Chapter 7

Lean on Me
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Chaewon and Minjoo volunteered to buy snacks at the convenience store near the school once they finished setting up Yuri and Yena's date spot at the rooftop and were already headed back to the council office. 


It was supposed to be just them, Hyewon and Sakura since they're finally going to pass the final proposal and requirements for the annual festival but the apprentices volunteered to accompany and help them. The four didn't complain anymore because it would mean they will finish faster.


It also helped them more since they were sidetracked by Minjoo's need to help the couple's date. 


When she told the three about her plan, Chaewon was thoroughly amused. They all knew Minjoo was the type to be romantic, her personality just exudes that, but it surprised her the younger girl managed to come up with such a plan.


She thought she needed to stop herself from imagining Minjoo planning something like that for her, though.


Chaewon looked at the taller girl beside her. She always knew Minjoo was pretty, the entire school can attest to that. She also knew Minjoo was the nicest girl in school, again, the entire student body can attest to that. But the younger girl also had her fair share of mischief.


She remembers the time Minjoo dyed her hair blonde. The entire school, even the teachers, was surprised. The girl was already voted as the vice president, so everyone never imagined she would dye her hair. Much less to the shade she decided to do.


Minjoo got away with it though, why? The school doesn't have any formal regulation in dyeing the hair of students. Sure, it was encouraged to keep their hair in their natural colours, or even just in the range of natural shades, but there is no written rule for it.


Chaewon laughed at the memory, she still couldn't believe the younger girl did that and got away with. This caught the attention of Minjoo, "what's funny?"


The older girl just shook her head and kept her smile, "nothing, we should go faster. The kids must be impatient already."


Minjoo then aided a smile of her own, filled with mischief though, "eh. Let them be. I wanted to have more time with you alone anyway."


Chaewon did her best to keep her blush at bay, but alas she didn't get to. The two stayed in comfortable silence while walking back to the council office when someone called for the taller girl.


"Kim Minjoo!" When the two turned to the voice, they saw Hwang Hyunjin, the captain of the school soccer team. 


"Oh, Hyunjin-oppa!" The two stopped walking and let the boy catch up with them. They also saw some of his team members were waiting for him by the gate.


"Hey! Chaewon, nice to see you too." The said girl nodded her head and smiled.


"Did you need anything?"


Chaewon didn't want to, but she noticed a small blush rose to the boy's cheeks as he faced the pretty girl, "ah, yeah! I- uh-- I just wanted

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Chapter 18: this is so amazing
Kamishil #2
Chapter 19: I can’t wait to read this story!
Tindionisio #3
Finally 2kim ?
1752 streak #4
Chapter 18: i'm so happy!!!!!!!
mysterious143 #5
Chapter 18: Congratulations 2kim! FINALLY! XD
Thank you for writing this amazing and beautiful story, author-nim! You did a good job :D thank you very much~!
fantomeblack #6
Chapter 18: Aaaw my heart (╥﹏╥)
Kamishil #7
Chapter 18: I love this story Author-nim! Thank you for this wonderful story. Can’t wait to read more of your work!
Chapter 18: congratulation for 2kim
Chapter 18: Thanks author-nim for this wonderful story...:)