Our Memories

She's Cheer Captain and I'm on the Bleachers

You look at those metal pipes of doom. You take a deep breath, you can do it. Come on Kim Minju, you're no coward. You're strong, you can make it through this. You want to prove to everyone else that the quiet Kim Minju does have strength, and you want to rub it in all of their faces. You're ready to face your enemy in the playground.

The green monkey bars.

You take another breath to build up all the courage you possibly can, and you start reaching your arms towards the first little bar, succeeding once you 've finally landed both your hands on the starting bar. Too late to go back now, and you definitely don't hope you don't fall because you know for sure it'll hurt a tiny bit.

You see the other kids notice you, and they start gathering their friends to watch you. 

"Is that Kim Minju?"

"Wahh, it's the quiet Kim Minju on the monkey bars!"

"I don't think she'll make it with those stupid weak arms." Ugh, that stupid Choi Soobin with his stupid smirk, you were determined in proving him wrong. You wanted to wipe it in all of your doubters face that you are indeed a strong girl. Kim Minju can be so much stronger than any of those stupid boys!

You keep climbing, with a new found perseverance due to all the students watching you. You continue with a smile, you internally cheer as you hear gasps of the kids below you. They don't believe it do they? Finally you were able to prove them wrong! Finally you could-

"Woah!" Okay maybe you had too much confidence in yourself.

You land on the floor. Hard. You're lucky the ground wasn't made out of concrete, but the mulch managed to scrape your knee and made you bleed. Due to the pain forming on your knee and the laughs of the other children, you start crying. Stupid Minju. Their laughs only get louder and louder each passing second, which only makes you cry harder. Nobody will ever be there for you, there will never be anyone who stands up for you. Even at the age of six years old, you can tell you're probably going to live through this painful world alone.

Well...until you sense footsteps nearing your way, and you can tell someone was standing in front of you. They were probably there to taunt you anyway.

"Hey! She's bleeding already, can't you tell she's hurt? Just leave her alone for once!" Wait a minute...this girl was actually sticking up for you? You're too surprised that your crying has stopped and was replaced with a newfound wave of shock.

You look up at your supposed savior and find a pretty girl. She has the hair color of strawberries, but she smells like mint. Her long, straight hair looked really good on her, and you can tell her bangs were getting too long to the point that she had to part them to the sides of her face. You don't think she's in the same class as you, because otherwise, you would have definitely noticed her.

"Just ignore them, come on, let's get you to the nurse. Mrs. Cha gives you free ice cream once you feel better!" Huh...her smile is even prettier, you think. "Oh...thank you." Oops, you weren't meant to say that out loud.

Without saying another word, you take her hand and let her you to the school's infirmary. She pushes through the kids who continue to mock you, and you do your best to ignore them, but you can't help the words getting to you. It almost makes you want to cry again...almost.

She lets go of your hand, and you're confused. Instead, the strawberry haired girl covers your ears with her hands and pulls you closer to her, muffling the voices of all the other kids in the playground. You feel your heart skip a beat and you're excited over the fact that you might have just made a new friend, but you don't want to get too excited just yet. Her warmth brings you comfort, and the taller girl succeeds in leading you away from the playground.

As you make your way to the nurse's office, she slowly moves her hands away from your ears and takes a hold of your hands once again. You think that you would love to hold her hand forever. It's nice and warm, and her whole existence in general is enough to make you feel safer already. You feel content, and for some weird reason, you already feel connected to her.

"Minju dear! What happened?" 

"Those bad kids were picking on Minju Mrs. Cha! I had to save her, and I told her you have free ice cream too!"

You're still far too dazed to speak up, and besides, you weren't exactly one to like talking in the first place. Even at a young age, you would rather keep to yourself most of the time because the other kids never liked your personality. You had nothing in common with them anyway, it's not like the other girls in your class were interested in science and 'boys stuff' as they liked to put it.

Mrs. Cha has you sit on the bed and you approach the small, white, and you approach the furniture. You feel much more relaxed as you take a seat, but you have to give credit to your calmness to the girl, who by the way has never left your side. Mrs. Cha asks the girl to stay with you and make sure you're okay while she gathers her supplies.

"Um...thank you for this, but who are you? I've never seen you in class before." You finally gain the courage to start a conversation with your savior, as you liked to call her. You want to know more about her, and you may or may not want to be friends with her.

"I'm Kim Chaewon. And uh...yeah, I'm in a different class, but those stupid and ugly kids kept messing wth you! I couldn't just watch like everyone else, they were just being big meanies and chickens." 

Ah...Chaewon. You like the name, it suits her. You also find it amusing how she furrows her eyebrows to show her anger, and how she crosses her arms with a pout. You can tell she was being genuine to you and that she doesn't like the big ol' bullies, and it makes you feel butterflies in your stomach. Your savior, your Chaewon. You like the sound of that.

"Thank you Chaewon! Say...would you like to be friends?" You ask her with a hopeful look in your eyes, your mommy likes to call it your big frog eyes, and you don't mind because she says it's cute.

"Of course! We're best friends now Minju!" She responds with a smile, and you two just continue laughing and smiling at each other. You feel something light up in your heart, and you're very excited that you finally made a friend. You have a feeling that Chaewon will never leave your side, just like you're determined to never leave hers. Forget those stupid monkey bars you couldn't get across, you have a newfound determination in always staying by Chaewon, just like how she did today.

Mrs. Cha comes back with her nursing supplies, and you're honestly kind of scared because you think it might hurt to clean up your wound. Now it's not like you were shot or anything, but still, your knee was still bleeding a little bit and it hurt a lot. 

You wonder if Chaewon can read your mind, you're not surprised if she actually can, because she stands up from her chair beside the bed you're sitting on with your feet dangling off the edge, and she holds your hand like before. When Mrs. Cha applies cleans up your knee and applies rubbing alcohol on it, you feel it sting and you feel like crying again. It hurts so much.

Any thoughts of crying went away as Chaewon holds your hand tighter, and you feel a wave of comfort go through your body. You like, no love, holding Chaewon's hands. They were a little bit bigger than hers because she was just slightly taller and older than you, but you think that holding her hand will get rid of any pain in the whole entire world.

Once Mrs. Cha finishes up cleaning your knee, she puts a space-themed bandaid on to patch it up. You're happy she didn't give you any of the girly pink bandaids with ponies and unicorns on it, because you like space so much better! You didn't want to become an astronaut, but you were much more interested in rockets and making stuff that goes into space in general.

You feel satisfied since you just made a new best friend who would fight all the bullies away, and you even got a cool bandaid from your now favorite nurse!

"What flavor of ice cream would you like Minju? And Chaewon, I'm assuming the mint choco again?"

Before you could answer the nurse's question, you see Chaewon's eyes light up brighter than any star you've ever seen and she vigorously nods her head up and down. Hmm, you've never seen someone that excited about ice cream, but you guess Chaewon just really likes mint chocolate.

"Um, I'll have vanilla Mrs. Cha, thank you!"

The kind nurse smiles at the two of you before walking away to retreive the ice cream.

"What? That's so boring Minju-ssi, vanilla is so simple." Chaewon criticizes your choice of ice cream flavor while faking a gagging sound.

"I like vanilla! What's wrong with that?"

"You should try my mint choco. If we're going to be best friends you're going to have to like mint choco! I can't live without it."

Hmm, you suppose you could try it out. You've never had mint chocolate ice cream before, but it can't be that bad right? It's ice cream anyway, and you love ice cream. You're sure you would love mint choco just as much as vanilla, plus you want Chaewon to be your best friend, so you must like that ice cream flavor!

Oh how wrong you were...

Mrs. Cha comes back with two ice cream cones in her hand, and Chaewon jumps in excitement as the nurse hands her the green ice cream. You smile as the nurse hands you your vanilla ice cream, which you quickly devour since all that playground stress made you hungry.

Chaewon looks up at you and hands you her ice cream, gesturing for you to try it. "Try it Minju! We'll officially become the bestest of best friends once you do!"

You smile at your now best friend and take the cone from her hand. Nothing could go wrong, it was just ice cream. That was...until you actually tried the ice cream, if it was even worth calling that. Ugh, it tasted exactly like toothpaste. Who came up with making toothpaste flavored ice cream with chocolate toppings? You absolutely hate it.

But you weren't going to tell her that. She looked so hopeful with those eyes of hers that sparkled while she was waiting for you to give her your thoughts about the abominati- um, ice cream you mean. So you fake a smile, and lie to her.

"Wow, this is really good!"

She looks satisfied, and quietly squeals while jumping next to you once again. You figure you could always fake the joy of liking the toothpaste ice cream if it meant seeing her this happy.

You decided you always wanted Chaewon to be happy. Your best friend was deserving of the whole world.




You lie down on her bed with a groan. You have way too much homework and exams are coming up. You hate the stupid school and how it puts so much pressure on a 14 year old girl. But your best friend was there to help you study, and everything was always better with her.

"Chaewon..come on, math isn't as hard as it seems!" Your best friend tugs your sweater and you have the urge to groan again, showing your frustration.

"Min, there's no way I'm passing that exam! Ugh, why can't I be smart like you, why do I have to be so stupid?"

She quickly grabs a hold of your face and you look at her with wide eyes. She always does this when she catches you calling yourself dumb or stupid, but you still get surprised everytime she does it. You just hope she doesn't notice how red your ears get everytime she does that.

"Chae...you know how much I hate it when you talk down to yourself. You're very smart! I'd pick you over Marie Curie...even if I knew her when she discovered radium."

"God you're such a nerd Minmin..."

She playfully hits your shoulder after that, and you two start laughing. You like it when you come over to her house, which was basically your second house now, because of how much she motivates you. You also like to hear her rambling about her favorite science topics and wanting to make a rocket that flies to Mars, even if you don't understand a little thing. You're happy as long as she is, and you'll never leave her side.

"Promise me we'll always be together Chae...no matter what we will always love each other. Forever and always." She holds her pinky out, waiting for you to respond with those big frog eyes of hers that were always filled with light and hope.

"Forever and always minmin." You interlock your pinkies together, and the promise is sealed. You would never do anything to hurt her. You made sure you would always be there to protect her no matter what. You are her savior for a reason.



"Min!! I passed!" You greet her outside the middle school building next to the parking lot with bikes, and you engulf her into a tight hug, hoping to convey your message of gratitude.

"I told you! I knew you could do it!" She buries her head into your neck and snuggles against you, probably the best feeling in the world...after eating mint choco ice cream of course.

"Come on! Let's go celebrate with some ice cream, my treat!" 

You see a horrified look on her face, but before you could ask her about it, she quickly looks at you with a smile. "I'd love to Chaewonie!"

You hold hands on the way to your favorite ice cream shop. Your favorite unnie, Kwon Eunbi, was there, and you were very excited to have her finally meet Minju. You always talk about your best friend with Eunbi, so you're glad the two can finally meet. Your favorite unnie and your best friend, you're lucky you have them in your life.

As you make your way down to Kwon's Kone's, you're greeted by the sight of Eunbi and her mother taking care of some customers, who were mainly high school couples who came here for small dates after school. Once the customers were taken care of, Eunbi turns her head to the sound of the door opening to greet the new customer, and smiles widely once she sees you.

"Chaewon-ah!" She rushes over to you and greets you in a hug, before noticing Minju standing awkwardly by your side, still holding your hand.

"Ahh, this must be Minju! Chaewon has talked so much about you. Everytime this girl visited, I swear it was always Minju this- Minju that, Minju-" You cover with your free hand, and you try your best to hide your tomato colored ears. You swear you'd put Eunbi in a chokehold in the near future after embarrasing you.

Minju also blushes and plays with her hair, an action she does when she often feels shy. You've always found it cute, but then again, you find everything about your best friend cute.

Mr. Kwon, Eunbi's dad makes his way over to the three of you and asks you to sit down to catch up while he fetches you some ice cream. You insist on paying, but being the kind man he is, persists and allows you to have free ice cream alongside Minju. You ask for two mint choco ice cream cones, which he provides after making that same playful face to you everytime you order the ice cream flavor. You honestly don't understand the hate it gets, even Minju likes it! That's why she's your best friend.

You suddenly remember that Eunbi's dad actually ran the robotics team at the high school you two were going to attend next year, and you figured Minju would love to join. "Ah, Minju. Mr. Kwon is actually the coach for Jawoon High School's robotics team, I'm sure he'd love for you to join!" 

Eunbi nods her head and tells you more about it. "I'm not part of my dad's team, but it has some great people in there. The team isn't doing so well with funding, but they've still won a few competitions here and there. I'm sure my dad would love to tell you more about it."

Upon the mentioning of joining the robotics team, Mr. Kwon swiftly turns his head over to your table and makes his way over to the three of you, with the ice cream in his hands. After handing the mint choco ice cream to you and Minju, he rapidly asks about who's willing the join the high school robotics team. You point in Minju's direction with a smile and he cheers at her.

"Come my dear, I have some flyers and information about the team if you're interested!"

Minju gives you a smile, then follows Mr. Kwon. You feel proud of her. You knew she was always interested in these kinds of things but always held back because of what other people had to say. For a long time, they would always criticize Minju's interests because they deemed too 'boyish' for a girl like her. Of course, you were always there to defend and stand up for her, but she still strayed away from her passions because of those stupid meanies making her insecure. 

You're glad she can open up to you. You're happy she doesn't feel ashamed talking about her passions when it's with you because she knows she won't get judged. You're even more ecstatic about the fact that she might even be considering joining the team.

"So...Minju, huh?" Ugh, you hate that stupid smirk of Kwon Eunbi. You hate it when she teases you and gets the wrong idea.

"Unnie! Stop it, it's not like that. Minju is my best friend!"

"Uh huh, sure whatever you say. Your eyes and red ears don't hide your feelings you know?"

You scoff and cross your arms at the statement. Pfft, you can't possibly have feelings for your best friend, right? I mean, she could date whoever she wants. It won't make you mad, not at ALL. Of course, you'd still have to interrogate them and make sure they're good for her, but that was just best friend duties right?

Mr. Kwon and Minju comes back, both with happy faces, you can probably tell there's good news based on their expression.

"I'm gonna join the robotics team Chaewonie!!"

She runs to you for a hug and you're far too happy to finish your ice cream. You're so proud of how far she's come, and you can't wait for her to achieve her dreams. High school was going to be a place for the both of you to finally find your passions...together. You were sure of it.

Oh how deeply wrong you were. 

Little did you know, that was when it all went wrong





"Chaewon...may I speak to you for a moment?" Your father comes into your room and you quickly set down your homework as it seemed like he was in a serious mood.

"What is it, father?"

"Chaewon, you...you've been with that girl Kim Minju too much. I know been your best friend for a while now but, you're both going to high school. That girl is nothing like you, and you can't stick around her for too much. She's weird, and your reputation will be ruined. People in high school will make fun of you too if you don't drop that girl."

What? How can he say that about her? Minju is your best friend. You would never leave her just because of what some stupid teenagers are saying.

"Father, how could you say that? Minju needs me, and I need her."

"Look Chaewon, Minju seems like one of those people. One of those homouals...and you know how much I don't like that kind of lifestyle right? What if she encourages you to be apart of that disgusting community? What if people start talking about you too? Do you know how humiliating it will be for the family?"

Of course. It's always been about the family name. Your parents never cared about you or your feelings. All they cared about was reputation, and the pressure was on you, being an only child. But how dare they bring Minju into this? You made a promise to the girl, and you weren't going to break it.

You text Minju after the encounter with your father and tell her to come see you through her window. She was right next door to your house, so you pull the blinds up and find her smiling at you. You chuckle for a moment, and you take out your notepad along with a pen. Texting was overrated anyways. You see her write down on her own notepad before showing you her writing

'You ok?'

You sarcastically chuckle to yourself at that. I mean your dad did tell you to avoid the girl, but you wouldn't let her know that. You start writing on your own notepad and show it to the brunette.

'Just tired of drama with my parents..'

'I hope it gets better :( I will always be here for u Chaewonie'

'I know minmin :)'

You keep up with writing to each other from your windows until you start to notice how you were quickly running out of paper. You probably killed a lot of trees due to your cheesiness, but oh well. You can make up for destroying the environment some other time.

You eventually head off to sleep after wishing Minju a goodnight, with her usual 'min-night' as she liked to call it. You were sure nothing could ever split you up. High school was not enough to break your bond.



The first few days of high school weren't so bad. Minju was still by your side, and she even made a few more friends in her robotics team! You could never express how proud you were because of her accomplishments, and you made sure to keep your promise.

"Minju...I've been thinking about trying out for the cheer team. What do you think?" You ask her as you eat your ramen during lunch.

"Hmm...if it makes you happy Chaewonie, I'll always be there to support you." She looks at you with a smile. You knew she'd say that, she was there for you just as much as you were there for her.

When it was finally the day for tryouts, you were extremely nervous. Minju made sure to give you the emergency best friend pep talk in dire situations like this, but you were still nervous. She was sitting down on the bleachers with a bunch of other athletes, and your heart soared at her act. You knew how much she hated big crowds, especially with people that weren't particularly fond of her, but she was still there cheering you in the bleachers. 

You smile and take a deep breath. Minju's support makes you feel more confident, and you're sure you're able to do well now.

When they call your name up, you stand in front of the coach and cheer captain with confidence in your eyes. The coach did terrify you with her eyes, but you were sure you could still impress them well. 

Once the music started, you felt your body move with the rythm of the routine, and you were deeply focused on the way your body was moving. You WANT this position. You were determined in achieving your passions and you made sure to make your parents proud. Getting into Jawoon High School's cheer team wasn't exactly the easiest task, as they were highly selective and competitive, but you wanted to finally make your parents proud with this.

The music ended and you felt yourself taking quick breaths as you put all your energy into the routine. There's silence.

The coach Bae Yoonjung doesn't say anything for a while. You're terrified now, surely you perfected all the moves right? You wait with agony and fear...until you see her smile. Oh wow, you didn't know she had the ability to smile, since she was well known for being the most feared teacher on the campus.

"Kim Chaewon...you can expect some good news in the future."

You smile. You smile wider than you ever have before, and you're happy.

Minju makes her way down the bleachers and greets you with a hug, much like the one you gave her when she joined the robotics team. Oh how much you love your best friend.


As you and Minju were making your way to your usual lunch table, your name was called by the cheer captain who took quite an interest in you, Lee Gayoung. 

"Chaewon, come sit with us! You're part of the cheer team now." You hesitate and look at Minju, who looks at you with a smile. You want to tell her that you'll still sit with her but she beats you to it.

"It's okay Chaewonie, I can just go sit over there with Yuri and the rest of the robotics team!" She's far too cheerful you think, but you're thankful for her understanding and you make your way over to the cheerleading table.

As you set your plate down, you feel a bit uncomfortable. This was your first time sitting at a table without your best friend and it seems as if your other half was missing.

"Hello Chaewon. You already know me, the cheer captain, Lee Gayoung. The whole team agreed that you were by far the best first year we've seen in a few years, and we wanted to congratulate you making it on the team, as you know how selective we are with our members."

"Thank you so mu-" You don't even get to finish as the captain cuts off your expression of gratitude.

"However, I'm sure you're aware of the reputation we keep at this school. We can't have you hanging around girls like that Kim Minju over there. I mean...just look at her and her weirdo robotics friends! This is how the school runs, and I'm sure you would want to stay on the team right?" 

What the hell was going on? First your father, now her? Why is everyone so againstt of the idea of you and Minju being together? Nothing was wrong with your minmin...but maybe you could distance yourself from her just a tiny bit. That wouldn't hurt right? Ugh, you have to talk to Eunbi about this, Minju cannot possibly know was it would devastate her.


"I just-I don't know what to do Eunbi-unnie." You were back at their ice cream shop, and you told Eunbi about what happened during lunch period that day after sending Minju home, apologizing for not staying over like you usually do on Friday afternoons.

"Chaewon you could not possibly think about ruining your friendship with Minju because of a silly reputation right?" She has the right to be disappointed in you for even thinking about that. You're also mad at yourself for even thinking about distancing yourself from the sweet girl.

"I know, I'm stupid."

"Look...I know how much you love cheer Chaewon, but, maybe you should stay away from those girls? Maybe you should hang around Chaeyeon and her group more often, they're still cheerleaders but I don't think you've gotten the chance to know them yet."

You listen to her advice.She was right, those girls were nothing but trouble and you didn't want Minju to get involved with them. You love how Eunbi always got you to think properly.

But she wasn't always there, especially since she was graduating this year. You hope you still have the right mind to make the correct choices...you hope.




"Isn't that Kim Chaewon? Why the hell is she still hanging around Kim Minju? Disgusting."

"Those two are probably dykes."

"Kim Chaewon doesn't deserve her title if she's going to be like this."

The voices. You hear them all the time. They thought they were being quiet about it, but you could hear them loud and clear. You still don't understand the entire high school system of reputations. You hate it. You hate how it's destroying your friendship with the one person you'd never want to lose. The one girl you held a promise with.

But the voices constantly corrupted your mind. You were less focused during cheer practice which caused some heavy scolding from Bae Yoonjung. You couldn't bear the looks...your insecurity was taking over. You had to get rid of it. You hate how there was only one way in your mind of how to get rid of the issue.

But...your parents were finally proud of you. They were proud that you finally exceled in something. They were the happiest you have ever seen them before, and that's all you ever wanted for them really. Their validation. Little did you know it would cost you the friendship of the girl who's been there for you since day one. 

You don't sit with Minju anymore during lunch. You don't know if she notices the growing distance between the two of you. You don't know if she notices how people have been talking bad about both of you recently.

"Hey, Chaewon are you listening?" Gayoung snaps you out of your thoughts while waving your hands across your face.

"Oh um, yeah, sorry Gayoung."

"Whatever. Anyways, I just wanted to talk to you about Kim Minju. You know I'm proud of you for distancing yourself from her, but people still talk about the two of you. I'm worried for you Chae...don't let her manipulate you into thinking I'm the bad guy okay?"

Proud. She was proud of you. Your reputation was getting better? You liked the feeling of people being proud of you, especially those who held power. You know it's wrong...but you can feel a little power hungry every once in a while right?




She was changing. You knew about it and the worse part is, you don't know if she notices how much she's changing. This isn't your Chaewonie who held your hands while taking you to the nurse when you were six. This wasn't the Chaewonie that cheered for you after finding a place in the robotics team. This...this was a different Kim Chaewon. This was not your Chaewon. You didn't like it.

The cheerleader has been distancing herself from you, and you find her hanging out with Lee Gayoung most of the time. She was also asked out by the football player Choi Soobin, which...what the ? You still remember that asshat making fun of you in the playground that one year.

It hurt the most when she agreed. It hurt the most to see her dropping all of your hangout sessions and lying to you. It hurt when you caught her making out with her boyfriend in the hallways. Oh god how it hurt.

Why was she doing this? Yuri and Wooseok tell you to forget about her because of how she's been treating you, but she's your best friend. You were determined in finding out why she was doing all this.

She comes over to your house one day, and that was when you decided to have a chat with her. Best friends were always honest with each other, and you wanted to be truthful to her. That's what it means being to be a good friend. You should point out their wrongdoings as well.

Chaewon takes a seat on the edge of your bed and immediately starts scrolling through her phone. She seems uninterested recently, and she comes over your house less and less, which made your mother ask questions on whether or not the two of you were fighting. You had to basically beg her to come over to your house, just this one time...like she used to before.

"Chaewon...I think we need to have a talk."

She puts her phone down and looks up at you. Those eyes...those expressions...it wasn't Chaewon. It was driving you insane. You just wanted your best friend back.

"Chaewonie...look, I-"

"Can you stop calling me that, Minju?" 

You're surprised. You're scared. You've always called her Chaewonie though...this wasn't looking like a good sign. You needed to get your best friend back to you. She was changing much more than you've ever imagined.

"Chaewon what's wrong with you? Why are you acting like this you've been distancing yourself from me. You've been ignoring me and you've been chaning! You didn't even tell me you got a boyfriend, and you've been ditching me. This isn't you Chaewon..."

You're saddened. You hope the desperation was evident in your voice and that your talk with her was enough to get the old Chaewon back. Your Chaewon. You don't want your long term friendship to end over something silly like this. You don't want other people to break you apart.

"Look at how they're talking about us Minju! I'm always hearing these voices...I'm always covered in their looks. I needed to do something to get it away. It was driving me ing insane! I couldn't sleep, and I-I didn't know what to do! I can't do this anymore."

"Chaewon, I told you I'm always here for yo-"

"You don't need to be. We should...we should stop this Minju. I can't take the feeling of being uncomfortable with you."

There's tears forming in your eyes, and before you knew it, Chaewon stormed out of your house. You couldn't chase after her. You couldn't call out her name. You couldn't do anything else other than sit there and cry. For a long time.



You were eating lunch with your friends from the robotics team. Yuri and Yena were bickering as usual, you wonder when they will realize their feelings for one another. Wooseok, Hyewon, and Yohan were sitting quiely watching the two bicker over a scientific theory, which catches your attention. 

"I'm telling you, string theory makes more sense in unifying the universe! Elementary particles are obviously made up of vibrating one dimensional strings, plus deriving the math makes more sense as you get Einstein's relativity equation!"

"Ugh you're being so stubborn Yuri! Loop quantum gravity obviously has more evidence! You can't prove those stupid strings exist even with the large hadron collider!"

You laugh at their antics, you want to give your input on their little 'discussion' until you notice Chaewon. 

You never got the chance to talk to her after Friday night, and you're still determined in getting your best friend back. You stand up from your seat and ignore your friends' protests, as you quickly make your way over to the cheerleader. You notice she was with Gayoung and holding hands with Soobin, as well as the other athletes and cheerleaders. You notice the other cheerleaders sitting in the lunch table, Chaeyeon, Hitomi, and Nako give her disapproving looks. Well, looks like you weren't the only one who wasn't fond of her personality

You do your best to catch up with her, and when you finally grab a hold of her hand, she faces you with an irritated expression.

"What do you want Kim Minju?!"

"Chaewon please...this isn't you. Let's go back to how things were...okay? Please...?"

You see her falter for a moment. You think you see her eyes coming back to you. Your Chaewonie was in there somehwere, and it seemed you were finally getting her back.

Well, you were wrong.

Gayoung elbows Chaewon's shoulder, and your best friend shakes her head. As if she was removing any memories and thoughts of you in her head. You hated how that stupid Gayoung and Soobin did that to her.

"Minju...stop trying to frame Gayoung as the bad guy. Why won't you just stop manipulating me?"

What? What was she even saying? This wasn't her. You don't know who you're even talking to right now. You see her friends and boyfriend look at you with obnoxious smirks, as if boasting the fact that your best friend was trying to drop you in front of them. As if showing off the fact that they were taking her away from you.



Well, . That one hurt.

The whole cafeteria turned to look at you and her. Some of them whisper to each other and some of them start laughing. You look around, you look at these people who your best friend would have stood up against. You don't have that anymore. You realize that,

You lost her.

You look into her eyes without saying anything. You hope the pain and hurt is being conveyed through your orbs. You hope she understands what she's doing. You hope she realizes she should stop before it's far too late. But that simple fact is, it was already far too late.

"Get lost loser" Soobin smirks at you and grips Chaewon's hand then turns around and leaves you alone.

Feeling massively dejected, you turn back to sit with your friends, who look at you with worry. Yuri tries soothing your shoulder, but you can already feel the tears leaving your eyes. God, you hate how everything turned out. You hate how your best friend said all those words. You hate how you used to believe she would always stick by your side.

Wooseok notices your crying getting harder and starts to harshly stand up from his seat with a huff.

"Where are you going?" You ask with teary eyes and a cracking voice.

"I'm going after them! I'm beating that Choi Soobin into the ground and teaching them a lesson for hurting you!" His hands ball up into fists and you try calming him down.

"Thanks Wooseok but...it's not worth it. Let's just stay here first...please?"

Sighing, he eventually gives in after hearing the desparation in your voice. Yohan pats him on the back and your friends all cover you from the eyes of other students. They make sure to fend off anyone who tried to get close to you or take pictures of you. You might have lost Chaewon, but your team was now there for you. It was a lot better than hurting on your own.

You still wondered when Chaewon, your best friend, your knight in shining armor, the girl you forced yourself to eat mint choco ice cream with...

You wondered when your savior...turned into your worst enemy. 

Someone who despised you. Hated you.

You wonder why.





Oh wow, that one was lot!! I hope you guys are enjoying this fic, please leave comments and tell me how you're liking it so far! Thank you so much for reading, I love you all!




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Tzuunaa #1
Chapter 12: So good!! Hope to see you in your next stories
Chapter 12: Happy ending, thank you so much for writing this story...
Chapter 12: satisfying ending, i love each and every chapter till the end, and the conclusion plus the small epilogue was so wholesome i cant thank you enough for writing this!! ^0^
1762 streak #4
Chapter 12: i love it!!!!! and the bomb drop at the end! she doesn't like mint choco lol XD
Chapter 12: ahhh happy ending, chaewon did her best when she confronted her parents
jcqln_yu #6
Chapter 12: Thank you for writing this story! It's one of my favorites! I'll remember this for a very long time. Thank you for sharing that last bit too. Hope to see you again on your next stories. :)
Chapter 12: Thanks author-nim for this wonderful fic of yours :) looking forward for your new story soon if there's will be, hehe
Chapter 12: Thank you for this wonderful story author-nim ^_^
juco_lolan #9
Chapter 12: Thank you for that amazing story author!
I always looked forward to a new chapter, and I'm quite sad that it will end, but I'll look forward to read any new stories you'll create.

P.s I listen to asmr when I'm stressed and it helps me calm down a tad bit, just want to share this, I hope it helps you like it helps me.
Chapter 11: goodjob kim chaewon! he deserves it!