let's go on a food tour

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Snow is falling and covering the streets of Gangnam as people make their way to work while others are still in bed. Just like Seulgi and Joohyun are right now in their apartment, laying in bed with their legs tangled, Joohyun resting her head on Seulgi’s chest as light snores are coming from Seulgi who has slightly open and arm wrapped around Joohyun. Joohyun pulled the comforter a little bit to cover them up some more and let out a little whine as she felt a small breeze brushes her shoulder. Seulgi briefly wakes up to the whine and looks down to see Joohyun grimacing as she pulls Joohyun closer and places a kiss on top of her head. 


“Babe, what time is it?” Joohyun asks as snuggled closer to Seulgi trying to get as much warmth as she can. Seulgi reached over to grab her phone on the nightstand and checked the time, Joohyun let out another whine as Seulgi moved away. 


“It’s only 8 AM. We can still sleep in a little bit more since it’s the weekend and we finally have it off at the same time.” Seulgi said as she put her phone back on the nightstand and Joohyun let out a slight hmm as she tugged on Seulgi’s arm to settle back in bed. Once Seulgi was settled in bed, Joohyun rested her head on Seulgi’s chest again while Seulgi ran her fingers through Joohyun’s hair and gave her another kiss on the head as the two of them fell asleep again to the muffled sound of cars driving by.


A few hours later Seulgi woke up to an empty space beside her, grabbing her phone from the nightstand to check the time, 10:30 AM, and groggily sat up looking around for Joohyun. Joohyun soon emerged from the bathroom with her hair in a messy bun and sporting one of Seulgi’s hoodies that was a little too big on her partially covering her shorts. The sunlight entering their room was hitting Joohyun on all the right places, making her look ethereal, she then let down her hair and made her way to the bed. 


“Damn, my baby looking real good in the morning.” Seulgi sat on the edge of the bed pulling Joohyun closer, hands slipping underneath the hoodie rubbing Joohyun’s hip with a mischievous grin. Joohyun rolled her eyes and playfully slapped the hands which didn’t seem to budge. 


“Smooth talker aren’t you?” Joohyun felt the hoodie lift up a little as Seulgi was peppering kisses on her abdomen. What she didn’t expect was Seulgi to blow raspberries after. 


“Babe! Stop it, you know how ticklish I am! And you smell, go wash up!” Joohyun began pulling herself away from Seulgi’s attack only to be pulled down in bed. Joohyun felt the bed underneath her as Seulgi straddled her hips with a little smirk, she peppered kisses all over Joohyun’s face. 


“Babe, go wash up! You stink!”


“Only if I get a kissy kiss from you.” 


“Kissy kiss? This is the first time I heard you say that.”


Joohyun rolled her eyes as Seulgi puckered her lips waiting for her kissy kiss. She leaned up to give Seulgi a quick kiss on the lips and gave a push on Seulgi’s shoulder right after. Seulgi grinned and slapped Joohyun on the before making her way to the bathroom while Joohyun shook her head. 




Seulgi came out of the bathroom to see Joohyun sitting in bed laughing at something on her phone. She smiled at the sight and went over to sit on the bed, placing a hand on Joohyun’s thigh, giving it a little squeeze making Joohyun look up from her phone. 




“Oh my god, yes! Can’t you hear my stomach?” Seulgi asked.

Joohyun chuckled as Seulgi patted her stomach in an attempt to quiet it. Joohyun got up and pulled Seulgi along as they made their way to the kitchen. Seulgi lifted Joohyun onto the kitchen island giving her a kiss and went around to the island to check the fridge for their breakfast ingredients, pulling out a carton of eggs, bread, butter, and some fruits. Joohyun got down from the island and went over to the pantry to grab the yellow can of Cafe Du Monde that they got when they went to New Orleans last year.


“Do you want coffee? I’m making some.” Joohyun asked as she filled the Keurig cup with coffee grounds and placed it into the Keurig. 


“Yeah, can I get a little condensed milk with it too?” Seulgi turned to see Joohyun reaching for their respective coffee cups in the cabinet, a bunny and a bear printed on the side, before going over and grabbing it for her. 


“Thanks. You said you wanted condensed milk with it?” 


“Yup, kind of in the mood for Vietnamese coffee and Seungwan said adding a little bit of condensed milk makes it taste like it. By the way, how do you want your eggs, sunny-side up?” 


“Mhm, just try not to break the yolk this time.” Seulgi rolled her eyes, heading back to the stove to add butter in the pan and cracking the eggs into it afterward, she made sure the whites were fully cooked while the yolk was still runny––making the perfect sunny-side-up for Joohyun. She transferred the eggs onto the plate along with two slices of perfectly toasted bread, not forgetting to crack some fresh pepper on top of the eggs before placing it in front of Joohyun who was sat on the barstool sipping on her cup of coffee. 


Seulgi took a sip of her own coffee and let out a satisfying 'ah' as she felt the caffeine coursing through her veins. Seulgi excitedly rubbed her hands together looking at the food in front of them, “Let’s eat!” 




The two were now cuddling on the couch after breakfast, watching Youtube videos, completely lazing around together for the first time in a while. Seulgi was laying on top of Joohyun, head resting on Joohyun’s chest while Joohyun was running her hand up and down Seulgi’s back, both completely focused on the video playing on the TV. 


“Hey, y’all! Today I’m going to go on a food tour, showing the types of food that I like to eat in my town and hopefully when y’all visit you’d try it too!” The YouTuber on the screen said, sparking an idea in Seulgi’s head. 


“Let’s go on a date later.” Seulgi blurted out as she sat up, straddling Joohyun and was met with a questionably look from the girl with her one brow raised. 


“All of a sudden?”


“Yeah, it’s been a while since we’ve had a date and we’re finally off at the same time. And I want to try something new this time.” 


“Okay, let’s go on a date. So, what do you have in mind?” 


“We go on a food tour like the video but we get food that we haven’t had in a while since we’re always busy. How does that sound?” 


“Interesting, do you think we can eat that much though?” 


“Baby, they don’t call me ‘muncher-Seul’ for nothing. C’mon, let’s do it. Think about it, when will you ever get to do this again.”


“Fine, you got me there. Where are we going?” 


“Well, I have a place in mind for the first stop but I don’t know about the rest. We can just think of places on the spot, nothing has to be finalized. Let’s go get ready.” 


Seulgi got up from the couch making sure to tap Joohyun on her thigh before heading to their room. 




“Babe! Are you done yet?” Joohyun asked as she was in the doorway putting on her shoes, she was wearing a black off-the-shoulder sweater paired with light blue jeans. Seulgi walked out sporting a gray knitted turtleneck underneath the black coat Joohyun got her last Christmas paired with dark blue jeans, holding another coat in her hand and a camera in the other. 


“I just had to look for my camera and you forgot your coat, it’s going to be cold later.” She passed Joohyun her coat and camera as she looked around for her shoes. 


“What’s with the camera?” 


“Don’t worry about it, it’s a surprise.” Seulgi grabbed the camera and held her other hand out to Joohyun. “Let’s go?” 


The two made their way to the parking garage, Joohyun humming a song while Seulgi was secretly filming her only to be caught in the act when Joohyun turned around.


“He–, What do you think you’re doing?”


Seulgi just grinned and ran to the car leaving Joohyun in the middle of the parking garage, scoffing when Seulgi pulled the car up next to her with the window rolled down. 


“Are you miss Joohyun? I’m Seulgi, your Uber driver.” Seulgi snickered when Joohyun rolled her eyes and got in the passenger seat. 


“Okay, ‘Uber driver’, where are we going?” Joohyun sarcastically said as Seulgi pulled out from the parking garage and into traffic. 


“Well, I was thinking of heading to Ddeok since we haven’t in a while and you kept saying how you’ve been craving it.” 


The drive to Ddeok was peaceful, Seulgi had one hand on the wheel and the other resting on Joohyun’s thigh while Joohyun was looking at her phone trying to find the next song to play. The car rolled to a complete stop at the light, Seulgi glanced over to Joohyun and gave a light squeeze to her thigh making her look over. 


“Still looking for a song?”


“Yeah, do you want to play something?” 


“Can you play ‘So Into You’ by Tamia?” Joohyun played the song, the mellow beat filling the car as Seulgi bobbed her head, singing along to the chorus while looking at Joohyun. 


I really like what you've done to me

I can't really explain it, I'm so into you

I really like what you've done to me

I can't really explain it, I'm so into you


The light turned and Seulgi stepped on the gas still singing and requesting songs as they made their way to Ddeok.




Ddeok was a cozy mom and pop restaurant, that Seulgi found when she was looking for places to take Joohyun on their first date. The two knew the owner very well, after all, they went to Ddeok pretty often at the beginning of their relationship. The bells above the door jingled as they stepped into the restaurant and was greeted by the mouthwatering smell of ddeokbokki as they stepped into the restaurant.


“My favorite couple finally came! It’s been so long, give me a hug!” The owner, Miss Lee, a short little old lady shouted, making her way from the cash register to the front where they were standing and engulfed them in a warm hug. 


When she released them from the hug, she brought them to their usual table, a booth fit for the two of them. As they were seated, Miss Lee took a seat next to Joohyun and across from Seulgi and strikes up a conversation among them. 


“Joohyun is Seulgi treating you right? She’s not making it difficult for you, is she? Just let me know and I’ll take care of it, I’ll make sure she’ll never have ddeokbokki ever again if she does anything to you.” Joohyun chuckled as she saw how shocked Seulgi was, her jaw completely dropped, her face in complete and utter disbelief. 


“Don’t worry, she’s treating me more than right.” Joohyun assured Miss Lee with a light squeeze on her hand. 


“Alright then, but you let me know if she does anything.” Miss Lee gave an 'I’m watching you' look to Seulgi before continuing, “So, what would it be today? The usual?” 


“Uh, actually we’ll just have a single serving of ddeokbokki.” Seulgi spoke up, surprising Miss Lee with how little they ordered this time.


“Just a single serving? Are the two of you going on a diet?”


“Nah. I’m taking Joohyun out on a food tour and we have to eat a small portion at each spot so we don’t fill ourselves up so quickly.” 


“I was about to say the two don’t need to diet but need to eat more. One serving of ddeokbokki coming up.” Miss Lee said as she took her leave. 


“I can’t believe she took your side when I found the restaurant.” Seulgi said glancing over her shoulder to make sure Miss Lee didn’t hear her. 


“What can I say? I’m just a charmer.” Joohyun flipped her hair over her shoulder, making Seulgi roll her eyes. It didn’t take long for Miss Lee to appear with a plate of steaming hot ddeokbokki, the rice cakes covered with sweet and spicy red sauce glistened underneath the lights, complemented with freshly cut scallions on top along with the aroma of spices made their mouths water. 


Joohyun was about to dig in when she saw Seulgi pull out the camera again filming her. She was about to say something but was interrupted by Seulgi flipping the camera around and filming herself. 


“Hi everyone, I’m Seulgi! I’m not sure how this vlogging thing works but I wanted to remember this day as much as possible! Anyways, today I’m on a date with my lovely girlfriend Joohyun! Say ‘Hi’ to the camera baby!” 


Seulgi pointed the camera at Joohyun who covered her face with one hand and the other hand trying to push the camera away. However, Seulgi wasn’t going to let happen and held onto the hand that was pushing the camera away, continuing to record Joohyun. 


“As you can see, Joohyun is pretty camera shy right now, it’s probably because I didn’t tell her that I was going to vlog our date.” Seulgi flipped the camera back to herself. “But this isn’t just any date, I’m taking Joohyun out onto a food tour and the first stop we’re at is Ddeok. This is the place I took Joohyun to on our first date and look at us now, five years strong. Right baby?” 


“Mhm, five years and counting. Can we eat now babe?” 


“Only if you show your beautiful face to the camera.” 


Joohyun pouted, “Fine! But it has to be quick, the ddeokbokki is getting cold and it’s not going to be good.” 


A smug grin appeared on Seulgi’s face as she heard Joohyun. She turned the camera back to the girl in front of her and started a little drumroll on the table with one hand and vlogging with the other.


“Alright, the moment we’ve all been waiting for, the beauty in front of me!” Seulgi turned the camera around filming the ddeokbokki, getting close-ups of the rice cakes and fishcakes. “Wow, she’s a beauty, right? Look at how plump the rice cake is, do you see the steam rising? What beauty, but let me show you the real beauty.” 


The camera panned up from the plate to Joohyun, looking effortlessly beautiful while leaning on the table, face resting on her palm. She gave the camera a small smile and wave before giving Seulgi a look telling her to hurry up. 


“Okay, okay she’s rushing me cause the food’s starting to get cold but that’s my girlfriend right there, my Bae goddess, my everything. I’m gonna stop now so we can eat and will be back when we’re going to the next stop! Say ‘bye’ Hyun!” 


Joohyun waved to the camera one last time as Seulgi turned off the camera and put it beside her. 




Joohyun passed a pair of chopsticks to an awaiting Seulgi as she did a little shoulder shimmy while eyeing the ddeokbokki in front of her, trying to decide which piece she was going to grab. When she did, she picked up the rice cake attempting to feed Joohyun. 


“I’ve been making you wait so you get the first piece.” 


Joohyun took the piece and her face immediately lit up once she tasted the sweet and spicy sauce of the rice cake that she oh so loved paired with a few sliced scallions. The harmonious flavors made Joohyun do a happy dance in her seat, making Seulgi laugh at the sight in front of her. How Joohyun managed to go from such a beautiful goddess to a giddy dork in less than ten seconds still amazes her even after five years, but that’s what made Seulgi adore her even more.  


“Why aren’t you eating yet? Say ‘ahh’.” 


Now it was Seulgi’s turn to get fed, Joohyun had the rice cake right in front of her only for it to be moved back when she went in for a bite. Joohyun sporting a childish grin brought the rice cake back in front of her again but Seulgi wasn’t going to fall for the trick again, she lightly grabbed onto the hand holding the chopsticks and ate the rice cake, giving a victorious smile to Joohyun. 




The two let out a satisfied moan after eating the last bit of ddeokbokki on the plate. Although it was a smaller portion, it still hit the spot for them as they made their way towards the counter to pay and bid farewell to Miss Lee. 


“Thank you for the meal! It was delicious as always.” Joohyun said as she placed a hand onto Miss Lee’s shoulder and gave a squeeze while Seulgi nodded, pulling out a couple of bills to pay. 


“Yeah, you should’ve seen how happy Hyun was when she ate. Like a kid in a candy shop.” 


“She did come to the best ddeokbokki restaurant Seoul has to offer. You can’t not be happy when eating our ddeokbokki, it’s what we have pride in!”  Miss Lee proudly exclaimed handing back the change to Seulgi. 


“True, you do make the best ddeokbokki.” Seulgi glanced at her watch, 2:30 PM, they still had some time to go to another stop before sunset at 5. “Wish we could stay and chat a little bit longer but we still have a few more places to eat at before the day ends.” 


Seulgi went around the register to give Miss Lee a hug but before she could pull back Miss Lee whispered into her.


“You and Joohyun need to get married already. When are you going to pop the question?” 


Instead of answering Seulgi just let go of the hug and gave a wink to Miss Lee. Luckily for her, Joohyun didn’t notice when she went to give Miss Lee one last hug before grabbing Seulgi’s hand and leading her out of the restaurant, not forgetting to give one last wave goodbye to the owner.


“So, why were the two of you hugging for a while?” Joohyun asked as they were walking back to their car. Seulgi nonchalantly shrugged, unlocking the car door and getting in. 


“Nothing much, she was just telling us to come again. You know, the usual.” 


“I se

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Hello! Thank you so much for the comments and upvotes! I hope everyone is doing well and keeping yourself healthy. Sorry for not updating in a while, I'm currently occupied with school (5 more weeks) and then I'm officially done w/college. I have a lot planned out so keep an eye out for an update!


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Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #1
Chapter 1: so cute
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #2
Chapter 7: 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #3
Chapter 4: so cute 🤍
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #4
please update more😭
Chapter 3: everybody say "THANK YOU HAETNIM!!" 😂😂 nka score pa nga ang kangsseul n yan👌😂😂
Chapter 8: will read it, thank you 😁 seulgi's so hot in that under armour ad 🔥🔥
KaiserKawaii #7
Chapter 8: I only just read your one-shots now. They're cute!
Chapter 8: Way to go on the promotion, and I’ll read this new story!🫶🏻
Taitai84 1236 streak #9
Chapter 8: Congratulations on the big promotion!
Chapter 7: I love all ur 1shots story :D