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Chapter Nineteen:






[Baekhyun's POV]



The first time, maybe was just some sort of a crush. We were about a little over eleven and had gotten pretty close to going to school and home together. Not so sure how it all started but I recall the day we had a fair at school. She wore this yellow dress and a hairclip placed right above her ear. After that, I thought about her most of the day. I kept thinking about how pretty she looked and anticipated going home that day just because I would see her again. However, that little crush lasted quite briefly and I must have forgotten about it because we both had more growing up to do, literally. 

The next time I got aware of my feelings toward her was before her mom died. We were in the last year of middle school. Months before her mother’s passing, I started to feel this certain pain every time I saw her sad. It was natural, it was just pity I supposed. When her mother died, I wanted her to talk to me about her sadness, her grief and confide in me. I think about her nonstop whether I was in class, at home, or everywhere. When I wasn’t thinking of a math formula or my favorite computer game, my thoughts would naturally wander to her. Had she eaten? Did she cry to her sleep again last night? Would she be okay at school today? I never said anything to her though, she was mourning.

Then came High school. It was when it probably manifested to me more, like some giant marquee sign blaring before my eyes. Shivers would travel down my spine when our arms accidentally touched on the crowded bus. It was ridiculous to me how all she did was look at me while she had the most beautiful smile and I would have the urge to cling to something for my dear life. I would walk home alone and all I could think of was how beautiful her eyelashes were, or how her eyes had the perfect shade of light brown then to her smooth-looking lips. I annoyed her a little too often just so I could get her attention. I undoubtedly became irritated by other male friends we had. And while girls were confessing to me that they liked me, I never truly cared. Yet there were so many couples around that seemed happy at first but broke up a few months or years after. I realized I didn’t want that for us; I wanted her by my side as long as I could. I kept thinking I might make some stupid mistake and that would be the end of it. So, I refused to lose Kang Seolhee. My best shot to keep her was to be her best friend. 

Though other girls caught my attention and I loved by this time, it was just safe to say that the one I felt for Seolhee was incomparable. By the time we got to the University, there were no more doubts that I was still in love with my best friend. I got jealous, more than any normal best friend should and I wasn’t getting too good at concealing it. She has had a couple of relationships with other guys and it annoyed the hell out of me that I would think of the guy’s face whenever I had hapkido sparring. And just when I finally decided to come clean that I had been in love with her for the longest time, I ed everything up. 

She even had to go to Spain, leaving and giving me the shock of my life when she confessed to me that she was in love with me too. Long story short, I was on cloud nine but only for a brief time. The thing that I was so terrified to happen, happened. I lost her. 

Then after seven years of not seeing her, I saw her again. Given the project, I knew I would see her again and I thought I was ready. What I was not prepared for was seeing her that night. She was drunk, looking incomparably gorgeous, so damn unforgettable. I was confident that it was all gone, I supposed I was emptied of the feelings that made me miserable and unrecognizable for a while. 

Yet, all it took was for her to reappear. This time, she was an unrivaled force. A woman who was utterly successful in her career, intelligent, brave, and absolutely y both literally and figuratively. And yet, above it all, we hold so much history. I can pretty much say I was in deep trouble and there was no way I’d be able to resist any attraction. I would have to be a concrete stone to do that.

I played it cool and at least tried to save the friendship. I was a hypocrite knowing that wasn’t what I truly wanted. Thank god, the universe didn’t want to tolerate that hypocrisy because, I could not, for one second, take the image of Kang Seolhee off my mind. I say I was all right with being just friends but my thoughts were screaming the exact opposite. Even when we were at work, I often caught myself thinking about wanting to crush her lips right there and then, or fantasizing how it would feel to have my palms molded against her curves. You don’t have thoughts like that about someone you want to be just friends with. It almost came naturally, the way my attention gravitates to her whenever she’s around. My eyes would linger to where she was and that’s no way a friend would behave. It felt like laughing at my own joke. 

I, or we, tried to remain non-romantic which didn’t last long. And with every day that passed, the things I felt for her started to get out of hand, intensifying the more I suppressed them. The rebellion inside me was crazy. I would get so ing annoyed at Kim Junmyeon and the sight of him always made my jaw clench and my hands ball into fists. 

Seolhee gave me the impression that she was serious about being just friends this time. Though I might have questioned it in my head on several occasions. That was why her confession came as an earth-shattering revelation to me. I had waited for it for the longest time and the moment I heard it from her, my mind stopped working. But there’s only one truth, I loved, love, and would love this woman over and over again. I was certain, there was no one else for me.  

Even now that we have officially crossed the thin line between love and friendship, it still feels surreal. At times when I looked at her, I had to convince myself that I wasn’t the same college boy who was secretly in love with his best friend. Now, I could openly stare at her and not care if she caught me staring. I now have the luxury to stare at her with or without her knowing.  

It’s crazy how most of my life, she had been with me but I don’t think I would ever get enough of her laugh, her voice, the facial expressions she makes when we talk…her. Kang Seolhee and her entirety.



I opened my eyes and turned to the window, the view that previously turned Seoul’s skyscrapers into miniature versions as the plane ascended was now replaced by the clouds. 

My watch said 7:36 AM. It must have been twenty-five to thirty minutes since the plane took off. That only meant that I still had a long and tiring flight ahead of me. I could only hope that the firm wouldn’t contact me because there was no way I’d be able to get back on them being miles and miles away from the ground. 

They had to give it to me, I worked non-stop on several projects right after The Hamiltons. I spent the last few days visiting the project sites during the daytime and would stay up late at night. Only for the ongoing project to be put on halt for two weeks. I was not happy about it after dedicating so much to it but I don’t have a say to it since it was a directive from the higher-ups. That left me a few days off and I did not think twice about how I was going to spend it. I would not be in my right mind if I stayed in my apartment alone. I could do other activities too but I wanted to see her. 

It had been roughly four months since that no-ordinary Christmas Eve I slipped the ring on her finger while she was on the verge of sleep. As soon as I went back to Seoul, it was plain torture to be apart from her. Especially when I am aware that I am going to marry her in a few months. Even with all the digital ways of communicating, nothing could ever suffice for her presence.

That was why the other night, when the halt on the project was verified, I booked a flight to Vienna. I didn’t tell Seolhee though. The look on her face when I showed up in front of her last December was priceless. Felt so good to give her that kind of joy that I want to witness it again. Not just for her but for me as well. Missing her was an understatement at this point. 

I shut my eyes again, my mind immediately wandering to her. She might still be at the project site or in the office and had no idea that I would be at her doorstep several hours from now.  



I arrived at her place a little over nine in the evening. Though I slept during the flight, I was exhausted and the only thing that was keeping me awake right now was the fact that I’d be seeing her. 

I knocked on her door several times but it seemed that she was not at home yet. Was she still working at this hour? Or maybe since it’s a Friday night, she’s out with her co-workers. I could pretty much just send her a message or call but that would ruin everything. 

There was nothing in here that I could sit on, well, except for the floor right next to her door but the other residents might be bothered by the sight. So, I took my luggage with me and went to the café downstairs. Seolhee and I had been here for a few times last Christmas holidays and I was familiar with the food they served. Having eaten on the plane, I wasn’t that hungry and resorted to ordering coffee instead.

I occupied the table in the corner which had access to the view of the street outside. It was a good area since I could spot Seolhee when she arrived. 

Forty minutes passed and she was still not around. I had nodded off a few times which was ironic because I finished my coffee fifteen minutes ago. I gave my cheeks gentle slaps to stay awake. I took my phone out and checked my emails to see if there was something work-related that I could do to keep me conscious. There was one, however, instead of emailing back, I called the other Engineer in charge. I talked to him and had just ended the call when I heard someone call my name—no, actually screamed my name. 


It was her, the love of my life.

She was standing near the counter and seemed like she had just gotten her order. Did she come in without me noticing? What I was aware of was how the other customers in the café were looking at us. I would have cared if I wasn’t looking directly at her eyes now. 

Surprise was written all over her face seeing me in the flesh and I took my time watching her entirety. As an Engineer, paying attention to details must be an innate skill. And my ability to appreciate details gets maximized when it’s about her. She looked stunning wearing a white long-sleeved, button-down top tucked inside her long denim skirt. That y slit in the middle shows her black high-heeled boots. Her jet-black hair was as beautiful as ever, I would want to immediately brush my fingers through her strands. But damn, her red lipstick drew all my attention to her beautiful mouth. Those beautiful set of red lips I dreamed of kissing.

I stood just in time as she ran to me and in a matter of seconds, she crashed against my chest into a bone-crushing hug. Her excitement almost left me out balanced. The corner of my lips rose in satisfaction knowing she missed me almost like I missed her. Almost, because there was no way she could miss me more than I miss her. 

I slightly carried her weight a bit by encircling my arms on her lower back, pressing our bodies as close as possible. I buried my nose next to her neck and inhaled her familiar scent then let out a sigh. This right here, being able to wrap my arms around her like this, this is the sum of everything I missed. 

“Hi, my love,” I greeted her, slightly leaning away so we could at each other. 

“I love you.” Smiling, she leaned closer to mine for a kiss. 

The way her lips gently brushed against mine while she cupped my face was just pure heaven. Nice becomes an understatement to describe the feel of on mine. Her perfect, satin-soft lips grazed over mine and I kissed her with just the right amount of need, restraining myself though I obviously wanted more. It also didn’t help that she kisses too good, too good it’s threatening my self-control. I suppose people would not mind some next-level PDA but I do mind. 

“Please don’t tell me my lips are the same color as yours now,” I said as we broke the kiss seconds later, letting her go and then wiping my lips with my hands.

A cute little giggle escaped . 

“Just a little.” She replied, taking my hand off my lips only to lean closer and plant another kiss. “I missed you.” She said when was just an inch away from mine. 

I automatically smiled and my hand traveled to the small of her back to pull her close once more. 

“You have no idea how much I missed you,” I told her, my attention traveling back and forth from her eyes to her beautiful mouth. 

Damn, I could kiss her nonstop and never get tired of it. But I stopped myself, we have plenty of time for that. I fixed my attention to her eyes and the loose hair strands that brushed her against her cheeks. I naturally lift my hand to smooth them behind her ear. 

“I can’t believe you’re here.” She said with a suppressed smile. 

“How did you know I was here?” I got curious because she was the first to recognize me. 

“I was ordering when I heard someone talking in Korean. I instantly thought that it sounded like you but I was thinking that my mind was just playing tricks on me because I missed you so much. Then I heard it again and turned to where you were and it’s really you.” She narrated, sounding a little too glad as she slipped her hands around my body for a snuggle. “I would have been disappointed if it wasn’t you, you know.” She tilted her head up, meeting my eyes. 

I would have resisted the urge to dip for another kiss if it wasn’t for that cute little pout made. She smiled; I could feel it against my mouth. 

I love how she has been so comfortable around me. She acts unintentionally cute which I ing adore. 



The moment we got to her unit, her welcoming couch and the memory of its coziness immediately caught my attention. I just realized how tired I was from the flight. My attention must have lingered on it a little too long that Seolhee noticed. 

“You must be exhausted.” She spoke, holding my wrist. 

“Yup.” I nodded, there was no use denying it. “You know I could never sleep well during flights.”

“I know.” She replied, touching my cheek. “You wanna lie down?” Her hand trailed to my neck, her palms were soft and smooth. 

“How about you?” I blinked my eyes trying to get rid of the heaviness. 

“Hm,” She lifted her hand with the takeout. “I’m just gonna eat the food I ordered from the café then work on some stuff…”

“You still have some work to do?” My forehead creased. 

“Just a little.” She replied. 

I sensed that she was lying, it was obvious that she’d have to spend a lot of time working later. We are somewhat on the same field I know what that phrase meant. I had to let it go. 

“And is that supposed to be your dinner? Or what?”

“Yes.” She looked hesitant.

 I walked to the counter and checked what she ordered from the café. 

“A piece of bread?”

Now, she kinda seemed apologetic. 

“You call this dinner?” I have suddenly become slightly annoyed at the fact that she wasn’t having proper meals. “Yah, Kang Seolhee, have you not been eating well?” I could not hide my frustration. 

“Baby…” She replied affectionately, it was too obvious that she was trying to pacify me. She walked closer to me and placed her hands on my waist. “I’m really not too hungry since I had a late lunch this afternoon.”

“Not too hungry,” I repeated. “That means you’re hungry but not starving.” I made a step back that made her let go of me. I looked at her from head to toe before I cupped her face with my hands and then trailed down to her waist. “You kinda did lose some weight.”

“Baek…” She trailed off, sitting on the high stool. 

“I mean… you're still amazing and I love you in every form but I’m just concerned you’re not taking care of yourself well, Seol,” I explained, not wanting her to get the wrong idea about me commenting on her weight. “And you still have some work to do and it’s,” I paused to check my wristwatch. “Almost eleven pm, and who knows what time you’re going to have to stay up working.”

She didn’t say anything but just gazed at me. Whenever she makes this expression, I just give up. I adore her a little too much, I cave in easily.  

“I’m sorry.” I apologized. “I swear I didn’t come here to nag you like this.”

A smile escaped her lips. 

“It’s okay.” She told me, stretching a hand toward me, signaling me to come to her. “You’re worried, I get it.”

I took her hand but ended up standing behind her. 

“I was kinda busy today and we have to leave the firm late due to some problems which I will fully address later.” She elaborated, tugging my hands, which she was holding, closer to her. “And then, maybe we can have a peaceful weekend together.”

“Okay,” I muttered, kissing her temple. However, the piece of bread still bothered me. “Why don’t I cook something for you?”

“Hm?” She wondered, loosening her hold on my hands. 

“What do you have in your fridge?” I asked and headed to her fridge. I saw frozen chicken in the freezer and some ingredients that would be right for a pasta dish. “Good, you have some ingredients here. I can make you something in 30 minutes or so.” I added. 

“That’s sweet.” She stood and walked to me. “But aren’t you tired, Love?” She looked worried. “I know you want to lie down, your eyes are a bit droopy now you can’t lie to me.” She brushed her fingers gently over my eyes. 

She was right, I would drop any minute from now but I wanted to take care of her first.  

“I can sleep after I cook.” I reasoned out. “It’ll be quick. At least I get to sleep not worrying about you fainting or having some acid reflux due to…” I had to pause because she burst out laughing at my argument.

“My god, you’re so funny, I love you.” She stated, her smile reaching her beautiful eyes, leaning closer to give my cheek a quick kiss. “Okay, but let me help you,” She went on as she walked to the sink to wash her hands. “What do you need?”

I spent a few good seconds just watching her finding it amazing how the previous months, I imagined being with her in the house like this and now she’s at arm’s length. How last night, I was swarmed with work, and tonight, right on the other side of the world, I’m with her. I could not thank the halt the project took enough.   

“Yah. Byun Baekhyun.” She called, faking a stern look and heading back to the fridge. “I know you love me and I’m y and beautiful but you have to tell me what you need. Do you need the chicken?” She was suppressing a smile. 

I laughed quietly, not even the slightest embarrassed that she caught me staring. 

“Yes, I love you and you’re y beautiful, I’m sorry I got distracted,” I said walking to the sink to wash my hands. “I can’t help it, and yes I need the chicken please.”

She showed up next to me with the chicken. 

“Thanks, you’re highness.” I turned to her. 

“You’re welcome, peasant.” She replied, obviously remembering one of our inside jokes. “I’m so glad you’re here Baek.”

“Me, too,” I leaned closer to her which she acknowledged and responded by planting a kiss on my mouth. 

She helped me around the kitchen and watched me cook and from time to time gave me back hugs and curiously checked the dish I was making. 

“That smells good.” She remarked, peeking through my shoulder as we stood in front of the stove. “I can’t wait to eat it.”

I smirked at her to which she responded with a curious look. 

“Oh no Baby, you’re mistaken. I’m the one that smells good, so basically, I’m the one that you can’t wait to…ow!” I exclaimed as she pinched my side I turned to her, wide-eyed as my free hand landed on the area she pinched, giving it rubs as it hurt.  

“Yah, Baekhyun.” She jokingly glared at me, the corners of teasing a smile. 

“Why are you so violent, Seol?” I asked her, pretending to sound hurt. “I cannot feel my skin anymore.”

“I’m sorry. I’m sorry. ” She laughed, coming closer to me and helping me rub my sore-feeling skin. “I just got flustered for one second.” She explained, slipping her hands around me for a side hug, then tiptoed to give my neck a quick kiss. 

She looked at me as if waiting for me to tell her that I forgave her but I didn’t. I concentrated on the cooking. She kissed my neck once more before proceeding to kiss my cheek. In all honesty, I was enjoying her gestures and was tempted to laugh at what she’s doing but she’s a little too adorable acting like this, so I pretended to be unaffected. The next thing she did though, wasn’t something I could ignore. She, slipped and stood between me and the stove, her hands circling my waist, fixing her gaze at me. 

“But yes,” She went on. “You smell good and I cannot wait to make love to you which we haven’t done in months.” 

She just had to emphasize the last two words, of course. 

Not sure if she was serious but damn it. Did she just use the uno reverse card on me? The look on her face became a little too seductive and she slipped her hands inside my shirt, leaving my skin tingling after her fingertips and it was definitely . I maintained eye contact for as long as I could a debate going on in my head if sleep was necessary at this point. 

“But you’re tired and I have stuff to do to make sure we can do whatever we want during the weekend right? We should hold it in.” She told me as she let go of me and left her previous spot. The smirk on her little mouth was too good to be unnoticed. 

“You’re one mean, woman.” I exhaled loudly and laughed quietly, defeated by her obviously.  



I was done cooking after ten minutes and served her the dish. I received several compliments from her about how delicious it was. Seeing her enjoying the food was enough for me. I asked her about her current project and I think she was answering my 3rd question when I dozed off. 

“Baek, you should get some rest now.” She suggested, tapping me by the arm.  

“Okay.” I agreed, I was being lulled to sleep. “I wanted to spend more time with you but I’m starting to see stars.” 

“I know,” Her tone was gentle and so was her smile. “Do you wanna sleep on the bed?”

“I haven’t showered yet and I came from the other side of the world,” I told her. “I’ll just take the couch for now, baby.” 

“Are you sure?”

“Hm.” I nodded. “Let’s reserve the bed so something more meaningful later. Maybe I can get back at you for being mean to me earlier.” 

We both laughed. 

“Don’t stay up working very late, hm?”

“Okay, thanks for making me dinner.” She spoke, placing a hand on my cheek. “I’ll join you later.”

I nodded once again, moving closer to her to kiss the top of her head. 

“Goodnight, Baby.”

“Hm. Love you. Goodnight.”

I murmured an I love you back which I hope she understood as I walked like a zombie toward her couch. The second my body hit the couch, I out.

Later, I awoke and it was still dim around the room. I didn’t mind what time it was because I got everything that mattered to me. Seolhee was lying next to me in a perfect snuggle. I could feel her warmth, hear her steady breathing, and smell her insanely wonderful scent. I lifted a hand to her face and gave her cheek a gentle rub.

Right, I have everything I want and need right here. 



As planned, we spent the whole weekend together and it was just everything I could have asked. The more time I spent with her, the more I realized that we were made for each other. No dull moments. We had fun inside the four walls as we did when we were outside. 

On Saturday, we spent the early hours tangled in bedsheets. It was perfect that we were not in a hurry, we had all the time to demonstrate how much we missed each other. We went on a Museum date at 5 PM where she wore this black sequined dress that hugged her perfect curves. Truth be told, especially with the memory of our bodies hovering over each other fresh, it was difficult to look at her as it was to look away. She looked lovely, she was putting the stars to shame. We bought a bottle of wine that night and drank on the bench at the park that faced the lake.

“You’re aware that you’ve been staring at me?” She said after she looked at me and found me staring.

“That’s because you magically attract my attention no matter what you do.” There was no need to think about my response. “Plus, you’re sparkling. Literally.” 

“You love me very much, don’t you?” She was smiling at me. 

“Why?” I asked with a smirk. “Do you need more convincing?” 

She shook her head. 

“You showing up at my doorstep is enough. If Vienna is as far as Busan from Seoul I would have doubted but you traveled nearly fifteen hours to be with me, believe me, I am very well convinced.” She said, gazing at me as if she meant every word before she sipped on her wine. “How about you? Do you need more convincing?”

It was my turn to shake my head sideways. “Nope, I’m all right.” 

I stretched an arm, my hand caressing her jaw as I bore my eyes into her. 

Minutes later, I was lying on the bench, my head on her lap. I watched the loose strands of her swaying because of the wind. For some reason, I suddenly got curious about what part of her looks would be passed on to our future kids as there’s not any feature of hers that I don’t like. It would be great if our children resembled her. She’s kind and smart, a fighter, and she can be stubborn and difficult but I guess that goes for me too. To sum it all up, she’s an amazing person, so amazing I gotta start a family lineage with her. 

“What’s on your mind?” She asked, lifting a finger to trace the bridge of my nose that urged me to shut my eyes.

I did not reply, not sure if I should tell her. In fact, we never talked about the kids' topic yet. 

“Hm?” I heard her once more. “Tell me.”

Nonetheless, I was curious. I opened my eyes and initiated eye contact. 

“I was wondering if you have ever considered having kids…” I paused hesitating when her brows slightly furrowed. “You know, with me.”

She just stared at me and I got nervous. What if she says no?

“I’m sorry, should I consider having kids with someone else?” Then she smiled and brought her hand to my hair to smooth it.

“Is that a yes?” I must have gotten dumb.

“Of course, Baek.” She replied. 

Damn, yes!

“Why did you ask all of a sudden?” She asked. 

“Well…” I trailed off as I stood in front of her. “You’re a career woman and you’re great at what you do,” I shoved a hand into my pants pocket. “I’m sure you’ll be swarmed with projects once you get stationed in Seoul and I guess I’m just curious if you’re willing to put your life as an architect on a bit of hiatus when you get pregnant.”

“You think I’m great at what I do?” 

“Hm.” I nodded. 

She fell quiet, just staring at me before she stood. She walked to me and slipped her hands on my sides.

“Then, shouldn’t we find out if I’d be a great mom, too?” 

The corners of my mouth rose seeing that genuine smile on her. 

“I bet you will be, Baby,” I replied, reaching to tuck her hair behind her ear. 

“I think you’re going to be a great Dad.”

“You think so?”

“Hm.” She said quickly. “I bet my life on it.” She laughed. “We have to be good parents, you know, you and I…Bringing another life into this world is a huge responsibility, we should do our best.”

She sounded serious and I admired her for taking this matter seriously.

“Of course, Love,” I said, embracing her a bit tightly. “So, when do we start making them?” I asked and as if on cue, she laughed quietly. “Should we head back to your place?” I went on. 

“That’s a great idea.” She went along. “But I already sent my measurements for the wedding gown, what do we do?”

“Ah, the wedding gown…” I paused as I pondered on the thought. “The wedding gown,” I repeated, looking away trying to envision her wearing it. “Make sure I don’t faint when I see you wearing it,” I added, this time giving her my full attention.

“Yah.” She gave my chest a playful slap. “Don’t you dare faint before we even get married. If you do, I’d marry the first man I see on the street.”

“YAH.” I shot a fake, angry look at her that made her chuckle. “You know I can kick someone’s even though I’m unconscious, right?”

“What?” She tilted her head up as she burst out laughing at my antics. “That’s ridiculous what are you talking about?”

We were like that for the next few minutes. Exchanged dialogues that made each other’s stomachs hurt due to too much laughter. I love making her laugh, seeing her laugh. Watching her, I was determined to make her happy and have more conversations like this with her. Thank god, she’s my best friend and I can be real around her, no pretense needed. I love the way she’s the same around me. Just us, aside from being lovers, being the best of friends.



On Sunday, we visited Salzburg. There was a Spring festival going on. We enjoyed trying local food and spent time admiring the busking musicians around. At night we strolled through their markets. The whole area buzzed with both locals and tourists. It was similar to the one we went to last December minus all the Christmassy stuff. 

Just around the corner, Seolhee pulled me to this store that sells hand-crafted jewelry and other kinds. I watched her walk to the display while the vintage-looking items caught my attention. They’d be good as souvenirs, maybe I’d ask Seolhee to come back later so we could buy them. 

Checking on her, she was still in the same spot. She was holding what seemed to be a couple ring. They were white and ceramic, from what I could see. Seolhee looked intently at them and I could just tell that she wanted them. The staff next to her said something about the rings in German, Ich liebe dich being the only words I understood.  

I expected her to turn to me, pull me to her side, and ask if we could buy it. However, she slowly returned the rings to their spot but her eyes lingered on them a little too long than necessary. Then, she went to the handkerchief section and while I was still on my spot, I stared at the rings. 



We left the market and slowly the buzz from the stores died down. A few people were walking along in this quiet spot. Then, Seolhee spotted a fountain and immediately ran toward it, tagging me along. She loved fountains, especially here in Europe where she has tons of pictures of them in her phone gallery. I smiled as I watched her revel in the intricate sculptures. 

While she was busy with the fountain, I turned around and almost had my jaw dropped when I found the church. Its grand doors were opened giving me a peak of the interior. The church architecture was one of a kind and I was pretty sure Seolhee would marvel at this too. She was now a few feet away from me, still in awe of the creation in

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Chapter 1: Campus crush Byun Baekhyun is just something else😭
i miss baekseol so i’m here🥺
970 streak #3
Chapter 21: I think Baekhyun fell in love with her and never stopped loving her more and more, despite the difficulties. He is such a patient lover. Seolhee is quite a difficult person to deal with and her career really took a toll on their relationship. I actually thought she would resign when forced to take the Vienna project. I would have done that!
And Gramps also fell in love with Baekhyun. It's always hilariois when he asks Baekhyun when he will marry his granddaughter.
Thank you for sharing their journey.
970 streak #4
Chapter 19: I just knew that he would be in Vienna but I didn't anticipate the proposal. Great job!
970 streak #5
Chapter 12: Seol always finds something to be missed about. I hope she just learns to take things in stride.
970 streak #6
Chapter 7: Wow!
Finally the confession and the acceptance.
970 streak #7
Chapter 6: I just love how straightforward is Jongin.
970 streak #8
Chapter 4: Chapter 4: I started reading this today.
The ending scene of this chapter is so dramatic with the four characters.
Jcdfdc4BBh #9
Chapter 23: Can’t wait to start reading this new story!
56% is one of my favorite stories here in AFF.
Chapter 23: Yes, I'm sure I'm gonna love it🤍