Chapter 1

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"Love can turn even the brightest of people weak and blind..."





"Wake up love..." the soothing voice of my boyfriend ringed in my ears. As much as I wanted to snuggle myself even more inside the warm covers and hug the softness of the fluffy pillow for a while longer I just couldn't. Not when my boyfriend was calling me up with his sweet sweet voice that always cheers me up even when I'm on the verge of collapsing due to extreme tiredness.

There is just something so soothing in his voice which seems to always affect me even after all these years of hearing it.


I peeped an eye open to see the male hovering on top of me with an angelic smiled glowing radiantly on his pink pouty lips. God what did I do to have a boyfriend like him... he was everything any girl could ever wish for.

Handsome, kind, caring, funny, cheerful, a little stubborn sometimes and a little touchy but other than that he had no flaws. None at all.


I sighed and reached my hand up like I always do, waiting for his beautiful soft ones to embraced it and pull me into his arms. It has been a habit of me to hug him every time I would wake up.


"Come on, we're going to be late!" He complained as he tried to detach himself from my tight koala hug. He smells so good....


"Okay baby, no need to shout in my ears. You do know I could get ready in less than five." I told him as I looked up to see his annoyed face which I found so cute. He resembles a mad little puppy with those pouting lips of his. He may be in his late twenties but he still resembles a teenage boy. I envy him.


"Well you better move your before I drag you in there myself. We're going to be late!" He huffed as he looked at his watch. I rolled my eyes at him, as if he could drag me...


"Fine!" I grumbled and proceeded to collect the clothes I'll be wearing for the day that I had laid prepared the night before. I entered the bathroom, not even bothering to lock the door before I begin to do my daily routine as fast as I can.



Baekhyun and I had been dating for almost 3 years now, we had each seen each other's body and we had made love many times. Though it seems not so often because we were always busy working, we do make some time up to enjoy each other's company, especially in bed. But I sighed as I came out of the shower, the last time I remember being intimate with him was... like a few months ago? Oh gosh, work has been more than stressful these coming years with so many duties, responsibilities and big projects. We don't have even time to spend with each other like we always do...


But then I remembered why he had woke my lazy up so early today, it was our last day of work before we'll be having our long awaited one month break of holiday. Baekhyun and I worked at the same company and our boss had recently selected a few of the very best in the firm to work in a really huge project and if we succeed we get to have the special holiday alongside a large payment check.

Needless to say, Baekhyun and I, luckily enough being one of those chosen ones had succeeded the super hard project. We made the boss so happy, he even promoted us with a higher rank position in his company and took us out for a formal dinner with his beloved wife.

For our holiday, both Baekhyun and I had decided that we will be visiting his family. In our 3 years of relationship I had not once met his family yet and I had always asked him about them. All he could do was tell me stories about them since we could never visit them as they leave so far away and we had no time to go on breaks just to visit his home. That was how busy work was, but once we were promoted with a higher job and higher salary maybe in the near future we could have more breaks. I hope so. 



I quickly put on my clothes in the speed of light as excitement rushed through me. Finally I'm going to meet his parents!! From what I heard based on in his stories they seemed to be nice people. I will admit I'm also nervous to meet them since I have this huge mission ahead of me on how I could impress them. For sure they wanna know how good of a woman their son has been dating for quite a long time!

Once I fixed the collar of my blouse and neatly applied some red tint onto my lips, I was ready to go out. I looked at the clock, precisely seven minutes had passed. 


I sheepishly smiled as I saw Baekhyun leaning against the wall next to the kitchen counter while he gave me an irritated look for not being fast enough like I promised him I would. I took out a piece of donut from the counter that he apparently bought for breakfast in the morning since he loves to eat sweet things and a carton of low fat milk before putting on my shoes and coat and headed out the door following suit behind him.


"Less than five minutes you say?" He asked as we entered the car. I rolled my eyes at that and started to munch on the soft bread.


"I got a little distracted..." I chewed.


"Don't talk with your mouthful missy." He reminded me as he started the engine.


"Says the one who makes ridiculous loud chewing noises while he eats." I said, the icing that had melted on my finger. Baekhyun just clicked his tongue at that as he took a U turn.


"I was thinking about our's going to be the first time I'll be meeting your family after so long of us dating...and I'm excited but a little nervous I guess." I murmured as I finished sipping onto the milk.


"Babe you don't have to be nervous, my parents would love you I'm sure of that." He said sweetly, bringing his hand up to caress my cheek as we stopped at a red light. His touch sure does calm me down.


"I know... I's the first time that's all." He nodded his head at me and returned his attention back onto the road.


"Every girl would be nervous to meet their boyfriend's parents. Even us guys, I was pretty nervous too when I met your parents." Baekhyun was right and yes he was quite nervous when I took him to meet my parents one evening but he played it cool very well.


My parents lived in the same town and I've always visited them every other month if I could so when I first started dating Baekhyun I immediately took him to meet them when I was sure I was going to be with him for a long time. And true to my words, we have been dating for 3 years now and it has been magical.

I looked at my boyfriend driving, his face in full concentration. He looked so hot when he is so serious like this.  I bit my lips as I turned my head to look back at the road. Is this what happens when it's been so long since I've last been intimate with him? I never have these kind of thoughts... sure when we first met I knew he was so attractive and I had a few dirty fantasies about him which I'm sure he do too. But now it seems like every little things he do looked so appealing and just ughhh it made some urge to grow inside of me without me knowing.

I made a mental note, once our holiday starts I'm going to make the best out of it. We are going to have a great time and I'll make sure I'll make love to him till he has more than enough of it.

I felt guilty for not sparing him more time these days so the least I could do is make up for it. Baekhyun deserve all the love I have for him which is endless.


I smiled at the thought and Baekhyun had to shook me on the shoulders to bring me out of my own thinking cloud. I blinked as I saw we had reached and he had parked the car.


"Sorry, it's the sleepiness." I quickly reasoned as we got off.


"See you at lunch baby." He kissed my cheek before we walked our different ways. Though we work in the same building, we both had different jobs. I was now the head of sales manager while he worked as the head of staff recruitment.


"Hey Mia, excited for the holiday?" My friend Jinji suddenly greeted me out of nowhere.


She had been my friend ever since my very first day of working in this company and had always stick with me through thick and thin but it wasn't a few years later when I discovered my secretary of a friend here was the daughter of my own boss. My own freaking boss! But Jinji was nothing like a spoiled brat although she sassed like one sometimes.

The day I discovered who she really was changed my attitude towards her and she did not like it one bit. She had told me to treat her as she was before and that was what I've been doing. This girl always surprise me...


"Yup so excited, and nervous too." I told her as I placed my bag onto my office table. It's so much nicer to have my own room now.


"Ow yeah right you're visiting your boyfriend's parents. Good luck with that." Her eyes widened a little at the words 'parents' to indicate what I was going to face. Wow, what a nice encouragement.


"Thanks, I need all the luck I can get. It's nerve wrecking." I chewed on my lips as I fixed the files I'm about to review before the day ends.


"I'm sure they will love you, you're great. I mean look at you, you're smart, pretty, responsible and hard working." She smiled. Hmmm, well I should trust her words, after all she knew Baekhyun first before me. She was his best friend and she was the one who had introduced me to him on my second year of working. If she thinks I'll make a good impression than maybe she is right.Giving me a thumbs up, she walked her way out of the office.


I sighed, better get my mind off it today as it's the last day of work. I should work extra hard.




"Ready?" Baekhyun asked me as I finished packing away our suitcases and switching off most of the lights in our apartment. I nodded at him, smiling softly before I followed after him. I took a last glance at our cozy apartment and switched off the last of the lights before heading out.

"Don't worry, I'll be there." He soothed me as I begin to ponder and think of what the situation would become. Why was I so nervous?


The road trip was quite long, Baekhyun really wasn't joking when he said his parents lived so far away. We had been on the highway for almost 6 hours now. We had only made a quick stop to eat our lunch and refill back the car fuel and I was getting a little sick of it. But I hate sitting in airplanes much more then in the car. I get sick very easily especially if it's motion sickness. 


"You didn't tell me you're family is this rich" I muttered as the car stopped in front of a huge building. It wasn't as big as a mansion but way bigger than a normal house should look like. My boyfriend never told me he was a rich bastard's son! How come—


"Well I decided not to. It's their wealth to show off not mine." He went out of the car. Huh...that made sense, I shouldn't have doubt his decision on not to tell me. 



I took another look at the surroundings, everywhere I see were huge plains of meadows and grass field and in the far distance evergreen trees from a forest. Although the scenery looked so beautiful with all the flowers lining the side cobblestone paths and the greenery surrounding each corner of my vision, there was something about the place that seems a bit... strange?

It was big, situated at the center and it had enormous iron gates lining the entrance and surrounding it. I don't know why those gates just looked scary to me, they're big and black with sharp spikes on the top of them. And there were no other houses nearby that were visible, this place was an enclosed area of its own. Its like it has its own world. Maybe his parents preferred the silence more?


'Tap,tap'tap' the glass window beside me made a tapping noise. I looked up to see Baekhyun looking down at me with a questioning look.


I quickly unlocked the door and went out.


"Stop thinking babe, it will be alright. Just trust me hmm?" He said and smiled. That smile, the smile that always soothes me. I felt my chest deflated like a balloon as soon as he gave me a reassuring kiss on the lips. Why am I thinking so much?


Baekhyun ranged the doorbell while I waited beside him. Our suitcases behind us and my heart pounding loudly through my chest. After a few more tries, the door finally opened.


"Baekhyun sir, how delightful to see you again." A man with chestnut colored hair bowed with a playful smile pasted across his lips. From the looks of his attire, I conclude he may be a butler. I mean his parents are sure rich enough to hire a butler and many other servants in a house as big as this. They're damn rich!


"Jongdae, it's been so long buddy!" Baekhyun chuckled before they both gave each other a hug. They seemed friendly. Jongdae's eyes met mine for a second before he whispered something to Baekhyun's ears in which he just laughed. Whatever it was, I bet no I'm hundred percent sure he was talking about me. Surely I'll ask Baekhyun about it once we settled in our rooms.


"Come in miss" he smiled at me and bowed politely. Pffttt.. you were just talking about me a few seconds ago and now you're showing politeness? I lightly scoff and walked inside following Baekhyun who was already making his way further in. While Jongdae went to get our luggages from the front porch, I took my time to wander at the insides of the room. It was big and unlike the classic style of the building from the outside, the interior is more of a  modern style. Mostly decorated in white or very light colors and of course marble. 


"Baekhyun my dear you're here!" A woman's voice knock me out of my stupid gawking session. I look to see a woman who looks like she was in her mid 50's rushing her way towards Baekhyun to give him a hug. That must be his mom. She looked just like him.


"I miss you so much my sweet child." She hugged him tighter, face washed in so much happiness. I swallowed any saliva that is left in my mouth when her eyes went to mine. This is it, good impression... good impression Mia.


"Who is this? Is this your girlfriend?" She asked, I couldn't help but slipped a frowned when I noticed the tone of her voice turning a little hostile. Maybe she isn't used to seeing stranger that often especially when she's been living in an area so secluded and far. Or maybe she was one of those mothers who wants to personally choose the girl for her son according to her liking. Whatever it was I muster up the sweetest smile I could.


"Mia meet my mom and mom meet Mia." Baekhyun cheerfully said and suddenly just as quick as a flash of lightning, her facial expression changes. Her eyes beamed with happiness as she went to give me a hug. I was frozen for a second, not knowing what to do till I gather up the courage to hug her back. What was I doing?! I needed to make a good impression.


Not long after that came Baekhyun's father with what seemed like the rest of his family. I greeted the old man and bowed as respectfully as I could, my eyes noticing the suddenly crowded room. Baekhyun's elder brother Baekbeom was the first I recognize as I've seen a photo of him from Baekhyun's gallery. He was with his wife and 2 kids which were still in kindergarten.

Baekhyun told me they lived in this house with hi

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Chapter 7: Holly ttt this is so ed up and very interesting
Chapter 7: WHAT.....OH MY GOD......
Vish15 #3
Chapter 7: Kindly take it as a compliment!! How can you write this dark oh my god!! Every time I read this story it haunts me for days!! This whole story just creeps me out so much that earlier decided to not read till it gets completed but then you updated it and I got curious!! And this chapter has mentally damaged me that I had to read something light 😂 the whole concept is so dark and mysterious. This is the first time I am reading something like this .Baekhyun’s character is dark and frustrating. This whole story is frustrating and I want to read the end. I feel bad for Mia after this chapter. I think they do drugs!! And the whole Sana thing is so creepy. I don’t know what to do after the last scene.
Nikita_trivedi #4
Chapter 3: Mia's character honestly is just pure disgusting ! She is a very selfish and rude girl who knows no respect or space type of words... she only wants baekhyun but does not understand importance of elders or family or to give the family some time to bond after they've met so long... she thinks of everyone around her as a waste of time which according to me is plain disgusting. She doesn't even try to ask or understand about the family. Just making assumptions and judging of her own. I know there must be some secrets of the family but Mia is no saint either. Honestly I hate girls like her who are themselves so dumb and irritating but go around judging others.. sorry I over spoke.... hahaha...but after reading some chapters I couldn't help but add this comment. I'm yet to read the next chapters. I just had to say this.
Chapter 6: I'm so creeped out that I don't know what to do with myself.
100496 #6
Chapter 6: Why he fin***** her
bjonas84 #7
Chapter 6: I'm so confused and lost and scared hahaha
Chapter 5: Goodness, gracious, I'm so scared!
i am so lost rn but the girl is definitely not his sister
100496 #10
Chapter 5: Is it the last part baekhyun get her sister like that
What he did