Chapter 13: Our house

Status: Married

Hello friends! On the last chapter, TOP sneaked in the girls room with Julie's permission. He had a chance to explain to Anna but she didn't want to listen to him. She used her ped handbag to hit him, accidentally allowing all her items to fall on the ground, including the sonogram. Now, TOP knows she pregnant! Let's continue..


(At night..)

" I’m going back tonight." He was packing his bag as he spoke to Taeyang and Daesung who was in his room. He had already made up his mind. Anna had already flew back to Korea. After Taeyang and Julie comforted and console her. They helped her to book a ticket. After she had totally calm down, Julie and her went back to their room and helped her to pack her luggage. How could he stay in Japan knowing his pregnant wife is so emotional right now. He need to be with her. He needs to take care of her.

“ Tonight? No hyung. You can't. YG hyung needs us to do an interview tomorrow." Taeyang reminded the rapper but he shook his head. 

" I can’t wait till then." TOP wasn’t packing honestly, he was just finding anything he sees that is his and throwing his things in his luggage. 

YG had told them beforehand that they needed to attend this interview after the mini performance in Japan. How can the interview go on without the rapper? What will the fans think? What will the media say? What will the YG say?

“ The four of you can proceed on." TOP wasn't even looking at them when he packed. He was too focus on throwing his things in the luggage and leaving as soon as possible. 

" I have already texted Jiyong." TOP was determined to go back Korea. They knew it was useless to try and get him to stay back. They just kept their mouth shut and just watch the oldest packed his luggage. 

It was about half an hour, or what felt like half an hour when the doorbell rang. Taeyang and Daesung had left the room. Leaving TOP alone. They knew he needed space and time. He frustratedly walked towards the door and opening it. He didn't even bother to check who he was but when he saw who was at the door, he realised he should have checked the peephole first before opening. 

" Oppa? I heard that you are going back to Korea tonight?" She asked. How did she know?! Oh..Taeyang or Daesung must have told Seungri and Seungri must have told Samantha, Samantha must have told her. Wow! Messages do really pass around, and fast. 

" Look, Nicole we have to stop here." He told her in a stern and straight forward manner. 

" What do you mean? " she tilted her head and pout a little, unaware of what happened. 


You should have stopped it before Anna caught you.

" My Wife. She saw us. Last night." Nicole smiled a little as she cling on to his arm. 

" Isn't it better? At least we can be together. " TOP immediatelt shoved her arm off his. He was already in enough trouble. He didn't need her to make it worse. 

“ Stop it."  He was getting angry now. His eyes has filled with frustration and anger. 

“ Oppa!" She raised her voice at him and this is not the time for him to be more annoyed.

“ Please.. just stop." TOP pushed her out the door softly, not hurting her but just pushing her out the door and closing the door. He was on the verge of breaking down at this point and Nicole wasn’t that dumb. She know she shouldn’t trigger him anymore. At least not now. She walked away from the room with frustration. Walking past Daesung and Seungri. They didn't say hello. They didn't greet each other. Nicole simply just walked past them with a frown. 

The two members looked at each other. It seemed that she was really angry. What happened? They kicked up their speed and walked to the rapper's room. They rang his doorbell and was greeted by a messy, tired looking man. He Was exhausted from all the dance rehearsal, the perfomance, the with Nicole and he have not slept. How could he after knowing that his wife witnessed him ing another woman? 

“ Hyung? Are you okay? ” Seungri was genuinely concern. So many things happened in that one night? One moment everything was going great. They were celebrating TOP's  birthday and when they woke up the next morning, they got the news that he slept with another woman, on top of that, his wife witnessed it.

" Did you.. did you really do it with her? " Seungri asked. Honestly, everyone in Big Bang heard it but was still in disbelief. TOP just left the door open and walked back to the room, the two members following behind him. 

" I lost my mind. I screwed up." he sat down on the sofa with a sigh. 

“ Anna witnessed it?” Seungri continued asking earning a huge sigh from Daesung but before they could continue, the doorbell rang again. Seungri got up and answered the door, only to be greeted by a angry leader.

" What is the matter with you ?!" Jiyong barged in, charging towards the direction of the rapper. Daesung and Seungri was standing nearby. It seemed like Jiyong was ready for a fight. 

“ Why aren’t you going for tomorrow’s interview?!" The leader raised his voice at him. 

“ I need to sort things out with Anna. “ He explained and this did not calm the leader at all. In fact, he made him more angry. More mad.

" Sort things out with her?! Why do you keep hurting her ?!“ he grabbed the rapper by the collar of his shirt with both his hands. Daesung and Seungri both wanted to pull them apart but it was better if they stayed out of it for now. Jiyong is really mad. 

" I lost my mind. " TOP was getting weak. He was prepared to get punched by Jiyong. He didn’t bother about anything else. He just wanted to go back home to meet Anna.

“ You told me you will make her happy." He recalled before he proposed to Anna. Jiyong and TOP had a talk before he proposed to Anna that day. The two younger members could see the jawline of Jiyong, tighten. He was about to punch the rapper. 

“ !"  Jiyong pushed him away. Daesung and Seungri quickly stood in the middle to pull them apart. Jiyong would punch him any time now. 

" Hyung. Let's go." Daesung pulled Jiyong out of the room. He needs to be away from TOP now. TOP might get hurt badly if they don't pull Jiyong out of the room. 


" Why do you look like that?” Kayla asked the moment she opened the door for her friend. She looked pissed! She looked upset! She looked frustrated! She knew girls were all hanging out in Kayla's room. She didn't want to go back to her lonely room. She needs the company of her friends. 

" What happened?" Samantha asked. Concerned for her. 

"Choi Seunghyun." Was all she mumbled before plotting herself on Kayla's bed. She layed down and sighed. 

" What did he do?” Jasmine asked. The girls did not know what had happened. No one told the girls about TOP and Nicole's affair. Not even Seungri. Seungri left that part out. He figured he shouldn't tell anyone, not even Samantha about this big issue. 

" He is ending things with me"  The more she talked about it. The more angry she gets.

" Doesn't he have a wife?" Jasmine asked. She knew that TOP is married since it was in some article. 


" Yeah. So?" Nicole sat up. She cross her leg, one on top of the other as she folded her arms. 


" So. Move on?" Jasmine continued but she just scoffed. 


" I don't fall for man easily but I really think I might be falling for this man." Nicole sighed. He's handsome. He's rich. He's tall. What's not to like? 

" There are many men out there. You just have to find one that is not.. married" Samantha tried to talk to her out of it but it does not seem to be working at all. 


“ No.. I really like him. Not many man can satisfy me like he does.. " she began smiling to herself once she recalls the she had with him. It was so good.

" Wait.. You slept with him?" Kayla looked at her. All the girls were shocked! They didn't think she would go that far. 

"Thrice. Three times." Nicole says it as though she has accomplished and won an award.


" Nicole!" Kayla stared hard at her. Does she know what she is doing?! 

" You are sleeping with a married man!" Kayla tried to wake her up. Hoping she could come to her senses. 

“ Well.. I really like him!" Nicole tried to defend herself. 

" Wait.. Hold on. He has a wife but he slept with you?" Jasmine asked. Why did TOP have with another woman when he has a wife? 


" Yup." Nicole smiled. 

" Nicole. You have to stop. Please. He has a wife. A WIFE" Kayla stood up this time. She was getting agitated that her friend could potentially break a married couple up. 

" come on, nowadays divorce are so common" Nicole knows it herself that she can't give TOP up. She is really falling for him and she won't let him go so easily. 


(Hours later.. Anna have reached Korea and back home)

She opened her house door. Pulling her luggage in. She didn't even bother turning on the living room or hallway lights. She just headed straight for the staircase. Since her luggage was heavy, she took slow steps. Walking up the stairs, real slow. She didn't want to hurt herself, especially not that she's pregnant. She walked towards her room and opened the door and turning on the bedroom lights. 


She placed her handbag on the dresser and walked in her room. She looked around her room. Her bed. Her wardrobe. Her dresser. The wedding picture on the wall.. wait.. The wedding picture on the wall. She took a closer look at it. It's one of their wedding photoshoot. Oh, it hurts. Her heart is hurting. She feels suffocated just by imagining staying with her husband in the same room. She can't seem to forget how he grabbed another woman's waist. She can't forget how he moan while she ride on him. She can't forget how he had with another woman! I can't stay here. 

She took out her other luggage from the closet and placed it on the floor ped. She opened her drawer and started throwing her clothes in. Dresses. Shirts. Shorts. Skirts. Pants. . Bra. Anything that was hers. She would just throw inside her luggage. She opened all the drawers that she had in the room, throwing anything she could find that was hers into the luggage. She stopped when she saw her wedding album. She picked it up slowly. Why is she holding on to the wedding album? She can't help but flipped open the wedding album. 

All their couple and solo shots picture was there. There were romantic poses. There were artistic poses. There were photos of them taking outdoor, there were the beach, the waterfall, the busy city roads. There were professional poses. So many different kind of poses. So many different kinds of expression. She could remember the emotions she was having that day when they had their wedding photoshoot. She closed the wedding photo album when she had enough. Her heart felt like it had been poked and stabbed many times. She quickly placed back the wedding album in her drawer. She took a deep breath and continue to pack her stuff into her luggage.

Where are you going Anna?

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16 streak #1
A story that i read 3 times
16 streak #2
Jessie221 #3
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Hello and welcome back I have been reading your stories since years ago and I’m delighted to know that you are back can I make a request please for a new story????
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