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Chapter Fourteen


Seated on my bed, unmoving with a few slow blinks yet my mind was in chaos. My thoughts were filled with so many scenes from the night before. The one next to the counter, then on the couch, on the way to the couch.

I filled my lungs with air, torn between pulling my hair and punching my face. As if it wasn’t enough, I took another deep breath before I calmly turned around to reach for a pillow. My mouth formed into a thin line as I shut my eyes before I pressed the pillow on my face.

“!” I scream into the pillow before throwing my upper body back on the mattress. “AHHHHHHHHH!” I screamed once more before I freed my face and stared at the ceiling right away.

“, I really remember everything.” My breathing was ragged after the screaming I did. “It means I wasn’t so drunk…” I trailed off to sigh and briefly shut my eyes closed in frustration. “So why the hell did I do that?” I asked, scolding myself as I aggressively ruffled my hair.

I rolled to the other side of the bed and then back to my original spot when my brain’s perfect memory of last night recalled something very necessary.

“Yah Kang Seolhee,” I said with gritted teeth. “You did not even ing resist when he kissed you.”

I wanted to cry due to embarrassment at the same time, I proceeded to roll my body back and forth on the bed once more until I fell on the floor. However, instead of focusing on the pain the fall caused my , I focused on another realization.

“Oh god,” I lifted a hand to my mouth. “I even kissed him back the whole ing time.” I stood on my feet, my blanket dangling down my legs.

“Please go away. Please go away.” I chanted, hoping I’d stop remembering. Forcing, I mean. 

I lifted my arms up and started shaking them before I positioned myself into one hapkido stance and did a couple of flying kicks.

Hapkido. Remember how Baekhyun was so good at it? Hm?

This was hopeless.

I groaned as I left my spot and went to the bathroom and stood in front of the mirror while resting my hands on the sink. Staring at my reflection, my attention fell to my mouth. And as if it was the most natural thing to happen, I recalled how his mouth felt on my lips…every graze, the taste, and all the sensations it came along with.

I sighed as I automatically bit my lower lip, looking straight into my eyes through the mirror.

“Everything was going well…” I paused to take a deep breath. “Why the did we have to kiss Baekhyun?” I sighed as I turned around, leaning on the sink.

I covered my face with my hands for a few seconds, feeling how hot my cheeks were.

“Did we just ruin it all over again?” I removed my hands and let them fall to my sides. “Just like that?”

With too many emotions to process and hundreds of thoughts flooding my mind, I  stepped into the shower.



In the afternoon, as promised, I met with Jun for coffee. We went to this famous café he wanted to check out. It was an amazing place with great coffee and food. We stayed there for about an hour before we went for a walk around the nearby river. The weather was also nice today, it made strolling pleasant.

“So, how is it working with Baekhyun?” Jun asked without warning.

“It’s fine,” I answered almost automatically, wanting to sound casual.

“Yeah?” He sounded doubtful.


“And how do you feel seeing him again?”

I scoffed at his next question, shaking my head. I thought about how I tried so hard not to think about him because I'd end up thinking about the kiss we had. And it's crazy how Jun was even asking about him now. 

“I can’t believe you’re asking me this now.”

“Well…” He shrugged. “When must I ask then?” He shot back before the corner of his mouth rose. “It’s just that knowing your history with him, makes me curious.”

“I shouldn’t really have overshared that one time we drank after the completion of the Sweden project." I subtly rolled my eyes.

“Do you still have feelings for him?” He went on. 

My brain lagged as I stared at him incredulously. 

“I…” I scoffed. “I haven’t even thought about that,” I answered probably sounding a bit defensive. 

“What about him?” 

My eyebrows furrowed processing his questions.

“I don’t know Jun,” I replied hastily, “I suppose he doesn’t,” I added, blinking a couple of times. “Can we please not talk about Baekhyun?” I suggested, but my annoyance was evident. 

“I’m sorry,” He apologized, apparently reading my reactions. “I was just trying to make sure that he doesn’t affect you anymore but seeing you all worked up like this…”

“He and I are…" I stopped walking and faced him. "We’re just friends Jun,” I told him. “I’m just thankful that he doesn’t resent me like I expected him to.”

“You had the right to resent him too, Seol.” He stated, sounding serious. “Have you forgotten what kind of a mess you were after what happened to you both?”

I inhaled and exhaled loudly.

“I just…” I trailed off, temporarily looking away. "Can we just," I paused to sigh. "Can you just let me enjoy the weather?" I groaned as I made a few steps ahead of him. 

But then again, I felt guilty about the way I just behaved. It wasn't Jun's fault that Baekhyun and I kissed the night before. And it certainly would not be his fault and Baekhyun and I don't talk to each other again.

“I’m sorry Jun,” I told him as I turned around. 

“It’s okay Seol.” He replied, catching up with me. “I should apologize too for bringing it up just like that.” He added as the expression on his face shifted to a soft one. “It's just that I’ve seen you get hurt before, so now," He stared into my eyes. "I just have this strong urge to protect you.”

My heart warmed at his remark. Of course, he didn't mean any harm. 

"I know," I uttered. 

"Okay," He said with a smile. "I shouldn't really get on your bad side or else I'd end up wandering the streets of Seoul alone, right?"

And just like that, I also let out a small laugh.

We spent the next few hours in the shopping district of Seoul. He bought a few pairs of clothes just like what I did when I got here. We had dinner at Twilight and he, later on, took me home.


I sat in front of my dresser, ready to blow dry my hair when I remembered to check my phone for messages. I received a couple and one of them was from Baekhyun. My heartbeat automatically doubled seeing his name in my inbox as I tapped to open the message that he sent about two hours ago.

Seol, I’m not 100% certain if this is the right thing to do but I hope we can talk about what happened. The last thing I want is to make things awkward between us, but I somehow ed it up, right? Anyway, if you’re fine to talk, please let me know.
8:43 PM

I just had to blink my eyes and give his message a couple of reads more. He wanted us to talk about it. The truth was, I never expected him to reach out to me this way. I thought he’d ignore me and pretend it didn’t happen and we'd never even mention it.

But was I ready to talk to him? What do I say? That it was fine and it wasn’t really a big deal? Wouldn’t I seem a bit promiscuous if I say that?

Then all of a sudden, my phone rang and I threw it on the bed. 

I guess I wasn’t ready to talk to him after all. 

After a few rings, it stopped only for it to start ringing again. I took a deep breath as I left my spot and walked toward the bed to check and make sure it was him calling. When I flipped my phone to check, I gasped. 


Relief taking over my being,  I reached for my phone to answer it.

“Gramps.” I greeted, clearing my throat. “Hi.”

"Hi dear."

“Did you miss me already?” I . 

“No, the real question is DO YOU STILL REMEMBER ME?” He sounded grumpy all of a sudden.

“What?” I almost laughed. “What kind of question is that?”

“Oh.” He uttered. “I’m just making sure you still do. It’s been weeks since you went home.”

“I’m sorry Gramps," I felt guilty. "I have been a little preoccupied with work.”

“I won’t call it little if I were you.”

I chuckled at his reply knowing this was his way of telling me that he misses me.

“Don’t worry, I promise to be there this weekend.”

“As you should.” He cleared his throat.

I wondered before I looked for the desk calendar and checked the date on Saturday. It’s the 21st!

“It’s your birthday!?” I exclaimed.

“Are you asking me if it’s my birthday?” He asked, doubtful. 

“No, It’s uhm, a statement,” I said, trying to hide the fact that I did forget it.

“It’s going to be my first birthday, in a long time, that you’re here. Be sure to be there.” He said.


“Of course, I’ll bring you any present you like. Tell me, I’ll buy it for you.” I replied excitedly. 

“I’m too old for presents dear. Just make sure I see your face that day.”

I could not help but smile.

“I'll be there with your favorite vanilla-orange cake.”

“Okay, make sure it doesn’t affect my glucose levels.” He said in a whisper. 

“Noted Gramps.” I burst out laughing at how he said it.

“Oh, oh!" he said in a high-pitched tone all of a sudden, "I want something.”

“What is it?”

“Bring Baekhyun with you.”

My mouth fell open at the mention of his name.

“And those three noisy friends of yours. I want to see them again. It’s been a while.”

Bring. Baekhyun.
Bring. Baekhyun.
Bring. Baekhyun.

My mind was stuck on those two words.

“Did you hear me?” Gramps made sure. 

“Baekhyun?” I uttered. 

“Yes, Byun Baekhyun. I want to see him.” He stated. "Tell him it’s my birthday and he must come or else I'll never talk to him again.” He added. “Anyway, I will see you all on Saturday, you should get some rest now."

“Hm.” I nodded. "Goodnight gramps."

“Good night dear. Bye.”

Bring Baekhyun with you.

Looks like the universe is conspiring, huh?


The whole five-day weekday passed without Baekhyun and I having to meet at work. I spent most of the week with Jun on the project and hanging out with him during our free time. Thankfully, my previously prolonged quiet time by myself had been minimized by Jun’s presence. It was as if he made sure I didn’t ever feel lonely again.


It was a Friday afternoon when I arrived at my apartment’s basement parking space. I was in my car when I saw notification messages from the Namindae & Baekseol group chat box. The message was from Naeun telling us that she and Minseok would directly go to our house tomorrow. Jongdae replied that he would do the same. 

I posted about Gramps’ birthday celebration last Monday and that he wanted all of them to come over. Fortunately, the three of them were available this weekend. Baekhyun, however, had not responded to that invitation. There was a time he was messaging in the chat box but it was about an entirely different thing.

Isn’t he coming? I thought.

I wasn't sure if I was okay with seeing him again but I didn’t want Gramps to be disappointed as well. 

But then again, I realized that I had not responded to Baekhyun’s message last week. I exhaled loudly as I held on to the steering wheel before I leaned and rested my head on it. 

“Think Kang Seolhee, think.” I murmured. “What should I do…” I trailed off, “If only that kiss didn’t happen,” I straightened my sit, tapping my palms on the steering wheel, “I wouldn’t be in this ing -uation right now.” I groaned.

I stared at my phone in the passenger's seat. 

“Ah damn it, whatever.” I hissed before I grabbed my phone and went to my inbox to look for Baekhyun’s message to reply.

Gramps wants you to be there tomorrow. I’m afraid he’d be disappointed if you don’t show up.
5:16 PM


Later that evening, I checked my phone a few times for his reply but he had not even seen my message yet.

“Is he ignoring me?” I asked myself as I stood in front of the mirror in the bathroom while I brushed my teeth.

Well, you ignored him first.

“Gramps is going to kill me.” I momentarily shut my eyes closed, as I resumed brushing my teeth.


Saturday came. I drove to our house and arrived before nine in the morning. As soon as I got in, I noticed an unfamiliar black car outside the house. I went inside the house and saw Gramps standing just outside the door. He held his cane, all dressed up in a light yellow button-down shirt, beige pants, sandals, and a hat. He looked pleased. 

“Gramps!” I exclaimed as I ran to him. “Happy Birthday.” I greeted him as I hugged him. “I’m happy we get to finally celebrate your birthday together.” I held his hand and gave it a squeeze.

“Thank you, Dear.” He replied, smiling at me as we broke the hug. "I'm happy you're here."  He added he gave my head a ruffle. “Where are your friends?” He asked looking behind me. 

I thought I should immediately tell him about Baekhyun.

“Gramps,” I hesitated as I watched him turn to me. “I’m sorry but…Baekhyun…”

How do I say this?

“What about him?”

“I don’t think he can make it,” I paused to watch his reaction. “Maybe he’s busy…”

“He can’t come?” He was wide-eyed.

“Yeah, I’m sorry I know you…” I wanted to explain but he spoke.

“If he can’t come, then who the hell is that?” Gramps intercepted as he pointed to the door.

When I followed the direction he was pointing at, I saw a whole Byun Baekhyun coming out of the doorstep. He was carrying a stack of food containers.

What is he doing here?

He was wearing a blue plaid button-down with a white shirt as inner, dark-washed blue jeans, and a pair of classic Vans shoes. 

“He looks like Baekhyun to me,” Gramps added in a matter-of-fact tone.

I blinked my eyes a couple of times as I watched Gramps call Baekhyun. The latter headed toward our spot and stood in front of me.

“Hi, Seolhee.” He greeted me with a polite smile.

Hi, Seolhee. (?)

“She was apologizing to me saying you couldn’t make it,” Gramps told him before my brain could ever come up with a reply to his greeting.

“I, Uhm, I had a tough time clearing my schedule today, fortunately, I did at the last minute, so I’m here.”

I nodded, acknowledging his reason.

“See, he canceled it for me.” Gramps was beaming and the sight of him this happy was a delight. “I must be special, huh?”

Baekhyun let out a small smile at Gramps’s response. His eyes formed into crescents in the process. 

“Well, you’re my favorite Gramps, remember?” He told him.

“I better be.” He replied with a smug smile. "Since I'm the only one, anyway."

Watching them talk like this reminded me of the old times. Gramps would scold Baekhyun for a lot of reasons but they always acknowledge that they are each other’s favorites.

“I’m sorry but,” I could not help but notice the food containers Baekhyun was carrying. “Are we going somewhere?” I was confused.

“We’re going to the beach,” Gramps informed with a hint of excitement in his tone.

“Beach?” I wondered. “What beach?"

“Yes, Baekhyun mentioned that he knows a beach house nearby that we could rent for my birthday. He says it’s his birthday gift.”

I immediately turned to Baekhyun for clarification.

“I just thought Gramps would like to celebrate someplace more relaxing.” He explained briefly. “By the way, I’ll take these to the car first.” He added and left as soon as Gramps signaled him to go.

I followed him with a look thinking how he said he was able to clear his schedule for today at the last minute but had reserved a whole beach house for today. Something kinda wasn’t adding up, for sure.

“Where’s dad?” I dismissed my previous thoughts as I turned to Gramps and asked him.

“He’s inside, taking care of some stuff maybe.”

“Okay, I’ll go help him then Gramps.”

Gramps nodded in response.

While looking for my dad, I took my phone out and informed Namindae regarding our change of location. I saw my father arranging more food containers on the counter when I reached the kitchen.

“You’re here.” I heard Dad say as he smiled at me. "Hi, sweetie."

“Hi, Dad.” I greeted. “Let me help you…” I trailed off as Baekhyun showed up in the kitchen as well.

I walked to him and handed him my phone which earned a look of wonder from him.

“Please type in the location of the beach house, we have to inform Namindae,” I explained before he took my phone from me.

“Okay.” He muttered as he got my phone and started typing.

I saw how he sent the message to the group chat before an incoming call appeared. Jun, it was displayed. We exchanged looks.

“You two okay?” It was my dad who broke the silence.

“Here,” Baekhyun handed the phone back to me.

“Thanks.” I briefly replied as I stepped outside to take the call.

I had moved to the living room when I answered Jun’s call. He mentioned how he was thinking of buying a couple of tickets for an indie band’s concert tonight. Of course, I had to immediately apologize and tell him about Gramps’ birthday.

“Maybe some other time?” I asked.

“Yeah, sure.” He was smiling when he replied, I was sure. “I hope you have a great time and tell you’re Gramps happy birthday for me…” He paused for a second. “I’m not sure if he knows me though.”

I let out a small laugh as he did the same as well.

“I’ll tell him,” I said. “Thanks, Jun,” I added while I glanced at Baekhyun who passed with another set of food trays in his hand.

“Yeah, see you.”

“Mm,” I muttered as I ended the call.


Gramps asked me to park my car inside as we would be taking Baekhyun’s car instead. I wasn’t so comfortable with it I admit but I didn’t protest as well. I did what I was told to do before I walked toward Baekhyun’s car. I attempted to open the door in the back seat but my dad rolled the window down and pointed to the passenger’s seat.

When I checked, he and Gramps were already seated at the back. It only meant one thing, I had to sit in the passenger’s seat, next to Baekhyun.

Not having much of a choice, I proceeded to my designated spot.

It was my first time inside his car. It both looked and smelled clean which was impressive. 

When I glanced at him, I watched him put on his seatbelt before he worked on the steering wheel.

“Let’s go.”

I realized it was my first time seeing him drive and can’t deny the fact that he looked cool while he backed the car for a bit before making a turn. When I thought I was looking a bit too long, I looked away. 

More or less ten minutes into the drive, none of us strike up a conversation aside from Dad and Gramps talking about whether they locked the back door.

“Being next to each other,” It was Gramps who spoke. “I’ve never seen you both this quiet.” He cleared his throat. “I liked it better when you two would bicker endlessly like kids back then.” 

Baekhyun and I exchanged looks. 

I would have expected Baekhyun to say something to them to make the situation less awkward but he remained focused on driving while my brain tried to come up with anything the next couple of minutes. 


We arrived at the beachfront house. The house wasn’t so huge but it was pretty. I immediately admired how it was designed. The exterior was made of both some white shabby looking wood and glass. In short, it was aesthetic in every possible way.

The air was amazing as soon as I stepped out of the car and could not help but appreciate the beautiful white sand beach nearby. It was private property, I could tell, as there was no one aside from us. The sound of the waves nearby was relaxing to listen to as well. This is good. 

When I turned around, I caught sight of Baekhyun who just got out of the driver’s seat. Our eyes met for a second before he went straight to the compartment to help my dad with the food we brought.

Later, we started setting up the table on the spacious front porch. I was aware that Baekhyun was next to me but I chose not to look in his direction.

I turned to my dad who was setting up the grilling stand for the barbeque and Gramps was next to him, watching what he was doing before he turned in our direction. The next thing, he was walking toward us.

Oh, Gramps please don’t say anything.

“Are you having some sort of a lover's quarrel?” Gramps asked.

We both looked at him incredulously.

“Gramps, that’s absurd.” I blurted out in shock.

The fact that Baekhyun still had not said a word despite Gramps’ remark meant that he probably kind of felt awkward around me as well.

“If I still don’t see you both talking,” He pointed a finger at me and then to Baekhyun, warning. “I’ll have the two of you kicked out from my party.” He told us briefly before he left his spot once more.

I momentarily shut my eyes, taking every ounce of guts I had before I turned to Baekhyun and found him already staring at me before he looked away. I just watched him as he reached for his nape and scratched it as if he was waiting for the right time to speak.

“You think he’s serious?” He finally spoke, this time facing me. “About kicking us out if we don’t talk to each other.”

I shrugged in response before I checked Gramps and saw him watching us from afar.

“Well,” I muttered. “Now that we seem to be talking, he’d probably not do it anymore,” I added, tilting my head down to the ground. "Hopefully."

“If…” Baekhyun trailed off. “If it’s fine with you, I’d like to talk to you about…” He had to pause once more as we heard two cars pull off.

Namindae had arrived.

We were distracted for a second and when we faced each other once more, I saw that he had become hesitant.

“Okay,” I answered. “We’ll talk later, but for now let’s just try to concentrate on Gramps," I suggested. "I bet he missed all of us hanging out like this.”

“Sure,” He agreed to nod. “Of course.”

As soon as we both had a clear understanding of what we were supposed to do, we left our spot and came to join the others.


We all sang the Happy Birthday song for Gramps as we gathered at the table. The cake was in front of him and joy was evident on his face the entire time. He kept smiling at us and it made me feel warm and fuzzy inside. It had been so long since I had seen Gramps this happy. Next to him was my father who was equally looking thankful and enjoying the sight of all of us celebrating with them.

Gramps blew the cake as soon as the singing was done, my dad went back to the house to look for the slicer as we forgot to bring it out earlier.

“Thank you, kids.” Gramps looked at us, he sounded grateful. “I can’t believe I’m celebrating my 82nd birthday with children.”

We all burst into laughing due to his added remark.,

“But really, it’s refreshing to see all of you together again." He paused to smile and trail his attention on each of us. "I can still remember how chaotic you all were before. Actually, the loudest bunch of kids I have ever seen, I'm glad my  granddaughter is surrounded by great friends.”

I just had to smile when I met Gramps’ eyes.

“Gramps,” Naeun exclaimed. “We missed you, sorry we weren’t able to visit you the past few years.” She added, placing a hand over Gramps'.

“It’s fine,” Gramps replied, placing a hand on top of hers as well. “I get it you were busy falling in love with each other.” He added, looking at Minseok. 

Minseok laughed hearing it.

“It’d be great to see the rest of you do the same.”

“You want us to fall in love with Minseok Hyung too, gramps?”

Gramps’ eyes narrowed at Jongdae, and the wide smile on his face disappeared.

“No,” He answered firmly. “But I’d like to see someone make you stop blurting out useless things Kim Jongdae.”

“Ey, gramps, you’re hurting my feelings.” Jongdae pretended to be hurt, pouting. “Please stop.”

For some reason, Gramps must have found Dae’s expression funny as he chuckled.

“But for the record Gramps, I might have already found someone.” Jongdae went on.

Naeun was the first one to gasp at Jongdae’s revelation but we all looked equally happy with the news.

“No way!” She exclaimed with a delighted expression. “Oh my god, are you serious?”

Jongdae nodded. “Well, I’m thinking of finally asking her out next week.” He was all smiles making it evident that he had indeed fallen in love.

“Whoa! Good luck man!” Minseok gave Jongdae’s shoulder a gentle punch.

“Well, that’s delightful news you have there, Jongdae,” Gramps told him. “I look forward to meeting her. Make sure to bring her the next time you guys visit us.”

“Sure thing Gramps,” Jongdae replied enthusiastically.

Baekhyun and I who have remained quiet during the conversation, exchange looks. It was almost as if we were both being cautious around everyone.

“Now,” Gramps spoke once more and to my horror, he was looking at me. “I guess we’re down to these two.” His attention then trailed to Baekhyun.

All five of us fell silent, exchanging looks. Thankfully, my father came back.

“Who’s ready to eat?” He asked as soon as he joined us but stopped halfway when he noticed that we didn’t have enough forks as well. “I’m gonna go get some fork…”

“I’ll do it, Uncle.” Baekhyun volunteered as he stood and immediately headed inside the house.

I watched him leave and my attention did not leave him until he got inside. He was unusually quiet today.

“Seol,” My father called, taking my attention. “Would you please get the wine? I think it’s still in the car. I must have forgotten to bring it.”

“You forget so many things,” Gramps told him. “Are you sure I’m the one supposed to celebrate this 82nd birthday?” His eyes grew to tease. “Hyung?”

I and the rest of the guys laughed at Gramps’ remark toward my dad.

“Sure Dad,” I answered.

“And please ask Baekhyun if there are wine bottles available in the house too,” Dad added.

I nodded at him in response.

I headed to Baekhyun’s car but found it locked, so I walked toward the front door and made my way to the kitchen. I was about to enter when I saw him standing next to the counter with a glass of water in his hand. I thought he was just drinking but I saw how he lifted a hand to his head to massage his temples. With his eyes closed, I noticed he flinched as if he was in pain. 

“You okay?” I asked when I decided to walk in on him.

He seemed startled to see me but he nodded.

“Yeah.” He answered as he briefly shook his head seemingly trying to focus. “This is probably just a headache.” He added as he grabbed the forks on the counter.

“Okay,” I replied quickly, noticing that he looked pale somehow. 

“Do we need anything else?” He asked, turning to me.

“Ah yeah,” I had completely forgotten. “Dad said he forgot the wine in your car, I checked but it’s locked,” I explained. “And wine glasses too,” I added.

“I think there are wine glasses here somewhere…” He trailed off as he went to check the cabinets. “Here,” he announced when he found them.

Once done, he helped me with the wine glasses as we went to his car next to get the wine. When he was about to close the door of the back seat, I was sure I heard him cough.

“You sure it’s just some headache?” I could not help but ask.

 “Yes.” He answered with a subtle hint of a smile on his lips. “This is nothing.”

I might have thrown him a skeptical look as I followed him on our way back to the rest of the group. 


We enjoyed the next few hours conversing with Gramps and my dad. However, later on, Gramps said that he would like to take a rest for a bit. Dad accompanied him inside the house while the rest of us found a spot near the shore.

The remaining five of us decided to go for a way to the shore.

We all sat horizontally next to each other as we faced the sea. Naeun sat in the middle, on her right was Minseok and then Baekhyun while Jongdae and I were on the opposite side.

“Who would have thought…” Jongdae trailed off as his eyes were on the view of the sea ahead of us. “That after all these years, we’d still be here…together...”

What he said gave me that warm feeling. I turned to look at all of them. It was a good sight. 

“I don’t mean to be sentimental and all but,” Dae tilted his head down. “I wouldn’t have survived this ty life without you guys.”

I instantly felt sad after he said that, feeling somewhat guilty that I had lost touch with them for years. I changed my position by bending my knees and draping my arms around them.

“You’re right Dae,” Minseok spoke this time. “I actually don’t mind traveling back in time and experiencing my university days all over again as long as I am friends with you.”

“Aw, babe!” Naeun responded in a sad voice. “That’s so sweet.”

I saw her lean her head against Minseok’s.

"It's crazy how most of the best times I ever had,” It was Baekhyun who spoke next. “Have you guys in it.”

I saw how Jongdae leaned forward to check on him who was on the farthest side.

“Are you sure about that Baek?” He teased. “I heard you had a blast in the States. Doing cliff-diving and all."

Baekhyun laughed. 

“Ow!” Jongdae exclaimed.

I found out Naeun gave his arm a pinch.

“Don’t ruin the mood, Dae.”

Jongdae had to scrub his arm, seemingly trying to ease the pain.

“Hyung, are you sure you’re going to marry Naeun? She has the tendency to be a sadist, it’s not too late to back out you know.” Jongdae told Minseok.

“Shut up Dae.” Naeun scolded him. “Minseok loves me.”

“Well, then good luck with the purple bruises.” 

I, Baekhyun, and Minseok burst out laughing as we watched the two of them bicker.

“How about you Seol?” Jongdae turned to me as soon as we regained the silence. “Are you glad to hang out with us again?”

I just know what Jongdae meant. 


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961 streak #1
Chapter 21: I think Baekhyun fell in love with her and never stopped loving her more and more, despite the difficulties. He is such a patient lover. Seolhee is quite a difficult person to deal with and her career really took a toll on their relationship. I actually thought she would resign when forced to take the Vienna project. I would have done that!
And Gramps also fell in love with Baekhyun. It's always hilariois when he asks Baekhyun when he will marry his granddaughter.
Thank you for sharing their journey.
961 streak #2
Chapter 19: I just knew that he would be in Vienna but I didn't anticipate the proposal. Great job!
961 streak #3
Chapter 12: Seol always finds something to be missed about. I hope she just learns to take things in stride.
961 streak #4
Chapter 7: Wow!
Finally the confession and the acceptance.
961 streak #5
Chapter 6: I just love how straightforward is Jongin.
961 streak #6
Chapter 4: Chapter 4: I started reading this today.
The ending scene of this chapter is so dramatic with the four characters.
Jcdfdc4BBh #7
Chapter 23: Can’t wait to start reading this new story!
56% is one of my favorite stories here in AFF.
Chapter 23: Yes, I'm sure I'm gonna love it🤍
ByunBossHyun #9
Chapter 13: YESSSS
ByunBossHyun #10
Chapter 11: I love the fact that Seol didn't forgive and marry him 7 years ago just like the cliche romances