
She's Cheer Captain and I'm on the Bleachers

Euphoria. Adrenaline. 

Oh how much you've missed this feeling. You might sound like an excited 13 year old, but you truly do love roller coasters and experiencing the thrill of rides in the amusement park. You love the adrenaline rush it gives you once the ride has reached its full potential and launches you on the tracks near the speed of light. Ok, that might have been an exaggeration, an amusement park ride could not compare to the speed of light, however, the wooden roller coaster did feel like it was as fast as your heart.

Ah yes, the infamous wooden roller coaster in Everland. You and your friends decided to ride the most popular one first after eating lunch. Was riding the roller coaster with an insanely high velocity after lunch a good idea? Probably not, but you're high school students, the best time to be youthful and act like stupid teenagers. But of course, not too stupid.

You had to practically beg the cowards in your group, Yuri and Yena, to ride it, and with enough peer pressure from everyone else, they eventually agreed.

"Oh come on don't be such chickens." Yohan, the dare devil in your group told the two cowards.

"We're in an amusement park!"

"You can't go to Everland and miss out on this ride."

As the two chickens agreed, you rush into the line like little children with smiles and collective cheers from the group. As you get closer to the ride, which Yena likes to call the 'monstrous vehicle of eternal death', the screams start becoming more apparent, as well as the cart zooming past the tracks and breezing past you. The sounds make your heart beat out of excitement as you clap your hands, enjoying the thrill from the line itself.

"Alright everyone choose your partners to pair up with on the ride!" Eunbi exclaims, already claiming Chaeyeon.

You take a hold of Chaewon's hand and give her a smirk. You knew she was secretly afraid of large and scary rides, so you wanted to ride the front seat with her, which was the best view of course. 

The two cowards, Yuri and Yena, pair up together and decide to claim the seats in the middle, the 'least' scary spot in their opinion. Yohan and Junho pair up together, along with Hyewon and Sakura, Hitomi and Nako, Yujin and Wonyoung, with Yujin promising to protect her and hold her hand the whole ride, earning a gagging sound from everyone in the group. Wooseok volunteered to be a single rider, but was eventually paired up by another single rider named Jinyuk, who quickly got along with the other boy.

"I call the front seat with Chaewon!"

The cheerleader looks at you with wide eyes, to which you give a playful smile. She looks kind of terrified, but she goes along with it anyways.

"No fair! I want to ride the front!" Yohan argues.

"Ugh fine, rock paper scissors."

Yep. You win that too. You give him a cocky smile as the front seat is claimed by you and Chaewon. When you finally reach the end of the line, you excitedly jump into the front row and pull the lapbar down. 

As the others get settled in, Chaewon holds your hand with a death grip.

"If I die on this ride I will kill you Kim Minju."

You ignore her flawed logic and just laugh at her horrified expression. As the worker gives a thumbs up to the ride operator, the cart starts moving down the track. The mos terrifying part of roller coasters was definitely the climb. The slow ascend up the track, as you see those on the ground become smaller and resemble ants.

You can already hear Yena and Yuri screaming their lungs out when the ride hasn't even dropped yet. Your heart starts beating faster as you reach the top of the climb, and there's a split second before you finally descend.

You start hearing everyone yelling as the ride accelerates down the track and takes you on a high speed run. The girl next to you is probably going to make your eardrums burst and she leans into you while giving you deafening yells in your ears. You laugh and cheer, along with Yohan behind you, who seemed to be having the time of his life.

You hear the collective cheers and yells mixing with your friends and you're happy that everyone seems excited. So far, there were no issues and everyone seemed to be getting along just fine. 

Once the ride was over, you jump off your seat when the lapbars were let loose and turn to see the others with messy hair and terrified facial expressions. Your favorite was probably Yuri and Yena's who seemed dazed at what they had just experienced. 

"Ok...that was actually fun..." Yuri laughs, with her other half still shocked at the ride.

The group still felt hyped from the previous ride, and goes on to ride the various thrills at the theme park. As you have fun through out the day, you find that everyone has been getting closer as well, nothing like the previous encounter early in the morning. While stopping by for some cotton candy, you and the group decide to interrogate the youngest girls about their relationship status.

"Hey! You two first years, what's the deal with your relationship?" Ah, you can always count on Hyewon to be the assertive and straight forward one of the group when it comes to being intimidating.

Yujin and Wonyoung start flushing like tomatoes, earning laughs from everyone who was currently munching on their respective treats while facing the youngest with curious looks.

"Well uh...we're dating, I guess?"

Huh? What did that even mean? How can someone be not sure if they're dating or not. Then again, you've never been in a relationship so all this stuff seemed new to you anyways. It seemed like relationships were much more complex than you thought.

"Well, I confessed to Wonyoung after school when I was walking her home..." Yujin sheepishly states.

"And I said I liked her back to, but we didn't want to say anything because our groups sort of hated each other..." The slightly taller girl also states with a hint of embarrassment apparent in her tone. They were such cute and pure little babies. However, it also seemed sad to you that the two first years were in a relationship before you were. It seemed like you were always drowned in busy work, but then again, you already had your eyes set on a certain strawberry haired cheerleader.

The group cheers on the youngest and congraulates the two of them, making sure to tell them that everyone approved. 

"Hey how about you two?" Nako, the shortest one amongst the group, points at Yena and Yuri, confusing both of the girls.

"Huh? What about us?" The duck looking girl asks in confusion.

"Aren't you two dating?"

Yuri opens to answer, but the older girl beats her to it. "Ah, no we're just friends."

The cheerleaders seemed suspicious, because surely those two were dating after all the cuddling and bickering they were seen doing at school. You see Yuri's face look a little disappointed at what Yena had said, gosh how you hated how oblivious the duck could be at times. You were glad she was finally gaining courage to ask Yuri out to prom, contrary to her usual cowardice personality.

The rest of the day plays out smoothly, with each passing second getting better. There seemed to no longer be signs of pure hatred between the two groups, however, you knew your group of friends were pretty stubborn, a trait that runs between all of you, and you knew it would take more than a simple theme park outing to gain their trust. But, it was finally established that Chaewon's friends had nothing to do with the cafeteria incident.

Not only was there rides offered at Everland, but you could also surprisingly feed tigers. Yes, actual live, HUNGRY, tigers. Now, you weren't one who feared roller coasters and extremely intense rides in theme parks, but wild animals were a different story.

It was Chaewon's turn to finally give you a playful smirk as she saw the fear light up in your eyes, as you approach the tigers after paying for the meat. Atleast they were behind the gates, but still, you never know what could happen. There were many incidents of things going wrong at these types of events. 

You see the rest of the group split up into different areas, as they try to feed the tigers. 

"Look Chaewon, this one looks like you!" Yena shouts from the other side of the area.

You're confused. Wasn't this the same girl who was practically dying from the wooden roller coaster earlier before it even started moving? But she can handle ferocious, carnivorous animals? You seriously wondered what was up with Yena sometimes, but that doesn't take away the love you have for her, all platonic of course. 

Chaewon gives the duck a 'glare', and that's when you realize that huh, she does look like those tigers. "You do look like them Chaewonie" You cutely coo at the older girl.

"Not you too Minju." She pouts, which looked immensely adorable might you add, prompting you to pinch her cheeks in return.

As you cruise through the park, you all begin to realize it was getting late, and the sun was about to set in about an hour. 

"Why don't we all ride the ferris wheel and head out somewhere to get dinner afterwards?" Chaeyeon suggests to the group.

Everyone agrees, as the group's feet take them to the ferris wheel. The ride consisted of only two people per carriage, so everyone had to pair up once again. The pairing consisted of the same ones as the first ride, with Wooseok being left alone again.

To his surprise, he finds the other friend he made earlier, Jinhyuk, making his eyes go wide. How coincidental...seems like those two got along well though. You're not sure if the other boy went to your school though, as he did not look very familiar.

As your group goes into the carriages pair by pair, you and Chaewon are the last ones to go inside. To be quite honest, it's a little awkward at first, because of the lack of rowdy noises made by you friends. This was the only time you were alone with Chaewon today, and you were grateful, but you were wasting time right now. Woman up Kim Minju!

"It's beautiful isn't it?" Chaewon breaks the silence and you turn your eyes to her, but she wasn't looking at you, rather taking her time to admire the view of the park, as the sunset became more apparent. 

It did look beautiful. Gorgeous actually. You knew Chaewon really liked to admire the sky, hence all the times you two would go star gazing before. You could see the orange sun start to dip below the horizon, as the original sky blue colors began to fade away, being taken over by the red and orange sky. It was a brilliant and rich color, one that made you captivated each time. The same goes to Chaewon.

You turn your head away from the amazing view and take the time to look at the other girl. She was sunconsciously smiling, a characterisitc you always adored. You could practically see her beautiful brown eyes light up, turning into a hazel sort of color.

You want to tell her how alluring and stunning she looked right now. You want to make a move and just tell her every good thing about her. You want to tell her how much you admire her captivation in the sky, and how she looked like a piece of art belonging to a museum with her current state.

So you do.

"Did you know that solar flare particles travel at approximately 300,000 kilometers per second?"

Ok maybe not. 

She turns to you and laughs. It wasn't just a little chuckle, but a full blown laugh. Should you be offended? Then again, you did mess up terribly. You couldn't even tell Chaewon how beautiful she looked, instead providing her a fact about the sun. You weren't very good at flirting. You were good at randomly bursting out facts about anything and everything though.

When she finally stops laughing, she faces you and finds you with a pout on your lips. The charming cheerleader leans forward and pinches your lips, making your eyes go wide.

One, she squeezing your lips.

Two, she was too close. way too close for your awkwardness to not come out. 

Everything feels surreal for a moment. It was like the park around you became silent and blurred, with your only focus on Chaewon, and how good the sunset lighting was making her look. Golden hour was what it's called. She looked absolutely stunning when she was closer to you. Of course, she's been in close proximity before, hell, you two were all over each other last night, but it felt different this time.

The environment, her smile, her everything. You don't remember the last time you began appreciating Chaewon's looks this much, but now your poor heart has to suffer thanks to the strawberry haired girl. You could hear your heart beat speed up every passing second, similar to the roller coaster earlier, except, you're sure your heart beat was accelerating at a higher rate.

You notice the other girl's smile go down, as she removes her hands from your lips. Weird, she stopped smiling and pinching your lips, but she was still close. Very, very close. 

You could feel her breath and see her eyes reaching your lips. You do the same, and you've never found a pair of tactile sensory organs, aka lips, look so...enchanting before. You don't know what feeling suddenly corrupted your body, but you felt a sense of desire.

Your heart was feeling warm and you wanted nothing more than to capture her lips. wanted to kiss her. You don't even care that you've never had your first kiss before, but you wanted it. 

Chaewon starts to lean in, and you find yourself following her move. You don't care about anything right now. You completely forget about the fact that she had a boyfriend. 

Your foreheads start to touch and you close your eyes. Her breath was alluring, and you could vaguely smell mint. Her scent. It filled up your nostrils, and you wanted more of it. It gave you warmth, pleasure, and you needed more. You've never felt this demanding before.

As you approach her slowly and finally capture the beauty's lips, you hear the door in the carriage open next to you.

The two of you quickly back away and look at the ride operator, who had her eyes wide at the encounter. As you gain your senses back, you realize what just happened. If the ride didn't end for another split second, you two would have been kissing. 

"Umm...thank you for riding, the exit is on your left."

You get off the carriage with Chaewon trailing behind you, as you didn't want her to see your flushed expression.

You find your friends waiting for you near the exit, and they all stare at the two of you with suspicion. You don't think your blush has went away, so you're sure they definitely notice. You can't see Chaewon's face as you were too much of a coward to do so, but you sense she might be feeling the same.

"Why are the two of you so red?" Wooseok points at the two of you with a curious expression and your face turns a darker shade of red at his question, if that was even possible.

Out of embarrassment, you approach him and bend his pointing arm behind his back, preventing the others from seeing your tomato like facial expression. Your poor, poor heart.

"Ow, hey! Okay I give up! I'm sorry!" He exclaims in pain. Good for him, he deserved that.

You cross your arms and finally turn to look at Chaewon, whose ears were still a bright shade of pink. "It was just hot in the carriage...yeah really hot!"

Well, that was one way of putting it. You're not sure everyone buys it though, as they all looked at the two of you with curiosity, but they drop the topic anyways and start walking to the exit of the park.

"So where are we eating? I'm kind of feeling some ramen, or tteokbokki-"

You ignore the conversation going on with the group, still shaken about earlier events. You've never acted out of desire before, so this was a new feeling to you. You knew you shouldn't have done that, since Chaewon had a why did you exactly? You usually had a lot of self control, it was something you were particularly known for, but this time, you let your feelings get to you.

You now realize,

You are officially screwed. Thanks Kim Chaewon.





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Tzuunaa #1
Chapter 12: So good!! Hope to see you in your next stories
Chapter 12: Happy ending, thank you so much for writing this story...
Chapter 12: satisfying ending, i love each and every chapter till the end, and the conclusion plus the small epilogue was so wholesome i cant thank you enough for writing this!! ^0^
1762 streak #4
Chapter 12: i love it!!!!! and the bomb drop at the end! she doesn't like mint choco lol XD
Chapter 12: ahhh happy ending, chaewon did her best when she confronted her parents
jcqln_yu #6
Chapter 12: Thank you for writing this story! It's one of my favorites! I'll remember this for a very long time. Thank you for sharing that last bit too. Hope to see you again on your next stories. :)
Chapter 12: Thanks author-nim for this wonderful fic of yours :) looking forward for your new story soon if there's will be, hehe
Chapter 12: Thank you for this wonderful story author-nim ^_^
juco_lolan #9
Chapter 12: Thank you for that amazing story author!
I always looked forward to a new chapter, and I'm quite sad that it will end, but I'll look forward to read any new stories you'll create.

P.s I listen to asmr when I'm stressed and it helps me calm down a tad bit, just want to share this, I hope it helps you like it helps me.
Chapter 11: goodjob kim chaewon! he deserves it!