Chapter 3

Lean on Me
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Hyewon just arrived home when she checked her phone and saw the president's message. I guess I need to head to bed early then. The other council members didn't really voice out any objections to Chaewon's decision. They all know budget meetings could get tense, it would also be a good exposure to the apprentices so they know how to handle such situations.


They're lucky though because their president and vice are used to such situations. They were always dragged to previous budget meetings by Eunbi, the former council president.


Speaking of the girl, Hyewon saw a message from her asking if she had already arrived home. This caused her to smile. Eunbi was not only a senior for them, but she was also Hyewon's girlfriend.


Instead of replying, Hyewon called the older girl. 


"Are you home yet?" The younger girl chuckled, "yeah. I just got back from a meeting with the council."


She heard the older girl hum, "how are you guys in the council? The festival should be coming up right?"


"Yup, we're holding a budget meeting tomorrow with the clubs. Seems like Chaewon and Minjoo made major changes since they requested all members of the council to be there." Hyewon started to gather clothes while waiting for Eunbi to talk.


"Huh, they probably did. Those two are competent enough to accompany you during a budget meeting but if they're asking everyone to be there then they must need the backup." Hyewon could only hum in agreement with the older girl, "speaking of Chaewon and Minjoo, have they finally got together?"


This caused Hyewon to laugh, "nope, Chaewon still can't take a hint I guess. Minjoo has been more obvious than ever lately and Chaewon still can't catch it."


"Tsk, that kid I swear. I don't get her, she likes Minjoo too anyway! Why can't she take a damn hint?!"


Eunbi, being their senior in the council, saw how the two have been close ever since Minjoo became a freshman apprentice. She actually thought the two would get together even before she graduated, but nope! It still seems like Chaewon is as dense as ever!


"Leave them to it, unnie. I know it's frustrating, trust me. It's more frustrating since I can see Minjoo actually be affectionate to Chaewon and she's still being a complete idiot. But I have a feeling Minjoo won't let Chaewon leave high school until she confesses."


The two continued talking, even while Hyewon was getting ready for bed. They talked about how Eunbi's uni classes are going and how her dormmates are doing. The couple also planned what they'll do when they meet on the weekend.




"Sunbae, do you think they'll accept the changes in the budget?"


Chaewon looked at the student council and saw the younger ones' concerned looks. She couldn't help but sigh, "I doubt they'll accept it easily. But we need to convince them this is the only way we'll approve of their proposal. Sure our school takes pride in the festival but that doesn't mean they'll give away money to us."


She saw Minjoo, Hyewon and Sakura nod their heads as they have always been there at the budget meetings. This is actually the first time Chaewon called for a full council budget meeting as it is a very important event and the requested money wasn't easy to approve.


Everyone was quiet as they were worried about how the meeting would go. This caused Chaewon to be even more nervous than she already is and her friends noticed it.


Hyewon, Sakura and Minjoo met eyes and nodded at each other. Being the vice president, Minjoo decided to stand up next to Chaewon, "you guys don't need to talk much. We just need you guys to be there to back us up if there is a need to. This will also be a big help for you guys since this is a major meeting. 


"Having to encounter this would give you guys an idea of how other meetings are like. We only have a few months left with the sunbaes as our president, secretary and treasurer. We're not letting the year finish without you guys learning the important parts in being in the council.


"Because next year, Hyewon-unnie won't be the one handling the budget meetings, one of you would be."


What Minjoo said made the others think, she's right anyway. They can't always count on their seniors since they are graduating soon. Minjoo looked at Chaewon a

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Chapter 18: this is so amazing
Kamishil #2
Chapter 19: I can’t wait to read this story!
Tindionisio #3
Finally 2kim ?
1761 streak #4
Chapter 18: i'm so happy!!!!!!!
mysterious143 #5
Chapter 18: Congratulations 2kim! FINALLY! XD
Thank you for writing this amazing and beautiful story, author-nim! You did a good job :D thank you very much~!
fantomeblack #6
Chapter 18: Aaaw my heart (╥﹏╥)
Kamishil #7
Chapter 18: I love this story Author-nim! Thank you for this wonderful story. Can’t wait to read more of your work!
Chapter 18: congratulation for 2kim
Chapter 18: Thanks author-nim for this wonderful story...:)