Chapter seven

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Chapter 7

 A few days later, it was time to fly back to Seoul. The morning panned out like every other camera-pleasing facade, with Wonyoung and Chaewon making their grand entrance into the airport together. Minju and Yujin’s entrance was already made a few minutes ago, and now the sight of Kim Group and Jang Corporations’ heirs made everyone’s heads turn instantly. The two walked hand in hand, powerfully strutting through the crowd of reporters. 


“Yeoksi,” Yena sighed, “the perfect couple is back at it again.”

Minju sat in silence, watching their entry with envy. But it’s not like she had anything to worry about- her and Chaewon had spent the last week together in Japan, having fun and doing the romantic things that they never get to do in Seoul. They even spent the night together the previous night, with the excuse that they were sightseeing and needed to stay in a hotel for the time being. It was the first time in a long time where Minju could hold Chaewon in her arms, kissing her cheeks while the girl was asleep. 


Minju knows that Chaewon is serious about them. Chaewon is so intense, so passionate and loving that she seldom lies about her feelings. Her way of conveying her love is so poetic and beautiful that there’s no way Minju can love anyone else the same. But all of that happens behind the scenes. In public, it’s impossible for Chaewon to profess her love like this. Instead, Minju has to watch her doing it for Wonyoung, while she watches. 


Her uncomfortability didn’t go unnoticed by Chaewon, though. Even in public, even when she is with Wonyoung and has to pretend to love her instead, Chaewon still looks for Minju in a crowded room. And she can see her right now, looking uneasy with a frown on her face. Just as much as it hurts Minju to see her and Wonyoung like this, it hurts Chaewon just as much to see Yujin and Minju together. The feeling is very much mutual. 




Walking down the first class aisle in the airplane, Chaewon stopped in front of Wonyoung.


“Wonny, I’m gonna go and sit with Minju,” she said, glancing at Minju who was putting her luggage into the overhead locker.


Before Wonyoung could even consent to this, Chaewon was already walking off to where Minju was. She sighed and proceeded to put her own luggage away.


After, Wonyoung walked further along the aisle to find a free seat. The only seat available happened to be opposite Yujin. She groaned internally and searched around hopefully for a different seat, but the air stewardess ushered her to sit down.


She sat down reluctantly, which earned a glance from Yujin. 


“Can you sit?” she scoffed at the sight of Wonyoung who seemed to be uncomfortable on her seat.


It wasn’t that she was physically uncomfortable, it was that she wanted to be as squished up to the window as possible so that she didn’t have to engage in communication with Yujin.


“You look ridiculous,” she commented again before she focused back on her laptop.


To avoid further conversation, Wonyoung picked up her magazine.




Chaewon nonchalantly slid into the seat next to Minju after tidying her things. Minju looked at her, eyes shifting in worry. 


“What? We’re friends,” Chaewon said in a joking tone, laying back in her chair.

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i came back a month later and i can see that this ff has a lot of attention... should i continue writing it?


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Author please update this huhuhu
vqmlhr #2
Chapter 8: hello where are you
Sokheangkk #3
Chapter 8: Next part please
Chapter 8: I hope you don't abandoned this fic authornim, i'm contemplating between jangchae and 2kim..what a hard decision for chaewon
i'm rooting for Jangchae dncdnjnfm dmbd
Chapter 8: Chaewon has the decision whether it's Wonyoung or Minjoo. Everything is complicated now. Authornim, I'm rooting for the next chaps and also for annyeongz uwu btw 2kim is so cute
Chapter 8: can’t wait for the next chapter. things are a lot more complicated now. i just hope they get to be happy with whom they want to be with in the future.
jasminetea01 #8
2kim forever
Chapter 8: Why 2kim is so sweet~ Hope wonyoung realizes her feeling toward yujin
Chapter 8: I'm curious what will happen in their family gathering, i think something big will happen there. If chaewon really love minjoo, she need to make it clear and be honest to wonyoung. This story getting more interesting now, can wait to read what will happen next