yes there is? I like you Wonnie. Didn’t I just tell you? Plus you’re beautiful and not good for nothing. You’re beautiful inside and out and definitely the smartest girl I know.’


‘I...said all that out loud?’


‘Uh...yeah? I’m too dumb to read anyone’s mind.’


You quickly put down your half eaten cup of mint chocolate ice cream onto the picnic mat and wiped your wet hands on a piece of tissue. You turned your whole body to face her, before cupping both her cheeks in your hands.


‘Hey, don’t say that. You’re not dumb at all. You’re a little slow, but definitely not dumb.’


You don’t like how this perfect human puts herself down. Everytime you hear someone mentioning how athletes are dumb, or even she herself saying that she’s dumb hurts you. A strange clench in your heart before a frown would make its way on your face. You took a bit of time to study the girl in front of you. Your eyes tracing her glittering eyes, her tall nose to her lips. She was waiting patiently for you. Snapping yourself out of your tracing, you looked into her eyes and answered her. 


‘I like you too. I think I’ve liked you since the day you saved me from those bullies but I couldn’t put a name to it until middle school. Yujinnie, I’m the dumb one. I really like-’


‘Shh. It’s okay. I get it.’ Yujin said as she smiled while bringing her hands to hold yours that was still cupping her cheeks. 


‘Your not dumb either. Just a little slow.’ she said before leaning in to leave the softest kiss on your lips.


You think you could feel cherry blossoms blooming inside you.


Spring only for me    




‘Hey, you never answered me.’ you asked as you lean back closer to her front, her arms wrapped tightly around your waist. 


‘Hm? What did I not answer?’


‘Your locker password. Have you always had those random numbers?’


You could feel more of her chuckles than see them. Somehow it sends your heartbeat into a pounding mess.  


‘They aren’t really THAT random. I’ve had that number combination for my locker since I’ve got a locker in school. It’s also the password to my computer. Oh, but it’s not my phone password.’ 


‘Oh? Do spill then. What’s the almighty, ace of basketball, every single person’s dream girl, prince Ahn Yujin’s phone password?’






‘Stop doing that eyebrow thing! My heart is beating too fast!’ She whined as she held you a little tighter, her face buried in the crook of your neck. You could feel her quick heart beats and this causes you to smile. Because it feels like only you had this effect on her. 


‘It’s 3108. You can say that I’m just super cheesy or corny or whatever. Laugh all you want. Yena’s already laughed at me at every chance she got.’


You could feel the heat creeping up onto your cheeks. She put your birthday down as her phone password? Ahn Yujin really knows no shame. But you can’t deny that it does things to your own heart. 


‘O-oh? What about 102?’


‘It’s your name.’


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ilovetakumiusui #1
Chapter 13: I just finished reading Wish You Were Sober and OH MY GOD A PART 2 IS A MUST
reigngrey #2
Chapter 13: Definitely need a part 2. I like this kind of stories for annyeongz
Chapter 13: AAAAAAAAA! Annyeongz their so fluffy and cute🤧🤧
I need part 2 of this. Thank you author!🥰
Chapter 11: awww annyeongz baby
Chapter 12: reading this in yuri's pov broke my heart so much more, my yulyen babies huhuhu thank you for this!!
hee_hor #6
Chapter 12: thank u for the update 🥲it’s Soo good
AlondraCmr #7
Chapter 10: will there be a second part?
hanonstar #8
Chapter 10: Wow,this storyline is unique. I enjoyed reading since I seriously have no clue what would happen next. This is so beautiful thank you so much!
Tzuunaa #9
Chapter 10: Oh myyyy this is sooo deym good thank youuu
yujinz_wonny0304 #10
Chapter 9: my heart is hurting. Nooo