Chapter 8

Lean on Me
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Everyone was silent. They thought Chaewon and Minjoo fought on their way because the former was just silent when she returned to her desk. She ignored the taller girl who looked as confused as anyone else.


Sakura was staring at Chaewon then looked at Minjoo who was still bothered. Everyone was confused because the two never got into a fight. Sure they bicker here and there but never to the point one would ignore the other.


No one said anything and just finished up everything they needed to do. 


"I'll see you guys tomorrow. Finish up as soon as you can then head home."


Once again, everyone was surprised because Chaewon never left first.


"Unnie," Minjoo called out to the older girl but, to no surprise, she was ignored. 


"Minjoo, let her be first," Hyewon called out because the taller girl was about to follow Chaewon out of their office. She sat down again and just sighed before running her fingers through her hair, a habit she does when she's frustrated.


"What happened with you two out there?" Sakura couldn't help but ask the taller girl, everyone looked at the three best friends.


Minjoo was silent for a few minutes, thinking about what she may have done or said to anger the older girl.


"I don't even know? We were okay when we were on our way back. Then Chaewon-unnie just left me at the hall when Hyunjin-oppa talked to us."


Minjoo heard a collective ahh from those in the room. She was confused though, "what?"


Hyewon shook her head, "Minjoo-ya. I know you're as frustrated at Chaewon as we are for not taking the hint that you feel something for her, but I'm so frustrated at you too."


"What did I do?"


"Half of the entire school wants to date you, idiot!"


"Yeah, but doesn't everyone know who I like?!"


The apprentices were shocked. They knew Minjoo liked Chaewon, but she never really expressed herself in front of them. While the two seniors just rolled their eyes at the junior.


"Minjoo, if you didn't notice, they're trying to persuade you because you and Chaewon are damn slow." Sakura was the one that pointed this out to the girl.


"The unnies seem to have forgotten we're here, didn't they?" Wonyoung whispered to Jiheon who just nodded her head.


"Don't worry, Wonyoung. We

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Chapter 18: this is so amazing
Kamishil #2
Chapter 19: I can’t wait to read this story!
Tindionisio #3
Finally 2kim ?
1762 streak #4
Chapter 18: i'm so happy!!!!!!!
mysterious143 #5
Chapter 18: Congratulations 2kim! FINALLY! XD
Thank you for writing this amazing and beautiful story, author-nim! You did a good job :D thank you very much~!
fantomeblack #6
Chapter 18: Aaaw my heart (╥﹏╥)
Kamishil #7
Chapter 18: I love this story Author-nim! Thank you for this wonderful story. Can’t wait to read more of your work!
Chapter 18: congratulation for 2kim
Chapter 18: Thanks author-nim for this wonderful story...:)