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Chapter Eleven




7 years later.







Barcelona International Airport.

My home for the last seven years. I roamed my attention around and breathed in the air for one last time. Though my leaving now would only be temporary, I felt sad having to leave the places, the culture, and the people I had learned to get accustomed to.

Although this country hadn’t been too easy for me at first, undoubtedly, it had contributed to who I am right now. My first year was almost unbearable. I had to work so hard to catch up with the academics. I also had to work part-time to support myself. My university expenses were just too huge and I couldn’t let my dad work his off for everything.

Countless, I couldn’t count the nights I lay in my bed crying. I felt homesick every night and had a hard time adjusting to the people, the language, and the culture. Though my aunt and uncle had been very supportive, I must face some things alone.

If I’d be brutally honest, I thought about quitting and going back to Korea more than a hundred times. It was that hard for me. It was difficult to be in a place where people I have relied on all my life were nowhere to be found. I’d call my family as often as I could but it wasn’t enough and the time zone difference was such a bummer, making it difficult for me to keep in touch with my friends as well. It felt like nothing went my way in my first year.

In the succeeding years, however, things eased up a little. Maybe because I finally got the hang of it. I got familiarized with the custom and the language. I also met friends who made school and work fun.

An internship followed, and fortunately, I was able to get out of it alive.

When I finished Uni, my dad came to attend my graduation. I wished Gramps made it too but it has been hard for him to endure the long flight. I would have booked a flight and come home with him if I didn’t need to start finding a real job soon. I felt pressured. I felt the need to do well to justify my coming here to Spain.

Skipping the messy parts, in the long run, I, fortunately, landed a good position at one of the most famous Architectural firms not only in the country but also around Europe. Being employed in the said company allowed me to broaden my professional territories. My job required me to travel around Europe and Latin America as well with almost no rest. I think being a licensed Architect working for a top-tier firm had its price.   

Even now, after seven long years, I finally get to go home to Korea for the first time. And yes, though it cuts through me like a knife, it was work-related. However, I should still be thankful I’d be able to set foot in my home country after such a long time.

After about twenty minutes of waiting to board, I got settled in my seat and immediately got reminded that this flight would be over 13 hours long. That would mean I’d arrive in South Korea tomorrow morning. Instantly thinking of South Korea, my heart warmed at the thought of seeing Gramps and Dad again.

I looked out the window and spent a few minutes of peace before the plane took off. I closed my eyes as the plane fought against gravity. I had been on hundreds of flights before but this time it felt different. It felt different as I was going home.

Kang Seolhee, you are going home.



9:43 AM; Next day

Incheon International Airport.

It was my father who welcomed me at the airport. He looked older like the years that have passed had been justified. After our little reunion, we drove home where I saw Gramps for the first time since I left. Just like my dad, he looked a few years older as well. His hair was all grey now and he walked with a cane.

“Oh, Gramps! I missed you so much.” I told him as I hugged him as tight as possible.  

“You missed me?” He looked and sounded skeptical as soon as we broke the hug. Then how come you never came home even once?” He added, grumpily. “You’re lucky I’m still alive.”

“Gramps,” I whined, not liking his joke. “You know I don’t like it when you talk about stuff like that.” I added, “You don’t know how many times I pray for you to be healthy.”

“Well, looks like someone up there got fed up with your prayers and answered it because I’m still here.” He answered, a hint of a smile on his lips. “I kept my promise. I waited for you.”

 “Yes, you did.” I smiled widely as I pulled him for a hug once more. “Thank you, Gramps.”

“Hey, lady.” He scolded. “Careful, may be alive but my bones are eighty years old. Next thing you know you’d hear them cracking here and there.”

I laughed as I felt him rub my back.

Oh, I missed this.


I spent the first two days with my family. We went hiking the other day and now we’re fishing together. If I was a few years younger, I’d hate fishing but I now appreciate the solitude it brings plus I was with the most important men in my life. I was happy with every moment I get to spend with them. It was as if I could not get enough of hugging them, I miss their scent and the warmth of their arms around me.

We were all seated on our outdoor chairs when Gramps asked me a question.

“You’re not meeting your friends?” He asked.

I got quiet.

“They didn’t know you were coming?” He went on, curiously.

“Well, we kinda lost in touch somewhere over the years,” I answered, feeling sad about it now that I had verbalized it.

“Even Baekhyun?”

Baekhyun. I haven’t heard his name for a very long time. Maybe because there was no one around me in Spain who knew who he was.

“Especially Baekhyun,” I muttered.

Gramps took a deep breath as he glanced at me before he fixed his attention on the lake.

“He came to visit us a couple of times since he got back from the States,” Gramps stated. “Did you know he went to the US?”

“Yeah,” I uttered. “I heard about it somehow.”

“So,” My father got my attention. “You’re not friends anymore?”

I was about to answer when Gramps intercepted.

“He grew up to be a very fine man,” I said in a matter-of-fact tone. “Very handsome.” He emphasized. “Closely looked like me when I was his age.”

“Dad c’mon,” Dad called him. “I told you to let these jokes go already. You’re eighty-four now.”

Gramps clicked his tongue and glared at my dad which made me laugh. For a second, I was thankful thinking they had completely forgotten about Baekhyun.

“Maybe you should meet him.” It was Gramps once more.

I was wrong. This conversation was way too far from being over.

“I don’t know Gramps. It’s awkward.” I replied in all honesty. “We haven’t seen or even talked to each other for years. We have nothing to talk about.”

“You have a lot to talk about.” Gramps corrected. “It’s been seven years. It’s impossible.” He shrugged. “You have been friends for two decades, there’s nothing wrong about catching up. It’s not like you guys have become a couple and broke up.”

I fell quiet once more, remembering the last conversation I had with Baekhyun years ago.

“What about that Juancho guy?” My father was the one who asked this time, referring to my ex who I had dated for a year. “You’ve broken up for good?”

“Yeah,” I replied quickly, not needing to drag it any longer.

“Good,” Gramps noted. “I never liked him anyway. Not even a bit.” He made a face. “Never even learned a single word in Korean. I don’t understand what you saw in him anyway.”

I gulped as I looked away for a bit, thankful that they didn’t get to know the reason we broke up was that he cheated with another woman.

“You’re right Gramps, I must’ve hit my head somewhere that time,” I smirked. “What was I thinking?”

“That’s okay now dear.” Gramps’ voice gentled. “You’re not together anymore and that’s what matters. Just remember what I told you, never settle. Do you understand?”

“Now, you’re being caring all of a sudden,” I remarked, teasing Gramps. “Is this one of your mood swings Gramps?”

Dad scoffed, taking my attention, who at the same time, earned a glare from Gramps.

“What about those three by the way?” My dad asked, obviously changing the topic.

“Dad, I don’t have that many exes,” I replied, a growing smile on my lips just to confuse him.

“Minseok, Naeun and Jongdae, I mean.” He chuckled.

“You remember them?” I asked.

“Of course,” he nodded. “They came to visit us from time to time until they one by one graduated.” He said. “Baekhyun also spent time with us before he left for the US. When Dad asked him why he bothered to do so, he said we were the only father figures he had.”

“That’s good.” It was the only thing I could say as I desperately thought of a way to change the topic.

“That boy is something,” Gramps muttered and I wasn’t sure if he intended us to hear him since he seemed to be thinking out loud, his eyes still on the lake. “It’s such a shame things never worked out between you two.” He sighed. “Well, I guess timing is everything.”

I stared at him. I have always known how much he liked Baekhyun. I guess, it never changed for him, even after all these years.

I noticed Dad left his seat and walked towards the car.

“It’d be nice if you could all meet again. Maybe drop by at home.” Gramps suggested, eyes on me as if observing my reaction. “It’d be good to see you and your friends together. While I’m still alive.”

“Gramps,” I sighed. “Okay, I’ll make sure we all get together just stop relating it to you being alive.”

“Okay.” Gramps agreed briefly and shrugged. “It’s just good someone genuinely feels grateful I’m still alive.” He added as he eyed my dad, who had just come back to his spot.

My father’s eyes grew wide in disbelief. I wanted to laugh but resisted it.

“See, your father can’t even take a joke. Acting like he’s way older than me. What are you, a hundred-year-old?” Gramps stated. “Hyung.”

My father burst out laughing and that was my cue, I laughed just as hard as well.

Then it got me thinking, I have gone to so many beautiful places but nothing like this. Nothing beats home.   



I still have about seven days remaining before I attend the orientation for the project but I wanted to get settled in. So, after the days I spent at home, I left to check the apartment my company leased for me while I work on the project. The project was supposed to last for six months. Though I might fly back to Spain once in a while, I’d be able to spend plenty of time in my home country.

A lot has changed since I left seven years ago. Aside from that innate familiarity, I felt like a foreigner. It still felt new to me that I get to see a lot of Koreans everywhere and that includes hearing people talking in Korean as well.

I arrived at my apartment which was one of the most famous buildings in the country. As I stood in front of the glass wall that separated me from the view of skyscrapers outside, I thought the perks of working for a renowned company serve pretty well sometimes.

After unpacking, I realized I didn’t have enough wardrobe with me as I wanted to travel light. So, I went out in the afternoon to shop. I went to the shopping Centre in Seoul and bought a few pairs of clothes and high-heeled shoes I could use when I work.

When I finished, I decided to look for a restaurant where I could eat. Leaving my bags in the car, I was about to enter the restaurant when a familiar voice said my name.

“Seolhee?” The voice sounded unsure at first but changed when I stopped on my feet. “Oh my god, Seolhee!!”

My heart fluttered as I turned to where the voice came from and saw an excited Naeun. She was wearing a white, long-sleeved blouse, beige slacks, and black stilettoes. Her long hair was something that never changed.

“Naeun?” I couldn’t believe I was seeing her in the flesh now.

She came running to me and pulled me into a hug when she reached my spot. She looked delighted and I felt the same way.

“Oh my god, I can’t believe you’re here.” She said as soon as we broke the hug.

“Yeah, who would expect we’d see each other like this.” I agreed with her.

Her eyes fixed on my face before she searched my entire profile. I was wearing a fitted, one-sided, long-sleeved, black top, high waist dark denim pants paired with black high-heeled sandals. My hair was tied in a neat ponytail, with a pair of tendrils dangling in front.  

“Well look at you Miss Kang Seolhee.” There was absolute awe both on her face and tone. “You look so different, you look amazing oh my god.”

I laughed at her expression, it reminded me of the old times.

“Thanks,” I replied, smiling at her. “You look amazing too Naeun. You didn’t age for one bit.”

“Oh,” She gave my hand a gentle pat. “Don’t flatter me please, I wish my face didn’t change at all but when you teach a whole bunch of annoying kids, you’ll know the truth pretty well.” She added, reason out.

“You still look amazing, what are you talking about.” I insisted.

We burst out laughing before we realized that we were still in the street.

“Where are you going by the way?” She asked glancing at the restaurant. “Are you going to have dinner?”

I nodded.

“I’m famished,” I said. “I shopped for some work clothes earlier,” I went on. “Do you want to join me?”

“Uh…” She thought for a bit.

“I mean if you’re not busy or something.”

“Are you kidding? It’s been seven years Seol, of course, I’m not busy for you. Wait, lemme call someone first.” She paused to get her phone and immediately called someone. “Hey Babe, sorry but I need to cancel tonight…”

My eyes grew wide at the realization that she was on her way to her date. I instantly felt guilty and signaled to her that it was fine with me and that she didn’t have to cancel her plans but she shook her head sideways.

“No, no, I’ll tell you about it later. Hm….Okay, see you, yes you take care too, bye.” She did as she ended the call.

“Now I feel guilty for having you cancel your date,” I told her as soon as faced me.

“No, don’t worry about it, I see him every day whereas you and I have a lot of catching up to do. Okay, so don’t feel bad about it for even a bit.” She convinced me, using the same facial expressions just like before. “Okay? Let’s go.”

“Are you sure?”

“I swear.” She assured.



We ate dinner that night and the first thing that she asked was why I was back in South Korea.

“I am assigned here for a huge project. Thankfully, they offered it to me, so I grabbed the chance to finally go home after years, and here I am.”

“Thank God, you did.” She smiled widely, “What is it about? I mean the project.”

“There’s this international hotel to be constructed in South Korea, I’m not sure if you have heard about The Hamilton’s?”

“Wait.” She paused, trying to think about something. “I surely have heard of that somewhere but I can’t remember it right now.” She blurted out. “Maybe later but that’s great!” She beamed. “How long will you be here then?”

“Six months,” I answered. “But if there are delays then maybe I might have to stay for a few more months.”

“Oh my god, my wedding is in six months.”

My eyes grew wide at her revelation.

“Really?” I was delighted to hear the news. “That explains the diamond on your finger then.”

We laughed.

“Congratulations, oh my god Naeun.” I reached for her hand as we both giggled like the old times.

“I wish you could come. It would mean a lot to us.” She said with her heart-eyes expression, giving my hand a slight squeeze.

“I would love that.” I told her, “I’ll make time.”

“Yay!” She clapped her hands.

“But promise me you’ll tell me more about this lucky guy later.”

“Of course, but there’s not a lot of introduction to do anyway.”

I got confused. “What do you mean?”

 “I’ll let you finish your meal first.” She just smiled at me.

“Okay,” I replied, taking her advice.

We talked more about her job next and found out that she works as a university teacher for five years now and teaches freshman students.

It’s funny how things turned out to be different than I imagined. I thought just because we didn’t keep in touch for a while we’d have quiet conversations but no, she was still just like how I remembered her. She’s still as bubbly as before.



After dinner, she invited me for some tea at her place. I didn’t have anything to do but go home and check on the designs anyway, so I went with her. I drove to her place and it was near the university where she works for.

I was in the living room while she took care of the tea in the kitchen. I left my purse on the couch and went to check on the frames above the drawer on the right. There were a few. The first one had her family picture.

“How’s Auntie and Uncle doing?” I asked her, loudly so she could hear.

“They’re fine, they live in the countryside now. They said they want a quiet life, typical right?” She responded from the kitchen.

I moved to the next frame and the next one contained a photo of us, all five of us, during our college days. We all looked young and it made me feel nostalgic a bit. The next photo frame was one during Minseok’s graduation. Baekhyun was still in it, the one I saw from the chat box. The next one was during Naeun’s graduation. I got confused though because it was just her and Minseok. Didn’t Jongdae and Baekhyun graduate on the same day? When I moved to the next one, however, I let out a gasp. It was a photo of her and Minseok where Naeun held her hand out to the camera with the engagement ring.

My jaw dropped in utter surprise. I blinked my eyes twice in disbelief. Wait. I needed a few seconds to process it, I could not even say anything.

“That’s taken four months ago.” Naeun appeared next to me, handing me a cup of tea.  

I still could not form my words and just stared at her while she did the same thing, the only difference was the pink tinge on her cheeks.

“You and Minseok?” I finally said when I found my words.

“Yeah.” She confirmed. “It’s been three years now.”

“Oh my god, so that was him you were talking to earlier?”

“Yes.” She answered as she led me back to the couch. “And that’s why I said there’s not a lot of introduction to do because you already know him.”

I placed a hand on my mouth. I still could not believe it.

“.” I blurted out which surprised both of us and caused us to burst into laughter. “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to curse. I just didn’t see it coming but wow!” I exclaimed as I pulled her into a hug. “Congratulations to both of you.”

“Thanks, Seol.” She smiled. “I can’t blame you, because if I were you I wouldn’t have seen it coming too.”

“Have you always liked him?” I probed as we both sat down. “Back in college when we were all together?”

“Oh my god, no.” She protested. “Like seriously I thought of him as a friend back in College. But a few years later, I don’t know if something has changed.”

“When did you guys like each other then? And who likes who first?”

“Hm.” She paused. “Maybe it was when we’d end up meeting together because Dae would stand us up.”

“Speaking of Dae, I thought that you guys had something.” I couldn’t help but be honest. “I don’t know maybe it’s with the way you two bicker endlessly.”

“Dae and I,” She paused to let out a laugh. “We’d end up killing each other for sure or set our house on fire if we ever got to be together.”

I laughed at how animated she looked when she said it.  

“Oh my god,” I placed a hand on my forehead as if some realization hit me. “A lot has changed over the years I didn’t realize it until now…” I trailed off as I drank. “I mean I hope we all kept in touch. Well, maybe you guys did…”

Naeun must have sensed the hint of guilt in my tone.

“It’s okay Seol. We understand. After what happened between you and…” She was hesitant. “I mean, things would have been so hard for you out there being away from everyone.” She placed a hand over mine. “And don’t think about it anymore, you’re here already, and as you said you’ll be here for a minimum of six months right? We can have several mini mini-reunions from time to time.”

“Yeah,” I muttered. “That’d be great.”

“I’m sure they’ll be surprised seeing you, I mean none of us knew you were coming home right?”

I shook my head.

“I don’t have other friends here anymore.”

“My gosh, don’t make it sound so sad.” She scolded me.

“It’s true.” I half-laughed.

“But hey, how about you Seol? Tell me more.” She was almost breathless. “Aside from being a top-tier Architect now?”

“Well, nothing much.”

“In seven years?” She sounded doubtful. “No hot Spanish Boyfriend?” Her eyes narrowed at me. “Don’t lie to me. Wait you’re not married yet right?”

I chuckled at her inquisitiveness.

“No, I’m not married, or else I wouldn’t be here all alone,” I said in a matter-of-fact tone. “As for relationships, well I had once. It lasted for a year before we called it quits.”


“He cheated,” I answered frankly.

“.” She rolled her eyes. “He should be thankful he doesn’t live here because I’ll whack his face if I see him in the street.”

I burst out laughing again.

“Okay, moving on. Are there any other guys?”

“Well there’s one more guy I went out with several times but it never worked out anyway. But then there’s this one guy at our firm. He’s like a mentor to me…”

“Oh, interesting.” The way her eyes sparkled in intrigue was impossible to overlook. “Wait I’m sure he has one of those pretty-boy names like Ricardo or Leandro, Gabriel?”

I laughed at her guesses.

“No. There’s no way he’d have a name like those.”

“Why not?”

“Because he’s not Spanish.”


“He’s a Kim.”

“Eh??” Her eyes grew wide.

“He’s Korean.”

She gasped with her hands on .

“So,” She muttered when she seemed to have recovered. “Are you two together?”

I shook my head.

“Well he’s pretty dependable, he has been there for me since the first year I joined the firm. He’s a senior at work and definitely an ace in his profession.”

Her eyebrows furrowed.

“He sounds perfect already. How long have you known this Kim?”

“Hm, nearly 5 years.”

“And nothing happened?”

I shook my head.

“Yet?” She added.

I chuckled at her. “We’re just good friends.”

“But you like him, don’t you?”

“Well, I’ve got all good reasons to. But so far, he and I are just friends.”

“Isn’t he part of this whole project you’re involved in here?”

“He is, he’ll probably be here in a few weeks since he’s still in Germany for another project currently.”

“Oooh.” She liked what she was hearing. “Hm, anyway I’m sure you guys have plenty of time to…” She trailed off as her phone rang from the table.

“Yeah, Baek?”

At the mention of Baekhyun’s name, I somehow felt uncomfortable. And maybe Naeun noticed it by the way she looked at me at the moment. She left her spot and stood a few steps away but I could still hear her.

“He’s not here, no…no I’m not meeting him tonight. You can call him and maybe you guys can meet up. Why, are you having a hard time at work?”

I remained quiet again. This was the closest encounter I had with him for years.

“Okay, okay…just give him a call again, I’m sure he’ll pick up. Okay, take care. See you.” She ended the call and walked to occupy her seat next to me once more. “That’s Baekhyun.” She was hesitant.

I took my mug to my mouth and drank.

“Yeah, I figured when you said his name,” I answered, trying to sound less awkward. “So, I guess you guys have been in touch?”

“Well, not a lot after he left for the States. Our group chat kinda died of natural death.” She joked. “Though, I heard from Minseok that they talk once in a blue moon. And then when he came back almost a year and a half ago, Minseok and I meet him from time to time…and Dae joins us too.” She trailed off, the volume of her voice fading as she observed me. “Have you guys patched things up...or have you two even talked?”

I shook my head.

“We lost touch a few months after I left.”

“I’m sorry.” She sounded guilty.

“No, it’s okay. You would have asked sooner or later anyway.”

“Okay,” Naeun, said changing the mood and the subject. “But you two have obviously moved on with your lives now. You both look amazing. When I first saw him again, I was almost star-struck just like how I was when I saw you earlier. Maybe it’s the foreign air, I suppose?”

My response came with a brief hug and a subtle smile.

“And I bet, they would also drop their jaws when they see you because oh my god, you look hot as hell Kang Seolhee. I almost did not recognize you earlier.” She complimented me like she meant every word, making me laugh. “Really, I’m not praising you for nothing. You have always been beautiful but now…” She sighed, gazing at me lovingly. “You look stunning Seol.”

“Thanks, Naeun,” I thanked her, not knowing how to respond to it properly. “How about Jongdae by the way?” I asked as my eyes darted to our group picture on the photo frame.

“Oh Dae is doing fine as well, he works for a huge Conglomerate company. He had a few relationships over the years but he's single now. He's a great guy and is yet to find someone he needs to be serious with." She explained. "Sorry TMI." Her eyes narrowed. 

I laughed at her facial expression.

“That sounds great. And how about your darling, Minseok?”

She immediately cackled at the endearment I used to refer to her boyfriend.

“He works for a top automobile company. He even got promoted last year so I think he’s doing fine. Plus, he’s got me.” She laughed. 

“Yes.” I agreed. “I’m happy to know that everyone’s doing great.”

“Right?” She beamed. “Back then we were just a bunch of college students who didn’t have any idea about what the future looks like.”

I nodded, smiling. “You’re right. If we only knew what was ahead of us, we would have maximized our time having fun.”

“Yeah and sometimes, I kinda miss those days, you know, Seol. Us, hanging out on the campus. Or you guys would go to the café where I work part-time and we’d talk about everything under the sun. Honestly, one of the best days of my life…”

That kinda made me take down the memory lane as well.

“Mine too,” I muttered. “To the point that there were times I wished I never left.” I must admit I sounded sad.

 “Aw, Seolhee. But look at you now, you’re successful and you’re doing amazing.” She held my hand once more. “I’m sure there are hundreds of people who pray for what you have now.”

 I smiled at her.

“It’s as if you never change Naeun. You’re still the sweetest,” I let out a small laugh as she did the same thing hearing my remark. “And the chattiest.” I exhaled loudly. “Oh, I suddenly miss everyone.”

“I know right, we should all catch up. Really.” She suggested. “Especially that all five of us are in the same peninsula now, I’ll make sure to arrange a reunion.” She was so excited, her eyes were lighting up. “By the way, are you okay with Baekhyun coming?”

I hesitated for a moment as I was unsure of my answer and she must have sensed it.

“It’s fine.” I blurted out anyway. “If he’s fine with it, of course, I think we should all catch up.”

“Okay.” She seemed relieved. “I’ll go check on everyone soon. Most of us won’t be available on weekdays because of work and if we do meet after work, we’d have limited time. But then I’m not sure if everyone is free this weekend…will you be?”

“I guess so, I still have a few days before I start with the project.”

“Great, I’ll message you then, which reminds me you should give me your number later, is that okay?”

“Yes, sure,” I answered. “Since I only have Gramps and dad in my contact list as of now.”

She chuckled before she proceeded to ask how they were. We talked a little bit more about how things progressed with her and Minseok as we finished the tea.

I left her place at thirty past ten. I drove back to my place and didn’t realize how tired I was my back touched the mattress of my bed. I closed my eyes and was welcomed by the ceiling when I opened them once more.

There’s this little joy in my heart brought by my unexpected meeting with Naeun. I felt like I had been reunited with my old self too. For the past years, there’d been nothing much about me but work and a couple of failed relationships. And though I have come quite accomplished in terms of my career, I never really had a circle of friends like them. And I guess that’s what I missed the most. Being with the people who knew me and loved me before.

I am not sure though if I was ready to meet Baekhyun. Sometimes, I wi

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961 streak #1
Chapter 21: I think Baekhyun fell in love with her and never stopped loving her more and more, despite the difficulties. He is such a patient lover. Seolhee is quite a difficult person to deal with and her career really took a toll on their relationship. I actually thought she would resign when forced to take the Vienna project. I would have done that!
And Gramps also fell in love with Baekhyun. It's always hilariois when he asks Baekhyun when he will marry his granddaughter.
Thank you for sharing their journey.
961 streak #2
Chapter 19: I just knew that he would be in Vienna but I didn't anticipate the proposal. Great job!
961 streak #3
Chapter 12: Seol always finds something to be missed about. I hope she just learns to take things in stride.
961 streak #4
Chapter 7: Wow!
Finally the confession and the acceptance.
961 streak #5
Chapter 6: I just love how straightforward is Jongin.
961 streak #6
Chapter 4: Chapter 4: I started reading this today.
The ending scene of this chapter is so dramatic with the four characters.
Jcdfdc4BBh #7
Chapter 23: Can’t wait to start reading this new story!
56% is one of my favorite stories here in AFF.
Chapter 23: Yes, I'm sure I'm gonna love it🤍
ByunBossHyun #9
Chapter 13: YESSSS
ByunBossHyun #10
Chapter 11: I love the fact that Seol didn't forgive and marry him 7 years ago just like the cliche romances