Chapter 4

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"Come, let me taste you so I could melt away all my wrath into your sweet delicate mouth..." 





"Shhhh go to sleep princess..." I took in a deep breath, my hands reaching the door knob. I know I was told to give him space but I just couldn't stand it. I could hear Baekhyun lulling his sister to sleep from the other side of the room and it just pushed the eagerness in me more to open the door. So I did.


When I entered I could only make out the two shadowy figures on the large circle bed as it was hard to see since the bed was covered by the sheer canopy. I walked closer to get a better look, I could see Baekhyun was inside, patting the head of the small girl to sleep as he hummed a soothing tune.


"Baek—" I stopped when he raised his pointer finger up to me then placed it on his lips, telling me to be quite as he acknowledged my presence. He had never been this authoritative to me... I swallowed the excess saliva in my mouth as I waited. 


It wasn't five minutes later when he slowly made his way out of the bed, being careful not to make much noise as it may wake the sleeping girl. My heartbeat accelerated faster as I watched him got out of the tent-like thing and walked straight outside, completely ignoring me.I ran after him, I didn't care anymore. I knew what I did was unforgivable but I wasn't cheating on him! I wasn't! And I will never even think of doing it.


"Baekhyun wait!" I stopped him but he swatted my hands away from his shoulder. I tried again and this time I ran in front of him and stopped him by blocking his way with my arms.


"Let me pass." He muttered, eyes casted to look down at the floor. He wouldn't look at me, no I can't allow this!


"No, not before you hear me out and accept my apology." Baekhyun lifted his head and kept staring at me as the unfamiliar cold aura surrounded him. I thought that's it this will be the end of us before all of sudden he breaks the tension off with a chuckle.


But my heart jump more in my chest for this was no ordinary chuckle, this chuckle sounded dry, dark and foreign. His unusual eyes bore into me making me step back a step. I'm not used to this intimidating Baekhyun but I swallowed all the nervousness and open my mouth. I won't back down, I have to fix this.


"I'm sorry Baekhyun, I didn't mean to do what I did last night. I didn't even know it had happened if it weren't for your mom who told me about it this morning. I swear I wasn't going to cheat on you, you have to believe in me. You know how much I love you." My voice almost broke at the end. Baekhyun's faint smile disappeared from his face after I finished my sentence. His eyes glint mysteriously under the dim lights of the hallways. I stayed quiet.


"I know...I know how much you love me. I know you won't ever cheat on me...." he stepped forward, his eyes held a certain darkness in them that I've never seen before. He ran a hand through the jet black strands of his hair and clicked his tongue before leaning back to take a good scan at my face. I didn't breath.


"I accept your apology love. I can not stay mad at you for a long time." He suddenly smiled, his eyes turning back to normal that it caught me off guard by how fast it changed. It's as if his eyes were a light switch that could be easily switched on and off with a an instant click. 


He brought my statued body to a tight hug.


"Although I'm upset I know you won't cheat on me. You thought that man was me last night. I don't blame you but next time I won't let you drink more than two shots." He muttered into my ears and I relieved a huge breath as I close my eyes. His scent that surrounded me gave me extra comfort alongside his ensuring words.

Thank god, I know my boyfriend wasn't one of those nutheads. He understands. But strangely enough, didn't his anger died down too fast? I shook that thought off, Why do I have to think about that? he has forgiven me. That's all I need.


"I'm sorry Baek, I promise I won't repeat it again." My eyes teared up as we parted.


"It's okay it was partly my mistake too, I shouldn't have let you drink that much knowing how bad you are at handling alcohol." He smiled at me, so sweetly, so beautifully. I wanted to return back a smile but I blinked when my vision became blurred again. The feeling of uneasiness was back and it was rising up to my throat. Why was I uneasy? Baekhyun has forgiven me, everything is fine...


"Are you okay love?" Baekhyun asked as he placed the back of his palm on my forehead, feeling my temperature. Black dots appeared at the corner of my eyes.


"Yeah I'm fine, thanks for understanding baby."I managed to smile at him and hugged him again but my legs wobbled a little. I quickly excused  myself and went back to the bedroom.


I swayed and tipped over to the bed, my head was aching like hell and I felt like the food was trying to come out of my stomach. Sweat covered my forehead and before I knew it my head had slammed itself to the soft pillows and my mind swooped into a plunging pool of blackness.





"So how do you like my bead room?" Mrs Byun said as I examined the room with shelfs filled with all sorts of beads and stones.


"It's great." I tried to reply enthusiastically, my hands reaching to touch the intricate stones that laid on display on the table.


"Just great?" Gosh isn't that  a better word than just 'good' or 'fine'?


"It's amazing, I've always been fascinated with healing stones." I smiled at her and picked up a crystal quartz.


" healing medicines are way better though..." she mumbled but I didn't quite hear it as I was so focused on studying the unique looking stone. It looked whimsical.


"How is Sana?" I asked as I held the crystal directly under the sunlight, it was a very hot sunny day today. I could feel the tiredness  of my body weighing me down but I shook it off. I don't know what's wrong with me, I've been feeling out of it for days now...


"She is good, as always. My little baby is strong." I looked at her and got reminded of Chanyeol's words.


"About that, what exactly is her sickness mom?" Her face turned hard and it reminded me of Baekhyun's expression when he was mad at me.


"It's none of your concern child." She coldly replied and that shut me up. I guess it was a sensitive topic since this is the first time I've seen her speak so frigidly towards me. I cleared my throat and proceeded on to comment about her crystals.


I eyed the woman who was now smiling and chuckling as she talk about her precious crystals, it wasn't even a minute after she had snapped at me, something is wrong...




"Sorry miss." The maid who had accidentally bumped into me apologize. She was rushing in her steps that she didn't realize my presence and that resulted in our head ramming into each other and the both of us almost falling down in the process of it.


"It's fine." I held my hand to stop her when she tried to inspect my forehead. I was still suffering from a headache since morning and now this pain she gave is just a cherry on top to add to it.


"I wish I could help you miss but I have to do my duties." She looked at me with concern. I massaged my forehead, I was already in pain because of her, I don't need her useless help.


"I said it's fine." I sternly said and she back off before bowing off to excuse herself. I watched as she scurried to a familiar room with some towels in her hand.

I didn't know why my feet followed her to the front of the room, I could clearly see the bright rays of sunshine that filled the said room and the sound of running waters coming from the open bathroom door. Ughh, I rolled my eyes. Rich people are surely pampered so ridiculously.


"He asked for that bubble ba—"
I could only hear that much before the maid slammed the door straight at my face. I wanted to shout at her for being so disrespectful but then I realized she didn't even know I was standing there. And why am I even still standing here??

I quickly made my way towards my safe haven, my room.


"Baekhyun?" I called the first person I hoped would be there inside but of course as usual he wasn't there. I suspired a breath.


I was about to grab the clothes from my suitcase when the bright evening sun that shone form outside slipped through the slightly opened curtains of the balcony doors and penetrated my eyes. I squint at the sudden intrusion of light before my ears picked up a distinct voice from a distant.

I looked at the knob of the huge balcony door, half revealed because of the opened curtain. The wind was rustling through the opening slit of the door, carrying a string of voices with it.My ears perked at the sound of it, I let go of the lid of my suitcase and followed the noise till I reached outside. I had to squint more at the brightness of the evening sun, the sun was setting right in front of my eyes.I held my hand above my face, shielding me from the sunshine.


"Come here you little devil!" I whipped my head down towards the wide garden once I reached near the railings. There he was, my Baekhyun. But he wasn't alone, I don't know why I felt the same fatigue soak down my legs, slowly taking me.


"This is not fair!!" The small girl screamed when she was captured by the waist and hollered up to the air. My foot pressed harder to the floor below me subconsciously.


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Chapter 7: Holly ttt this is so ed up and very interesting
Chapter 7: WHAT.....OH MY GOD......
Vish15 #3
Chapter 7: Kindly take it as a compliment!! How can you write this dark oh my god!! Every time I read this story it haunts me for days!! This whole story just creeps me out so much that earlier decided to not read till it gets completed but then you updated it and I got curious!! And this chapter has mentally damaged me that I had to read something light 😂 the whole concept is so dark and mysterious. This is the first time I am reading something like this .Baekhyun’s character is dark and frustrating. This whole story is frustrating and I want to read the end. I feel bad for Mia after this chapter. I think they do drugs!! And the whole Sana thing is so creepy. I don’t know what to do after the last scene.
Nikita_trivedi #4
Chapter 3: Mia's character honestly is just pure disgusting ! She is a very selfish and rude girl who knows no respect or space type of words... she only wants baekhyun but does not understand importance of elders or family or to give the family some time to bond after they've met so long... she thinks of everyone around her as a waste of time which according to me is plain disgusting. She doesn't even try to ask or understand about the family. Just making assumptions and judging of her own. I know there must be some secrets of the family but Mia is no saint either. Honestly I hate girls like her who are themselves so dumb and irritating but go around judging others.. sorry I over spoke.... hahaha...but after reading some chapters I couldn't help but add this comment. I'm yet to read the next chapters. I just had to say this.
Chapter 6: I'm so creeped out that I don't know what to do with myself.
100496 #6
Chapter 6: Why he fin***** her
bjonas84 #7
Chapter 6: I'm so confused and lost and scared hahaha
Chapter 5: Goodness, gracious, I'm so scared!
i am so lost rn but the girl is definitely not his sister
100496 #10
Chapter 5: Is it the last part baekhyun get her sister like that
What he did