Chapter 04

Living with Vampires [TWICExOC/READER]
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"Hey, wake up!" A sting on my left cheek. "Wake up, Seungjae!" Now a sting on my right cheek. I slowly opened my eyes and saw the reason. Momo was standing in front of me. She must've woken me up with some slaps. I instantly remembered what happened before I out again.

I kicked Momo in the stomach, making her fall onto the coffee table. I heard gasps from the other girls. I didn't know where that strength came from, probably the adrenaline that kicked in, but I jumped off the couch and ran.
The way to the arch was free. At least I tried to run. But as before, I got yanked. This time at the collar of my sweatshirt.
"Yah! Why did you kick me." Before I realized it, I was lying on the floor and Momo sat on my stomach.

15 year old puberty me would have killed to be in a position like this. Now I was the one who was going to get killed.
"Please! Don't kill me!" I whimpered and tried to squirm away. "Please let me go. I won't tell anyone about you guys!" I closed my eyes and tried to shield my face and throat with my arms. Then I heard Momo sigh and I felt how she rolled of me.
I slowly peeked through my fingers and everyone was standing above me, looking down. One by one I looked at them. Sana smiled, the tall princess-like one had a questioning look her face, the small one tried again to look intimidating, the blue haired girl looked funny, smiling while her head was almost tilted 90 degrees to one side.

Then I looked at Mina. A little smile on her lips and my heart jumped a beat. We locked gazes and it felt like the time stood still. Like the other girls weren't there anymore. I was practically paralyzed.
She was so beautiful and I got lost in her eyes. They were almost completely black, but had a light blue glint. I never saw eyes in that sort of style. It was something special.

Everything I felt at that moment was amazing and terrifying at the same time. My heartbeat increased even more and every beat sent a wave of bliss through my body. But at the same time it was terrifiying to feel my heart beat so fast. I was scared it would explode any second.
The amount of heat I felt was overwhelming. It reflected in burning cheeks and ears and sweat forming on my forehead. But no fever I ever had was comparable to the heat I felt at that very moment.

I had a giddy feeling in my stomach. As clicheé as it sounds, but it was as if a million butterflies were let loose. At the same time you could've also described it as millions of bugs trying to eat their way out.
Last but not least the shiver running down my spine. Like a ghost kissed my neck.

When Mina broke the eye contact, I suddenly snapped back to reality. The girl on her phone spoke up. "Stop teasing the poor boy."

The girls averted their gazes in the direction of the voice. Between the legs of the ones to my right I could see the owner of the voice. She threw her phone next to her on the couch and stood up, grunting like an old man.
The girls on my right went aside and she kneeled down. She smiled and she was stunning. The short hair fit perfectly to her and she had almost tomboyish charms.

"Hi, I'm Jeongyeon. And please talk comfortably with us. You can drop the honorifics, if you'd like. Sorry for the rudeness of some others." The last setence was clearly a scolding directed at Jihyo and Momo.

She extended one hand. But for some reason I was too perplexed to shake her hand. She then grabbed one of mine which were still on my face and shook it ligthly. "Why don't we go into the kitchen and make something to eat? I'm hungry too and while we're eating, I'll tell you who and what we are." She tilted her head slightly to a side, still smiling. "Hmm?"
I could only nod. Still perplexed what just happend.

First Jihyos fangs, then I got attacked by a...vampire? Well, I kicked Momo first, but still, the fact that she attacked me stays.
Then, like on cue, my stomach grumbled loudly and Jeongyeon chuckled. I stood slowly up and followed her. I felt the gazes of the other girls on me, but I tried my best to ignore them.

When I have to die, then I could also die with a full stomach.

Half an hour later the food was finished. It was only Jeongyeon and me in the kitchen and Sana, the tall princess and Mina sitting on the couch watching some drama.
"Would you mind helping me to set the table?" It was the first time she spoke since she started cooking.
"Uh-uhm, no." I took the tray with the side dishes and followed Jeongyeon to the dining table that was behind "my" couch. We arranged everything and started eating. As I took my first bite of rice, I realizied how hungry I really was.
It was nothing much. Rice, cabbage and radish kimchi, fried tofu, bean sprouts, some different dips and sauces, green peppers and samgyeopsal.
It tasted absolutely delicious. After the first bite of samgyeopsal I almost squeeled like a teenage girl watching her favorite Idol.

I didn't know what came into me, but I just started blabbering, like I was talking to a longtime friend and I forgot I was having lunch with a vampire.
"That's so good! The gochujang of the samgyeopsal is sooo good! I saw you grated some citrus peel in there earlier. It's so fresh! And is it nigella? That fits so good."
"Oh? You tasted all of that?" I just nodded because I had my mouth full again. "The girls didn't notice it."
"What do you mean?"
"What else do you taste?" She seemed really curious and leaned a bit forward on her chair. "Tell me what I have put into the seasoning." I didn't know why I should do it. Why should I tell her? She knew what she put in. But I told her regardless everything I tasted.
"Uhm, I would assume rice and soybean paste as a base. Corn syrup, chilli, salt, garlic and onions I think. I see some pieces of green onion." I took another bite. "Lots of pepper powder. And citrus shell and nigella of course."
"Interesting." Jeongyeon mumbled.
"Why?" But she ignored the question.
"There's one more thing missing." For some reason I really wanted to know.

My biggest passion is indeed cooking. Before my parents died, I often had to cook for myself, even at a young age. They had to work long shifts so I had to prepare my own food.
A halmeoni, who lived above us, was so kind to take care of me, when my parents weren't around. She told me a lot of her secrets and we often cooked together when I came home from school. Unfortunately she died a couple of weeks before I graduated from Middle School.

I needed two more bites to distinguish the last ingredient.
"Fenugreek seeds." I said confidently and Jeongyeon smiled above both ears.
"I'm impressed. Now lets keep eating before it gets cold." I didn't thought more about her reason for asking

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nchris #1
Hi. Hope you are okay
nchris #2
Hey. With everything going on I hope you, and your family, is safe and healthy.
Chapter 10: A very interesting story. You did a good job! I will wait for new chapters.
seikiri #4
Chapter 10: The ability to compel is dangerous in the hands of Sana LMAO i look forward to the next chapter :)
nchris #5
Chapter 9: happy to have something to look forward to each week.
but have some questions:
is this (or will be) mainly Mina centric story or Mina Sana or everyone?
do they have different "powers" or the same? As in Mina have something with her eyes, Sana have something with smell?
last, but dont answer as i dont want spoilers just some thoughts out loud, does Seungjae have something similar? like they dont know but his blood gives certain smell to attract them (like how certain human have tasty blood for mosquito)
Riley017 #6
Chapter 8: I can say it has the potential to become one of the best stories I've ever read. Im rooting for you author! Stay safe!
nchris #7
Chapter 6: Nice update. Like the "grounding" of the story and I like underdog stories
nchris #8
Chapter 5: Wow. Really like the story so far. Sub a few days ago looking for , found this, quick scan and put on hold. But had time, started reading and couldn't put it down.
Like how it comes to life even with supernatural things . And underdogs stories are always great.
Good job. Looking forward to this