You look beautiful.

Status: Married

Hello Readers! On the last chapter, Anna told Jiyong that she was pregnant! Seungri also had some fun! Let's continue..


(The next day..)

She opened her wardrobe and continue to search for dress. Se needed a dress for the YG's party. The media will be there. YG's idol bands will be there. She was going to be broadcasted on television. There will be news articles on her. She needed to dress well. She let out a sigh at the intense amount of stress and pressure she was about to have. She simply sat on her bed with a towel wrapped around her body, not forgetting her damp hair that was covering her shoulders.  She turned her head towards the direction of the clock that showed, 4:10pm. Okay, right now, she needs to find a dress. She needs to put on her makeup all before 7pm. 


" You can do this, Anna." She thought out loud. She stood up from her bed and proceeded to the wardrobe again. Parting clothings from the hanger. Does she need to wear a gown? She doesn't have much gown. She didn't bring it along with her when she moved out from TOP's house. He had bought her a few gowns for major events and parties but she didn't bring them over. Can she wear a dress instead? She took down a white mini dress and analyze it. 


" Is it too simple?" She thought out loud again. Just as she was about to place the hanger with the white dress back, her doorbell rang. She turned her attention to the clock again. Who could that be? She wore a robe that was laying around before walking to the door and opening it to see her husband. 

"Why are you so early? Didn't you say you will be here at 7pm?" She asked, a little shock to be honest. 

" Yeah I did but I decided to just drop by earlier." He was dressed. Not suit and tie but formal enough. He was wearing a black button shirt, with his long pants and a pair of Alexander McQueen. Not to forget, his Hermes belt peeping out between his shirt and pants. Anna noticed that he had his hands behind his back. What? Did he get her another bouquet? The bouquet he bought her a few days ago is still sitting in a glass vase on her coffee table. 

“ Can I come in?” He interrupted her thoughts. She moved away to allow him to come in, walking back to her room afterwards. She went straight to the wardrobe, trying to dig out her dress or gown again. 

" Have you found anything to wear?” He was at the door frame of her room when he asked. 

" I'm still searching." She answered but still focus on finding. 

" You left all the gowns back at our house.” He reminded her. Of course she know! She had been searching, of course she know that all the gowns that he bought for her is at his house. She just kept silent and continued to search. 

" Anna. I bought you a new one." Anna stopped searching and moved back a little to see him stretching out his hand with a paper bag. She new it was an expensive and gorgeous gown from the logo and brand of the paper bag. 

" Take it.." He interrupted her thoughts again but she just shook her head. 

" You don't have to worry, I'll be there with a gown" She went back searching in her wardrobe earning a sigh from him. He went in the room and place the bag on the floor beside her wardrobe. He took a glance in her room when he remembered he did check his masterbed room, the wardrobe, her dresser table to realize that a lot of her things are still in that house. He began looking at her room and her apartment before looking back at her. 

Anna took a pink mini dress out from the wardrobe, wanting to try it but realize he was still in her room. 

" Do you mind?" she pointed to the direction of the door. Signaling him to get out. 

" You didn't take back any of the things I bought for you didn't you?” He looked at her with sadness in his eyes. He was right. She didn't take any of the things that he bought for her. From clothings, to cosmetic, to shoes, basically anything that he bought for her. She didn't bring it over to her old apartment, where is she currently staying now. 

She really didn't bring back anything that you bought for her.

" I have my own stuff." She replied back softly. He took a deep breath before bending over to pick up the paper bag and taking out the beautiful gown. She was right. It was beautiful. It was nothing too formal. Infact was a simple gown like mini dress that would stop at her thighs. This dress would emphasis her curves, it was a little as well. It was y yet elegant. 

" Well, it's time to change this closet. " He placed the gown on the bed making her frown a little. 

" What are you doing?" She asked him. 

" Placing your dress on your bed" He replied with a smile but Anna still had a frown on her eyebrow. 

" I don't want it!" " She picked up the dress from her bed and shoved it back to him. 

" Anna.." He wanted to speak but was cut off by her. 


" Stop buying me things and get out of my room" She was trying her best to push him out of her room but it wasn't working. He wasn't moving much. 


" Okay. I'll get out of your room but please just consider wearing this. I spend a lot of time picking this for you" He placed it on the nearest place he could see and think of, which was her dresser's stool before heading out of the room. Anna closing the door afterwards. 

She picked up the pink gown like dress and threw it on the bed. She didn't have the time to think or to be frustrated now. She needed to put on her make up, blow her hair and dress up now! 

It was almost time when she was done with her make up and her hair. She even put on her diamond earrings, diamond necklace, diamond bracelet and diamond ring on her fourth finger with her wedding ring. All she needed to do now was to find a dress that suit the party and she could leave. She went back to the wardrobe and started searching again. She sighed after awhile. She could search over and over again but the results will still be the same. She couldn't find a good dress for tonight's party! What is she going to do? Her head and eyes turned to the pink gown like dress that was thrown on the bed. She let out a sigh before walking nearer to the gown, picking it up and taking a good look at it. 

She let out another sigh before wearing it. She stretched her hand behind her back, zipping up till the very top. The moment the zip went up, She could feel the dress fits her better and better till she zip hit the top of the dress and couldn't go up anymore. She placed her hands back in front and stand in front of the full length mirror. Oh my goodness. She looked beautiful. 

She took a black purse from the wardrobe and took a deep breath before walking out of the room. She saw TOP looking hard and focus on his phone screen. So she walked a little closer to him. 


" I'm ready." She called out for him. He looked away from his phone, turning his head to look at her. Her eyes widen and his jaw dropped. The last time when he saw her like this was their wedding day. She was beautiful. He placed his phone on the sofa and stood up slowly, still staring at her. 

" You look beautiful."  He manage to gather his words. 

" Well, thank you. You look good too" She smiled and complimented him before walking towards the shoe cabinet, taking out a pair of 3 inch black heels. It matches her purse. She wore the heels, one foot at a time. Closing the cabinet afterwards. She was about to walk to the door which was just a few steps away but stopped when she realize her husband isn't following. she turned around to see him still standing in front of the sofa, still looking at her. 


" Are you planning to go to the party?" She asked interrupting his thoughts. He bend down to take his phone and started talking to her door. He opened the door for her and guided her to his black BMW that he had parked at the sidewalk, just a few steps away from her apartment. 


Control yourself, TOP.


(At the party...)

" Anna! Anna!" She was bugged by the media. Many people had come to this party. They needed a story to right. They needed to know what was going on. They needed to know if TOP and Anna are happily together, or if they are still together or maybe even broken up. They needed information!

" Keep cool. You look great." Park Bom and Sandara came up to her making her smile. 


" Thank you." She had to keep her cool. There are so many reporters here. 


" We heard about everything." Sandara spoke softly, not wanting to media to hear anything. The girls were at a cocktail stand table. Standing around that small table. 

" We all know he love you, so we don't believe the rumours. We know he would never do anything to hurt you. " Park Bom added for Sandara as she nodded in agreement. If only they knew. 

" Do you want a drink?” Jermaine has came up to her with a champagne glass in her hand but she stretched out her hand a shook her head. 

" No thank you.. " Anna rejected politely. She was pregnant! No alcohol for her. 

" Hey Anna! I hope you are not affected by the rumours" One of the reporters had came close to her. They couldn't crossover to them as they had a divider between the celebrities and the media but he was close enough for her to hear. 


" Are the rumours true?" Another reporter came to where the first reporter was, asking her questions. Apparently, they had found a spot where it was good to ask her. 


" Does TOP really have another girl outside?" Another reporter came asking. More and more started to come and flooded her with camera lights and questions. 


" I will be giving a speech to clear all misunderstanding later" she forced out a smile at them but that wasn't enough for the reporters. They still asked her more and more questions. 

“ Sorry, excuse us..” Four members of Big Bang and Julie had to make way and take Anna away from the table. Away from those reporters that are flooding her with questions. 


“ Anna. I’ll get you a drink” TOP told his wife. He was about to head to the drinks counter when he heard his name being called in a distance. 

" Seunghyun oppa!" That was it. He knew he was in trouble when he heard her voice. 


Haha! This is exciting!


Author's response: 


@ Dpink28: There was a scene on Jiyong and Anna on the previous chapter. Hope you like it :) 


@ Baekyunsoul: Yes, it’s hard to see someone you like choose someone else. Thank you for supporting my story :) 


@ xxxx1809: Haha! You support Jiyong and Anna?




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15 streak #1
A story that i read 3 times
15 streak #2
Jessie221 #3
Chapter 45: Very beautiful I can’t wait to read their life with their baby and the drama that comes with it
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Chapter 44: So much love for jiyong he is a such a loyal man and very considerate
Jessie221 #5
Hello and welcome back I have been reading your stories since years ago and I’m delighted to know that you are back can I make a request please for a new story????
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Chapter 42: Yo me hubiera quedado con gd
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