You're... Pregnant?!

Status: Married

Hello friends! On the last chapter, Anna and Julie had arrived in Japan to surprise the boys but Anna found out her husband was making love to another woman! TOP tried to explain to her but she wouldn't listen. She was too heartbroken! Let's continue..


" Babe, are you feeling better?" Julie was really worried about her. She managed to calm her down outside the hotel. When they got back to the hotel, Taeyang and TOP wasn't in the lobby anymore. The girls managed to book a twin bedroom for one night. Julie accompanied her throughout the night. She didn't cry much when she was in the room. It was 6am and the girls didn't sleep at all. They were just on the bed. Julie tried to lighten to atmosphere by dropping some random topics making her chuckle here and there.

" I'm all right. " She turned her head to look at her best friend who was on the other twin bed. Julie didn't want to ask her about what happened although she is so curious but she didn't want her to start crying again. She will tell her once she is ready. The girls attention turned towards the door when they heard the doorbell rang. Anna's heart almost missed a beat when she heard the doorbell rang. Is that her husband? What was she going to do if that was her husband. Should she slap him? Should she chase him out of the room? Should she listen to his explanation? 

" I'll get it. " Julie stood up from her bed and walk towards the door, taking a peep from the peephole before opening the door and letting her boyfriend enter the room with Anna's luggage. She let out a sigh of relief when she heard Taeyang's voice. To be honest, she was feeling a little disappointed but it was good this way. She didn't know what to do if it was really TOP. 

" Is she all right?" Taeyang took a peep at Anna who was lying on her side of the twin bed. 

“ Oppa. Can you stay with Anna. I need to use the bathroom” Julie has been staying beside Anna throughout the night. She didn’t leave her sight, worried that she might dash out the room or run out of the hotel again. Now that her boyfriend is here he could help keep a lookout for her. It was the perfect chance to use the bathroom. Taeyang smiled and rolled her luggage towards Anna. Anna smiled a little when she confirmed it was Taeyang and not her stupid husband. He then sat beside her while Julie walked to the bathroom. 

" Hey Anna." He smiled at her. Anna gave a small smile back not knowing what else to say. 

" I know what happened.. " She sat up on the bed. This phrase made her tear up again and it was obvious since Taeyang went closer to her and placed a hand on her shoulder gently. TOP has told Taeyang everything. Even he felt like punching him. He was lucky that Taeyang could control his temper. 

“ Hey.. Shhh..” Taeyang didn't want her to cry anymore. It was enough. He just wanted to tell her to let her know that he know what happened. 

" I don't know what I did wrong.." Anna choked up on her words. 

" You didn't do anything wrong." Taeyang reassured her. To be honest. He doesn't know the full love life on TOP and Anna but he was sure Anna didn't do anything wrong to deserve what TOP did. 

"I saw you bought him a cake? It's really pretty, where did you buy it from ?" Taeyang tried to change the topic afraid that she might cry again. That was when Julie came out of the bathroom and answered for her. 

" She baked it. " Julie sat beside her boyfriend whose eyes have widen. 

" You baked it?" He asked while she nodded slowly..

" Its beautiful. " Taeyang added softly with a smile. 

" Thank you." Her eyes began to fill up with tears knowing she can't celebrate her husband's birthday this year. She lay back on the bed and turned away from them, controlling her tears. 

Oh dear, Anna is so sensitive now.

" Oppa. Let her rest. We talk about it again later alright ?" Julie signalled him to leave and he got it. He let out a small sigh, standing ip slowly and walking towards the door..

“ Call me if you need help." Taeyang told Julie. She gave a small smile and nodded before closing the door on him. Julie turned her attention towards Anna who was laying on her side, hugging her pillow. She let out a sigh and went to her side of the twin bed. It was best to leave her alone for now. 

(At the boys room..)

" How is she?" TOP stayed in Taeyang and Jiyong's room the entire night. He didn't want to go back to his room. The pair spend the whole night talking about what had happened. Jiyong is still asleep despite some of the shouts Taeyang did from being surprised. 

" Let her calm down first." Honestly, Taeyang felt really disappointed in him. He didn't want to talk to him much or console him much but he had too since he is his friend. 

“ I screwed up."  He mumbled..Taeyang did not disagree with him. Taeyang placed a hand on his shoulder, giving him a few taps before heading to his twin bed. 

What will Jiyong reaction be?

(Soon It was morning..)

Julie was woken up from the sound of the doorbell. She turned her head towards the door when she heard the doorbell rang. She then turned her attention to Anna who was asleep. She then got off her bed and walk towards the door, taking a peep to see TOP outside the door. She opened the door but not fully, she enough for her head to pop out. 

" What are you doing here?" She whispered softly, not wanting to wake Anna up. 

" Julie, what is she doing ?" Julie went out the room and hold the door slightly open behind her. She didn't want to lock herself out but she wanted to talk to TOP. She wanted to find out what happened. 

" She is sleeping. What happened?" She asked but he just sighed. 

" You can ask Youngbae.. Could you let me in?”  He was honestly ashamed to tell his own story. Right now, he just want to see his wife. 

" I don't know if that is a good idea" she told him. 

" Please?" He pleaded. Julie sighed. He looked really genuine and sincere. He pushed the door opened and walk in the room with TOP following behind. 

TOP. You are in big trouble now.

"Don't wake her up. She is tired. "Julie whispered as they walk slowly and gently towards the bedroom. TOP was Anna turned to her side with her eyes closed. Her breathing was soft. He really felt guilty when he saw his wife. How did he gave in to temptation so easily?! He really hated himself for hurting her. He walked towards Anna. Sitting on her bed very gently. He had to be sure he didn't make a sudden move or sound. 

" Oppa. Are you just going to sit here ?" Julie asked.

" I dont know.. " he continue to look at his wife who is still asleep. He couldn't stare at his wife the whole day. He just wanted to be with her now. Julie sighed and went back to laying on her bed. She was exhausted too. 


TOP wanted to stay. He wanted to be with her. So he made himself comfortable. He went towards the headboard and sat on the bed, his back leaning against the headboard. He let out a sigh the moment he got comfortable. His mind started to wander. His mind started to question him. How could he do this to her? Was he out of his mind? How is he going to explain to her? Will she even listen to his explanation? How is he going to win her back? He leaned his head on the headrest of the bed and closed his eyes. He is really in trouble now. 


He would take a look at her once in awhile. He was exhausted but he couldn't sleep. He wanted to be with her. He wanted to be there when she wakes up. He knew there will be loads of crying and screaming but he has prepared himself. It took her 45 minutes before she started moving. Oh . TOP's heart started to race now. 

What are TOP's first words going to be?

She open her eyes to see her husband seated beside her head but it took a few seconds to settle and remembered what happened last night. The moment she remembered, she got agitated. She sat up immediately and looked at her husband. 

" What are you doing here?! " she raised her voice at her at him. 

" Baby.. I .. Listen I.. " he was then cut off by her again.

" Do not call me baby!" She shouted at him. 

“ Babe.." Julie tried to calm her down but TOP turned and interrupted.

“ Let her be." TOP deserved all the shouts, screams, even hits and beating from her. He didn’t mind as long as she feel better. It was his fault. Anna started to tear again. Damn it.

“ Tell me.. What have I done wrong?!” Anna shouted at TOP again. Her tears were falling out, one after another. Oh, this was so heartbreaking. It was heartbreaking to Julie too. It was heartbreaking for her to watch. She got off from her bed not wanting to be in this room. 

“ Babe, I'm going to find Taeyang. ” Julie couldn’t watch and hear this anymore. The tension was too much. It was too heartbreaking. It’s better to leave them alone. Plus, she was eager to find out what happened to them. She didn’t think anyone of them would tell her the story now. Julie took her room key card and her phone before getting out of the room to find her boyfriend which was just next door. 

" Baby, I'm sorry.. I'm so sorry " he can only apologize now. What else can he say? She took a deep breath but no words came out of . She needed that breath for oxygen. She could feel her hands, her mind, her heart getting numb because of all the crying she have been doing.


" What?!" Taeyang told the story on what he know. This caused Julie stood up, while Jiyong was on the bed. Shocked and stunted. One moment everything was fine before he slept, the moment he woke up, TOP cheated on his wife?! Jiyong was still trying to absorb what had happened. 

" He what ?!" She was furious now. She kept asking the same question over and over again, still in disbelieve that Liam would do something like that.

" Youngbae. Are you sure?" Jiyong wanted to make sure that he heard properly. He just couldn't believe the rapper, his best friend would do such a thing. 

" That’s what he told me.. " Taeyang just relayed the story. He just tell what he know. 

" Where is she now?" Jiyong got off the bed, eager to find Anna. He didn't want her to be alone at this point of time. He wants to be there for her. He walked past Julie, wanting to stomp out of the room but Julie grabbed his arm to stop him from leaving the room.

" Seunghyun oppa is talking to her now. " Jiyong shoved her hand away and continued walking towards the door. He really want to meet Anna now. He wants to know how is she. She is probably crying badly. He wants to be there for her. He wants to hug her. He wants to be there when she rant and cry but before he could reach the door, Taeyang turned him around to face him. 

" Let them settle, they need to talk it out." Taeyang stopped the leader. He could see the leader's eyes full of frustration, anger, disappointment. The fire in his eyes was back. 


" That jerk!" He gave himself enough space before lifting his fist and punching the wall in front of him. Knowing that Anna is hurt, knowing that Anna would cry, knowing that Anna probably need someone by her side but it hurts him knowing that he can't do that for her now. 


" Get out. Please.." She was tired. Tired from crying. She really thought everything was going well. She didn't find any major flaw in their marriage. Sure, they have some minor quarrels here and there but they would normally kiss and make it up. She cannot believe her husband would cheat on her. 

" Please. Don't cry.. " he went up closer to her wanting to wipe those tears that were rolling down her cheek but she moved away from him. She was currently on Julie's bed, sitting down. Her legs felt weak. She didn't have the strength to stand and cry. She didn't have the strength to stand but she didn't want to even share the same bed as him. She then placed her elbows on her knees and covered her face while she sobbed. This broke TOP's heart. How did he manage to hurt his wife this much? He really hate himself so much right now. He got off the bed and squatted in front of her. Holding on to her knee..

" What can I do? What can I do to make you forgive me?” At this point,  will do almost anything for her to forgive him. Dont act so pathetic. She told herself. It took her a few seconds before she uncover her face, took a deep breath and wiped the tears away. She shove his hand off her knee as she stood up as she walked past him. She really wanted to leave the hotel. Leave this country. She really cannot deal with him right now but he stood up and hold her wrist. 


" Let go." She commanded him strictly but he didn’t move. His hands were still wrapped around her wrist. He knew if he let go, she would leave him.

“ LET GO!” She tried to struggled against his grip , but he wouldn't give in. She tried to take off his hand that was on hers, but he just wouldn't release. His grip just got tighter. TOP could see that she started to turn her head, scanning the room and next thing he know, she had banned over to the bed side table that had her handbag on it. He then felt a sharp pain when she started hitting him with the handbag. The moment the handbag hit his wrist, all her things from her handbag started pouring out. This was when Anna realise, she forgot to zip her purse. Her lipstick, mascara, earphones, wallet, receipts and an envelope fell to the ground. What is that envelope? A birthday card for him? 

He bend down to the envelope below him, picking it up. Initially, her plan was to surprise him. She wanted to present the sonogram after she had sing him a birthday song infront of the cake that she baked. She had picked the most obvious sonogram picture and place it in a envelope but instead it was her husband that gave her a surprise instead.


Birthday card? No! Wait! I don't think so!

" What is this? My birthday card?" He bend and picked up the envelope. No! It's not the time yet. In their current situation it will just be more tensed and awkward. She wanted to take the envelope from him but he moved away. His reflex action was fast! He took out the sonogram that was in the envelope and looked at it. At first, he just stared and analyzed the sonogram. It took him a about ten seconds to register in his brain that he was holding a sonogram. He widen his eyes while continue to look at the sonogram.


" Give it back to me!" Anna snatched the sonogram and envelope from him. She then squat down to slowly pick up her stuff, slowly placing back in her handbag, one by one. TOP slowly squat down together with her and looked at her. 


" Are you.. are you pregnant?” He asked, he was stuttering. He was really really shocked and surprised right now. 

When she didn’t answer him, she just continue to pick up her stuff, throwing into her handbag but he grabbed on to Anna’s arm. He was serious and stern now. He need to know if she was joking, playing a prank on him or he was serious.

" Answer me " He raised his voice, startling her a little. 

" Let me go right now!" She raised her voice as well. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath to calm himself down before opening his eyes and looking at her again.


" Anna. Please. I need to know.. Are you really pregnant?" He asked with a softer tone. 


" Yes. I am pregnant!" She continued to raised her voice at him. She shove his hand off hers. She quickly grabbed the last items on the ground and shove it all in her handbag before standing up and leaving the area, before leaving the room. She really couldn't be in the same room as him anymore. It was suffocating. 

Seunghyun didnt move. He just stood still. He was about to be a father? This was so exciting. His heart started racing more. He was about to be a father! He subconsciously smiled and took his phone out of his back pocket and unlocked his phone. He wanted to call and tell s, his family, his colleagues, his manager, his boss that his wife is pregnant and that he was going to be a father. Soon, he fingers stopped tapping on the phone screen and his smile slowly faded when he realize what situation he was in. His wife didn't even want to talk to him let alone raise a child with him. Oh .. 


Anna made her way to Taeyang and Jiyong's room. She pressed the doorbell and waited for the door to be answered.

" I'm going back to Korea. You can stay here with Taeyang oppa but I cant stay here anymore" She told Julie the moment she saw her. 


" Anna. Please.. Relax." Taeyang tried to calm her. She was really panicky, she looked messed up. Her hair was in a mess. Her cheeks had dried up tear trails. Anna had to take deep breaths. 

" You can leave later. Come in first" Taeyang guided her in the room. She can't leave for the airport like this. 

Julie heart broke to pieces after seeing her best friend in this situation. She guided Anna to Taeyang's bed and sat her down. Hugging her from the side. Jiyong was not in the room . He had to went out of the hotel for a smoke. Yes. He smokes too.


Ah.. Jiyong. You missed Anna.

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16 streak #1
A story that i read 3 times
16 streak #2
Jessie221 #3
Chapter 45: Very beautiful I can’t wait to read their life with their baby and the drama that comes with it
Jessie221 #4
Chapter 44: So much love for jiyong he is a such a loyal man and very considerate
Jessie221 #5
Hello and welcome back I have been reading your stories since years ago and I’m delighted to know that you are back can I make a request please for a new story????
FannyChoi #6
Chapter 26: I mean i kill TOP Shirley & Nicole🤣
Chapter 42: Yo me hubiera quedado con gd
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Chapter 22: I would gladly kill TOP, Anna & Sherly
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Chapter 39: Oh shiZzle