Unwanted husband [Part 4]

Book of Visual Couple
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P.s Pictureds are from Pinterest

Seulgi and Seungwan lounge at the cafe after their meeting ends. Both of them decide to rest for a while since they don’t have any work to do for the rest of the day. Seulgi watching movie in his phone while Seungwan scrolling on his Instagram

“It has been a while since I have Instagram” Seungwan mumbling

“Do you install it again?” Seulgi asking without turn his attention from his phone

“Yes, Eunji force me to install it last night”


Both of them were busy with their own world until Seungwan saw something on his feed. He squinted his eyes and brought his phone closer to his face. Seulgi just sigh seeing his friend behavior



“Is Yeri coming today?”

“Nope, she said she take few days leave”

Seungwan tapping his chin “Hey, do you hear about Irene after your last meeting with her? Perhaps from your parents”

Seulgi shakes his head “No, they never talk about her. Maybe they don’t want to talk about her in front of me”


“What’s wrong?”

“I saw something on Yeri Instagram”

“What is it?” Seulgi asking curiously

Seungwan show his phone to Seulgi “Something suspicious”

Yerimie Baby Giselle first time driving in Korea. She took over grandpa role

#KangGiselle #KangHyunJi #mydarlingniece #grandpabestfriend

Seungwan turned his head to see Seulgi whose face already looked puzzled “Seul, this can’t be yours, right?”

“Is she married?” Seulgi answer with question

“Shall we check more?”


Seungwan goes to Yeri's Instagram account to find more info about that mysterious baby. Both of them really nervous waiting for the answer

Yerimiese Korea, say hi to Kang Giselle from LA!

#KangGiselle #KangHyunji #babybear

Yerimiese Giselle is nature lover so aunty give her lettuce hat

#KangGiselle #KangHyunji @irenebae

Irenebae Yah, don’t teach my daughter something nonsense!

Seulgi and Seungwan choke their breath “Seul…Irene said this is her daughter. This baby…she have your eyes, cheeks and lips”

Seulgi is still unsatisfied. He can’t claim someone's daughter just because of her appearance. He remember that he never touch Irene

“I can’t believe this is my daughter”

“But she is Kang and she have your features”

“There are a lot of Kang in this country. She could be from other Kang” Seulgi said

“Let’s check Irene Instagram” Seungwan goes to Irene Instagram account and luckily she did not make her account private. There are a lot of pictures of her baby instead of herself “Hey look!” they scroll from the oldest until latest one

Irenebae wish daddy were here with us. Mommy can’t wait to hold you. Mommy miss daddy so much

#mylittleone #seeyousoon #wishyouwerehere

Irenebae Baby Kang 1st month injection

#babyKang #mylittleone #myotherhalf #missyourdaddy

Irenebae my baby is super clingy today

#babyKang #mylittleone

Irenebae introduce, my little Kang Hyunji @ Giselle Kang

Mommy loves you so much baby. I’m sorry because mommy still can’t bring you to see daddy. One day you will meet with him. Daddy will love you like mommy does. Both of us love you so much even though we're not together. Look at you, you have all his features. You're a carbon copy of him. There is no way daddy will not love you

#mylittleGiselle #babyKang

Irenebae Baby Giselle first crawling

#mylittleGiselle #babyKang

Irenebae my sleepyhead. Out of various kinds of your daddy behavior, you take after his sleepyhead. You really daddy’s daughter

#mylittleGiselle #daddydaughter

Irenebae my favorite morning view. My alarm clock. Good morning my love


Irenebae Giselle favorite breakfast


Irenebae her kind of hide and seek plus her favorite blanket. Just start her baby step but already plan to run here and there with grandpa

#mylittleGiselle #babystep

“Believe me Seulgi, this really is your daughter. No doubt. She giving lot of hint here” Seungwan said confidently

Seulgi just staring blankly at the table “I never touch Irene. I never have with her. This could be her trick so that she can frame me. She always get what she want to it possible if she have with other guy and said that this baby is mine. How can I make her pregnant when we just meet and talk at the park? We do not even sit closer. I’m not that stupid to claim a baby that is not mine. The Kang that she said is other Kang, not me”

“Hm, make sense” Seungwan said quietly. He believes that the baby is Seulgi’s daughter but part of him believes in Seulgi because after their meeting at the park, they never hear about Irene anymore. Yeri also never says anything about her sister. When Chorong ask about Irene, Yeri only said she is busy with their new business at overseas


Seulgi receives a text from his mother asking him to come to Bae house for a family gathering. It has been a while since he visited the Bae family. He is so busy with his work that he doesn't manage to go to meet the elders. He still exchanges text with Mr. Bae and Mrs. Bae once in a while. He did not totally abandon them.

Since it is the weekend, he decided to laze at his apartment the entire day. He still has more time to spend before going to Bae house. Besides, he doesn't have any plans to go out. Seungwan is busy with his wife and son while Chorong is on vacation abroad with her boyfriend.


At Bae residence

Everyone is laughing cheerfully while playing with little Giselle. She cutely walked while holding her pineapple plushie. Sometimes she falls off her since she still can’t walk properly but it’s not a problem to her. She actively attempts to run here and there, climbing on the couch and jumping. Her mother give up chasing her

At first, Irene is worried just in case her daughter can’t cope with the new environment but after a few days they are in South Korea, Giselle is doing well. She adapted quickly with her new place and she happily played at her grandparents’ house. Mr. Bae insists them to stay at their house so her mother can look after Giselle when Irene needs to visit her office. She only visits once in a while since Giselle is still clingy to her. The little girl will throw tantrum when she don’t see her mother around her

Currently Irene is nervous while waiting for someone to arrive. That is none other than Seulgi. She agrees to invite Seulgi to their house for the gathering. Even Seulgi doesn't know that Giselle is his daughter but she is still nervous when she thinks about it. This is the first time she saw Seulgi after their last encounter. She doesn't have a problem telling Seulgi about Giselle's existence. She only worry how he will accept the fact that he have daughter with her because they have when Seulgi is drunk. He obviously forget that night

Mr. Kang and Mrs. Kang is very happy when Irene's parents introduce Giselle to them as their granddaughter. They accept her warmly to their family. They also thank Irene for naming Giselle after their surname. The elders believe that Giselle is Seulgi’s daughter because they can see Seulgi features in her. Mrs. Kang keeps saying that Giselle looked like Seulgi when she was still a baby and their antics are also very similar. There is no doubt that little Giselle is descendant of Kang Seulgi

“Mommy~” Giselle calls her mom with her baby voice while crawling to her mom's lap. She is tired from running and fall to the floor

Irene brings Giselle to her lap “Tired already?” she cackled. Giselle showed her puppy eyes to her mom giving signals to her. Irene grabs the milk bottle on the table then waving it in front of her daughter “Want this?”

Giselle quickly threw her arms in the air trying to grab the bottle. Her eyes sparkled seeing her milk. She can’t wait to drink it

“Here, drink your milk” Irene gives the bottle to Giselle and the little girl happily accepts it. Irene lied Giselle down on her laps so she can drink her milk comfortably

“She must be tired after playing” Mrs. Kang caresses the chubby cheek girl that only focuses on her milk. Giselle her milk but her legs moved around kicking the air. Irene try to make her stay still but Giselle kick her instead

“She will whimper a lot at night because too tired” said Irene

“I’m very sorry for you because you have to go through pregnancy and delivery without her father. If only we know this early, we will make sure Seulgi will follow you to LA” Mr. Kang said sadly

“Don’t feel bad appa. Appa, umma and Yeri are there with me. They give me a lot of strength. Both of you accept Giselle as your family member is good enough”

“We will make sure we will spend lot of time with her after this”

“Our door always open for both of you” said Mrs. Bae

“Giselle is a very friendly kid. She fond quickly with man instead of woman” Mr. Bae said

Yeri giggle as she kiss Giselle little hand that holding her finger “I’m worry if we will have son-in-law too early” she joking around

Giselle finishes drinking milk then she gives the empty bottle to her mom. She struggles to sit up, then burps loudly “Yah, Kang Giselle!” Everyone laughed heartily. Little Giselle also laughs along without knowing the elders are laughing at her. She cutely hugging her pineapple plushie while sitting on her mom laps

Their laughter interrupted by the sound of the doorbell. Mr. Kang jogged to the door to open it. As expected, Seulgi arrive at their house

“Hi appa, it has been a while” Seulgi give a basket of fresh fruits to Mr. Bae

“Hi son, come in. Everyone at living room” both of them walk to living room

From the hallway, Seulgi can hear a kid's voice laughing happily. His heart beat faster as he remembered the kid at Irene Instagram. He totally forgot that Irene already return to the house

“Hi Seulgi”

“Hi” Seulgi smile nervously

Mr. Kang quickly grab his son hand then pull him to the couch “Hey Seul, we have surprise for you” he said happily

“What is it?”

“This our little girl, she is your daughter” he chirped

“My daughter?” Seulgi furrowed his eyebrows

“Yes, Kang Giselle is your daughter. Her Korean name is Kang Hyunji”

Seulgi staring at the little girl on Irene laps who is also staring at him with her cute monolid eyes. He just stared blankly at her daughter. Irene holds on to Giselle getting tight. She is nervous waiting for Seulgi reaction

“No” Seulgi shake his head “She is not my daughter” Seulgi reaction shocking everyone

“Seul, listen to Irene first. She will explain to you” said Mrs. Kang

“Seulgi-ah, Giselle is our daughter” Irene stated

Seulgi laughing dryly “How can I have a child with you when we last meet each other is a year ago. It obviously nonsense”

“She is really your daughter…” Seulgi cut Irene off before she finish talking

“Hey, please don’t use this trick just to be with me. I told you already that I will never go back to you” Seulgi retort

Irene holds her anger then she stands up and hugs Giselle in her arms “You know what…I also never plan to have a child with you knowing that you hate me so much. Your mouth says you forgive me but your heart says otherwise. You come to me because Solar forces you to do so. Don’t think I don’t know that you are forcing yourself to see me. I don’t care if you don’t want to acknowledge Giselle as your daughter but your blood flow in her whether you like it or not”

Seulgi looking at Irene sharply “Stop play victim Irene. I know this is just your trick to gain sympathy from my parents then they will force me to marry you again. That kid is your accident with another man. You can’t frame me with that tactic. I not as stupid as I am before. She is not my child!”

Irene tears down on her cheeks hearing Seulgi insulting her and Giselle directly “Yes, this child is just an accident. She happens without my consent and her father is drunk when we do it. You don’t have to worry, we don’t need your sympathy. I can raise her alone. We don’t need you in our life” she walk away but stop when Seulgi call her name

He said “Remember Irene, whatever you trying to do…it won’t work on me. You will never get back to me even if you are using that illegitimate child!”


Everyone was shocked to hear a loud slap sound. The elder thought Irene was slapping Seulgi but they were mistaken. That is Yeri palm that landed on Seulgi cheek

“Get out of this house!” Yeri shout angrily

“Yeri-ah” Mrs. Bae hold Yeri hand and rubbing her back

“Yeri, you don’t have to slap him. Don’t hurt yourself because of him” said Irene

“Unnie, I told you that I will protect you and Giselle no matter what…I mean my words. Bring Giselle to your room. Don’t let her know that she have an evil father” Yeri gritted her teeth while glaring at Seulgi

Irene quickly leaves the living room with her daughter. Yeri talks again “I can tolerate if you hate unnie and say something bad to her but you’re insulting that innocent child. I lost my respect for you from now on. You’re the most stupid human I ever know. Get out of here!” she push Seulgi away

“Go now Seulgi” Mr. Kang said sternly then Seulgi quickly leaving

“I’m very sorry for what happened. I will talk to him and give him some lesson” Mrs. Kang apology to Bae family. She is really embarrass because of Seulgi behavior

“We feel bad for ruining our family gathering. If we not invite him, this will not happen” Mr. Kang added

“It’s okay, sooner or later he will know about Giselle too. At least now he knows that he has a daughter and we also know his reaction. Don’t force him to accept Giselle. Both of you accept her as your family is good enough for us” said Mr. Bae

“Giselle will forever be our granddaughter. We love her so much” said Mrs. Kang and her husband nods his head as approval


Seulgi spacing out in his office. He does not focus on his work. His mind is going somewhere. Honestly, he regrets saying hateful words to Irene. He feels guilty after seeing her cry. Yeri also never angry at her to that extent. He can see disappointment in Yeri eyes. Usually every morning Yeri will greet her when she arrives at the office but today the younger girl is radiating a cold aura. He know Yeri still upset at him

Sound of the door knock distracted him from his thoughts. He gave permission to enter and Seungwan stepped inside. He sit on the chair across to Seulgi

“Hey, what with that face? You looked dispirited today. What’s wrong with you?”

Seulgi rubbed his face then he drink his coffee “I go to Bae house last weekend”

Seungwan was excited to hear the story. He leaned his arms on the table “Do you see the baby? Is she really yours?”

“I just see a glimpse of her” Seulgi throw his face to other direction

Smile on Seungwan's face faded. “Why? Irene not allow you to see her?”

“Not about Irene but they said Giselle is my daughter”

“I know right!” Seungwan squeal

“No Seungwan, she is not mine. I never touch Irene. I do not believe that is my child. She could use that kid so that she will get me”

“Hey, if that is not yours, Irene will not introduce her to your family” said Seungwan

“You don’t know how cunning Irene can be”

“I believe that Irene is not framing you. She will not play dirty just to get your attention”

Seulgi rolled his eyes annoyingly “It’s up to you either you want to believe me or not. I don’t care”

“Why don’t you do a DNA test? If the result is negative then you can tell everyone that Irene is trapping you and you also can prove that Giselle is her child with other man” Seungwan suggest

“I don’t have time for that. Stop trying to force me accept something that is not mine” Seulgi said sternly

“Hmm, whatever. Just don’t regret your decision when someday Giselle is really your daughter. Don’t cry your regret when someone is there shower her with love that she is supposed to get from you. I suggest the best way for you but you reject it. Think carefully Seul. Now you deal with your child's future. You used to grow up without your parents attention, do you dare to see Giselle go through that time too? She has Irene but she also needs you. I do not force you to accept Irene but please consider Giselle. She needs a father. Poor her Seul. She has a father but he abandoned her because of his ego. That kid is innocent. Don’t resent her just because you still can’t forgive her mother. She has nothing to do with yours and Irene's past. Please do a DNA test to see if Giselle is yours or not. Settle it properly. Don’t be childish. We’re too old to act like a child. If Giselle is not your daughter then you can push them away from your life. Don’t wait until it’s too late to take action. Please consider my suggestion, okay?” Seungwan tapping Seulgi hand before he left him alone to give him space to think

Seulgi slump his back to the chair and massage his nose bridge “ Irene” he balled his fist


Mr. Kang goes to Seulgi office to talk to his son regarding the little Giselle. This is the first time he has come to the Seulgi workplace. Everyone knows he is one of businessmen in their country. They thought he come to see their boss

“I want to meet Kang Seulgi” Mr. Kang stated coolly

“This way sir” said the staff then he led Mr. Kang to Seulgi office

The middle age man enter the office after get green light from Seulgi “Appa, have a sit” Seulgi invite his dad to sit on the couch

“So this is your office, huh?”

“Yes appa” Mr. Kang nods his head “Appa, why do you suddenly visit my office? Usually you call me to go to our house if you have something to say”

“I just have meeting around this area with my client so I drop by” Mr. Kang cough lightly “I want to talk about Giselle”

Seulgi groans lightly “Appa, why do we need to talk about that kid again and again? She have nothing to do with me”

“That’s it! This is why you never get on the same boat with us. You do not allow us to explain to you first. You always like this. You choose to play victim instead of letting us explain the truth. Why don’t you hear from Irene about Giselle? Do you think she is that cheap going around with random guys then coming home pregnant and telling everyone that she carries your child?”

“Appa, I never have with Irene. How can everyone point me as Giselle's father? Literally everyone said that she is my daughter just because the Irene Instagram post directed to me. Does it make sense? Is it enough to prove that she is my child?”

“That’s why I asked you to talk with Irene. Let her explain to you about what happened between both of you that made Giselle exist. You’re so stubborn Seulgi”

“She could twisting the story to make everyone see that I am at fault” Seulgi said nonchalantly

“If you don’t trust her words then do a DNA test” Mr. Kang stated firmly “If Giselle is really your daughter, you must accept her whether you like it or not. Even if you marry someone in future and have kids, all your heritance will all go to her because she is your first daughter. Don’t ever think to abandon her just because of your resentment to her mother. She has nothing to do with yours and Irene's past marriage. You can make your mother cry because of your disappointment to us but if you make your daughter cry, Ms. Park or the most powerful person in this country will not be able to help you. No one can hurt my granddaughter”

After giving Seulgi warning, Mr. Kang leaves immediately. He is so disappointed at Seulgi. His son is really stubborn and ego. Seulgi is getting puzzled because of this issue. He shut his eyes to rest for a while. These few days is so rough for him


Yeri is on her way to the main entrance when she bumps into Seungwan. She stop when Seungwan call her name

“Where are you going?” Seungwan asking

“Oppa, I have to go to hospital now”

“What’s wrong? Who is sick?” Seungwan panic

“Giselle…she had high fever since last night and unnie took her to hospital this morning since her temperature not decrease”

“Which hospital?”

“Samsung Medical Center”

“Okay, oppa will visit her later”

“Oppa, please don’t bring Seulgi oppa, okay?”

“Alright, I will go with Eunji. You should go now” Seungwan pats Yeri head

“Thanks oppa”


As promised, Seungwan on his way to the hospital to visit Giselle. He goes with Eunji and Chorong. They accidentally bump into Chorong in the hallway so she goes along with them. She is curious about the little girl that make the couple worry

“Unnie, Seulgi really never tell you about Giselle and Irene?” Eunji looked over her shoulder

“No, he never tells me anything. I noticed his mood looked down for the past few days. He told me he is tired but not say anything about Irene” Chorong looked confused

“Noona, Giselle is Seulgi’s daughter with Irene. Her name is Kang Giselle or Kang Hyunji'' Seungwan stated while looking at Chorong through rear view mirror

Chorong's mouth turned round and her eyes almost jumped out of socket “I…I heard it right…don’t I?”

“Yes, unnie but the problem is Seulgi doesn't acknowledge that kid as his child. He deny her” said Eunji


“He keep saying that he never have with Irene and she use that kid so that she can marry him. He said Irene tried to trap him. His family said that Giselle is his son but Seulgi don’t believe anyone” Seungwan answered

“Hm, sometimes family can tell from their bond” Chorong said

“I told him to do a DNA test, he did not agree. He is very stubborn. From Giselle features everyone can tell that she is Seulgi’s daughter. I want to confirm that's why I decided to visit her. I want to see her in person” Seungwan reasoning

“We should hear from Irene unnie how everything happened between them. I don’t think she is trying to deceive Seulgi” Eunji stated

“I agree with you”


Irene cradles Giselle in her arms while she sits on the bed. The little girl doesn't want to let her mom go even just a second. They are in the same position since few hours ago

“Unnie, do you want to eat or drink something?” Yeri asking

“No for now. I’m not hungry”

“Unnie, you must eat. Umma said you just eat a little during lunch”

“I don’t feel like eating” said Irene while patting Giselle bum

Yeri caressing Giselle hair softly. She looked at her niece with a sad expression. This is the first time Giselle got high fever and she literally lost her smile. All she wanted is clingy to her mother “She will be fine soon. Doctor alrea

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Title changed!

Former title: Red Velvet (Seulrene) Story Collection

New title: Book of Visual Couple

With love, Mulgokizary


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Marcsansummer #1
wait for an update🥹
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #2
update please author nim!
Chapter 126: awwe marupok irene for the win!!🥰🥰
Taitai84 1236 streak #4
Chapter 126: Refreshing for cold Irene to be the one doing the courting
265 streak #5
Chapter 126: Aaaww sweet chapter. I really enjoy a fluffy Seulrene. Thank you author! 🧡
Chapter 126: so cute!
reveluv316 816 streak #7
thanks for the new chapter
Chapter 125: 🩷💛
265 streak #9
Chapter 125: I love it when Irene is clingy to her bear! Lovely story. Thank you author 🧡
Taitai84 1236 streak #10
Chapter 125: Irene sending gifts because she don’t dare to confess directly is so cute