conversations in the dark

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Ever since the news of them dating was exposed, all eyes were on them. I mean, who wouldn’t? Being in a public relationship when one of them was the country’s sought-after actress, the other a renowned photographer was not easy, but Irene and Seulgi managed. There were cameras everywhere they went, watching every one of their moves. Tabloids fill the stands with headlines about their dates together or rumors questioning when they would break up.


However, for the two of them, it was just thoughtless rumors, their relationship has only grown since they met nearly six years ago. Call it cliche or whatever but, to Irene, it was love at first sight. She knew from the moment she caught those cat-like eyes staring at her at the art gala that she was done for. Those eyes drawing her in as if they were the only two in the room, shy smiles were exchanged, and soon after, their phone numbers.


Irene has been in relationships before, but nothing would have prepared her for what the future had in store when she met Seulgi that fateful day. Seulgi was full of surprises, the cool and chic woman she met that night turned out to be such a down-to-earth and adoring lover. Always managing to bring a smile to her face even with the little things. She would have never thought that they would move in together just merely after three years of dating, but she has not regretted it one bit, and she’s sure Seulgi does not either. 


Their relationship was smooth sailing with little bumps here and there, but nothing a few apologies and kisses can’t fix. However, this time things were different, they haven’t been able to see each other as often as they had before. Irene recently got a lead role for the movie Girl Cops and Seulgi was busy doing photoshoots with various companies and magazines. Irene would come home late at night, and Seulgi would already be asleep. While Irene was sleeping, Seulgi would be getting ready for work. 


Tonight was one of those nights, as Irene quietly sneaked into their bedroom, trying her best to not wake Seulgi up. It was another late night shoot for her, and all she could think about during the last hour was being in bed with Seulgi. After washing up, it was finally the moment she’s been looking forward to as she slipped in bed and was engulfed by a sleepy Seulgi pulling her closer. 


“Mmm, you’re finally home,” Seulgi drowsily mumbled, snuggling into Irene’s neck.


“Finally,” Irene muttered, letting out a satisfied sigh, feeling her body relax in Seulgi’s arm after such a long day of filming. She looked down to see Seulgi drifting off to sleep again and placed a kiss on her head. 


“Goodnight, Seulgi,” Irene whispered, finally feeling the exhaustion hit and closed her eyes. Soon after, the quiet room was filled with light snores as the couple fell asleep in each other’s arms. 



The blaring alarm went off, waking a very exhausted Irene up, she reached around for the phone and noticed the space beside her. Irene groggily sat up, shutting off the alarm, and looked around for any signs of Seulgi, but to no avail, she was nowhere to be found. She looked at the time, 10 AM, she had an hour and a half to herself before her manager came to pick her up. Irene reached up in the air, stretching her limbs, and made her way to the bathroom for her daily routine. 


There were still forty-five minutes left by the time Irene was done getting ready, enough time to grab a quick bite as she made her way to the kitchen and saw a note on the counter.


Good morning, or afternoon baby!

I’m not sure when you are going to wake up, but I had to leave early for the photoshoot. I couldn’t bring myself to wake you up because you looked so peaceful sleeping, and you must’ve worked really hard last night. I made breakfast for you, it’s in the microwave. Warm it up a bit and eat some before you go to the set. Also, I packed fruits in the fridge for you. Keep up the hard work babe, it’ll be worth it in the end! 




Irene opened the microwave to see a plate containing scrambled eggs, pancakes, and a few mini sausages, the typical American breakfast that Seulgi seldom made for the two of them. She quickly sent a text to Seulgi thanking her for breakfast while the food was heating up, not forgetting to attach a video of her blowing a kiss to the camera. It had been a while since she had Seulgi’s breakfast, so the first bite brought back memories of them making breakfast together whenever they had a break from their busy lives.


The sound of the front door opening interrupted her breakfast. Irene, thinking that it was Seulgi, got up and hurried to the living room only to frown as she saw her manager and best friend, Joy, walking in. 


“Well, good morning to you too. Miss grumpy,” Joy muttered, following Irene into the kitchen.


“Sorry, I thought you were Seulgi,” Irene apologized, picking at whatever remained on the plate in front of her. She no longer had an appetite and discarded the remains and washed her dishes.


“Oh? Did something happen between you two?” Joy asked while browsing through their fridge for whatever snacks she could find. Eventually deciding to take out the tupperware of fruits that Seulgi packed for Irene. 


Irene glanced over to see Joy opening the tupperware and threw a rag at her.


“You can literally have anything else in the fridge except that. Seulgi packed it for me,” Irene told Joy as she walked by grabbing the tupperware. “Also, nothing happened. We haven’t had proper time with each other in a while. I’m always home late, and she’s always leaving early in the morning, so the only time we are together is when we’re sleeping.” 


“Ah, I see. On the bright side, you’ll be done with filming today, and then you're on a break.” Joy mentioned, glancing at the time on the microwave. “We should head out now, it’s gonna take a while to get to the set.” 


Joy grabbed a coffee and went to the door to wait for Irene, as she did a last-minute check of the apartment. Once she was sure that nothing was left on or any windows were left open, Irene took the container of fruits from the counter and was ready to start her day.



It was the last day of filming for Girl Cops. Her character, Jihye, is a detective for the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency but ends up working as a patrol officer as punishment. While on patrol, she and her partner stumble on a drug deal and decide to take matters into their own hands after finding out that the dealers were paying off the higher-ups. 


So here Irene was wearing a hoodie and jeans, typical undercover clothes, stretching, and hyping herself up for the final fight scene. The director said it was going to be simple. A mall chase and fistfight with the dealer, that was it. Well, that was until the stunt coordinator decided to have a standoff with their guns drawn, flip the dealer over her shoulder, and pin him down. Which wouldn’t be too bad since she learned it from self-defense classes she took with Seulgi. 


“Irene,” She felt a hand on her shoulder, making her jolt and quickly turned around to see Director Kim. “Are you sure you don’t want to use a stunt double?” 


“It’s just a simple fight scene. I’ll be fine,” Irene said, giving the director a reassuring smile. 


Director Kim nodded, walking back to the monitors, and picked up the megaphone shouting into it, “Take your places, everyone! We’ll start shooting soon!” 


The cast and crew quickly scattered to their spots waiting for the director’s cue. It didn’t take that long for him to yell action and followed by the slate clap, signaling the extras to start walking around the mall, setting up the scene. The crowd parted like the red sea as Irene chased the dealer through the mall. 


“GET OUT OF THE WAY! POLICE!” She yelled, dodging the objects getting thrown in her way. “WOOJOON, YOU PIECE OF , YOU’RE DONE FOR THE MOMENT I CATCH YOU!” 


Woojoon stopped running and turned around, facing Irene with a smirk on his face. 


“Yeah? You couldn’t catch me the first time, what makes you think you will this time?” He taunted, pointing his gun at her. 


“Put the gun down!” Irene yelled,  looking for an opening to disarm Woojoon. There were too many civilians around to even think of firing her gun. Instead, she threw the gun at his head and took advantage of his stunned state to tackle him.


“What were you saying? I wouldn’t catch you?” Irene taunted as she straddled him and repeatedly slamming the hand holding the gun on the floor until he released it, kicking it out of reach. 


Woojoon scoffed, headbutting Irene and pushed her back, making her fall to the ground. He stood up and sent a couple of kicks to Irene’s stomach.


“ALRIGHT, CUT!” Director Kim yelled, putting a halt in the fight sequence. “Nice work! We’re gonna review the scene and let you two rest for a bit before continuing,” 


Woojoon pulled Irene up, examining her body, making sure she was not injured from the fight sequence. 


“Hey, are you good? Let me know if I'm being too aggressive with the fight. I don't want to hurt you,"  He asked, as they made their way over to the monitors. 


Irene gave him a reassuring smile, “I'm fine. We practiced this fight for a while, so it's not too bad. Are you okay, though? You took the gun to the head like a champ,” 


“Thank god, the gun was a fake. If it was a real one, a bump would be forming already,” Woojoon rubbed his forehead and returned a smile to Irene. 


“I know right? Anyways, let’s keep up the hard work and finish this last shoot strong.” Irene encouraged them as they stood behind the director and monitored the scene they just shot. 


Irene looked over the footage and she noticed many things that she and Woojoon could improve on when they redo the scene. This was one of the many things that shaped her into the actress she is now. She never settled for less and always strived to improve her acting, consistently making adjustments throughout filming. Today was no different as she wanted to give her best effort into this fight scene and was not going to leave until they got the best shot. 



It was 9 AM by the time Seulgi stepped foot into her studio, her project today involved an artist from SM. They contacted her a few weeks back after seeing her work with Sunmi for her album. Seulgi was in her office looking over her schedule for the week until her assistant/best friend, Kai, came in unexpectedly. 


“Dude, you won’t believe who we’re working with today!” He exclaimed, taking a seat across from Seulgi.


“Don’t you know how to knock? What if I was on the phone with Irene?” Seulgi questioned, crossing her arms and leaning back into her seat.


“It’s not like the two of you are having phone or anything, unless?” Kai teased, reaching over to grab candy from the jar on Seulgi’s desk and popped it into his mouth. 


Seulgi’s face flushed as she threw a crumpled paper ball at Kai, who dodged it.


“Shut up, that’s none of your concern. Who are we working with today? I know they’re from SM.” 


“Boa.” He said nonchalantly, grabbing another candy from the jar. 


Seulgi straightened up in the chair, her jaw dropped, eyes wide-open shocked by the

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Hello! Thank you so much for the comments and upvotes! I hope everyone is doing well and keeping yourself healthy. Sorry for not updating in a while, I'm currently occupied with school (5 more weeks) and then I'm officially done w/college. I have a lot planned out so keep an eye out for an update!


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Oct_13_wen_03 #1
Chapter 1: so cute
Oct_13_wen_03 #2
Chapter 7: 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
Oct_13_wen_03 #3
Chapter 4: so cute 🤍
Oct_13_wen_03 #4
please update more😭
Chapter 3: everybody say "THANK YOU HAETNIM!!" 😂😂 nka score pa nga ang kangsseul n yan👌😂😂
Chapter 8: will read it, thank you 😁 seulgi's so hot in that under armour ad 🔥🔥
KaiserKawaii #7
Chapter 8: I only just read your one-shots now. They're cute!
Chapter 8: Way to go on the promotion, and I’ll read this new story!🫶🏻
Taitai84 1225 streak #9
Chapter 8: Congratulations on the big promotion!
Chapter 7: I love all ur 1shots story :D