You'll always be my love [Part 2]

Book of Visual Couple
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“Ugghhhhh!” Seulgi jerk up from his sleep after have terrible nightmare. He rubbed his sweaty face and breathing sharply few times to calm down. Currently he is alone at their house because his wife is on business trip for few days

After everything goes normal, he removed the comforter and decides to go to the kitchen to get something to drink. He grabs a can of beer and sit at the stool at kitchen counter. He takes few sip of beer that successfully cooling him down

Lately is so rough for him. His relationship with Irene is shaken and it still unfix even he try to fix it. Irene is so stubborn this time. This is their major argument after 7 years of their marriage. They live happily before this until Irene bring up an issue that none of them can control.

It happened after their talk 2 months ago…

[Flashback 3 months ago]

Both of them sit at living room because Irene wanted to discuss something with her husband. Seulgi don’t have idea what Irene want to bring up but he don’t feel good because Irene face tell everything. She looks really serious right now

“What is it honey?” Seulgi sit comfortably on the couch beside Irene while his eyes watching TV

“I want to talk about future plan”


“Turn off that TV and look at me” Irene command

“Okay” Seulgi turn off the TV and looking at his wife “Why do you look so serious? What’s going on? Don’t scare me like this”

Irene scoffs “It has been 7 years since we’re married but we still don’t have kids. I think there is something wrong on us. You see Eunji and Seungwan already have Naeun and Sooyoung while Namjoo and Chorong now have little Bomi and baby Hayoung. They married later than us but already have 2 kids while us…” she end her talk with frustration groan

“Hyun, don’t compare them with us. Maybe it’s not our time yet. We should keep trying. Don’t give up yet” Seulgi hold Irene shoulders

“I not give up and never give up. That’s why I thought one of us have problem”

“We made checkup already and we’re fine. Doctor said that we’re healthy. Don’t sad, one day we will have baby too” Seulgi talk softly

Irene shake her head slowly bring confusion to Seulgi “No Seul, I still think that I can’t give you child. I know how much you want your own child. You talk a lot about future child and you even plan a name of baby Yerim for our first child. It has been 7 years but we still don’t have baby Yerim”

“Honey, it just a plan but God will decide when it will come true. Baby Yerim is not my dream alone but you too. We want to name our first baby as Kang Yerim. Don’t lose hope”

Irene stare at her husband for a while. Her eyes obviously red showing she is crying “I think about this lately…I hope you agree”

“I don’t feel good with what you going to say. If it something that I will never agree, you better not says it” Seulgi said sternly

“Listen to me, either you agree or not, I already make up my mind…I want you to marry again”

Seulgi stare at Irene blankly. He never imagines that Irene will have this idea in her mind. Irene mindset is in another level of insane

“Are you in your right mind?” Seulgi asked slowly

“I’m positive. I want you to have new wife that can give you child. I can’t do it for you so this is the way that I think better for you”

“Hyun!” Seulgi yell “We still can try to make you pregnant but not asking me to marry another woman. This is not right. We can adopt a baby. Chorong and Namjoo already agree to give baby Hayoung to us but you don’t want. She even offered to conceive for us. You openly decline it. Now you want me to marry again. What the heck?”

“I want you to have a child from your own blood that’s why I reject her offer. I know her intention is good but I think it’s better if the baby is from your own flesh and blood”

Seulgi try to calm down “We can use IVF method too. I can afford it”

“It will waste your money if it fails. Marry again is better” Irene still stick with her opinion

The husband looked at his wife intensely. Currently Irene is not someone that he knows. She totally different

“I’m not desperate and I willing to wait until you get pregnant. Don’t force me to do something that I can’t do. I’m out of this talk” Seulgi said walk away from living room leaving Irene alone

[Flashback end]


After that night, they never have proper talk. Irene keep pushing Seulgi with her idea even the husband strongly reject. Their friends also know about their issue. Same as Seulgi, they can’t believe that Irene will go this far. Everyone knows how much she loves Seulgi so no one ever expect she will ask Seulgi to marry other woman just because they don’t have child yet

Seulgi, Seungwan and Namjoo arrive at their office building after meeting with their client. Chorong and Eunji waiting for their husband outside since it is time for them to go home. Seulgi park his car beside Eunji car

“Hey” Seulgi smile shortly

“Hi Seul”

“Sorry for taking too long. The client suddenly talk a lot today” Seulgi joking around

“We just arrive so it’s okay” said Eunji

Seungwan and Namjoo stand beside their wives. They will go home together after this

“Dude, you’re not going home yet?”

Seulgi sigh as he runs his fingers through his hair “No, I will go home later”

“Seulgi, is everything still bad?” Chorong asked

“Yes, she still not gives in. My house is not feel like home anymore so I don’t have reason to go home early”

“Noona is so tough” said Namjoo, he feel sorry at his friend. Seulgi look miserable since he have problem with his wife

“Did she tell you two about this?” Seungwan asking Eunji and Chorong

The girls shake their heads “No but I guess she have feeling that we know about the issue. We not really talk with each other lately aside from work reason. She keep avoiding us” Eunji said

“Let just her go with her idea. She will stop when she tired” Seulgi said

“We just feel sorry at you dude. You never look this miserable since you married. We want to help but this is too personal” Seungwan said, concerned

“I know dude and I appreciate it. I also don’t know what to do anymore. She is so stubborn this time. Whenever we meet, she never fails to bring up this topic. It is getting worse every day. I choose to avoid her because I don’t want to argue. Few nights ago, she said she will find someone for me. She is so desperate wanting me to marry again. Her reason is to make me happy but actually she kills me”

The members are looking at Seulgi sadly. They know how hard it is for him but they don’t know what to do “Why you don’t tell your elder about this?” asked Chorong

“I want to try to fix this first but if I really can’t handle her, I don’t have choice”

“Hyung, if you need help just tell us. Maybe not I or Seungwan hyung but our wives at least can help to slow talk with noona” said Namjoo

Seulgi nodded his head “Thanks for understand me”

“We will never leave you alone” Seungwan taps Seulgi shoulder

“You guys should go home now. Don’t let your kids waiting” Seulgi said

“You also don’t stay too long here. Don’t skip dinner” said Chorong

“Okay, I will eat even I don’t have appetite right now”

“You better do”

“Alright” Seulgi playfully salute to Chorong


“Seulgi” Irene sit at kitchen stool when Seulgi passed by her. Seulgi is on his way to the fridge to find something to drink

“Seulgi, huh? No honey anymore?” Seulgi scoff

Irene massage her nose bridge “Sit here” she pointed at empty stool beside her

Seulgi sit beside his wife but still leaving a gap between them “What now? I know you want to talk about my future marriage so spill it out. You will not call me for nothing lately”

Irene smile shortly “You’re right, I want to talk about it”

“Go ahead”

Irene reach for Seulgi hand on countertop and squeeze it softly “I found someone for you. A woman that you will marry and will give you kids. She is Lee Sunmi. Your assistant”

Seulgi laughing then he retract his hand from Irene grip “You’re amazing, huh?” he bump his fist on the countertop make Irene flinch. His face looks red and furious right now. It is first time Irene seeing this side of him “Are you happy doing this, Joohyun?”

“Seulgi, please understand my intention. I just want to see you happy. That’s all” Irene plead

“I don’t know which part of it makes me happy. I don’t see any happiness from it. What make you guarantee that I can be happy if I marry again?”

“You will have kids and they will give you happiness” Irene answer

“Then what about you? Are you happy if I have child with someone else? Is it written in your vow before?”

“I told you I will do anything just to make you happy”

Seulgi pulling his hair “Do you know that now you’re killing me? I love you Hyun. I don’t want to do this”

Irene move closer to Seulgi and cupping his face “I love you too. You know how much precious you are to me. I always want the best for you. Trust me, you will be happy” she will never change her mind

“By having new family without you, it like throwing me into the sea filled with sharks”

“I’m still with you. I never leave and you will always be my love. One thing that change is you will have another wife” Irene try hard to convince her husband to soften his heart

After few moments staring at each other, Seulgi stand up and walk to the kitchen. He return with knife

“What are you doing?” Irene asked worriedly

“Kill me” Seulgi give the knife to Irene

“Yah, Kang Seulgi!” Irene put the knife on the counter

“There is no reason for me to alive. My own wife doesn’t love me anymore. She want to give me to other woman just because she want to see me happy. I know I will never be happy if I’m in someone arms. It’s better if you end my life now. I will be happy if my wife kills me by her own hand”

Irene keep mum while staring at Seulgi with eyes fill with tears “No Seulgi, don’t say that”

“Why? Is knife not enough? I will buy gun tomorrow so you can shot me. Just end my life now”

“Don’t threat me with this because it will never change my mind. You will marry with a woman that I choose for you. Please listen to me this time”

“What if Sunmi and I also don’t have kids? You will find a third woman?”

“I know she can do it. Trust me” Irene speaks tenderly and looks direct to Seulgi eyes

“You’re really hard-headed, huh? I don’t know that you’re this stubborn” Seulgi massage his temple

“I’m sorry, my love but I do this for you. I’d told you before I will sacrifice anything just to make you happy and I’m doing it now” Irene lean forward and kiss Seulgi lips. The kisses getting heated then Seulgi carry his wife to their bedroom to continue their make out and they make love that night


Someone knocking Seulgi office door and he give permission to enter. Lee Sunmi appears at the door. Seulgi looking at her annoyingly but he still invites her to sit

“What bring you here?” Seulgi asked coldly

“I bet you know that your wife met me few days ago to propose me to be your wife”

Seulgi glare at Sunmi “Do you agree with her?”

“I not agree but she is persistent. She decides it for me and I’m speechless. I feel bad for you”

“She told me like you already agree to marry me”

Sunmi rubbing her chin “What actually happen between both of you? She told me she wants you to marry again because she wants you to have kid. She can’t give children for you. It make her feel bad because both of you married for too long and still no child”

“What she said is true but I not agree with her. I will never agree. As much as I wanted to have kid, have another family never come across my mind. I want to have family if it with her” Seulgi said bluntly

“No one want to have family with someone they don’t love. Not to mention if they still have wife or husband. I understand you. I hope you don’t misunderstand me. You’re cold to me, I notice it just now. I don’t want us to have cold shoulder”

Seulgi rubbed his face “I’m sorry. I just too stress because if this issue”

“She said she want us to settle down as soon as possible. What are you going to do now?”

Hearing Sunmi statement, Seulgi turn speechless. He don’t know that Irene is this fast. He never said that he is agree with her idea but Irene already plan his wedding

“I don’t know Sunmi. I’m powerless when it comes to this matter. She will never hear me. You see, I never tell her that I agree to marry you but she already announce that we will get married soon”

“I think…she never feel the lose that’s why she choose this way. Her intention is to make you happy but will you be happy? Will we be happy? What about herself? Is she really choosing the right decision? ...She is smart girl, I know it but this time, that title don’t suit her at all” say Sunmi

Seulgi groan “She is too clever that she think she is always right”

“Do you want me to talk to her that she shouldn’t continue with this?”

Seulgi scowl “She not even listens to me, I don’t know if you can make it”

“I don’t know what to do anymore”

“Me neither”

“Just rest for now, okay? I will see what I can do to stop her. I don’t want to hurt you. You’re my best friend. I don’t want to ruin our friendship just because of this”

“Thanks for understand me” Seulgi give short smile

“I go out first” Sunmi stand up

“Alright” Seulgi answer with weak voice


Seungwan and Eunji cuddle on the bed at night. Suddenly, his phone ring on bedside table. He curse the caller for disturbing them

“Yah, our kids will hear you!” Eunji smack Seungwan arm

“They sleep next door, don’t worry”

“Answer your phone quickly. Maybe it something urgent”

“Aigooo” Seungwan roll to the bedside and grab his phone “Emmm, why Jaehyun call this late?”


“Hello Seungwan hyung, sorry for disturbing you late at night”

“It’s okay. Is there something wrong?”

“Seulgi hyung, I found him at the club. He is wasted right now. I want to call his wife but he not allows me. He asked me to call you instead”

“Aigooo, I will go get him now. Text me the address and please stay by his side until I come”

“Okay hyung, I will wait for you”

“Alright, thanks Jaehyun”

“No problem”

Seungwan quickly yank the blanket and left the bed “Honey, I have to go out and pick Seulgi at the club. He is wasted right now”

“Okay honey, drive carefully” Eunji assist her husband to change his clothes

“Call Namjoo to come here, tell him it’s urgent”



Seungwan arrive at the club where Jaehyun found Seulgi. His friend is sleeping on the table while Jaehyun and his friends are there accompanying him. They help Seungwan to bring Seulgi to his car. Seungwan not forget to thank the boys before he left with Seulgi

“Seungwan~” Seulgi mumble

“Yes Seul, I’m here” Seungwan reach for Seulgi arm with his free hand

“Seungwan…I don’t want…to marry…again…please”

“Seul, calm down, okay? We’re going home now. I will wake you up later” Seulgi sleep until they reach home

When they arrived, Namjoo quickly help Seungwan to walk Seulgi inside. He is conscious but still wobbly. Eunji and Chorong waiting at living room. After Seulgi sit on the couch, Seungwan take off his necktie so it not suffocating him

“Seul, do you want to drink water?” asked Seungwan

“Yes, give…me warm…water”

Eunji go to the kitchen to get the water for Seulgi. She returns with a glass of warm water and hand it to him. Seulgi gulp down the water to sooth his throat

“Feel better now?”


Eunji and Chorong are looking at their brother-in-law sympathetically. Seulgi lost weight, dark circle are clearly seen around his eyes and obviously exhausted. Their cousin unconsciously torture her husband

“Seulgi-ah, why do you go to the club? Is something bothering your mind again?” Chorong asked

Seulgi close his eyes while nods his head weakly “It still about the current issue”

“You still can’t turn her down?” Namjoo furrow his eyebrows

“She doesn’t hear me even if I shout in her ears. My words are meaningless to her. She just do what she think is right. I don’t know anymore. Now I feel like my marriage with her is useless”

Heavy sighs echo the living room “What else she do this time?” Eunji ask

Seulgi scoff “She found a wife for me already and she said she want me to settle down very soon. She is desperate to see me get married”

“Wow, seriously Bae Joohyun”

“Who is that woman?” Seungwan ask

“Our friend, Lee Sunmi”

“Really?” everyone shocked

“Yes” Seulgi confirmed “Sunmi told me that Joohyun proposed her for me. Sunmi reject but she is persistent. Sunmi also forced to do this. She want to try to talk with Joohyun about this but I don’t know if she can do it or not”


“I’m speechless” Chorong rubbing her temple

Eunji questioned after that “Did she know you not come home yet?”

“No, I don’t tell her”

“Did she call you?”

“I turn off my phone. I don’t care if she looks for me or not. She doesn’t need me though. If she needs me, she will not share me with other woman” Seulgi turn to his right where Seungwan sit “Seungwan”


“Please let me stay here tonight. I don’t want to go home” Seulgi begged

“Okay, you can stay here. I won’t let you go home though. You can’t go home in this state”

“Thanks Seungwan” Seulgi hugging his friend tightly. He don’t know why but he feel like he need comfort from someone that is not Irene

Seungwan rubbing Seulgi back “Don’t worry, everything will be fine. We’re always here for you. You’re not alone in this”

“Thanks guys” Seulgi sit back “Can I rest now? I’m really tired”

“Sure, let me walk you to guest room” said Seungwan

“Honey, we have spare clothe in the closet. Make sure he change before sleep” Eunji said

“Okay honey”

Namjoo stare at his friends blankly as they walk to guest room. The issue is getting worse and it make Seulgi stress out. He worries if Seulgi get into depression. Seungwan come back after tuck Seulgi to sleep. He sit on single sofa

“Is he sleeping already?” Eunji asking her husband

“He tries to sleep. He try to hide that he is crying but I know he breakdown even before I close the door”

“Poor him”

Namjoo sighed heavily “Did you two ever try to talk about this thing with Joohyun noona?”

The wives shake their heads “Up till now, we never talk about this with her. She try her best to avoid us”

“Hyung” Namjoo looking at Seungwan “I don’t want to sit silently anymore. I will meet Seulgi hyung parent tomorrow and tell them about this. I know we shouldn’t involve but if waiting for him to tell the elders, he will never do it. He always want to fix it even he don’t know what to do anymore. If we let this linger, it will getting worse and he might get depression. He is too stress right now. I grow up with him and honestly I never see him in this state”

Everyone in the room keep mum as they listen to Namjoo until Seungwan speak “Yes, I thought it is the best way for now. He known as heavy drinker among us and he not easily get drunk, I assumed that he drink a lot tonight that resulting he wasted”

“Joohyun is one thing. When she stated her decision, she really not turns back even it hurting everyone. I thought her ego lessens after married but I’m wrong. As her cousin, I ashamed of her attitude” Chorong confess

“Unnie, let confront her and force her to talk about this issue. I’m really curious why she keep forcing Seulgi to have another wife. They can keep trying to have kid but she already give up. Even doctor confirmed that both of them are healthy”

Chorong agree with Eunji “Let talk to her tomorrow”



“Hyun” Chorong and Eunji are inside Irene office, sitting facing her as they begin their interrogation

“Em, yes” Irene reply calmly

“What’s wrong with you and Seulgi these days? I noticed that he not visit you since last month. I heard from Namjoo and Seungwan that he look problematic” Chorong stated

“You guys don’t know?” Irene frown

“We know a thing or two but we want to hear from you”

“Just tell us honestly unnie. Don’t hide anything. In the end of the day, there will be us where you will talk with if you have problem” said Eunji

Irene adjust her seat “I want Seulgi to marry Lee Sunmi so that he can have child from his own”

“Then what about you? Are you infertile?” Chorong sarcastically ask

“I don’t know but I still can’t get pregnant. It has been years and we still don’t have child. Even both of you already have 2 kids”

“Unnie, you still can try. You and Seulgi are healthy. It’s not like you never made checkup. Why choosing this way? Don’t you see he is hurting now?”

Irene pressed her lips together “I know, I can see he is hurting but this is the best for him. One day when they have kid, he will get over the sadness. Please understand me”

“I can’t believe you do this unnie” Eunji looking at Irene disappointedly

“Will you be happy if you see him with other woman that he also call wife? Are you ready to sha

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Title changed!

Former title: Red Velvet (Seulrene) Story Collection

New title: Book of Visual Couple

With love, Mulgokizary


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Marcsansummer #1
wait for an update🥹
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #2
update please author nim!
Chapter 126: awwe marupok irene for the win!!🥰🥰
Taitai84 1236 streak #4
Chapter 126: Refreshing for cold Irene to be the one doing the courting
264 streak #5
Chapter 126: Aaaww sweet chapter. I really enjoy a fluffy Seulrene. Thank you author! 🧡
Chapter 126: so cute!
reveluv316 816 streak #7
thanks for the new chapter
Chapter 125: 🩷💛
264 streak #9
Chapter 125: I love it when Irene is clingy to her bear! Lovely story. Thank you author 🧡
Taitai84 1236 streak #10
Chapter 125: Irene sending gifts because she don’t dare to confess directly is so cute