Chapter 2

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"Doesn't poison taste so delicious? It's so pleasurable to me." 




"Baekhyun where were you last night?" I asked as I watched him paced around the room. He was getting ready for the day, his clothes fresh and tidy and his hair neatly combed. He just woke me up a moment ago with the usual morning hug that comes afterwards.


"Oh sorry about that, mom needed some help from me. Took quite a long time to help her with it." He said as he fixed himself in front of the mirror.


"What kind of help?" I tried to pry in, what kind of help was it that he didn't came back after such a long time?


"Nothing, it's just her old memory box that she wants me to help her get from the storage room. It was messy and crowded so it took me a long time to search where it was, wasn't an easy task." 


"Why is she asking you to do such things so late at night?" I asked. Baekhyun glanced at me through the mirror for a moment before returning to fixing his hair.


"Mom's used to doing weird things at weird times but it's usual for us." Usual? Did I hear that right ?


"Whatever" I muttered under my breath and walk my way to the bathroom to get ready for the day.




"Mia come help me bake these cookies." Mrs Byun excitedly called me. I was admiring the garden and was just about to run towards Baekhyun as I spotted him picking up a few flowers from the wide lawn when the woman shouted my name from the back kitchen.


Seriously why can't I spend my time with him properly! I haven't had a proper conversation since we went out of our bedroom. During breakfast he sat beside me but he couldn't speak to me since his mother kept showing pictures from the 'memory box' to everyone and asking Baekhyun about the old times and whether he remembered them or not. Gosh it was endless, and my head was aching.

I kept sipping onto the delicious tea, mind floating off somewhere till breakfast finally ended. It didn't help when Chanyeol made an entry in the mansion because just as I was about to ask Baekhyun If he could give me a tour, that giant stole him away supposedly for some bro time talk.

Lunch time came and finally I could have some private time talking with Baekhyun although it was a short lived one. The kids had suddenly turn rabid and the next thing I knew was the whole table panicking including Baekhyun when they started to claw and scratch at each other. It was a havoc. And now it was tea time and I thought I could at least have a walk with him in the garden but his mother had to come at the perfect moment to ruin it.


"Come child, you can sieve the flour while I get the other ingredients." I sighed and make my way toward the counter. I was about to pour the flour onto the sieve when a hand stopped me.


"Not like that miss, you should wash your hands first before you touch anything." I stared at the butler's annoying face. I gave him a glare before stomping my way to the sink to clean my hands. 


"Happy?!" I huffed and went to do the work I was assigned to. He just chuckled at my reaction.


"Why are you so snappy?" He suddenly asked. I rolled my eyes at him and he chuckled at that too, seriously!


"Ignoring me are you miss?" He asked and I looked up to glare at his smug looking face. I scoff when he winked at me. Baekhyun will surely kill you no matter how close the both of your are, you dumb butler.


"Don't you have work to do?" I asked as I finished sieving the flour into the bowl. He clicked his tongue, I could feel his gaze following my hand movement as I put away the sieve in one corner.


"He does have work darling, lots of it but he loves to mess around. Don't you Jongdae?" Mrs Byun suddenly came out of the kitchen, holding the rest of the ingredients in her hands.


"Yes right mama, I better get to it then." He went away. Mama? He calls his boss mama? Ughh and I still haven't yet impressed her enough to have her to let me call her mom.


"Don't mind him, he gets a little spoiled sometimes. Although he works for us, we've known him since he was a child. We had accepted him as our own and told him he didn't have to work for us anymore and even offered him a job at our company but he refused. He told us that he rather do the job of taking care of the house rather than to work behind a computer screen all day long." Wow, why am I hearing such a long story of a person as rude and mannerless like him? Honestly why are all Baekhyun's friends so uncivil? Except for Jinji though. 


"Help me crack the eggs dear." Mrs Byun said and I just realized I had been staring off into space again. She didn't look so happy, clearly because I wasn't listening to her talk with full concentration. Great, It's going to take me a longer time to win her heart. Hope it isn't too impossible.


I inhaled a huge deep breath and chanted a mantra to calm myself down inside my heart before I begin to do the work. 

- - - 


"Why look so glum huh?" Jongdae leaned beside me on the counter, resting his elbows the same like I did. I rolled my eyes for the nth time today at him.


"Are you not scared I could report to my boyfriend about this flirty attitude of yours? You're near to crossing the limits butler." I groaned. Chanyeol ate my head this morning with his nonsense ideas about work ethics and now this little rat had to in and ask every single thing I do.


"Woahh chill, I think you are misunderstanding me. This is how I talk to people, to everyone so in conclusion I am not flirting with you nor am I planning to cross any limits. Don't get your hopes too high up missy." I gaped at him, the audacity this servant has!


"Do you even listen to yourself? Get my hopes to high for someone like you? How dare you?" I scoff and he wrinkled his brows at me. All the playfulness in his face disappearing.


"I'm starting to think you're no fun at all. I thought you're feisty but turns out you're just rude." It was his turn to scoff at my face and with that he left me alone as I gaped at his back in disbelief. Rude? Excuse me?

Ughh I had burnt the cookies, upset Baekhyun's mom and now this dude is testing my patience! Seriously I need to have a serious word with Baekhyun once we get in our room. 


"Hmmm smells good." Mrs Byun inhaled the sweet aroma of the new batch of freshly baked cookies as she went out of the kitchen, I twisted my head towards her direction.


"Come dear, help me with the frosting!" Seriously this woman just never gives up. She was upset with me a moment ago but now she looked like a benevolent fairy godmother who bakes sugary cookies for kind and sweet little children. I leaned away from the counter, helping her take out the other trays out from the oven before taking out the icing bag from the fridge.


"We should put some sprinkles too!" she excitedly said and ran to the huge pantry to get the said decorations. I focused on icing the cookies, making sure there wasn't a single mess on them. It has to be perfect, it has to be great.


"Unnie don't forget to breath." Sana'a voice popped out of nowhere and startled me. I jolted from my position, causing a bit a of the icing to spluttered on the cookies. No!!! My hard work!


"Oh no!" Sana ran from the front of the counter top and quickly took a small butter knife from the utensils drawer while I stood there like a statue. She carefully scraped off the cream form the bare cookies and threw the residues to the small disposable plastic nearby. I just looked at her, why was I even frozen?my mind wasn't working. I shake my head as I tried to focus back on the cookies.


"Sorry for startling you..." she spoke in her soft timid voice. I just turned to her and smile.


"No it's okay, I was just too focused on it." I was going to say more about why I was in such in deep concentration when mrs Byun appeared through the kitchen doorway with the tubs of sprinkles in her hand and her face looking very enthusiastic.


"Sana my baby, glad you're here. Help mommy and Unnie decorate these cookies." Sana nodded her head quickly like how a good obedient little kid would.

She may be too childish for my liking but I could still tolerate her. At least she isn't one of the many people here who are just downright annoying or who lacks manners or the ones that are taking away my Baekhyun from me. I thought that this holiday I could spend some good quaility time with him and catch up while I'm in his family home, in his birth place but it isn't going so well. But thank god we'll only be here for 10 days and afterwards Me and Baekhyun can go on our own couple trip to jeju island like we had planned. We haven't bought the tickets yet, I better get them soon otherwise there won't be any seat left by the time I book.


"Sana, while we're preparing you can call the rest for tea now, we will have it outside in the green house." Mrs Byun said as she placed the cookies carefully onto the vibrant plates.


"Okay." She hurriedly said just as I was about to open my mouth to suggest if I could do it instead. I close it back and side eyed the old woman beside me. 



"So how's the cookie?" Mrs Byun ask as soon as Baekhyun finished munching down the whole plate of it.


"So delicious!" He his attractive lips, god why are we here? Why do we have to be so far apart from each other where we could spend our time alone, together and so so close.


"Mia helped me baked them today. She's amazing at it and little Sana over here helped as well with the decorating." Amazing would be the word far from it... but why did she lie though? Was my mistake that bad?


"These are great mom!" Baekhyun asserted towards his mother who just lovingly smiled at him. I sat up straighter in my seat, waiting for Baekhyun to turn my way and say some words for my hard work. Although I did made mistakes, I still tried my best


"Awww, My little dongsaeng help made this! So sweet of you.." Baekhyun cooed at his little sister that was beside him and her head lovingly. 

My awaiting smile disappeared.


"Well I only did the sprinkles bit, Mia Unnie did most of the work with mom." Sana said. Yes thank you child!


"Mia you're excellent at it." Baekhyun finally turned to me and smi

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Chapter 7: Holly ttt this is so ed up and very interesting
Chapter 7: WHAT.....OH MY GOD......
Vish15 #3
Chapter 7: Kindly take it as a compliment!! How can you write this dark oh my god!! Every time I read this story it haunts me for days!! This whole story just creeps me out so much that earlier decided to not read till it gets completed but then you updated it and I got curious!! And this chapter has mentally damaged me that I had to read something light 😂 the whole concept is so dark and mysterious. This is the first time I am reading something like this .Baekhyun’s character is dark and frustrating. This whole story is frustrating and I want to read the end. I feel bad for Mia after this chapter. I think they do drugs!! And the whole Sana thing is so creepy. I don’t know what to do after the last scene.
Nikita_trivedi #4
Chapter 3: Mia's character honestly is just pure disgusting ! She is a very selfish and rude girl who knows no respect or space type of words... she only wants baekhyun but does not understand importance of elders or family or to give the family some time to bond after they've met so long... she thinks of everyone around her as a waste of time which according to me is plain disgusting. She doesn't even try to ask or understand about the family. Just making assumptions and judging of her own. I know there must be some secrets of the family but Mia is no saint either. Honestly I hate girls like her who are themselves so dumb and irritating but go around judging others.. sorry I over spoke.... hahaha...but after reading some chapters I couldn't help but add this comment. I'm yet to read the next chapters. I just had to say this.
Chapter 6: I'm so creeped out that I don't know what to do with myself.
100496 #6
Chapter 6: Why he fin***** her
bjonas84 #7
Chapter 6: I'm so confused and lost and scared hahaha
Chapter 5: Goodness, gracious, I'm so scared!
i am so lost rn but the girl is definitely not his sister
100496 #10
Chapter 5: Is it the last part baekhyun get her sister like that
What he did