2kim: Chocolate (by Bol4)

Siren’s Collection

A/N: Please give the song a listen! The song title I thought was fitting since Minjoo's a chocolate lover and the vibe of this song seems to fit :) This OS is really just a little extra and Minjoo's POV of what happened in the 2kim O Sole Mio OS before this one. Feel free to leave any questions, comments, suggestions or anything here or on my cc (which can be found in the foreword)! I think this might be the first time I've attempted any sort of 'proper' kiss scene so I hope it's not too badly written? Sorry for any grammatical errors and stuff! Just wanted to put something here for New Years. Happy New Years to everyone and I hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday and that everyone will be safe and healthy! :)  


‘Hey, would it hurt you to just listen to me for once?’ 


You snapped out your reverie, a little confused. You’re not very sure what was happening anymore. You swear you were listening to good old Mr Im go on about some part of history in his monotonous voice. But then you looked out the window - and got lost watching the cute little bird fly pass the windows. You then thought about how cute it was and how a certain girl is also really cute. And then your bestfriend slammed their hands on top of your desk and shouted in your face. 


‘What do you mean? I was listening!’ 


One look from the grey haired girl in front told you she was not buying it. Okay, so maybe you weren’t being totally honest. But she should know you by now. 


‘I’ll repeat what I said before because god knows you’re too busy thinking about jelly girl. It’s lunch and we are going to line up and buy the croffle that I saw. And. You. Are. Coming. With. Me. Whether you like it or not.’


You couldn’t even say anything after seeing that cheeky smile on her face before you were dragged out of your seat by your best friend. 


‘Wait- What jelly girl?! I-I wasn’t thinking about her!’ you tried protesting but it all fell on deafs ears as your best friend made it her mission to get you to the cafeteria before the popular croffles run out. As you were dragged across the hallways, you couldn’t help but let your mind wander back.




It was the last week of the semester when you had received the results for the exam all second year middle schoolers had to do in the school. This exam was important and would determine the classes you will be in for your last year of middle school. This would also determine whether you will have good teachers that can help you get into your dream school or not. 


‘Everyone, remember to give these results to your parents. They should be the first ones to see the results. Class dismissed. I’ll see everyone bright and early tomorrow’ said Ms Jung before the class watched her strut out of the classroom. Honestly, you’ve always thought she was just tired of the rowdy boys in the class and wanted to leave as soon as she could. If you were her, you would get out of the class as soon as you could too. 


After Ms Jung left, the classroom suddenly became noisy. As per all teens, you tell them to do something, they do the exact opposite. You watched as a good eighty percent of the class tried to keep their voices down as they ripped their envelopes open. Some let out a happy squeal but you think you can hear more loud groans than the squeals.


To say you were nervous is an understatement. You have the envelope that held your future in your hands as you slowly packed up and made your way home. Ms Jung did tell everyone that parents are the first to see these results. But something in you was anxious. Something in you was telling you that you should open the envelope. That taking a peek won’t hurt.  


You could only make it outside your classroom and down the stairs before you were stopped by your best friend who suddenly appeared in front of you. 


‘Minguri! Have you looked at it yet?’ 


‘N-no...Ms Jung told us our parents should be the first ones to see it so…’ you replied, still a bit dazed from your friend appearing out of nowhere.


‘Aw come on! Ms Jung is old and old people are wrong sometimes! Open it! I want to know if we will be in the same class next year since stupid old fart Mr Seo decided to ‘make things fun’ and switch up the classes.’


‘Uh...Yul...calling Mr Seo a ‘stupid old fart’ is a little…’


‘Hey, I can be annoyed at the little old man all I want because we haven’t had a class together since last year's first semester! It’s not THAT hard to put a Joyul and a Kim Mingming together in the same class,’ said Yuri as she pouts and gives an impromptu rant about one of her many dislikes about the year that has gone past. You can see she was about to keep going when a loud ‘something is wrong, unexplainably’ interrupts. 


‘You might want to pick that up,’ you said as you smile at your friend’s ringtone. You could recognize that song anywhere. Afterall, you were the one who introduced the song to your best friend. 


How fitting with her rant. 


You watched as she took the call and patiently waited. Her facial expressions are always amusing to watch. You feel like you could tell what kind of conversation she was having and it was always fun to make your own guesses. You see her frown and answer with a ‘Yes I got it but no. Yes. Yeah yeah whatever. I’ll be there soon. Bye’. 


You giggled. You think you know her well enough to be able to guess. 


‘You’re being summoned to go home? Without opening the letter?’ 


She rolls her eyes as she turns to look at you. 


‘I hate how you seem to be able to read my mind and know everything - or something. Anyways, mom somehow found out about the second year exam results that are out today. I can bet you she asked that nosy aunt again. Just because my pretty cousin who ACTUALLY has a brain but chooses to use it for anime and games got good results last year.’ 


‘I’ve never met this cousin of yours but she honestly sounds like an amazing person.’


You could see the way the tiny hamster puffs up her chest proudly and has a grin stretched across her face. 


‘Yeah! My cousin’s an amazing person! I want to be like her one day!’ 


‘You must love your cousin a lot, hm?’ you couldn’t help but throw in a tease. 


‘W-What?! N-NO! EW she has the worst habits - she literally almost always chooses food over everything. She’s also pretty blind and teases me too much. It’s always food, games and anime before me!’




‘Well anyways, Minguri, I need to head home before my mom decides to change the locks and let me live out on the streets. I’ll call you later tonight about the results yeah? Though honestly you’ll probably just hear me complaining about my nosy aunt and how I’ll still end up on the streets because I didn’t do well.’


‘I’m sure it’s not that bad…’ you said as you watched Yuri head towards the exit of the school while walking backwards brazenly. 


‘Nah, it is that bad. Bye Mingming! I’ll call you!’ said Yuri as she turned back around and ran off. 


You could only shake your head at Yuri’s antics. She could be a little...much at times but you won’t trade anything in the world for a best friend like her. After all, you both clicked after she accidentally bumped into you during the first day of middle school. You honestly don’t mind giving away your cute keroppi bandaid for the girl who in exchange became your best friend. 


You made your way out of school and took the bus home. On the ride home, you couldn’t think of anything but the envelope that you’re still holding. You’re very curious. You wanted to know. Should you give in to temptation and open the envelope at the park on your way home? Or should you listen to Ms Jung and wait for your mom to open it first? 


You walked to the park and sat down on the empty swing. You contemplated and weighed all the possible consequences. You are by no means a cat of any sort but that doesn’t mean curiosity can’t get to you. You’re sorry, but it’s just this one time. You really need to know.


So you gave in and carefully tore the envelope open. You slid out the folded papers and started to read it. 


You know you studied hard for it. You would stay back after school to have study sessions with Yuri and would also stay up during the night to study. Yet why does everything seem to crash down when you look at the results written on the papers? 


You did relatively well in everything, except maths. It seems like you hate numbers. Or maybe the numbers hated you. You swear you studied extra hard for it, yet you know for sure you will be taking the class taught by Mr Kim next year. With many thoughts and a heavy heart, you put away the envelope and left the bag at the side of the swings. You started to sway forwards and backwards. A little enough for movement, but not enough for you to look like you were taking any proper swings. 


You couldn’t stop thinking about the possible consequences waiting for you at home or the bad feeling that settles in your stomach. Can’t hold back, you let out a heavy sigh before shifting your gaze up, only to come face to face with someone staring at you. Your eyes widen, but you’re not very sure from what. It could be the shock of having someone staring at you while you’re moping. Or it could be that a stranger was staring at you because you’ve been on the swings for quite some time now. Oh did you mention that the stranger is very pretty? Maybe it’s the shock of having a beautiful stranger look at you. You’re not too sure.


You quickly looked to your left where the other swing was. You’re pretty sure you can move over - Or not. There was a kid trying to climb on who clearly didn’t understand that she needed a parent to be with her for her safety. You kept looking back and forth from the little kid to the beautiful stranger and realized a beat late. You were going to have to move your mopey self to another corner of the park and continue there if the beautiful stranger was to use the swing. You quickly scrambled to get your bag to move out of the way and apologized to the beautiful stranger who was still looking at you.


‘Sorry, I’ll be leaving. You can have your tur-’


A soft, clear voice interrupted you.  






You weren’t very sure if you were interpreting what the stranger said right. Or maybe you just wanted to hear her voice again.


‘You can stay on the swings. I don’t want to go on it.’




You’re not very sure what to do anymore. So you awkwardly let the bag strap fall onto the floor and sat down again. You resumed your moping - but this time aware that there was a beautiful stranger a few feet away from you. While your mind is clouded by thoughts and your heart was sinking in despair, you could vaguely hear some sort of shuffling from in front of you. 


Suddenly, a blue circular object made its way into your line of vision. Surprised, you quickly look up, your mouth hanging open. Confused and unsure if you are supposed to take the blue thing in the palm of the strangers hand. You tried to say something - anything, but it seems like your voice chose the perfect time to fail you. 


The stranger had her hand stuck out to you, her face not betraying a single thing. You could only look at her. You must have taken a long time because the next thing you know, the stranger’s warm hand grabbed your wrist before her other hand placed the blue circular object in it. Without saying anything or looking back, the stranger quickly turned around and made her way out of the park. 


She was a beautiful stranger who walked away before you could say anything more. You looked back down at your hand, inspecting the blue thing there. There in your hand, staring back at you was a single earth jelly - your favorite. 


The beautiful stranger unknowingly made you feel a little better. A little braver. 


And you feel your heart beat a little faster. 




You got home that day and gave your parents the envelope. Surprisingly, they did not scold you - in fact they comforted you and told you that it was ok. That you’ve already tried your best and worked really hard. They were proud of you no matter what you did. 


You felt a weight lifted off your shoulders. 


That night after dinner, you gave your best friend a call. It didn’t really take long for Yuri to pick up, seeing as there really wasn’t much homework to be completed as it was near the end of the semester anyway. 


‘Hello? Minguri?’


‘Hey Yul...’


‘You sound...a bit off. Are you sick or are you happy? Did something happen while I was gone or on the way home? OH NO DON’T TELL ME THEY HIT YOU WITH THE SLIPPER AND YOU’VE GONE CRAZY?!’


‘What?! NO! No Yuri, calm down!’


You couldn’t hide it from her. After all, she’s your best friend. So you told her what happened at the park without mentioning the results. You know you’re going to get teased (which you were very right about) but you really needed to get it off your chest. Your mind has been filled with that stranger since she walked away. After Yuri had calmed down and stopped the teasing, she asked you about your main concern. 


‘What about your results?’


‘Oh...about that...my parents saw the results. They were...surprisingly okay with it.’


‘Uh, girl, of course they would be okay with it? Do you even know how well you do normally? You’re always first in the grade anyway. So I don’t really see why you’re worried?’


‘No...Yuri I tried really hard...but maths…I’m pretty sure I’m stuck with Mr Kim next year.’


‘PFT THAT’S NOTHING! That’s like, what, the second top class for maths? Sure, he’s a bit of an and he smells like raw onions and rotten eggs, but hey, if that’s your worst class you’ll do fine!’




‘Come on Minguri, I’m like worse than you and I still haven’t got kicked out yet! Based on my results, I’m most likely having music and history with Ms Kwon while maths with Mr Kim too! Otherwise, yeah all my results are going down the drain with everything else in the third top classes. I haven’t even started panicking about highschool and you’re already doing it.’


‘But third top classes aren’t even that bad?’


‘Do you know what you’re saying? Third top classes aren’t bad. But it is bad if there’s only five classes in total? Plus, that means we can finally have classes together! We’ll push through Mr Kim and his onion rotten egg breath maths class together!’


‘I mean...yeah, I guess. But what if-’


‘Mingming, you’re going to get wrinkles if you keep worrying.’


‘...And who told you that?’


‘My pretty cousin said so! She told me to stop frowning and worrying or I’m going to look like a prune of a hamster.’


‘I don’t think that’s how it works but okay...’


‘She’s got more brains than I do so she’s probably right. Plus she’s studying in your dream highschool! She’s in her first year this year. I think I’ll work hard with you so we can both get there together.’


‘Sure! We can have our study sessions again!’


‘Of course! Also leave the chocolate chip cookies out for me. Your mom always makes the best cookies!’


‘Okay okay. I’ll see you tomorrow?’


‘Mm! Good night Mingming, sweet dreams! Don’t worry too much or you’re gonna be ugly!’




Your last year of middle school was pretty uneventful but you managed to get through it with Yuri by your side. Both of you somehow made it to your dream highschool and you weren’t expecting too much to happen. There was a welcome ceremony for all the first years that was organized by the student council of the school and it was honestly something admirable. And nice. It was a nice gesture that the new school offered and you couldn’t wait to start. Afterall, this school would get you one step closer to achieving your dream of being a forensic scientist or a journalist. You’re still pretty indecisive at the moment. 


After being dragged to the board that announced which homeroom you would be in, both Yuri and you checked your names. Yuri managed to somehow push her way to the front and come back in one piece, only to have the happiest grin stretched across her face. She grabbed both your hands and started squealing while jumping up and down.




Yuri’s excitement was contagious and you couldn’t help but grin back at her. You’re happy you’re starting highschool with your best friend and the only person that mattered. You’re not that great at making friends but sticking with Yuri proved to help you gain a few more here and there. 


‘Mingming, let’s go to the hall! We can find ourselves some good seats before the sea of humans decide it’s a good idea to flood the hall and some tall people sit in front and block my view. My cousin is helping out and you’ll get to see her soon!’


‘Sure? I mean, there’s still well over half an hour to go before it starts but I guess it’s better to get there earlier.’


The two of you made your way to the school hall. After multiple wrong turns and few right ones, you managed to get to the hall with a good ten minutes to spare. The both of you walked in and you took in your surroundings. Though a little dim, you can make out a few things happening. There were a few teachers here and there, and there were students that you assume were part of the student council helping with the whole set up. You really appreciate their gestures but you couldn’t help it when your eyes zeroed in on the girl who was standing in the middle of the stage. 


You could hear the familiar soft clear voice cutting through the area, telling someone named Yena to don’t do something before she was cut off. All of a sudden, the lights were switched and both you and Yuri found yourselves under the spotlight while the girl on stage was in the dark. Your eyes adjusted quickly to the suddenly shift in lighting and you kept your eyes on the girl on stage. 


She was the beautiful stranger who gave you the jelly. 


Or ‘jelly girl’ as Yuri had named her.    


You couldn’t help it. You’re a little shy under her gaze but you couldn’t help the smile that bloomed on your face when you see that she was looking at you and that she seemed to recognize you. 


The moment didn’t last very long as the lights were suddenly switched again and jelly girl was blinded by the spotlight. You could see the way she quickly bought her hands up to shield her eyes and rub it. No doubt it would be stinging with how strong the light was. You could hear a teacher yell out a ‘Choi! Stop playing with the switches!’ and a guilt filled ‘Sorry Mr Park’ answered back. Honestly you don’t really mind what’s going on in the background but you could feel your heart drop a little when you saw jelly girl rubbing her eyes. You were worried for her. Maybe you also didn’t really like how the other girl playing with switches had caused this to happen. But you knew for a second, you wanted to run up that stage and check on the beautiful stranger to make sure she was okay.      


‘Hey, I already put our stuff down to save the seats. But I think I got too nervous and drank too much water. Minguri, come with me to the bathroom.’


With that, you were tugged out to go to the bathroom with Yuri, your mind still clouded with the image of the beautiful stranger on stage rubbing her eyes even though you could see her friends gather around her to make sure she was okay.




The start of your first year of highschool was interesting. You managed to make friends with the two Japanese exchange students in your class thanks to Yuri and her outgoing personality. Another interesting thing that you noticed is that you seem to have a lot of...admirers. Or suitors. Or people who are willing to be your slave as Yuri would put it. You don’t really understand why there are people out there that would admire you of all people but you are quite thankful for it even though you don’t like the attention. Heck, you don’t even think you can understand how people get attracted to strangers considering how you don’t really know a lot of the people who ‘confess their undying love’ to you. Okay, maybe that’s a lie. Maybe you do understand. But to be fair, you only ever really think you’ve liked a stranger once. Talking about that stranger, have you mentioned that you only ever really see her in the hallways or in the cafeteria? She seems to be a whole mystery herself. You’re sure she’s in the year above. She looks like she gets good grades. And she’s still as pretty as ever, if not even prettier than before. And that’s probably all you know about the jelly girl that you seem to take a liking to. 


Though Yuri would argue with you for the nth time that you didn’t just ‘take a liking’ to her. You really had enough arguments with Yuri about jelly girl. She seems to insist that you’re ‘in love’ and that it’s ‘love at first sight’ or whatever that is.   


You’re pretty sure you’re not in love. 


But then again, all the romance books that you’ve read and dramas that you and Yuri binge watch in the holidays seem to suggest otherwise. The whole - you get shy whenever they are in your vicinity (yes, you do), you seem to blush whenever they do things to you (well, kind of but that’s more so when she would walk past you to get her food from the cafeteria) or the whole heartbeat skipping along it’s merry path and you’ll experience a heart attack without dying (no, you haven’t experienced a heart attack without dying, but for sure you have experienced your heart skipping a few beats when you could feel her staring at you). 


It was interesting. You never really got to even know her name and have really just referred to her as jelly girl as well in your head. So you can imagine the surprise when you first meet Yuri’s cousin and her friends properly, only to find jelly girl on the same lunch table as them. 


After months of listening to your best friend rant about the cute upperclassman from the dance club, Yuri somehow ended up dating that Yena girl and you were honestly too happy for your best friend. Yes, she can be a bit...much and a bit...loud. But she deserves the world. If this Yena girl is willing to give everything in the world to your best friend, then she has your approval. You know you’re not the most intimidating person to walk the earth. But this Yena person is definitely going to catch your long limbs if she was to hurt your hamster in any way. Also, Yuri’s cousin is probably the most easy going person you’ve ever met and the only person you’ve met to be smart and well versed in literally everything. Super admirable and cool - the older sister that everyone wants. You’re very lucky Hyewon has taken a liking to you. She treated you as if you were her younger sister. She was protective of you and Yuri (oh and super protective of her girlfriend too!) and somehow you found yourself and Yuri ‘adopted’ and being their so called ‘kids’. 


You were introduced to jelly girl properly when Hyewon had invited you and Yuri to sit with them for lunch. Yena was more than happy to see her girlfriend and made enough space for Yuri to sit next to her. As soon as Yuri had sat down, you could see Yena protectively wrap an arm around her waist before letting Yuri snuggle into her side - the two whispering about something and being awfully sweet. 


The only available seat was next to Yuri and opposite jelly girl. Introductions weren’t terrible, just a little awkward. Well, as awkward as it could get really. You introduced yourself and that you were in the same class as Yuri. You paid attention to everyone’s introductions. Her voice was still as soft and clear as you remember. It was simple - just a shy ‘Hello. I’m second year Kim Chaewon.’. Totally nothing fancy and special. Nothing about her introduction stood out. But you still find yourself replaying her introduction over and over again throughout the rest of the day. And smiling like an idiot whenever you replay it. You remember glancing at her occasionally as she doesn’t seem to know what to say with the conversation that was going on. But you could tell she was listening attentively. 


You remember sometimes meeting her gaze and she would always look away quickly. You always felt like she might have caught on with you and your staring and was uncomfortable with it. That you might have been labeled as a creep or something in her head. But you’ve also noticed other little things. Like the fact that she sometimes has her hair tucked behind her ears. And her ears get red whenever she’s embarrassed as she had shown during the times Yena and Hyewon had . You also think you might be wrong about her thinking you were a creep for being caught staring. Why? 


Because her ears are always red whenever she turns away.




You don’t really want to come off as a creep or anything, but you know for sure you couldn’t take your eyes off her whenever she’s in your field of vision. It was another normal school day - one filled with other people who proclaim their ‘undying love’ for you. It’s tiring. You don’t want to be rude but you’re really tired of rejecting them. You don’t want to hurt them at all but how does one reject someone politely anyway? You don’t need their attention. Chaewon’s probably the only person you would really want to have the attention of. A little ironic isn’t it? It seems like the world has its attention on you, yet the only one that matters doesn’t even care at all.   


For some reason it’s slightly bitter but it’s also sweet - am I eating dark chocolate right now? 


So maybe Yuri was right when she said you liked Chaewon more than you think. She wasn’t just a ‘beautiful stranger by the park’ anymore. She was someone you could safely say you have a crush on. 


And now that you’ve admitted it, you can still hear Yuri’s annoying voice ringing in your head, shouting ‘I TOLD YOU SO!’. 


But a good thing was that you can safely say that you are friends with her. She’s quiet and introverted. A little shy and a little cautious. And you’ve never really hung out together outside of school before. But she’s a good person. Too sweet and caring. And there are moments you just can’t help replaying in your mind over and over again. The small moments - even if she was doing nothing but passing you a napkin at lunch, or moving her tray away a little to make more space for you. You notice everything about her.


You couldn’t help but be surprised when she suddenly came up to you after school one day. She called out your name and you could only smile at her and asked her if she needed anything. You know she’s a private person and is quiet - often preferred to observe than to join in. But her actions are always louder than her words and you’re glad you can see just how caring she is.


Imagine the shock that dawned on you when she asked if she could walk you home. You could feel your face getting a little hot. Stop, Kim Minjoo! Don’t get any weird ideas. She’s just being nice - it’s probably because Yuri can’t accompany you today as she had a date with Yena. Chaewon is just being her sweet self. You could see that she was nervous - blinking a few times before looking down at her feet. You could see the way her hands seem to grip her bag strap a little tighter too.   


‘Sure, though I do want to stop by the riverside today. I hope you don’t mind?’


When I’m with you I melt


She shook her head and fell into step with you. The both of you made your way out of the school and walked past the shops. The two of you had a silent train ride before you both got off at the station closest to home. Walking past the park and the convenient store, the two of you walked along the pathway that led to the short stairs on the side of the road. The two of you walked down the steps and stopped by the benches situated on concrete pavement, with the view of the river stretched out in front of the two of you. 


You sat down and put your bag next to you. Just being next to her already made your heart beat a little faster and honestly you were a little worried with how breathless you seem to get whenever you’re with her. You took a deep breath in and released it - hoping that it would calm you down a little. 


You realize that she was still standing awkward there. So you invited her to sit with you. 


‘Are you going to sit?’


Okay. So maybe you’re not great with words when you’re nervous and that sounded way more like you’re questioning if she was dumb or something. Not the most ideal way to ask if your crush would like to sit with you but you’re sure she won’t read into it as much as you do.  


You could see her nod quickly before she sat down next to you and settled her bag on her left. You couldn’t take your eyes off her side profile when she looked out at the river, her expression relaxing, eyes closing with the wind that brushed past. You decided to turn back to the view of the river when her voice suddenly cut through the silence.


‘Hey, Minjoo?’




‘I know it’s sudden...but I wanted to get this off my chest. I hope you don’t mind and will listen till the end.’


Your curiosity was piqued. You looked at Chaewon, your full attention on her. Even with her eyes closed and she was just talking, the view was breath-taking. She was breath-taking. 


‘I know, this is simple and my thoughts are really jumbled right now. You probably have heard the fanciest speeches or the most flamboyant proposals out there. Heck, I’m not even sure as to how I’m making any sense right now but...’


You watched as she took a deep breath. Who knew Chaewon rambles when she’s nervous? You could see the tips of her ears peeking through and it was bright red.


With just one word I flow - I like you so much


‘I like you. Your existence is just like the sun to me - bright, warm and kind. The complete opposite of how I am. I’m not sure when it started or how it happened. It could be from back in my last year of middle school. Or it could be from the first day of this school year. I’m not sure. But all I know is that I like you so much. Too much even. I just wanted to tell you, so that I could get it off my chest. I know it’s nothing fancy or extravagant. But I really do like you.’




You’re not very sure what it was or from which point it happened. But you found yourself having your hand over your mouth trying to suppress the sobs that try to escape you. You had tears rolling down your face from the overwhelming emotions. Of love. Of relief. Of thankfulness. 


You could see Chaewon opening her eyes when she realized you weren’t speaking or giving her any sort of reaction. You could see the cloud of worry and concern and...was that a flash of despair in her eyes? 


‘I’m sorry...I know you didn’t need it and I was selfish for just thinking about myself. You’ve been rejecting all your suitors so far and I didn’t think of how you would take it or anything really. I’m sorry, please stop crying...’ she whispered as she reached out to wipe the tears rolling down your face. Her hands were gently cupping your face and fingers softly brushed against your cheeks, trying to dry your tears for you. 


It’s stupid, but you think her gentleness triggered another wave of tears to flow. 


‘You’re an idiot’ you said, trying to use it as a distraction so you could gather your thoughts and buy yourself some time. 


‘Yes, I’m an- what?’ you watched as she hurriedly agreed before her brain catches up with her to process what you just said. You can see it on her face - how she just wants to make sure you’re okay and that in that very moment, nothing else mattered except you.


‘How can I accept anyone when my heart was taken by someone already? I can only accept a confession that comes from the right person.’


‘O-oh. Sorry. I didn’t know you were waiting for someone. I’m sorry for being selfish, I know-’


‘No, you don’t. I’ve been waiting for so long - since the day I was upset over my exam results and a kind stranger offered me an Earth jelly. The stranger gave me a jelly, but left with my heart.’


‘I- Oh.’


I can’t take my eyes off you, I want to have you - The days spent with your smiling face


You watched as her eyes widened in realization and it seems that what you just said finally registered in her head. You couldn’t help but smile widely once you see that she has finished processing what you have just said. You held Chaewon’s warm hands and told her straight to her face. She needed to know.  


‘I like you too Chaewon.’


A good thing about how close you were with her right now, is that you could see everything - all the emotions on her face that she couldn’t convey in words. She’s...surprisingly easier to read than you thought. You could see her try to formulate some sort of reply but really you could just see the relief, the disbelief and the affection in her eyes. Oh, and her ears are incredibly red. 


You’re my chocolate, chocolate, chocolate - My sweet chocolate, chocolate, chocolate


You’ve always been a curious child, so naturally you’d try your best to satisfy your curiosity. So you did just that. You brought your hand up to cup her cheek, wanting to feel those soft cheeks for a while now (since Hyewon had mentioned that Chaewon had the softest marshmallow cheeks) and the other to touch her red ears. Her ears were really warm and you couldn’t help but giggle at the thought of all people, someone as beautiful as her could ever get nervous at the clumsy you. You’re not even that special. 


‘W-what? I- Uh...Y-you? M-me?’


She’s so cute. You really should let her do her thing and try to formulate a sentence or something and not stumble about with incoherent words. Yet you couldn’t help but look into her eyes, a smile still on your face. Have you ever mentioned that they weren’t just chestnut colored? How about the galaxies that her eyes seem to hold?




With that, she stopped altogether. She stopped trying to stutter out a response of any sort and chose to hold your gaze. Her breathing was shallow and coming out in small breaths - no doubt she was still nervous. You her cheek softly - the hand that was once on her ear was now on her nape. You were nervous but she needed to hear this. 


You’re my chocolate, chocolate, chocolate - My sweet chocolate, chocolate, chocolate


‘I’m serious. I really like you and believe me when I say I’ve liked you for a long time...I seem to keep trying to find you in a crowd of people and find myself...disappointed when i don’t. It’s almost like my day won’t be complete if I didn’t catch a glimpse of you. At this point, Yuri might be right with saying it’s not like, but love. I know it’s a little weird but-’


You couldn’t finish. You stiffened as you were cut off by a soft pair of lips on yours. You were definitely not ready but to be honest, when will you ever be ready if you were to be kissed by your crush? You could feel your heartbeat speeding up and hear the pounding in your ears. So you tried to distract yourself. You closed your eyes and slowly relaxed into the kiss - your mind focusing on the soft sensation of her lips on yours. You wanted to feel more - so you brought both your hands to her nape and distracted yourself by playing with the little hairs there. She’s so gentle with you and you feel so warm. You could feel one of her arms wrap around your waist - holding you as if you were the most precious thing in the world. Her other hand was lightly cupping your jaw, her thumb along your jawline. You don’t think you’ve ever felt so safe. So loved before.  


You didn’t want to part with her. But the two of you pulled apart when your lungs demanded for air. You could feel how she gently placed her forehead on yours and with how close you both still were - her breath mingling with yours. She pulled back a little to hold your gaze and whispered. You could see the sincerity in her eyes.


‘Minjoo, I like you. No. I love you. Be my girlfriend? I can’t promise you riches or reputation - or anything much really. But I can promise, I can give you my world if you would take it.’


The 24 hours in a day are all for you, I’ve been waiting to be filled with you


‘Of course, Chaewon. I love you too.’


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ilovetakumiusui #1
Chapter 13: I just finished reading Wish You Were Sober and OH MY GOD A PART 2 IS A MUST
reigngrey #2
Chapter 13: Definitely need a part 2. I like this kind of stories for annyeongz
Chapter 13: AAAAAAAAA! Annyeongz their so fluffy and cute🤧🤧
I need part 2 of this. Thank you author!🥰
Chapter 11: awww annyeongz baby
Chapter 12: reading this in yuri's pov broke my heart so much more, my yulyen babies huhuhu thank you for this!!
hee_hor #6
Chapter 12: thank u for the update 🥲it’s Soo good
AlondraCmr #7
Chapter 10: will there be a second part?
hanonstar #8
Chapter 10: Wow,this storyline is unique. I enjoyed reading since I seriously have no clue what would happen next. This is so beautiful thank you so much!
Tzuunaa #9
Chapter 10: Oh myyyy this is sooo deym good thank youuu
yujinz_wonny0304 #10
Chapter 9: my heart is hurting. Nooo