Chapter 08

Living with Vampires [TWICExOC/READER]
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Shortly after, I followed her, wanting to change into something more comfy. I took four of the bags with me.
Arriving at Mina’s room, she already opened her closet and was organizing some place for me in it.
For a moment I observed her, admiring how elegantly she looked, doing such a simple task.
When she had to tiptoe to reach a higher shelf, her shirt slipped up a bit and revealed her stomach and lower back, showing her milky skin. Not wanting to come off as a creep, I looked away and asked her where I should put my things.
“Just give me a minute or two. You can use the left side of the closet, it should be big enough.”

Looking inside it I saw she was right. There would be enough space.
I put my bags down and went two more times back and forth getting the remaining clothes from downstairs.


After Mina rearranged the closet she turned my attention onto her. I was again inspecting her many action figures. She stepped beside me.
“I’m going to take a shower. When I’m finished, I could tell you some more about them.” Smiling, I turned my head to her.
“Yeah, I’d like that.” She returned it with her bright gummy smile and went out of the room. This action made my heart go faster again.

What is she doing to me? I want to see that smile all the time.

While Mina was in the bathroom, I used the time to change my clothes and put my stuff into the closet. I didn’t have time to check them out yet and it was almost like opening up christmas gifts.

I was amazed by the taste of the girls and was really glad that they went such a distance to help me out.
I liked all the things they bought for me and I couldn’t have chosen better. I put on black shorts and a dark red shirt with a white Puma print on it.

When Mina came back into the room, I was halfway finished organizing my things.
“Hey”, she greeted me with her soft voice. Not turning around I answered her.
“You guys chose the clothes very well. I like them.”
“Glad to hear that.” After a short moment of silence in which I finished organizing my new shirts, I heard her going over to the PC and booting it. The low sounds of the machine were barely audible for me. “Do you mind if I play some games later?”

I turned to her, wanting to answer but the words got stuck in my throat. She was wearing a black shirt that just reached down to her belly button, grey baggy sweatpants and her hair was still wet. A sight I’d never forget.

She was a natural beauty. Without a single bit of makeup she was even more flawless than with it and for the first time I registered her moles. Five that I could count before her face turned into a confused state.
“What’s wrong?” Quickly I looked away and turned back to the closet, pretending to adjust my clothes.
“Nothing, I just…”
“Are you not feeling well?” The concern in her voice was really heartwarming. “Let me feel your forehead.”
I started panicking inside. If I let her touch me, I probably would’ve collapsed with a heart attack.
“No I’m okay, just tired. And I don’t mind you playing games, it’s your room after all.”

After a short pause she answered. “No, it’s our room from now on.” That made me choke on my own spit. I never expected that she would be so straightforward. The last few hours during the shopping trip she barely spoke a word. She was really reserved, almost timid.
But since we came back home it was like she was a different person. She didn’t seem so shy anymore. Like she opened her shell for me.

Maybe this is her real side? But why should she open herself up so early for me? Maybe she can relate to me in some way?

An awkward silence fell over us and I decided it would be nice to turn the conversation on a topic she’s familiar with.
“So, the figures? I’d like to hear more about them.” I stepped towards the big shelf and Mina did the same, standing next to me.

We talked for possibly half an hour. For most of the figures I asked about she had a more or less longer story. How she acquired them, what feelings she connects with them and why she chose them. Everything had a meaning. Usually something important that happened shortly before finding a figure.
It was really interesting hearing about it and it appeased me listening to her soothing, soft voice.

Just after Mina finished her story about a set of Duck Tales figures, we got interrupted by a knock on the door and Sana peeked inside the room, a big grin plastered on her face.
“Hey guys! What are you doing?”
“Oh, hey Sana.” I responded with a grin of my own. You just can’t resist it. “Mina’s telling me some stories about her figures.”
“I see. I heard you two a

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nchris #1
Hi. Hope you are okay
nchris #2
Hey. With everything going on I hope you, and your family, is safe and healthy.
Chapter 10: A very interesting story. You did a good job! I will wait for new chapters.
seikiri #4
Chapter 10: The ability to compel is dangerous in the hands of Sana LMAO i look forward to the next chapter :)
nchris #5
Chapter 9: happy to have something to look forward to each week.
but have some questions:
is this (or will be) mainly Mina centric story or Mina Sana or everyone?
do they have different "powers" or the same? As in Mina have something with her eyes, Sana have something with smell?
last, but dont answer as i dont want spoilers just some thoughts out loud, does Seungjae have something similar? like they dont know but his blood gives certain smell to attract them (like how certain human have tasty blood for mosquito)
Riley017 #6
Chapter 8: I can say it has the potential to become one of the best stories I've ever read. Im rooting for you author! Stay safe!
nchris #7
Chapter 6: Nice update. Like the "grounding" of the story and I like underdog stories
nchris #8
Chapter 5: Wow. Really like the story so far. Sub a few days ago looking for , found this, quick scan and put on hold. But had time, started reading and couldn't put it down.
Like how it comes to life even with supernatural things . And underdogs stories are always great.
Good job. Looking forward to this