The Return of Kang Seulgi [Part 2]

Book of Visual Couple
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“Fake my death” Seulgi stated firmly

Mina, Kai, Chanyeol and Sehun jump in shock “Are you serious?”

“Yes, it’s what they want so we should do it” evil smirk seen on Seulgi face “The real game will start soon”

“What about Kim's family, Ms. Irene and your friends? Are you going to tell them that your death news is just fake?” Chanyeol asking

“No, only four of you will know this”

“Don’t we need a hospital declaration?” Mina looking at her sister

Seulgi smiles at her sister “Of course, sweetie. After this you call aunty Sooyoung and Uncle Siwon. Ask them to come here tomorrow morning. Make sure Dr. Bae Taeyeon and Dr. Bae Sooyoung don’t know about this”


Then Seulgi looked at the guys “Our plan will begin tomorrow. I’ll talk with Mr. Choi Siwon and his sister to help me with the plan. Remember, don’t tell anyone about this. Make sure this news reach their ears”

“Do we need to release a statement to the media?” Kai asking

“No need. Media don’t need to be involved. Besides, the media doesn't know about me yet so we can play safe. Make sure our people are ready for the war. I want those jerks destroy as soon as possible” Seulgi command in serious manner

“Noted boss!” Kai, Sehun and Chanyeol bow their head


Next day, early in the morning, Seulgi meets with Choi siblings in her ward. Choi Siwon is the director of that hospital while his sister, Choi Sooyoung is Seulgi’s mother's close friend. All of them have been business partners since then. Siwon and Sooyoung are the people who are always by Seulgi and Mina's side since their parents died. They treat the sisters like their own children. Choi family also loving the sisters like their own family member

Siwon immediately agrees to help Seulgi to fake her death. He quickly goes to do his job and makes sure their plan goes smoothly. Meanwhile, Sooyoung, the CEO of Choi Technology will be doing the hacking job to find information in illegal activities involving Seulgi’s uncle and aunt. Sooyoung has the best hacker’s team in their country so it is easy for her to dig out the info that Seulgi needs to attack her enemy. Seulgi only focus on her recovery while her people doing her work

In the afternoon, the news of Seulgi’s death was sent to Kim's family, Irene and her staff. Irene, Solar and Wendy immediately go to hospital after receiving the sad news. Yeri’s family also arrived few minutes later follow by Moonbyul and her friends

They cried when they saw a nurse bring Seulgi’s dead body out of her ward. Doctor said that Seulgi has serious inner bleeding on her brain that makes them unable to save her. Irene fell to the floor seeing Seulgi's pale face. She still can’t accept that the woman that lately conquered her heart and mind is gone so early. Solar and Wendy help her to stand up so that she can pay last respect to Seulgi. She kissed Seulgi forehead for the first and last time

“I love you, Kang Seulgi” Irene whisper under her cry


It has been two weeks since Seulgi's death. Irene's life totally changed. She still can’t believe that Seulgi left her this fast because Seulgi looked fine when she woke up after the operation. When Irene asks her sister, Joy also tells her that the doctor found major inner bleeding on her brain when they checked her that morning. Irene canceled her appointment and engagements for the entire month because she still wasn't in the mood to meet anyone. She only goes to her office for two or three hours then returns home and locks herself in her room. Her family are sad seeing her condition. Mrs. Kim and Yeri visiting her with her favorite cupcake to cheer her up

“Baby, please eat a lot, okay? You barely eating lately” Mrs. Bae persuade her daughter to eat because Irene don’t want to eat due to her sadness

“Mom, I don’t have appetite” Irene whimper

“Please baby, you'll be sick if you keep refusing to eat. You’re getting skinny now”

“I want Seulgi” Irene crying

Mrs. Bae put the plate on the nightstand then hugged her daughter “I know, baby. I know it’s hard to let go of someone we love. I go through the same situation too. Remember when we lost your baby brother a few years ago?” she can feel Irene nodding her head on her shoulder “I feel my whole world breakdown. Same as you, I miss him every day even until now. However, I must continue my life because of you, Sooyoung and daddy. You all give me strength and help me to forget my sadness. You should do the same too. You have us to share sadness. Don’t let her death make you down. She will be sad seeing you in this state. Now Seulgi is in a better place. The only thing you should do is pray for her so she can rest in peace. Don’t let sadness take over you. It’s not good for your health. We are always here for you, okay?”

“Thank you, mommy”

Mrs. Bae releases Irene from her embrace and wipes her tears “Don’t cry anymore. My princess is a strong woman. Now eat your food. I’ll feed you”

“Okay mom” Irene said obediently. She eats decent food for the first time since Seulgi’s death. Before this she only eats a little then leaves to her room and locks herself. Her mother is doing her best to force her eating but Irene always resists. This time she doesn't want to give in anymore. Irene health is important so she need to be strict


Meanwhile, Seulgi diligently does her recovery in her hideout accompanied by her sister. Only her people know about that place. Since they fake her death, she was taken to that house so no one knows that she is still alive. Her aunty and uncle are very happy when they know they successfully kill Seulgi. Without them knowing, Seulgi is watching their activities and waiting for right time to drop the bomb

“Unnie, how is your therapy today?” Mina sit beside Seulgi

“It’s going well. I only have one more therapy season” Seulgi caressing Mina hair softly

“Glad to hear that. You don’t feel head throbbing anymore?”

“No, I’m fine now. No more hurt or dizzy like before. Doctor only advised me to take enough rest, sleep on time and not stress out”

“You should enjoy your recovery season. Don’t think too much about the company. Our people are doing their work properly. Aunty Sooyoung also busy gathering information about Uncle Jinhyung recent activity” say Mina

“Okay baby” Seulgi smiles softly “You’re not bored staying here with me? You never go out for a month now. If you want to hangouts or shopping, you can go but make sure you accompany by our bodyguard”

“I would rather stay here with you every day instead of staying far away from you. I still trauma because of your lost before”

“Alright, if you want to eat something or whatever you need, just tell Chanyeol so he can buy it for you”

“Okay unnie” Mina nods her head cutely


Chanyeol, Kai and Sehun have a meeting with Seulgi in her office room. The trio brought the information that Sooyoung gave them. Seulgi nods in satisfaction while reading the document because Sooyoung prepared everything she wanted

“Boss, Ms. Choi said if you need more info she can help you to find it” Kai stated

Seulgi closed the folder then put it on her desk “No more, this is enough for me. Next week on Monday we will launch our revenge. Get our team ready”

“Noted boss”

“What are we going to do, boss?”

“Kidnap them and bring them to the place that I’ll tell you guys. I want to have fun with them before I kill them”

The trio looked at each other “Are you planning to kill them? Not bring them to the police?”

Seulgi groans “Police nowadays are easy to deal with. Just give them money then they will close their eyes and mouth. I know their people will bribe police officers to release them from jail. I know how jerk they can be. I don’t trust the police now. You see, until now they couldn't find the people who hit me with the SUV. Don’t forget that my parent murder case close after a week of investigation. The murderer was jailed but they are not searching for the mastermind. They conclude that the case was just a case of burglary. The killer was also given a disproportionate sentence. I not believe that it just a case of ordinary murder. It was carefully planned by the mastermind. I will take revenge for my family especially my late parents in my own way”

“We always support you, boss”

“Thank you guys


Seulgi and her people begin their revenge mission. She plants a team of spies near her uncle’s mansion to check their movement a few days before the mission starts. After making sure her team is ready, Chanyeol and Kai go to the mansion to kidnap the couple. Since the mansion is far from other houses, it is easier for them to break into it because they can be sure that no one witnessed the scene. Sooyoung and her people have been hacking CCTV in the area to eliminate and also ensure that the situation is under control. Seulgi planned everything meticulously to make sure her mission goes well

The couple was brought to the abandoned wooden house far from the city. People barely know about that place. They was tied on the chair as soon as they enter the house

“Yah! Stop moving around!” Chanyeol shout at Jinhyung and his wife because they keep wiggling

Chanyeol signals one of their men to remove duct tape from the couple's mouth “Yah, why do you bring us here?! You and your people are declaring war against me, huh? Do you think I’m scared of you guys? Your stupid boss is dead. My people will come to destroy you bastard!”

Kai and Chanyeol laughing evilly “Hey ahjussi, you’re wrong when you think that your people will come to rescue you. All of your men safely arrived at hell yesterday. They are waiting for you and your wife”

“Two great white sharks had a food fiesta yesterday. Hey, even animals resist eating evil human flesh. Bobby and Jorge spit out your men's flesh after they take a bite. Aigoo, I don’t know how much a sinner you guys” Kai provoking the couple

Jinhyung and his wife looked pale upon hearing what Kai said “You must be lying to scare us”

“We don’t have time to lie. I can show you the video if you don’t believe me”

Kai takes out his phone to show the video of Jinhyung’s people being thrown to the large shark cage that is occupied by two big sharks named Bobby and Jorge. They breathe heavily hearing the men's voices when those sharks attack them. In the end of the video, they see the dead body floating in the blood red water

“Satisfy now?” Chanyeol cackle

“Please…please release us. I’ll do anything for you if you release me and my wife” Jinhyung begging

“We are not in the right place to make decisions. Everything is up to our boss”

“Your boss?” the couple confused “Seulgi is dead already. Who is your boss now?”

“In your dream” a familiar voice echoed in the room

Their attention goes to a silhouette that is walking towards them. That person walked towards them slowly. Jinhyung and his wife's eyes open wider as they recognize that figure. That is no other than their niece that they tried hard to get rid

“K…Kang Seulgi”

Seulgi cackle as soon as they eyes meet “Surprise~”

“H-how could you still…alive? Aren’t you dead?”

“Me…dead?” Seulgi pointed at herself then laughing evilly “If you think that you’re genius, you made the biggest mistake. You want to kill me but your way is too old fashioned. It’s your people's fault for not checking if I’m still alive or dead in the location. Your people are imitations of yourself. Everyone are stupid ”

“Seulgi…please don’t kill us”

“After all you had done to me and my family, you think I’ll let you two go that easy? You wish!”

Jinhyun chuckled “I know you do not dare to pull the trigger. We’re blood related”

“Blood no longer thicker than water. If blood is really thick, why would you abandon your daughter just because she was not born as a boy?” Seulgi smirks when she sees the couple stiffened “I’m happy that Mina doesn't know that both of you are her biological parents. If only she know, she will sad for having an evil and heartless parents”

“Mina is our daughter?” Jinhyung wife asking

“Not anymore. She is my sister now. She has nothing to do with you two and will never be. I’m not going to tell her that she was born from your womb. Let her think that her parents died when she’s still a baby. After all, you two don’t want her in your life”

“Seulgi, please don’t kill us. You can take us as your slave for life”

Seulgi's laugh filled the entire place “When I do something, I’ll not make a back-up plan. That means my decision is final. You also don't think twice when you kill my parents without mercy!” she scoffed “I can’t believe that you still have the guts to beg me to let you free. Not so easy. You two don’t deserve my forgiveness”

“To make it a memorable death for you two, I’ve invited a special someone to end your life on my behalf. I brought him all the way from Italy just for my favorite uncle and aunty” Seulgi smirk


Later they heard sound of footstep come to their direction “It’s me”


[A/N I still can't move on from this drama kkk]

“Mr. Cassano?” The couple are scared to death when they see a man in black suit pointing a pistol at them. They know him. He is the most ruthless mafia lawyer in Italy. He kills all his enemies without mercy. He is also the most respected person in the mafia world. No one dare to mess with him because it’ll only lead to death

“Consigliere” Seulgi welcome that person happily “Thank you for coming”

“My pleasure. Your father is my good friend so I must come to see the people that killed him and his wife. I can’t find the culprit myself so as soon as I receive the news that you finally captured them, I cancel my entire appointment. I want to seek revenge on my best friend death too”

“Thank you very much, consigliere” Seulgi bow her head

“By the way, Jorge and Bobby are having fun yesterday. They are in a good mood after playing with 20 people in their cage. Have you seen the video?” the mafia lawyer is the shark owner

“Yup, I’m satisfied. At first I want to send those two to your boys but I need to talk to them so I change my plan”

“Have you had a talk with them?”

“Yup” Seulgi smiles sideway “I proudly introduce Mr. Vincenzo from Italy. I bet you two heard about him. You’re right when you say I’m not going to pull the trigger. He is the one who’ll do it for me. However, you know he has his own style to kill his enemy. I hope both of you enjoy the party”

“Seulgi…please…don’t do this”

“No turning back” Seulgi shrugs “Consigliere, you may begin the party now”


Seulgi, Kai and Chanyeol walk away leaving Vincenzo with the couple. From the outside, they can hear the sound of guns and screaming. After few minutes, Vincenzo also come out with smirk on his face

“Are you ready for the show?” he asked

“Yes” Seulgi say confidently

Vincenzo takes out his signature plain gold lighter from his pocket then lights it up. After that he threw it to the warehouse. Seulgi and her people witness the warehouse burn right in front of their eyes. Now Seulgi satisfied that she finally take revenge for her parents


Now Seulgi is satisfied because the people that she hates the most are not in this world anymore. She can live her life peacefully. After this she will focus on rebuilding her company. She is already telling her assistant to fire Jinhyung’s people and hire back the staff that he fired before.

Before returning to the company, Seulgi wants to meet Kim's family, Irene and her friends first. Seulgi knows her appearance will shock them. After composing herself, Seulgi and Mina go to House of Irene. They wait until no more customer in the store so that Seulgi’s arrival did not cause a commotion

Meanwhile in the store, Irene and her staff are working as usual. The staff are busy with their customers while Irene and Wendy are having a discussion in Wendy’s office. Solar and Eunbi checking new arrival stock

“Omo, I bet that car owner will be our customer" Moonbyul saw a luxurious car stopped in front of their store. Solar, Eunbi and Jennie join Moonbyul to see who will be the car owner


“That person must be crazy rich judging from their car” Eunbi said

“You’re right. I hope that person will not be annoying customer” said Solar

“What the !” Jennie cursed as soon as she saw the person that get out of driver side

A familiar woman with blonde hair hopped out of the car. She flashes a big smile to the younger woman beside her. That person is no other than Kang Seulgi, the one that they cried for two months ago. A person that they know was dead after the accident. They can’t believe their eyes until they need to rubbed it few times to make sure they are not seeing things


“Kang Seulgi?”

“We’re not seeing ghosts, are we?”

“Obviously now. Right now it is 3 PM so it’s impossible for ghosts to be seen at this hour. Ghost usually at night”

“That Really Seulgi unnie. Mina-ssi is coming with her. She is real”

They waited for Seulgi to enter the store with excitement and a throbbing heart. They can’t believe what they see but they convince each other that they are seeing Seulgi for real

“Hi everyone!” Seulgi greet as soon as she opens the door. She’s excited to meet her friends after two months of her fake death

“You…you’re Seulgi, right? We’re not delusional right now” Solar stutter

“Yes unnie, I am Kang Seulgi”

“Seul…you’re not dead? I feel like dreaming now” Moonbyul eyes teary

“I’m still alive and healthy. Hug me first. I missed you guys so much” Seulgi open her arms then Moonbyul, Jennie, Eunbi and Solar engulf her to group hug

“We miss you badly, Seulgi. This store feel empty after you leaving” said Eunbi

“Unnie/noona!” Lisa, Mark and Renjun run to join the reunion as soon as they noticed Seulgi presence

“Hi guys” Seulgi exchange hug with the others

“Seul, you owe us an explanation. Let sit first” Solar invite Seulgi and Mina to sit on the couch so they can talk comfortably

In Wendy’s office, the CEO and manager heard the chaos from outside. They don't really care because the staff are sometimes mischievous when there are no customers around. However, they heard someone yell Seulgi’s name

“Wen, is it only me or the kids are calling Seulgi’s name?” Irene asking Wendy

“I heard that too, unnie”

“Shall we check?”


Wendy opens the door for them and they go to check the situation. Irene's eyes widened as soon as she saw Seulgi sit on the couch beside Mina while Wendy gasped in shock. She still couldn’t believe that she currently seeing Seulgi in front of her, still alive and healthy

“Kang Seulgi?!”

Everyone looked at their CEO who looked really shocked. Seulgi immediately stand up and run to Irene

“Joohyun” Seulgi hugging Irene tightly

“Seul, this is not a dream, right? You’re hugging me for real” Irene sobbing softly. She doesn't care if she is wetting Seulgi’s blazer. She couldn’t suppress her cry anymore

“You’re not dreaming, Hyun. This is real” Seulgi peck Irene’s temple “Don’t cry. I’ll explain everything to you and the others”

“Okay” Irene nods her head

“Hi friend” Seulgi turn to Wendy who watching her and Irene with tears on her eyes

“Welcome back” Wendy and Seulgi hugging each other “I thought I’m losing my best friend so fast. I still can’t believe that you’re die”

“I’m sorry for making you all sad. Let me explain the situation”


Now they settle on the couch. Irene told the male staff to lock the door so that no one interrupt their reunion

“First of all, I’m sorry for faking my death and making everyone sad. I’m doing that because I want to take revenge and seek justice over my parent’s death. Besides that, I want to save my family business too” Seulgi stated

“Your family have a business?”

“Yup, I’m CEO and Chairwoman of Kyungwon Realty” Seulgi stated

Loud gasping heard from the people around her “You’re the owner of the top property company in Korea?”

“Seeing you and three men in suits last time, I know you’re rich people but I did not expect this. It amazing”

“Why have I never heard about you? I know many businessman and businesswoman from our country but you” Irene wondering

“I just took over the company after my father died. Before this, I was only a general manager. My dad died so early that leaves me no choice but become a CEO in this age because I’m next in the line. I actually not ready but no choice”

Seulgi sighs “After my parent’s death, my uncle and aunty want to take the business from me. However, their name was not written in my grandfather’s will. They have their own business after all. Greed took over them so they tried so many ways to take the business. Before this, they also tried to take over but my father knew their trick. They make plans and kill my parents. When they thought they could easily become the next owner, our family lawyer read the will and my name written as the successor. They are angry. In a good seven months they take any way possible to kill me to the point they burn my former house. Their plan still fails. One day when I was on my way back from outstation, their people attacked us. I only go with one bodyguard and my driver. That incident resulted in temporary amnesia while my bodyguard and driver were killed. According to my bodyguard, my uncle brought me home without waiting for me to totally recover. He said he wants to transfer me to a hospital overseas for better treatment but it is only his lie. After that, they kicked me out of the house that led to my encounter with Kim’s family. They told my people to not look for me. My uncle threatened to kill Mina if they tried to save me. Before they hurt Mina, Chanyeol, Kai and Sehun go to Japan to rescue her and bring her back to Korea immediately. Their instinct is right. My uncle’s people go to Japan to look for Mina to harm her. Thankfully my people take action faster so Mina is safe and sound. I fake my death because I want to take revenge. I know it’s them who hit me that night because they desperately want me to die. I know the mastermind of my parent’s murderer is my uncle. I heard his conversation with his wife few days before his people attack me”

“We’re sorry to hear that”

“Now no one is going to harm you and Mina-ssi, right?”

“Yes, the situation is safe now” say Seulgi

“Is your uncle, Mr. Kang Jinhyung?” Irene asking

“Yup, it’s him. You must be known him”

Irene rolled her eyes “Of course I know him. He is an arrogant businessman. He is a player too. I heard from my acquaintance that he have mistress”

“That’s right. That old man is a ert. He loves to flirt with younger women. I hope he not flirt with you” say Mina

“He is scared to face me. He never talks to me but his eyes can’t lie. I used to caught him staring at me with lust”

“Eww, you should tell me so I can pull his hair” Solar grunt

“I’m not going to let you make a scene” they chuckle

“By the way, you’re safe and sound is good enough for us. You don’t know how sad our boss is after your not-so-call dead. She doesn't want to eat. She only comes here for a few hours then goes home again. Joy said she spend her day and night crying for you” Wendy chirped

“Really?” Seulgi chuckle while looking at blushing Irene

“She just exaggerate thing” Irene smack Wendy’s shoulder

“I’m telling truth, boss”

Seulgi just shaking her head seeing Irene looked so embarrassed “Guys, if you all are free tonight I want to treat you all dinner after working”

“Yes, we’re free” Lisa say enthusiastically

Wendy gives an eye signal to Solar then the older girl smirk “Boss, can we go home early today? You know some of our staff houses are quite far away. They might want to change clothes before our dinner with Seulgi. Please boss” suddenly Solar and the staff showing puppy eyes to Irene

The CEO can’t argue anymore “Okay, everyone can be dismissed early. Now do the cleaning first. After that you all can go home”

“Yay, thank you, boss!”

“Since you all dismissed early, our dinner will be on 7. Is it enough time for everyone to get ready?” Seulgi asking

“Yes, it more than enough”


The staff quickly do their work. Irene tells Seulgi that she wants to have a private talk with her in her office. Mina excuse herself to leave early because she have appointment with her friends


“Are you fully recovered now?” Irene questioning after they settle on the couch

“Yup, I go through full treatment and therapy. I only go to hospital for monthly check-up”

“Glad to hear that” Irene softly stare at the blonde

“What about yourself? Wendy said your condition is pretty bad after the news”

Irene takes a deep breath then exhales softly “She’s right. I’m really sad when Mina called and told me that you’re died. I can’t believe it because you looked fine when you woke up. Sooyoung and my father also approve of the news. I almost sue the hospital because they are careless in checking your condition”

Seulgi cackles “No one knows about the plan except Director Choi Siwon and Dr. Hwang. If your father and your sister know then it’ll impossible for them to not telling you when they see how saw you’re” she hold Irene’s shoulder “I’m sorry for make a mess but I have to”

“You don’t have to apologize. I understand your situation” Irene says sincerely “If only I knew that Kang Jinhyung and his wife were this evil, I would have already taken action. They are too much”

“Don’t harm yourself. They are very dangerous. Now they are gone so no one can hurt us”

“Em, what do you do to them? Do you bring them to the police? I don’t hear any news about them”

Seulgi decides to tell Irene the truth “I’ll tell you something but please keep it secret. Don’t tell anyone include your family”

“I promise” Irene make V sign with her fingers

Seulgi proceeds to open up about what she did to her uncle and aunty and how the couple died. Irene was shocked upon hearing the story. Her jaw dropping as she imagine the scene

“You…you really are not killing them?” Irene stutter mess

“Yup, I don’t want to dirty my hands with their blood. Mr. Cassano is the one who do it on my behalf”

“Aigoo, I still can’t imagine the scene” Irene caressed her chest “Why not bring them to the police?”

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Title changed!

Former title: Red Velvet (Seulrene) Story Collection

New title: Book of Visual Couple

With love, Mulgokizary


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Marcsansummer #1
wait for an update🥹
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #2
update please author nim!
Chapter 126: awwe marupok irene for the win!!🥰🥰
Taitai84 1235 streak #4
Chapter 126: Refreshing for cold Irene to be the one doing the courting
264 streak #5
Chapter 126: Aaaww sweet chapter. I really enjoy a fluffy Seulrene. Thank you author! 🧡
Chapter 126: so cute!
reveluv316 815 streak #7
thanks for the new chapter
Chapter 125: 🩷💛
264 streak #9
Chapter 125: I love it when Irene is clingy to her bear! Lovely story. Thank you author 🧡
Taitai84 1235 streak #10
Chapter 125: Irene sending gifts because she don’t dare to confess directly is so cute