Cuddles and Promposals

She's Cheer Captain and I'm on the Bleachers

Awkward (adjective)

1. causing difficulty; hard to do or deal with

2. causing or feeling embarrassment or inconvenience


Taking the role of team captain in your school's robotics team in an environment filled with brainless jocks and airheaded cheerleaders was not an easy task. The cliques in your school were ignored by the staff, it's just a part of high school they say. Anyways, surrounding yourself with 'nerdy' technology would surely make you awkward right? Right.

You were never the one to feed into stereotypes, as they were just oversimplified and generalized ideas and images of people or a person. However, you were doing pretty damn good in making situations awkward and create a tense atmosphere. Nothing to do with the other person really, mainly just you not being the most social butterfly in the world. You try to be more outgoing compared to your normal, reserved, 'nerdy', personality, you really do, but you can't help it sometimes. That's just how you are.

Chaewon wasn't doing much to help right now.

The group decided on having dinner at a nearby Korean BBQ restaurant, with all the 'kids', as you liked to call them, cheering on the way there. You seriously sometimes questioned how old they really were, but it was nice seeing everyone, no matter how different they all may seem, get along and enjoy the day together. It showed you that having differences don't make you incompatible with one another, but rather, you're all quite interested in each other. Everyone gets to learn new things about one another and expand their horizons of knowledge. Everybody seemed to be in a light-hearted, highly positive mood.

Well, except you and Kim Chaewon. 

You've been silent and keeping your distance with each other for quite a while now, and you're not sure the others have noticed yet, due to their high spirits and chaotic energy that seemed to have never left them. That's good though, you don't want anyone else to notice the clear tension between you and the angelic beauty and make the situation more awkward.

Being the last ones to enter the restaurant wasn't the best idea, because now you have to sit next to her as the rest of the seats have already been occupied by you friends, except those two wooden chairs right by each other. 

Awkward was an understatement really. It wouldn't take much of a genius to figure out the obvious tension between the two, so either your friends were ignoring it and trying not to point out the situation, or they were just really, really, bad at noticing it. It seemed like the latter to be quite honest. You wished time could go slower, because eventually, you realized you have to go back home with the girl you tried to kiss. Now that would be a lot more awkward since it's just the two of you, alone, in the same bed.

"Minju! What do you think?"

You're quickly snapped out of your thoughts once you hear Yena calling your name. Great, you were too absorbed with thoughts of Chaewon that you completely missed the conversation. You don't even know what they were talking about, or what was going on in general.

"Uhh...about what?" You sheepishly smile and feel a tad bit embarrassed.

Yuri interjects and tells you, "Well, wouldn't it be great if we supported each other at our competitions? Like they come to our robotics competition and we'll go to their cheerleading one! It'll show the school we can all support each other."

Ah, you almost forgot about that competition. At this point, you expected yourself to be stressing out about every single detail, however, you merely forgot about it once Kim Chaewon appeared in your life. It was a good idea though, you'd definitely want to show your new friends some support.

"Oh that sounds like a great idea!"

The group cheers and continues to stuff their face with the vast amount of food on your table, seriously, you wondered if your friends had ordered every single item on the menu. 

You smile at their celebrations and your eyes gaze towards Chaewon, who looks back at you with red ears, and quickly ducks her head down. Figures. She's just as awkward as you. Going back home would not be the most comfortable situation, but whatever, you need to woman up.

Once the group finishes eating dinner, you all head back to your respective vehicles after paying for the meal.

Great, now all you had to do was try your best to build up the courage to talk to Chaewon. So far, you had two plans, one, pretend that the almost-kiss never happened and continue to speak to the other girl as you usually do. Two, you could address the obvious elephant in the room and have a mature conversation about what happened.

Option one definitely sounded a lot better. But you know it wasn't the right option.

Finally splitting away from the group, you step inside the bus headed to the station near your home with Chaewon. Living with her has been great so far, and you definitely want to keep being her roommate well into the future, but communication was also needed if you wanted that to happen. 

Okay, once you get back home, you're going to talk to her. About the kiss? You don't exactly know that yet. Maybe. Perhaps you'd talk about the upcoming competitions with your robotics and her cheerleading one? Maybe. Every conversation is just another possibility out of the endless ones you could possibly think of. 


You don't even realize your name being called out once again due to getting lost in your thoughts. "Huh?" You look at the other girl with a dumbfounded expression. It looks like Chaewon was the one who started the conversation instead of you, much to your surprise.

"Look I uh...about tonight-" You know what she's going to say. She was going to apologize and say it shouldn't have happened. It was quite obvious so instead, you cut her off.

"I know. It shouldn't have happened. I'm sorry." You beat her to apologizing. You should have been smarter when she had a boyfriend. You never approved of cheating, so it was a mistake on your part as well.

"It shouldn't...?" 

Wait a minute.

Did you hear that right? 

She sounded confused. This was the first time she didn't push you away or try and apologize over something that happened between the two of you that involved your feelings. It was almost as if...she wanted it to happen?

Ok, you needed to stop yourself from being deluded further. She was straight. Or was she? Why would she lean in to kiss you if she was? But she has a boyfriend. A really bad one, but still, you felt it was moral if you two actually kissed once she broke up with the athlete. 

"I um-" You were at a loss of words. You don't know how to respond, but she knows about your feelings well. Was she playing with them? You honestly don't even know anymore. You've never been this confused before.

"Minju...I don't think I'm exactly straight."


You feel the corners of your lips start to tug upward, but you stop yourself from fully grinning like an absolute idiot. Get a grip Kim Minju, your friend sounded confused, this was not the time to celebrate the possibility of her sharing your feelings. Although, you couldn't help the little giddy feeling internally, I mean, who wouldn't be the slightest bit happy at their crush realizing they're not straight?

Still, this was not the time. So you take a deep breathe and try to talk it out with her while the two of you wait for the bus to arrive.

"What do you mean?" You ask her.

You slightly turn towards her direction and face her properly. The cheerleader takes a deep breathe and hesitates before she finally mimics your motion and faces you as well.

You're slightly taken aback by her beauty, it seems as if she had that effect on you more often. There was a full moon today, and the moonlight was shining on the strawberry haired girl, making her glisten in the night. You know it sounds cheesy, but it felt like the butterflies increased in your stomach when Chaewon would do the simplest things, like look at you. 

Well, maybe that's what love was. 

"Well I...I know I'm still with Soobin, but I don't regret what happened at the ferris wheel. Actually, I was disappointed. I was disappointed that we didn't kiss....and I know it's wrong to do that if I'm in a relationship with someone...but , Minju I-I don't know."

Your eyes widen at her sudden confession. You don't know what to say. Does that mean she loves you back the same way you love her? Was she just confused, or tired? You knew a tired Chaewon usually said weird things.

You try to find every excuse to try and tell yourself it wasn't possible. There was no way Chaewon liked you back...right? 

"I just, I don't want to make you feel like I'm playing with your feelings, Minmin. I think I'm feeling something. I need time to figure it out...and I know I still need to prove myself. Just because I got these feelings doesn't mean that I-I can just forget about what I did..."

Feeling the same sense of adrenaline you felt earlier, you decide to take a bold move and take her face into your hands. Her eyes widen at your action, but she doesn't refuse your touch.

Actually, she does more than just not refuse it. She takes her hand and places it on top of yours. You try to tell her it's okay, that you can wait, through your eyes. You give her a small smile, one that she returns.

The two of you stay like that for a while, in each other's touch. You can understand her through her expression, the same way she does to you. You can feel the sincerity and fondness showed through those chestnut eyes, one that always made you feel warm inside. You always tended to understand each other without actually speaking.

It was just a Minju and Chaewon thing, one that made your bond special.

The moment doesn't last long though, once the headlights of the bus starts shining onto the two of you, making you drop your hands from her face. She doesn't let go of your hands though, instead, she interlocks her fingers with yours, as she leads you to sit inside the bus. 

It was pretty late at night, so it was just the two of you along with a few other people on the vehicle. Looking out the window, you could see the city light up and it made you feel content. There was a sort of romantic vibe to Seoul during the evening, so you lie your head on Chaewon's shoulder while rubbing your thumb against her hand. You feel her place her own head on top of yours, as she lets out a breathe while squeezing your hands just a bit tighter.

You close your eyes and try to take in the moment with the other girl. You could honestly be in Chaewon's warmth forever without any issues, it seemed like heaven. You do your best to memorize this feeling, one that you never wanted to go away. 

You were so cuddling her tonight.

Once you get off the bus, your hands stay interlocked, and the two of you don't say anything until you get back to your house, enjoying the moment as much as you can.

Taking your shoes off at the house, your mom's presence surprises you as you find her figure sitting in the living room couch with a mug in her hand. "How was today's outing girls?"

"It was great Ms. Kim! Minju and I had a great time with the others." Chaewon says for you.

"Ahh that's wonderful, and Chaewon, I've told you before, just call me auntie!" Your mom looks at the other girl, who sheepishly nods and rubs the back of her head, letting out a laugh.

"Well, we're pretty tired from today, we're going to sleep now. Goodnight mom!" You head towards your mother and give her a kiss on the cheek before heading upstairs to your room with the angelic cheerleader.

"Alright, don't have too much fun girls!" 

You groan at your mom's very immature comment, which you definitely do not blush at, and drag Chaewon to your room. Once you shut the door, you head to the bathroom with a change of clothes, preferably a pair of shorts and a large, oversized hoodie, that would help you cuddle the cheerleader all night. 

You brush your teeth and freshen up before leaving the bathroom, letting the other girl know it was her turn to get ready for bed. 

While waiting for Chaewon in the bathroom, you take a look at the picture of the two of you from two years ago. You remembered this was the first photo from your polaroid, the rest including the regular antics and hangouts with your friends, but the one with Chaewon would always remain special to you.

You're recently starting to wonder if Chaewon has some sort of dark magic, witch-type power that makes you so enthralled in her. It's quite fascinating how in love you are with the other girl. You know she has hurt you in the past, but she's trying to make amends, and all that matters now is the present. 

Lying down on your bed, you think of the happy feelings inside your stomach. It seems that things are finally getting better, and after everything that has happened, everyone deserves to have a happy ending. After everything going on in school, you really do have hope that this time, change is finally going to happen. Maybe in the future, you'd stop stressing and overthinking every little thing, maybe in the future, Chaewon wouldn't have an obsession with validation. The future looked bright, and you were glad you and your friends were making an effort in creating a more healthy community. You're in high school, you needed to enjoy eating in the cafeteria with your friends without worrying about some jocks making fun of your passion.

Hearing the bathroom door open, Chaewon reveals herself in one of your oversized mint hoodies. The best part was you were taller her, so your baggy hoodies looked absolutely adorable on the other girl. Her cub-like facial features, combined with the adorable hoodie that made her tiny fingers poke out of the clothing made your heart melt. You were looking at her with complete adoration, and oh gosh, you can't help it anymore.

Before she makes her way over to you, you run over to the confused girl and tackle her into a hug. You seriously couldn't help yourself, not when the love of your life was looking way too cute for her own good. 

"Mmmf, Minju, I...can't....breathe, too tight-" You ignore the other girl because, can't you just have this for once?

Before you actually suffocate the cheerleader, you throw your bodies onto the bed and snuggle onto her chest, to which she laughs at, somehow increasing the number of butterlifes in your stomach. "Someone's needy today." She jokingly says.

Well, drowsy and tired Minju combined with adorable Chaewon only led to a very cuddly Minju. The affection was filling up your entirety, and you needed your cuddles. Now. 

"Hush. Let's go to sleep."



Sunday morning was no different than the night before. You basically cuddled with Chaewon for hours before finally realizing breakfast was sort of needed to satisfy your growling stomach. Stupid need for nutrients stopping you from being in Chaewon's arms. 

The two of you spend the day lazing around and watching movies in your room, while of course, cuddling. You let the other girl pick what to watch since you were known to be very indecisive, but you don't really pay attention, you like settling in Chaewon's chest more and focusing your attention on snuggling her. It was some sort of euphoria that you couldn't get rid of.

Chaewon decides on watching an English film titled 'The Half of It' on Netflix, and you actually pay attention to the movie for once. It was enough to captivate your interests actually, one that made you voice out your opinions during the movie, and squeal when the main character got to kiss the girl.

You wonder if you'll get to do the same to Chaewon one day. You'll wait for however long you have to until the other girl figures out her feelings, but really, you were starting to worry if you were a bad kisser or not. You've never kissed anyone before, so how were you supposed to kiss Chaewon? Now that you were actually able to think about it, you wanted to be a good kisser for the other girl to feel satisfied. Hmm, you'll probably just look at some articles on some advice for a first kiss, some deep diving research never hurt anybody.

When the movie was over, you check your phone and find a lot of missed messages from the group chat. Well the thing was, this was a different group chat you were put in, one without Yuri. It was entitled 'Operation Promposal', and you figured it was a way for the group to communicate how Yena would ask Yuri out to prom. Of course this was the duck's doing.

Reading through the chat, each one of your friend's gave their input on the best way to prompose to the hamster. From suggesting on making a romantic scene on the roof top, to making a large banner with a cheesy pun, to even suggesting the most cliche idea of leading Yuri to Yena with a path of roses, you figured it would be better to combine every idea.

Memejoo: why don't we combine everyone's ideas?


Woahseok: As expected from our amazing team captain

Junhohoho: So how would the plan go?

YoHANriver: Maybe I should stick a poster saying 'FOLLOW ME' on the robot and have Yuri following it with a path of roses

Hyewonisbetteratfortnite: Yes! Then Yena will have a box of chocolates and roses with her 

Kkuragamez: We need to get to planning everything!


You laugh at the group chat. It seems that Yena was finally doing something with her feelings about Yuri, and with a quite romantic way of asking her out as well. You were truly happy for your friend finally acting on her feelings.

Suddenly, an idea comes to you, one that could make this promposal a tad bit more special. Maybe your new friends could help you out. Of course! It was genius. You just needed to ask Chaewon about it, then you'll have the robotics and cheerleading teams working together for this event, which the school would see. They would finally see that both departments are capable of being friends and helping each other out.

"Hey Chaewon...can I ask for a favor?"



You've never seen Yena this nervous before. Even during the several, stressful robotics tournaments you've been to, the duck has always kept her positive and happy virus energy to the group.

You were actually really surprised that the school provided permission to the promposal, even after the very, very long lecture everyone had in the auditorium from the fight in the cafeteria on Friday. Better yet, you were relieved they didn't cancel prom since they already paid for all the equipment and DJ. The punishment wasn't really harsh, much to everyone's relief.

Anyways, the said anxious girl was currently waiting in the middle of the school surrounded by roses in the shape of a heart, with a box of Yuri's favorite chocolates and a bouquet in her hands, accompanied by you and Wooseok's presence. You straighten her collar on the school uniform and try to comfort the nervous girl, which you weren't used to.

"Calm down Yena, it's just Yuri." Wooseok states, however, this doesn't seem to appease the other girl though, only making her more nervous. Well, this might be a lot more difficult than you initially thought.

"That's exactly why I'm nervous! It's Yuri!" Yena started saying, with her duck lips starting to form from her growing pout and nervous energy.

It always amazed you how much the other girl cared for Yuri. It was like everything dealing with Yuri had Yena acting in a different way. In the cafeteria situation, you've never seen Yena lash out like that and actually physically show her anger to the athletes. Now she was nervous, more than you've ever seen her before, and it clearly showed how much she loved the other girl. You always saw a glint of said love in Yena's eyes everytime she looked at Yuri, but you never pointed it out. You were the observant type, but it was obvious the two had some sort of undying love for each other. This, everyone knew. 

"You really love her, don't you...?" You seriously ask your friend.

She gives you a small smile and nods her head. "Yeah, I really do, Min."

You wonder if she felt the same way about Yuri like you did with Chaewon. Or maybe it was different, love was always different for each person, but it all seemed like the same thing. 

Yena was freaking out the same way you would for Chaewon. Is that what love is then? Being nervous and trying to be perfect for the other person, but turns out, the imperfections are what made them love you in the first place. All this nervousness and warm feelings were part of it too, just like what Yena was experiencing. Although, you couldn't possibly be brave enough to do all of this, and Chaewon definitely didn't seem like it either.

You give Yena a pat on her back and signal for Wooseok to take over. He finishes setting some finishing touches for the 'grand finale' as Yena liked to call it, and made sure everything was to the duck's liking. 

Once you leave the two to get ready, you head over to the path of rose petals lining up the floor, with your new cheerleading friends, along with Hyewon, lining up with baskets filled with snacks in their hands. The snacks were Hyewon's idea, and when it came to making Hyewon responsible for the food, well, all you can say is Yuri would probably be overwhelmed with the amount of calories in just one basket.

This was the '2nd stage' of the promposal plan, where Yuri would be led as she gets snacks handed to her. You don't see how she could possibly say no, since one, it was Yena, two, there was food involved, and was Yena. She was just as in love with her as the duck was. 

"Hey, Chaewon, thanks again for doing this, Yena really appreciates it." You say as you head towards the strawberry haired girl.

"No problem, we're all friends here now." She smiles at you, and you seriously need to stop feeling this warmth in your chest everytime she smiled. You don't know if you could survive if you melted at her every move.

You decide to make a bold move to express your gratefulness, so you land a quick peck on Chaewon's cheek, then swiftly running away to check in with the others, missing the way the cheerleader's ears turned a tomato red color. You were getting more confident each day, and you definitely were not complaining since it was worth seeing Chaewon's adorable reactions to your surprising actions.

Once you head to the 'initial phase' of the plan, you find Yohan, Junho, Yujin, and Sakura in their positions, across Yuri's classroom. You were able to receive permission to leave class early for your plan, so once the bell rings for school to be over, Yuri would be led to Yena.

Junho helped Yohan attach the giant 'HEY YURI, FOLLOW ME' sign onto the robot, which would be controlled by Yohan. Sakura and Yujin each had their respective orange and yellow balloons to greet Yuri once she stepped out from the classroom.

"Alright everyone, we have exactly one minute before the bell rings and Yuri steps out of that room. Is everybody ready?" You address the group.

Everyone gives you a thumbs up, and you receive a text from Hyewon that all the cheerleaders were ready in their area. Wooseok tells you that Yena has calmed down for a bit, but she's still nervous, which doesn't surprise you. You know she can do this anyways, as much of a coward she seemed to be, when it came to Yuri, that girl would jump in front of a dozen bullets for her. Ah, young love.

The bell finally rings, and you signal for Sakura and Yujin to head over to Yuri's classroom. The hamster looking girl is surprised at the sudden balloons in her face, but follows the two, with a confused expression. Once she heads over to you, you step to the side and show her the robot with the giant banner on it. 

The event seemed to gather the attention of the students, and they quickly create a path for Yuri to walk through as their curiosities start to grow. Yohan starts moving the robot forward, to which Yuri obediently follows, making some students squeal and whisper about the fact that they think someone is promposing to the girl. Everyone clearly knew it would be Yena, but they still gathered like sheeps and followed the girl, while leaving room for her to walk in.

As Yuri followed the robot, she was led to the hallway filled with rose pedals, and her cheeks start going red as she starts to realize what was happening. "Hii-chan? Nako? Guys what is this?"

The cheerleaders don't say anything as they each hand Yuri a basket filled with her favorite snacks. You help her carry some of them, and wow Hyewon really went overboard with all the munchies. Yuri would definitely love each treat given to her.

Great, the second stage was now complete and a success, now time for the grand finale.

As Yuri continues to follow the robot with Sakura and Yujin trailing behind her with the balloons, along with basically the entire school who has taken their time to watch the event, Yuri's smile grows as she carries the delicate treats in her hands.

Yuri reaches Yena's area in the middle of the school, where a large crowd has gathered around Yena and Wooseok, who kept to the side and was leaving space for the girls to have their moment in. You can see Yuri start to tear up at the sight of the other girl, and you know she already has an answer without even being asked. She was so in love and it was obvious.

Yena smiles at the other girl and asks her to come inside the little rose pedal heart she created that was on the ground. Once Yuri sets down the baskets, Yena hands the large bouquet to Wooseok, so she can take Yuri's hand in her own. The two smile at each other for a bit, before Yena realizes she needs to ask the question. No biggie.

"Jo Yuri. My Joyul, my hamster, my partner in crime, my best friend, my everything really....would you please make this stupid duck happy and go to prom with her?" Yena asks as she smiles at the other girl.

Yuri's tears finally start to fall as she laughs at the girl's antics and aggresively nods her head before forming any sentences. "Yes I-I of course I'll go with you, you idiot!"

Yuri tackles Yena into a tight hug, earning the loud cheers from the students watching all around the school. Yena breaks the hug, as she takes the bouquet from Wooseok and hands it to Yuri, making the girl smile and cry from happiness even more. The two hold hands and continue to stay in the moment, basking in the love they feel from each other, as the hollers from the crowd gets louder.

Your friends start surrounding the two and joins the crowd in cheering for both of the girls. You don't remember the last time your school has been united like this, but it feels nice, as they clap and yell in support for your friends. That's all there wars at the moment really, just a lot of support that you were grateful for. 

As you cheer along with everyone else at the successful promposal, you feel Chaewon's presence next to you, as she takes your hand in hers. "Those two are so obviously in love aren't they?" 

You let out a chuckle and look at Yena and Yuri, still located in the middle of the pedal hearts, staring at each other as if nobody was there around them. Looking so enchanted within one another that it was like it was just them in the school, nobody else. You could see their eyes glisten with fondness of each other, and yeah...that is definitely love. The way they looked at each other, without even speaking, you could tell how much they cared for each other, how much love was pouring in their hearts. It was obvious.

"Yeah...I guess they are." You respond to the other girl, as you squeeze her hand and continue to watch the scene in front of you. This was definitely better than any of those romance movies you watched with Chaewon the other day, not that you had a problem with them, but it made your heart melt as you saw the two of your friends soaking up each other's presence with the support of the peers around them.

Yena was extremely brave for doing this. You wonder if in the future, you could be just as brave with Chaewon. Maybe.

You knew one thing for sure though, the way Yena looked at Yuri, was definitely the way you looked at Chaewon. 

You were in love with the girl, and you hoped that the both of you could be brave in the future. But you're fine with how things are now, everything is finally getting better, and it seemed that your relationship with the cheerleader was progressing.

You couldn't be happier, really.

It was all just love around you.








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Tzuunaa #1
Chapter 12: So good!! Hope to see you in your next stories
Chapter 12: Happy ending, thank you so much for writing this story...
Chapter 12: satisfying ending, i love each and every chapter till the end, and the conclusion plus the small epilogue was so wholesome i cant thank you enough for writing this!! ^0^
1762 streak #4
Chapter 12: i love it!!!!! and the bomb drop at the end! she doesn't like mint choco lol XD
Chapter 12: ahhh happy ending, chaewon did her best when she confronted her parents
jcqln_yu #6
Chapter 12: Thank you for writing this story! It's one of my favorites! I'll remember this for a very long time. Thank you for sharing that last bit too. Hope to see you again on your next stories. :)
Chapter 12: Thanks author-nim for this wonderful fic of yours :) looking forward for your new story soon if there's will be, hehe
Chapter 12: Thank you for this wonderful story author-nim ^_^
juco_lolan #9
Chapter 12: Thank you for that amazing story author!
I always looked forward to a new chapter, and I'm quite sad that it will end, but I'll look forward to read any new stories you'll create.

P.s I listen to asmr when I'm stressed and it helps me calm down a tad bit, just want to share this, I hope it helps you like it helps me.
Chapter 11: goodjob kim chaewon! he deserves it!