Two Different People

She's Cheer Captain and I'm on the Bleachers

The bell rings, singalling that school is over. You bag and makes sure to say goodbye to the teacher on your way out, on the way to the robotics room. You manage your way throught the hallway filled with overjoyed teenagers trying to get home or trying to get to their after school activities. As you climb your way down the stairs, you head to the robotics room to hold an important team meeting and make sure to troubleshoot any issues. The South Korea National Championships were only two weeks away, and you had to make sure your team was ready to compete. You're constantly stressed about perfecting the robot, and the concerning thoughts always clouded your mind, well, maybe too much.

"Ouch. Watch where you're going!"

Minju registers the soft, angelic, well not so angelic right now, voice belonging to the strawberry haired cheerleading captain. She feels a slight pain on her shoulder from the encounter, but she was more worried about clashing with the cheer captain, resident "sweetheart" Kim Chaewon.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't-" You don't even get to finish your sentence, as the other Kim merely scoffs and walks past you, not forgetting to give you a side glare on her way out. 

You wonder why the popular cheerleader despises you and constantly gives you intense, most likely hateful, stares.

To be fair, you did run over foot while you were driving the robot around during orientation for the first years, but still! It was only made out of steel, with heavy rubber tires, and it may have caused her to fall down, causing a domino effect on the cheer team as each girl fell backwards into the official cheer club table, but that was merely a common mistake...right?

Whatever, you shrug away anymore thoughts of the very, very, cute cheerleader.

You finally arrive at the robotics room, which was not surprisingly, a huge mess.

Miyawaki Sakura, the greatest programmer you have ever met, was the only one actually focused in trying to code the robot and fixing the issue with the base, which was definitely not caused by you causing a cheerleader domino show.

Kang Hyewon, the girl who often eats was well, eating, while watching the infamous duo argue about whatever it was they were arguing about.

Choi Yena, the happy virus crackhead who always made sure to keep the robotics team as loud as it can be, was arguing with her not-girlfriend Jo Yuri, sweetheart photogropher who helped with documenting meetings and creating sketches for the robot.

Ahn Yujin, the newbie first year who joined because of your little show with the cheerleaders, was intensly eating popcorn while watching the duo argue. 

"I told you! We need to make the intake smaller because the arm is already too heavy and the robot will fall backwards when we lift it up to grab the objects!!" A very frustrated duck was shouting.

"Yena are you out of your mind? If we make it any smaller, there is no way we're going to be able to collect the cubes and we won't get any bonus points! We can always make the arm smaller!" The younger girl might rip her scalp off her skull with the way she's pulling at her hair.

You cross your arms and cough loudly, and you mean very loudly, to get the team's attention. They quickly quiet down upon noticing your arrival and the two not-girlfriends run towards you.

"Minju! My favorite captain! Please tell this dumb duck that her design is stupid!" The hamster gives her best puppy eyes at you, which don't work by the way.

"Hey! It's not stupid! Minju tell Yuri that my idea is better and we'll win for sure with it!"

You honestly don't have the time to deal with the bickering today, as a certain redhead already made you pretty upset. "You two calm down! We discuss these ideas together, we will create a prototype for both designs and see which one is better, remember the competition is coming up! We need to represent our school well so we can finally get some funding and the school will notice our efforts for once!" You rant.

Hyewon takes a break from eating her ramen, and sarcastically scoffs at your statement, which earned looks from all the members. "As if. This school is too focused on its sports programs, have you seen those football and basketball players? They get five times the funding we do." She states while crossing her arms with clear anger. "Don't even get me started on the cheerleading team...those girls' new uniforms might be crafted from the gods themselves and made out of pure silk."

You sigh, knowing the funding system of the school was not exactly fair, but what more can you expect. "Look, I know how you're all stressed and frustrated with the unfairness of club budgets, but we're not giving up now. This competition is our chance of getting them to stop looking down on us, to finally appreciate our efforts and see that we're well deserving of a higher budget!"

The team sighs and agrees with you, with a newfound determination in their faces. You smile at their expression, you always knew how to get them hyped and motivated for your tournaments. You knew this competition would be different, and winning first place would be the chance you all dreamed of.

Before you open your mouth to get the meeting started, the door slams open, much to your poor heart's dismay. "Hey girls what did we miss?" Kim Wooseok, the other programmer and video game lover alongside Hyewon and Sakura. He comes in with two bags of much needed snacks, to which Hyewon quickly dashes towards. 

In front of the other Kim, the door slammer who caused Minju's near heart attack, the other other Kim, Kim Yohan, robot builder alongside Yena and Yujin, and very well known for his taekwondo skills, hence dramatically kicking the door open, approaches the room as well. Behind them, the final member of the team, Cha Junho, another first year, who helps with documentation and sketching designs alongside Yuri, approaches with drinks.

"Wow nice of you to finally show up." Hyewon states while eating the food that is, well was, in Wooseok's bag. 

"Well sorry for being late, but we knew how stressful this time is, so we brought all of our favorite snacks!" Yohan says while immediately lying down on the couch, which wasn't all too comfortable to be honest since it was old and kind of gross, you once again have the school's poor budget to thank for that.

"Okay, well whatever, let's just get started. The South Korea National Championships is in two weeks, as you all know, this is finally our chance to gain some recognition. This isn't like any other tournament we competed in, this is the big event, this is where all the good robotics teams in all of Korea is competing in." You once again address a motivational speech to your members, but you know this competition is important to all of you.

You also want to prove to Kim Chaewon that the robotics team isn't full of creeps and weirdos like the cheerleaders and atheletes say, you want to prove that she deserved getting her foot ran over during orientation day. You want to prove to that rude, obnoxious, perhaps pretty, cheerleader that the robotics team is finally stepping up their game in the school, and hopefully all of Korea.

" okay?" Junho worriedly asks, as you have been spacing out and thinking about that arrogant Kim Chaewon once again. "Huh? Yeah, why do you ask?"

" just stopped talking, then you kept smiling and nodding to yourself. You were also continuosly repeating Kim Chaewon? And pretty?" The first year boy asks.

Oh... you weren't exactly the best at keeping your thoughts to yourself. Perhaps you may have said some things out loud that was meant to stay inside your head. Of course the words they hear is 'Kim Chaewon' and 'pretty'.

"Ohh I see how it is...does our sweet captain Minju have a litte crush on the popular cheerleading captain?" The dumb duck teases you with that annoying smirk of hers, you would throw the robot at her if it wasn't so precious...the robot you mean. Instead, you opt for slapping her shoulder, maybe a little too hard, which her definitely not-girlfriend Jo Yuri caresses and cuddles to her side.

"You do don't you! This is just like those dramas I've been watching! A hate to love relationship, the nerd who steals the popular girl's heart. Wow what a romance." The other first year, Yujin, states with a dopey smile and a hand to her heart. You sometimes wonder what has gotten into the youngsters these days.

Sakura removes her eyes from her laptop screen and laughs along with the team while turning her chair towards you, "This is just like every anime! With Chaewon as a tsundere and Minju as the charming nerd." You swear you would break the Japanese girl's laptop once the competition is over.

You scoff at the members who have been teasing you, "I would never date that close-minded, evil Kim Chaewon! Besides, it's not like she would spare a glance in my direction anyways..."

You once again scoff, but this time in your head. Kim Chaewon would never settle for a nerd like you. Besides, she already has a boyfriend, who is extremely toxic and definitely not good for her, not that you care though. He doesn't deserve her...




The whistle blows, signalling the start of cheer practice, you let out a breath you've been holding. Your boyfriend, Choi Soobi, whom you love very much, yeah keep telling yourself that, just sent you a mass of angry text messages scolding you for embarrasing him at his party with his friends.

You don't really know the issue, sure you may have poured an entire can of beer down Yeonjun's head, but he deserved it for trying to flirt with you, and even going to the point of trying to touch you. Your boyfriend, unsurprisngly, defends his friend and says he would never do such a thing like that to a girl, causing another fight between the two of you.

Your favorite unnie who sadly graduated already, Eunbi, kept telling you to break things off with him already. Of course, you tell her you love him, and you don't want to ruin the relationship, especially now that your parents are proud of you being able to get with a rich 'gentleman' like Soobin.

Your parents finally supported you in something, and you didn't want to ruin it, no matter what. So you tell yourself you love him.

Besides, you weren't particularly in a good mood since that weirdo robotics nerd Kim Minju bumped into you. Seriously, she already had glasses on, could she still not see where she was going? You groan at the thought of the brunette, but immediately focus on warming up your cheerleading squad.

You start off with warming them up and doing some stretching before practicing the routine. You love cheerleading as it takes your mind off of things, more specifically your relationship issues with Soobin, but it's normal for all couples to fight, the only important thing is that you love him, right? right?

Slowly losing your focus, you mess up a few moves in your routine, to which your couch, the not so friendly Bae Yoonjung, yells at you for with no hesitation. You may be cheeleading captain, but coach was quick to scold you for making mistakes with no doubt, especially at times like these.

The Seoul Cheerleading Contest was coming in three weeks, and you knew your school had a reputation to uphold. You could not get stupid thoughts get in your head at this time, your team was counting on you to lead them well.

Once practice was over, you sit on the bleachers with a deep sigh, drinking enough water to clear the lump in your throat. You then hear the seat next to you being taken,

"Hey, chae are you okay? You weren't usually yourself today..." Co-captain, Lee Chaeyeon, the angel who was less problematic between the two of you, asks.

"Yeah I'm just... not really fully focused today." You sigh.

"Problems with Soobin?"

You hate how easily noticeable it was. You hate how your friends always notice the way you acted when it came to Soobin.

"It's just a little fight. I love him Chaeyeon..." She gives you the look, and you ignore it because you don't feel like having this talk with her again.

You were reminded of how much you love him the next day during lunch, as he took his seat next to you with your group of friends and quickly englufed you in a hug, even peppering kisses on your head. You smile at kiss him back on the cheek, to which Wonyoung, a talented cheerleading first year, gags at. 

You ignore the looks given to you by Chaeyeon and Hitomi, your other friend who didn't exactly approve of your relationship either.

You turn your head away from your boyfriend and youre eyes lead you to the table in front of you, as you can feel stares boring holes in your body. 

You find Kim Minju glaring at your boyfriend, and you challenge her stare, to which she quickly looks away. You pretend not to notice the faint blush forming on her cheeks, which you might have found cute.

Soobin notices the direction of your eyes leaving him, and finds you staring at Minju's table, which he likes to call the losers seats. He gives you a prideful smirk as he comes up with an idea forming at the back of his head, although not a very good one. "Are those kids giving you trouble my love?" 

You quickly shake your head, but you realize it's too late as he gets up from his seat and walks his way towards Minju's table, a carton of milk in his hand.

Uh oh, you're not exactly fond of where this idea is heading.

Soobin whispers to Yeonjun and his table filled with Jawoon High School's prideful athletes, and you don't have to be a genius to know the other boys are liking your boyfriend's idea. You stay rooted to your seat, too cowardly to make a move because your reputation was on the line.

How was the school going to see Kim Chaewon if she stands up to her boyfriend?

Removing the idea of stopping your boyfriend, you're quickly filled with regret as you see him throw, honestly much too hard, at Minju's table, particularly splashing all over the girl who looks like a hamster, Jo Yuri is her name you think.

Yuri looks all over her body which is now filled with disgusting cafeteria carton milk, and starts tearing up. The laughs of your boyfriend and his friends weren't helping at all, as you can see the poor girl start to shake out of humiliation, causing her tears to start pooling down her face.

The entire table of victims are fuming with anger and start getting up from their seats, with poor Yuri staying rooted to her chair as she still cannot process what's happening.

One particular girl, you know as Choi Yena since she's in your class, is seething in rage, and you can practically see all signs of the outgoing, joyful girl, dissipating as she's basically steaming with anger.

"Hey! What the was that for? Don't you ever do that to her! I swear I'll tear all of you into pieces one by one!." The duck looking girl yells, earning laughs from the athletes and other cheerleaders, who you weren't exactly friends with. 

Your friends were looking at you with disappointment written on their faces, and you quickly look away to the scene that was heavily escalating as time went by.

Yena's anger fueled and you see her grab her lunch tray and dump it all over your boyfriend's head. If there was one thing Choi Soobin did not like, it was his appearance being messed with, especially by the group of people he loathed with no particular reason. 

You see your boyfriend gasping in shock, along with the rest of the students in the cafateria, who quickly took fascination in this scene, taking all of their phones out and filming the incident.

"I'll kill you for that Choi Yena!" Soobin grabs the nearest tray of food and aims it to the other girl, however, was quickly stopped as another friend of hers, you recognize him as Kim Wooseok, pushes your boyfriend so hard he stumbles back into his friends, with the food all over his body yet again.

Uh oh, you see him seethe with frustration as he lets out a roar and starts tackling Wooseok, with the interference of his friends, Cha Junho the first year, and the other Kim, Kim Yohan, who you just saw kick the living headlights out of Yeonjun's body, into the nearest table, causing a bigger mess.

The two groups quickly get into a fight, and you find the situation getting out of hand quickly. You and your friends rapidly get up from your seats and try to prevent the fight from further escalating. Of course, it wasn't exactly easy with the jocks trying to pounce on Yohan and Yena releasing her anger by jumping on your boyfriend and trying to rip his head out of his scalp.

You get the girl off of Soobin with Yuri's help, but your boyfriend isn't exactly the calm type, especially when he's losing a fight, so he pushes you off of him and slaps you. Hard.

The fight stops.

Everyone gasps and there's silence.

Your eyes are wide as you put your hand to your cheek. You feel the shock enveloping you, then the whispers start coming, which don't really comfort you at the time.

'Oh my god Choi Soobin just hit his girl!'

'Holy he just slapped the living hell out of Kim Chaewon'

Your friends come to you quickly and surrounds you, preventing the bystanders from filming you or staring at you even more. 

You hate it. You hate the looks. You hate the whispers. You hate how you're forcing yourself to love that monster of a boyfriend.

So you run.

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Tzuunaa #1
Chapter 12: So good!! Hope to see you in your next stories
Chapter 12: Happy ending, thank you so much for writing this story...
Chapter 12: satisfying ending, i love each and every chapter till the end, and the conclusion plus the small epilogue was so wholesome i cant thank you enough for writing this!! ^0^
1762 streak #4
Chapter 12: i love it!!!!! and the bomb drop at the end! she doesn't like mint choco lol XD
Chapter 12: ahhh happy ending, chaewon did her best when she confronted her parents
jcqln_yu #6
Chapter 12: Thank you for writing this story! It's one of my favorites! I'll remember this for a very long time. Thank you for sharing that last bit too. Hope to see you again on your next stories. :)
Chapter 12: Thanks author-nim for this wonderful fic of yours :) looking forward for your new story soon if there's will be, hehe
Chapter 12: Thank you for this wonderful story author-nim ^_^
juco_lolan #9
Chapter 12: Thank you for that amazing story author!
I always looked forward to a new chapter, and I'm quite sad that it will end, but I'll look forward to read any new stories you'll create.

P.s I listen to asmr when I'm stressed and it helps me calm down a tad bit, just want to share this, I hope it helps you like it helps me.
Chapter 11: goodjob kim chaewon! he deserves it!