haetnim please!

show me love
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Saturday was supposed to be Seulgi’s chill day, sleeping in until 2 or 3 in the afternoon and spending the rest of the day lounging around in the apartment with Joy, Yeri, and their little furry friend Haetnim. However, today was different, it was only 11 AM and the door to her room opened to Yeri and Joy walking in with Haetnim following behind. 


“Dude, she’s still asleep. How are you gonna ask her anything?” Yeri whispered as the sounds of their footsteps got closer to her bed. 


“Don’t worry about it, I got a little secret weapon.” Joy whispered, picking up Haetnim and placing her on Seulgi’s bed. Yeri looked at Joy in horror and was about to say something when Joy’s hand covered , motioning her to look at Haetnim slowly making her way up to Seulgi’s face and giving a big to Seulgi’s cheek. 


“Baby stooooop.” Seulgi mumbled, turning over to her side, getting comfy again. Joy and Yeri confusingly looked at each other, as Joy questionably mouthed “baby?” while Yeri just shrugged. Haetnim climbed over Seulgi and sniffed around her face and gave her a few more to wake her up.  


“Haetnim, I’m just trying to sleeeep.” Seulgi whined, stretching her limbs and turning her head to the side to be greeted by Joy’s gummy smile and Yeri’s mischievous grin. She should’ve known better than to sleep with her door unlocked. 


Oh, me. These two are up to no good. 


Seulgi squinted at the two of them, “What do you want?” 


Joy picked up Haetnim and sat on the bed, playing with the hem of Seulgi’s comforter.


 “Well, first of all, who’s baby? Are you hiding a secret lover from us?” Seulgi stared at Joy confused at what was going on. 


“What are you talking about? I’m not hiding a secret lover.” 


“Whatever you say. Anyways, would you be a darling and look over Haetnim today? I have a date with Wendy later.” 


“Why don’t you ask Yeri?”


Seulgi looked over at Yeri who was leaning up against the dresser, waiting for a response from the latter. 


“I’m booked and busy. You literally do nothing on Saturday so why can’t you look over Haetnim?” 


“Excuse you, I am pretty busy myself.”


“With what? I know you’re just going to play games and lounge around the apartment. Unless you have a date with that secret lover of yours.” Joy spoke up, giving her an accusing look, taking one of Haetnim’s paws and pointing it at Seulgi.


“Oh my god, how many times do I have to tell you, I don’t have a secret lover!” 


“So why can’t you watch over Haetnim?” 


“Alright! Fine, I’ll watch over Haetnim.” Seulgi let out a sigh and ran her hand through her hair while the two were high-fiving each other. 


“Thank you so much! I’ll bring you home some food later.” Joy put Haetnim back down on Seulgi’s bed and made her way to the door with Yeri. 


“Also, don’t forget about Haetnim’s daily walk at noon. Love ya!” Joy blew her a kiss before closing the door to her room.


Seulgi just shook her head and looked down at her lap to see Haetnim staring back up at her with a paw resting on her hand, asking for a belly rub that Seulgi gave into. After what she thought was a good amount of time for a belly rub, Seulgi glanced at the time on her phone, 11:20AM. There was still another 40 minutes until Haetnim’s daily walk, another 40 minutes of sleep. Which was exactly what she was going to do as she got comfy in bed again about to fall asleep only to be interrupted by Haetnim spinning in small circles on the blanket before settling down and getting comfy herself. 


“I know it’s almost time to take you out. But, let us just get like another 40 minutes of sleep and then I’ll let you go wild when we’re on your walk.” Seulgi mumbled to Haetnim as she slowly drifted off to sleep again, letting Haetnim lay beside her. 




“HAETNIM PLEASE! When I said I’ll let you go wild on your walk I didn’t mean it literally!” Seulgi yelled as she chased after Haetnim in the park. The original plan was for the two of them to take a stroll in the park for an hour and have Haetnim meet up with the other dogs but things changed the moment Seulgi lost the grip on Haetnim’s leash. Now here is, spending her Saturday yelling like a madwoman and chasing after Haetnim in front of everyone at the park. 


“Haetnim please come back! Joy’s going to murder me if you’re gone!” Seulgi exclaimed as she weaved between onlookers still trying to close the distance between Haetnim and herself. In Haetnim’s mind, she probably thinks this is all fun and games but for Seulgi, this is literal death. It has been way too long since the last time she’s run this much and truth be told, her lungs are burning. Thankfully, for Seulgi’s luck, Haetnim stopped running and was sniffing around the bench near the coffee cart, especially near the ankles of the girl sitting at the bench. 


Oh , this isn’t going to be good. Seulgi thought to herself as she witnessed the scene unfold in front of her, picking up her pace as she made her way to the bench. 


“OH MY GOD!” The girl flinched at the sensation of Haetnim’s wet nose touching her exposed ankle, making her spill her drink on her shirt. “WHY ARE YOU SNIFFING MY ANKLE? WHERE’S YOUR OWNER?” The girl was spewing endless questions at Haetnim by the time Seulgi got to the bench. She picked up Haetnim and apologetically bowed to the girl.


“I’m so so so so sorry, I lost the grip on her leash and she ran off. I’m sorry for ruining your shirt too.” Seulgi bowed one last time before looking up at the girl. The girl in front of her was a literal goddess, no words can describe how ethereal she was. Her skin was flawless and her beautiful doe eyes drew Seulgi in.


“Hello? Are you there?” The girl asked, snapping her fingers in front of Seulgi, drawing her back to reality. 


“Yeah, sorry about that and sorry about my dog. I swear, she’s usually not like that. Right, Haetnim?” 


“Haetnim’s sorry. I get really excited for walks and my owner was careless.” Seulgi said in a higher pitch, voicing Haetnim as she took Haetnim’s two front paws holding them together and bowed for forgiveness.


The girl laughed at the childish act in front of her. “Alright, I trust you Haetnim. But what are we going to do about my shirt?” 


“Ah, can you hold onto Haetnim’s leash real quick?” Seulgi put Haetnim down and passed the leash to the girl and proceeded to take off her hoodie. Thank god she decided to wear a shirt underneath today or else it would’ve been real bad. 


“Here, let me give you my hoodie to wear and I’ll get your shirt washed and give it back to you. That’s the least I can do for what happened.” She took the leash back and gave the girl her hoodie. The girl looked at Seulgi with one brow raised and accepted the offer. 


“C’mon, let’s get you out of the dirty shirt and into the hoodie.” Seulgi said as she grabbed the girls hand and led them to the bathroom. Seulgi was waiting outside of the bathroom with Haetnim while the girl was changing and when the girl walked out in Seulgi’s hoodie, let’s just say Seulgi was stunned at how the girl still looked beautiful even in a hoodie. 


“Thank you for the hoodie.” The girl said as she passed her dirty shirt to Seulgi. 


“No need to thank me. It was my fault, sorry for ruining your shirt—uh, I never really got your name.” 


“Irene.” Irene gave her a soft smile and put her hand out for a handshake. 


“Sorry that we had to meet this way, Irene. I’m Seulgi.” Seulgi gave a charming smile as she returned the handshake. Neither of them wanted to let go until a little bark interrupted them as they glanced down to see Haetnim looking up. 


“And as you already know, this is Haetnim. Sorry about earlier, she's usually well behaved but sometimes curiosity gets the best of her.” Seulgi bent down petting Haetnim on her head motioning Irene to do the same. Irene hesitated at first but seeing that Haetnim was no threat, she stuck out one finger to pet the bridge of Haetnim’s nose. 


“It’s fine, but I have to go soon.” Irene stood up, wiping the non-existent dust off her pants. 


Seulgi quickly shot up, fumbling around, hands patting all over her body looking for her phone. She let out a relieving sigh as she felt her phone in her pocket. Irene laughed at the sight of Seulgi’s foolishness.


“Oh, okay. Let me get your number before you go so I can text you when I get your shirt washed.” Seulgi handed Irene her phone and watched as the beauty input her number in. 


“Alright, I have to go now. Let me know when the shirt is clean.” Irene said as she handed back the phone to Seulgi. “See you whenever I guess? Bye Seulgi.” Irene gave the two of them a wave before walking away in the opposite direction. 


“Goodbye, Irene!” Seulgi exclaimed after Irene had walked a pretty good distance away from them. Her eyes still locked on Irene as she walked away until she could no longer see the girl. She looked down at Haetnim who was staring right back at her with puppy eyes.


“Don’t look at me like that. You’re in big trouble today little missy, just wait until we get home. C’mon, let’s go.” Seulgi said as the two made their way back to the apartment where Haetnim’s fate awaited.




Truth be told, nothing happened to Haetnim when they got back to the apartment, Seulgi just washed her up and gave her food and water. Now the two of them were lounging around, Seulgi splayed across the couch with Haetnim resting on her chest as they were watching The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, truly a classic, in this episode Aunt Viv signed up for dance class after everyone made fun of her old age. They were interrupted by the sound of the front door closing and things being tossed on the floor. 


“HAETNIMIIIEEEEE!!” An overly excited Joy exclaimed, walking into the living room. Haetnim stood on Seulgi’s chest wagging her tail as Joy got closer to the couch, jumping off Seulgi’s chest and ran circles around Joy’s leg.


“How did Seulgi treat my baby today? Did she feed you well? She didn’t forget to give you your extra treats after your walk because I’ll make sure she’ll get what she deserves if she doesn't.” Joy asked Haetnim as she picked her up, sending Seulgi a look. Seulgi scoffed, getting herself up from the couch, readying herself to snitch on Haetnim. 


 “Actually, Haetnim was a bad dog today. She ran off in the park and scared Irene.” 


Joy stopped playing with Haetnim and gave Seulgi a questionable look, she opened about to speak but was interrupted by none other than Yeri. 


“WHAT’S UP LOSERS! I’M BACK!” Yeri tossed herself next to Seulgi on the couch. 


“You came back home just in time! Seulgi was just about to tell us who Irene is.” Joy said as Yeri looked over at Seulgi with an astonished look. 


“Irene? Do we know her? Is she pretty? Is she your secret lover?” Yeri scooted closer to Seulgi, getting all up in her personal space.


Seulgi disapprovingly shook her head and tossed a pillow at Joy which she easily dodged. She could not get enough of their daily antics, why she decided to live with them was beyond her. 


“Can y’all just chill out for one sec? Let’s get this straight, Irene is the girl that Haetnim scared earlier today. Emphasis on scared because she made Irene spill her drink on her shirt and I had to give her my hoodie.” Seulgi pointed a finger at the dog curled up on Joy’s lap. 


“But who’s fault is it that Haetnim got loose?” Joy questioned as Seulgi sat there trying to find a way to weasel herself out of this one. Oh , she got me there.


“Exactly. Don’t blame Haetnim for your mistakes.” Joy said getting up and settling herself beside Yeri who let out a soft oh dang as she watched the scene unfold in front of her. 


“So, you gave her your hoodie? You don’t even let me borrow your hoodie but you gave it to a stranger you met at the park. Wow, that’s just messed up.” Yeri spoke up, disapprovingly shaking her head at Seulgi. Joy played along agreeing with Yeri and shook her head as well, making Seulgi roll her eyes at how dramatic the two were being. 


“I had to give it to her because her shirt was messed up and I’m going to get it back once I get her shirt washed.” 


“Oh? You’re gonna get it back? So that means you got her number.” Joy asked


“Yes, how else would I contact her?” Seulgi replied, shifting her attention back to the TV streaming The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. 


“You’re right. Is she cute though?” Seulgi looked at Joy who shrugged. 


“Why does it matter? Don’t you have Wendy?” 


“I do and I love her very much. But I’m asking you if this Irene girl is cute. Y’know seeing how lonely you are and all, right Yeri?” 


“She’s not wrong. What if this is like your “movie” moment? Like what if this was fate’s way of making you fall in love. Think about it dude, what are the chances that you’d lose Haetnim—which you’re lucky Joy hasn’t gone off on you yet.” Yeri glanced at a nodding Joy before continuing, “But, what if the girl Haetnim scared is the one?” 


“Uh-huh, whatever you say Yeri.” Seulgi said, making her way to the kitchen. “Y’all want anything?” 


“I want you to believe in fate! But can you bring back ice cream for the three of us? Love youuuu!” Yeri shouted from the couch. 


Seulgi rolled her eyes at the outrageous thought because the universe obviously planned for this to happen. For her to meet a beautiful girl named Irene and fall in love just after one meeting as if it was that easy. 




Irene walked into her apartment and was instantly greeted by Wendy sitting on the couch singing along to Get You by Daniel Caesar while scrolling through her phone. She placed her things on the table and plopped herself next to Wendy. 


“Seems like you had a nice date with Joy, where’d you go?” Irene said as she noticed the pictures Wendy was looking at on her phone. 


“We had a picnic at the beach, look at the photos we took together.” It was a photo of Joy back hugging Wendy, lovingly looking at her like she was the only girl in the world while Wendy leaned back into the hug smiling at the camera.


“The two of you are so adorable! I’m happy for you.”


“Thanks! How was your—hold on, wait a second. This right here,” Wendy pointed at the hoodie Irene was wearing. “This isn’t your hoodie, it doesn’t smell like your detergent and I know how much you like using that detergent. What are you hiding from me? Actually, who are you hiding from me?” Wendy questioned.


“Wendy, you’ve literally seen me every day. When do I ever have time to hide someone from you?” Irene pointed out.


“You’re right, so who’s hoodie is this?” 


“Before I can tell you who’s hoodie this is, I have to tell you what led up to it.” 


Wendy got comfortable on the couch, resting her back on the armrest, holding the pillow against her chest. 


“I’m all ears.” 


“I was at the park earlier getting my usual tea and I was sitting at the bench before a little white dog scared me and made me spill all over my shirt. Then the owner came and apologized, she even made the dog apologize which was pretty funny and alleviated the situation a bit. Then she took me to the bathroom and made me change into her hoodie so she could get my shirt cleaned. So, that was my day.” 


“Oh wow.” 


“Tell me about it, anyway I’m gonna hit the shower and then we can have a girls night in.” Irene got up from the couch, making her way to her room. 


“Did you get the girl’s name?” Wendy chimed.


Irene stopped in her tracks and turned around, “Seulgi.”




Seulgi found herself getting ready to walk Haetnim again. She was expecting to sleep in today since she wasn’t able to do so yesterday but Joy came barging into her room with Haetnim, begging her to doggy sit so she could go on a date with Wendy. 


“Haetnim, we’re just here for a walk and for you to meet your doggy friends okay? Don’t go running off again.” Seulgi nagged as she adjusted Haetnim’s harness one last time before making their way out the door. 


Seulgi spoke too soon as she chased Haetnim in the park once again. This time Haetnim’s leash snapped in half because she was a little too excited for her walk, pulling her leash and Seulgi just couldn’t keep up. 


“HAETNIM PLEASE NOT AGAIN!” Seulgi yelled like a madwoman weaving between people left and right. Haetnim, on the other hand, was having the time of her life, running through the park without anyone literally holding her back but slowed down when she saw a familiar bench. Haetnim trotted towards the bench and sat in front of it, letting out a bark to get the attention of the person on the bench. 


Irene gasped, putting the book down and looked at Haetnim who was staring back at her with puppy eyes. 


“Oh, it’s you again!” Irene leaned down to pet Haetnim on her head. “Where’s your owner tho-” Irene was interrupted by a distant yell from Seulgi.




Haetnim’s tail was excitedly wagging as Seulgi came up right beside her, bent over with her hands on her knees heavily panting. 


“Thank God, you’re safe. I can’t believe you made me chase after you again! Dude, do you see how badly I’m panting right now? I’m so out of shape, my god, I have to hit the gym again.” Seulgi glanced over at Haetnim to see her looking up at her with puppy eyes.


“Don’t give me that look.” Seulgi was about to scold Haetnim some more but stopped when she heard laughter. Seulgi looked up and saw Irene laughing at the two of them, she couldn’t believe she made herself look like a fool in front of Irene.


“Oh, Irene! Sorry if Haetnim scared you again. This time her leash snapped and she ran away again.” Seulgi explained showing Irene the leash that ripped in half. 


“It’s fine. Do you want to sit down? You seem pretty tired.” Irene mov

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Hello! Thank you so much for the comments and upvotes! I hope everyone is doing well and keeping yourself healthy. Sorry for not updating in a while, I'm currently occupied with school (5 more weeks) and then I'm officially done w/college. I have a lot planned out so keep an eye out for an update!


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Oct_13_wen_03 #1
Chapter 1: so cute
Oct_13_wen_03 #2
Chapter 7: 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
Oct_13_wen_03 #3
Chapter 4: so cute 🤍
Oct_13_wen_03 #4
please update more😭
Chapter 3: everybody say "THANK YOU HAETNIM!!" 😂😂 nka score pa nga ang kangsseul n yan👌😂😂
Chapter 8: will read it, thank you 😁 seulgi's so hot in that under armour ad 🔥🔥
KaiserKawaii #7
Chapter 8: I only just read your one-shots now. They're cute!
Chapter 8: Way to go on the promotion, and I’ll read this new story!🫶🏻
Taitai84 1225 streak #9
Chapter 8: Congratulations on the big promotion!
Chapter 7: I love all ur 1shots story :D