Be A Normal Girl
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3rd Person POV


After they got home from trouble, they rode the car and went home. The ride home was so silent and it was kind of awkward. Chaewon was still in a daze at what she saw earlier. She couldn’t believe that a beauty like Minjoo could fight like that. Not to mention, those eyes – Those eyes that she can’t figure out.

 Minjoo couldn’t bear the silence and just asked random things at Chaewon to lighten the mood inside the car.

She shared a bit about her life and how she is right as of now. She was asked to move to another place because the one Chaewon was staying at was getting renovated. She had no other choice so she just complied willingly. And she also moved for another reason, and that reason was because the school she was attending right now was closer than the last apartment she was in. Of course the advance payment she gave at the owner of the previous apartment was transferred at Floración Casa.

Of course Chaewon never slipped the chance to ask Minjoo about herself too. Although she lived a different life than Chaewon, she tweaked it a little bit to make it believable. And she believed it so easily.

‘Huh, for a pretty girl, she’s an insouciant.’ Minjoo thought.



After reaching our destination, Minjoo instructed her to go first because she has to park her car properly.


‘Huh, she’s more proper than I thought’ Chaewon thought.



A week passed by and little did Minjoo knew, it was her first day at school and she woke up late. And she was not happy about it. She quickly took a shower and grabbed her bag and car keys and went off faster than roadrunner.


When she arrived at the front gate of the school, she quickly parked her car and went running for the gate only to be greeted by a student – A certain student that everyone hates to be nagged at.


The Student Council President.


The Student Council President represents all the students at school. Not only that, the president is responsible for the coordination of each and every student council activities. That was not the only thing that makes the president known, but also because of the power it holds in the campus.

‘And I am scared of the power it holds’

Minjoo swallowed her saliva back and walked straight for the gate where he was standing. Here goes nothing.


“You are 30 minutes late, miss.” Without even batting an eye at me, as he only focused on what he was writing in his mini panel board. “I suppose you have a reason for being late?”

Minjoo thought for a second and something popped in her head.

“I’m new at this a place,” Hoping he would take the bait. “Also, a transferee if I may add.”

He finally stopped what he was doing and scanned Minjoo from head to toe. He was starting to believe it as it was his first time seeing me in this campus. But what made her look up was when he heard her speaking.

He wasn’t sure what she was hearing but all he knows is that when he heard her angelic voice, he knew he had to look.

And never did he regret doing it.

What he saw was beyond what he can ever imagine.

Minjoo had her hair tied in a pony-tail style, she wore her uniform neatly as the ones geeks wear, her skirt was an inch off than the required length for each student. But the president didn’t mind it. He was a hypocrite.

“Excuse me? May I go in now? I need to do meet with the Director to fix some things,” Minjoo pleaded. “And I am really late already. Can you let it slide for now?” Then Minjoo winked at her and gave her a sweet smile.

The president was still in awe and his face was showing signs of blushing. He was turning mute as time passes by. All he could bark out of is “Y-yes..”


Minjoo just giggled at his sudden actions, “you’re cute!”

And that was the final blow. His face went beat red as a tomato and his mind went AWOL.

She didn’t expect that her acting cutesy in front of the president would work.

Minjoo left him there and just went straight for the director’s office, which was very obvious when you enter the building.

Minjoo knocked three times and opened the door. She was greeted by a woman, in which she assumed that she was the director.


Or so she was.


“Greetings, Miss Kim.”


I turned my attention at the window and noticed an old men turning his head in my direction.

From what I can see, he’s at his 40’s already. The wrinkles in his eyes are visible enough to call him an old mine. But that doesn’t matter because that’s not what she had come here for. What she came for was far more important than mingling around with some old sane man who wants to talk about his past.

“As I can see you are not here for petty talks,” He snapped his fingers and the girl with suits, which Minjoo presumes that she was her secretary, handed her some papers “inside that paper is your section and your schedule for this semester, some basic rules to be followed inside school premises, and” she handed the sling with a card in it. “That will serve as an identification card. Do not lose it.”

After Minjoo got what she wanted, she turned her back at them and went straight for the door.

“Ah, a little reminder from me to you, Miss.” The Director called out to Minjoo one last time. “This is a school where rich and famous students attend.”

With that, Minjoo left the room.

She didn’t need to think twice of what she was reminded of. From the very first time she heard it from the director itself, she knew what was about to get herself into. She knew that indulging and surrounding herself with rich people means you have to be careful.

She wouldn’t be surprised anymore if the director himself knew about her. Not that she gives a damn.


Back to the present, she took out the paper she was given and scanned it. Room202. So I’m a second year huh? I take it that this was tweaked by my father. Sigh.

Minjoo went to the second floor and searched for her room. And gladly she found it.

Before opening the door, she mentally prepared herself of what she’s about to see behind the wooden door. Here goes nothing.

The door opened and all the students stopped their own activities and directed their eyes towards the opened door. Even the teacher had to stop writing on the board. Wondering why a certain beauty has graced them with her presence.

And it was getting uncomfortable.

Minjoo bowed with respect and said, “Good Morning, I’m sorry for disrupting the class,” and asked for permission to enter the room.

The teacher asked her to introduce herself in front of the class, in which she gladly complied.

“Good day everyone, I am Minjoo. Kim Minjoo. Please take care of me.” And she showed her beautiful smile to everyone.

The room was unexpectedly quiet. She could feel the stares but she just shrugged it off. She didn’t know what to make of it so she went to the vacant seat which was at the back.

After that short introduction, the teacher continued her discussion earlier. As it was the first day, the teacher only discussed a few reminders and gave the remaining time to us because he wants us students to “get closer” with each other.

And more than anything, Minjoo hated it.

But then, she remembered what she promised to her father. She has no other choice but to bear with it. No more fighting. No more brawling. No more thinking about it.

Try to be normal for once.


Minjoo released a heavy sigh and let her eyes wander around the room. The room was big enough to house 40 students per room. She could see very clearly on what kind of students are gathered in this room. Designer brand watches, shoes, bags, clutches, even the things coming out of their mouths are all about rich kid s. It was condescending.

Now, she was contemplating on what kind of attitude she should show to her fellow peers. Should she be cold, yet cool? Should she be nice but scary? She might as well be scary throughout the whole year.

While battling with her thoughts, she never noticed that someone was staring at her. It was her seatmate.

She was sleeping a while ago when she noticed that someone was sitting right next to her. The rustling of the chair woke her up.

She took a peak at her hoping she won’t get noticed by her.

‘Beautiful’ she thought.

She wondered why someone like her would sit at the very back of the class. Not that she even care about it.

The longer she stares, the more she got curious on what’s running in her mind. But it was cut off when Minjoo finally noticed her presence. Despite that, she never looked away.

Minjoo being a doofus, she flashed a smile and winked at her and looked away.

The latter was supposed to be flustered but what she saw that day was the best reaction she got.

Her seatmate was utterly speechless and disgusted of what she saw. She rolled her eyes and went back to sleep.


Time passed by and lunch came by. Having memorized the map, she went straight to the cafeteria. And what greeted her was the beauty of the cafeteria. You could really say that this luxury is for the rich.

Minjoo wasted no time and grabbed herself some food. She got herself a simple rice with kimchi pancake sided with spicy radish salad, and a cola for her beverage.

She scanned the whole area to find herself a sit but it was a bust. All seats were occupied. She started walking from aisle to aisle and something caught her attention.

More like, someone caught her attention. It was her pretty neighbor back at the apart

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sorry for randomly putting tags HAHAHAHA but tbh i was seriously about to pair HW with MJ but i guess i forgot to remove it! HHAHAHAH sorry for that little misunderstanding :(((


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1762 streak #1
Chapter 23: Not the finale I expected but with Minju being alive and Chaewon having the gut to make new memories with her it leads to new doors that could be open! (P.s. sorry if I’m comment long again I couldn’t post my comments last night due to an error or something)
Maatt_booii #2
Chapter 24: Ooww.. So that was it??
Hehehehehe well, atleast they're alive, minju is alive even though she cant remember chaewon now..
1762 streak #4
Chapter 22: OMG!!!! TT someone please help Minju TT
Chapter 1: Well, that's a way to start a story. Minjo torturing a guy, shoving a knife in his ...that's hard...

...and I like it! :D
1762 streak #6
Chapter 21: O.M.G!!!!!!!!!!
1762 streak #7
Chapter 20: It’s good to see that Minjoo have great classmates! And trouble I see in the near future!
sunfany_24 #8
Chapter 19: take your time author but nakotomi vs minjoo incoming
1762 streak #9
Chapter 19: I smell trouble!!!!!!
1762 streak #10
Chapter 18: oh no!!!!!!!!!!!! fighting authornim!!!!